Potion Crafter...I need your strongest potions (Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator)

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a potion seller i'm in need of your strongest potions i'm heading into battle you can't handle my strongest potions traveler they're fit for a beast much less a knave such as yourself this is potioncraft it just came out it is from tinybuild you can make your own potions and sell them i think let's have some fun it just came out reviews are good 96 positive you're a novice alchemist wandering the world in search of your destiny if you'll excuse me i'll head down here now is that it is that my destiny down there no oh is it over here hello hello are you my destiny hello are you here are you here oh man sets my camera wander into the corner of my monitor yeah they never know unless they pog you're a novice alchemist yeah after a long journey you finally found a place to apply your trade you found an old abandoned house at the edge of town judging by the alchemy equipment and garden the former owner seems to have practiced alchemy apparently a wizard used to live here but the layer of dust and condition suggests it's been empty for a long time you decide to turn the house into a potion shop after several days of cleaning the shop is ready for its first customers it's time to remember your alchemy skills and start your life in this new town potions are made from ingredients take two terrarius dumb dog my favorite streamer plays this take two terrarias and two water blooms and throw them in the dang cauldron man look at this look at this look at this look at this after adding ingredients you can stir stirring the potion advances the potion icon down the path now the potion icon is touching an unknown effect you need to add it to the current potion you need to bring the water in the cauldron to a boil by using the bellows to blow on the coals perfect you have added a new effect on the potion healing to finish the potion click finish potion that's a ketchup bottle man grinding ingredients a mortar and pestle are an alchemist's best friends you can use the mortar and pestle to grind up practically any ingredients and unlock their potential this helps you create the same potion using fewer ingredients to create the same potion using just one terraria and one water okay sure you just go yum oh that's juicy that's juicy ground terraria ground water bloom just keep it going man stir the potion get it down to that hard use the bellows potion complete finish oh you can save the recipe yoink nicely done now finish making the potion all right you are the owner of a potion shop your task is to sell them to customers a customer's arrived go to the shop to go to the shop quick press the a key offering potions for sale yo it's it's uh no umbrellas allowed no the loreless edition any percent loreless your job is to brew potions in the laboratory and sell them many potions must be brewed for a specific purpose but it's a good idea to keep a few around just in case if a customer likes a potion it will be clear from their reaction offer a potion for sale would you like a healing potion yesterday i burned my tongue on some hot soup now i can't taste the thing and i'm a brewer my tongue is useless i'll buy this potion but i won't pay very much all right i'll allow it this customer needs this kind of potion my husband needs a healing potion i'll buy this potion but i won't pay very much okay get haggled press haggle when the arrow is inside of the golden bonus area to improve the terms of the deal hitting the bonus area tips the scale in your favor but missing does the opposite okay owns i mean have you ever seen a negotiation like this before like i'm i'm crushing her am i not crushing her to end haggling get the arrow in one of the green bonus areas stop your bankrupt i'm just worried like i'm going infinite oh careful i mean this is warioware man oh my god oh my god does it ever end oh there we go consider your mind broken sell for ten [Music] you haggled zero you sold for base price how you will often not have a ready-made potion for certain customers there's no time limit so you can focus on the recipe hold on mice have infested my hut even though i have a cat oh the price decays over time i see i see the cat just lies on the cabinets it'll be okay so she needs rat poison the enchanted garden is one of the alchemists main sources for ingredients every day new ingredients will grow give me some terraria and give me some fireball the customer needs poison okay you'll have to look for the effects on your own on the map try making the potion yourself don't mind if i do dude this game's chunky look hopefully she didn't see that [Music] pizza pasta put it in a all right three two one less hold on hold on wait you know what once you drop that in there give a little extra iron whoops are you okay it's harder than i thought it would be there you go then is simple you got to use the bellows to see the effect you've unlocked a poison save recipe as poison return to the shop okay get ready for this we're haggling for sure hey tom all she's actually about to get on here get ready 13. oh i sold it all right that's fine i'll celebrate 13. once your last customer leaves your shop you can go to sleep to end the day click on the bed sure alright this seems cool this seems neat so far end of tutorial this is your potion shop now yeah yeah yeah yeah okay if you'll excuse me gonna have to pick all these ingredients please if you don't mind level up one talent point t for talent no i don't need any haggling help i promise you that additional bonus i don't know let's get extra haggling help okay what are we doing here no oh hello alchemist give me a healing potion i've saved the recipe i guess i'll just remember it dude it's like being a master chef okay you put some terraria in here mash that up easy mode pop that in there put some water bloom in here mash that up there that takes you straight to a healing potion let me run something by you though what if after you get here you throw a little mushroom in just just see how she goes you know and look it will be going off on a little journey here what the heck is this oh okay we're stirring we're stirring stop there please bellows it now we got a little potion going on keep stirring we're learning something we're learning knowledge points what happens if we put some water in here oh to move the potion towards the center of the map okay well finish potion weak potion of healing it's all right we explored a little bit we did a little exploring take me back haggle i mean i don't know if i got time for all this haggling actually like get mine freaked 13 13 please if that's not going to get you 13 nothing will give me okay what do you got invasive beetles have taken up on our wheat fields we need to poison them all and say no more you want to poison them you give them one of these okay you give them a terraria munch munch munch munch munch you give him a fire bloom munch much munch munch munch that's a little poison you know what happens you throw in a second fire bloom not even grounds [Laughter] and then you throw in one of these it's still poison and then you start you stir oh no we're missing poison and so ah no no no we're not look at that dunkadanka dunka dunkadanka dunka okay and then we stir get some knowledge points and then check it out we're gonna get some knowledge points and then before we move on why don't you give me another terraria we're gonna this is this potion is gonna change your life man throw in another one of these whoops uh dunker oh a new potion impact dare i suggest you unlock stone skin potion potion of stone skin and poisoning okay well first we want to move you to the left slightly put one of these in here [Music] we got that sick knowledge and then finished potion my god the man is actually a genius no i'm sorry i can't sell this to you for any less than probably like a hundred i don't need this potion the effects are incompatible all right i mean i can tell you're not a discerning customer if you want the poison then sure one poison coming right up i just offered you like you know valve clickio champagne and you decided nah man give me the coors light all right i mean i guess if you want to coors light like it hits the spot or whatever congratulations finish potion there you go i'm not even gonna haggle i have a troubled gut you don't need the stone skin huh all right that's fine um there's a little potion effect over here have you noticed this no one understands art these days that's not the way we need to go we need to go this way yeah oh dude this is gonna work this is gonna work get yourself set up here dude this game kinda sick thus far how we how do we go up i need to harvest the new do the mushrooms allow us yes once i master this this is gonna look so sick [Music] grind up those freaking mushrooms man grind them up a little quick little kobe and then start stirring definitely want the poor the the healing effect not poison probably go to a different store if somebody made that error while i was conversing frost would you look at that frost weak potion of healing in frost they're probably not going to be that interested in that but let's finish that potion up we'll just give you a basic healer that's fine i don't mind i just love tossing this stuff around man it's minty yeah it's icy hot like you said give you one of these real quick finish that potion head back over here why don't you take one of these you know what for 10 i mean i spent a lot on this okay you got me looking for 11. can i hear 11. 12 even better sell for 12. i'll work on my haggling please thank you hi are you the new alchemist i have plans for sale show me your wares that's expensive man on the other hand give me something oh my god we're already we're we're almost at like half price oh it's going up so fast no no no send it 41. i can live with that it's a deal 41 for some tangleweed and then only gonna give me four for it well then no you can't have it sell her your garbage potion great idea do you do you sell anything besides herbs no show me your goods i don't want any of this garbage get out of here i need a strong and fast acting poison okay easy like i mean we maybe i could give you a super poison [Music] center the bottle for stronger the effect what does this mean center the bottle for stronger the effect overlap the bottles better on oh i s ah okay okay i understand so like if we put this bad boy in here hold on hold on center of a protractor etc the more the bottle overlaps the better the effect water also helps when centering yeah oh i see your point because check this out get here oh too far get here water and then slight change here that's pretty good but it could be better hey look how centered it is it's like it's almost fully centered poison weak poison weak poison of poisoning weak potion of poisoning go ahead take it i mean i can't sell you that for 13 like i uh i think i put like probably 250 worth of ingredients into that thing oh we'll get it back oh whoa 17. good enough good enough hello i have ice elemental an ordinary sword is useless but if you can give me a fire potion okay what about a ice potion what about a stone skin okay fire potion fire potion i mean it's probably related to fire bell would be my guess when the scale what the heck is this go to the basement when the scale hits the desk you're at max haggle okay that makes sense over haggling leads to a worse rep so that's ice man fires got to be on the opposite polarity i really feel like a chef when i do this let's go a little deeper man two of these let's try it stir me one more stir one more tease one more stir it's gotta be there man one more stir that's it i'll just live with that bellows me fire you've unlocked a new effect save recipe finish potion 16. you won't haggle they're in a bad mood and won't haggle okay i'm in a bad mood and won't sell what do we do what a coincidence i have a fire elemental i don't need that potion the effects are incompatible it's on the house okay you need an ice potion i mean that's like that's easy mode you annoyed him by throwing the wrong potions on is that true you're a rascal um i want to get to ice if you could throw me like a little terraria and then move me uh further along this i love that then a little oh straight oh there you thank you just stir me oh look at those look at that look at that look at that now it's slow oh baby level two ice potion because of the overlap potion of frost save recipe finish potion come back 24. well you're in a bad mood a very bad mood get over yourself rumor has it your shop has become more popular [Music] i think we're done right we done i might as well put this back in my inventory maybe i'll drink it neat game so far neat game okay you got to go to the garden obviously many people are saying this dude look at that we're we're fully harvested back here now okay is there a garbage can garbage can shop upgrades oh they're not available in the game yet what the heck is i i can't even read this like this is just madness the manual is in development will be added to the game later greetings you need healing i my hand is all swollen how can i fish ah stop giving them angry you're making them angry get out of my face man is there is there garbage i i need a garbage can to toss this stuff into dude just throw bottles in my out in the backyard like my uncle terry um okay he wants a healing potion that's easy mode why does it matter they're clogging my inventory up that's why it matters oh that's the dream and then you want an even better potion a little bit of non-ground oh okay get ready that's as good as it gets i can live with that potion of healing finish potion 21 that's a haggle i would pay more for something higher grade a fish bit you on the hand you know like it's not you don't need a serious medical breakthrough somehow i threaded the needle sold 28 hmm it started raining i need to plow the field this week what i finished digging up stumps on my field and was planning to burn them to fertilize the soil with ash but as luck would have it it started raining today and all the stumps got soaked what do you need a dryness potion or just fire like just throw this at him man this will work just throw this at him yo malf would love this game i know i keep saying malph would love things and then he keeps not playing them but malf would love this game check this out first off check the garden yeah the animations just the ux in general is super super nice just a little um hold on we'll stir a little pour then a little little downward facing dog that's as good as it gets man i mean like let me toss one of these in there i thought it was gonna work for a second come on that's gotta be a level three dude [Music] potion of fire of course i mean it's a high quality potion silver 37 we gotta we gotta rig this up so it makes the wario wear uh baby face noise every time we click oh my god now i'm just doing it to flex look at that sell for 50. please i have so many cares because of that my feet are covered in calluses and corns perhaps you have a remedy for them nope calluses and corns um stone skin no that's the worst that's gonna make her that's gonna make her whole foot be a callous yeah i i was gonna say like it feels to me like this is just a healing potion waiting to happen that one also has poison on it well be that as it may well oh you give her a level two she's gonna love it man this is perfect leave it right there she's okay with it yeah that's not bad oh she's got a lot of room to haggle too this is the warioware classic we can't even do better send it what the heck show me your goods this guy sells mushrooms okay i would like to buy all of your mushrooms the heck level eight talent points give me one of those i don't even know what the heck this does buy the ball sack hold on oh i'm not haggling for my garbage man you could just take it go ahead we don't have any green mushrooms we don't have any blue boys we don't have any enoki mushrooms we don't have any red mushrooms those are four mushrooms we do not have i will haggle here we're already 10 off [Music] oh no more beautiful 71 i'll pay 71 for all that haggling is op man you ever sell anything besides mushrooms okay well see you later hello i have a great fear of fire and i refuse to light candles what the heck is this guy look at that haircut man is this oliver tree circa 17th centuries okay you need a light potion that must be up i have to imagine that we're looking up on this one that's the berries and cream guy oh no i saw he was making youtube shorts now here's a little lad who loves berries and cream [Music] yeah yeah to the left i agree everything i own in a box to the left take it all the way if you hit the skulls that's probably fine right no not bellows are you stupid you gotta stir stir it up level two marty peace level two marty potion of light save recipe finish potion you have completed the alchemist path that was close plus 500 talent points oh my god we need to get some extra radius but i don't know what any of this stuff means hold on can we go down here now find a new merchant who will sell you parts for the alchemy machine i can do that first off though you want a light potion 32 don't make me laugh oh baby what can i do to put you into this potion today three robbers attacked me yesterday my whole body aches i'm just gonna be honest like after we're out of customers today we should just make some big healers just so we got them ready to go was not the smartest way to do this that's okay though oh this is an easy level two we should have grinded those up but that's okay and [Music] if you get a higher tier potion you can save it to auto crafted you can just auto craft it what a world i didn't finish my potion if you'll excuse me finish potion i kind of wish i hadn't invested in the haggling because i don't want every transaction to take twice as long she needs poison okay sure i love that they give us the option of lore and i say no to your lore recipe book please we will use a uh we'll make a potion of poison please brew this recipe wow that's that's much easier now i have all this oh no i got all this extra time to haggle oops we were there too oh whatever just take it [Laughter] sell it back to warioware okay we're done for the day no no no no no new stuff recipe book let's make uh let's make two potions of healing people always want the potions of healing so i'm not even sweating it man young junk that's the industry term young kyunk [Music] that was weak poison good she she can't be trusted with the strong stuff please please i want it i want a slice uh what do you want hey show me your goods you got enchanted paper oh okay it's an endless recipe it's it's like a an iphone recipe book we can adjust things as necessary get in there get in there it's a deal you buy some garbage from me no that's come on for a healing potion don't make me laugh i had a brilliant idea brew a beer that warms your bones the recipe's almost ready but i need a fire potion that's fine look at that weak potion of fire look all right fine chad's probably right make a stronger potion of fire if we can get a level two potion of fire you can continue from in the book okay one moment please i want to go up but i don't want to go that high up you know what this is okay because there's that that gap in the way grinded to about here and then stop it's coarsely ground then please so what the heck you want me to use my dryad saddle for this that's that's crazy toggle you know what i'll use my weird shroom and then we'll use some water to balance it out the skulls killed my potion did joanna newsom do the soundtrack for this by the way i thought it was just not possible to get past that i didn't realize you know what hold on we can do better stop it right there throw in a coarsely ground one and then i mean that's beautiful right there we did use all of our fireweed though it's gonna be perfect [Music] not recommended if you are a very detail-oriented person who needs everything to be perfect [Music] i mean this to me looks like it's gonna cross us right along the midpoint honestly if you want me to do better than that like we have a problem it's a hundred percent overlapped you can do better no i used all my fireweed [Laughter] it's 85 95 i mean we just got to make this potion man take one of those i i'm sorry this is artisan like i gotta i gotta take this all the way up you don't wanna know the amount of the input costs on this are through the damn roof tier three is actually an unlock here take one of these i need to reinforce my sword i need to reinforce okay you need lightning you need lightning yeah i didn't save my recipe because it's got 900 ingredients in it i don't want to save a recipe that has 900 ingredients in it so that every time i use it instead of just using three oranges i got to use like nine mushrooms just to finesse it perfectly we can do better okay you need lightning if i were to guess lightning would be close to light maybe it's in this whirlpool up here or close to maybe fire and then up hmm i don't know let's start by going to light okay but we can't it's hard for me to move in that direction because i uh used all my orange weed on idiocy okay good another another orange seems to work just fine but they are a little precious you know what oh but we only have one of those two there we go there we go the wind bloom that's perfect we're gonna skip the light we don't need to add light to this yonk and then let's just stir and see what the world looks like when we get up there i think we can thread the needle consider that needle threaded i lived need a little up and to the right a little up and to the right this will get us there don't talk to me we don't know what it is but that's okay i'll finish this i'll save this uh you know what get get some books first i was gonna it's all right we don't don't waste a recipe there oh look at this look at this that's textbook it's a little pricey let's save it anyway we don't even know what it is uh we probably shouldn't have saved that potion of lightning though look at that where's my potion wrong tab oh yeah i got i i was actually stun locked i was scared oh dude you're i hope you brought mom's credit card owned sell it what do you got need any herbs yeah show me your goods i would love to buy a hairy banana i mean honestly i'm just gonna buy out don't worry we'll we'll just haggle her down um first i'll put one of those okay never mind um okay show me your goods we're gonna buy a banana 90 are you insane okay give me all those like that's a gimme all of them i think you heard give me a lot of bacon and eggs i want you to give me all of the bacon and eggs parks and rec dot mp mp4 dot wave slash subscribe here you go there you go just ya ya yeah yeah owned 170 it's a deal it's honestly one of the best no get out of my face and get out of my store get out of my dreams get into my car i need a potion that helps mages recover [Music] they need mp the heck is mp it must be top right by the way yeah that makes sense start with this no no that's good just just dump it dump it in stir sit and spin we want to move to the left this should be ground spin it take this trick and spin it yeah your head will collapse and there's nothing in it you'll ask yourself where is my mind that's left no that's not right that's left in my world okay that's gonna be mana right there we're gonna use unground no we're gonna use slightly grounds because we're making uh honestly like a top tier one right here then we're gonna go slightly up i don't like the way the water looks on that one i love the way the water looks on this one we're gonna go wind bloom unground a slight stir [Music] and then some water [Music] is an amazing mana potion now we can't save it we don't have any recipe pages delete an old recipe or expand your recipe book let me tell you this thing get out of here get out of here get out of here we we can do better potion of frost potion of light potion of healing potion of frog those are all good these save the well first give it a little save recipe that's a big one finish potion new talent has been unlocked thanks for the radius take one of these oh we can do better yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no not yet yeah yeah yeah sold sold to 56 new popularity level a massive anthill just appeared i need something to get rid of these annoying bugs and fast that's an easy one brother let me just hook you up here you know what i haven't made a level two fire potion yet but you're gonna get the first level two fire potion we've ever made start with some ground orange bulb follow it up with some ground orange bulb we're going to follow that up with some ground orange bulb we want level two of course i don't even know if we need i mean i don't want to use a red mushroom every time and that's chaos man [Music] you could always use a ground orange bulb honestly water is going to push it towards the center so it's like on a slight downward to the right trend here [Music] dude it's good for level 2 source just trust me come on how is that not perfect i know you're like what about the water no no no what the heck's going on with my mouse save recipe we already have a potion of fire no we didn't finish potion one of those are you dumb you want poison then there's actually like i'm a little upset i'm actually a little upset anything going on in my garden because i i'm not sure i can get the poison my man i'm not sure i'm just being honest with you i'm not sure i can get there i guess i could grind this up that's fine i'll settle for like i'll settle for whatever it's got to be settled for and then a little bit more to the left you know what why not why not pick up some knowledge on the way yo yo yo yo yo yo potion of poisoning might as well pick up some knowledge look at this that's high to your knowledge we're gonna save that recipe finish this up get haggled and this is an artisan potion i hope that it's the one but if not it's the prototype what do you need need to recover honestly just take it i feel bad for you no alchemist yet no garden well jeez we'll take a little take a little snooze here 35 so cheap make his pockets hurt did
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 102,404
Rating: 4.920269 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: vQ2Pf0pMtAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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