The bat is legendary! (Super Auto Pets)

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that is i love gaming when i win let's pay out the believers on that one keep in mind the only reason we were able to get to that point was because we uh we won a lot of rounds early too which was nice i'm gonna run uh i'm gonna run the bets back again and then we'll just play another arena i'm ready not a lot of bet on doubt right now it's true look ant is good early beaver we freeze we could always buy it if we decide it's necessary i like a two three that just the stats on it are nice um and we'll put this beaver up at the front that way you're gonna get buffed you're gonna be like a 4-4 which is pretty good early on i mean how can you not the creamy the creamy buttocks hey to jams thank you as well thank you that's fair oh that honestly i think we draw well play well played good draw well looks like we're going wide we don't need to buff an ants um we're kind of fishing for a sleeping pill on buy food get plus one plus one till end of battle on eat food give all shop animals plus one health i mean i i'd like to get wins early don't get me wrong here so why not but do we maybe we want to reroll this shop first i don't mind it i don't mind it because then we eat it and these guys get buffed i think we like having two beavers so that we can sell them for hp on the next turn these i don't care for i don't care for them this is a food build right now this guy's like what the heck is this insect build okay we got pirates i prefer if it didn't hit that but that's it's better than hitting the ant i suppose we're crushing the lava 2-4 man for that exact reason i think we win by one no we draw okay well still insect build with two beavers okay fair enough that's true it's a good point tier two animals have been unlocked this is this is how i win this is how i win this is how i juice and this is how i squeeze okay now we do dromedary was good and the bat was good so i'm going to take both of those i just want to think about how we want to do this i think believe it or not i think we're gonna sell ants then we're gonna sell both beavers well before we sell both beavers let's get a bat out there don't hit a beaver don't hit a beaver you scumbag let's go then we're going to get a dromedary and then we're going to sell the other beaver okay acceptable now we roll we don't care for cupcakes we got another dromedary if we could get the shop even strong you know what to be honest with you a bluebird can get pretty strong too a bluebird can can early on give leftmost friend plus one attack i'm i'm thinking about it and i'm like you know what nah nah nah nah you know why i don't believe it i don't believe it because i don't believe in it it's too it's already too late it's too late what so the leftmost thing is going to get you know plus 12 maximum i sleep i sleep you get this instead that's the juice and that's the squeeze and then you buy some food we could have rolled first but these the next turn the shop enemies are gonna be so freaking sick man they're gonna be so freaking sick level two mosquito that's all right sorry i'm sorry i'm tanky so that doesn't affect me looks like you're dead that was that was an eight for one trade that's all we break even well kind of whatever we still smoke you smoke me smoke you that being said i think we oh because of the weakness let's go [Laughter] him him me me him me him me okay all right now peacock is freaking cracked man i it would be nice to have sleeping pilled ants um so we are going to go peacock for sure and then we want peacock garlic i don't think we want to kill anything look i don't think the ladybug or the beetle are going to last forever but we know we're we're sending these scumbags out here we could we're gonna mega the camel you're not wrong about that roll me once oh it only works on the start of the turn that's right i mean we could keep you out here and then just go like food build like try to buff the peacock as long as it's a permanent buff who cares okay well i mean this is incredible man freeze the bed no freeze the dromedary by the bat now we at least got a full roster and this dromedary is gonna be freaking stacked next turn man he's doing correct orders tropical fish on pay to win excuse me wow oh good we made the enemy with one hp week whatever you're dead we're getting an eight for one trade a little eight for one trade never hurt anybody two two we lived him me him him me melon armor not a huge deal get smoked it still scares me yeah we lose the peacock's just strong okay that's fine i think we're at one loss right one win one loss one win one loss big whoop big whoop blowfish man blowfish very interesting there is a part of me that's like you do it like this you do it like this then you put them on top of the stacked one poodle at the end of turn non-tier fours get plus one plus one that's good that's good okay now blowfish is also good but i feel like a poodle is freaking stacked right now man i feel like a poodle freaking brings the house down and then you roll once we want you to get better permanently no no no no no no no no okay so we want you to get better permanently it's important that you buy food drama dairy is going to make the shop animals better we don't want to freeze any of the shop animals we're living freeze blowfish i'm not sold on this being a blowfish build right now please weaken the blowfish weaken weaken the blowfish uh get owns um get owns if you don't mind okay we got a little ants we trade that's fine oh no you create a 1-1 b i'm so scared that dog is a little spooky i know you got a lot of animals coming out you got two rams whatever they're gonna they're gonna get traded on by our beret ladybug and then we're gonna lose but that's fine that's a scary dog that's that's a scary dog there we're we're in a pivot section we're building our economy right now don't worry about it too much okay now chick peacock is the build we all know this you know what i know it we're gonna stack them we're not going to we're not going to do it differently we're going to dump our 5.7 move the bat back we're going to roll them we're going to roll them once more something they want you to make a butterfly work okay they do want you to make a butterfly work but what do we sell what do we sell to make a butterfly work nothing man dromedary i would never it's just popping man i don't i don't think we take a caterpillar i think with two losses in the books it's too late what you do is you you you roll you freeze and then you garlic freeze that's important for the peacock and then you roll a freeze and you freeze a peacock and you are you you should be ashamed of your words and your deeds 10 14 peacock that's about to get even better we're just get the octopus as fast as possible five six with it oh nice whale nice whale garlic armor um except for the part where the weak on the dog is so good except for the part where you're still gonna die in one hit because our peacock is that freaking strong except for the part where you're gonna die in one hit except for the part where you're gonna die on one hit and except for the part where you're gonna die in one hit and then you're getting killed by a freaking baby chicken man who in chad said this is an f super mancy look at the scream look at the screen man we didn't even get the squad involved okay sorry sorry didn't mean to get toxic don't want anybody have the worst day of their job or whatever here you take one of those you take one of these him me him me i forgot that this actually makes the summon one level one tier six animal interesting i forgot this actually makes the buff worse but then what happens when you get to level three again when this thing gets to level three it gets it gets it gives xp to the unit in front of it holy bursh this is a roll in my world we roll these that's that's a sleeper freeze someone for the dromedary please that's admittedly a pretty good point honestly we should well but no because i don't want to freeze anybody that i'm not going to add to the squad death touch you peace it's the only thing that could screw us doesn't matter somehow because the weakness overrode the death touch oh baby oh man i think we draw no we got lucky we had just enough because of the the garlic armor on the dog was nasty man good stuff though good stuff i want to buy everything so you're going to laugh at me we don't need to buy the peacock if we're going to level up our chick to level three so i think that there's a case to be made that you just actually don't have to do it um the can is tempting but if just work with me walk it through i wouldn't level the chick to three but then it gives xp to the peacock man and then you can move the chick around yeah anyway um no guarantees we'll get the chick yeah we'll get some chocolate or something i'm not sweating it anyway i know it's giving permanent plus wouldn't happen on this turn anyway everybody chill okay we don't need a dromedary look i mean like we're like in the mid game we need three of them i think it's unlikely i'm happy with the level two dromedary for the time being in that case let's buy canned food let's buy a peacock let's zoot our peacock roll at some point we're going to want to get rid of the dromedary the way that we're going to get rid of the dromedary is by freezing some things like we could freeze a worm it would be five five but no no no because then then we give food to the worms i don't want it i wanna give all food to the peacock to buff them and make them even stronger but hold on everyone just freaking chill okay everyone just relax it would start as five five no no no i don't respect it i i do want to get rid of poodle but i don't respect the i the i'm happier with the reroll on the shop oh whoa no scorpions no scorpions that's a big attack but it's not big enough let's go let's go let's go hey nice peacock too bad it's not as nice as my peacock that's gotta hurt that's gotta hurt uh oh oh man uh that's four winds [Music] easy wins roll me juice me squeeze me [Music] salad i do like the idea of a bat in the front in case they got death touch i respect that okay but for now that's a roll can me we're rolling deep on this one what the heck is a microbe on faint makes all animals weak that doesn't say all animals on uh their team it could be our team as well okay so that that scares the crap out of me but what i do like is selling a poodle you've done your job buying a cow malkin the peacock little malk little malk running this build right here do we freeze something no these are trash animals where's my octopus man where's my octopus no death touch oh no it's it's the hat from i think you should leave oh no you shot my bat big freaking whoop just kidding owns okay so you're gonna summon a bus literally doesn't matter you're dead thanks for the hp wow your kangaroo's so strong so strong they died easily 35 6 versus three seven i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and bet on the on the i don't even remember what it was anymore i don't even the only thing you killed was my bat was the ability that you had was kill bat congrats okay there's five wins believers believers are eating great today okay there's another bat that's big okay and then the buffalo was great for us we don't have a tier three friend this time though so we say no you buy the bat no matter what are we gonna you know what you do you sell the cow you buy the the amazing bat and then you put the crappy bat on it and now you got a 10 12. i don't know if i'm buying can yet that's why i'm i'm stalling on it slightly okay on a gorilla hurt you get a coconut shield it shoots in spurts you are a 12 12. it works one time per turn so you're kind of like you're kind of like infinite you're kind of like an infinite marty the only thing i'm saying you know what we could freeze you take your next term we could freeze you and squeeze you it's not infinite well it says oh per turn a turn is literally it's only going to work one time yeah i forgot turn is not like turn and round are different in this game in that case i don't trust you i don't like you i don't respect you we're gonna can up our shop and roll it honestly man i mean the canned food is nice don't get me wrong um you buy a cow you cow it up you milk it now is there something here that we might want for our next turn yes we can freeze the rooster in the hopes that on our next turn we want to put it out there and then it'll be like a 14-13 or something 25-29 peacock it's not even level three yet man people are they're jumping in here being like what he doesn't have any horses he doesn't have any dogs is this allowed your bison does have melon armor and i hate that okay i hate that i but you're not busting through man you're not busting through you know why you're busting through our garlic armor will not protect us okay fair enough this should be interesting we still got you we still got you and the cat who would have thought dude the cow's doing it the cow's doing it that's six wins [Music] level six octopus full octopus full octopus build no matter what you're selling a cow okay now are we summoning a rooster i think it is a 1313 that summons a 13 13. we don't have to take it though we could just roll and leave okay so you it's non-negotiable so now you're gonna did someone's a thirteen one okay you take the octopus now i know you're gonna say can i think we're canned up i think we spend all of our money on rolls to get to octopus or things that are related to it so unfreeze this son of a gun right here roll me interesting a little garlic little garlic is interesting you know what little chocolate on you for sure roll me juice me and squeeze me we'll probably sell the chick at some point too so just hold on a second roll me what does a mammoth do unfaint gives all friends plus two plus a dinosaur buy buy food gain gold sell the chick next turn send out a 14 22 dinosaur where when you buy food you get gold [Music] don't mind if i do and probably will sell the dromedary soon as well that's that's food man that's food one one we don't respect though freeze me freeze me and squeeze me freeze me and squeeze me man okay we got it we got a steak lord this is why you don't put your strongest unit up at the front they would just they'd get ko'd by that you're in for a world of hurt man you're in are you seeing this peacock dude it's nothing can stop it you're don't get me wrong your kangaroo is getting buff okay look at that is a 1920 with garlic armor in many parts of the world that would be impressive not here though the shark it spooks me a little bit but we got we got an octopus back there and he's weak anyway you're owned get owned oh no so scary another free win victory for me there's seven wins i think the time has come you sell the drama dairy for now buy a sauropod welcome to the sora squat then tell you what give me a little juice give me a little squeeze peacock no peacock that's all right we got gold back apple i sleep i sleep on the apple a little chocolate on the other hand though they've they've juiced and squeezed me level two octopus we're so close man roll me forget the sushi but the sushi will not get put us in a viable position yet we're fishing for things that are a little bit more important like for example an octopus i think you buy and then we just chill man then we just chill [Music] okay if we could get to a level three octopus then life is but a dream it's like the first time we haven't hit this oh this tiger's gotta go man this is disastrous is our this is a potential loss never mind we're actually cracked we're cracked the heavyweight knockout resolves in our favor eight wins okay i know i know i know okay if we can get the chick to level three we put it behind the octopus you gotta try you absolutely have to try we need one more though roll me i think i think you put melon armor on the octopus gives you one gold you re-roll everything i'll freeze a bet then we run it back come on it's a fly build fly turkey tiger this is horrible we're living a fly has been summoned holy crap dude this this is really bad this this is probably the best build i've ever seen in my life my word melon armor roasted and toasted no trade me juice me squeeze me we were close we're tied let's go that's freaking huge man he's leveling he's leveling up octopus with the front chick one behind sizzle sizzle sizzle juice me uh you know what probably there's i don't see there's a i don't think there's a bad reason not to get the bat roll me freeze me squeeze me hope you bought the expansion pack you scumbag 50 50. weekend weekend big weekend excuse me um my octopus oh it didn't level up yet for some reason that's fine we'll get him next time anyway we still win apparently start of turn so when you go to the shop [Music] oh well that's that's when you have a squad that has depth that's i mean what what more can you say we want to see i mean pizza is okay but another peacock why not i guess and then level the level the bat up no but it's only gonna work start a turn oh it doesn't matter it's still good probably more important to get you popping roll me roll me uh juice me and squeeze me so the bat will still only hit two this turn but please please that's not a weak squad whoa whoa melon armor what the heck was that sound coconut shield works two times per turn juice him and squeeze him juice him and squeeze him ten wins baby [Laughter] three ten win marty's in a row that was our best run ever [Music] pay out the believers my god now we're gonna we're gonna change things around on the bedding front okay so i want you to be aware that we're changing things out on the bedding front okay will nl get to seven wins we're not changing it's not ridiculous it's just a little bit harder just keep make it eight you coward okay well if you think i'm gonna get seven if you're so confident i'm gonna get seven and just bet on belief [Music] if you're so confident that there's a huge difference between seven and eight then bet on the side that you're confident on [Music] either way we're running it back we're not gonna get the hot wheels today i really didn't expect we would play this for three hours but i mean when you get non-stop pog what can you say what can you say right what i mean what can you say this is a great start too give me this give me this give me that i thought i could buy food i'm stupid freeze food roll me freeze a ladybug beaver's honestly pretty cheap for what it does one three two three two three i honestly think we lose round one here we're gonna be the wrinkled parts [Laughter] one three is not that impressive you know what it matches up very nicely against the two 2-1 though but then the buff is going to be disastrous it's a draw in my house this is a it's still a draw this is a draw we don't sweat that i love an ants i also don't mind buying a ladybug buying an aunt unfreeze buying some food rolling buying some food feeding it to you buffing many units we'll freeze one just just in case we want it next turn we're actually so much better than we used to be men okay so the two fours whatever two four matches up nicely against three four though i'm very happy with that considering they they spent uh more resources on it crickets were pretty much useless they get a two for one here then we trade and then we win oh baby there's one [Music] i dude i gotta tell you i love a dromedary it's very tough for me to not drop a dairy i gotta tell you i don't know fish doesn't interest me that much but let's let's stack them give me a dromedary at the back it doesn't give us the buff yet so this might be an okay turn to be honest with you are you are you kidding me when we feed food to the beetle it will give all shop animals plus one plus one okay and then the dromedary will give them a plus one plus one it just gives them plus one health but that's okay we buy it we buy double foods then we freeze the whole freaking shop get out of here you're trash we don't buy now though because we want to roll the shop we roll the shop we buy two foods those are probably food um are we gonna roll a dog build maybe i mean we'll see how stacked they are next turn and then honestly do me a favor that's that's insurance that's an inch oh i guess we should well no because we can only give one to you anyway there you go quick little insurance purchase ooh [Music] okay hmm peacock honestly going one for one with the peacock is a dream that's like their whole squad and then like a pseudo horse but this is okay big hits that's unfortunate oh no we still get a two for one it's a draw don't take it man i'll take it what the hell okay there's things on the squad we don't care for right now one of them is a fish the ant at least does something you know what we sell the fish because we could kill the ant with a sleeping pill which would be the the dream for us would be to do that sell then we can go double dog strats woof woof woof good tropical fish okay now we got a 5 6 dog we want things that summon other things we don't have them you're not what i want okay so that's a roll you summon things but for the enemy roll me you summon things for me we're gonna freeze you you i don't care for we're going to freeze you though you're going to be a freaking stud when we bring you out of the shop holy crap sheep would be nice did i reroll a sheep i hope i didn't reroll a sheep we got a strong pig and a nasty mosquito whatever they got an elephant at the back ain't trying to hear that this is where this is the way i pog that's nasty man i think we're toasted on this one this is a loss but that's okay good play good play well done hey hey team wood games thanks for making super auto pets it's uh it's a lot of fun it has it has swallowed me up more than i expected without a doubt and it you know the first time i played it i was like this is fun the second time i played it i was like i'm getting my butt kicked and then the third time i played it it all clicked into place man it all clicked into place ladybug you don't need to exist anymore okay but a 2-3 cricket who runs the world now okay hold on i'm not totally sold on this being a bat build um because what are we trying to do keep in mind we got a level two dog we're kind of building we're kind of building around that right now the chick is a good play okay the chick we love to see it at the end of your turn it gives plus five plus five to the unit in front of you we can make the dog of the century and then if we give him some garlic armor who knows what happens i think we sell the ants although i wanted to kill it with a sleeping pill we check the dog for now just for now merely for now merely for now the bat has consistently been clutched you know what let's freeze it then if you say so we'll make it stronger for next turn when a dromedary will will make it pop more than you've ever seen something pop in your whole life now we want bees without a doubt we can't really put a b on a cricket unfortunately in that case we can't really put a b anywhere roll me one more time that's a different dog don't get confused um we're going to buff this dog could have done it on the beetle but the beetle is not long for this world i promise you that a deer already that's at least there's no whale i can live with a deer as long as there's no whale behind it our our ladybug or sorry our beetle not getting to attack is really bad and this bus is not making it much better this is a disaster you see in the value that oh my god dude that bus holy crap okay you know that's that's a an early loss that hurts a great deal we are one and two we are early enough to make a caterpillar work but there's a catch we have to live like we we have to not lose twice before the caterpillar pops i have to imagine it gets really good as the game goes on put the dog further in the front the dog's whole point is for enemies to get our own units to get summoned at which point they get a nice buff i think that our beetle is time to go every time you buy the dog also gets permanent stats you know what that's a good point that's a that's a very good point so are you telling are you telling me you could do this holy crap that's what space is good for now i'm just i'm very skeptical about whether a caterpillar lives long enough but it could be fun i don't think we want it to get buffed by the by the chick i think it's yeah roll me you know i'm a simple man freeze me juice me squeeze me kill me 17 18 dog we need this dog needs to have garlic armor or we're in a world of herd okay very similar squad here 10 9 cricket is spicy but it's not like they're getting the benefit out of this qriket existing at the front get owned level one horse not so bad that ant is gonna screw us yeah we're losing this one for sure okay well we gotta do what we gotta do to survive here man even if it means selling the cricket we're at one three [Music] look so the caterpillar can get to level two we've got it if we hadn't gotten it i probably would have been like let's not but that's fine the peacock is a is a mighty tempting mighty tempting source for us you get out of here i gotta be honest i i think instead of freezing the dromedary we pivot off of the dromedary it's you can't sell something that's not in the shop that you don't own how sick would that be though [Laughter] hmm and then i'm like i'm not sold on a cricket either honestly but you can't put a dog in the front it can't it don't work like that buy a peacock for now yummy yummy get buffed for now roll me we don't have a tier three yet juice me this i'm scared man i i'm not i'm not convinced 17 20 dog i'm hoping for the best we're close to the caterpillar becoming a duplicate dog i think bluebird sucks the beetle scares the crap out of me though they got a peacock at the back dude what the heck is going on with this beetle man at least we smoked you at least we smoked you we're dead we lose f f holy crap man well but we'll pay out the doubters on now i thought i told you beware after three ten spots in a row we ran a uh we ran a one that's pretty bad but you know it happens okay i think we we bought in low which didn't we didn't have time we didn't have the safety net to get big but we're running it back we go i've set the bet will we get to uh when we get to seven wins now i'm looking at my squad can i win with these cats fish at 2-3 with an ant in front i respect it then we roll once a second anse and i'm telling you there is no world where something beats this fish man be an unwashed president i'm out for unwashed presidents to represent me nothing will be double ant fish don't unless it hits the ants don't hit the ants don't hit the ant you scumbag okay something can beat it wait no it's not possible we draw we draw the world is yours it's mine it's mine it's mine i don't respect any of these units roll me squeeze me you know in this case i will take a cricket because i can i will take a fish and then i will take a a stronger fish and my reasoning here is that next turn we pop it over give something better maybe a little bit more well yeah because then we can fill our roster afterwards yeah yeah yeah this would be a nice win hate to see the mosquito go ahead hit an ant i don't care they're stronger when they're dead that's also uh that's fine that was a bit of a waste love to see it not a surprise big buffs for me yummy yummy big buffs for me yummy yummy free wins baby [Music] tier two animals unlocked i i gotta be honest with you i mean it's early enough we can fit that bat in but i'll tell you on top of that i love a spider man i love a spider i'm not sold on a level one i don't think we need a cricket quite frankly i think we could sell cricket buy a bat then i'm looking for sleeping pills for the ants you you got me all figured out man you got me all figured out but i'm thinking you can stack ants put a spider down level everything up excuse me thank you and then we have what an interesting situation we have a blowfish the the very thing that gave us our first ever 10 win can i tell you i i don't i don't mind if i do i don't mind if i do let's this is called strategy the ant will be forced to buff the blowfish later we move it to the front we stack him we stack him we stack him roll me freeze it only costs one this costs one gold do we kill an ant no we use the ant freeze it pop it next time roll me juice me yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't know we're at one win zero losses i can live with that no summons no summons this is not a summon build i feel okay about that get weakens get killed regardless that's a big hit don't i'm i'm not denying it that's a big hit what the heck is this owl doing man the longer that elephant lives like the better it is for us we win we win this round for sure blowfish didn't even have to do anything man the bat is kind of sick man okay so the ant will be crushed goodbye nice buff acceptable buff okay fine uh in that case roll me and roll me once more now you're honestly pissing me off stack me roll me drama dairy me we don't want any of you this is no freeze this is no juice no freeze horse at the front hit the horse hit the horse please hit the horse you never know badger's a little spooky for for both of us this is interesting i'm scared i think we lose this one although the weakness on the oh oh yeah okay that's that's a loss why would i want to kill the spider everyone's like kill this spider so i would kill the spider for one and create a 2-2 tier 3. that doesn't seem that good it i know it only costs one there's a random tier 3 that probably has lower stats than the average tier three i'm not i'm not sold on that meta chick on the blowfish is helpful fish can go we got to balance this though because like the drama there he does nothing for us so be careful with that roll me the blowfish is very important the peacock has historically been good for us but i think it kind of doesn't work as well when we're trying to buff the blowfish instead so i think we say no peacock keep the spider we we could ice the spider okay but i'm worried it's gonna create garbage let's let's try it's fun i'm just not convinced this is actually uh good i don't know why people are popping they're they're typing poppers this is bad it's we need to win some rounds i don't think we have enough damage dealing to to do this right now so get out of my face and then roll me and then juice me and then squeeze me roll me one more time i did lose the last battle right so this is a this is a perfect snail opportunity for three gold i'm not sweating that and then i'm not i'm not a believer yet but okay we get some bats we get some food we get some cows to buff the blowfish we get some garlic armor please weaken this mosquito i didn't want you to shoot this snail but that's okay weakness on the giraffe giraffe whatever life goes on smoking a pancake overkill for sure this is an interesting one i think we win just barely but we win i love that the bat weakness replaces all of the advantages the opponent has like that's disgusting man okay garlic armor is a must get the sail the snail will be sold and then we're gonna run the best thing we can get [Laughter] which is none of those tier ones a rabbit with a blowfish is kind of an interesting play but i think i'm like a an owl an owl cell you can freeze you roll me freeze me freeze me okay we're three in one that's good i was i'm starting to believe in how this works we got a 66 weekend at the front with slap man no big deal that's probably pretty good actually do it that's okay get hit by a weak enemy hit the blowfish or i don't know maybe that's not what we want hurt the peacock okay this this is looking totally fine peacock is gonna is gonna be pretty nasty but it's okay you're weak anyway we win good wins good wins that's four wins like a vancouver brewery next turn you don't want to overspend but i think you sell owl i'll take it level two puffer fish just give me a sec okay just just juice me and squeeze me then buy bunny and get some kaiser permanente health roll me sleep me lob star get plus two plus two when not in battle i sleep uh we could have pilled an eagle that would have been a good play that would have been a good play poodle honestly frees me that poodle with the drama dairy i'm i'm liking it okay then we get a nice five-five buff here yummy yummy seven 17-18 level two blowfish oh pay to win background the pouting scouts okay horse built oh no my nothing owns owns if our bats getting kills you know we're having a good time yeah this is this is you got melon armor congrats that that hurts but life goes on oh son of a i honestly if our blowfish hits the horse we win that one what do we got double poodles sell bunny well you could eat first eat first yummy yummy sell bunny double poodle kinda hate that sound not gonna lie roll me roll me nothing else needs garlic right now pass it oh why it doesn't it didn't bite my my blowfish that's the whole reason is there man okay it's a is a spam build that hurts well dromedary is a good summon though big smack we're okay hit dog or horse that's fine that's fine hit dog dog or horse please big plays hit horse please big plays and then we win dude the blowfish is so strong [Music] i think the time has come to sell dromedaries the salad is not that good i don't mind losing it on the freeze here you buy a cow we feed you a little juice little squeeze roll nothing else really needs garlic right now i think this is a roll situation a bat is enormous and then a little i think you can freeze chocolate now there's a part of me that's like do you want a leopard at the back instead of a poodle which we'll do right now it'll do three no because it is the thing we want to stack it up on you you wanna although we could we could feed you a bunch of meats we could feed you a bunch of meats that's a good point freezing a snail just in case that's a very good point sell cow buy leopard for now and then if things go desperately wrong we have a snail that we can buy for a nice buff when we sell our poodle and we got double chocolate which almost almost equals a tier three blowfish and a little juice and a little squeeze what do we have five wins it's a span it's a white weenie build yet again get weakens get destroyed oh my god the leopard is freaking cracked man did you see that shot the horse being dead is insane now hit the dog hit the dog this blowfish is freaking cracked it's cracked [Laughter] no need to freeze the snail on that one that's our sixth win okay so the chocolate's a gimme we also do not need a snail so most important is the blowfish we want to see a snake as well re-roll me i'm just going to be honest i think you juice me i think you squeeze me don't care for any of these garlic armor blocks two every attack uh okay 27 30 kangaroo little spooky some smacks giraffe that's big this this could be a a loss easily it it already is wow it's strong we almost got to you we almost got to the dragon okay i mean that's just that's hot you can't you can't be mad about that um this is important it's very important we get to the blowfish this is a reroll to me forget the scorpion the poodle's probably got to go but forget um you know if you dump the poodle run the score but the difference is the scorpion doesn't have melon armor and they get sniped by something it's not that much worse than having a poodle but we kind of get blown out i does stake leopard mean that this will do 14 damage to a random enemy right off the bat no it will not work okay very good to know that would be freaking sick though roll me in that case you're gonna roll me you're gonna juice me you're gonna squeeze me you already knew that though and then believe it or not this leopard is starting to pop so he becomes a better mosquito then we'll make him even stronger roll me really wanted to see a leopard on that one we can live with the level three blowfish freeze the leopard if we win this round if we win this round it's all coming back juice me squeeze me freeze me i'm not scared yet i'll live with that i like that those those are good enemies to get hit by that get smacked get killed now anything i'll live with it we take you we break you we break each other a 12 13 with weakness with weakness it can be done okay that's seven wins for the believers leopard levels up joke's on you i got another freaking leopard feel like as as nice to two random enemies are you crazy i still think that rather than leveling up i think buying heavy foods to make you stronger well hold on hold on start there we don't need some garlics yet the plus one plus ones are heavy i sleep energy okay well in this case hit you with one of those don't mind if i do yummy yummy yummy i've got 9.5 damage in my tummy roll me bad for next turn come on eight eight wins eight wins eight wins i don't know this build i see a 25 27 i'm scared good smack cow is irrelevant great weakness on the boat although oh because it replaces melon armor get smacked you're still pretty strong admittedly you got melon armor back oh we lose that was a good try though the the weakness getting replaced by the melon armor kind of sucked but hey look at that choose outcome we did get the seven wins pay out the believers that's gonna do it for super auto pets today i really did not intend to go as long as we did what did i put in our final section today i put t minus 30 hot wheels hold on because i forgot we actually have garlic today too and well either way slash marker super auto pets more juice to squeeze more juices i agree more juice to squeeze um
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 94,401
Rating: 4.9489508 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 7B42wlpYhw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 16sec (3916 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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