Is this game pay-to-lose? (Super Auto Pets)

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hey everybody we are back some super auto pets apparently new animals they say uh you so you can choose by the way what pack you play with so you could play as the expansion pack you could play as the normal pack i you know what why not mix it up a little bit let's go back to normal pack for a second here um the thing about normal pack is that the horse is really strong you know you see a lot of spam builds a lot of horse ram spider like joanna newsom says peach plum pear let's freeze this horse forget freezing let's buy this horse let's roll we're looking for anything that creates buffs doesn't exist so what we will do is we'll get an we'll get an ant we'll get an angry beaver we're hoping the ant is gonna buff the beaver but it doesn't matter too much hey you know what let's be the crisp glasses how about that do you oh did you oh do you know what you noticed oh thank you so much okay well we got pay to win background here the foamy pants this is the mosquito is pretty nasty here that's a great shot did not hit the beaver uh we lose that it's just a great shot you can't i mean you can be a little mad pogger90 what a name um but we get some value because check this out cela beaver now we would like to buy three units that's an interesting question because now i'm like i almost feel like you buy another beaver do me a favor freeze a mosquito it's b well i shouldn't say it's a strictly better pig because that's not true i think you do well with a bee as a result of the horse and now you can't afford what you were going to afford in the first place so like i'm basically just stupid um yeah this is okay let's do it like this roll me one more time freeze my horse we don't need to freeze the duck um i think we're gonna lose this round too because i did things badly i would i would settle for a draw i said i would settle for a draw i do not like a four or five fish that's okay we're gonna have a two one but then we're gonna lose our duck to it and we are dead yeah this is i mean how are you supposed to what are you supposed to do when they got this the stanzos on you can't beat them okay so this is just like honestly poorly handled on my part um i mean look you want a horse that's a given you could probably roll two for now um and then at least you could combine like that on cricket plus double horse is good uh so we should probably let's sell this beaver real quick totally fine well kind of freeze me a cricket freeze me a sleeping pill as well we'll talk about that in a sec a peacock getting some extra hp appeals to me let's get that peacock out there three five now nothing wrong with that definitely should have sold the duck first i'm basically stupid um give me a cricket i was gonna say kill me this ant but i'm not sold on that man i'm not sold on the ant being killed once you roll me why don't you freeze me why don't you roll me okay um i mean if we lose this one this is kind of a cursed run i haven't used my my my money as economically as i would like to we're already going up against the tier 3 unit in the form of this whale which is then going to get an insane buff thankfully our cricket i was gonna say he got a one for one but that's not really true so we're definitely losing this one as well you might just speed it up man like there's no way look at this fish is just gonna cruise um this is a pretty bad start for us we're owen three but you know what this is where we bring it back we got horses we got rams use a sleeping pill we got a six six level two cricket our 31b is sold just being honest then you get this sheep out here we would like to dump our peacock now or combine our horses and then put something else out here um freeze a peacock level two horse and i don't think we need to freeze come on man put me this is loser's q put me in loser's q we got a six six cricket up at the front versus this looks okay although they do have a level two horse so you're gonna have a a five two cricket but look at this we got a very similar squad except i think ours is just uh we're like one step ahead of them right now our peacock always not gonna go down in a single shot is it look at this instead we're gonna take out their spider you got a 5-2 with some melon armor oh my god we're actually just we we literally just lost not a good start okay literally going winless oh for drawless as well um but that's okay life goes on dub crickets here as we get started that's pretty nice i think we can freeze this duck dude i mean freeze this cricket buy a horse next time we could have three crickets and a horse out there maybe the squeaky rangers i'm okay with this man so we got a one one no we got two one twos we have very similar build here sadly no i think this is well i was gonna say i think this is a draw uh and it yes okay so it actually is a draw i can live with that and i think we can do even better so we want the cricket whether or not we want to combine them as of yet remains to be seen unfreeze duck please i don't see how this couldn't be the play and then in the future we're gonna we're gonna consolidate them a little bit but for now this is the ultimate spam great minds think similarly but not the same apparently one for one trade no problem you're so freaking lucky man that's fine one one cricket get owned get traded get owned okay now dude it took me a second here but we got a squad we finally what are we like eight minutes in we got our first dub i'll take it [Music] copy health from friend ahead not really interested deal one damage to friend behind give the two friends behind plus one plus one uh we need a consolidation here which means we probably shouldn't be up another cricket right now i think you just take one gold as a reroll instead um and we will we will do that and that we definitely do want rams so why don't you get those rams out there and i mean there's a part of me that's like you should really just put b on ram for now just being honest i don't know how we can make much of a stronger squad this early like this looks good to me now it's a bit of a spooky team but we trade there you're creating a 1-1 we win on that one you get us here but then okay well i guess you don't get us there because we get that out of it a little puffer fish now that i'm not a fan of that but on the bright side we do smack you here i don't know this one could be close and and i'm not trying to just you know belabor the point actually i'm not even sure well we did just create three more units i think it's a draw actually i'm to just to be honest with you we got lucky that it was a draw so i'll i'll take it but we're at one win two draws on friends summon gain plus one attack or plus one health this is kind of the next step of the of the process give me some combinations we want a dog behind the horse we could now put a bee on the horse as well but i'm i'm kind of a believer in a re-roll here hmm i don't like to pay for a non-permanent buff that's that's kind of that's my thing right i am though like okay so if we buy a dodo for three just think about it you buy a dodo for three it becomes a 3-3 we can also have it give its attack to the battle ahead we could turn our cricket into a 6-4 and we paid for a unit which is nice so we have a unit out and that our dog gets temporarily stronger and then we put a b on this knowing that we're probably not gonna roll the dodo long term but for for six gold this was a reasonable value although um we kind of ate it a little bit here because we're gonna be at like exactly the uh we're still gonna trade let's put it that way and then a level one uh blowfish is gonna hurt us quite badly i'd say we got a little lucky on that um i i think this is this is a loss at best but probably more like a draw well we'll see we do have we have a 7-3 dog at the back seven's a nice number so we have enough to actually kill this wow uh no we're dead or we draw i should say that's fine i'm not upset by that to make it through that with the you know feeling equivalent is pretty okay i do i love a blowfish though man i know that you know uh the problem is if if we're committed to a spam build which we're kind of on right now then the blowfish isn't really that good nor is the peacock i think maybe we could try to we'll roll once and we really are trying to fish for like you know if we can get this horse to pop off even more and then you would think like what do we buff next like how do we get to the point where we're like happy where we stand i think you would maybe go like okay dog gets buffed dodo gets buffed spend less on rerolls and spend more on trying to get wins so that we have more space to to retool later if we have to so this is the same squad their team has been reconfigured slightly please please do not hit my sheep dodo is fine it exists you know just to be here peacock it's not that the peacock is not going to get through the rams so i'm not i think i i don't want to insult llama here but i feel like you've done something i've done many times which is uh you got to draw so you tried to rework your team and then you sadly reworked your team into a much worse position i've done it you know if i've done it once i've done it a thousand times so now we're at two wins zero losses six rounds in we love a sheep welcome to this welcome to the party pal i don't really care for a salad boy i mean i don't know maybe but like we don't want a dodo long term everything else can exist for a while here maybe we'll freeze a salad just in case as we roll once um again like i i don't think this is our dream situation but i'll pay three to buff our cricket we would have paid three for an apple anyway and then i think i'll just i'll cupcake the dodo again because it does donate its attack forward but at some point we're probably going to wish to invest in some some re-rolls yeah that's that's a a 12 14 uh peacock with garlic armor with club sauce but i think we i well i shouldn't say we counter peacock because i don't think that's true um but we do having a lot of units bro it does one damage each um having a lot of units can be like a nice counter to that but i i don't see us making it through this this garlic armor has actually i don't even want to know how what that peacock got out of us there's no chance we live here that's fair i think we got a kind of a garbage squad honestly so you got me on that one okay i i think i think we got to work on on upgrading our squad quality [Music] penguin other level two and three friends get plus one plus one how about that well we know that we don't care for a dodo is it i think it's early enough that this could do something so sure why not and then there's no reason really not to have a penguin you know up here we might not roll it long term but but we may so we would definitely want uh level two sheep is non-negotiable at the start of battle deal seven damage to the last enemy i think we have to sell the penguin i was gonna upgrade it but and then just put a crocodile leg right here freeze me this bad boy roll me roll me a deer replaces maybe the cricket for us that it's one of the best units in the game i think especially if you can get it upgraded so we're only on one loss right now this is not that bad we got a peacock kangaroo build here peacock kangaroo camel well there goes the kangaroo so the the crocodile has done some amazing work thank you so much and the camel is gonna buff the peacock which has garlic armor that's not amazing for us crocodile's not gonna live this could pretty easily be a draw although those four four rams dude they punch through the garlic armor a lot better that's one that's bad peacock getting stronger is irrelevant unfortunately i still think this is a draw and in fact it's actually it's a loss dude garlic armor what the garlic armor peacock what can you say you gotta respect it he said well not respecting it um that's fine the dog getting upgraded would be a nice touch you know now getting rid of this is is a little spooky don't get me wrong because it has been good for us but the crocodile is a little i mean i think it does more the ram is very important so i think you do summon a deer it's really hard for me to give a pair to a level one dog that's not even close to upgrading deer getting the bone is is pretty sick spider's okay too i mean to be honest with you a bead getting frozen so that it can go on maybe a crocodile is good uh actually you know okay so we don't need the b to go on the crocodile we'll have a whale take the crocodile's place and then you know i'm happy that we can at least will likely in my opinion lose this round but we have the combination that we want for we literally are going up against like what we want to have next time [Laughter] this sucks though our crocodile's gonna get yoded um but that's okay at least we get this punched through uh and we're gonna summon two four four rams and a bee the deer is actually going to crush us man because it's going to summon a a bus that is then going to do five splash damage and i think we we definitely lose as a result of that um which is fair i i'm not upset by it but now this is where we have to make our x3 the last stand okay so the crocodile's got to go the deer gets swallowed by a whale this is a 4-6 deer man there's nothing wrong with that then we upgrade you we'd really love to see a level three horse or a level two deer i don't want to unfreeze on a friend fainting get plus two and plus one you sell the dog to get a shark this is the kind of pivot you know you gotta make at this point [Music] what okay please for the love if we can live through this you don't even want to know man we got 15 bucks where the 15 gold were the stuff we want to sell but this is a nasty squad get owned get owned melon armor sucks but at least we hit the camel this is okay man then yeah yeah of course then you pop out big whoop we hit you you don't die that's okay i understand you're creating a nice buff here that's a little scary for me for me but look at this now we got a deer the deer doesn't kill you that's unfortunate but then we do get another five five bus out there which is not five five fourteen fourteen i don't know we gotta we got a lot of units coming out i'm a little scared in fact i'm very scared but we also do have an 1810 shark i feel like as long as we punch through the peacock we're at worst getting a draw we are punching through the peacock we're still we're out scaling they didn't want to go they didn't want to go okay look at that we live that takes us to three that was tough um i mean you need you need the ram to get leveled up that's that's amazing right we need some garlic armor as well um you gotta like if this leads to our death it is what it is nothing's gonna be better than that snake is really good too but then we wanna save you we wanna save you we'd actually love a re-roll um dude the turkey is also freaking sweet you could dump a horse to just get a turkey like it's literally strictly better right okay so this is another kind of like you know we're we're shooting we're swinging for the fences here that level three ram is gonna be deceptive okay i think we lose i see the triple triplicate garlic armor do we lose the the meat when we eat the deer as well holy crap my ram my ram lived it's not gonna live forever though um it's still alive but then you have garlic armor you peace [Laughter] yeah we're gonna die here it is what it is like that honestly can i if i'm being real with you the the teams you end up going against in the in the free-to-play mode seem stronger than the teams you end up going against in the in the expansion mode expansion mode is full of people like me i guess that were like i can't win unless i pay money three wins man three wins eight losses is not a great video but it just goes to show you you know lesson learned if you enjoyed it i hope you did click the like button upset a great deal of course subscribe if you want to see more in the future but for now thanks for watching and i will see you next time see ya
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 40,831
Rating: 4.9516554 out of 5
Id: 6-ZaaFutqdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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