A draw is a win in my eyes (Super Auto Pets)

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hey everybody welcome back it's super auto pets i thought about tweeting how were the super auto pet servers today and then i thought you know what if the servers are bad i don't have that much influence but i don't want to tweet and illuminate for people that i'm about to be playing the game thus meaning maybe they want to stream snipe me thus meaning maybe the servers get worse so i thought we'll just test it the servers they've been having some issues lately um i'm going to stop you right there by the way you're going to be like you look different did you get a haircut i got new glasses always takes a bit to get used to them always always takes a bit always takes a bit to get used to them sorry sometimes i just like to make it look like my forehead's grown in size by a bit okay um let's give this a try thanks for all the support on super auto pets so far by the way people are loving the game um and i'm happy to be a part of that you know that's i'm just i'm just a simple man i'm gonna freeze this pig for a second i don't mind two fish they're two threes which is nice and then we can combine them and make one three four but even better if we get one more we can have three two threes combine them all and then get a plus one plus one on everything else on the squad but we're going to freeze the pig i do i i think i like an ants i think an ant is an incredibly solid tier one unit i will be the i'll be the shy fireman you see that tweet uh that was like the fire department we should call those bozos the water department i love that tweet man it's a great tweet two two fours with a b attached scary thought man i think we lose i think we win easily i don't know math it's like my second video on a monday and still getting it still piecing it together um so i'll tell ya i think i like two ants i'm not sold on ladybugs or beatles quite frankly bluebirds look i think there's a case that maybe you could be pro bluebird this is it's a bit of a heavy spend right now like i'll buy this fish okay the only question is do we really want to combine our fishes and i think for the time being the answer is no we're gonna roll for something maybe a little better i don't mind freezing two ants and then taking one more roll okay i think this is good we got a full squad we're gonna get a nasty fish somewhere down the line inevitably people are gonna be like you'd i you don't respect the the bluebird enough look i'm not saying the bluebirds bad i'm just saying i've never i've never had it pop for me right now i'm i'm liking i'm liking what i'm seeing i think we draw but that's okay we had better stats so as far as i'm concerned that's a winning draw in my world that's a winning draw and uh just got to think about how i would do this the i i want at least one ants although they are nice to kill with like sleeping pills and then give permanent buffs but we don't really want to give permanent buffs to um to our non-useful like we're not going to keep a fish long-term so anyway hear me out i think this is what you do okay i think you combine two ants i think you buy one more ants then you go like this then you go like this then you get that sweet plus one plus one and now we have a five four ant we could also if we wanted to put another ant behind um in order to get the double buff and i actually think that's pretty interesting i think now you have to consider a question and the question is are we trying to win long term we're trying to win right away it's hard to imagine this fish not slapping people around if we want to win right now dromedary is interesting too to be honest with hedgehog is our final unit also kind of interesting but for the time being like even though we only have four units i don't mind a 9 10 fish being kind of our anchor here they got it it's a spicy squad from them as well but we win this one we do well on that one we accept that we do really well here and we win okay and that's that's the power of uh of just buffing a a good early game unit man so at 10 we like to reroll now a spider is pretty good i think we can do better though um and a goose i i'm not that concerned about our economy i think economy is like a little less important in this game i do i almost feel like um like a bone attack on either our chick or our ant is not so bad although i'm realizing you're probably going to get swallowed up but i think you'll maintain the property let's do it let's do it we're really just looking to buy a body right now and this gives plus one plus one permanently to the units behind but these units are not likely to stick around for too long this is more what we're looking for now okay so we want a a peacock uh and i actually think we want a bat as well at the expense of a fish which should give us two gold back we can then buy a bat you kind of want the peacock up at the front just in case there's like a uh well you know now i'm looking at it and i'm like we don't want to do it yet but we should freeze the sleeping pill we can kill this ant and a plus four plus two is kinda good permanently but we could also kill this sand and make the space but um let's put you here i just wanna maximize the odds that our ants uh give the peacock a buff but we must have the chick buff the peacock because that's a guarantee plus five plus five so i'm not i'm not necessarily sold on this so far but i'm not like this could be maybe like a transitionary period for us so we uh that's a nice weakness we lose the first battle but then we get a two for one so we're right back in it uh and then that's why we bought the meat so that unit would actually like be semi-useful uh and we're gonna we're gonna trade and we're gonna draw thanks to the bat weakness that was a close match a couple of random plays go different there we lose a couple of random plays go different we win easily right so um i think you need a peacock i think you need garlic armor on the peacock that's just like almost non-negotiable uh we could kill this ant the problem is we lose the meat buff as well um but the benefit is that we just buy another ant to replace it i don't know like it's the buff didn't go to the unit i wanted it to go to but but life goes on i don't think it's too too bad or maybe a little bit too fixated on the ants right now okay so this blowfish is a disaster dog being weak is very nice though there's two damage to it the chick is it's actually great for us because it means that our peacock's gonna swallow up all the buffs i don't know man i think this is a draw after all this i think this is a draw it's not a win oh but it's it's actually we were one hp away from a win there um but i'll take the draw the servers are holding up great by the way i would be remiss if i didn't mention it i think okay um so let's just consider that we paid for the draw and then also we get the benefit out of that which is pretty minor but it's okay i love a blowfish but peacock is very important now a squirrel buy and fill shops with food blowfish and peacock they both get a synergy off of hurt which actually makes them like anti-synergistic hold on it's just a just a package just i think they're leaving it with no signature that's good that's what we're looking for um i'm going to freeze an apple doesn't interest me a pair interests me more than anything else i do think we're aggressively perhaps even over aggressively spending on our rolls but we're doing our best what unit do we want it wouldn't be one of these and obviously killing this ant at some point is good i don't think now is the time i want to freeze a peacock um it's tough man like none of these units really interest me that much uh i i get the value of a sheep by the way but i guess we'll just put it there for now we don't we don't have like a synergy with the sheep in the same way that you would normally consider but like we don't get a buff from a horse or a dog or anything right now okay this is a three five we'd love to see weakness here on the on the front unit the blowfish oh my god dude the bat is incredible so the blowfish died before it could do anything we we actually one for one this cricket which is fine then we have an eight nine which is scary don't get me wrong but we definitely live and we definitely well there's going to be a b but that doesn't matter because the b's gonna get cramped on and would you look at that with three wins it's three wins zero losses that's something it's a start now i love a deer i really do i think a deer with a meat bone attached is is pretty nasty um so i think we can sell the sheep play a deer up front with a bone we know we're gonna want a peacock even just the stats are great next thing to get kicked off here is gonna be the ant so i think we can freeze this knowing that we're gonna probably next time try to kill them we don't need two of them and then okay that's good even if we lose this round which is possible but i feel okay even if we lose this round i i kind of like where we're at uh blowfish we'd love to see weakness at the front man please please please please oh my god dude okay i look trust me it is not falling on on deaf ears oh that octopus is pretty nasty but it's not falling on deaf ears that we're basically winning um by the bat picking exactly the right enemy to get weakened i respect it it's four wins little lucky maybe um so let's get this peacock going i think we kill the ants that's perfect knowing as well by the way we could just buy another ant if we wanted to but we're freezing it just for a second we we need another peacock man are you kidding me level three peacock on rhino i mean okay i think you unfreeze we're not gonna have a full squad here which is really bad i think you freeze the rhino you don't need to freeze an ant i know you're like why not uh buy the freeze the ant and freeze the sleeping pill and then spend four next time well because like that's four to give a random unit plus two plus one i would much rather spend three to just give a unit of my choice plus one plus one but the chick will probably run next turn the rhino maybe the peacock's doing great stuff right now rolling four is a rookie mistake it's totally my bad they've got a level two bat which bodes very badly uh at least it hit my bat which is not that relevant the double garlic armor means we will lose uh for sure this is a guaranteed loss right it's a good team what can you say well done um we don't need another peacock i do think okay so not everyone's going to love this i just want to make sure i can still get another animal which is actually a little risky i do i i guess we could put the llama on it yeah whatever so the can is good to buy but i definitely want to get the chick i definitely want to get the chocolate so that the peacock starts to get permanent buffs and then a t-rex if you have three or more gold give other friends plus two plus two and you start as a nine four which is pretty great in and of itself i think i'm gonna let's freeze this for now the order is not good so we're not gonna get the t-rex bonus but this it might look worse it's a plus two plus two but it's a plus two plus two permanently instead of plus five plus five and then it comes down to the end of battle so this would be a good one to win um it's they they're running a llama build very interesting that's probably as good as it could have gone for us there we knew that was coming but we accept it if our if our chick dies we're not sweating it that is bad but at least we killed the unit at the back they killed ours as well the sauropod exists just to exist i think we're definitely not going to win um although we're gonna draw which is kind of stunning i think we've fought mr ed before right in in this very video now a cow is really good um i think so i know that we were kind of rolling the t-rex the t-rex did they served their purpose i think we can sell the t-rex buy canned food make all future shop units better buy a cow there is something about the rhino man like a a stacked up rhino up at the front the problem is you can't really put him up at the front because the deer needs to be at the front so if they gets like less chance they get sniped by like a blowfish or something so i i pardon me either way you're gonna roll cow with the front you're gonna get double milk okay i think we're gonna roll we would like to sell our cow and buy something else useful on turn 10 you know we're getting a little bit spiced here we'll we'll have a 10-10 bison that's i mean it beats a 6-8 cow and it'll it'll buff itself plus two plus two every turn we can roll once we can probably at this point we can dump the rhino that you freeze that i don't know if you i i'm starting to feel like we're probably past the point okay um where where the cans are that useful but it is what it is the pear is really good on the peacock no baths no bats no bats we see a level two bat with uh with some spicy bone it hit our peacock which replaces the garlic armor then we got shot for eight okay not not horrible um this looks like a loss to me with the weakness on us yeah um and so our next replacement by the way is going to be we're at 4-2 i'm not sweating it this is still one more loss i start to sweat it a little but um the next replacement will be to get rid of what we really need a better bat level one bat is not quite doing if we could use a better deer but so much of our success hinges on this peacock right now a 10 12 dragon um i don't think we're worried so much about our economy right now what does a seal do eat shop food gives a buff and an age 16 is pretty good too i'm going hard on the peacock here the danger is obvious like when you uh if our peacock gets its status effect replaced it becomes pretty useless and i see a level too bad please don't hit the peacock a minute this is the same freaking build man what the heck isn't it maybe maybe not this i don't worry about this i worry about yeah okay well um that's just unfortunate that our peacock got hit two times but this you live by the bat you die by the batman it's the way of the world we need to replace our bat if it's not gonna get better so this is what it's all about right here this this is for the big money i do okay freeze freeze i wouldn't mind putting some garlic armor on our bison none of these stats impressed me enough to dump the chick for it yet now if you have three or more gold give your other friends plus two plus two now we're talking i think you can sell this and then it's basically like a strictly better replacement you can take some garlic armor will keep the chocolate frozen because we don't know where it's going to be most well used right now dude an octopus is actually too good to pass up hold on freeze it for a second maybe we can invest more next turn and we need to stop yeah freeze this as well yes because we get the plus two plus two on everybody okay so this this is a must win obviously tell me now that i'm in the loser queue that it's not so bad level one bat don't hit my peacock man don't hit my peacock okay i can live with that the weakness on the 2527 is oh jesus okay hold on hold on that's fine don't hit the bat i need it that bad well we definitely lose this one you know it if it if it just didn't hit the bat whatever okay we four wins four losses that's fair and the servers are holding up like gangbusters we had a strong early game and it kind of got ruined after that but let me tell you i i think a cricket is fine it's basically a 2-3 a beaver is fine and then we roll once um i don't i mean i feel like we go mosquito just for the tutu and we'll be the uh let's be the flexible bamboos something i've never been called in my life hopefully do a little better this time but i'm not upset about a 4-4 that's not too bad uh so i think this is a draw i hope it's a draw actually i think it's a loss um which is really bad because this person also has uh scaling via the bird so that's that's pretty poor for us we can roll once because these are not impressive two mosquitoes um we like an ant i think we can sell beaver real quick totally fine with that we like an ant back here let's freeze this so 2 3 is not too bad then we'll roll one more time just to see i mean i guess honestly if it's a 2 3 or sorry about the the phlegminess uh a two one that buffs we can roll the mosquito for a length of time so let's let's buff that leftmost mosquito and um maybe get some scaling so that a draw is kind of a positive thing for us instead of a neutral thing it's the same gamer this is exactly the same gamer it's good shooting because we basically we now one for one this uh we're gonna win yeah we're gonna win easily how did this happen how did we end up going up against the same guy and then we got crushed last time we crushed them this time it doesn't make any sense to me but i'm happy the the alternative outcome would have been very not good um now a bat is very important for one we can get a nice buff and i this is we're gonna roll a mosquito for for a length of time here um we will roll because we want tier 2 animals i mean we have another ant sleeping pill combo now i know i said that we don't want to do that because it works better later or it works like we'd rather save our money for other purposes this is a situation where i'm like maybe you know you sell the cricket by the i know because we don't want to kill the ant yet but we could sell the cricket buy an ant fight with the ant and then kill it for one next time so let's let's freeze and freeze i do i respect the hedgehog at the back too but i don't want the hedgehog to be at the back and get buffed by the bluebird because they're like competing strategies uh we want a peacock full stop and the peacock now should actually be at the back so i think you sell your cricket peacock at the back so it gets buffed and we can unfreeze sleeping pill we can unfreeze i like this squad i know this is the squad we had last time and it looks like we lost badly with them but we didn't we went we went four and four that's not too bad and okay we we have another bat too if we could get level two bat would have changed us completely last time big mosquitoes big mosquitoes oh thanks for the buff nice shot weakness uh is probably the worst enemy it could have hit but that's okay um this looks okay right now unless unless i'm mistaken i feel like there's no way we even see the uh peacock in action so we're 2-1 dude the servers are holding up like gangbusters right now this is this is beautiful i love an easy buy and that's an easy buy right now it's the easiest buy you're ever gonna see in your entire life i i honestly might freeze the meat the way i've started to think about the meat is that if you have a unit that exists just for scaling purposes or they're like a glass cannon giving them the meat at least allows them to have a chance at a one for one we've got a very similar kind of build going here now you okay the weakness on the backline unit that that was pretty huge peacock is cruising we love it you're gonna get buffed that buff is actually fine for us we still get the the one for one and then we oh dude i mean you got a cricket yes don't get me wrong but this squad's cruising man we're 3-1 with a tier 2 bat already i think we should work for the bird right now there's kind of like an element of if it ain't broke don't fix it for me right now the squad is is cruising we do want to get a level three mosquito or replace the mosquito with something better because it is occupying two spaces right now but it's is doing a good job especially when when combined with the double weakness from the bat so we got the all-american team here um not not ideal weakness but all of course getting a kill for free is very nice um a 1-1 b not a big deal we do lose this though because there's no way we're pulling through that 11-4 ladybug that's okay 3-2 that's a good team that's a scary team so i think we i think we do mosquito up might as well six five i mean a 7-6 mosquito man that's that's something that's something spooky we would love a good tier four unit you gotta buy the peacock it's not even it's not even in question um and then like is there a unit that we basically we should buy a unit just for stats and i don't really see um the the skunk is being like a it is look it's a 3-5 but a 2-2 that summons a 2-2 so it's like a four i guess you know they all they cost the same they sell for the same you exist basically just uh just to live for this fight the gasping bell towers i i this team they got a level one bed weakening my weak enemy doesn't bother me um this seems actually very nice for me although i i think we win okay i was gonna i was gonna say i think we would win just the way it looked it looked kind of nice for me we need to buff the hp of our peacock as well one of the reasons that they seem great right now is that we haven't had to do anything uh let's get the canned food admittedly a skunk looks like an okay buy right like you get a six a six eight skunk let's freeze and then c because we want to buff the peacock now there's all there's something to be said about a blowfish as well five seven blowfish when hit you know what i think i think you sell skunk and we've got two very similar philosophies going here in in the hurt uh camp but now blowfish in this case um imo should be at the front and the bird one behind i don't know so we're four wins two losses we're minimum we're breaking even this video which is nice for me is this not the same group i see a lot of birds i see a very similar strategy with the blowfish i think we got uh not amazing luck with the weakness but that's okay this blowfish is gonna be nasty man it is it's only level one thankfully but you know that it's still pretty dangerous this is it's we're going off man and then like we i i think we're dead because i think this this chick is too strong with the with the the meat armor or the meat extra damage okay so it's a 4-3 and now we're in must-win territory you need the bat you know you're not avoiding the bat we're probably going to buy a pair i still think probably a pair on the blowfish even though the peacock also benefits straight up i this is my vote for saying i have confidence in the team i thought i forgot i had three extra gold in that case we should just buy the can i i have confidence in this team that they're not gonna let me down i think we're gonna oh it's a pay-to-win background i i i thanks for watching everybody a six to a lot of melon armor okay a lot of melon armor please replace yes just replace that melon armor get that melon armor out of here this is not amazing that's okay though we draw which is good because we get scaled they get scaled too but we may never see them again so at least we we live to fight another day the stats i mean this is an investment don't get me wrong but we're gonna freeze we're gonna roll um what can i say man at the end of the day what can i say i'm kind of a believer okay i'm kind of a believer in this at some point at some point we gotta dump that bluebird we can get a level three bat if we live we can get a level two bird if we live that was we invested too much in the rolls there i'll i'll own that well no we don't care about that guy if we live we'll get a chance to get him next turn this is a huge living opportunity oh my god i wouldn't because we we could take off it's a tanky team but the caterpillar is kind of useless weakness on the goat appeals to me thank you we oh you're gonna have melon armor okay it is what it is at least we land this we kill you on this and uh and we lose and that was fun okay well you know what two equal games you can't be upset thanks for watching we we our early game is is pretty strong and then after that i just completely abandoned my desire to care about stats and just try to force the peacock's energy which did not get us there today but maybe tomorrow i'm never going to complain about a 50 win rate in a skill based game because uh i think i i'm below the median skill level to be honest with you in most of these but for now thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it if you did click the like button so great deal of course subscribe you want to see more in the future thanks for all the support i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 49,816
Rating: 4.9650435 out of 5
Id: 7HrUpAMYa_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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