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you already know it's your boy joe back at it again codingphase.com okay we are live once again i apologize for the last live stream we try to get live in here but the audio wasn't uh actually running so i had to make sure that everything was working perfectly okay um again hopefully you guys are doing great i'm doing amazing i miss you guys okay i miss you all right you know how i am man i'm an emotional developer right i miss you guys man you guys are family it's like not being able to see your moms rain for a while right that's how i feel when i don't get to see you guys and get to hang out with you guys and talk about some code and some programming and development etc okay yeah i'll put the bag in the back cause the bag is the bag yes sir ram i haven't checked the discord but i hope you're doing some work hope you you've been putting the work in that you need to to do okay i'm gonna hit you up later on today but hopefully you you put in the work you started that new theme um but yeah man what's good man alan tino what up kg what up dom music what up bayless code what up okay i see you kid let's see if we get some people in here all right let's see let's see what we got here all right we got a couple of people in here let me see if we can fix this chat box make this a little chat box a little bit better okay uh let me see [Music] see if we customize this a little bit uh let's see see how we should do this should we do it like this steam clean boxed chunky let's see let's see joe aka the debug guy what up man let's see if this works um but yeah it was really good kids haven't seen you guys in a while right feels like forever it feels like in forever i mean it's been long enough but definitely feels like forever how was the beach the beach was amazing i had a great time the water was cold as hell initially but then once you're in there you're good to go so it was fun it was a good day my brother just came from miami uh he just moved to miami recently from dominican republic and then now you know we we all in florida it's a florida family you know what i mean we're throwing the f's for that right throwing the florida sign like yo we here takeover okay uh so let's go into questions man igor says should i learn uh larabee will view or react to get a remote job i would say you will have to learn both of them and the reason why i said you have to learn both of them in the larabel community a lot of the smaller companies use vue.js because the owner of flarebelt the creative larabelle decided to go with with vue.js for whatever reason even though that's not the industry standard but then at the same time you also want to learn react because you know there's going to be bigger companies that will hire you as a developer to do react you're going to say so it's like if you want to focus just strictly on larabel then yeah you might go with vue.js but if you want to be able to have open options to anything because you could be a liable developer and get hired as a you know full stack python developer that uses react right so even though you might not have experience with python you could still get a job as a liable developer because you know web development okay but if you don't know react and the next guy does know react then it's a wrap that's it conversation's over you you get put on the back of the list um but yeah there's definitely way more jobs with react js than vue.js but at the same time those smaller shops those uh companies that they don't really work on the industry standards like they do their own thing like they'll go in and choose ujs over react so that's what happens in the laravel community uh let's see what's good joe holding the torch in the future family generation coming to florida yes sir man yes sir yes sir we in florida okay inaudible with the creative view yeah i mean that's how it always is somebody knows somebody and then you know they they hook them up you know this is a making breakfast for the fam it says bayless code i mean what time is it over there where you at bayless i mean it's 1 17 right now over here oh man so let's see what's going on in the world let's see what's going on in the news okay and we're gonna do this this is a like a new thing that i want to do every day i want to come here answer some questions i also want to come in and look at what's happening in the news as far as like is there anything interesting going on okay uh so let's actually do this right now let me see if i can share my screen okay and there we go now of course i gotta fix my webcam always something that we got to fix right we can't just have a good we can't just have like a good stream and just everything hey everything works it's like now you got to fix something too okay so let's see what's going on in here uh let me see webcam one okay all right let's see let's see let's see bring this right here and there we go kids look at your boy it's a handsome boy grown ass man it's like yo my handsome boy all right so let's see what's going on the news man uh anything new that's happening anything new that came out one new frame works this out what do you thinks is popping okay billboard js 3.0 release d3 v6 support okay uh not interested let's see what else what else is in here idle game 200.js okay how to avoid typescript type conversions top gs rich text editors for frameworks for 2021 let's see what's that let's see what's that okay see if we load this up okay top js rich text editors frameworks for 2021 quail i heard a coil before draft js editor gs slate isn't slate from i heard of celia i can't remember is this from shopify i'm almost 100 sure that slate is like from shopify somewhere in shopify let's see what else tip tap it's a couple of them all right cool let's see what else what else is out here in the news see difference between your values the references i hate those little tutorials like everybody knows these things and if you don't know it like you're not gonna be looking at this this uh website to find out like you're just gonna go to google or go to a website like you know like a blog scott style or something like that let's see what else hacker news let's see what's going on hacking those encounters asian methods afghanistan employees only google is allowed to crawl the web hmm that's true right so for those of you guys that don't know how google actually works is they have bots right that go over the whole web okay and the way how it usually works is by going from one link to another link so it's like let's say you share the link somewhere and google already knows about that website so then they go in and have this this bot that crows through every single page until they just basically know all the pages inside of that website and then they also go in and go to other websites and and it just continues it's like a infinite loop of like hey continue searching throughout the whole internet all right but there's definitely rules about it so not every single um web crawler can do this and it seems like google has like the best ones like you put up a website today and tomorrow google already has found it um but definitely this there's a lot of limitations for people that want to compete with google and i think this is one of those situations where you'll be like man does the government need to step in like i don't know i i think so you know i think that at some point the government is going to have to step in and control these big companies because what happens is that they either buy the new companies that are popping up or they come in and and basically you know copy whatever the new company is doing so let's say any one of us could come in and create a new google search engine or we create a new social network now instead of us being able to compete with them what they do is they either don't give us traffic right don't link to us or they'll come in and be like hey you got to pay for traffic if you want to get traffic from our website okay so then at the same time if they like the features that you have instead of them supporting what you have and say oh cool a new website new new idea whatever they'll come in and take your idea so you guys remember when snapchat came and snapchat came out with the stories right then from there uh facebook saw that and said oh we could add that to instagram and then from instagram they added it to to freaking facebook and then from there from facebook they added to to whatsapp like they've added it everywhere okay now what does that do that actually goes in and removes a lot of the the users that are using those features in snapchat and they say oh cool instagram has it now right so at the end of the day because they can't buy snapchat right because they first they come in and say okay let's buy you right let's buy your company but then if you don't sell your company to them they'll come in and steal your whole idea your whole features because there's really no no how you call this like there's no copyright on the internet right some people might say oh you can't copy my design you can't copy about this and that but the truth is is that there's no copyright there's no trademark on the internet right so you could have a feature you could have an idea you could have a website you could create anything okay and basically anybody can take it this is one of the main reasons why i tell people all the time when you have on each website don't tell nobody what's your website right for years people have been trying to get me like oh they'll be like oh you don't got on each website oh you don't really make no money from each website this is nice like show us your websites and i'm like nah bro i'm not falling for that chicken chicken trick it's like yo who's gonna be the first one to [ __ ] scream out chicken right or to give up right or give up the information um and people do that [ __ ] you know why because at the end of the day anybody can take your idea anybody can come up with the same thing that you have like i give you guys an example if you have like in an application that right now nobody knows about but somehow you're making like 10 grand 20 grand 30 grand a month bro people will give top dollar to find out what idea what niche what what basically you know what it is that you're doing to make money because they'll look at that and say oh i could skelly so then at the same time there's the other people who are your competitors will say oh cool he did the research he actually brainstormed he got the idea to you know implement the idea actually got it out there right and then the comp competitors look at that and said cool let's take a a percentage of that right if you got 100 of the pie and they come up with another competitor just like your application or your website now they could split up your your traffic in 50 right so now if there's two guys well there's only two websites to go to but what happens when 10 20 people 30 people start making the same idea the same application that you created and then you go on the internet and you share it to everybody like hey guys i'm making this much on this idea you know what happens other competitors come in and then you start taking the same ideas the same [ __ ] because all of this is just a crud the internet is just a crud create read update delete okay anything that you think oh it's amazing or it's like oh they're so genius to come up with this nah the idea is genius right the programming side is simple anybody could come in and copy your idea okay so right now the internet there is no trademark there is no copyright so anybody can come in and take over and this is what most of these big companies do they come in and take over the smaller companies and it's the same thing with niche websites i had situations like years ago right so around my second my second each website right because my first niche website that i created it was a [ __ ] website it was like a league of legends like i didn't know what what to do right as far as like niche websites i created a website about league of legends where i was gonna talk about uh keyboards monitors and things like that so people that play league of legends could go in and and buy the product and i will get a commission from affiliate links right so that website sucked then my second website that i built was uh for haiku listing for guys who who create like music right and i created a website that was about talking about pro tools fruity lubes uh sonar uh cakewalk uh there's another one another company like a whole bunch of different tools that you use when you make music right so most of you guys that don't know i used to do music so i i got knowledge in that right so i made it and the website started picking up right and i was just like you guys right i would go to four rooms i would go to like you know there was no discords but i would go to four rooms they would go into like yahoo chats and things like that and i would go in and share it to to the people there i'll be like hey man you know i can somebody come in and rate my my website i started making 500 uh with this website per month and uh but i want to improve it right because that's how people come in they'll hit you up with that they're like let's try to help you out because when you're a beginner the guys that are more experienced they'll come in and try to take advantage of the little guys they'll be like hey go ahead show us the idea what's your niche website how's it going over there oh you're making some money or this isn't that right um and next thing you know you know they'll come in and you're they're all gullible right you're like yeah man you know making 500 like i found this niche for you know talking about uh you know audio interfaces pro tools and audio keyboards and and then now i link them to sweetwater and then from there they give me this percentage this bro i gave them the whole game i gave them the whole game some [ __ ] that took me like four or five months to get it up and running i gave him the whole game and you know what happened bro i go in and then uh next thing you know like a month later i started getting less and less traffic and i was like yo i was making like it was going up it went from 100 dollars then it went to 300 dollars then it went to 400 then went to 500 and then the next month it dropped to 250. i'm like yo what happened right i'm thinking in my hand like yo what happened why why my website went down my income is going down because i was super excited about first hey i broke the 500 mark right bro the dudes that i told about this thing they went in and they started building the same type of website by the end of the month my traffic dropped like crazy and i wasn't making no money but that goes to show you like yo you gotta keep your mouth shut you're gonna say like if something's making you money keep that [ __ ] to yourself you could go and share like yo maybe the technology hey i'm using react hey i'm using gatsby i'm using uh next js i'm using whatever it is right you could share that information there's nothing wrong with that you could show people how to scale it right how if you're having an application and they actually hey man how do you scale how do you make it you know be able to have a hundred thousand users you maybe you might give them a little tip here and there but you never giving your your full information you never tell them the one each it is what exactly the application does you're going to say like you don't tell them any any of those things and me i'm super open i've always been open right i'm like oh man this is cool this is going to be nice like you know i'm going to have you know other niche website owners who are that are going to be my friends and and i'm going to be able to share ideas and this this and that it's the same [ __ ] from here from youtube right i always i don't know why i'm just like i'm a good human being right i'm expecting the best until you do something wrong same thing i did when i came to youtube i'm like yo everybody's going to be cool everybody's going to collaborate so a whole bunch of developers and it's going to be pretty cool get here nobody's cool everybody's about their money everybody's about milking their subscribers everybody's about uh not helping each other nobody wants to tell you like yo how they got there what's their tricks you know what i mean like what tags they use on reddit nobody's telling you their whole detail they give you like a little glimpse and it's funny because when people ask me something i just give it to them i'm like here you go you know um but yeah man uh oscar hey you said it loose lips sink ships yeah man keep that [ __ ] to yourself man um pedro says trademark copyrights yeah i mean it's more patents right um yeah you can't go in and and copy like a logo or things like that but you could go ahead like right now i could make a amazon clone like i could make a complete amazon clone and put it on the internet the exact same features the exact same way a website and then instead of calling it amazon uh you know am you know whatever ama uh z-o-n i put two z's amazon you know what i mean dot com right i could do that and there's no problem with it right it's legal so i think at some point the government got to come in and step in and say you know what man we got to clean this up like you can't just copy everything on the internet uh zm says like clubhouse no new features and they went to one billion valuation in a month yeah but the the thing about clubhouse is it's like this clubhouse is it's cool but it's not new right it's cool because you could go and put audio you could just have regular conversations and it's the same [ __ ] that you could do on discord it's the exact same thing the only difference is that now you made it into a community a social network so before all of these other places they had chats right like you had discords right so this score you could go and create a audio channel and then from there everybody could talk in there at the same time that's cool right so the technology's been there for me long but it's nothing new but what clubhouse did was that was different was number one they made it into a social network so you could search for groups that you can join in discord there's really not places like like maybe there is but i don't go to discord and be like well let's go to the discord social network like and try to find like cool groups like i don't do it like that the way how i do it or find a discord chat room whatever is by looking at like a youtuber or maybe uh uh somebody who is an influencer and they say hey check out my discord link and then i go to the discord and then i joined the discord group you get what i'm saying but there wasn't a specific website that was just for you know people to find other people that are online at the moment like right now i don't know if you could do that with discord at all like i don't know if you could do that um yeah discord is definitely huge now yeah clubhouse is good because of this discoverability says tech rally yeah it's like aol chatrooms back in the days exactly it's it's the exact same thing the only difference is now with audio now another thing that made um this not this clubhouse popular was the fact that it had an exclusive group right the moment you say hey you gotta get an invite right and this is now a lot of applications that you're gonna start seeing are gonna start doing that and that's something that's not new but it works now you know why because anybody can join instagram anybody can join facebook anybody can join twitter right but when you have a an application or a place that basically is is for a selective few it's not for everybody it's for a selected few then now word goes out and says hey man like it's like there's an app where you can only be on it if you are like rich right so you for you to get on it you have to share financial statements right you got to share hey this is what i own this is what i earn you got to share like a a check like a w-2 check right like you got to share your information i forgot the name of it um if somebody remembers what what's the name of that application you know let me know um but yeah it's like a social network where it's only people who got money right and then there's another uh social network where it's called i think it's a beautiful peoples where it's just a bunch of models and and like instagrammers and things like that where for you to join basically this quote unquote five beautiful people need to give you a vote to get in so so to even just get in they the five people the five random people that get notified that you want to join they need to find you attractive right so now this is something that is going to become the norm people want to go and join exclusive clubs exclusive groups they don't want to go in and just be like um i'm there with everybody because everybody wants to feel special and that's what clubhouse does right everybody that was there like i think i forgot when clubhouse came out maybe like six seven months ago i got a notification on my other phone about clubhouse so i guess somebody invited me right but at the time i didn't have iphone i still don't have an iphone right i have an iphone here just for testing and i have an ipad and stuff like that for testing but i don't use it so [Music] whatever i got an invite i didn't freaking use it i didn't pay no mind that was somewhere in like 2020 and you know on the quarantine then from there i received another invite around january around there i got an invite from one of my subscribers i said hey anybody got an extra invite send me an invite and pong gable my number because that's another thing you got to give your phone number the person needs to know your phone number so they know who you are okay so it's not just like i'm giving it to a random person it's like now you need to have the person's number and then you get invited but then once you get invited you you're in there now you're part of the group right and now you feel good you're like man uh what's the name of that fomo fear of mixing missing out right that's how people feel like yo i haven't tried uh clubhouse right so everybody wants to join it i mean i used it for the first few days and then i was like yo this is very cool but oh my god is a waste of time like it's a waste of time it's just a bunch of people everybody that thinks they're special they're in there okay so everybody who was like oh i got a hundred thousand instagram followers and like 50 of them you know 50 60 percent of them are fake bots you know what i mean but they're like i'm special like the first night that i went on clubhouse there was a guy who i guess he he's like the i never heard of this guy this guy's like a guru like one of those gurus that are like family people know so let me see uh famous guru princess girlfriend this guy so so princess martha louise is i guess the princess of norway okay she got with this random ass dude right but i'm sorry ma like you're kind of cute and you're kind of cute and you're a princess like get your insecure ass another like a real boyfriend like this guy came in and was like yo he's like yo i'm a shaman i can teach you how your life can be better because this is the thing sometimes there's people that have money and are rich are famous and like they're born that way like they don't they don't have no purpose in life right so guys like this guy right here can easily swindle themselves in right i don't know if you guys look into like the the story of britney spears and stuff like that when she broke up with her uh ex-husband some random dude that was another shaman another guru right came in and was like hey hey brittany let me control your let me control your your finances and that's why they had to put her on you know the parents had to take over her finances and all this stuff because when you're like insecure when you're like you don't have a purpose in life guys like this guy can easily come in and manipulate themselves into your lives like now this guy's a he's the boyfriend of this lady right but i'm listening to this guy in clubhouse and this guy is like he's like yes because you know it's so crazy to have the paparazzi following me everywhere and this and i'm thinking about him like what did you do out here in this world to have paparazzi's you know like there's some random dude like nobody knows this guy this is some [ __ ] that only like a very select few of people in the world even know who the hell is this dude okay like i'm not walking around with this dude this look look crazy we're in 2021 let's do look [ __ ] crazy right now like i'm a shaman i'm a guru and all this stuff and i was like yo and i'm looking at this guy i looked them up because i was like yo what this guy's like yeah cause i hang out with gwyneth paltrow and i do this and that and all this stuff and and i'm thinking in my head i'm like yo who the hell are these people right because everybody on clubhouse is a expert everybody in clubhouse is like some genius some uh whatever right and it's like it's the same [ __ ] that goes over and over again it's like people with their little clicks and then all the other people that come in and be like oh my god i want to be part of that click let me listen to what they have to say but they're not giving any information that can get you there you're going to say like it's like when i come here and and i talk about like web development right and i share like everything that has happened in my life as a developer and i tell you hey guys this is what i learned right this is what i had to go through this is how i got my first job this is how i got my second job then from there put me on this path different is this is how i quit my job this is how i'm able to make money now guys this is how you do it right i'm giving you actions i'm showing you how to do it but when you have some random dude that just comes in and tells you hey man just think positive work hard wake up every day at four o'clock in the morning kiss the floor rain put your shoes on and say alibaba right that shit's gonna bring good luck to you ma right when you have random dudes telling you that like what do you get out of that right you know it's like the same thing with like uh uh you know what's this guy's name um what's the guy's name that that has a whole bun well had a whole bunch of cars and i forgot his name the dominican puerto rican dude uh i mean a hellcat right and i bring him as a perfect example right so many people watch this dude's videos for a long time just to find out like hey man how does this guy have so much money right because i'm a spanish dude i'm a black dude i'm this isn't that i relate to this guy i like his aura i like his energy and i like it too right i'm there supporting him and i'm just following him because i'm like i want to learn right i'm i truly want to learn like i would love to be in that position where you're like oh [ __ ] i have like 30 40 50 cars right now of course i wouldn't do it that's ratchet to put in the in your driveway that's ratchet that'll you look crazy you put that [ __ ] in the garage you put that [ __ ] in in a lot that's how you do it that's how you the proper dudes do it having 30 cars in front of your crib that's ratchet right it's just it shows you got no class right it's just you just do with money with no class right um and at the end of the day i'm watching it because i want to learn right and just like everybody else and i'm watching to do it and then next thing you know [ __ ] comes out that he basically got his money from scamming right and it's not really scamming us it's stealing intellectual property putting it on iptvs right and he made about 50 million dollars of that right allegedly right 50 million dollars of creating like an application which he didn't create the application that was another thing too every time he said i created an application so i got interested in that even more i'm like yo this guy oh he's a developer man i'm super proud of him another dominican puerto rican dude right i want to support him right and i'm watching because i one i want to learn and two because i'm interested since he says he created an application this to hire some some other dude to create an application a simple [ __ ] application take all the iptv channels right put it into a service resell it and then basically it's like hey you get hbo you get all the free channels okay and people are paying like ten dollars a month for for this service sometimes they even paying 100 a month or even more right um for the whole thing and i'm in there like yo i mean they're like yo um this is crazy right so when you find out like the fbi got him he going through a whole big case a whole bunch of [ __ ] and i'm like yo this [ __ ] is crazy like you go and follow one of these people because you want to learn from them but then at the end they never teach you anything they never show you how to do it they just say work hard that's [ __ ] if you follow anybody even clubhouse like that's why i don't i stop going to clubhouse i realize i'm like this is the same [ __ ] that people do on youtube this is the same [ __ ] that people do on instagram this is the same [ __ ] people do on twitter none of these people teach you anything everybody comes in and says hey work hard but what's working hard how did you get there show me the step what did you do who was your connect whether you got it for cheap where was the place you got it for cheap show me don't just tell me work hard put a store make some money it doesn't work like that right that's useless for most people especially when you're coming from the bottom you're gonna say like show me so i could do it but yeah man clubhouse is a waste of time i would say don't go in there that's just nature's it's really a waste of time it is one of the worst apps that i've seen it's ugly as hell that's number one and two it's just you're wasting mad time listening to random people that don't give you any information or teach you anything or talk any interesting topics um but yeah man let's go into any questions you guys want to talk about let's get into it we here for that um yeah for sure for sure for sure uh broad trip is like i thought i was going to come in here and talk node.js am i in the right stream guys this is a live stream we talk about everything man okay if you don't like it this is not the place for you man you know what i mean uh let me see let's go it gives 20 years and give it 20 years job will go to the jungle to lose the shaman drug ratios then come back and be the guru john jos vellema i don't know what your name mean um whatever you say i don't know what you're talking about um let me see what else what else what else what else let's talk about it you know one thing that i'm super excited about talking about javascript guys is actually looking at uh es build so i'm gonna be adding like a a course for it for anybody that's interested um on my website i don't know if maybe i just put it to the monthly subscription for anybody that that wants to work with this but it's actually pretty cool so you guys all have heard of webpack parcel roll up right you can actually go and use es build and and basically like transpile or compile all of your your javascript with es build and it's super fast right what takes parcel 118 seconds to do right or what it takes on webpack 41 seconds to do es build can get it done in 0.37 seconds so basically instantly okay pretty much so it's actually a pretty cool thing um this is one of the things that i'm excited about right now as far as like 2021 this type of tools that at the same time too it's only when you look at the documentation and how how it actually works it's just javascript it's just simple javascript um and you could just connect your your react applications and let's say in here right all you have to do is basically say import your your button whatever it is you have a jsx file okay then from there through the terminal you will do something like this es build app.js that's bundle loader and then you pass in the name of the loader so dot js equals to jsx and then from there you're good to go you're good to go and it bundles up your your application super fast okay so this is actually pretty damn cool there's another one called vite that is also pretty fast it gives you a lot of cool cool things for your applications that you don't have to build yourself it's like the web developer starter kit right you know it's like the web developer starter kit and and basically you can connect a whole bunch of different applications of vanilla js or vjs react pre-act uh elements this is for polymer um yeah and and this will actually speed up your process and i'll tell you why because at the end of the day like i hated using webpack even to this day i still hate using webpack um does it do sas too some of them do um i can't remember let me see if they have a search uh see vites improves resolving size so vi i guess vike does have it okay so css pre-processors but es build i don't think so i don't think that it has it yet because right now it's a brand new you know brand new technology like they haven't really got any uh hashed out but at the same time it's like if you're only doing using it for for your components and like creating an application like me personally i don't use sas through my javascript right meaning like i don't go in and import my sas through my javascript unless i'm using next gs what i like to do is i like to set up like my own personal uh my own personal [ __ ] starter kit meaning like i go in i might run up some gulp i have my own task that i want to do i set up my uh commands for mpm right and then that's it i'm good to go some people they like to have everything through webpack that [ __ ] is a mess every time that i've done that i'm like why do people and and this is one of the reasons why i say the quote-unquote best practices is [ __ ] right it's straight up [ __ ] because if your workflow it's not like that right like i see people that come in and and they do like no js or they do react applications and a lot of them use everything through webpack and it's like webpack is not that good like you have to go in there and spend mad time trying to tweak what pack and having how you want to run right but there's tools already out there like vite there's es build there's freaking gulp you can still use gulp right a lot of companies uses use gulp there's companies that still use grunt right um so in reality it's like you don't have to go and use exactly what everybody says online like oh this is best practices this is what you need to be doing it's like no you don't because most companies go and build their own thing from scratch uh let's see what it says here uh hey joe do you need to master javascript before moving to react you don't need to master anything you're only going to be able to master javascript once you have years and years and years of experience and usually you're only going to master it if you only focusing on that like there's guys that they don't do no java they don't do php they don't do c sharp they don't do ruby they don't do crystal like they don't do any of those they only focus on javascript so those guys they definitely mastered it more than guys that have to do a whole bunch of different languages um but that also takes years like it just takes time it's not something that you could just do from one day to another now to become a react developer all you have to do to know is like understand the basics of javascript know how to use es6 and some of the latest features in react right now react javascript and then from there once you do that then you need to understand how to actually work with arrays get comfortable with working with arrays also to get comfortable with working with objects and then from there you're good to go that's it if you know javascript the basics of it functions classes right methods you're good you could jump to react uh let me see i don't know what gold question you're talking about could you repost it again because i don't i can't find it bro let me see i learned react before i learned javascript because my first web dev book was a react book uh david e says it seems like a lot of react jobs have algorithm type interviews well it depends on where you're going okay it all depends on where you're going what type of companies you're applying to i told you guys there's the fortune 500 right fortune 500 has 500 companies that's what's called fortune 500 right you go here right so this is the full list okay there's a whole bunch of companies that you guys can apply to now of course if you go to maybe walmart you go to apple you go to uh let's say not a tnt i heard atnc is pretty easy um but you go in here you go to google you go to most of these companies are here right alphabet right uh let's see the walgreens right verizon a lot of those companies they will ask you for algorithm questions right but the reason that is is because yes you're getting higher as a front-end developer but when you work at most of these companies especially fang they're looking for somebody who is an overall engineer that knows react right so they're going to test you as if you're going to at some point maybe do some software at some point do some better applications at some point uh maybe do some mobile applications even though they're probably never gonna have you doing that but they test you as if you know you're gonna do that okay but again if you go right now let's say to indeed.com and search react js okay and let's say this this company uh full stack php developer super duper publications do you think that super duper publications is going to ask you for algorithm questions no they're not right and this is where people get this messed up that they think that there's only those big companies like those big companies are great right but at the same time you got to understand so many people apply to them they have to make it hard right they have to because how they're going to go in and and filter out the the very best of everybody right they have to make it hard but there's a whole bunch of companies out here that will hire you without that look supplyhouse.com this is in melville new york okay this is melville new york um this is where i used to live in long island okay now do you think this website here right this company here they're going to be asking about algorithm questions no no they're not they're going to be actually going in and asking for what type of projects you have what type of work have you done before who have you worked for that's what they care about right they don't have the time to go in there and be like well we're just gonna wait it out until we get the very best of the world or we're gonna pay a guy who might have graduated from uh ivy league school but doesn't know how to build anything but he could pass the algorithm question like this companies are not hiring based on that they're hiring based on the things that they need to get done a lot of the major companies that is in like maybe the top 20 top 25 uh fortune 500 companies they have the money to just chill way until the the very best people come their way and they're gonna make it hard for everybody to go in and and basically you know give them those opportunities okay uh zm says sometimes small business asks algorithm question because they heard they that's how you hire developers and they're trying to copy google yes but that's when you go in and you explain to them this doesn't reflect the work that we're gonna do and that's that's the beauty of it right like me personally like if i started today in 2021 it's not that i'm going with an attitude it's not that i'm going in with with a chip on my shoulder is that i'm going to be vocal when you go to this interviews and you go into the interview and you think well the interview is a one-way street meaning their way only that doesn't work right you can clearly say listen man this is not what i do right you're hired for a front-end developer you see the projects that i've done this is what i can do for you okay and be honest be like hey man i don't spend my time on algorithms right there's people that can do that and can't do the job that i can do right that's what i will say straight up i don't have time to sit down and study on algorithms i'm not gonna go and spend a month not even two weeks i'm [ __ ] brushing up on all my algorithms i'm not gonna do it right i'm not gonna do it and that's what i will say for any of you guys there's a whole bunch of companies that they're not gonna make you do all of that [ __ ] now if you wanna go in and you wanna play that game of competing with everybody who [ __ ] doesn't have [ __ ] to do and it's just like well i'll study my algorithms spend three months six months a year [ __ ] you could play that game me personally i'm not signing up for it i'm gonna tell them hey this is what i can do this is my my track history this is what i've done there's the projects that i've done this is the features that i've added to it all of these things is exactly what you need on your company and then from there you break down you look at a website like this there's a million things here that's wrong right then you could say you know what why is this page loading up every single time that we go to click on up a product we can go and build this with react right like right now they're using jquery uh what the hell is slick moment jazz which is just a like a a time uh library but again they're using java and genetics etc right like you could come in here and break it down for them and tell them hey man this is the things that's wrong with your website this is how we can improve it right now this is how you look at your website and we look at your performance let's click on lighthouse like you have time to do all of these things people come into interviews and just leave it to the interviewer to do whatever the hell they want with you nah you go in there you take over the interview you put in all the things that you know all the things that you can do for them you can improve on their website you show them your history right the projects that you've done the features that you've created how good you are with react all of the things right there's so much [ __ ] you could fix on this website just on that that's a conversation piece and this is the thing when people go into interviews they just let the person just walk all over them be like hey this isn't that like nah you could stop it you there's questions that you don't have to answer there's topics that you don't need to get into because now you're wasting your time and you're wasting the time of the other person you go in and you tell them hey this is what i can do this is what i've done this is what i'm good for if you want to test me on something that i didn't study for right now like right now if you be like yo i'm not good with algorithms you could easily say that to somebody i've had people when i was interviewing them and they they told me straight up it's like hey man listen this is my work history this is what i've done i'm not good with algorithms i haven't brushed over like i had guys that were like you know developers with computer science degrees that work for companies for eight years and then now they're jumping into the job market trying to get a job right and they just haven't had time to go in and look at brushing up on on the [ __ ] algorithms questions and this and that why am i gonna ask him that if he's gonna fail all of them show me what you can do you get what i'm saying that's what's going to happen but people go into interviews so nervous and so scared and so like oh my god thank you for this opportunity [ __ ] opportunity you take the opportunity they're not giving it to you you take it then just showing up and then now you got to take that opportunity you know because the worst thing that you can do is just stand there and be like well i'm gonna spend two hours trying to solve this album this shit's gonna come out wrong you know it i know it don't waste my time right i'm the interviewer you know you don't know this [ __ ] tell me ahead of time i don't know this this is not what i study for this is not what i did this is not what i work for right if you want me to show you the applications that i've done like you easily save them the headache and that person is actually going to appreciate that even more now of course if you have a goal and you say well i want to go to bloomberg i want to work at bloomberg or i want to work at you know again google facebook whatever company right or you want to say i want to work at exxon mobil right one of the top companies in the world you know damn well that everybody in not just in the united states but everybody in the world is applying to that same job so what makes you think that you can go in there and not be able to compete with those guys the best of the best of the whole world you're gonna have to compete you're gonna have to go in there come in with experience you're gonna have to go in there do the algorithms there's no way around it this is [ __ ] that you signed up for but do you have to go that route hell no because i just broke it down the other day right on i'll give you guys an example right so this is right here this is google right this is how much people think guys be making half a million dollars a million dollars nobody does that bro unless you bring in the game for mad years right you hear guys that are like tech lead uh technic comes in and says hey i was earning half a million dollars at facebook half a million dollars at google tech leader is not a beginner tegli is a dude that came into the game with applications that was making him money he had a a degree he's coming in with actual business knowledge like this is not a beginner you he doesn't come in and start at this number right and not even that this is the number that people start at but people forget that people think like oh i got a whole package of 100 you got 129 000. shut up don't tell me about i joe i got 200 no you don't you got 129 000 that's what you get paid you get nine thousand dollars in stock you get a ten thousand dollars on a relocation [ __ ] package you get a twenty thousand dollars in bonus right you got a hundred and twenty nine thousand dollars for your job that's your salary that's where you start off right you can easily do that right now just show you this company thesuplyhouse.com right you're pretty much making the same amount of money that a guy's making at google they're not gonna actually for no algorithms they're not gonna go and give you a [ __ ] headache right there's a small business and this small business is willing to give you 120 140. and then on top of that this is why i tell you guys do what i've been doing for years you know why some guys they get impressed by this and say i have to go to google i have to go to facebook i have to go to a fang they can't do anything else they know how to code they know how to program but they can't do anything else since i came to the game i knew that i don't i don't want to be like those guys i don't want to be in that that that range because that limits me and i have to depend on somebody to give me a check right what happens if you're sick what happens if you're you're tired you don't want to go to to work that day right there when you're working directly for for a company any company doesn't matter small big or huge whatever the hell you want to call enterprise whatever right you are an employee right and you are depending on their income to survive the moment something happens the economy goes down they lose a shipment uh they created a product invested a whole bunch of money the product didn't sell guess what happens you're spendable anybody can kick you out anybody can leave take you out of the company and say well sorry buddy thank you for your five years now you got a kid you got a mortgage you got a whole bunch of [ __ ] and now you have to go in and now start looking for a new job at any moment that could happen so i know that right i know that come from the real world i know that [ __ ] happens i've worked at warehouses and i'm like yo i'm about to buy myself a car and the day that i'm about to buy a car right somebody calls me up from the warehouse and says hey man uh listen uh you know things are going bad uh we don't need your services no more so now i can't even get my car because that's how i was going to be able to pay for my car right [ __ ] like that happens every day b every day that [ __ ] happens don't think just because you're working at these companies that doesn't happen now that happens every day b you come in you make the wrong joke you say somebody said oh on the office um how big do you want it and somebody comes in how big do you want the coffee somebody says um i i want an extra large and you jokingly just jokingly you're just a young kid right a little immature that's what she said that's it you're fire sexual harassment get the [ __ ] out of here you're cancelled just jokingly just be like oh somebody say hey uh what coffee do you want joe uh i want um let me get i don't know strawberry colada uh little cindy comes in and says um can i get an extra extra large uh coffee and the guy goes like uh mocha or frappuccino just give me extra large and you jokingly just say that's what she said sexual harassment you're out of there you're getting kicked out you're fired any little [ __ ] like that right so you're depending on that check you could just get fire at any moment so i knew that from the beginning i'm like yo i don't i don't like that i don't like my destiny in somebody else's hands right so for me what i did was i said you know what i'm gonna learn skills that i can use on my own to make the extra money that i need right so when people come in and flex i got 200 000 i was already making that [ __ ] years for years already right when i was working for eighty thousand dollars ninety thousand dollars at companies companies that i enjoy working for that i might do a contract six months eighty thousand dollars six months i might go into another company do a whole year i get like 98 000 right another guy might say on the incident oh i'm flexing i got 180 000 from google that's cool but i worked on some real projects that i really enjoy in languages that i really enjoyed and then on top of that i have other ways that i make income so if i'm making 50 years 60 there right and then 90 here i'm gucci i make more than a google employee i don't need no benefits package i don't need no extra bonus i make my own bonus you know what i'm saying and that's the type of mentality i try to preach to you guys it's like yo bro sometimes you look at these things and you're like yo i gotta go through these companies bro if if you're finding your your like difficulty to to get into those companies or you're finding yourself that i i'm not happy with the the structure of the interviews or i'm wasting my time bro there's a million ways for you to be good like there's a million ways for you to be good you know what i'm saying touch your hand by passing the coffee your finger touched this area right here your pinky touched this area and just went like this by mistake sorry um uh inappropriate inappropriate touching on the office you're fired you're gone that's it that's all it takes then from there you go in and you're working you take 10 years to get there now you're like manager or tech lead or project manager or some [ __ ] like that and some random random new developer says you screamed at them because they didn't do their job properly or you're you're making a hostile environment you're fired or you was in the the printing room printing some [ __ ] some chick came in next thing you know you're there it could be any situation she don't like you it could be whatever the hell could be the situations that are real but there's a lot a lot of also to situations where they're not real where somebody could just easily say hey he sexually harassed me in the printing room you're out of there you spent 10 years working hard to get to that higher position that's a you went to a a a a [ __ ] party right there's a million i could name a million situations where [ __ ] could go wrong in corporate you're in a uh in an office party right everybody drinking everybody good uh you know cindy y'all made out now y'all made out somewhere after the bar everybody's lit right cause people get drunk one thing that people don't even talk about is that most relationships that like a lot of people that that got married like over the couple of years like where do people find each other right before before the internet before tinder before this [ __ ] people find each other on bars people find each other at work even though it's not normal you're not supposed to date anybody at work but people meet each other at work right because you're in a closed space and y'all meet each sparks just fly right now you went in in a bar office party office christmas party right the christmas office party whatever you want to call it right yeah in there next thing you know yeah look at each other just start making out the next day she regretted because she got a boyfriend her boy one of the co-workers is her friend her boyfriend's friend texas hey look what cindy's doing here now instead of saying hey we made our that's what it is nah he was my boss he was my lead he was like any situation and this goes both ways for guys and girls a guy could do this too there's dudes that do the [ __ ] like this too she was my my my superior she was my superior and and i didn't want to say no to her to give her a kiss hr comes in this is a lawsuit waiting to happen little cindy comes in little billy comes in next thing you know uh little tiffany comes in and says yes i saw them kissing it's a wrap career's over that's it so all this [ __ ] here don't mean nothing if you didn't prepare yourself to survive without it right so this is just facts this is just me telling you guys the facts there's a million situations that [ __ ] could go wrong in an office in any job any business i remember there was this kid this this young chinese kid this is a true story he got fired because he was young he was like he just straight out of college right straight out of college he's like 20 20 years old you know one of those people that they they took like ap classes like he was super smart he took ap classes um in school and then uh you know in high school and then by the time he gets to college he only got two years left to graduate do graduate by 20 years old perfect that's the perfect student this dude is in the office i wasn't there that day because if i was there i would have told him yo bro you got to chill so there was a presentation that uh they were showing something right it's something that was funny whatever it was and he said oh that's what she said like just jokingly just him one of the girls from marketing uh two designers and the other developers there somebody in that group went to hr reported that the kid got fired by the time i come back on monday it's like yo you know what happened to gary i'm like what happened to gary he wasn't inappropriate this isn't that they got him they got him about it dude was nice very nice developer he said one joke he said that's what she said some [ __ ] that you will say just normally just like you're a bunch of friends this is why i tell you guys when you when you're working at any company stop thinking that you're amongst friends you're not you're amongst snakes and co-workers okay there's co-workers who are there to try to get your spot or make themselves look better and they will do anything to get those extra kudos right because when you go and snitch on somebody when you go in and say oh uh lil cindy came in late today oh little billy take a extra 15 minutes on his lunch break oh uh lo johnny starts packing up his his uh his um his bag by uh 4 59. it's not five o'clock yet right so they don't want you to do to to start packing up or doing anything it's 4 59 already by 4 59 little billy already packed up these people are snakes they're snakes everywhere so if you're thinking that you're amongst friends and you're going to crack a joke you're like hey man that's what she said or you'd be like hey man damn you seen the marketing girl she look good bro you're not amongst friends you you don't notice people you don't notice people don't share any type of information don't go in there get comfortable don't even show your personality when i go to work at any company my name is not joe my name is joe lewis joe lewis comes in does his work speak so proper got that extra white accent i got the extra white accent my [ __ ] you could call me dwight you know what i mean that's how you could call me dwight when you see me at the office i don't talk how i'm talking to you guys you think i talk like this joe lewis is in the office that's not me i don't show my personality i don't show oh i don't show who i am i don't crack no jokes i'm there vanilla like yo my [ __ ] straight vanilla like i don't even got no flavor i'm not there to show no flavor not that this i'm obama when i'm in there call me joe joe obama you you gonna say you're talking your white accent for the next five minutes i'm not listen i need a bag for that you only gonna you only gotta get that four bag bro yo you ain't you only gonna get joe lewis for back bro yeah i'm not in there showing my person i'm not there cracking jokes i'm there doing my work i'm i'm doing my work and i'm trying to get the hell out of there every day you go into office you got a feeling of like yo i'm trying to survive it's like so they straight up you go in there you know that's why when people be like oh i love my job i'm like i don't know where you guys worked at like this will be popping up on twitter i love going to work every day i don't know where you work at you need to send me that number cause every time that i've ever worked anywhere i feel uncomfortable i'm like yo damn i gotta be something i'm not i gotta act a whole different way i gotta [ __ ] i can't say anything i can't joke i can't like i'm a very like jokey type of dude like i'm there just like you know what i'm saying like i'm there like like my personality is to make sure that you're comfortable when you're having fun that's how my personality is like y'all see how i am here right so imagine live when you in here with me in a spot it's lit right but when you at work it's joe obama joe lewis bomber [Laughter] i'm dwight in there bro you know what i mean like i'm straight up like yo you don't even know where i'm from i remember one time yo i remember one time one dude asked me yo are you portuguese another girl asked me are you italian like i'm so like i'm so out there bro like you wouldn't even know i'm dominican late yo straight up but it's the truth that's why i tell you guys don't get too comfortable and that's what i'm saying like you look at these things as salaries and you're like man i got to work so hard to get to this no you don't you could get that [ __ ] right here this website what you you you want to get kudos you want to be that guy ex google developer x technically like [ __ ] that you don't need that what you need is your bag you need your money and you need to survive and take care of your family that's it you don't need a a company on your resume so you could be like i'm validating nah and that's one one video that i'm gonna do maybe today or tomorrow where i was looking at tech riley's videos where he talked about youtube um that he almost quit he feels like quitting youtube right and a lot of his uh like his video a lot of things made me feel and remind reminded me of something that i was going through in 2018 when i came to youtube right and literally right in 2018 i went to a process where i was like man i'm doing youtube i'm doing all this stuff i'm not growing as fast as i should um maybe i should go to one of these this company this fan companies and i did the interview did a whole bunch of things i was like literally on the last on the last um thing on the last uh interview right did the phone interview the uh freaking online tests the algorithms uh we did it through how you could share through not zoom what was the [ __ ] that was before zoom um damn what's the name was the messaging app that was before zoom so there's a there's zoom there's google hangouts um skype through skype yeah so do the whole [ __ ] through skype now they're about to fly me up to san francisco right and i thought about it and i'm like i thought about it i was like yo why am i doing this right and i asked myself i don't need to work for this company they're not offering me anything that i'll i don't already have the only thing that they're offering me is the fact that i got the same check on friday that's it that's the only thing it's a guarantee that i get on friday right every two weeks that was the only thing that that was actually going in and and providing for me so when i'm about to go and do this thing and i'm like yo why am i doing this i asked myself that and it was really because i started feeling the pressure i started feeling the pressure of you know random youtube uh comments right it's like oh you can't make at this company you can't do this and that oh you can't get a job for this oh this isn't like i started feeling a little pressure even me with like six seven years of experience in the game at the time i was feeling the pressure of like i need to maybe validate myself in and go work at fang and show to the people that i can work at fang and i'm like i thought about it i was like i don't need to go to this [ __ ] i don't want to move to san francisco and the other offices that they had was like you know in in toronto and also to in new york city and i'm like i'm not planning on moving to any other [ __ ] i like it where i'm at here in connecticut at the time right and i was like yo i'm not moving over there i enjoy my freedom i enjoy everything that i have but sometimes like i'm saying i'm telling you guys this story because sometimes people go in and they let other people put pressure on you and and put [ __ ] on your mind like oh you should do this you should do that or you're not a good developer if you don't work here or you like you don't need none of that [ __ ] like straight up like you don't need any of that like if if a company pays you the exact same thing somewhere else and a lot of these companies they'll have you doing less work than in a bigger company in a bigger company you got map projects map pressure you you know that's why you see dudes that they go in there mad young and come out oh all wrinkled up looking like freaking raisins like they stressed out they got so much work and so much pressure on them to create this apps and create this other things and it's like yo do you really want to have that or you could just say hey man i'm working at a local company they sell freaking auto parts or sell uh gas pipes boiler parts whatever the hell they sell i'm making the exact same money i clack out at five o'clock i go home i know everybody in the office right i go home relax come back on on monday and do the same thing again every single day you come home and you work on your own side projects you get to work on whatever the hell you want you wanted to be node.js developer you could build a million node.js applications in your house you wanted to freaking uh they're using java [ __ ] you learn java because they're using java but you could build whatever you want on your own time and you're getting paid the same amount of money and you're still living good you know so it's like sometimes you put this pressures on on yourself from other people that you don't need like who told you that you have to go to fang who told you that you have to go to any of this [ __ ] to make as much money as them or to live a quality life you don't there's guys right now that are working at companies making you know eighty thousand dollars that are way happier than a guy that's making 123 000 because this is the [ __ ] that nobody tells you and this is one of the things that i hate the most every time that somebody comes in and be like oh i worked at this company this this and that like please stop bullshitting people bro people come in and be like oh i'm making this much and this much you're only making 146 000. there's a whole bunch of guys making the same time of money what that didn't get a bonus or 29 000 bonus who cares that's a one-time thing they don't get a bonus every year or every six months these guys are not getting a bonus every freaking week that happens only once when you come in exactly tyler brandon is in here shout out to tyler he could go and talk about this like he's making the same amount of money as a lot of guys that's on google and and you think like oh my god this is so great this is the [ __ ] that nobody talks about because they give you the whole package they'll be like it's a 189 000 package you got 129 stop [ __ ] please and then you got a little [ __ ] stock and then from there you got a [ __ ] bonus most people could get that little [ __ ] fifty sixty thousand dollars that's right here those people could get that [ __ ] on their own they don't need google to come and give it to them you're gonna say so it's like when you're putting that pressure on yourself you're like yo you need that you know who i like i like netflix and the reason i like netflix is because they pay a lot like they don't play no games you see like you go to you go to google you got to get you got to start at the bottom l3 l4 l5 else six right you start going up you got to go in through the levels google fellow i don't want to be a google fellow just give me the top right salary 480. that's what we're talking about i don't want to hear no [ __ ] stats i don't want to hear no [ __ ] bonus give me the bag i'll get the stock when i want to get it you know what i'm saying so again and you start looking at this this is real numbers this is this is [ __ ] that impresses me when people come in i work at google so we make that [ __ ] we make google money without working at google talk to me about netflix you know what i mean like and i'm really like contemplating like once i finish like setting everything up with my agency and i get it up and running i would love to do like one year one year two years on on netflix just for the hell of it because i like netflix's service and i also really like um the people that work there i have a lot of connects in netflix right so it's not bad man and and they pay you for real they're not there like yo we're going to give you bonus on this and uh package on that nah they give you the bag give me the bag i'll decide what i want to do with my own money don't give me no [ __ ] don't give me the [ __ ] bro what is the site called it's called levels that fyi then you got companies like this you see when people come in but oh you you only got to work at at this company's here right this fan companies but then it's like yo bro there's a whole bunch of them that you know like you go in here it's the facebook top employee three million dollars but to get to that level you're not the average dude like like you're not the average dude bro you're not just popping up like hey man can i get higher no it's like it's a dude that has 10 years plus working within google and if it's not working within google is because they worked at a company that google acquired or facebook acquired you know when people be like oh i'm getting paid three million dollars i could get paid three million dollars no you're not going to get to that level straight up like you're not going to get to that level because most of those people that make that type of money they already have a business that was making them money and then google buys their company acquires them and then now the person who was the owner now works for google or whoever was the ceo or whoever was the the head of the engineering team there now he works for google overseeing that company that they bought so yeah they'll pay you a top dollar but the average dude that starts at the bottom he's not making three million dollars like people be [ __ ] like yo straight up yeah exactly david sorry but that's dumb if you wanted to stock you could just buy it with cash no one would prefer to get paid with stocks yeah it doesn't make sense yeah netflix gives the bag bro and even like right now but the problem with netflix is that netflix i mean i won't say that is a problem with them but because i don't want to talk [ __ ] about netflix i got a lot of people that work in there that i know so direct contact for me so i don't i don't want to say something that i could regret in the future so netflix is amazing okay um but let's see the problem that i see with netflix is that they don't hire all the time like engineers like they hire people but not every single time they'll build to build our clients javascript typescript react uh to build service javascript graphql okay okay hyper growth within our studio netflix animation studios so basically to work with this is like in-house tools man this is cool man see like they they work on [ __ ] that i would want to work on like i enjoy working you know for viacom because i enjoy working like for you know the vh1's the you know the mtvs you know things like that like i like working with video and like working on applications that use video um platforms and things like that so i will i know i will enjoy working over there but let's see senior software engineer okay senior level sean jbm programming skills java kotlin groovy okay so this is like more this is for the back end because uh for those of you guys that don't know netflix is built with like java like most of the whole infrastructure and then they use react for the front end for like the things that you see on the applications and the websites and then everything else that that has to do with like the main web servers and and things like that they use node.js and then for in-house tools they use like ruby on rails like they use a whole bunch of [ __ ] let me see senior full stack engineer revenue growth okay uh create simple intuitive web designs senior full stack engineer for five plus years okay react uh angular amber that's another thing too that they use they use ember on netflix strong java experience ability to ramp up in java quickly building arrests for apis so yeah the only company that i would work for as far as fang is is really netflix like they give you the back you know joe you're looking for at least a 3000 software engineer anytime soon depreciation asset well they're printing the hell out of the dollar appreciation asset whatever i guess just me knows most common sense that zain says well zain the thing is that i'll give you an example like i give you a very good example let's say i'd rather get 400 000 cash right after taxes that's about let's say 240 000 around there depending where you live that's 240 000. now when you get paid this money right you could go and take that bread that you have and buy whatever stock you want because let's be honest let's say you're working at google google stocks don't go up every day so if they give you fifty thousand dollars you could be there for let's say you start let's do this [ __ ] right because sometimes people say dumb [ __ ] as if they smart like they're like oh my blue eye white dragon instead of they saying something smart it's like bro no you're not okay so let's say we come in here and let's say google stock right now let's say this person bought stock and let's say went into work right started working in let's say five years they have five years at google right they bought the stock at 735 000 right 735 000 right they gave them some stocks at that price and they gave them 50 thousand so then now it's up to two thousand in five years right let's say that's about what it's like 100 let's say just to keep it simple 200 increase right so basically they got their money and made two times as much as that added to it okay so let's say they started with 30 000 forty thousand dollars now multiply that [ __ ] by three you're talking about what twelve hundred right let's say four forty thousand dollars multiplied by three a hundred and twenty thousand dollars right so that's not bad okay but what if that same individual instead of going to google would have went to netflix got cash and then he said you know what let me put in a hundred thousand on tesla or a hundred thousand on anything that's out there right we come in right because it's your money you could choose from what you want to put it on right and we're talking about same same time right five years right that's a bigger jump bro that's a way bigger jump you're gonna make way more money if you go in you you go and buy fifty thousand dollars in stocks at fifty dollars right and then now you got into a point where it was 800 and even now where is low it's at 600 that's still a lot you're basically that same 50 000 you you basically made about let's say 100 200 300. let's see this is a lot bro we talking about like you for fifty thousand dollars you probably made six hundred thousand dollars back in total or more let's just say six hundred thousand dollars back way more than you getting just a stock from a company you're gonna say like i don't know i'd rather have the cash let me worry about that i could go and take that cash and put a restaurant put up another type business i could go buy three different properties put airbnb and i already made way more money than i would have made just getting it by using the google stock you're gonna say like i don't know that's just me that's just me that that's how i look at it you know what i'm saying no but we're talking about we're not talking about you're talking about two different things if you would rather get something that is depreciating yes i understand that but what we're talking about we're not talking about that [ __ ] we're talking about what would you rather have you have to cash in your hand right that you could do whatever you want with it and then not only that that you have a 400 let's say you got 400 000 you could do 401k max that [ __ ] out let's say you max it out you take like a hundred thousand dollars max it out right then from there you have another three hundred thousand dollars that's left now you're getting taxed on that so then now you still have about eighty a hundred ninety thousand dollars left for you to survive you need like about a hundred thousand the other eighty ninety thousand you could literally take that money and invest it into whatever stock you wanted to invest into instead of being limited to that little [ __ ] twenty thirty thousand dollars of a company like google i i'd rather go in and imagine if it was a but like now it's just it's a pepsi kid jose i love joe he cracks open the butt like it's just a pepsi kid pepsi owes me a bag for even giving them promotion um but i don't know right everybody has their own uh opinions on how to do things me personally i want the cash because cash is king i could do a lot with it right i'd rather just give me the cash now of course if if the world was about to end right if the dollar is depreciating that much we got bigger problems than me talking about google and facebook and and what's appreciating what's not appreciated if the dollar freaking depreciates we got way bigger problems than that bro like people's gonna be running around you know it's gonna be like the walking dead out here like that's how crazy is gonna be because the whole world is going under joe a lot of this company want experience but how do you get experience with nobody hiring very simple you got to put in the work okay and that's it i'm out of here magic [ __ ] move that's why people just come in and be like hey that's it just work hard okay you'll get there now i'm gonna give you a good example you could either do an internship right you acquire the go in and work at a company that will pay you less okay a lot of people they they talk bad about those companies that come in and be like well i'm only paying uh ten dollars an hour or fifteen thousand an hour let's say fifteen twenty dollars an hour some guys they look bad on them like oh my god they're taking it advantage of them but the truth is that if you don't have experience and nobody trusts you those are the only companies that are gonna give you an opportunity and you could go to one of those companies work different a month two months and continue applying to jobs and then now you got a stamp that shows hey i got hire as a developer give me an opportunity at a higher range and people will hire you because now they know they didn't have to take the risk yep said ali said pretty much the hammer mentality versus the nail mentality you know and also too like a lot of times it's situations where people people how can i say this like people don't want to have to choose right like one of the reasons why most people don't want to go and build their own um their own how can i say this their own companies right is is basically hold on i don't like i'm about to stop like buying tesla stocks bro like i'm really like i don't like the fact that elon musk just has so much control like he just comes in and and and like drops [ __ ] and like the stocks drop i can't stand that but yeah going back to what i was saying like people people just don't want to have that that have to have that choice of like i got choices some people they just want to have one thing and just be like hey you got a job you come in here nine to five and you don't have to worry about nothing let us worry about let us worry about paying taxes let's just worry about setting your your 401k like right now i'm selling myself a 401k right so i use a company called adp right and i haven't done this i was supposed to do it like two three years ago but i was lazy i'm lazy myself too guys okay because this is a whole process that you got to go through um but this company they basically set up a 401ks for you so this is the thing i'm hiring my wife to help me out with certain things on my company so let's say for example i'm making i don't know half a million dollars or more right we're not even giving the exact numbers no more but let's say i'm making half a million dollars or more i can now hire my wife right give her some tasks that she could help me out um and pay her let's say 100 150 000 or more right now i could go in and set up a 401k and basically my company goes in and and basically pays for or matches her 401k so instead of me having to pay all this [ __ ] in taxes now we just put everything through the 401k the company doesn't have to pay that much taxes on on the income that stays within the company because now you're you're basically investing it now into your employees my wife is my employee right now she has her 401k my company matches her 401k okay now i have my own 401k i go and match my own 401k you're gonna say it's like this is this is a lot of [ __ ] right um that i'm doing this year but i should have done this before but what i'm saying with this is like yo there's so many different things that most people don't want to do this like the amount of paperwork that i have to do the amount of things in conversations i got to talk to these people like right now after i do this live stream i got to spend an hour and a half at three o'clock talking to these people setting everything up or going through the all the paperwork then i gotta set my my wife through through the payroll set up all of these things right i'm not i'm not a financial advisor don't listen to me right i'm just a dude that knows what he's doing on his own for himself right but you know people are lazy people don't want to do this thing you think you want to be on the phone for an hour and a half setting up a 401k you think you want to be setting up your taxes you think you want to be talking to an accountant most people don't want to do this [ __ ] so if somebody could tell you hey man you could make 500 000 but all you have to do is you're gonna have to go in and run this thing yourself right set up a company set up all of these things do it yourself basically right or you want to get a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and you just work for me i'll do that for you what do you think people's gonna do what do you think majority of people will do sorry brandon yeah you live in a really bad area but you got to go outside of your area just because you live in eugene oregon you got to go out of your way you know most now that's the thing you would think that people will go and work for you for you know for themselves but they will go in and just work for for somebody else because it's easier you don't have to go through all this [ __ ] like i got to go in and keep it in in touch with what's going on with the legislators like you know there's [ __ ] that i don't want to know about but i have to know about like here in florida they're trying to do uh there's no state tax right but some legislators they're trying to pass some new taxes on on people who have offices on their homes right but the tax might be even higher than like let's say somebody who like if i go and rent the office so now me as a business owner i gotta keep my eyes to the street my eyes and my ears to the street of what's happening by the legislators and and all this [ __ ] clowns is trying to do [ __ ] and [ __ ] up the economy right so now i have to go and swindle myself in and find another route because i'm not giving you my taxes you guys i'm not paying you for for no reason so instead of me going in be like oh i'm gonna keep my my home office i'm gonna just say [ __ ] you i'm gonna go get me your office now and you still don't get my money you got what i'm saying but when you're business owners this is the [ __ ] that you have to go through most people don't want to have to deal with this [ __ ] most people don't want to have a subscription to to forbes most people don't want to be reading business insider most people don't want to go through this [ __ ] as a business owner this is what i have to go through i have to do most people just want to go in and drink their little beer and relax and and smoke a blunt outside on the weekend right maybe do a little barbecue chill with their kids play football they don't want to deal with this type of [ __ ] but this is why the guys that are actually willing to do this that's why they get paid you know people be like i saw the other day um i think on dj academics comment section somebody i think academics have posted something about uh joe biden trying to raise taxes on people that earn more than four hundred thousand right like well and some do say on the comment section well i don't own i don't earn no four hundred thousand so that has nothing to do with me tax tax them all and i'm thinking about him like yo you don't f you don't understand this the people that give you a job you you don't understand that when they do decisions like that and and like they raise you know minimum wage to a crazy prices right and i think 15 15 is it should be the minimum rate uh minimum wage but at the same time you got to look at the level of of employer because if you own like a little bodega and you just you hire a guy for ten dollars you barely making it you got a pizzeria you're barely making it and some dude comes in and says well sorry we're gonna you gotta pay everybody fifteen dollars or twenty dollars an hour and that dude is like yo i don't even make twenty dollars the owners of the owner of the restaurant the owner of the pizzeria is like yo i don't even make twenty dollars an hour right and people think just because you see a storefront or you see a list people don't make no money bro like there's people that's just getting by it all depends on on the business that you're in so that average person comes in and be like well tax them all and what people understand is like now they're either gonna raise the prices on on on the customers or they're gonna have to let go a whole bunch of other people and then the people that's working there they're gonna get freaking exploited because now they're like yo i had to let go of three guys but but boss there's only two of us for a a five-man team sorry guys everybody i had to go in and you know let everybody go i can't pay 15 an hour right now i can't pay 20 an hour bulls but to make the pizza we need five guys one guy making the the masa one guy getting the cheese another guy putting the the [ __ ] thing in there sorry pedro sorry sorry juan you're going to have to work together it's on youtube like that's it pedro juan is looking like yo can we get a raise then now he goes in well yeah both get two dollars extra so now y'all both make 17 an hour and that's great you'll be like oh i'm making 17 i'm making a little bit more than minimum wage but now you got to do mad work for that [ __ ] seventeen dollars because now the business owner can't even afford to go and pay three guys or four guys that he use to pay there's jobs that are not meant to be careers their jobs are [ __ ] jobs we need [ __ ] jobs we need to go through that process as human beings like as a 16 year old i should go and get a [ __ ] job right i should be able to find that [ __ ] job mcdonald's or whatever it is but that's not a career you can't go in there like well i made this [ __ ] a career right so at the end of the day it's like now you you have like random people that be like whoa raise the taxes it's like bro like you gotta raise it y'all gotta raise the taxes for dudes that's making 10 million dollars and up anybody that's making 10 million dollars below they're just getting by people think like oh they're making money no they're not i'm telling you right now i'm just a regular dude and on paper they look like y'all i'm bawling huh i'm just a regular dude i just happen to live a more comfortable lifestyle but i ain't i'm not rich i'm not waking up with like somebody freaking tickling my balls when i wake up like ain't nobody you to say i don't got the least of 3 000 tickling my balls and and like giving me back rubs like uh putting grapes in my in my mouth like here sir you're you're rich like nah i'm just a regular dude just like everybody else so i feel for the guys luckily for me i don't got to hire nobody in the sense of like the average worker like my business is not dictated on hiring like the regular workers and things like that but if i was a pizzeria owner you're going to say if i'm a pizzeria owner and i'm like yo to pay for rent i got to pay 60 70 000 a year right to get the products and get the things up and running i gotta spend another fifty sixty thousand dollars so that's a hundred twenty thousand dollars right then i gotta come in and pay like five six employees employees and if i'm paying them let's say an average of 30 000 a year each one of them how much is that that's 150 000 plus let's say 120 that's like well that's like 270 000 right 270 000. now my profit is 300. how much am i leaving with right you start looking at yo i'm leaving out of there like 30 there's dudes that have businesses and and you see them on on a [ __ ] in a beat up chubby truck and we're like boy how does how does bubble have us uh beat up chubby truck i mean don't don't hear the the park shop on main street bubba don't got [ __ ] bubba just has a business that he works at that he owns but when he leaves out of there he's not making no money and now bubba got to come in and be like yo bubba gotta pay and do 15 20 for dudes that didn't even finish high school that he like he trained him gave him everything it was like yo sorry he's like i gotta pay you 20 an hour buddy like like yo this dude was making on profits he was making fifty thousand dollars in profit that's what he was able to keep now he's gonna make 35 000 because now he got now he got to pay everybody more when he don't even have money like that you got to tax the guys that's up there man guys is making 10 million dollars and up because at 10 million dollars you good people think like oh a 5 million dollars you're good you're not good you're comfortable you're you're very comfy right very comfortable but you're not good anything above 10 million dollars i'll say tax them give them a 40 tax giving all you know [ __ ] even with 45 percent tax because you don't need to keep all that money i mean and at the end of the day that's where we we go back into the subject of like who are we to tell somebody yo i work hard to get to this point and then at some point say you know what you don't need all that money let's keep give us some of that give us the majority of that that's his money he worked hard just because he's able to get more than others and provided opportunities for himself who are we to come in and be like yo let's take let's take his money hi how are you [Music] oh but yeah man um [Laughter] no but it's true dude pop up and now we gotta tax everybody but it's like how is that their fault that they're able to create opportunities because not everybody starts like multi-billionaire some dude comes up and says you know what i want to come up with a keychain i want to come up with a keychain how can i go and and create this keychain the do figure is it out creates an automatic click click boop nobody has ever done that before this [ __ ] keychain goes and makes 10 billion dollars is the hottest keychain in the world right who am i to tell him you made too much money that's what the service calls the shit's 100 everybody bought in i mean my bread i created this this is my money why you want to take it right now the people that i see this [ __ ] all the time the people that's never gonna make it to anything always go and look up and say [ __ ] them for being up there i come in with a different mentality i come in and i look up and say congratulations you work hard you got there you got what you deserve i want to get up there too and i want to work hard and i'm going to get up there to myself i don't come in and be like you shouldn't have this you need to give me 60 or whatever you have and whatever you own after that you should also give me that no that's not he worked for it just because he has more doesn't mean that he didn't work for it he worked for it he got there for a reason sometimes people think like and it's the same thing too then the employee mentality comes in where somebody comes in and says well when you work for a company right you go and you say oh i'm working for a company and like let's say for example i built a a website for a company rebuilt the whole [ __ ] the whole website the whole application everything's smooth right i didn't even get a thank you i didn't even get a bonus i didn't get nothing i was getting my salary i got my bushes salary they came in in less than a month two months they made eight million dollars just off the changes that i did for them but they pay me as an employee right now can i be mad and be like damn i should get four million dollars no you got paid for your services you got paid for your services you wasn't there when they were creating this opportunity when they was creating this this application you wasn't there when they was looking for money for funding you wasn't there when uh you know those nights when uh they didn't even have a company they didn't have no employees it was just them packing things up on boxes you wasn't there when uh you know uh this person was sleeping on the floor and had to you know uh sleep on the floor on a friend's house because he was saving his money to build his company to make it you know make a a real company out of it because he was just doing things at his house he said let me go live with my roommate or or my best friend and i sleep on the floor and i don't have to pay rent and the money that i'm paying for rent i'm investing into my company i wasn't there for that so how can i think just because i built one part of it i deserved to get half of the whatever was there and people think like this people come in and be like well i work at walmart i'm helping them sell this products right i'm on the floor but you wasn't there when the guys built the first walmart he wasn't there when the guys it started from a small little store to them become what it is now that i became that hallelujah became that that doesn't mean that you you got to get paid half of the money every time that something gets gets exchanged now you get paid for your service whatever your service costs and people get mad at the people that's on the top you can't be mad at the top you got to be mad at your situation and the bad decisions that you did in your life that put you there and be mad at also too at the people that came before you that didn't do no changes either you see why i always come in here and talk about yo you gotta work hard and you gotta [ __ ] uh work as hard as you can to make sure that you go in and you put your family tree on the right path most of the [ __ ] that was behind me didn't do that for me that's why i'm here and anybody could come up with an excuse you could be like well i was a this this and that my ancestors were this isn't that i was just i understand that but at some point somebody needed to break the cycle and if nobody broke the cycle you can't continue to go and blame everything that's a million years ago you got to blame that [ __ ] to your grandparents what was y'all doing why nobody came in and came up with an idea [ __ ] sell lemonades in the corner [ __ ] take a risk right there's people that come in and be like yo uh i don't want to take no risk i got grandparents that used to own uh you know hundreds of acres probably thousands of acres in dominican republic they went in and everybody was a drunk everybody was uh like to hang out with women uh get married two three times four times i don't go in and be like yo [ __ ] those ancestors for 300 years ago 500 years ago a thousand years ago now i'm saying the dudes that's right behind me i'm saying [ __ ] them already i'm not your [ __ ] [ __ ] my great-grandparents [ __ ] my grandfather my grandparents for doing bad decisions and putting us in the back in the back row you're gonna say i'm not gonna go a million years ago i'm going right here because they could have done something it's the same [ __ ] as here right that's now like we're at this point where we need to do something for ourselves and make sure that we come in and and we set ourselves up and there's a million ways to do it right now it's easier than ever there's a million ways of actually setting yourself up and becoming a boss and building opportunities for yourself you don't even need to know how to code there's people that don't even know how to code and they're creating opportunities for themselves you know what i'm saying like there's a lot of [ __ ] that you can do but there's people that just be mad and be like yo oh after guys that's in the top nah those guys got there for a reason they did something they took risk you know you never took risk that's why you got what you got you know i give you real life stories like you know i lost my mom but even my mom look at this my mama was a teacher in dominican republic this is real life stories right this is when you come in here i'm gonna give you guys the facts like this is why when people be like joe how do you get this mentality how you i see other people's mistakes and i don't make them the [ __ ] that i teach you guys here at codingface.com the things that took them on coding face is [ __ ] that i've been through or that i i've literally freaking made mistakes and then now i'm teaching you the proper way but i'll give you an example like my mom shout out to my mom she was just here on the phone my mom came in here as an immigrant right came in started working in a restaurant from a restaurant got a job as a taxi driver right from a taxi driver because she she was a teacher in dominican republic she has a degree from dominican republic but here in the us you either gotta go back to school for another four years and start as a teacher all over again it doesn't matter you got a degree in another country you got to start all over again here so here my mom working in the board of ed as a substitute teacher right substitute teacher so they allow her to become a substitute teacher because she was a teacher but not a real teacher substitute teacher only makes twelve dollars an hour right twelve thousand hours that's how much a substitute a substitute teacher makes my mom goes in working in the border bed right now my mom is a teacher assistant so after years of working as a substitute teacher they allow her to become a teacher assistant right but at the same time my mom could have been a teacher with a bachelor's degree a master's degree right making 80 90 000 a year right because when you have 20 years you make bread as a teacher 20 years in the game and your pension how you gonna you're going to retire you're leaving out of that good right but at the end of the day my mom didn't take the risk the risk of saying you know what i'm gonna take the risk to go back to school i'm gonna take the risk to go in and and actually and study to become a teacher again i have to invest in myself not for now but for the future when i do have that degree and i can become a real teacher and be working uh full-time and get all of this benefits and all this extra stuff my mom never did that so we lived here in the u.s on the bare minimum you're going to say on the bare minimum if the house was to pay for the house was 24 000 a year and my mom is making 32 000 so for the whole year we gotta survive with what thirty two thousand dollars and it's twenty four thousand that's what six eight thousand dollars in a whole year that's to eat that's to to travel that's to buy clothes eight thousand dollars a year and uh now i look back on this [ __ ] i'm like yo eight thousand dollars a year is what i i pay or a month it's what i pay for [ __ ] here in my house but again bad decisions that people make is the reason that you're in where you're at not taking risk and staying at the same spot is the reason why you're there right so it's like somebody got to break the cycle you know what i'm saying somebody got to break the cycle guys come on man we got to break the cycle we can't be mad at who already made it you see like when people come in here and they throw hate at me or or or just don't like me on on my channel they don't hate me because of who i am they hate me because i already achieved what they want to achieve and they say look at this guy who is this guy who what makes him special to be on youtube and talk about gold is he even a good developer and can he even code right like that's the mentality that they have instead of thinking like [ __ ] congratulations to that guy i could make it there if he's there i could make you there now they're looking at it the other way who is this guy what made him a personality this guy came and talked he got an accent this guy is ghetto this guy is ratchet this guy doesn't they'll come up with any excuse except the one that they need to come up with which is why am i a [ __ ] up why i don't have my [ __ ] together and this random dude has this [ __ ] together blame yourself you don't have to blame me you don't got to be mad at me for your bad decisions right so that's what i'm saying like sometimes people they do that [ __ ] they'll go and blame the other person it's like nah bro i don't go get mad at other people that have success i just go in and say damn congratulations if they did i could do it too uh let me see salute joe biscuit 2005 thank you bro thank you for the super chat i appreciate it jb says 100 on point uh i think people confuse investing with saying money but it requires time that you put it in yeah excuse that that accident sounded like adam sandler who is this guy like this is the the guys that we put in like dislikes all the time because they've been banned or blocked from this channel because they say dumb [ __ ] on this channel like all they have left because they're fans right they'll come here and watch us and they'll give it a dislike because they're fans they love what we do here but they're mad at the same time because like who is this guy who brought dispen he don't look like a developer he don't look like any of the developers here he don't talk like any other who why is this guy so comfortable with himself what makes this guy have have a energy like that what makes this guy have this ego in and feel good about himself i feel like [ __ ] cuz i ain't got [ __ ] in my life he should feel like me right that's how some people are instead of literally going in and say this is where i [ __ ] up at when i was in high school i was a [ __ ] up i didn't do [ __ ] i was cutting class right when my mom was telling me go to sleep early so you could make it to school right they don't want to go back to that you got to go back to that your mom told you what you need to do go to college go to school get a career you wanted to hang out with your friends you want to go drink you want to go smoke you're only 14 15 years old yeah this is where you're at now at 30 something years old when your your friends that were the little nerdy ones that were going to class and doing the thing you were like hanging out with the girls now this is where you at right now this is the choices that you made you can't be mad at the guy that made it you got to be mad at yourself and you got to be mad at the people that came before you that put you in that situation maybe you should have went to a private school why didn't you why didn't they take risks why didn't they go and take and create opportunities for themselves they got comfortable it's very easy to just let life pass you by very easy i could easily come here and chill i don't have to work no more i could chill i could just relax here in my house drink all day freaking smoke a blunt if i smoked right i could do whatever the hell i wanted to do and just let life pass me by go get my little medicaid go get my wicks go get my all my [ __ ] just relax chill why do i need to work so hard i could just chill just to get by next thing you know now the cycle continue now your son your daughter they're going through the same [ __ ] that you went through and then now you're going to be married like god damn it raise the taxes on all those guys you can't be mad at whoever made it you got to look at yourself and say why i didn't make it now you can't go in and be like i need whatever you got because i ain't do [ __ ] with my life nah make your [ __ ] happen and stop worrying about other people's yeah i'm gonna save this live stream this live stream is gonna be up here um yeah because we haven't said nothing crazy yet right so the live stream is gonna be up um every turn joe enrolls one of them to the block party word every time some random dudes just hating for no reason or saying something dumb or don't understand what we're trying to do here on this channel hey here's a vip ticket to the black party get your ass in there they're serving chicken wings and french fries in there okay shoulder on the side enjoy you know what i mean they got [ __ ] dave matthews playing in the background that's like that kid from that live stream i forgot what his name but i'm just imagining like some little kid he's like and just going in there it's like he's been blocked he can't talk to nobody he can't say anything and he's just there at the block party everything is dark there's like random trolls just coming in like hey little boy welcome to the block party they playing dave matthews if you like they you like dave magic boy and the little kids are looking up and saying mama where am i mama it's dark in here joe let me out i don't like the black party the block party i don't like it joe let me yell all i asked was the question four times in a row enjoy the block party you spamming now you we was going to put you on timeout but you did it a fifth time that's my that's my cut off line you did it five times give him a vip ticket they're playing dave matthews in there some little kid little kid was asking i forgot what he was asking like yo [Laughter] give him a [ __ ] give him a vip ticket to the block party in the nether realm like you ain't coming back like there's dudes right now these dudes that hit me up on twitter it's like joe can you unblock me can you unblock me um i don't know why i got blocked all i say is i don't know who did that that's my answer i don't know who did that to you man i'm sorry that you got blocked must have been one of the moderators like that [ __ ] i watched my hands quick and i probably did i'm like gave them the boot grabbed them yanked them out vip tickets straight to the room the nether realm like send them back there is you a couple of trolls just going some dudes going into little trolls hey welcome guys welcome to the block party man and some dude just walking in and just limping through this [ __ ] like well right here we got uh the lisa 3000 ride uh right here we got some uh bacon cookies we also have some you know uh french fries some chicken wings you know black part is lit dave matthews playing you know what i mean a couple of trolls is in there just in there looking oh oh oh freaking crusty and [ __ ] like yo when you got here boy little boy is a hey this guy here today asks joe it's like six seven questions back in a row i didn't want to i didn't really want to annoy him but i wanted to get my answer uh right away and uh i don't know he just said send them to the nether room i'm here they gave me a vip ticket it was a golden ticket and it had the picture of the dreaded death on it thought the dreaded devil was going to be here and it's like sorry buddy welcome to welcome to the block party i've been blocked since since today and some guy is like well buddy you'll get used to it just in there looking like a crazy troll like you'll get used to it buddy you'll be fine i've been here since 2017. when joe just started in february or 2017 i've been alive kid i've been just disliking videos if if you look over there there's a red button with a little down arrow if you press that you get to dislike he knows he's still alive in here when you do that go ahead go ahead go ahead click click the dislike button and the little kid just goes in there goes in there and as he notices his feet start getting heavier he starts walking with a limp what's going on well you know in the trolls block party you become a troll here but i'm a handsome young indian boy why am i turning like this sorry gulen but you asked too many questions you asked so many questions and you were strolling and you were spamming the chat room sorry little gulam and guru nama is like but i'm just a goodie i'm a good boy why am i here why am i in this black party i don't want to turn to a troll just press the dislike button buddy he knows he's still alive it's like yo man like straight up yeah what happened to dreaded shout out to dreaded dev man i got him one i hit him up let me see let's see if we call dread of death let me see let's see if we call dreaded dev live don't see my mess in it let me see let me see if i call him right now let me see you know this is gonna be funny if he does pick up let's see if we pick up let's see you're probably working [Music] hey [Laughter] let people know yo but yeah man shout out to dreaded dev dude is cool man we patched everything up we got he's in florida uh he's alive he's in tampa we're gonna uh we're to see if we link up soon man [Laughter] so this is what this is what the the dreaded death just this [ __ ] sit right now let me see if i cause i don't want to go and put his information but i don't know if you guys can see it it says says uh alive and kicking baby he said uh you're the man for even thinking about me boys tell everybody tell everybody i said hello so there you go kids live from the dreaded death he's alive kids yeah man laughs yeah shout out to the dreaded dev man he's coming back dreaded dev is coming back soon man you know give him some time when he ready he'll come back yeah man but guys we're about to head out of here man we we cracked some jokes we we had a good time um dreaded death is coming back soon so yeah man um yeah but like i said man stop being mad at the people at the top man get your own [ __ ] together stop being mad at me stop being mad at whoever stop being mad at jeff bezos like this there's dudes that on twitter be like why jeff bezos who's got this this isn't that because he worked hard and he actually never gave up like you could do the same thing like people act like you can't do it okay so anyways guys i'm out of here by the way guys for anybody that that's watching this that's watching this right now um for those of you guys that don't know right uh we got a javascript course okay go check that out okay uh this is the next project that we're working on i'm gonna show you guys right now and what's cool about it is that this is actually just 100 done with javascript and you know when somebody comes in and be like oh we're building this with javascript like they never really tell you that they're building it with javascript they're doing the html css right and then from there they go in and they use something like react or angular or view and then they basically build it this right here we're gonna build it from the ground up with javascript so you could understand like what happens when you use something like uh react or angular or any of those frameworks because most people don't even know how to do this [ __ ] themselves they just be like well react us some magic in the background but what you don't know is that you could do all of that with vanilla javascript okay and this is how you're gonna learn um you know you're gonna learn about javascript by actually building things like this okay so this is the practical javascript course guys if you are a member of codingface.com for 20 you get access to this course and every other course that is about programming on the website so let me show you guys the project see if i do it right now screen share box here you go so this project right here everything that you see is going to be done with let me see if i zoom in because it's too big um all of this is being done with uh javascript so every single thing every single element it's not gonna be done by using html css every single thing is going to be done with javascript so you guys can get comfortable on working on this hold on guys hello yeah this is me uh-huh uh yeah definitely yeah so ken basically he worked for me uh for freelancing giggs you know uh he helped me out with some react applications that we had to do for some in-house tools and uh some other stuff like landing pages and uh pretty much that's what he did for us yes well he's been on and off for like the last two three years so it's like contract work whenever we we need him we bring him in um oh was he doing what i couldn't hear you uh no he he didn't work on the design we had a designer but we definitely gave him the app gave him the assets so he he has knowledge of the software like you know photoshop sketch figma so he knows his way around there so he's a very complete developer uh we had about a team of like four developers no um like i said you know it's like contract work you know um i've known him for a while so at the same time i know that he had the skills he has been training um to learn all of this stuff i know he also went to the boot camp so at the same time you know he's i know like the type of work that he has you know from seeing his portfolio and the projects that he has worked so then at the same time it's like whenever we need some extra help i'm like hey man help us out you know uh i wish i could hire him full time it's just you know right now my company is not that big you know it's a small team um if i had to budget i would have hired him full time but he's a great employee yeah so he's very complete he's very comfortable with react and uh very comfortable with you know node.js also to mysql um as far as the database yeah javascript um so he's very you know he's pretty good he's above average you know a very good developer i would say you know he's he's great man great guy for as far as communication you know you send him a message he answers right back to you and gets in contact right away whatever you need from him if you need some extra help or you know he's willing to to help out you know he's one of those guys that you just love to code you know us developers we're we're definitely you know the type of people that once we're into it we could tell who's the guys that love this you know yeah yeah definitely yeah yeah yeah um i mean to be honest i mean i i wouldn't be able to say if he everything that he did for me uh was great you know because i i basically gave him the the skill not the skills but i gave him tasks that i knew that he could work on he's really good with html css javascript i haven't really tested him out with anything beyond as far as like uh maybe some python or some java but as far as like the front end he's very complete like i have no no regrets of hiring him yeah yeah oh yeah connecticut oh wow yeah that's that's yeah that's that's where you know i used to live there i just recently moved to florida so that's pretty cool yeah i just recently moved over here uh tampa yeah oh yeah that's why i wanted to move to sarasota but the problem was oh my god sarasota is so expensive i want to but when i was in my 50s i developed muscular dystrophy and i couldn't play golf anymore so i i ended up selling the place because there was so much uh yeah yeah okay and where you at now you connecticut oh new hampshire okay nice [Music] oh yeah definitely oh yeah that would be green i'll definitely check it out yeah definitely thank you i appreciate that you know you're helping out cam i think he's a great employee you know great front-end developer like i said i wish if i had the the budget right now especially you know with everything that's going on i would have gave him an opportunity for a full-time gig here but um man if anybody deserves it it's that guy for real mm-hmm okay great yeah yeah definitely thank you all right definitely thank you have a good one tada bro this [ __ ] happens all the time right i get shout out to my boy cam man so um look they're great people uh people trying to hire my boy uh he's a he's the best man cam is the best right uh kevin's trying to get his opportunities out there this is crazy that happened live shout out to cam give him a shout out it happened live um but it seems like they're gonna give him the job right uh but again no because i'm happy for him i want him to be good man i want my boy cam to be good like cam is such a good guy man like if anybody deserves like a really really good opportunity it's him and it seems like they're about to give it to him like a really big one you know but yeah and if i come in here and i'll say hey i do this [ __ ] all the time nobody will believe me right um but it's legit man some people was like oh this is so scripted like [Laughter] like yo do you think i talk like this do you think i'm like i'm like hey guys you know at 3 44 call me from a random like nah bro it's like nah this is what i do for my subscribers i helped him out um i've worked with cam uh a a lot he's done a lot of good work for me so it's like whenever i can i'm gonna help him out same thing for my interns like all the interns that you've seen on on the on the live videos i didn't do it live on wednesday because i i decided i'm not gonna do that every single week i'm gonna do it once a month especially on the next project that we're working on it don't make no sense to go in and and just do a long live stream what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do a conversation with the with the interns and then from there record it and then create a whole like uh storyline of what happened throughout the whole month so like that people could go in and be like oh this is what they worked on right instead of watching a whole live stream and you know it's like you're seeing everything it's like for that we just condense it to a 10-minute video or something like that but all those guys they're gonna leave here with like legit jobs like they're gonna be good like those guys they know html css they're comfortable with javascript they know liquid they know how to use shopify the shopify platform now we're going to build a full stack application that's going to be an in-house tool like this guys is going to be good and when somebody asked me before i think it was brandon and say how do you get experience and it's like situations like this you work with people right you work with people you network and then from there those people can vouch for you and give you those uh you know help you out in the opportunity um joseph joseph said y'all got a glimpse that's dwight dwight dwight dwight joseph is another individual this is this one's dwight that's dwight you got dwight yo you know what's funny the funniest thing is that people was like yo this is so staged like yo do you yo guys come on man do i look like a guy that's gonna be staging some [ __ ] like that yo people are stupid bro and then i'm trying to i'm trying to keep my composure like just be normal right but i'm reading through the comments and people say this is so states good job joe like and the oscar goes to yo people are stupid bro [Laughter] yo you guys are clowns man i thought i was funny but you guys are clowns lace where's the laser boxes fake as [ __ ] uh coder 77 says scripted [Laughter] yeah this is what they said bro this is what they say right they're like yo this is so funny man they're like yo it's like they're like you're fake as [ __ ] uh lol joe fake [Laughter] louie's reboot says laughing my ass off this is so staged [Laughter] yo you guys are clowns bro yeah y'all was [ __ ] me up cause i'm like i want to do a good job for my boy like cam is the man [Laughter] yo you're stupid okay yo top tier production this one when you're doing intern interning again uh pretty soon oh my god dude it's like i peeped i tell when css no i was making uh how you call this thing how you call this um just research on it like i was doing more research to see because i even though i don't like it i still want to give it a chance right but i don't think i will use it at all um q i heard the background noise before speaker i don't know what you're talking about but anyways man i'm about to head out of here man um but it's just funny you guys are stupid man dude is like yo this [ __ ] is so staged like y'all was [ __ ] me up i'm trying to do a good job for my friend um that deserves you know deserves the reference so i want to be serious i want to be honest and and tell them you know how great of a developer he is and the work that he has done for me and and for other people um yeah so and all you guys is like oh this is so scripted like this is fake and i'm like bro here you go boom that's why i put it on speaker for a little bit just like yo stop playing with me like oh man salute cam hey cam what up bro cam you just came in right now i just had a a recruiter hit me up well i don't know if it was a recruiter or hr person hit me up live you could go and watch this like a few minutes before this and you could probably watch it live they called me live and i didn't want to i i knew it was like because i know like those type of numbers like that i'm like yo that got to be like a recruiter for somebody that um is calling for as a reference and then i just did this live right here on the video on youtube and dudes is like yo this is fake this is this is not real this is this [ __ ] was hilarious bro but i put in the good work for you you know you're a great developer if anybody deserves this opportunity it's you you know and congratulations it seems like you got the job kid you know you know what i do out here i mean uh but anyways man i'm about to head out of here guys uh again you could go and watch this whole you know this whole live stream all over again uh cam'ron and um if you want to watch me say good things about you then you could go and watch it yeah kg6 is so nice like yo laughing my ass so nobody got time to be staging all that i don't got time to be i don't even got time i got my brother here from dominican republic and remember i gotta call adp guys and it was supposed to be at three o'clock now i'm gonna have to reschedule sometimes you guys be messing me up man sometimes we start talking and having conversations y'all mess me up this is why i need to get this freaking timer i need to order a timer that has like a 20 minute like timer you know like the ones that people cook with i'm gonna put that right there and just put a timer there 25 minutes that's it i can't be doing this long-ass live streams even though i love them but i can't be doing as long as live streams this should be crazy it eats up my whole day um but love you guys i'm out
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 2,354
Rating: 4.6140351 out of 5
Id: cZlLejso_BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 52sec (9652 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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