I went too deep into my mind palace (Super Auto Pets)

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all right we're back um with some super auto pets i'm excited i i enjoy the game i'm ready to go i've been thinking about it all day have you ever had a dream that you want you to do you so bad you can do anything hopefully the server works bluebirds okay so you can get um some bluebirds that buff themselves this kind of seems uh not great however i kind of like a pig at the back he's ready to crack and i mean to be honest with you we could we can make this work i don't know if we'll win round one but this pig will get mighty strong mighty quick i guess we'll freeze you for now i don't mind freezing an ant too for the future let's roll it so we got a 4-2 pig right off the bat you know i'll be the loose glasses i got a call last week that my uh my glasses were ready to pick up and i just they've been sitting there for like eight days i have not picked them up yet i just stayed you know been been busy man been busy and we draw i i take a draw we take those because we got a scaling pick them up cause busy man yeah i tried to pick up on monday the sons of guns were closed now hold on hold the front door okay you wanna you wanna see something neat this is just me being creative for now let's create the pig of our dreams okay um just to be clear i have no idea of this strat's going to work but you will be a 7-2 that when the ant dies will then become a 9-3 which is really good in the early game but all the other characters are not going to be that great but the pig is buffed permanently i honestly think we could just young and then start feeding the pig later we got a 7-2 bird this uh great minds think alike okay this is a draw great minds think alike man that's all right we got scaling so i'm not sweating it and then like our plan at some point will be to move this pig uh up to the up to the front and it'll be like a front liner so i think we get wins if we put a b on you also feel like we can make our ant better that is fine i love a bat right but well well i do love a bat like we could um we could move you or the peacock's pretty good too [Music] i guess we don't need to tunnel vision the pig the pig being a seven two is already pretty good i think we i think we make you into a level two if you have two or more gold gain plus two plus two permanently and honestly i'm i'm like uh i'm something of a batlord myself i think let's give it a try i got nothing against the 10-2 pig i honestly think we we could just buy it some hp and then this thing's gonna be a monster weaken the fish i love the sideways hat man so we're gonna eat it i think we lose this look at this bird man they they're using a self buffing bird yeah yeah we lose this easily swan is just better pig basically yeah except that it's not coming out as a 10-2 my man it's not coming out as a 10-2 okay look we got it we got to get some value here this bird can stick i don't know why i'm doing it like this but um roll me uh no you know what we can faint the ants look i'm just going to level with you the bat is the most likely unit to stick around so i think we're going to do it like this we get the bat buff as much as possible that's not how the ant works it it works with the sleeping pill the sleeping pill does it this one is also probably bad but over time who knows [Laughter] at least we're trading here big plays caterpillar yeah we lose this one too if if we had yeah if we'd weaken the goose we might have made it but that's alright i'm i'm telling you the scaling from this point onwards is gonna is gonna come back two losses is no sweat once this pig gets some freaking stats man it's taking a while i'm not gonna i'm not gonna deny that uh okay you know what if if you could just live through ah do whatever man hold on roll me garlic armor can be pretty good but it's not that good on the pigs okay freezer for now roll me we got a level two bat that's a dream lobstar when a friend is summoned give it plus two plus two when not in battle i don't even understand what that means um but that's okay we need a better squad but we could buy two things right now but a dog is not like a great to be fair we could get this dog to three three but we need we need more killing power immediately we need to win this round okay a deer all of this is pretty good freeze a deer for now i mean freeze a garlic armor we really it would be nice to not have to win out from this point onwards that's big weakness that weakness is actually very helpful that's not unfortunately i think we draw that's a big draw for us that's that's mighty helpful a deer we're trying to basically rework our whole squad okay so like a deer at the front and then we're basically fishing for a whale we don't really care for the spider the spider is like he can get dumped so i think this is a re-roll i think this is a re-roll i understand the the cost so i think this is a re-roll um it is hard for me to i mean one extra hp on the pig is is something roll me one more time look i'm not gonna deny it we're in a pretty desperate situation here and that's why we're that's why we're playing it like this this 13-6 bat though come on big draws are big wins big draws big wins it's a great splash attack from the bus incoming that bird is is mighty annoying but the splash attack from the bus allows us to kill the bird and you're dead to weakness that was not even close okay honestly we just ended up going up against like someone that was doing even worse than us i hate to i hate to be so rude but okay we need we need a whale man that's that that's the hotness so the pig at least like it possibly can excuse me if it could last long enough okay oh hold on okay now are we this pig is not sticking around all we're going to buy a bat but the spider is going to go first in favor of the cow cows coming out here forget the garlic armor it's been frozen for life um i on in in my heart of hearts man i'm like you buff this pig he needs it he needs it roll me freeze me can me freeze me bat me roll me not necessary juice me squeeze me okay feel like pig melon armor with the turtle might there might be something there there might be something there please please we got a 17-7 bad fi the pig scaling it's finally happened weakness on the front please party in the back we're gonna lose this one the peacock is just too strong yeah i think well no you know what we're gonna draw this one still going still hanging tough staying hungry you need to buy some canned food that's a given grasping for for dear life days reeling about to break sell cow get the milk for free give me a quick tortle to make our pig that much better these we don't care for we roll them it's that simple a bat would be stellar what's poodle okay hold on freeze me freeze me roll me freeze me squeeze me [Laughter] i don't know man i don't know what did you hit me with excuse me what have i been skunked with all right that's good get rid of the bee keep the melon armor freaking freaking smash him freaking okay that's it's actually fine we're gonna we're gonna draw all right [Music] can i tell you something though a draw is not a loss a draw is not a loss give me two cans now we're investing when maybe we shouldn't be investing we do have a seven seven worm um buy it okay roll me once is all is it's you know what actually uh an insanely buff blowfish kind of seems like uh it seems a little sick it's already pretty stacked don't come in here tell me your blowfish is underrated we we got two 10 wins with uh blowfish runs yesterday i respect the blowfish you know more than more than anybody or as much as anybody at least apologies okay well apology accepted no harm no foul the loose glasses versus the tropical teapots it's a heck of a as a heck of a peacock up at the front that's a big play though and then we kill it with the splash that's very lucky look they had they probably did the same thing with their with their beaver that uh that we did with our pig so i'm not sweating it man look at this holy crap did we actually just win around it's happened and it's happening so you take one of those this pig doesn't really need to exist anymore [Music] only until the end of battle i sleep i sleep we got a free roll this is exactly what we wanted to see everybody is rendered weak by the power of the bat now we got a mammoth on faint give all friends plus two plus two it's not really what our build is designed for um so personally i think we actually put some garlic armor on the bat in the hopes it has a little bit more sustain as a result we got a 2810 bat please just we're at 50 50 right now come on man come on this is not a this is the same person you're lucky big splashes though i don't mind this man this is this is okay the i can't believe we still have a b it actually is not okay we're gonna lose well done the pig mirror mirror match okay so we're we're on we have to win out from this point onwards so this is where you want to see some heavy rolls come on man we're not rolling the pig here like it's it's too late for that sauropod though on buy food gain gold and he is a 10 18. i think the time has come [Music] around 11. you can sell this can first no i think we need to i don't think this is canned city honestly i think can is like when you need to increase yours when you when you're ahead and you've got time you you invest in scaling here we're look we're not spending our money on the stock market we are uh you know buying food so we don't die i think you need and you need a a sauropod i think the pig's gotta go at least the bird gives us admittedly some scaling which i just besmirched well you know what now i actually now i like the can more because we got we got so much money from the level two pig so i think we can meet in the middle on that one why don't we put you in the back give you some extra attacks roll me a tyrannosaurus rex if you have three or more gold give other friends plus two plus two look dude look i guess [Laughter] and you don't need you you need you don't need attack as much you need the attack cause you got great defense okay i i definitely think right the bird is gone anyway um take a little splash and honestly you take a little garlic then we can roll because we get we get gold back pear is okay freeze me on that one squeeze me on that one i'm hoping for the best the hooting teapots i see a lot of heavy attackers i see a lot of weakness on my part too which is very positive for me it's very positive for me now we just wanna we're not living too long here but garlic armor is not gonna keep us alive but i think we get an easy win look at that okay you're right we should keep some gold for the end yeah yeah yeah yeah but on that one it worked totally fine we definitely want a sauropod i think we'll buff we'll roll and we'll roll and this is where we stop if we see something we like we freeze it freeze me buy it next turn get the refund confirm okay we don't care if the deer gets buffed but everything else is pretty important what are we trying to get to six wins peacock dog bit of a scary build no joke unfortunately but hey we got we got the front line unit smoked garlic armor keeps us alive for one extra attack which is really nice here you've got garlic armor as well but it's still a nice hit we trade you we draw okay not bad we take another draw three wins three losses i don't know like eight draws don't need a bed not saying it wouldn't be nice but um let's get some sushi don't buff my deer don't buff my deer you peace sorry we got gold in return melon armor is food but i don't it doesn't really apply well to anybody else i honestly think you just buy some more food roll me no well there is a part of me that's like you know what what if you put a scorpion at the front instead of a deer and then next turn we gave us some melon armor the splash attack has been nice for us i'm gonna i'm gonna say no to the buff this time because i honestly think the melon of course as we know overrides the um the poison naturally sorry we'll watch this one 1822 butterfly no it's the 1822 overture common misconception no all right pay out the doubters that was it was a throw at the end but i'm always like you know no it's my bad we got 18 minutes we'll run it back one more time honestly like we shouldn't have gone uh with the we shouldn't have gone with the scaling of the pig early i think still three four with like a garbage run is not so bad or with with like uh considering all the mistakes that we made there i like an ants and then re-rolling this is a big start honestly like two ants and a ladybug this ladybug will be a five five which is just like disgusting i'll be the creamy bushes early game strats like that believe it or not i i tend to be better at them i'll i i think we win this i think your fish is a 3-3 ooh very spooky but oh no never mind no we still win it there you go i don't disbelieve this the ants are they're they're buffing each other i'll admit forget the birds man that's not the no no no no that's not though this is not the way i play i don't i don't trust the bird man i don't i simply don't trust a bird i trust a fish more than i trust a bird bird is pay to lose imo fish just has nice stats very similar run here i see we've got a very similar run going five four fish little spooky unfortunate very fortunate please please me it's a draw it's a draw oh oh man that was scary how do you unlock the bird it requires your mom's credit card are we really gonna roll bug team no i don't think so what we are gonna do though is combine on sell give a random friend plus two plus two honestly this is like a great placeholder to basically just buy it and then sell you next time and we get the same value out of it that we get out of food this is a joke you know we can't hold on i'm gonna kill this ant it's not the ideal buff but that's okay roll me once more i like a spider man i think i think a spider is usually pretty okay value and frees me a peacock for next turn and freeze me this will kill the ant will summon a peacock it's freaking on it's freaking on much better much better early bat i hope i don't see you in the late game rounds that's a little spooky whatever that spider is a one tap marty regardless caterpillar sack me juice me squeeze me truly madly deeply do i think we i think we draw unfortunately but i can live with that okay we want a peacock sell the fish buy a peacock you're gonna laugh at me okay sell the spider sell the ladybug no wait hold on sell the owl sell the kill the ants i really wanted to hit the peacock though sell the ladybug kill the ant please please let's go him him me me him me roll me one time and only one time we don't have to sell the owl this turn okay we can leave the owl just chilling give me an ant that is likely to buff a guaranteed debuff a peacock i'm not going to sell the owl i need eunice on the board right now obviously okay i'm gonna roll though because these units are trash we can only buy one anyway i'll get another ant going man sounds great sounds groovy and then freeze me and freeze me this is not a normal build this is a very strange build but 10 10 beetle that hits for 15. well um black panther junior that the the double goose build are you seeing the amount of money that they got out that's just one of the strongest early runs i've ever seen i'm not sweating it okay um so you sell an owl well okay no hold on kill one ants hope for the best life goes on you sell your owl pog kill the ants now we've got a 910 we're also a little spooky we're gonna buy two bats and the dromedary for future scaling peacock isn't even good what are you doing peacock is cracked shut your mouth is actually is is one of the pogust units in the whole pogosphere good weakness on the dog that's a big one i think we lose this one too in fact i would i would be more confident and say saying i know we lose this one you're a little too deep in the mind palace like you just don't understand scaling like i it's fine if you don't understand scaling i just wish you would you know you wouldn't take it out on me or take a chance on me i mean i guess we're going two kittens uh and then honestly i'm gonna roll once just want to see where we stand we need to freeze a peacock it's not a shiny snail for some reason it just shines oh no it's because we lost our last battle you know what yeah yeah combined you're absolutely right combined bats by snail that's a permanent buff we can certainly live with and then kill him [Laughter] uh you know what you should be at the front you might actually get a kill with weakness if we get super lucky get super lucky not gonna happen only half what only half of these enemies are very scary oh my god they're like they match up against me so perfectly dude are you seeing this get cracked get cracked what we win easily never mind okay i didn't realize that the game was so easy [Music] you know you need a peacock different tier animals you're a four two two two two three him me him the snail's gonna be gone in a second but we we're rolling first lovely friend bot gain one gold works three times per turn um the the bats are kind of nuts i'm super stoked that we're getting these these beautiful bats um honestly okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna sell you when the servers work again i'm actually gonna um put the hedgehog up at the front here because it scales or it synergizes with the bat we're gonna freeze that bad for the future and we're gonna roll one more time and we're gonna we're gonna end turn also makes the peacock better yeah would you look it also makes the peacock better pay to win only four individuals whatever my dromedary sucks anyway well buffed their peacock as well [Music] no the peacock buff if it weren't if that weren't a peacock we draw unfortunately it was uh okay now like we're in you gotta win territory it's a nice bat peacock gets stronger we have no level three so we'll roll for now brett well you kind of i think we can up and then pray this is a can and pray we were going up against pay to win anyway we need garlic on our peacock okay they have a bad it is level two they got a dog with garlic armor that's very scary what they don't oh huh yeah our cat's gonna die here no cause we killed the boss but we killed all of our units what that seems bad i but wait a second okay oh no no please weak weak enemies i'm gonna get killed by the freaking sheep dude all right we'll pay out the doubters on this one dude if only ah we still would have lost there but almost turn my eye inside out with my squint there
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 79,450
Rating: 4.9430518 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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