why you should quit your job to become a developer | #CodingPhase

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chitty-chitty oh really know Superboy job back at it again coding fees.com your boys back and out and did it again here live from the beautiful mountains of Connecticut alright so today's topic is why should you become a developer in 2018 you guys this video is brought to you by viewers like you and people that support our website coding face.com go check it out over 20 courses in there there's got a guy you to become a developer from the beginning to becoming a pro I'm gonna say this right I'm gonna talk to the people who are blue-collar guys who are out here trying to get in the game who have been working you know odd jobs for the past five to ten years listen it's your turn right let's stop worrying about what people might say to you and be like oh man I don't think you could do it all man this for smart people all man you got to be really good at math guys if you really want to become something you can't become right now let's say this you're one of the guys who working it back right I'm talking about the guys who working you know in the way houses the guys who working you know the freaking labor type of jobs you know jobs that you like man my back hurts when I get home you know jobs were you you're a retailer right you helping people out and you're like constantly like hi sir can I help you out hi can I get you that that size kit oh do you need what size really you need a size 8 if you're tired of doing that type of job and you feel like man you deserve better I think you should become a developer especially because if you want to be able to grow in this world right those little jobs those little odd jobs or you know working as a waiter working us up you know somebody in a warehouse working UPS retail working data-entry talking to people on the phones like hi sir we are calling from XYZ we're calling for doing some surveys if you're tired of that then you should definitely look into becoming a developer because you have to understand this when you become a developer not only are you becoming somebody who's respected right you can become somebody who's getting money out here meaning like hate you can provide a better lifestyle yourself and your family and everybody around you like in reality it really trickles down let's say for example you have a kid you know your kid can't go to private school because you can't afford it right but if you are a developer yearning eighty thousand to 120 thousand dollars a year yeah now you can afford to send your kid to you know that six thousand dollars $10,000 a year type of school you get what I'm saying okay it trickles down so now you could help other people out your mama hits you up like hey man Johnny man can you lend me $200 now you actually have that little extra money in there to be able to help her out all right so it's like there's a lot of things that you know as far as money wise I guess it's a goal okay you know if you're one of the type of people who is basically it I hate how I'm a problem solver right you enjoy puzzles you enjoy being able to find a solution or something at the end of the day then becoming a developer is for you okay you know if you had any type of you know just interest in it all right a lot of us we probably were interested in this back in the days geo cities MySpace xanga you know a whole bunch of website where we all grew up at you get what I'm saying like the worst web sites and applications and in games that had had us interested in this right for whatever reason in this world we didn't get to gravitate to actually making our own websites our own games our own applications you know life through was a different way but that doesn't mean that you can I become a developer now in 2018 who cares you dirty who cares you're 25 who cares you're 40 that's not a block that's gonna stop you all right it's not gonna stop you to become a developer what's gonna stop you from becoming a developer is you you might just come in and say hey man I'm too old man my time has passed and give up but that's the opposite thing that you should do you should definitely try to get into this industry right right now is the best time once you're in you're in for life have you ever heard of like you know when you know like back in the days like the all Italian guys were like hey man we got little Vinnie in and you know you know in construction now he's good he's making $50 an hour for the rest of his life he's in there he's done construction he's building stuff and you know his life is good right that's how it is now but for web development right as I hate you're in you're in for life like you're good you get what I'm saying so you should definitely try to become a developer and I even try just become a developer the opportunities that you're gonna get you can't even measure it you can't even say hey man I will measure this way with a ruler this how far I'm getting like no it's like sky's the limit right you could come up with an application you can come up with our website you can come up with a service tomorrow that can change everybody's life and only everybody's life for yours from one moment to another you can become you know just a regular developer who you know codes and works at a company for you know 60 to 120 thousand dollars or even more right to becoming a millionaire because now you just create a service that everybody needs and everybody needs to be a member of or everybody needs to to use or you're getting so much traffic that your advertising is paying you millions you get what I'm saying like that's just how it is now a lot of people gotta be leaving comments like hey man this you know this video is not technical it's not telling us the programming languages it's not telling me how to become a developer how to do lists and that this video is not to be technical this video is me talking to the general public somebody who's out there thinking like man can I do this listen yes you can you know when I came into this you know five six years ago I wasn't nobody special I wasn't like hey man this guy super smartest guy is so genius no I was just a guy with a dream who said man you know IT is not for me you know designing is not for me right sometimes you tried you know to three different careers and you realize it's not for you and then you bump into you know what development programming fun applications whatever you're into right you bump into that and you're like wait this is actually calling for me and I could actually changed my life so that's what happened to me I just came in and I said you know what I'm gonna become a developer man I'm gonna go hard i'ma work hard it's gonna be a lot of hours man who wants to be in front of a computer for 1215 hours a day that's how I was doing it when I first started I went super hard do you have to go that hard no you could go in and do 3-4 hours a day and you know about 6 months you should be ready you know now of course how many hours you put in if you need it as soon as possible how I needed it at that time how I needed to become a developer at that moment well I went hard I worked three times as hard as the regular person trying to get into this and that's fine but my only advice to you guys is don't let nothing stop you now we are in 2018 you know everything that has happened in your life you might have had you know a kid so kids three kids might have had you know a little run-in with the law you might have came in and say hey man you went to college you decided to go to college for a degree that doesn't pay you anything there's no jobs don't cry about it hey don't cry about it just get something done right become a developer learn how to code and basically change your life around you know right now a lot of people will probably say man I think you're trying to get the wrong or people into this cos those guys who have been calling the whole life this guys who are like you know the quote-unquote geniuses this the guys who are looking at this like oh man is for the passion you know some of us don't don't need the passion right we do it because we have to right we do because we want to change right the passion comes in after you're in right you might become more passionate as you keep on learning to code you might say hey man this is super cool I love this right at first you might look at it like hey it's a check I'm just trying to change my life I'm trying to get this money you know you come in like that it's fine but as soon as you start coding you start learning a lot of different technologies and programming languages you start falling in love with it right so it's like listen just get in the game there's the opportunity and once again why you should come in alright I'm gonna break it down I just talked to you guys in grill terms and just to get you motivated and get you started with this all right basically the money is good benefits you also getting you know on 401ks you're getting like stuff that a lot of companies a lot of little dead-end jobs it's not gonna offer you you get respect right when you're a developer and you work at a company you get respect yes this weird companies out there that were you know they might look at the developers like I tease or whatever but 95% of the companies out there they look at you like hey man that's on a rock stars these are the guys that are moving this company forward everybody knows that the net you know the internet the web is the future technology is the future if you don't have technology you don't have two guys that are actually building this you know you don't have a business so right now you are the rock star of the company you know what I'm saying so when you come into a company they treat you with respect you know there's not a lot of companies that gotta treat you like that you know you're Johnny from warehouse they make sure you put that in the truck kit right that's all you're gonna get not a little pat on the back like hey man good job nah it's like you do your job you think you're 12 hours good good job kick your back just broken your neck hurts your arm the feels weird because you've been holding this high low all day like this situations like that where it's like do you really want to end up like that yeah rest of your life no you gotta say something you know in this industry you get treated with respect and you know most of the other developers will treat you with respect to you know so come in give it a try 2018 and yeah I hope you take this video and use it for motivation I hope you take this video and and learn as much as you can you know you could go to any of the websites down all right there let you know you can use whatever you want I currently have my own courses on my own website coding face.com you can come and check it out if you liked the style of me teaching but the style of just the realness for me just talking to you like a regular human we're not here trying to sound super smart we're not here trying to sell you a dream we try to be realistic with things and teach you a skill that you can use and get higher and become somebody respected okay so you already know simple job back at it again coding fees.com make sure you subscribe make sure you like this video see you boy Joe
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 9,599
Rating: 4.9434628 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase, codingphase.com, simple programmer, chris hawkes, chris sean, traversy media, coding tutorials 360, why you should quit your job to become a developer, why you should quit your job, become a developer
Id: bYLM_vB9Lpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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