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but uh it's possible anything can happen um but so one girl at the normal time i will pass it over to you okay where's your hat where's your nose nose where's your nose [Music] no good girl pretty good pretty good [Music] sheesh [Music] bye bye bye bye all right we probably have time for one more fast one forget this i forfeit i hope you enjoyed the video um no we we're gonna we're gonna go back to expansion pack one we can probably fit in one more here while we wait for our next round in the tournament put me back on the expansion pack we'll show off the pay to win content including but not limited to ladybugs no practice i mean what do you call playing exclusively as patrick starr for two hours while we were in the auction okay beetle when buffed by ants is disgusting freeze me just in case roll me just in case hold me squeeze me thrill me run this squad will be the leaking bushes pay to win versus pay to win we draw these no we lose these actually no we draw these yeah yeah yeah in fact our stats add up to seven and theirs add up to six so i think we won that draw but so be it can't can't win them all we won i'm not good at math um but that now was standing beetle me beetle adventure racing me you could sell me for two but instead of doing that why don't you just roll me and then juice me dude this beetle could get freaking cracked i thought it was a bit no i'm just thirsty they got a squad of four but two of them are mosquitoes they're gonna they didn't hit any ants that's probably lucky i think it's like we 1v1 this freaking cricket and then we beat the fish it's just that easy just that easy seven two beetles chunked them chunked them i do like a spider man and i'm not talking about spider-man there is something though about like you sell the pig you buy a flamingo you buy a spider hear me out here okay you buy us you buy a spider and a flamingo then you pill the flamingo roll me freeze me squeeze me hold oh we could have rolled one more time hold me kiss me thrill me um i don't mind if the spider gets buffed that's okay i should have put the beetle at the back but whatever these three four fishes are a little spooky no question there front ant that's fine that's still a big hit that's i mean that's a that's a pretty nasty boy right there i think we trade with you and we kill you and we win i got the beatles in the back beetle tack is attached by the way on sell give a random friend plus two plus two you are a five three which is like that's pretty okay that's like just one foot shorter than chib then i think we want like an insane beetle at the back no forget the rat man nobody even knows what it does that's not a that's not rude cheb i said you were 6'3 it's taller than i am by about a micrometer for 2 we can give two friends plus two plus two that's a great point that's not bad or one friend plus two plus two hey at least it hit the right unit i do love a batman you kind of need a bat on the squad bat tack is attached roll me freeze me three wins no losses man look at that five five spider early oh but uh we're going up against the five six and a seven seven go but get weakened that's still nasty though it's still nasty you wouldn't hurt my puppy okay don't put it on the ants let's go that's big plays now the chick gets roasted and the chick gets roasted and then we hit you and then we hit you and we draw and then and then we draw and then we draw big whoop a draw is a win for us when your expectations are low tying is winning i mean i don't for one to get a 2-1 on somebody is kind of sick i'm not going to deny that we're not going to be rolling ants long-term so i guess you know what i guess i do respect that we're not going to be rolling this beetle long-term either but that's okay we got a six-six beetle it's not so bad now tropical fish it's not bad we could roll a tropical fish in the middle because we know our bat is going to stick around i'm relatively confident our spider is going to start sticking around roll me freeze me freeze me we don't have a hurt synergy so this is not really our play here um i'm not going to sell the beetle yet i'm not sold on the peacock i i like this i like this i like this i like this okay hp matters man those pops are so crisp el smith out of the tournament look it's just draws man like i don't i don't even mean this to let's go what a trade to to insult anybody involved in the tournament but if you go up against small ants like prepare to lose he's a top-tier gamer that was a huge win for us small ant is he's a gamer who knows what he's doing we won the round so unfreeze me juice me it was actually atrial all right never a small ant lost oh well well i i rest my case um oh no wait he didn't lose because in the discord he says hold on i'm having controller issues you liars you tried to trick me thrill me krill me this is an interesting squad here four wins zero losses we don't really have a synergy um but we got a lot of units with some with some stats man i mean there's a part of me that's like shove this right here look at that bat is getting freaking comboed man a little combo piece for you i'm gonna freeze a pill well i'm not gonna freeze a pill i think this is fine i think we can roll this squad we match up nicely at the front level 2 mosquito doesn't really matter who you hit that's nasty well turnabout is fair play that's a good trade we really needed to hit their mosquito though this mosquito is going to run buck freaking wild we draw lucky a little lucky on the draw little lucky on the draw but we take those a deer doe a deer a female deer deer a bust that's made of fun just made the answer may surprise you get buffed summon a deer up at the front deer attack is attached roll me following this i might ask you to juice me i'm just i'm just being honest okay now a bat is gonna stick around as a result it gets the buff a beetle is not there's nothing i wish to replace it with yet so we're going to roll once freeze me i mean i'll freeze it just in case but give it a try three two deer we really needed uh to oh it's gonna kill oh no it's not we really needed to weaken the garlic armor so that they lost garlic armor otherwise like this is a massacre waiting to happen i s no we don't draw we lose this by one hp two hp we lose this by two hp son of a it's all right that that dude's worm is about to pop off it happens okay now you you make your beetle which then lets you get an incredible tier 5 unit it's here's the here's the thing okay here's the thing microbe removes every other status effect so there's a part of me that's like what if you ran microbe at the front okay we don't have any other statuses which is beautiful you run microbe at the front deer behind when the microbe dies we all become weak they all become weak okay but then when our deer dies we have a bus that is about to hit the crap out of a bunch of weak units i'm at least willing i'm at least willing to give it a juice and i'm at least a little willing to give it a squeeze okay say goodbye to your garlic armor you peace no no it's okay we we got out oh my god dude it actually worked by the way easily that's five wins that was almost a disaster no joke i feel well i was gonna say like it would be nice to have a chili on somebody but it doesn't really work well actually because as soon as the as soon as it gets replaced then you're in trouble bat has no purpose um actually it has like a really good purpose it's uh a 917 unit i do think the spider has a has a good play roll me juice me squeeze me freeze me i don't necessarily love that you're gonna be a week four four but we need to get you to level two for the bus anyway let's see if we can at least uh give everybody some stats here didn't want to waste money on a reroll we're at five five wins one loss that's a very good position to be in right now we got a tortell say goodbye to your garlic say goodbye to your melon say goodbye to my dear but say goodbye to your life uh-oh all right that was a good play but you know what we still trade trade me oh my god we lose by three but this build can still work it does not upgrade but i i think the micro probably has to go at some point it's a bit it's a bit of a meme roll me once one thing's for sure we don't level it up now hold on yes the fish can go you create an eagle instead the eagle is going to create a level 1 tier 6 animal which is going to be freaking crazy it's gonna be out of control now i'm like i don't know really know what you pair because like everything's gonna be weak i feel like maybe you pair the bat two times in the hopes that it can survive no i everything i i like everything here i do get the idea of a sheep as well but a 14 24 is hard to get it's hard to get away from freeze me freeze me gar it doesn't matter we like we don't need to put garlic on anybody because uh they're gonna get cramped on anyway one more hello cory hello nice to see you hello that's big weakness follow that up with some big weakness that's scary juice them dude that's a freaking gnarly swan man two six you summoned the two six in my wake nevertheless we draw turtle would be nice turtle would be nice there's no doubt there so a draw means none of this it's an interesting build no doubt about it give me this this scales it's interesting it's interesting why are you do so you're telling me to sell a 1424 bat in order to create two five fives riddle me this the bat doesn't scale the rooster's not taking our pog anyway so well maybe it is spider for rooster is 7 16 man this is 7 16 i say no i say no to this and we move on but now this this has something okay a sauropod has something the tea t-rex i should say you can sell a spider or a bat i think you sell the spider even with the summon you buy canned food you sell the spider you play the t-rex freeze the pill just in case two lives to work with i love to see this i'm dude i'm love i'm losing my mind as well the people who are like sell the bad the bad doesn't need the scale it's a 14 24. it's already scaled it said it's at peak scalability as we speak there we go there we go okay big buses huge buses do it again again jeez i'm so thankful that like we uh sold our bad so that like instead we have a freaking chicken back there that would have gotten his ass beat learn to cut your losses what are you talking about whereas six wins what losses okay hold on this is big six six octopus is amazing there's just no place for it right now oh hold on i'm no i'm still good not not my call time has not happened yet octo instead of bat see now you got me thinking because the octo is a 12 12. 12 12 versus 14 24 i can live with that i think i i could sell i you've sold me on this i think we can make this happen the bad doesn't do much for us early game you know you can create a situation where it does okay but now we would like to have enough gold remaining to make sure everybody gets buffed so i think i will just buy this and end my turn so we all get the plus two plus two you need three i thought you i thought you needed two i was thinking of a different unit see they got a bat big whoop oh wow you've made me weak that's devastating just kidding looks like you're all weak hey looks like ah that was actually really good that's that's okay you got me on that one that melon armor is is pretty sick melon armor is something we don't want to run into this is a roll i'm like what do we even want you you could you could put a one up on the microbe so that when it comes back it adds weak to anything that also no you're absolutely right mushroom eagle is a genius level maneuver yeah yeah yeah i will freeze you remember you got to keep a little extra you could you could sell mush is going to disappear to weakness son of a damn [Laughter] god damn it i don't i don't think you sell the microbe and i also don't think you put the eagle in front i think people tunnel vision a little bit on the wasted money this still has a nice effect where it summons a tier six obviously on a cell we could get two t-rex's and two buffs but it does lose our whole strategy to give everything a plus four plus four plus four plus four is pretty good but if we run into something with garlic armor we're gonna be like i wish i didn't do that you know what i there's some scaling i think we're maybe past the point of scaling being the most important thing in the world but let's see it it did look pretty sick i can't deny that seeing double digit on everything is really nice i see a whole lot of 1ups here man it would have been nice you know if those uh maybe lost all of their effects due to weakness but what do i know um get smacked no big deal just two simple deers that's that's a loss microbe actually would have crushed this the only thing i'm gonna say is that you don't know if it would have until you've done it so it's like revisionist history but the microbe would have slapped it man none of the units would have come back oh wait when i make a mistake chat's like if you just did this something different you would have won and then when the chat consensus is wrong people are like ah you'd already lost three anyway that one was pretty much eatable it's not a big deal we need a shame box for chad no i just need to do like my own uh thing instead of uh allowing myself to get incepted is is pretty much the reality microbestrad was fun it was a meme but it also it worked for a bit i'll take the beaver on this one still let me be i'll be the boring bagpipes yeah just do your own research well what an interesting build we have here okay [Laughter] you're up in all stars don't think so in my head moon 2 sag moon 2 sag right now it looks like simply and blessing are playing as a result time out 6 000 moon to sag you think i'm playing around i'm sorry was their last message timeout 900 moon 2 sag there you go the user you are trying to time out doesn't exist you're lucky i like a double uh we shouldn't have bought this yet it's not a huge deal but you know what actually i don't mind this well we'll know that there's a good chance we lose this round and that's okay i'm just thinking just thinking how's the nickelodeon thing is still is still ongoing it is still going on i think i think i think you're right i think it's a feed and then it's a sell sell kill kill him me him him me me me him me leveling summons a higher tier yes but we wouldn't be able to afford it so this this strikes me as a likely loss and and i'm okay with this we win if our ant gets buffed or by win i mean draw of course that's fine no sweat there there's our tier upgrade sell acceptable cell fish got hit twice that's all i could ask for man i'm a happy man you might take issue with this sell one pill one i don't like rng except for all those games with rng that i like we'll buy you we'll buy you we'll buy you because we can't afford any re-rolls and then we'll make you attack a little stronger that five seven fish is gonna do some work hedgehog in the back is just like you know meme technology five five bird is pretty nasty wow we died yeah our fish gets taken out that's that that's a level two bird that's a heck of a bird you gotta just be honest and say like what can you say about a level two bird that's a five five we lost the goods to a good stat there you can't really uh complain about that one peacock is good you know i gotta i don't think you're wrong i think i think pill spider early is actually kind of sick i wish i hadn't given it to meat now we got a tropical fish it's actually kind of sick because we can put a peacock up here i didn't mean to combine those oh thank you just uh if it can fit on the side table that would be that's perfect actually oh that looks so good that looks so freaking good so i headed me to knock your elbow there some sushi not asked for by the way let's go um we don't run double peacock you combine but if we combine we can't buy anything else you know we just put a peacock up here quite frankly that's okay i'm not thrilled i'm gonna i'm gonna dig into some of the sushi i apologize if you're watching the vod on youtube but i have a big tournament match against my my nemesis ludwig coming up next we play in every tournament i really wish i'd beaten him in chess um because that's i'm much better at chess than i am at uh nickelodeon brawl all-stars combo game so this is uh is it i'm not loving my odds let's put it that way nice draw though okay [Music] it's good it's important dude there's something about like a cheap spicy tuna roll get me wrong you can go up against you can get some expensive spicy tuna rolls but a cheap spicy tuna roll where they throw in a little bit of uh like tempura into the roll oh baby man juice me squeeze me juice me it's not my favorite juice but any any any squeeze in a storm i just love a batman like it it tends to be so good but i do love a double peacock all the way across the sky like i think we can do this like i think we can get away with this youtube viewer here can somebody give me the tl dr on juice me youtube viewer here what does plus two plus two mean you peace you peace get him get him don't get him it's a germa meme are you trying to explain my my own stolen meme from me to me squeeze me truly madly deeply do okay this is simple you create a super fish then you need a chick to buff the peacock this fish is not doing great work at the front i'll own that okay but the chick is doing some amazing work as well it's true i guess you might as well just set it up like maybe that bad at the front with like a meat attack is okay that's pretty important honestly now you do scale 610 3331 it is still six attack i think you've gotta scale your rooster here the future it we might get a loss in the in the middle of this but over time it's going to help us man over time it'll help you peace this is still okay actually i hate losing no it's not okay at all i hate losing my garlic armor man freaking level two bats pay to win scumbags wait a minute we have zero winds is that real is it by the way is this allowed you need some attacking power look i'm just gonna say it okay they're not going to give us another bat enemy it's not going to happen so we roll we're really fishing for peacocks but it is what it is i'll settle on that one two but we're spicy at the front oh just a simple level too bad don't hit my peacock you oh my god oh my god are you kidding and joking me whatever i lived oh nice garlic armor i remember when i had that those were the those were the days when i had garlic armor we drew i thought for sure we were dead i didn't i didn't entertain the thought that we could win there um scale please dude honestly i'm i'm yolo'd i'm all in i'm all in don't give me bats no bats [Music] thanks for watching
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 43,068
Rating: 4.9129438 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: vMA3LuuP12A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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