Web Developer Live - React JS Still King - Job Market

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[ __ ] you already know see your boy jill back at it again codingphase.com your boy is backing out and did it again one more time give me my props for coming here almost every single day for the last four years killing it okay give me my props we here kids hopefully you guys are doing great today hopefully you guys just doing amazing good morning hopefully some of you guys got the notification hey look who we got here hey sir i'm live what's going on sir what you want to be famous too you want to be popping do you want to come through where are you guys say codyface.com so what's good guys is today's live stream is brought to you by the good people at codingface.com and the good uh kid of jason santos aka he does this aka young swag aka chinito de la casa aka aka young flow leave me away so what's good man um listen today's live stream is really just to talk about you know good old react js right give me a second i got to get this k out of here um we got to have to have a little intermission so give me a second all right [ __ ] we had to get rid of that kid [Laughter] nah man i love my sons um but yeah man listen riak is king right now bro straight up um if we look into the job market currently right now let me see if we can share this with you guys all right you guys already know codingface.com if you want to learn how to code uh but let's go to zip recruiter right now okay we're gonna go zip recruiter right now and we're gonna check for react j yes okay they always want your email right check check check check what's good tech rally hopefully you're doing good man uh we definitely got a link up uh let me see react js developer 35 to 80 an hour okay it's not bad right as a react developer people getting paid really damn good out here all right uh let me see we got san francisco of course in san francisco they're paying a lot 130 to 175 annually um this is on hired okay let me see what else cyborg coders okay joebot a hundred thousand to a hundred fifty thousand annually okay full-time developers like hey it's not bad out here man okay of course not every mark is the same right as you guys can see you know we start looking at things in california california is expensive right and then you start looking at things like in denver colorado 75 to 90 right but again it all depends on the cost of living right sometimes people think like i'm uh i don't know i'm a react developer i'm a full stack developer i gotta get paid the same way guys get paid in san francisco it's like nah bro actually you don't right like companies don't pay people money just to pay the money they pay them to keep them happy and to give them everything that they need so they can live comfortably where they live at they don't get paid you know because we just want to be paying people like that like that um let's see plp says what is higher try using it but not getting nothing from it um from my understanding hire is a company that is like a recruiting company um so they have contacts with a whole bunch of different companies like you know google facebook and a whole bunch of other ones any startup right usually they don't want to deal with uh the process of trying to find a good candidate so they hire companies like hired.com and then from there they'll go in and they post it on zip recruiter and they go through the whole process of calling people checking people's resumes etc okay uh ai says joe do you think shopify will overtake woocommerce trying to decide on which one to focus on okay i will say if you really want to invest into you the future and invest in yourself right i will say focus on shopify um shopify development is actually easier than dealing with woocommerce and wordpress um but at the same time it's even more powerful because at the end of the day if you guys know like wordpress websites they're pretty much like hackers [ __ ] like you get what i'm saying like like literally like wordpress websites are pretty much a like a hacker's [ __ ] like they go in there whenever they want okay like even after they try to do security patches and a whole bunch of stuff like if a hacker want to get into uh your wordpress website like they'll get in like there's a million ways of getting in through plugins through you know comments section through freaking uploading a photo like there's a million ways that they could get in there okay so wordpress is not that secure um and everybody that's ever used wordpress they know that so if you have a business right it's not a blog right you have a real business like a e-commerce store let's say you have i don't know you have a boutique right and you have a boutique and you sell clothing right you sell clothes online but you also have a matter of fact you sell clothes on a property right you got a brick and mortar right so you're selling this products there now now you're going online to sell products online now are you gonna choose wordpress or shopify wordpress there's a million problems that that happens in wordpress shopify is like a big company it's like they have over 100 developers that's working just to make sure that you know the software the the web application works perfectly okay so when you go in and you go and use shopify not only are you using shopify uh you know the application but you're also getting that support that shopify the company provides for you so as a developer i would say focus on on shopify if you want to focus on e-commerce shopify is the way to go okay uh woocommerce magento they're always gonna be there they're not going anywhere okay there's too many websites that are already built with those you know frameworks or cms's uh but to be honest with you like if you really want to invest into your future you want to go with shopify because that's where pretty much that's where all most of the jobs are going to right now like for e-commerce specific now if you look for wordpress jobs there's way more wordpress jobs than shopify development jobs you can't so you get it um but yeah man and even if we come in here we search let's say search wordpress right so in the united states there's about 9524 jobs that mention wordpress okay now if you search woocommerce it's like about 203 now if we search for shopify it's about 2409. now again another thing that that's cool about shopify is that if you understand the platform of shopify not only are you a developer right that understands shopify but if you understand the platform and you know how to develop in it like this opportunities out there you know like this like shopify expert like if you really love e-commerce you know selling products getting things out there like shopify is the best way because there's so many positions and different companies that is going to start throwing for you know job positions for people who know shopify period there's not that many people that know about shopify you know currently right in the future it might be saturated like there might be a a million people knowing about shopify but right now as this very moment like yo straight up like shopify is the way to go uh but yeah let's see uh tech rally says hire is awesome people reach out to you with salaries already defined yeah yeah so from i understand that's that's what hire does you go in you apply to it you put in your resume you put in your i think they even test you and then from there they they actually go and send your profile to other companies and companies can actually like bid for you and be like hey we'll give you 120 and another company come in oh i'll give you 125 etc right so that's actually pretty cool uh let me see yeah man javascript shopify engineer this is in brooklyn motion recruitment uh let me see logics of shopify expert with ruby on rails experience uh front end developer shopify so that's big commerce uh shopify front and developer you know every time that i see this like excuse me guys every time that i see something like this like 45 to 70 thousand dollars annually in new york sometimes i'll be like yo man like you gotta do better because 45 000 in new york city like you're basically working minimum wage i mean i don't even know what's minimum wage in in new york bring out the calculator kids hey let's say 15 right times 40 times 52 that's 31 000 okay now let's come in let's say 45 000 right divided by 52 divided by 40. that's 21 an hour i mean it's not bad but 45 000 in new york city like they got to do better bro whoever this company is they got to do a little bit better so yeah man my fault um but yeah like i was saying man react is king right now uh look at this javascript engineer react js vjs shopify etc uh let me see tabani mashasi says shout out to coding face how you doing joe i'm good man i've been doing really really good you know shout out to tech riley say yo can't forget the city tax word it's crazy in new york city and this is the thing like when people come in and be like whoa i want to get paid a hundred something thousand dollars it's like bro they're not giving this [ __ ] away just because they're giving it away because it's expensive in most of the cities they're not just giving it away just to give it away um big commerce shopify like that's another thing too um i'm probably gonna be adding this thing too to the website bigcommerce like if you guys don't know like at codingface.com like we're really trying to focus on the things that you know really gonna get you guys jobs and then not only that but things that you could actually get in right so i don't try to go in and talk about things that might take you three years to learn or things that you're gonna need so much experience to get in i try to give you guys the things that is gonna be available for you now right like if you go in and you take a course you get the result that you paid for right because the worst thing that you could do is like pay for a course or sign up to any service and get no results right um but that's why we focus on those things right html email developer you got front-end developer back-end developer full stack developer shopify theme developer shopify app developer entrepreneur developer where we talk about uh building your own company and how to actually make money online right and we bundle up we this right here actually bundles up everything everything from the niche websites to the digital um you know digital products to software as a service micro services niche websites like i said before right everything is in here how to set up your company how to build uh a solid foundation for you to build your company on we got all of that there on coding phase but i i'm really thinking about creating a course for big commerce because big commerce it keeps popping up everywhere it's like head-to-head with shopify so big commerce is not as big as shopify but a lot of companies choose big commerce over um shopify because of the way that they can use the service and they could customize it more so shopify has its limitations right you're limited to shopify's um shopify's platform and apis now with bigcommerce bigcommerce is a little bit different they have a different model of allowing developers to do things inside of the platform so you know it's actually pretty cool the way how it is um if you also guys also if you guys check out this thing check out nextgs okay so next yes um by versum right they actually have a like a a project that they're building right i mean they already built it but it's pretty much next js commerce okay and what this does is basically allows you to go and use platforms like shopify bigcommerce originally was just for bigcommerce but now they they added shopify so basically you you can use this like starter kit to build a e-commerce website built with nothing but next js and react and then use the platforms of shopify and bigcommerce as a hella cms okay aki review says you got a react course yes there's a react course there's been a react course in there for the like the last three years bro if you go to codingphase.com you have access to all of that man like if you go in here you can see we have reacting here react quick and easy which we go to uh the fundamentals of react itself okay um you also have redux the easy way if you ever use redux and you think that's super complicated i made this course so i could explain it to you and break it down on how easy redux actually is um it's just all of those things that you might think is difficult it all depends on the who who you have to the instructor right like if your instructor is coming in with this mentality because this is the [ __ ] bro i'm gonna be honest with you guys there's a moment that we got to sit down for a second okay let's sit down let's talk about this right so this is the thing that happens online right a lot of the guys that teach right they're not thinking of you right like let's say for example like you're not their demographic right i'm just gonna be 100 honest because i'm you right so i'm just like you guys learning at home right i'm just like some random dude that says hey i want to learn how to code right but then i go in into these classes there's courses these books and the way how things are being presented to me it's as if i already know how to do these things right or they're not taking into account that [ __ ] i i might not have been a a person that was on the computer all the time like there's a lot of people that are learning how to code now that you know what they only use computers to maybe send the email or maybe to do a couple of easy things like they wasn't like really heavy into computers or or like you know any type of programming or or anything like they're outside let's just say you're somebody who's outside okay you you're not playing moba you're not playing league of legends you're not on a windows computer all day right you've been outside right most of the courses are not meant for you that's the truth okay they're not taking you into consideration so there's a lot of stuff that they come in and they assume that you already know so you as a beginner you go into this courses you'll be like okay cool so let me learn something you sit down and this individual comes in and start throwing mad big words at you because you start throwing man concepts that it's not really explained properly or try to make it simple for you because you have no knowledge of this right they're just talking to you as if you was another college student that's been studying computer science for the last three years and this is your last year he's like hey you want to know about react this is react this is functional programming this is this is that object-oriented programming but you as a regular individual you're in there like yo like wait what like what's going on and this is why a lot of people quit i mean i even found myself in that situation in the beginning where i was like yo hold on like like these guys are just explaining to me all these things showing you syntax how to write code how to this this and that but if somebody doesn't explain to you how does things work together or breaks it down right they're not doing a good job you're going to say they're not doing a good job and and that happens a lot you know so when i was learning even redux right i was like yo hold on this don't even look right right this don't even look right um it's like the same thing as like let's say for example um this uh this uh library excuse me there's a library from facebook uh cool i think immutability it's immutability js i'm gonna show you right now i'm gonna show you right now give me one second immutable js it's immutable.js by facebook i'm gonna show you right now there's something immutable js facebook [Music] i think they abandoned it they abandoned the whole project i'm trying to find it but when i look what i'm saying with this is there's even like documentation that the documentation as a regular individual that's just starting starting to learn how to code you go in there and you'll be like yo this [ __ ] don't make no sense like like even how it's written or how it's written or how it's presented to you as a beginner you're like like yo what's going on like i understand this right and i feel like instructors needs to be people who and like the best instructors are really people who just can come in and take a very complicated topic and break it down and make it seem easy right i mean that's like what we're doing right now on you know sorry it's now i'm trying to throw plug and i'm not trying to say i'm the best i'm not the best i'm good at one thing i'm good at taking somebody who doesn't know [ __ ] right who's at zero and i can get them very good right excellent that's a journey you got to go on your own right you want to be excellent it's like this my job is to get you let's say there's a 1 to 10 skill as a developer right most instructors can go in and take you from one to three one to four one to five right the five right or let's say six to ten level that's a journey you have to go on and you're only gonna get that on your own and building real projects and working for companies nobody can teach you that right so for me i feel i can get you from one to five and i could take anybody uh you could be attempted of the street and i could pick up a homeless person random thinking and be like yo bro you want to learn how to code look let me explain this to you let me show you this and i could get him from one to five from six to ten that's the journey he got to go on his own nobody can teach you that anybody that comes in and tells you i'm going to make you into an expert they're lying nobody can teach you that that's something that you got to put your own time you got to do your own journey right and you learn from experience that's it if somebody comes in and tells you i'm gonna make you a expert they're bullshitting you they're lying to you nobody can make you an expert out here that's a journey that only you can do um but let me show you this project that we're working on right now okay so currently right now i'm building the html css part of this just prototyping uh the project let me see if i can show it to you guys uh the screen box share there we go okay so this right here is is basically uh morga fi right morgan fi i call it morgify uh but this right here is basically a project that we're building on the practical javascript course now there's a lot of concepts in here that you're gonna learn from javascript that most people don't even bother to teach you because they're already expecting us if you know it they're like hey we're going to build this this isn't that and then you're like okay cool that's it you got to figure it out how is how it actually works right because nobody's going to sit down and explain it to you okay so all of these things here right most people don't even sit down and explain it to you they just start building it and that says like hey if you didn't get it that's on you okay um but there's things that we're gonna be doing in here like let's say for example when you click on an input field right how do you make sure that this input field gets the the the actual number so like let's say uh somebody comes in and says 150 000 right and as you're typing it's also putting in the comma it's also putting in the dollar sign right also to another thing that we're doing is how do you customize you know a a range slider right so as you can see right here we got from zero to ninety percent down payment right how do you do this how does it actually go in and show you the number right so all of this things like it's it's basic javascript but no one really goes in and explains it how to put things together how to work with this thing right um now again let me see if we can zoom in there's a little bit more accurate because this screen this screen is actually on like a a 4k screen and then this other screen is on 1080p so this is a a little bit more uh more better this is more like the size that it the project actually gonna look like but basically you know you have all these things in here and even working with libraries or even working with charts and and data right nobody really explains you this right nobody goes in and shows you things that you're actually going to be doing at a job nobody sits down and explains it to you and i feel like that's what's missing from most you know most courses and most instructors is like nobody's really thinking about the average person you know what i'm saying like if you look online there's a whole bunch of guys who are this this is the crowd right this is basically the guy who's like i don't know if i want to become a developer but i'm interested there's money in it right there's a new career i could get some money in it there's some guys like that right there's the college student right who maybe he didn't even know if he wanted to become a programmer but somebody told him about programming now he's in computer science right now he's taking the course there's the guy that's been coding since like junior high school okay so all of these things that we're talking about he learned that [ __ ] in ninth grade okay and then there's the guys who work in the industry right it could be a designer it could be a marketing guy it could be a project manager that realized you know what i could also do the code part and i could get some more money it's a higher pay than what i'm getting here right so those are the people that you're going to be finding that's going into learning to code but i feel like a lot of times people forget you know a lot of people forget how how actually you know how to target your audience and and solving their problem right like for me i feel like i'm not trying to solve the problem of the college student who's in his last year and he's looking for an internship and he's trying to uh go get higher at google or as an intern right like i'm not solving his problem i'm not focusing on him right i'm focusing on the guy that is like yo you know what i'm tired of this [ __ ] job at this warehouse i'm tired doing fedex i'm tired doing ups i'm tired of doing all this other [ __ ] right how can i get into the industry how can somebody explain this thing to me and break it down so i could really learn this like that's who i'm solving the problems to in in codingface.com anybody that wants to learn can come in and learn right um that's what i do in there but like i said sometimes i feel like people forget about those people and those are the people that are actually buying online courses because a guide isn't already in college most of those guys they're not buying courses like that not like how the average person is is buying the courses or signing up to courses out here so sometimes i feel like people be forgetting about those people and that's why you don't get to learn as much as you should or you give up because you feel like oh this is too hard this is too difficult it's not hard it's not difficult it's just if somebody doesn't explain it to you and doesn't understand your your situation then you know it's going to be different you know you're not going to get the same results uh let me see reading through here delores this is why i always suggest this channel to the average below uh slash below average learner you're great simply explaining the basics yeah like that's all i'm trying to do right i'm trying to get people that don't have no background in programming computer science are not into computers like that right and how can i bring them into this industry and show them that this is not as hard as they might think okay i try to break it down now of course anybody that wants to learn from me they could learn but my whole thing is really focusing on those people that don't know anything and are just getting into the industry right so like that i can really be helpful because a lot of times you know it's like i tell people it's like i was in that same position right and you know i didn't have nobody to ask questions to or i didn't have nobody to sit down with me and you know build something together so now with codingphase that's what i try to provide the thing i wish that i had when i was learning how to code because a lot of times that's what makes it harder okay and as you can see like we we're not focusing like on like whatever is trending whatever you see that's trending online like somebody talks about dino js we're not talking about that according face right somebody comes in and talks about hey let's learn um data science like we're not talking about that [ __ ] on codingface.com right because i want to make it easy for the person to get into the game i want them to have things that they can find a job when they finish a course they could leave out of here with a result a lot of times somebody could come in and tell you hey man you're gonna be able to become a data scientist and we're going to give you the biggest training in this this and that and then you find a big ass wall in front of you when you finish the course that it says well you know what by the way we're only giving jobs to guys with a computer science degree or a math and science degree so then what happens to that person who paid you know for that course you basically [ __ ] them right it's like a lottery system when a guy comes in without a degree those guys get into data science machine learning all those things but that's like a lottery system go look it up you could go into the comment section of most of these guys who talk about his topics and you see like nothing but but in the comment section of like yo i still don't got a job i still can't find a job there's dudes that be like i got a degree i can't find a job so so at the end of the day you know and that's the thing like i don't i don't take this [ __ ] as a hobby guys that's the thing for me right so when i started learning how to code i didn't get into this thing because i'm like oh man i love coding i just love to code for no reason nah if i'm gonna spend 10 hours on something either learning or coding something i got to get a return back my return gotta come with a bag okay now i gotta come with a money bag either a job or getting some independent money from me i don't i don't wake up in the morning i'm gonna code to code i don't do that there's a lot of stuff that i could be doing with my life besides just coding for coding you're gonna say like i'm i'm not looking for github stars i'm not looking for you know kudos and likes and i'm not into that i'm into the bag how can i provide for my family how can i have the things that we need take care of my kids provide something for their future that's what i do it for right and there's a lot of people that get into this game that are just like me that's why you know people come in here and they relate to me you know and they'll be like oh [ __ ] somebody that i could relate to and it's because that's the truth it's like we do this because this is a career this is just a job right like we enjoy it there's nothing that you know is wrong with it and say okay oh i don't enjoy this because if not no no matter how much money somebody throws at you right if somebody gives you a million dollars but you hate the job you're not gonna do the job and you're not gonna do it good and you're not gonna do it properly right so we do enjoy coding but we focus on the things that's gonna get us a result at the end of everything right i mean that's how i am for me uh let me see brandon mckenzie says you played a role in helping me get a job today is my second day first date was all about onboarding and sexual harassment videos lol uh junior digital developer he said k hey congratulations man congratulations brandon this is how you start your journey you know by next year the year after we're gonna see some crazy numbers coming from you like yo i'm making a hundred thousand yeah i'm at this company i'm on xyz.com like this is where you start okay so i'm happy for you bro uh let me see uh john this by the way guys we got 90 people in here leave a like right and talk in the in the comments here talk in the chat this is how i get to come up with ideas this is how i get to answer back to you guys like if i'm here talking about myself this [ __ ] is boring so talk to me let me know what's good let me know what do you think am i crazy to think like this right am i am i crazy or am i wrong for the things that i'm saying about you know learning to code do you feel like sometimes instructors forget right forget who's the demographic of the person who's learning to code right how do you feel about that right like you know am i off let me know okay um somebody asked me what is big commerce so big commerce is basically a company right to create online businesses right meaning e-commerce businesses businesses that sell products online okay so it's very similar to shopify and maybe i'll do a video on the billy ray channel bigcommerce versus shopify 2021 what you guys think that sounds like a good idea so people can know like what's the difference between both of them and we could go into the details okay what one has what another one doesn't have um let me know if you would like to see that by the way if you're watching this right now check out the description there's a couple of links in there that is going to be really good for you guys also to go follow me on my other channel okay go follow me my other channel if you guys still haven't followed me on my other channel you want to search billy ray dev show you guys this on a screen screen share box so this is the billy ray dev channel as you guys can see uh this is the channel where i'm dropping a lot of content okay uh what i'm doing here is i'm dropping content that is like answering questions uh tutorials uh portfolio reviews um what else like we dropping a whole bunch of things right so all depends on what you like if you enjoy this live streams [ __ ] you're always going to get them here on codingface.com right on the billy ray dev channel this is pure content okay videos are 5 minutes to 10 minutes at a maximum 15 minutes long okay answering a question or talking about topic and you know giving you guys details and and be more specific on on the video right so definitely go check it out like we just dropped a video called right higher or let's say high percentage to get higher developer job positions with highest chances of getting higher okay you guys can definitely go check that out uh this is another one web developer reacts to five missing amazing websites okay uh built with javascript uh should you learn css frameworks before uh mastering css okay omg this is what you call a front-end developer portfolio uh five reasons why i love being a software engineer right so we have all of that right here billy ray def if you haven't subscribed to the channel go subscribe i'm not dropping videos on this channel no more i'm doing nothing but live streams here okay a lot of people enjoy the live streams i enjoy doing the live streams so i'm gonna drop it like this how i have it right now just live streams and maybe we'll do some shorts some youtube shorts on this channel um but when it comes to content like those videos are five to fifteen minutes long talking headed videos okay we're gonna do that on the billy ray death channel and that's because of the algorithm like when you do a youtube live stream it actually hurts the channel when you have a live stream that's like an hour two hours long so what i'm doing is i'm just gonna start all over fresh fresh start on youtube dropping new videos in there okay uh dropping new content and yeah definitely go check it out okay guys let me see reading through here let's go to the chat box okay that says joe what do you think about ravenchair ravenshire i keep hearing bad things from it you know people are saying that you gotta pay to get a job like anywhere that you gotta you gotta put money in to get some money out that don't even sound right you know what i mean like yo i'm trying to find a job but it's like yo let me get my cut first like i don't know about that company you know what i'm saying so definitely just be careful uh let me see olamido says so i'm in nigeria and getting gigs is hard uh do you have any advice for freelancers like me who is just starting out my advice is try to build a brand use social media to attract people to you show people what you can do right because you could go to fiverr or you could go to um up work and create an account right and try to freelance through there but if you don't have no reviews then that means that you're gonna have to do work for like a dollar an hour right like there's guys there that'd be like yo i'll build your whole website for you know gum in some paper clip you're gonna say like like straight up like there's people that will build a whole bunch of things for less than two dollars okay so do you want to race to the bottom or race to the top right so if you want to make a good living my advice is this focus on things that's going to get you jobs remotely meaning things like wordpress uh laravel right um focus on things that's happening in europe so you're in africa which your time zone is not that far from a lot of the countries that are hiring remotely in europe so my advice is try to find out i don't know too much about the market of europe um but i always tell people hey if you're on that time zone try to find jobs on that time zone okay because it's so much easier for somebody to hire you from here from the united states is going to be harder because one like i said there's people that's doing [ __ ] for you know less than two dollars an hour online and at the same time then you also have to think about the time difference no no one wants to deal with uh somebody that's you know across the world and it's hard to contact right so that's the problem of of you know living out there right uh when you're trying to find gigs so but saying that right if you build a brand online meaning like you build a social following right like on twitter you share a lot of content in there and you say hey guys i'm open to work if you got any gigs this is the things that i can do now you have a following and those people can reshare right or retweet and share your your comment to others and now they'll bring clients and customers your way or you could come here to youtube youtube is the biggest you know the number one search engine to me personally so let's say somebody wants to search um let me see shopify developer all right somebody searching shopify developer online right and you search for that right right now currently on youtube um or google google is actually posting shopify videos right or videos about shopify and you can go in and use those things like that right for for seo you can go create a youtube video and say hey looking for a javascript developer looking to hire a javascript developer looking for somebody that is a react developer looking for somebody as a liable developer create a video about that and talk about the things that you can provide for a company and say hey i'm available from this time to this time right i can work on any project i can work on long-term project i can work in long-term contracts i can work on short-term projects whatever it is right put yourself out there put yourself out there use youtube as a search engine so you can actually come in and you know bring traffic to to your website into your you know your email and your contacts so like that you your your phone is always buzzing with new clients and new people okay and also too you got to do a budget do a budget of how much do you need right how much money do you need to survive and be good right don't compare yourself to what's happening here sometimes people come in and be like well i'm in nigeria but i want to get paid like a guy in san francisco so somebody's trying to pay me thirty five thousand dollars forty five thousand dollars oh i'm not taking that job that's not what developers get paid nah forget about that focus on what do you need to survive what do you need to be comfortable in nigeria right i don't know how much money it is from dollars to nigerian money but in my home country dominican republic right if you earn a thousand dollars a month you got a good job right if you earn two thousand dollars a month you gucci you're you're very comfortable okay you earn three thousand four thousand dollars a month you live like a king in dominican republic right now some people might say oh people are doing work for for less than others and this doesn't then and they're messing up the market nah the companies that have the money to pay you as a us developer they're gonna pay you because you're here right the companies that don't have that budget to maintain paying guys here in the us because they're not as big as a a huge company here in the us they're going to hire guys in nigeria they're going to hire guys in dominican republic they're going to hire guys in india right because you're trying to build this company that is small in the beginning but you want it to grow and you want to go and basically use your your your money and how is it that they say they say uh make your your money you know make your money a little bit longer meaning that if you only have a budget of you know eighty thousand dollars right and you could get two good developers one in india one in in nigeria [ __ ] the smartest thing that a business owner is going to do he's going to hire both of them if that's the only budget he has why would he hire just one developer here in the u.s you know what i'm saying now once the company starts growing they want to have developers in-house because believe it or not there's a lot of cons to having a developer in another country they're usually not on call right uh sometimes the lights be going out over there so that's it their day of work is over right so there's a lot of cons to hiring somebody offshore so you know people cannot be mad that people are hiring developers across the world that's just how it is we're living in a global economy now you as a developer that's living in nigeria you got to be smart and say what i'm trying to do i'm trying to impress people here on the internet right or do i want to live good live comfortable here in nigeria do i want people to come in and bring me the golden hookah you know what i'm saying like if you want that then [ __ ] focus on the things that's going to get you a job quick and and focus on building a brand and bringing people towards you okay that's how you make it happen uh let me see guys hit the like button for sure brandon mckenzie says you think a 56k salary is worth relocating for i live in oak ridge oregon the stakes with my girl and a kid we may have to relocate to phoenix arizona well i mean you're in oak ridge there's no future in oak ridge this right here might be a blessing like yeah you might say well 56k is not that much but at the same time you ain't doing [ __ ] upgrades right like i'm just having a real conversation with you mackenzie right so you're not doing [ __ ] in oak ridge being in phoenix there's a lot of jobs in phoenix so if this is the journey that you want to go for becoming a developer and you want to do this thing right going to a bigger city a bigger market right is going gonna be the right movement for you okay so this is gonna be like a uh a blessing in disguise right for your career it might seem like oh this is a hard thing to do to move to another state for only this well you got to think about it like this this is where your journey starts you're moving there you're going to work there as a developer in phoenix there's going to be bigger companies so you could do six months over there you could do a year over there and then jump to the bigger companies which you didn't have access to because in oak ridge oregon there's no companies remember we looked it up the other day on like different job positions that's over there and i was like bro there's no jobs there like you gotta move to another city so by relocating and moving to phoenix you're gonna have a bigger market right bigger opportunities for bigger companies to hire you and pay you more okay because the reason why they're paying you 56k is to start you off if they don't give you a a bigger um you know promotion or they don't give you more money at the end of the year right you're more than welcome to go out and start looking for other job opportunities because right now it's because you don't have that stamp once you have that stamp that says eight this guy worked here six months a year those other jobs that are paying 80 90 100 now they're bidding for you they're like oh this guy got the skills this guy can do it da da we want him so now in in phoenix there's a lot of jobs in phoenix and not only that that is even better because phoenix is right next to you know not right next to but it's close to california right l.a right also too you have texas nearby so when you're applying to those jobs you're like a a freaking a state away or two states away from most of these major markets where now when you go to your second job now the possibilities are endless it's more open for you you gotta say so don't think about it like this i'm like oh man i'm only getting 56k should i relocating is it good if you ain't got [ __ ] going on like this is a question that only you can answer right you got to look around like do i have anything that's holding me back here do i have a a freaking future in oak ridge oregon that [ __ ] sounds like the boondocks [ __ ] sounds like you're living under a tree in in oregon somewhere right so you gotta answer to yourself and say do i have a future here do i really want to make this bread do i really want to join you know this great community of developers and and continue to grow from here then you're going to have to do sacrifices your girl yourself right you might have family over there in oak ridge [ __ ] sometimes you gotta grow you gotta cut off cut off the umbilical cord right that's just how it is and if your family really wants to be next to you they'll move to you that's it somebody said you're going in on oak ridge now i'm not going in i'm just saying like yo i remember looking for jobs in that area i was like yo bro there's no jobs here like like this [ __ ] is dead this is like connecticut like why did i move from connecticut right so in connecticut right when i was living in connecticut right i love connecticut like me and my wife we still be talking about like yo you remember that house we had in connecticut oh you remember the second house in connecticut remember how nice the park was i remember how this isn't that like we loved it in connecticut but what was the problem in connecticut there was nothing going on in connecticut that [ __ ] was dead [ __ ] was boring like it's like joe rogan says connecticut is a highway between boston and new york city that's a there's nothing going on in connecticut there's no jobs right there's no new industries popping up there's no big cities popping up mind you this is a state that has money this is not a broke stake this is a state that has money because most people working in new york city or work in boston and bring that that money back to the state so you'll see in connecticut you'll see houses that are like million dollar plus like nothing right like people got money over there in connecticut look it up look up greenwich like that's probably one of the the the most expensive neighborhoods in the country you know what i'm saying people got bread in connecticut but the problem is that if you are a young individual like myself right like my wife we're like we're like millennials or some [ __ ] right like so we're like yo i don't even know if i'm a millennial whatever it is right i'm a gen whatever right um but i'm not a boomer right i don't have boomer money i have to get it i have to be out here in the job market i have to find places where there's a some type of you know money moving around and opportunities like i went and set up a a whole office in in connecticut bro i set up a like the the only uh meetup group in connecticut the whole connecticut basically seven people showed up only developer meetup in connecticut the whole state seven people showed up that told me i need to get out of here ain't nothing going on i look online i'm looking for jobs not because i'm looking to get a job but as a smart man you always have to think about it like what if [ __ ] goes wrong i'm always planning for things that go wrong i'm not planning for the things to go right i'm planning for everything to go wrong that's how i make my decisions i don't make my decisions of what if [ __ ] goes great i'm i don't plan out for that [ __ ] i plan out for things going bad me losing everything and me having to go back to work that's how i live my life right so as a plan c right plan c and d if everything breaks everything goes down right i lose everything i get canceled uh i cheated on a girlfriend in 2002. that girlfriend comes back and says he cheated on me and now in society men that cheat are looked down upon i don't know what's going to happen 10 15 years from now right somebody pulls out the the blue white blue eyed white dragon and says well he cheated on me on 2002 right and he gets cancelled now right so joe's canceled what happens to joe now joe got to go find himself a job so i got to be around a market or close to a market where i can find a job when or opportunities quicker and faster in connecticut there was no opportunities there was nothing going on in connecticut right so for me i have to be in a market where i could see a future like here in connecticut in in tampa this is great there's a lot of jobs opportunity popping up there's a whole bunch of shopify developer positions there's a whole bunch of react developer positions in connecticut you have to drive an hour and a half to go to a freaking new york city to find a job and you have to drive uh almost two hours to get to boston that's where the jobs we're at so you're living in connecticut is like there's no point so that's why we moved there was no no future there hey i was like you're laughing my ass off it's true like we don't know what's gonna happen 2002 he cheated on me now society society has cut off the balls of men and now if you ever cheated in your life right that's looked down upon right now me would have passed right most of you guys would have passed right it was like you know you cheated on somebody that's a crazy [ __ ] right they'd be like well society does not take that type of of [Laughter] we no longer accept those things anymore if you was a cheater you're always a cheater so you never get a second chance right if you're a cheater you're always a cheater now joe loses everything everybody cancels joe oh he's a cheater oh he's he's a misogynistic man he's he cheated on his girlfriend in high school like you never know where society's gonna go now in days so if you're not looking at what's the worst situations that can happen and you're not preparing for those moments like [ __ ] could go bad for you you might instead of you having a back-up plan and you didn't have that back-up plan now you're under a bridge and you're like you're there freaking heating up some freaking some wood on on a little fire another homeless guy talks to you and says hey man how you end up here and you just in there bro i cheated on my girlfriend in 2002 i lost everything like like straight up [ __ ] happens like this so you have to you have to prepare for the worst you know i'm joking right i'm joking right now but am i joking [ __ ] could go bad right yeah man by the way i don't cheat i've never cheated in my life you know latino man don't cheat you're saying like we low you so this was just acting out a bad situation if i was a cheater so you know what i'm saying that's for you to decide you the sympoculus like shout out to a alfredo for the super chat we appreciate it bro oh manly codes let's see what what manley cole says i'm sorry manny i didn't know you i i asked something in here let me see uh joe what if you don't care about jobs which is which javascript framework would you use for personal use i still use react if i was like oh i don't care about jobs or anything i just use react the things that i focus on are things that i like too um but if i was to focus like on a programming language if i was just working on a project that i just you know i just want to use i probably use crystalling and i'll probably if i need to use node.js i would use nextgs that's it so even the things that i'm telling you guys to use like i still like them it's not like i'm like yo it's only for jobs no it's like it's they're good [ __ ] bro where am i going to learn coding if you cancel listen man if i was to get canceled or if somebody tried to cancel me i mean i'm not letting nobody cancel me bro i'll be like yo bro like i'm independent like the people love me for who i am but he cheated in 2002. and he came back and he and he kissed me after like like nah man like somebody tried to cancel over like yo i'll be pissed i'll tell you the truth i'll probably curse somebody out i don't think i have to like the composure to be like oh i'm like i'm one of those guys to be like i'm just gonna stay quiet like now i'm cursing you out i'm like yo like i work too hard for this [ __ ] i ain't trying to [ __ ] like like you have some people to be like well uh he's now uh some guy goes in and does some dumb [ __ ] from like i don't know uh a drunken day or something like that and somebody said well he's cancer he we're no longer supporting him i hope that you guys that that really know me and you have been here y'all be like yo like joe's joe's a real one like we we sticking with joe you understand like because the to the outside world they might not know you right and that's i feel like a lot of times when people get canceled i feel like most people i get cancer is because it's canceled by people that don't know them if you know somebody and you know who they are and you know their character somebody could do something bad unless it's something extremely bad right um then yeah like canceling people is dumb yeah man pj these are just letting the cat out the back i don't know i don't know about that uh what do you think about code.js i like code.js too for like simple projects and like you know projects that i wanted them to be secure and um like i did code.js for shopify and that was pretty cool too i have fun with it uh joe how important is seo being so far in your solo developer journey while building profitable sites so seo is important no matter what like so i'll give you an example like without seo and bringing traffic to your website then you're not gonna you know you're not gonna make any type of money because if nobody can find you how are you gonna be able to make any money it doesn't matter if it's on each website that has ads niche website that has affiliate links uh a website that is a software as a service a website that's a platform like codingphase.com is a platform it's not a service it's a platform where you have all of the courses and all those things so technically it's like without seo if people wouldn't be able to find you know coding phase then i wouldn't be able to make any money from coding phase i will be just a random dude on the internet hey guys i got 70 something courses on my website and nobody knows he's like you're gonna say so seo is important um let me see joseph dominguez joe have you changed your stance on college degree as of now in 2017 in 2021 i'm about to say 2071 2071. yeah i'll be bugging sometimes um no i think college is good for the people that is just coming out of high school right college is great for that or when you go into a career that college is mandatory like you if you say oh i want to become a teacher right and you need a teacher education bachelor's degree like there's no shortcuts to it you have to go through that thing right so you could be 45 years old you're gonna have to go to college so at 50 years old you could become a teacher there's nothing that you can do about it right but when it comes to programming and when you're doing web development specifically then what i tell people is you going into college as an adult as a grown ass man right now at 40 something years old 30 something years old it don't make no sense unless this is something that you want to do for yourself like i for myself would love to be able to go back to school even if it was online to get a computer science degree right but that's something for me to have to me just to hang that [ __ ] up up there and just put oh computer science degree not because i need it but because that's something that i will say oh i could do like one course a semester two courses a semester and then i'll get it when i be like 45 or something like that right i wouldn't mind doing that if i had the time i don't have the time right now i got three kids i got multiple businesses and i still got youtube so i haven't got time to do anything you know what i'm saying um and a lot of people are in the same uh position so it's like if you're doing web development and you're living good and you're able to find your jobs and you're able to take care of your family getting a degree is optional okay um but if you're 18 years old and you'll be like well i don't want to go to college i'm going to tell you shut up go to college you don't know anything in the world right most companies are not going to hire you because 18 years old 19 years old 20 years old are not responsible a lot of times right coming late you know freaking uh don't put in the time that it's supposed to put in you know doing social media [ __ ] around et cetera so instead of you wasting that time and just like i'm just gonna learn at home and you still can't find a job what i would say is that time that you're taking go and go to college so by the time you're 20 21 and you graduate you have a degree and then you have a different a different way of getting into the industry you could go in through the route of internships where they know that you're not a older individual who who is responsible who knows all these things when you are entering your intern your young kid nobody taking you serious like that right so it's like it takes time to get there so i would say go to college you got four kids you're 38 years old and you wake up one day say i want to learn how to code i'm gonna go to college you could learn how to code at home and get a job in a few months why would you go in and and go to school for four years waiting for four years for getting a result that you could get in a few months it it's just simple logic right some people might say well i want my degree joe i don't care it's never too late to go to school it's never too late you could be 60 something years old but reality is another thing right some people they like to tell people [ __ ] like that be like well it's never too late to go to school i don't know about that it might be too late to be doing that [ __ ] full time a degree that was going to take you four years now it's going to take you eight years you get what i'm saying so i don't know do you take it how you want to take it right so that's my position in college in in um at the moment right so joseph dominguez i'm 23 to give you context right [ __ ] you're 23 years old look if you want to go to college you still could go to college you could go do your thing you got no responsibility if you got no kids you got um no household that you got to take care you like go to college right now why not just go to college if you want to but if you're in a position where you're like well i'm not doing so good in life right now i don't have a good job and this is what i tell people you got to look at your situation you got to look around say if i'm not doing so good am i going to wait four years to then be good to me that doesn't make sense right like when i was learning how to code i was 24 years old right and i looked around i was in my mom's house right i'm in there bringing all type of shortage into the crib man i got to be like yo be quiet cause my mom is right there you know how embarrassing that is that's embarrassing okay you're in a situation where uh you want to go out you want to go chill go out with your friends you got to go you don't got a car so i got to say yo mommy now i gotta ask permission i'm 24 years old this is the situation i was in i don't know what your situation is at 23 right this is my situation at that moment i'm 24 years old right and i'm like yo i don't have enough to buy a car i don't have enough to get my own place so now i'm depending on the things that my mom will lend me or the you know the roof over my head that she will provide for me but i'm 24 years old i'm a grown ass man you're 23 you're grown as a man if you're in a situation like that i will tell you bro you that college is not an option mike dude you can't stay at home for another four years you're 23 years old you want to live your own life you want to be on vacation you want to travel the world do you want to you know you know how nice it is when you come in and you got money in your pocket i'll tell you the truth like when i used to go in and get shorties and you know back in the days on on on the little apps on the pofs and the you know what was there before tinder there was another one i forgot uh bamboo and all of that bringing shorties to the crib right when those situations happen you know what i was doing i'll take them to the train like yo ma take care but you know how nice it is now as a an adult you got money in your pocket like listen i'll pay your uber shorties feel comfortable you feel more independent you're comfy you could you got your own car you could go pick them up drop them off right you could freaking hey ma let's go to miami for the weekend you know how nice that is to be at 24 25 years old like that that's nice that's nice but if you broke and you're telling yourself i could wait another four years you stupid that's the truth you stupid now i'm just saying this [ __ ] as a friend right but you got to be stupid for you to be in that situation that i was in or if you know if you're anywhere near that to be in that situation be like yo i'm gonna wait another four years it doesn't make no sense bro when you could do this exact same [ __ ] that you're gonna do four years from now and you could do it in like six months at a maximum you're gonna say like why would you wait four years for result for the lifestyle that you want when you could get in six months so that's the thing that's that's like that's my situation so i always tell people like yo if you're in this situation that's not an option college is not an option right now that ship sailed that ship said you saw that ship and everybody's like yo all aboard that was from senior year high school or the year you was getting your ged right everybody's like yo all aboard who's hopping on this college train who's hot who who's hopping on this this there's a titanic college ship right you kept it moving you said i'm not going to college now you got to live with that situation you got to live with those consequences you ain't hop on that you ain't help on that [ __ ] that ship sailed you're like you're a grown ass man like yo hold on wait for me wait for me that [ __ ] was halfway through there's dudes on the other side already chilling now you're gonna go back into it and be like yo let me hop on that ship again the ship sailed already now you got to make your moves right and live with the consequences and decisions that you already chose to to lift them you know what i'm saying um let me see i'm reading through here i'm about to head out of here pretty soon uh wifey made me some so mangu so you know how mangu if you leave it for too long it gets cold [ __ ] sugar's bad so i'm about to go eat um i just i keep it real over here you know how some guys are like well guys we're going to be ending up the live stream pretty soon because you know i have to go back to work i don't gotta do [ __ ] i'm gonna come in here i'm gonna work on on the practical javascript course drop a couple of videos today right i'm gonna be dropping that throughout the whole day i'm planning on doing two projects today knocking that [ __ ] out i'm gonna be up till like three o'clock in the morning but throughout the day i'm up and up getting up going to the pool chilling with the kids like this is the lifestyle of working for yourself kids it's an investment i invested in myself to get to this point right uh so i'm not gonna [ __ ] you guys and be like whoa guys i'm i'm going back to work it's like no i'm not going back to work i'm gonna go eat someone go chill for a little bit then from there go chill with the kids play in the pool right probably go go play with uh with my son on the swing real quick and then from there you know hop on this thing and go to sleep at three o'clock in the morning working on the time that i like to work i like to work from you know from two o'clock all the way to three o'clock in the morning a 12 hour shift 12 13 hour shift oh let me see i became a web developer at 26 about to be 27 took some course online but i almost went back to school good thing i did it yeah it happens man sometimes you just gotta be realistic and look at um you know where you at when will the javascript mortgage project be available it's going to be available today today for sure today is going to have everything in there so probably tonight if you're at work right now by tonight you should have that project there waiting for you and then tomorrow morning another project is going to be there where we're going to be working on apis right now i'm just trying to figure out uh which api we should use because i want to use something that is useful something that you will be doing at a company so without having to build a back-end so i'm trying to figure that part out soon because again this is a javascript course practical javascript course but we're building a whole bunch of things that has to do with like real jobs like um building this project right here like i said this is things that you're going to be building as a developer like this isn't something that i'm just like hey let's do it to do app nah like we're really building like a whole dashboard for uh mortgages so like let's say somebody comes in here and says hey how much is a mortgage on 150 000 dollars on a loan years 30 years you can drag and drop this from side to side right interest rates property taxes home insurance per year right then from this chart right here is going to give you the full information uh like your principal your interest your property tax home insurance uh pmi 20 right uh we're also going to have a section where is going to have other houses that we recommend so this right here what you're seeing right now is actually a piece that's on top of of this right here so this is the mg results so let me see display none so technically when the person lands on the on the page this is how it's going to look okay like that so there's gonna be a house that's already pre-filled with the information there okay when the person comes in and click on save then it's gonna have a nice animation okay and it's gonna have a nice animation and then it's gonna pop up the other section that we just saw which is the charts and the information of the breakdown on how much the person's gonna be paying for this home and then once they have that breakdown and they look at that breakdown they're also going to get other recommended uh properties that basically that they could figure out because right now let's say this house was a hundred and fifty thousand dollars then we want to go in and show a house that might be 323 000 then we want to show another house that's 660 000. so they could compare and say okay this is how much i could be paying for a mortgage at 150 000 and this is how much i will be paying at a mortgage of you know 100 or like let's say 300 000 or 400 000 so it's going to be a very cool project this is [ __ ] that you will be doing at work this is things that i've had to do right this is why i'm building it right this practical javascript course is not a course like i've seen people that come in and drop like a hundred javascript projects right and it's like cool it's 100 javascript projects but what am i doing i'm just like learning to learn [ __ ] on javascript just to learn it i want to learn things that i'm going to actually be doing right and a lot of the things that we're doing in this javascript course is all vanilla javascript right so it's over another javascript so when you go in and you use things like react right view js angular you're going to be able to understand how those frameworks actually make those things possible like this right here we're using state we're using a a local state to basically keep track of all the events that's happening on this application okay so this is stuff that you would use and react but in in react somebody that doesn't know how to do this with vanilla javascript they will say oh react sets this up this is like magic it's like nah this is [ __ ] is in javascript react is just a library that's on top of javascript that makes it easier because a lot of the things that we're doing manually here it will take like five minutes to do and react right but because we're building it with vanilla javascript we have to go in and do step by step but it's good because that's what's gonna make you a really good javascript developer right um it's just like what we said on the css video on the billy ray channel and it was like yo should you learn frameworks before you learn css and the you know the freaking messages no okay same thing for here like in in javascript you shouldn't go and focus on on react or even next year not even next year's react view angular whatever right because until you understand the concepts of javascript and how things work you don't want to go in and jump into something that makes it easier for you because you have no idea how those things actually work so when you bump into a problem and you you're like oh i have a problem here i can't figure it out and the first thing that you do is go to stack overflow to try to find the answer but you still don't understand why you had that problem it's because you don't know javascript and that's what i'm trying to solve in this thing okay and on top of that we're trying to solve the problem of learning javascript the boring way where somebody comes in and teaches you javascript just by looking at the syntax getting like three hours of syntax not knowing how things work not knowing how to put things together right so that's what we're doing in here okay so definitely go check it out by the way on the description there's a coupon code there guys that you have two options how can you get access to this project in all the projects from codingface.com you can either buy them directly right so you could go in the description has 50 off on the practical javascript course so for 25 you basically own it and you could always come back to it right if you don't care about coming back to the course then what you can do is you sign up for a monthly subscription and you get this course and every other programming course on codingface.com and you basically whenever you want to cancel you cancel now when you cancel you don't get access to it that's the con of it right so but once you have the project you have the project you don't need the course unless you you really want to come back to it and you're like oh i i i still don't understand some parts you get what i'm saying but once you you get the the the monthly subscription you have access to this and everything else so it's up to you i try to give a lot of options somebody told me before um like another guy who is like uh a big time you know guru he's a big time guru guy me i'm not a guru i'm just some regular dude that [ __ ] i just want to help people out but i remember this big time guru told me and goes like oh you got too much options right and this was on clubhouse right this [ __ ] was hilarious um there was a whole bunch of people talking about you know online courses and and like things like that and like helping people out online or one-on-one mentorship or coaching and all this stuff and then you know it was my turn to talk and i said hey man um my website is codingface.com my name is joe da da da um and one of the big time gurus those guys that be selling like courses are like freaking uh 1500 3 000 each course and they do like um you know real estate freaking drop shipping and all that [ __ ] and he goes to me i like your website it's a great looking website but you have too many options you're giving too many options to the people and i'm like thinking of my hand like i want to give options because the person that might say you know what i can't afford to go in and buy each course but i can go and afford twenty dollars per month they'll sign up to the monthly subscription now the guy that says i want to get everything right and i can afford it i'll go for a whole yearly subscription right and have access to everything unlimited my whole year right now the person that says you know what i don't care about having access to everything i just want this i also give them the option to go in and just buy that one specific course right i try to help everybody out right and and that that [ __ ] was funny dude is like you got too many and too many options i'm thinking in my head i'm like yeah [ __ ] like this is what makes my website good like i'm for the people's i'm not here trying to milk people you're trying to give them one option imagine if i just come in here and be like sorry guys one option lifetime membership you gotta pay two thousand dollars people will be like yo joe [ __ ] you joe like i ain't coming back to this thing like nah i wanna help people out man um but yeah guys i'm about to head out of here man uh let me see that i'm just running through here before i go uh let me see just reading through here somebody said let me see does no gs developer still getting more than just backing devs i plan to return after i post or several years there's no ges developers still getting more than just backend developers i will say a lot of the new starter companies they pay really well to you know like node.js developers but it's way more difficult bro if you're thinking that it's just like oh i'm just gonna hop on back into the industry i'm gonna find a node.js developer job it's difficult bro because everybody from other programming languages like php java uh c sharp all those guys they're also switching up to node.js so now you're competing with guys that have been here for eight years five years in the game and they're going to the same interviews as you so it's it's not like as easy as you might think okay but good luck okay guys i'm about to head out of here man love you guys
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 2,162
Rating: 4.90625 out of 5
Id: bNCri4iQSII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 51sec (5271 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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