You live by the bat you die by the bat (Super Auto Pets)

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all right our last runs look i think we spent a little bit too much time in the uh in the kitchen trying to come up with ridiculous strategies we're just gonna try to play uh good super auto pets right now instead of trying to like game the system okay so we uh i made our bet will we get to six wins these are good stats man these are good stats so um i'm just going to be honest with you fish pig beetle roll it freeze a fish freeze a beetle give the bird a middle finger i don't mind being the wrinkled seeds i am pessimistic about round one but in round one you don't have that much control if you don't get ants like best of luck to you we lose it was a great mosquito shot but it was close hats v hats mosquito hits something else i think we come out of that looking okay it happens though i gotta tell you right off the bat even though even though thank you um well a fish is okay and level up it gives hold on i kind of like a hedgehog at the back with the horse tack attached roll me servers are chugging a little today no doubt about it i think that we can live with this squad but i'm taking a bit of a risk hedgehog at the back is like guaranteed draw at worst if we go 1v1 oh a peacock how do you have a peacock in round two like yet i still think we win would you look at that still win same way you have a hedgehog in round two yeah but i was i'm good and they suck no offense guess 76426 [Music] fish me let's get some wins early roll me ladybug and beetle do have a synergy but only if we also want to buy something on the shop hold on okay you ready you want to see something funny don't get the ladybug synergy you go 5-6 you become 3-4 which then turns you into a four five when we do that we still only have a four roster but i'm okay with it one five peacock that hits like a son of a gun this one's gonna be tough more more more we win and i'm spent why not leave them separate oh never mind the cricket equals draw um if we if we left them separate one hedgehog would have killed the other one when it popped or at least done enough damage to it to put us at risk i mean i gotta be honest i'm not like sold on a beetle um but we're getting close it's six seven beetle man it's got something it's got something people really like a swan too swan is pog on the start of your turn gain one gold well i mean let's just give me a chance here take a chance on me we can sell a pig that's never bothered me you honestly just chill on the bat for a minute although we can sell the pig you buy the bad i i'm i apologize for my words and my deeds because i'd rather have a 1-3 bat than a 2-2 pig servers man servers are having some they're they're chugging along today the aw they regret making the game free the aws bill is going to be like 15 grand this month roll me we might as well freeze more like this week i don't know how much that stuff costs just to be honest end my turn please oh don't hit my turn i got to move the hedgehog to the back not bad i'm gonna put the hedgehog in the back it's okay but uh hedgehog team level two with the with the with the hard hats love that weakness we love that weakness this is this is very spicy but look at that this is the most beautiful two-for-one you'll ever see in your life it's okay there was a level two hedgehog it would have killed us it would have killed the the thing regardless i know it looks bad but the the math bears out in our favor so now we get one extra gold that's like a free reroll every time dude i don't know if i even want this beetle but it's hard to say no to like a tier three unit this early especially because a tier three unit there's like bison that scale off of this like this is crazy if you have four or less animals the llama gets plus two plus two if you have four or less animals that sucks i don't care for it what i do care for is we can sell the fish and buy the ants kill the ants this is not this could not be sane like what is wrong with me that is not the strat there now i'm sitting with i'm sitting with four animals man feel like a garlic on the beetle until we choose to sell it will be okay ever since someone told you you can pill the ant you've done it every time i just like not being yelled at okay i do think the chick has been pretty good for us historically let's let's let it ride this round might be toasted okay this squad is like literally just ours but stronger so prepare for a loss also the single worst weakness we could have had not out by too much but enough having having another squad member might have helped us there i love a puffer fish man it's real hard for me to say no to this we got to figure out how we're doing it though um i think i mean i think we actually sell look i'm just gonna be honestly i don't i don't like that guy right now what i love though is two puffer fish puffers and then a little little hatching chick in front and then a little garlic armor on top of you this seems this seems like it's gonna do some serious damage and we're only one chocolate bar away from a level two blowfish lord show me how to say blow to fish i level one bat okay whatever my hedgehog we sleep regardless try to get close and you'll get smacked i see i see we've got a very similar idea here like literally the same idea we've done it okay big win and that was our that was our pivot round so i think we got a little lucky there that that wind is a good sign [Music] this is heavy re-roll strats next thing to leave is probably the hedgehog these are these are not worth thinking about i'm upset we roll we roll once more the bat is very nice can me can me bat me two three three two one two i'm like so here's the thing when people are like can and bad you gotta in order to make that work you have to sell hedgehog can so you have the space to then put this here and then put this one on top of it because otherwise the the synergy doesn't work it works trust me they they ad they're not additive right like it just adds one plus one or like one end one i should say like if i do this you then go to three five and then this will be a four six it totally i've that works i've seen it work every time the game always guarantees the best upgrade okay if this makes a four six then we got nothing to worry about if it doesn't make it a four six gonna be a little upset server suspense okay well it totally works then no worries that means we can keep the hedgehog there's great intel phew [Laughter] that actually said i thought we had to work around the the capacity issues oh dude you uh oh i love a deer i love a deer it it kicks the pants off a hedgehog we could at least freeze it and then move everything back one and roll like the deer with the bus splash attack plus level too bad for two weaknesses is insanely great roll me again double deer cans we don't i would love to make the pairs work but it's not gonna happen yet okay two wins two losses i see we've got a very similar build here that was great weakness we got a little lucky incredible two for one though i mean that's like an eight for one we got a little lucky man we we made it though even if that's level two we survive okay big win takes us up to three we i think we got like perfect weakness i'm not going to deny that so we buy a can we sell hedgehog two deer i mean a six six early is nothing to sneeze at but then it becoming uh a five five bus with a splash attack pretty sick too bison dude we're imo we are early enough this bison will pop i don't know what i think we sell the beetle to roll the bison on the next round garlic is tempting but we can we can fish for better units no such luck okay you have to keep the beetle oh because beetle's your level three yeah it's a good i guess you sell the chick to make it work that's a good point dunk this squad doesn't scare me but the peacock we really wanted to see that peacock get hit but yo this is fine i'm the i'm a little scared by the peacock but i think they built weirdly yeah you've built strangely and it's to my benefit wow lucky us dude that puffer fish we get that to level two we get the bats popping off we get the deer popping off we get the bison pumping off okay uh a lot a lot of this warrants an upgrade here's the thing we have to get rid of something that's not the beetle you have the only choice is to get rid of the chicken unfortunately and the chicken is a nice buff here but we'll compensate we'll we'll sell the chicken play the bison i don't know where to put them yet let's let's shove them back here the deer sucks as well watch your mouth tier four tier three we're gonna freeze the chocolate we're gonna roll one time just to see if we if we beat the odds we're gonna roll one more time we got a bat which is actually freaking sweet so we will buy the bat level two bat is top tier forget the gorilla we sleep on it the upgraded deer is mighty tempting and it honestly round nine i feel like the the deer is rarer oh it's thinking okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go deer first because it's gonna synergize really nicely with the splash attack as well a little sauropod huh um but we don't wanna we don't wanna sell anything yet to fit the sauropod we love this squad the bison is gonna pop we're very happy where we stand and your turn bison's starting to pop we're at four wins we're trying to get to six yeah before we sell anything we gotta we gotta do something with this beetle man we got to figure out we got to get something to level three so the beetle is no longer that critical okay big weakness on garlic okay life goes on i do like to see weakness on the back line a little splash attack it's the strongest dog i've ever seen in my life get crushed get crushed get crushed we win easily thanks for the next win [Music] another deer now that's unfortunate because we well i guess we could can it as well hold on this is really good i think i think you can chocolate deer one roll wait is can not a waste because you'll be a seven seven uh but it'll make everything it won't benefit us on this turn but it will benefit us on all future turns so sure because it's going to make this deer a 7 7 which means it was going to be an 8-8 regardless but i mean we could also just freeze it for a sec because we do have one roll in here i still don't want that so freeze me roll me see what you get you might get something more useful than a 1-1 buff to your deer everybody loves a cow okay nobody doesn't love the cow we're all thinking it um i think you could leave that deer sitting there though the problem with the cow is we got no place for it but the buff is nice i almost feel like we're better off with like a a plus two plus two on our blowfish so that they live long enough to get some benefit out of that and you just freeze this deer in reserve this is the believer's win if we get this win the believers win forget the scorpion man forget the score forget the score weakness on the bat please horse tank is attached weakness on the bat please let's go big plays bus gets i thought it was a double kill but that's okay get smacked get smacked melon armor pretty nasty ah this is a spooky one man but it's not it's not that spooky six wins believers make it [Music] okay okay okay okay um blowfish is also important melon armor you could see that popping on a bison for sure but we gotta we gotta start upgrading these units did the blowfish really benefits even just from one x uh from one extra hp which is going to be a lot more actually it should become a 10 a 10 12. yeah that's much better steak on the deer seems sick you know what you're you're a damn genius at least the deer could do something before it dies you're you're a damn genius roll me i see nothing i respect if we could guarantee that pizza hit the right enemy oh you know it does give the animals in the shop some extra food you know freeze me freeze me juice me squeeze me we're already in believer's territory it's just it's free money now it's free money little ant at the front what's what's the plate here you got a you got a butter a one 11 11 butterfly i'm not that scared maybe i should be but i'm not that scared man this seems like a big win for me lovely shot we don't quite trade i wish we did this might be a yeah it's a draw okay that could have been a win i'll settle for the draw the dry pants versus the wrinkled seeds well the server was so fast that time okay we know we want the bat i'm not sold on the pizza please unfreeze me roll me again we're really fishing now but we're fishing for good reason another deer i i see the octopus okay the the problem is until we're gonna freeze the octopus okay until we get a level three we can't buy the octopus we gotta keep the beetle here once we get to level three then we can start to send it i'd also like to freeze this bison and roll me one more time we're gonna have like a fully frozen shop pretty so okay that's fine that's fine end it roll it the beetle enables the bison not that the bison has ever done anything good with its life ever okay look at the stats on these units holy crap get crushed get smacked that is really bad you also okay this you're gonna win the moody organisms i mean look at this squad this is this is a squad that's been started to oblivion we got one loss remaining imo t-rex is a little late you need the bison you roll me it's i think it's too late for canned scaling we're just fishing for whatever we can get you know what i could sell the beetle knowing we're gonna hoping we're gonna get to a tier three soon sell the beetle buy the octopus we're just chilling okay thinking we might put some garlic on you but i'm also a huge fan of rolling to try to get a level up here not just for the bison buff hold on very important that's something roll me once more freeze me once more freeze me once more little darling rock me rock me just a little while okay this is a this is a huge win we need this dub man we need this dub scary squad looks very similar to my own i don't think we hit the ideal enemies there did kill the chick good smack this blowfish is too strong man how we making it through this blowfish we might tie no math okay okay okay okay that's fine it was the splash the splash still good run we needed that we had some garbage ones today thus far six wins is good choose outcome that's a yes six four we take we take that we're gonna run back another six one a six bet the meta has changed man people they they learned they learned from our stream yesterday i love this man it's a great start i love three hp is way more valuable so you get an ants ants are beautiful yeah what happened to all the summon builds that's what i wanna know are you implying you're the super auto pets godfather i'm implying that i enjoy the game and perhaps perhaps some of the meta might rise or fall based on my performance because i busted out three 10 win runs yesterday in two hours that's just my that's just my take on the subject maybe i'm the best player on earth i mean of these give me a give me a front ladybug i hate all the other units be the insolent hikers hey turn your music up that's the ins that's my impression of insolent hikers i'm not i'm not sold on this i think we 50 50 round one okay the squeaky lawn mowers i think uh i like my squad better no i think we draw this is a straight up win for me let's go that first win is big man mosquitoes i mean honestly like i'm not sold on mosquitoes but they are two mosquitoes seems like it could be a setup and then we roll once okay hold on five mosquito in the second round give that ant a b am i really going to roll i mean you got to do something you got to do something honestly i think we give the mosquito a b we want the ant to die at the end so that it buffs the fish and the fish gets strong i would hate to go up against this i would oh dude if we can shoot some one hp if we can shoot some one hp units oh we're in okay uh you have so many two fours that's what we want to see but this is like this is a scary team man just be honest with me how'd you get so many two fours we're we're lucky we drew like we never should have gotten away with the draw on that one i found my board i hear that i do feel like a dromedary is okay we'll put one back there i don't if you say swan like honestly i hate to say you're banned okay i'm not actually gonna ban you but i'm tempted look if we're gonna sell something we might as well just spend one instead and kill the ants which then gave a buff to our drama dairy that's okay that's the right way to do that a spider is a better unit we'll put that spider out there swan is a free roll every turn and what if what if i choose not to roll what if i'm not a role-based individual how would you feel about that dude this is good scaling i can live with this i can live with this yeah until it summons a badger you lose your whole freaking game this is another scary team but we we trade the ant there no we don't the ant gets stronger than any unit i've ever seen in my life um yeah we lose this one for sure yeah no we draw oh my god we draw again well worth it because now look at these these guys are chunking man america runs on chunkin sheep build is so good like i the ram has screwed me so much but i don't know if we have the gas to do like non-stop summons what i do know is i i like the squad so let's turn you into a 4-4 let's let's get that dromedary going okay as long as we're as draws are wins for us because our dromedary leads to scaling we're probably going to sell the fish at some point if we freeze it though it'll get so much stronger for our next one and i'm going to freeze this pill knowing that we could kill the spider with it if we wanted to but it would summon a tier three as a two two i don't know how i feel about that yet if we level it up once it would summon it tier three is a three three double dromedary a little spicy but honestly i respect it seven seven ladybug very spooky that's pretty bad this is a loss [Laughter] it's and it's all hp too it's fine one win one loss it happens man [Music] sheep and fish ladybug doesn't need to exist anymore i think you can fish just because for three gold that's a pretty good benefit sell your ladybug buy a sheep roll me it's not worth it i do like a peacock man sell a fish i see the danger here buy a peacock i don't really know i don't think it really matters where you go right now please roll me sell a mosquito now this it's spicy but we want that chick in front of you freeze if we if we get this leveled up it goes to 2-2 i think it gives 2-2 permanently freeze me juice me and squeeze me okay no it doesn't go to ten ten it goes from five five to two two but i think it's a permanent two two instead of the temporary five five uh look at that fedora beetle at the back i hate it at least we're trading no horses means this is a a trade this is nice this is nice for us we get one big smack and then we kill you oh my god i can't believe it worked i'm uh i'm not sold by the way sometimes people are like you know kill uh kill the sheep with a pill then you get two rams but why would you want two two two rams with no synergies right like wouldn't you rather have a three three that when it dies then creates two tutus the same like people are like you know if you get the deer killed you just get a bus and i'm like yeah but i don't want a bus because a deer can do a deer thing and then also be a bus i get you could like buff it later but i'm not i'm not sold on that meta i am sold on on this uh pepe le pew to reduce the highest health enemy by a little so now you give permanent plus two plus two that's good the dromedary does i mean the spider doesn't have to live that much longer i do believe in like a sheep turkey build we'll roll once just to see where we stand i'll go to a level two dramatary because now this sheep is going to be even stronger i think you freeze that deer man i think you freeze that deer i think you also get ready for garlic armor on your peacock and it's starting to go dear better spider couldn't agree more it's the first time we haven't had a bat in a long time though i don't know what to do without a batman why are they wearing those crazy hats because i paid to win actually that that was from my free to play earnings but level one bad that's not so bad don't hit my peacock thank you i don't mind the spider it is what it is little snail peach plum pair two rams two two cricket doesn't we don't sweat that get a little two for one out there swans a little spooky the turtle though is going to kill my uh i think we might lose the turtle's gonna kill my peacock we're gonna do like oh yeah we're dead honestly that's a good strat can't be upset keep in mind we only have the dromedary to get some scaling and some buffing so the dromedary is not he's not designed to do things we still got two lives to play with you dump a spider that's gonna become a deer your sheep now becomes a six six sheep which is honestly pretty good in and of itself then you get a deer up at the front it's already a 3-3 you give it a steak it's going crazy i do think we should give the peacock some garlic armor we didn't have to do it before the roll but i i think it's it's that critical we do kind of roll a dog focus build but a tier two unit this late doesn't appeal to me i'm looking for like a a turkey i'm looking for a turkey or something similar i'm looking for two deers i would love like this can it'd be nice if we could have bought it here but double deer is nice but man this would be a big freaking win this would be a big freaking win that bus is going to be sick next turn but i don't want to be on on the end of my life this is a nasty team man look at that level two bat please hit my dear with the bat it's all right the dromedary is not part of the squad get some rams out there one damage each that's not great garlic armor is going to allow us to trade but we die here we lose this one for sure good weakness all right well we're fighting for our lives the dromedary's gotta go what sell the dromedary you might as well can up then we go to six six i'm like you know i guess we'll roll a scorpion we're gonna keep the deer frozen we could roll two deer but we don't get a payoff for like anything along those lines i think maybe you just put put a scorpion out here and pray for the best it is the 3-3 scorpion doing something i'm hoping that they they save some tanky enemies towards the end why at the front they're why at the back not the front it depends whether they put their strong units at the back or their strong ears at the front if they got strong units at the back we'll probably prefer this i think chick being weak is like almost as ideal as it can get for us that's a huge smack that's a huge smack let's go this way at best you get a draw hmm don't think so [Music] appear to see a smiley face that says victory agree to disagree on that one you always love to see a chocolate bar we're gonna freeze that for now because it tastes so much sweeter we got a peacock up it's non-negotiable now keep in mind the scorpion does not level up when it gets better it doesn't get any better this thing is really just a glass cannon so what's the argument for putting the scorpion in the front instead of the back it could get sniped it's true yeah i guess it could get hit by a puffer fish or a dolphin well if it gets hit by a dolphin or a mosquito it just dies anyway let just last chance to get sniped you know what i think that's that's much more convincing reasoning less chance to get sniped if you get him to the back you can only draw i do i think that you have to look at the base case of this situation i i i'm i'm too lazy to run through the stats but that seems son of a that seems something about that doesn't seem right to me okay now this is where we make it please peacock city no no no no we're going down yeah bad bat nerfed it but the bat also hit the back position that's a nasty game over here it's just a good bat you can't be mad pay out the doubters we'll throw a slash marker in there super auto pets
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 62,658
Rating: 4.9578576 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: MjX88l4t4Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 24sec (2484 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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