TERRIBLE ROUND 1! (Washington Chess Congress)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to my next chess tournament this is the washington chess congress uh it is currently 11 23 p.m i just finished a game which started at seven the lighting in my room is really stupid um there's actually a lot of kind of like little stupid things about the hotel like the desk has a glass casing on it so my mouse doesn't work so i had to find like a random piece of paper and use it as a mouse pad you know anyway also uh my tournament is not getting broadcasted anywhere because it's being run by the continental chess association which is the largest chess tournament organizing body in the united states they almost never broadcast games and also you have to bring your own chess sets which is virtually unheard of uh particularly for grand masters and international masters like when i traveled in europe um there was a hundred everybody had a chess set but there was a hundred broadcasted boards so just goes to show you the way uh america handles chess versus uh other parts uh of the world but um i will say that you know there are private clubs that do a very good job organizing anyway my first round opponent um this was a really strange game for a handful of reasons that i will get into uh my opponents rated 2043 fide and 2235 uscf american uh for comparison i'm 2362 and there's a link in the description if you'd like to follow along at least the standings on the pairing so my opponent plays c4 um for this tournament my prep is either e5 or g6 i mean it kind of depends on my mood i've been doing a lot of studying of the english myself with white so i'm familiar with the e5 lines but i wanted to go for g6 and i was really hopeful that you know my opponent would put another opponent in the center and let me play some of my modern course stuff he decided to play the very traditional thing um and here he he like right here as the clock was running on my turn he asked me if the clock was working that's when i knew we were going to be off to an interesting start for this game i was like yeah because my time hadn't moved but that's because you get 30 seconds every time you make a move so i was still stuck in the same minute anyway that's neither here nor there at this point i was like all right what does he want is he going to go for knight c3 d3 e4 is he going to play for e3 d4 i don't know so i'm going to play this move this cuts back some options of a quick d4 and the setup that i'm going for is i'm going to wait for this knight and then i'm going to play f5 so it's a setup that you kind of depending on how your opponent plays you can get a quick e5 in this is from the g6 modern course uh and i should mention that um all of my courses are going to be 33 off by using code congress until the tournament is over cool anyway that's after the fact i always do a discount code during the tournaments use code congress so knight c3 now i play d6 and he plays rook b1 i'm like okay fantastic uh now i know his game plan so his game plan is that he wants to play b4 uh and what i'm gonna do is i'm going to play a5 to play into b4 with my pawn he's gonna play a3 when i play a5 because that's very standard so he can play b4 and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to play c6 and play for a very quick d5 because he's not developing in a standard way so what i did is exactly that i played for a very quick d5 i actually developed both my bishops before my knights and basically in these structures if you can successfully play this move and transform the structure like that black has kind of solved all their opening problems because this is why it's best piece and normally like for the trade of this open file white will trade off the b pawn and open up the rook and the light squad bishop that's how the english works but once black gets this black has absolutely no problems and comp is completely equalized the only problem is your structure is completely symmetrical and he went for this and so this move i knew was coming because it's kind of his way of liberating his pieces i mean if he plays first of all if he plays knight f3 he loses the game because i have this oops it's a very nice little trick two knights are hanging you can't guard both um but you know he didn't blunder that and instead played this but if he just plays naturally like bishop d2 i mean i just have more space so knight e7 i mean castles i'm just better i mean f5 e4 something to block his bishop and again he does not open the b file so it's a huge loss for the opening uh so you play z4 i'm sitting there thinking i'm you know it's the opening i'm like all right uh so i kind of want to go 97 um and after an 87 maybe we're gonna trade in the middle but what i didn't like about this is like i just the bishop stays alive it doesn't get closed and you know he can trade with me once he can trade with me twice he can trade all the pieces he can try to then trade queens later on and yes this is a bit of a weak pawn and this position's like not so bad uh for black at all but the problem is that this doesn't have to happen he doesn't have to take and i was like why am i even giving him the option you know what i'ma shut his light squad bishop down his whole opening doesn't make sense he has to go back because if he does this i'm just going to play 97 and we have to trade i mean he has no choice he has to trade with me and then he went here and i was like what what is this i thought he could and then it hit me i'm just i'm i'm i'm insane i'm just completely nuts i i just thought i have 97 but he has bishop g5 i mean the simplest of pins like the knight no longer covers f6 so i can't play this move and now i'm in a like there's something problematic here and look i can take damaging his structure i can even kick his bishop out but the problem is even for one full pawn he always has this move and this bishop is a killer so this is the real this is the problem with the position so i'm like wait a minute what did i just do i mean i i can't go 97 what i mean i can go knight f6 and by the way if anyone's confused about this like knight c6 i mean this is terrible b5 now the b-pawn's justified knight jumps into f6 very bad position it's equal but i started thinking and this is also where my opponent as nice of a gentleman as my opponent might be um activated a hidden jutsu which i was really not prepared for my opponent started rocking back and forth in his chair like just back and forth and like kind of in circles like live at the board that like trying to release a little bit of that nervous energy the problem is it's extremely distracting but i was like you know what it's gonna go away it's fine it's not a big deal but it didn't and combined with the fact that 95's on the board i'm getting a little angry i'm like oh my god this is really a problem so here after some thought i'm like you know what i'm gonna undermine this pawn i'm gonna play f5 i'm gonna transform the position like takes takes you know i'm gonna have my pass deep on then maybe i'll take this knight then i'll quickly castle i'm gonna have a protected pass center pawn thinking they're gonna boom i play the move i hit the clock and i go holy i'm stupid because when i calculated f5 the only logical move for the opponent here obviously is that he can't take right he's got to develop this knight in castle knight h3 92 and knight f3 castle something then i play at 5 and i'm like wait a minute he can just pin himself i just didn't even think twice about this move because obviously if i take on e4 now he has a discover check he will sacrifice the knight win my bishop and keep his bishop alive i'm like what about i i just went from like a totally normal position to just clearly worse on move 13 and my man is rocking away in the seat i'm like bro this is too much meanwhile crazy stuff is happening in the rest of the playing hall this round was like a sitcom the board next to me the player got up and wrinkled the tablecloth so his opponent was like super distressed about it because the board is now like all bumpy the dude the opponent proceeded to spend like two minutes trying to fix the tablecloth like on that side of the board he put his hand under the board he's knocking over all the pieces to try to fix the ridge i'm watching this like this is nuts two boards down for me a little kid super talented made a blunder so he started having a full meltdown for like an hour and a half like literally i mean banging the clock saying super loud like you know commentary of the game offering a draw i'm like sitting there like yo i cannot focus all right and i have a really bad position so i took the i took on d5 i played knight f6 and he plays knight f3 here white is almost just just completely winning like if he just plays this move i was ready to try to fight against the bishop computer thinks that this bishop is so strong that it's literally lost for black but the computer's a so you know we we don't really address the computer unless we cover its games that i say big you know compliments but he plays here and i'm like wait a minute he just blundered my opponent's idea was after queen d5 queen d5 knight d5 that he would move this knight into one of my pawns sacrificing it winning back my knight in the center and having a really powerful bishop that's what he had calculated but what he had missed and what i thought i was really clever right is this this this and anywhere he moves his knight i have an in-between move and he did miss that he did miss that so if he sacks the knight i go knight c3 boom now two things are hanging and i'm just winning so i thought the best thing for him was actually to just castle and yeah by the way this is still super powerful for white i mean this is ready to come alive this is defended rookie one is coming i'm overextended in the middle and lacking in development castles kingside is a terrifying move for black um but he decides to do it like this i'm like what i'm like wait actually to his credit he spent a lot of time on this i was like oh if this then this oh that's fascinating so he's gonna threaten a night fork his himself while i go get his rook so i'm like okay well i have nothing better because i mean this is the best i can do if i take this and allow this i'm positionally just lost like this bishop is way too strong like all right here here here here where's the best place to move the king i have one two three four five squares very very tricky decision i did pick correctly you have to go to f7 because you always need to make sure you have a tempo winning move on that rook when the knight takes it right when the knight takes it you can move like knight c6 but also if the king is on e7 it's always susceptible to a bishop check and if the king is on e7 it's always susceptible to the knight getting away and checking me again in its escape what i'm going to try to do in my position my my game now is try to play against those two pawn weaknesses and rescuing my knight ideally i can trade this night off otherwise it's going to take a really long time to get it home and i have to find a way to neutralize this bishop so i play the move knight c6 uh if we get to this end game this is just winning for for black these weaknesses are too big and i can even play moves like bishop f8 because this knight is just laboring to get out and my knight shockingly controls the only two bishop squares that would defend the b4 pawn so i was ready for the sound game and then here he he played a really nice defensive resource again he was like really he was really sharp while he was while he was activating that jutu which did last basically the entire game um and was incredibly frustrating um like the combination of him doing that and playing very well were just unbearable bish and all the stuff that was happening around bishop d5 this is another very tough decision for me i mean if i if i play king e7 there's always this which i just didn't like and even though i thought i could trade my dark squared bishop if need be it's like i i don't want to trade too many pieces i mean the truth is if we trade too many pieces it will just be a draw so i was like okay king f6 then he played this move now here i was thinking for a long time i thought about rook d8 first um and uh that of course just put some pressure here not actually threatening anything which is rook d8 first to stop any knight d7 nonsense and i was calculating knight takes before at this point it's move 22 so we have our bonus time on move 40. we both have maybe like 20 minutes it was like a very long thinking kind of game or you can play this move and mate yourself in one move um so that's pretty cool that's a fascinating checkmate anyway that's the guess the elo move i had to you know think about it um but then i took and what i had calculated was bishop b7 i thought he was going to go all in and i can't really take because i help him activate his pieces so i was going to go king e6 here to cover anything from coming back to d5 and then he shocked me again he played this and i was like oh my god this dude is like unreal i mean he's he's playing out of his mind he's playing all the moves that i'm like he could do that he just goes back he gives me a pawn and is like your king is dumb it blocks your bishop your knights are dumb and it's going to take them time to get out do some now all my pieces are bishop b2 bishop d2 and both of our time is ticking lower and lower it's a very complex position so what i decided to do is bring my rook he castles and it's fascinating because if i take on d3 here um which i i thought about uh he can't take because he's just gonna lose uh pawn that way and if he does this then i have this amazing thing boom boom and boom and the horses attack the bishop and the threat of the fork like this is just unbelievably powerful horse content here right here and if bishop f3 just e4 connect four and the bishop has to get off the diagonal uh the reason i didn't take on d3 is because rook d1 is really annoying and i thought rook d1 just won and and here's the problem well not it didn't win but it would give him a better end game so knight c3 rook d3 attacks my rook so even if i play this check i have to take the rook first and then if this this but he goes here this is not a fork because this is protected so i calculated this and i'm like ah that doesn't work okay so let me rescue my knight first uh here engine gives f4 if pawn takes king f5 i mean if all else fails just go have a meeting between the two kings go let the two kings beat the crap out of each other i mean i don't know knight c3 uh and it turns out white is really much better here after bishop d2 i thought i could just go back to d5 uh machine uh just pokes a hole in um in my entire existence and plays rugby one and white is just better in the end game because again my king is just completely out of place here uh but he played bishop b2 and so here i was like wait a minute now i can check him and i yes i can block but i can also take because if rook d1 knight f4 check and i win his rook if knight d5 i take take here rook b1 and i fork him and i get the bishop and that end game is winning for black and then again he shocked me with another just i'm up two pawns now but my knights are completely stuck i was like yo what so here i'm thinking he's got like five minutes i got like eight or nine i'm like yo i gotta get out of there that's really bad how do we save this i'm like wait i'm a genius king to g5 i am so smart so now he's gonna go knight d5 because he has to cut off my circulation and i am going to play the absolutely gangster move ready you can try to find it by the way if you'd like to pause i'm going to sit my mcdonald's sprite it's different knight e c1 gluing together the horses gluing them together and f4 check in coming if i take it this so king to h6 i was so proud of this knight ec1 king g5 king h6 now everything in my position ties together now my opponent activated his second secret jutsu of violently shaking his head violently shaking his head and whispering to himself about how frustrated he was i couldn't exactly make out so now he's got the spinning thing and as his time is ticking lower lower he's getting very frustrated and nervous obviously with the time travel i'm sitting there trying to be as stoic as possible i also don't have a lot of time uh but it worked i mean the jutsu really paid off because right here i miscalculated something what i had calculated here was that if knight e5 then of course this is always hanging so he would take my knight and take my my other knight but if i have this what i had miscalculated was after rook c1 and now i can't go here because the rook takes and if this this look at this move b5 gangster move i calculated this and he has no escape for the bishop but danger levels bishop f6 and i miscalculated that i can just do this instead of this because again i'm trying to do very quick calculation with only a few minutes i'm like here bishop e7 bishop f8 just rook d7 is so strong and then if this i can sack and this end game is just winning for black i believe um yeah i mean i might not even have to do that but ah so what i did in the game while all this craziness was happening in front of me and all the distractions i played b5 thinking i'm so clever i'm so clever oh my god he has to take my knight and then i'm attacking his knight on his pawn i'm so smart and if he takes my pawn i think his knight boom boom and then the engine just took a a giant like fist to my face and said that here white can play this which i'm not gonna lie to you i saw but completely mis-evaluated because bishop a1 e7 is what i had missed because the thing is when you have about three four minutes on the clock first of all you shouldn't you should have more i was just so distracted with the whole circus that was going on with everybody um you try to calculate things in quick bursts and sometimes you do it perfectly like king g5 king h6 which i did earlier in the game and sometimes you you miss something knight to f4 is what my opponent played and now everything in my position is defended so if knight takes knight i take his bishop first and i'm just basically transforming this into a uh into a winning end game and what i did here pretty instructive gave up my b pawn just went rogue d2 he went here because if king h3 just gets mated and if kg1 kind of the same situation so i took and the way i decided to win this position well not decided but um the way i won this position as i'm like okay how do i like convert this three on one you need to move your knight there from there it stands confidently protected by f5 it attacks g3 and i was like i can always bring my king sometimes it's it's you don't even need to move the pawns because they're so solid so i played knight f7 a temple winning move i mean he's shuffling back and forth and angrily grumbling to himself uh and then i played king g5 king g4 uh check and this is a nice final move here he uh he resigned so we uh we we managed to overcome a lot that game to be to be quite honest with you um we overcame uh complete uh just big drama show uh not just on my board but on multiple boards uh and we uh we overcame i was also bloated the entire round like for no reason i mean i had like a very tasty and nutritious lunch but i don't know i hadn't eaten in like seven eight hours so my stomach acid was going crazy everything was against us this round but not a bad start and tomorrow according to the current standings i'm probably gonna play like the top seed so one or two 26 30 guys and hopefully we figure out the lighting and if not you're just gonna have to get used to um you know uh two to whatever whatever this is anyway 19 minutes gone i'm gonna eat my mcdonald's uh and uh yeah drop some comments love you all see you for round two goodbye
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 407,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: Nnq8Wf5QVd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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