New Career Path On CodingPhase - CONTENT EDITOR

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you already know it's your boy joe back at it again your boys backing out and did it again one more time okay second live stream of today okay guys shout out to every single one of you guys okay we here we're live okay uh new announcement okay we're gonna release a new career path and we're gonna get into it right now oh man oh yes iced tea so refreshing okay so for those of you guys that don't know at we basically we teach you everything that you need to become a developer okay uh we focus on making sure that you guys are able to get a job as soon as possible um and i received a lot of emails from a previous live stream that i did where we talked about all of the different jobs that you can get with just html css okay so i decided you know what since people are asking me hey joe how do i get to become a content editor i see a lot of opportunities in my area uh can you you know teach me how to do this what exactly do i need um so what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be adding today it's not there yet but you're going to see it in the next couple of hours we're going to create a new career path which is going to be for content editor most of the courses that you need to become a content editor or the skills that you need to become a content editor is already on okay is a great way to get into the industry is a basically it's an entry level uh job position that's out there if you guys don't know uh you guys can come in here and search for it content editor just like that and you could pretty much see that there's a lot of different jobs out there and a lot of companies that mention content editor um web content editor right and they're entry-level jobs right even amazon is hiring for content editors right so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna uh set up a whole timeline for you guys right the same way how i have the html email developer or courses right just like this how we have all of this here i'm going to create a career path for you guys so you guys know exactly what do you need to become a content editor okay so we're going to be doing that later on today so hopefully some of you guys are excited for this okay and the reason why i'm adding it one because people are asking for it right people want to know how do i get to become a content editor right most people are trying to find their first job as developers but are finding that you know they don't have experience or companies are not hiring them because they're not coming from a corporate background right or maybe they're not getting the opportunity because they might not have all the skills uh that they need for like let's say a react position or even uh i don't know front-end developer back-end developer so i want you guys to be able to start working as soon as possible and this is going to be like the shortest career path on coding phase there's literally a couple of things that you need um and basically you basically need to know what a text editor is right you need to know what html css and pretty much just know the basics of javascript all of that is covered right there the html css course and the future proof javascript just with that you're good to go now it's about the platforms right so we're going to be creating a short course right where we're going to show you guys the different platforms or the most popular platforms that are out there that companies are using so we're talking about content full we're talking about wordpress um we might show you you know something like squarespace okay um you know and basically i'm gonna create a small course right it's going to be a small course going over all of this platforms this is something that i can do for you guys in the in the next you know today is what tuesday wednesday today is actually wednesday so by saturday i could have that course there where we go in and show you guys all of the most popular uh platforms um that you're gonna need to know it's not that you need to know every single one but when you go to these job interviews they're gonna ask you hey do you know how to use content foo hey do you know how to use wordpress hey do you know how to use squarespace right and you want to be able to say yes i know how to do that right i've used those platforms before and that way it could help you land those you know land those different roles okay so again what i'm trying to do here is give you guys all of the ways that you can get into the industry right and what's interesting is that um just because you might say well do i just drop everything like some of you guys are doing well i'm doing shopify team development joe do i drop everything that i'm doing right uh do i drop everything that i'm doing as a front-end developer do i drop everything that i'm doing as a back-end developer and i would say no because if you notice most of the courses that i just mentioned are the same courses that are going to be for shopify developer for html email developer okay it's just an extra skill that you will have to to know right how to work with a cms how to work with multiple uh different types of cms's that's out there and that's pretty much it so even though yes you're taking a new career path it doesn't mean that like you're losing anything or you're switching anything it's just more of a hey i have a month in at coding phase i already know html css i already know a little bit of javascript let me take this uh content editor uh course or this timeline right and then start applying so you could get a job as soon as possible i mean this is a position that you could get a job in with a month at coding phase like literally it doesn't take much to learn html css in the basics of javascript and then from there just learning a couple of uh different platforms okay and that's what i'm gonna be doing so again uh this could be a way for you guys to speed up the process and get higher as soon as possible one month in right i think you know for people that are html email developers are focusing on that you know that could take you two months right build a portfolio uh as a content editor you don't even need a portfolio to be honest with you okay you can have a portfolio but you don't need it so this is a great way to say you know what if i need a job at the end of the month and i want to start working i want to start building my experience while i'm still learning all of this extra skills that i'm learning at codingphase right to become a front-end developer or shopify developer at least you're getting paid and you have experience so by the time you're ready to start applying for this other positions you're not coming in just randomly and be like well i've never done this before i never worked in a corporate environment hey i've never worked with a team now you're coming in it's like okay i'm a month in let me go in and start applying let me get this job okay so again let me know what you guys think let me open up the chat box uh see what you guys are thinking about this okay um let me see uh let me go in and check out uh the previous chats that you guys put i want to be able to answer any questions or anything that you guys might be uh interested in so give me a second so i could pull up the the chat okay so it says justin mill says what's good john dislike what up uh zaire says hey joe ruther says migente angel medina says we're here uh john diesel says i can sense james coming on the new career path uh it will be cool to teach marketing on that career path uh yeah i think that could also help a lot too um and so we're also you know we're probably gonna package up in that career path you know things like google analytics google analytics is is very important as a content editor uh we're probably gonna package up the you know um google and facebook ads so you guys could get in there and also have that um all of those things is gonna make you stand out from everybody else as a content editor um and again we're also gonna go in and that new course that i'm gonna create is it's gonna take like three days to build um i'm gonna start today i'm not gonna stop till probably two o'clock in the morning recording uh so every single day i'm gonna be doing that till saturday on sunday we start doing the react uh portfolio with nextgs and then from there uh we're gonna jump into uh which one's the next one the next one is probably gonna be the php and laravel course that i told you guys remember we did a poll uh so that's what we're gonna do and then hopefully starting in in october or the end of this month we'll start with the new shopify app course okay but this is a great thing right this is a great thing because i what i want to do is i want to make sure that even if you have a month in i want you guys to start getting paid as soon as possible right i want you guys to start building experience i don't want you guys to just be standing around be like well i got to learn all of these skills and i can't get a job now i want you to get a job as soon as possible so you could go in start building up experience so by the time you have learned all of the skills that it takes to become a front-end developer or a back-end developer or you know a shopify developer you also have at least four months five months six months of experience working at a company okay uh excuse me guys uh let me see alantino says this is awesome joe it seems much more feasible in terms of short term and get into the industry quick yep uh let me see john this is uh been applying to this job i found marketing and design can help yes of course let me see what else uh mike lee shout out to mike lee what up mike uh john this list says it will be cool teaching okay i read that one uh let me see add says hi joe hey hey ad oh man uh let me see this is awesome joe seems much more feasible in short term okay i think i read that um what are the job opportunities after being a content editor so the job opportunities is the same things that's uh here right that we have a coding face right so that's a good question james so it's just like what i said before right if you're coming in on coding phase right let's say you're interested in becoming a developer right one of the things that people always ask for is experience right you could go and get a job without experience but having experience can help you out a lot okay so in the sense of if you're coming in and you say well i want to start working right because let's just be honest everything that that you're doing takes time okay now let's say for example you're learning all of the skills right it might take you three months four months to become like a react developer or maybe a shopify developer right um so instead of you waiting until you have all of those skills how about at the end of the month you start applying for content editor and get a job right so while you're waiting to get those other positions they're gonna pay you more you still could get you know a 45 50 55 000 job as a content editor okay so that's the goal my goal is to get you paid as soon as possible get you in the game so you can start building experience so by the time you are ready and you're going to this bigger positions and you're going for that 75 that 80 that 90 100 000 job position you come in with experience it's not just you you bring in your house hey i took 20 000 courses online and i've been sucking my thumb in my house i don't want you to do that i want you to come in and start getting experience as soon as possible okay uh that's another thing too that um i'm planning on adding somewhere in between the new courses that i'm creating i'm gonna create a package for you guys for freelancing okay so you can also start building experience by freelancing and getting jobs with the skills that you already know and i'm gonna show you guys how to find those those uh job opportunities and gigs online okay but right now we're focusing on on this uh this path of content editor because i think it's super easy for people to get in um i've had people that have hit me up it's like yo joe you you know it's good that you're talking about this because i just got a position as a content editor right and i only have three weeks at so that gave me the idea i'm like oh [ __ ] like why why don't i just come in and set this whole thing up for you guys give you all of the platforms that you're gonna need right so you could check off all the the the you know the wish list that they have right well do you know content fool hey do you know wordpress hey do you know um you know squarespace when you go in and you go to this job and you apply to it you could go in and check off all of that and be like yeah i know that i know that i know that right here's what i can do for you and just go to the interviews right um so i'm just trying to come up with the best ways for you guys to get in as soon as possible okay some of you guys right now already no html css some of you guys already know javascript some of you guys are even more advanced than most people so even you might say well i'm still learning a little bit more i still want to learn a little bit more cool you could continue learning but let's get you into a job as soon as possible right some of you guys need a job right some of you guys might be working a [ __ ] job you're like i want to start getting experience so this way is it's an easy way to get in this [ __ ] doesn't take much most of you guys that already are like yearly members of codingphase um you're going to have access to all of those courses and yeah i have already been taking this courses in other you know in other career paths so you don't have to take them now now you're just going straight to the content editor course and then from there you just go in learn the platforms this year you could do the show on the weekend i'm telling you guys right now this course is gonna be so short you could learn this on the weekend and you could go and start applying to those positions and actually check off all those boxes that they have okay um floyd says that's much faster than html email developer yes i believe that it's much faster because most of you guys already know html css most of you guys already know that whole all the prerequisites you know how to use uh a text editor you know how to use html css you know the basics of javascript okay in most companies you're not even going to be touching javascript at all but it's good to know it because now you never know like where you might go to a company and yes you're applying for content editor but you know what they'll be like oh shoot we could use him for that and then whenever we have like a landing page or we have something extra we could give it to him too so it's like you're coming in with the skill of a content editor and also too you're on your way to becoming a developer so now they could go in and give you extra tasks that they wouldn't give to just a regular content editor you're gonna say so in reality as you know as a business owner when i see somebody applying to my company and they have like multiple skills it i could go in and say oh shoot i could hire him to do this right but those days or those hours that we don't have nothing else for him to do [ __ ] we could throw him on this page you know what i'm saying so that's how you know business you know business works right they start looking at at you as an asset and seeing how they could get the most out of you right that's that's the fact are you gonna say like companies if you are able to do uh two different type of jobs at the same time they're gonna be like oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] is it's a savings you're gonna say it's like we're hiring a dude that can do both things so at the end of the day um you know that's the best the best way to do this right uh let me see but again going back to you know the quest a question from jamesa this is not like you're learning something completely different this is literally the same skills that you're going to need to learn to become a react developer to become a front end developer to become a shopify developer but instead of waiting right while you're still learning those things if we can place you into a job as soon as possible like i like i said i've seen people come in three weeks in and they already started applying to content editor positions and they got higher and i'm telling you right now they don't even have a portfolio so that is like a it's like an eye-opening thing for me because i'm like man i should have been doing this before to give people that option to get them in the game start working start building that experience so you're gonna say but that's my fault sometimes i even i'll be like it's just like how can i say this because my website is called coding face right so you will expect that it's only about coding it's only about programming um but i'm i'm realizing something that you know we're beyond coding right yes we we do coding yes we we teach people how to code um but the thing is that this is about the bread i want to get you guys a bag i want you guys to start working that's all we really care about yes we we focus a lot on coding but what i care about is to get you placed into a job that's going to be beneficial for you as you continue to learn the skills to get into a higher position you get what i'm saying so that's the thing so let me see what else is in here another one okay anthony cook says another one uh dj khaled voice uh landing anderson says code of face you're killing the game with this one uh hey i'm just trying to help out it's really you guys you guys that email me and and give me ideas and tell me your results right if i didn't have this individual hit me up like yo i just started three weeks ago and i'm getting a position as a content editor because you talked about this before like i wouldn't have you know thought that people might want to do this right or might need this because i always say hey guys become a content editor product editor html email developer uh you know shopify thing develop those are like the easiest way to get into the game but sometimes i'll be forgetting i'm like yo i don't know if people actually want to do it right so i'm like you know what there's people that just want to get a job as soon as possible start building their their experience so let's go in and release this this um career path for you guys okay it's only going to be a benefit it's not going to be like a like a problem for you it'd be like well i learned this and they're not it's not how people think right sometimes people think that it's like i'm not going to say the person's name it's like some idiot on youtube that said years ago i was like well if you touch wordpress you it's like you got the cooties it's like that's it you're going to be stuck there that's not how the world works guys okay if you learn wordpress if you learn content foo if you learn squarespace that's a tool right that does not stop you from continuing to learn and continuing to grow the way how i look at this type of jobs is a great way for you to get into the game there's a big difference from you saying hey i worked in in uh i don't know uh shanxi's uh you know warehouse packaging up you know you know chinese cookies fortune cookies right there's a big difference saying that on your resume than you saying hey i worked for nbc and i worked on as a content editor worked on a couple of landing pages you're gonna say like now you're coming in with a brand you're you worked at a big company you worked at at a major company instead of you just saying well you know i used to do uh sandwiches on on wawa so that's what i want to put into your resume i want you guys to start getting that experience because it's all related to development okay like nobody's going to be like well this guy he was a content editor right and he yes he used html css but this is completely different than front-end developer like nah this is html css this is using platforms that is already there okay so it's all related to web development it's only gonna help you okay um so definitely do not think that this is gonna be something that's gonna hurt you or it's gonna waste your time it's something simple that you could learn on a weekend and learn this platform see how it works and then from there just start applying to to those jobs so you could build experience while you're still learning right because you might come in and say well it took me a month to learn html css and the basics of javascript but it might take you two more months to learn react and learn node.js and learn you know php and learn a little bit of my sequel you're gonna say like it might take you another two months but do you have to be at home without a job no you could start working and then from there you know you could do your three months as a content editor you could do your six months as a content editor and build all of that you know that skills that you need for the higher position jobs right um yeah man so it's just tools let me see so patrick johnson said he missed a notification but i'm in here yeah man you always gotta come in and check on the channel check on the channel every half an hour you know what i'm saying checking the channel youtube is not going to notify you youtube is not going to recommend you my videos the only way for you to to see the videos and see what's happening is search coding face on youtube okay uh let me see what else florida says five stars uh hellboy says joe can i do content editor in freelancer gig um you could do i believe there's product editor we could look in into this that's another good question um hell boy i think that's your name let's go in on upwork okay let's go upwork and let's see what's the freelancing market for content editors how's it looking like right now okay let me try this hold on oh my god i forgot i don't know my password for upwork let me see if i could get it give me one second guys i'm just loading this up real quick give me one second okay let me see if this slows up okay jesus christ this thing it's not like i'm just trying to log into upwork i want to see uh what's in here i just got like mad lightheaded for a second like oh my my head started spinning for a second like what the hell okay so let's see all job posts let me see let me load this up let's do search projects content editor okay all right here we go content editor searching through here okay this is all people to hire i'm looking i want to look for job post no not job post i want to see this is talent browse by project supply to jobs no this is not it oh this is my my other account i'm trying to find my my account where i have as a as a freelancer because i have two accounts i have one where i hire people and in another account where okay let's see traffic lights capture i guess send the email i gotta reset my password god dammit i hate that [ __ ] when i forget like a a password okay so let me see and then they don't send it right away shout out to brandon mckenzie congratulations to you uh getting your job i remember when you you told us so definitely congrats to you bro okay here we go let's update the password okay there we go and then now oh you can't be serious oh my god this is the worst it's good they have security on upwork but they're doing too much bro like they making me reset things they're making me go through hell i mean i understand it it's for security you know security purposes but it gets out of control sometimes but again going back to while this thing happens and i get to reset my password um at the end you know this thing is just going to help you guys out you know just to get a job as soon as possible i just want you guys to make bread that's it i want you guys to come in and be like hey if we could get you paid at the end of the month if you're like a beginner and you're like man i want to start getting paid by the end of the month like i want to be able to provide that to you guys you know so that's what we're doing okay let me see all right so let's try this again okay there we go all right cool here we are okay so let's say content editor on up work how's it going in there okay because somebody asked me can you do this you know uh you know like as a content editor on like gigs and and you know online so again this content editor perfect english need it right sometimes you're gonna see things like this where some people they just need somebody to to work on something very simple so they're like yo five dollars an hour now that's not for you of course right you're not gonna go in like i'll do this [ __ ] for five hours an hour okay uh but you know you could go in here start looking through here look for something that is decent 20 000 up okay and start looking at what they might have right uh let me see you might look for something which could be paying a little bit more product editor okay and let me see because sometimes it's like content editor overlaps with um copywriting and that's because sometimes the people that's posting on in like on upwork like they don't know the difference between a content editor and a copywriter so sometimes they'll use the the keyword of content editor on it but they won't even know like what the hell to like they don't they don't know exactly what they really want okay okay fact checker ecommerce content editor so this is like um you know twenty dollars an hour right we insert your fact checker editor to edit around 200 short e-commerce articles okay so this is copyrighted but they're putting editor right so like product editor that's not the same thing sometimes you gotta like i say sometimes you gotta look through here because remember anybody and their mother can literally post something on upwork and be like hey guys i need a content editor but what they really want is a copywriter so it's like you know sometimes people are are you know are tentative you know they don't know how to use the proper keywords they don't know exactly what they need okay so you could find it you could go through here and check what they might have i'm looking right now it's just it overlaps it overlaps itself you know i mean like people are putting copy with content editor right so this is different you see need a content writer right like this is a you don't call it a content writer you call it a copywriter okay so this is what i'm telling you guys some people they don't know what the hell they're doing but if you go to which is usually you know more professional companies right uh you could see the difference of the things that they're asking here okay so let me see like this one compliance okay um if you look over here proofreading content pieces okay blogs social et cetera et cetera right uh that's one thing that you do as a content editor which is uh proofread what somebody gives you right so if a copywriter comes in they usually have some some random guy in the philippines or something like that write all this articles or write whatever you want to proofread and make sure that the spelling is is right make sure that you know the spacing is there that you're setting things up like different paragraph okay sometimes if you might be working as a product editor so let's say come over here product editor okay give it a second okay let's see what it says here here let me see radical editor uh proofreader see sometimes it's it's like it mixes it up man it mixes it up because when you put an editor the keyword of editor is is using in a whole bunch of different type of jobs okay so again product content editor right okay so this is this is different okay uh so again okay let me see we're into here organize this content uh phone content into the base okay let's go in wordpress product developer okay what is a wordpress product you get what i'm saying like sometimes you're gonna find jobs like this like that they just don't know like how to name things okay like what the hell is a wordpress product developer you gotta say okay let's see through here okay yeah sometimes people don't even know uh paid product editor okay uh create content strategy merit of memberships okay work with stakeholders oversee editorial calendar and content mix okay so this is a um product editor right so you're getting the copy you're getting the copy from uh a copywriter right like the details of a product okay and then your job is to make sure that you're updating or posting uh the product on the website so for example let's say i'm working at kylie jenner cosmetics right let me see okay gives us a second so this is the website right they use shopify for this website so let's say you're working at kylie jenner's cosmetics and they say okay we got some new uh lip glosses that are coming out okay they give you the information about the the lip gloss your job is to upload the images right uh display the the description of the product okay and pretty much just make sure that everything is here all the images are there okay that all of this information is there like all of this is gonna be provided to you but you need to know the pro the platform of shopify right so this is the things that we're gonna go in in that course and just show you guys how to uh work your your way around these different platforms okay like we don't have to create a new a new section or a new course for shopify uh because this is already provided in you know the shopify theme developer course right so i don't have to go in and create a new course and this is the beauty of codingphase like there are so many things that is needed in different career paths or different um you know different jobs but are really just skills that are being used in multiple jobs but you could go in and create like a new career path for it so for example like the wordpress we already have a wordpress close course i don't have to create that um a shopify course this is what we do here my first shopify store i show you how to create a shopify store so we could bundle that up with the content editor right and you have access to that right so also too then from there we will go in and show you guys squarespace how to work with squarespace how things get uploaded how to update the the i you know like an article or update uh a product so those are the things that we're gonna be adding into that content editor career path okay uh but like i said you know content editor it's not difficult it's literally just like okay if they need you to build something or they need you to edit something like let's say somebody comes in here and they tell you hey man we would like to have some images here on the key features now you could do it through the whiskey wig or if you know how to code you could go in and place it you know over here on this section yourself right as a content editor okay um so it's like small little tasks like that but again all of this [ __ ] is related to web development so it's like a way for you it's like to hack the system and be like okay cool i got some experience this is what i've done the last two three months so when you go and apply to these other jobs that are related to this like let's say if you've been working at a company as a content editor posting products and changing and managing the the products on on a shopify website when you go in and apply as a shopify theme developer that experience comes with you because you know the shopify platform you get what i'm saying so that's just how it is man uh let me see go over here open up the chat box because i can't see [ __ ] [Music] uh bro tripping says it's tedious work but it's a job rather than busting yes yeah i mean that's that's what i think you know uh let me say boom why are some easy jobs in new york city area i can learn in two to three months well html email developer um you could do content editor um let me see what else product editor uh you could do webmaster right but trippin says title website admin title eco ecommerce admin uh let me see let's check those keywords because also too it's all about doing the research right most people don't even know there's a whole bunch of of like jobs that they could apply to but they just don't even know what the titles are okay like look at this one e-commerce photo coordinator uh assist wholesale photo admin in locating images to wholesale what uh when necessary e-commerce photo coding uh scripter let me see reading through this and this is like you see how sometimes they will come in and be like yo we need a bachelor's for you don't need a bachelor's for this [ __ ] you know the platform okay you know dudes be like yo i need you need a phd for this [ __ ] no you don't okay ensure product images upload it per per the channels inside require standards um organize upload product images on all three websites organizing upload product images on amazon okay this is exactly what i used to do right checking samples for photography team to make sure all necessary skill teams or pdps okay so again and this is a job right this is a job again this is not a top paying job but it's a job some of you guys might want to come in and get that hundred thousand dollar job instantly but you're gonna understand that you gotta build yourself up you gotta have certain skills so you can either stay at home for the next four or five months learning all those things or you can start working and learning these things right so it's like as you're learning you're building experience and you're getting paid because that's what i want for you guys i don't want you guys to just be at home sucking on your thumb you know i mean some of you guys are sucking on something sucky something or something else i don't know what you guys doing on your on your personal time right so i don't want you guys just sucking on things in your whole [ __ ] time you're gonna say i want you guys to get paid okay [Laughter] all right um again this this whole website this whole community is about getting paid and and getting getting higher right um but again we start looking at this uh shout out to whoever sent me this who was a broad tripping that's a good title right um e-commerce admin okay uh let me see re reading through here okay e-commerce admin bookkeeper okay this is a little bit uh different okay look at this shopify project manager senior ecommerce manager like this is something that you guys can do okay you know the the platform and you might say okay you see we got email marketing right this is stuff that again you can definitely do uh once you start building more experience because believe it or not guys just because this website in this community says coding phase just like i said before yes it's about coding yes it's it's about you know becoming developers but at the same time i don't care what you do what i care is that you get a bag right some of you guys that have like a lot of difficulties with development like some of you guys be like damn i've been trying to learn javascript but this shit's just not hidden right it doesn't mean that you have to just do that right there's other things that you guys can get into and starting with something like this like content editor or you know or even html email developer can open doors to things that you don't even know that you might have been interested in okay okay let me see sunny pieces with the router they're reaching out but i've been stuck in the lawyer to the company bucket of people i finally told one i was interested on thursday uh coding past says two lives in one day yes sir uh broad tripping says website admin has over 50 000 jobs on indeed okay uh some recruiters just look at the years of experience just get up the skills and get portfolio again uh codingpass says what content developer was my first tech gig yep um let me see brandon mckenzie yeah pretty much uh let me see let's go and let's check that that title uh bruh tripping bro tripping with the gems today okay okay so let's see let's go through here all right so let's see so if we look over here we got this one right so e-commerce associate right 18 to 25 an hour right this is maryland right every city and every location is going to be difficult or not difficult different i'm reading through the thing that said difficult i'm like freaking ready uh let me see the second website okay it says here our current web infrastructure consists of two websites one is uh contract specific and contains approximately 83 000 products the second website is dedicated for product sales to general public we are in need of a web admin to support both our websites and manage content in order to promote sales like look at this [ __ ] this is a perfect job that any one of you guys can do like you know how to use a computer you know how to uh you know work with photoshop or you know how to touch up a couple of images you know how to upload things on a cms right like this is the the things that i'm trying to open your eyes to that you know what let's get you paid let's get you working let's get you in the game because all of this is experience you could ask one syrian right now right coding pass like he's working at fedex but all of the things that he had he did before were things that in some type of way have benefited him in the company that he's in now you know what i'm saying because he's working as a developer at fedex but i'm pretty sure all of those things once they went in there and said okay cool he's done this before he's worked at at a company before he's been working with the web he's been working on websites etc right got a portfolio like all of those things is going to be uh beneficial for you okay and let me see right into here okay furniture life and hacking sack right shopify website administration okay maintenance and updates okay again this is [ __ ] that you guys can do right 25 35 an hour okay uh experience look they're looking for a shopify website administrator but they're looking for somebody that if they know some experience with front-end development css shopify is going to be beneficial for them it's going to be like okay cool you know these things and believe it or not this is like a benefit to you guys in like big time because while everybody else is like they're looking for front-end developer you know ui engineer software engineer everybody's applying to those jobs and most of the people applying to those jobs got zero experience with anything right they just went in took a youtube video they did a [ __ ] uh to do app and now they are applying to all of these jobs and thinking that they're gonna get higher nah you guys are coming in and looking at what's out there and applying to it and getting into the game like you think you being a shopify website administrator right updating the website changing things under themes you don't think that's related to being a shopify theme developer or shopify developer the title of shopify developer all of that [ __ ] is experienced you could be at home sucking on your thumb or you could be out here in the field what do you guys want right so that's what i'm trying to provide for you guys so this this you know there's things that you guys can get in as soon as possible right okay website coordinator and nevada public radio you get what's saying like this are major companies you're no longer showing up it's like hey man i worked at wawa or hey man i i i was working at a [ __ ] you know uh wing stop you get what i'm saying or hey i worked at uber it's like now you're coming in with i was working for nevada public radio i was the website coordinator and i know html css javascript i know react i know all of these things i was in charge of this this this uh this website right you get what i'm saying like all that [ __ ] is experienced man you know one syrian coding path he's a testament to this [ __ ] it's the same thing for me if i didn't take that position as a product editor who knows how long i would have had to wait it until my next job opportunity you know what i'm saying the goal is to go to to start getting paid guys the goal is not to be like well i'm trying to impress a couple of dweebs on the internet no one cares about or you know what you what you did first once you're already making 100k you know what i'm saying no one cares about that nobody goes and was like well his first job you imagine that some dude comes in and be like yo [Laughter] cody pabst is working at you know at his company and they're like well we can't give him that promotion because you know his first job as a developer he started with you know as a content editor you're gonna it doesn't work like that guys you know [Laughter] so again so that's what we're going to be doing we're going to be adding that that career path i'm you know i'm creating the curriculum now for you guys to get in i'm doing all the research i'm looking through all the things that that oldest companies are asking for as of today 2021 and then we're gonna go in set up that timeline for you guys that are willing to put in the work because it only takes this [ __ ] only takes like a month bro right there's people that right now need a job there's people that just came from you know had issues with ida the storm took over the freaking crib they're homeless right now i we got people from all over the world right some people don't have to the budget to wait three more months some people need a job tomorrow so that's what i'm trying to provide to everybody in here okay make sure you hit the like button again so again and this is why it's so important for you guys to be a yearly member of because when things like this happens you have access to everything you get what i'm saying you have access to everything that's on coding phase a new career path you have access to that it doesn't matter what courses get added to it when new courses get added or their premium or their monthly it doesn't matter because you have access to it you know what i'm saying it's like you don't have to think about it like well do i have access to this you know for sure you got access to the programming courses right but anything beyond the programming courses that's for the yearly members or you got to buy that that course separately so as a yearly member it's like yo you know it's much better you know uh let me see right through here dark knight which pays more to start a long-term html email developer content editor i'm almost finished with your html developer course um html emails i think you could get paid more but like i said to learn the things for a content editor it don't take more than a weekend plus all the courses that you already know and you have taken from html email developer um you know you could you basically you don't have to take those courses no more right you probably only have to take like one course uh to you know to like understand what a content editor is right and that's like the course that i'm gonna be creating in the next two three days because it's so it's gonna be such a short course we're just gonna go in break down exactly what do you do what's expected of you as a content editor i'm gonna give you the tools that's gonna help you you know uh to do proof reading make sure that the grammar is good i'm gonna show you guys the the platforms the most popular ones like i said things like wordpress um you know shopify um squarespace um content full right uh this other one's like uh hubspot i might add that in there too so i'm gonna do the research i'm right now i'm setting up the whole curriculum so you guys could could have all of this there and you know exactly what you need and like uh in what order you should learn things so all of that is going to be there in the next hour so let's see alpha saying say uh yeah yeah i'm looking for a job so i think i'm gonna start applying to those content editor jobs yeah man it doesn't cost you anything it's not gonna hurt you it's gonna be actually you know a plus for you because it shows that you've been working on the web it shows you've been working for bigger businesses you know what i mean uh joe do you recommend call email call email to have a freelancer client small business nah that [ __ ] that [ __ ] never works i hate when people send me emails like you know random companies or people like hit me up randomly hey man oh you know what we could do for you for seo like no one reads them [ __ ] because if they don't know you they don't know you the best thing that you could do is create maybe a youtube channel create an instagram create a twitter drop content in there put the tags of html email developer or whatever it is you know whatever it is that you're trying to provide whatever service and then from there say hey um hire me or you know contact me i work with any budget and people will reach out to you you're gonna say it's better to have a brand where people already know what you do and you know it's like me like i talk so much about shopify i get constant emails of people asking me if i can help them out with their shopify store or if i could go in and building a custom theme right now i'm putting all that [ __ ] on hold i'm not working with clients i'm working on products and things that i can sell all right so i'm not really working on freelancing but because i i have this platform and i talk about shopify and people could tell that i know what the hell i'm talking about they're like hey man i don't know all this other random people that's maybe on upwork i don't know there's other random guys that's on on fiverr but i see you here i know what you know right and i can see that you could do this this work can you help me with this page can you help me out with this you know it's like i got this guy that hit me up the other day he's like yo um can you help me out you know fix this uh this images on my on my product page and my collection page right and he's like yo i'm willing to give you you know 150 it was such an easy task that all i did was i wrote it down for him i said okay here this is how you fix it put the image right target as images right and put in object fit right um where's the object uh fit cover and then the other one was like uh object position centered that's it that should fix everything on his website if i was like uh trying to hustle and be like yo i charge a hundred dollars for any any fixes or anything like that i could have gotten a hundred dollars if i wanted to i just gave him the code i say here put this on your header i did it for free right but again this is how you get get clients that's how you get people i don't even want to do it and i get random people hitting me up anything that's super big i don't i don't even pay mine to it because i don't have the time right but for somebody like yourself [ __ ] a 500 gig you know 200 gig and you could do this build yourself a youtube channel build yourself a instagram but with the goal of bringing leads not to be a youtuber not to be popular not to be famous create content that brings people to you it's like on this channel what is this channel about we don't get no videos [ __ ] trending we don't get no uh crazy algorithm you know the videos it got a hundred thousand views you gonna say but when people come in here and they bump into i'm searching how to find a job as a web developer what can what can i do with html css how can i get higher as soon as possible they find my channel and they're looking for this type of content and they say okay cool this guy's providing this content it seems like he knows what he's talking about some people are getting results let me sign up to his course right so the channel itself is geared towards solving the problem that you might have is the same thing that you could do for other people you go in you create content and create stuff that's gonna answer the question of that person that is looking for a shopify developer a email developer to come in and fix their emails or hey i need an email signature create that content that's gonna bring that person to you it's like leads you know what i'm saying not to get don't use youtube and social media for being on [ __ ] popular you're gonna say use that [ __ ] for your business to bring people bring awareness to your business into your services okay and you're gonna always win you're gonna say so use my examples guys everything that i do here you could literally go in and see how you could apply it to yourself okay you could literally do the same thing that i'm doing and literally go in and and of course don't copy everything that i do but if you want to get higher as a as a you know freelancer use social media to attract that audience the people that's going to buy your product right this is not a secret i talked about this last year right when i released the shopify course right when i released the shopify course i sold a hundred thousand copies right well i made a hundred thousand dollars not a hundred thousand copies a hundred thousand dollars just by going into the forums right the facebook groups for people that have stores right and i was helping some people out and i was like hey man well if you guys uh need help with you know with shopify maybe you guys might want to go in and learn the basics of shopify by the way i just created this course if you guys want to check it out right now to make a hundred thousand dollars from that course i didn't make it from here from the community most of you guys didn't even believe in shopify some of you guys were like shopify what is this right i'm not trying to convince nobody i'm providing the service i put it i put it out there and the people that want it they're gonna come to it so a lot of people came in and were like yo [ __ ] i'm always hiring you know random developers online just to come in and fix my menu or just to come in and change little things throughout my website so those are the people that pre-order the shopify course in june we made 100k just from that right now somebody must making corrections you're making money from courses we are providing a service you could be doing the exact same thing with whatever service you want to provide i i'm super transparent i share everything all this knowledge and all the things that work for me with you guys so you guys can do the same thing because it's gonna work if it worked for me i'm nothing special i'm a [ __ ] regular dude with a hat on you know what i mean today we don't got a hat i'm just a regular dude and if it worked for me it can work for you you could be a plumber right now and use the exact same thing that i i just said right go into a facebook group right find the people that having problem with where like let's say for example you're a plumber and you want to sell a new tool that's going to speed up the process to take out pipes go to that audience go in provide value tell them hey man i created this new tool this new tool is going to help you open up the pipes real quick check it out that audience because you are one of them or you are providing that service that they need it they're going to go in and buy that product buy that tool same thing that i did with the code invasion you know shopify course 100k so it it's proven to work it's the same [ __ ] that i'm doing now with uh you know 87 lux when people ask me joe why haven't you dropped you slow down i got it trust me i already did it this [ __ ] before now i'm doing it again with multiple products you're going to say because i went in and i basically i i did a uh you know the shopify uh course right that [ __ ] was at 500 dollars people bought it right and that was on that that audience the audience of business owners who have shopify stores and they don't know how to change things around i give them a whole pro a whole course whole bundle learn html learn all this [ __ ] learn the platform learn how to customize your theme i gave them the whole shebang 500 right now you come in and you say what's a hundred thousand it was actually a hundred and seven thousand dollars right so let's say a hundred and seven thousand dollars right divided by 500 that's 214 sales 214 people came in and bought that course now i'm not even including all the people that have been uh shopify like uh you know coding face member right i'm just telling you from the people that are business owners that bought this 214 people it doesn't sound like much but at five hundred dollars that's a hundred thousand dollars can you do the same thing you could do the exact same thing with your service you don't need to have you know a million users you don't need to be popular on youtube you don't need to be famous on youtube right you could literally use youtube facebook instagram to find the audience that needs your services that you provide there's plenty of people people do the [ __ ] on etsy people do the [ __ ] on template monster people do this [ __ ] on upwork you don't need to make a hundred thousand dollars think about this all you need is 214 people you get what i'm saying so again i'm trying to help you guys out i'm trying to give you guys this game and show you guys by example okay uh let me see shout out to nancy what's going on nancy what's popping okay let's see what nancy says um brent winton says just finish your responsive html email course nice congrats bro reading through here uh sunny p sunny p what up welcome to the community i've never seen you before so thank you for at least commenting and and coming in uh let me see sunny p says brian mckenzie i'm so grateful for the few freelance jobs i'm able to take i feel you on studying more now too uh about to learn learning some back end development stuff nice okay i'm reading through here trying to catch up on the chat alpha since that's what happened to me exactly i'm bringing through here i guess you guys having a conversation let me see reading through here how long does it take to to learn shopify well it all depends on what you know because if you don't know anything right like i'll give you an example like if you don't know anything right now you'll be like well i don't know nothing anything i don't know anything joe like i'm like a beginner beginner i know how to turn on my computer if that's your starting point right you say well i need to learn how to turn on the computer right that's all i know then that means you got to go through all of this courses right text editor this is like literally like two hours html css this could take you a whole week right uh terminal for developers just like an hour eventually it says flexbox this is about like two three hours sas like a pros i know two three hours right uh get like a pro this is like another two three hours it doesn't take that long future-proof javascript that is about like five six hours right so let's say right here alone that's already like two three weeks right two three weeks to learn or and go through these courses right then from there you have noting mpm basics this is super simple this is like an hour two hour course okay uh web developer personal brand this is where you go in we talk about your personal brand and also to building your portfolio okay uh debugging like a pro this is just like you know stuff that you can scheme through it you're not building anything this is just like i'm showing you guys how to debug um object oriented programming with javascript this is like two hours right uh jquery i believe this was like five six hours right so let's say right here just right here it's above like let's say a month a month and a half depending on how you know how many hours you put in per day so right here from here to here right i'm saying if you're a beginner you're starting at zero all you know how to do is check out youtube right you're like yo joe i found you on youtube and that was because that's all i knew you're going to say so i'm thinking that you don't know anything so you will go in and we'll have to learn all of this that will take you like a month and a half right uh first shopify store that's something you could do in like five hours right and it's even less than that it's just for you to go in you probably rewind a couple of videos et cetera right um shopify theme development this could be like two weeks right two three weeks right uh shopify online store 2.0 it could be a week this one's short too and then all those other courses is is courses that it's like an hour two hours of your time that you just put in just to watch and and go over because we're not building anything this course is you're not building anything this course is about knowledge and knowing how to use certain tools okay same thing for design software for developers i think it's like it's like three four hours so let's say for example you could do everything in here if you know nothing right if you don't know anything you're like you're at zero this could probably take you two and a half months from zero to a hundred okay now if you're already a developer or you already somebody that has been taking courses somewhere else or you have already been taking other courses at how long does this take you from here to here it could probably be like three weeks right so in three weeks um you can learn shopify that's it right and that's the beauty about like cody phase and what we do here that once you know all of this stuff here like let's say for example you're taking all of these courses and you was doing let's say html email development right you're already taking all of those courses here right and you taking the html email courses when you decide hey i want to get a better job i want to get paid more i want to become a shopify developer or react developer you're not starting at the beginning because you already took those courses before you already have those skills now you're just coming in and going into the meat of the course which is the the skill for shopify right [Music] let me see how long give me one second guys hello uh-huh yeah yeah uh-huh oh okay hey yeah you think of cash at okay perfecto okay bye bag alert [Laughter] yo man it's always good to get money i don't know why it gives me butterflies you know what i mean it's a bag yeah yeah i probably think yo joe's crazy but it's the truth i get the butterflies it's like it's my first time you know i mean [Laughter] it's always good to get money i don't know why i love that [ __ ] i'm addicted to it yo man [Laughter] i'm tired of those people that's why i almost didn't pick it up because i'm like yo selling a six number like you know what i mean i thought it was about to be like yo oh [ __ ] can we extend your warranty like i'm tired i don't know how they even got my number how do they have our numbers this [ __ ] is crazy like debbie tell him said to me she like yo we want to extend your warranty from a car that i haven't had in damn near you know two years [Laughter] yo [Laughter] sorry guys you saw how i got red i giggled you know everything that [ __ ] gets me happy everybody should call me up for that what you got we about to send you some bread what you got you you got zel i don't got no zell oh you got cash at i got cash at monday mess up with cash app you know your tank will cash out yo i love that [ __ ] man and then people be like yo this guy be bugging this guy he be capping i don't notice people i notice people because they owe me some money but they're like yo how can we send this to you how can we it's a couple of g's too you know what i mean that means i'm about to go out like i'm about to go out that's that's free money right now you know on a live stream on the live stream and somebody might say well this is old cap he paid for that that's the actor he he found on fiverr he's like hey man at 344 right or 144 call me up right and um say that you're going to send me some money yeah this is a fake account yeah this [ __ ] happens every day b i swear to god since i became a developer it's been nothing but blessings you again i'm saying like you saw how your boy got red it was like it's like my first time this you you gonna send me some bread sandy yo tengo casa mandameso yeah i'm stupid man yeah i wish i could hang out with all of you guys man like i like you guys have no idea i'm like i'm the coolest dude you want to be around man like we'll be cracking jokes we'll have fun man like i wish i could hang out with you man [Laughter] oh man let me see joey yo that [ __ ] you saw how quick i was say y'all think okay yeah i love this channel man back season you know what i mean we turned a pandemic to a bandemic you know what i mean yeah man this is why you know when people ask me joe why you focus so much on shopify why you focus so much on this this and that bro since since i started messing with shopify i've been getting bags from banks from backstrom back some bags that's a fact and we haven't even we haven't even scratched the surface of it this is like i'm just going like this to it you know what i mean once i'm in there like once i grab this [ __ ] by the neck it's a wrap [Laughter] yo for real [Laughter] yo for real for real man yeah because this has to do with some some stuff you know some some project that i did a couple of months ago and um you know it's also two things with my car right so we got an exchange doing some stuff right i don't want to put too much of the information of the business transaction that it was but it's like hey how can we send you the couple of g's you know and they're like oh we want to send you into a check don't send me no check checks get lost direct deposit that [ __ ] or cash at me you know what i mean put that [ __ ] on the cash app or send it to paypal i want that [ __ ] electronically where it's already on the [ __ ] internet if the [ __ ] is on the internet somewhere i'm happy cause you sent me that [ __ ] on the check now i gotta be looking at the mail i barely open up my mailbox i don't wanna be going be searching for for a check that [ __ ] could take two weeks could take a week your tango cash app send me that [ __ ] [Laughter] but like i said man shopify is a blessing bro let me see p says my husband has been with the company for 20 years and they're treating him amazing what company is that sonny uh joe making the person who hit him pay up don't mess with his i just i just want to get my bread bro you know i mean just give me my bread that's it give me what i deserve you know what i mean i'm a good dude i do a lot of good things man you know so let the universe pay me back you know i mean let the universe give me my breath uh ruth the ruler says i don't like to sound uh sexy but ladies i don't know what you guys talking about the moment you gotta you gotta the moment you you put that [ __ ] on the line you're like yo i don't want to sound sexist you already know you you you're about to go in and you're about to say something crazy um nancy mckiska said mac or windows for shopify development mac for sure mac is so much easier even some people using windows right now they're going through hell um like setting everything up uh a lot of times because if they download the latest version of ruby there's problems in there uh with the gems file and like it's some [ __ ] um but on mac everything works smooth like always remember this if you're working with anything that has to do with with ruby just remember that at the end of the day those companies are using mac they don't use windows you're like you're an afterthought you you know i mean like they're not thinking about you you're the adopted son you're like oh everybody got to eat on the table the adopted son oh we forgot we had a son you know what i mean you got to say that's how they treat you when you got a windows computer so always keep that in mind right don't be like well why they don't take care of us as a windows user they're using macs they don't know about you you know what i mean when you that's how it is bro uh seven lines says joe making bread i'm over here warming up burgers for for labor day and the microwave for lunch uh yeah maxwelco windows for games should i add clothing store to my niche website and learn shopify in the process to start my shopify journey i mean that could be something useful right you know if you want to uh create like a clothing store you could do that shoe there's people that you know that's another thing too as a shopify developer or even just a developer in general knowing shopify right it allows you to do so many other things like you guys there's a lot of ways where you can make money with shopify you could create t-shirt you know like all that stuff that you see online where people come in and be like well uh drop shipping or you know creating you know niche sites for for selling teas and things like that all that [ __ ] is real you could make money with that but the thing is that you're gonna need money to invest into ads and you're gonna need money to you know pay for designs from like a designer to create the t-shirts and stuff like that all of that is real right and that's something that people they miss out because they're so stuck in the code they're like i need to build everything from scratch i need to be doing this [ __ ] with merch stack and grass q well and apollo and and [ __ ] snow pack and v you know what i mean like some some dude gotta he he's so stuck in that world that he's missing so much that's out there right again going back to what i said from the beginning why i love shopify because it's just it opens the door for me to make so much different type of income i could make income by selling themes i could make income by creating apps i could make income by creating my own store right i could make income by creating stores for other people i could make income by freelancing and doing fixes and adding extra features to people's stores right like there's so many different ways that you can make money right with shopify it's an e-commerce tool once you're in that world of e-commerce there's bread all over the place just the other day there's a a huge e-commerce um convention and i'm pissed that i missed i miss most of it uh because i was like doing some some videos for youtube and stuff like that but i think they have to replay let me see e-commerce i forgot the name is it's one of the biggest e-commerce um conferences let me see it's an e-commerce world conference [Music] i can't remember let me see if i remember the name of it e-commerce world i think that's the name e-commerce world yeah so okay so check this out right so this is ecommerce world right this is one one of them right i think this is the one um but no i don't think this is the one it might be i i gotta look at the website but yeah i think this is the one okay so this one was from like last year right now they got they got another one on the 15th and the 16th right um i missed it i missed it last year but this year i'm not going to miss it right because again if you're in the world of of e-commerce you want to know what's going on there it's not just like oh i'm a developer and that's it i'm more than a developer i started from the coding phase but there's a lot of phases that i go through on a daily basis right so again this is stuff that you guys can definitely check out right a lot of these guys are legit okay zipify ezra firestone right this is uh from those apps uh pixel house snow wind alibaba group uh the dhl clear coat right so there's a couple of people that there's gonna be speakers in there okay uh you know you see the people from shopify you see vaynermedia it's a lot of people that have have actually you know worked on on this conferences and have talked in this conferences okay sell prices you know 166 this is crackhead prices this is nothing for the amount of stuff that you're going to get as far as like knowledge again i'm not promoting it i don't notice people from a hole in the wall okay um it's just for me to be able to learn a lot of the things that's coming and and to be on top of my game you know i invest in myself and i go and check out those conferences i check out you know when they do masterminds certain people do masterminds i sign up you know why because i need to have this information people be like yo joe how do you know all this stuff i'll pay for it you get what i'm saying people think like i just be like yo i just learned all this [ __ ] you know out of my brain no i paid for this [ __ ] i pay for this dollars the [ __ ] that i sell to you for twenty dollars right like whoa i'm gonna teach you guys about e-commerce and talk about this and that i paid thousands of dollars for that [ __ ] that knowledge and then thousands of dollars of me making mistakes and me trying to figure out what actually works and then i come back and i sell it to you the same knowledge for crackhead price you get what i'm saying and show you guys with what has actually worked for me which i know could work for you because if it worked for me it could work for you you're going to say but you could also do this yourself you could go in and and invest in yourself sometimes you know a conference might be like a thousand dollars two thousand dollars or maybe you might have to join a mastermind that it cost you two thousand dollars right like the things i'm teaching in in the the facebook ads and google ads i paid two thousand dollars a month for three months that's six thousand dollars that i spent then from there i spent about fifty thousand dollars in running facebook ads right and then from there also the youtube ads and google ads that was around another eighty thousand dollars so i in total let's say i invested about i don't know probably like a hundred fifty thousand dollars in in like you know or like 120 around there right for learning how to do facebook ads google ads and all of that and then now i come back and i teach it to you guys for 20 bucks you know or like a yearly subscription 300 like in reality like yo i invest in myself right it's the same thing that you guys are going to be able to do you know you might come to coding phase you learn how to code you get a job whatever you invested 20 but at the end of the day that knowledge that information sky's the limit after that you know uh let me see about to head out of here though guys so i could knock out this um this career path and you guys can see it in the next hour okay alex cassano you're one of the good ones joe i'm glad i've been with you for a while yeah man thank you giant says i have passed high school this year wants to take a mission as usc and i don't even know what you're talking about why are you trying to get it get a visa i don't know about visas and things like that bro to be honest with you always new customers out there looking for pros to build new custom stuff stop worrying about that well what did he ask let me see what he asked okay uh right into here time is money ass leverage dumb yeah uh according facebook if that's where the bread is damn it's kind of conflicting for me i i'm confused what are you talking about richard cody fitz bro i always feel like that i i'm like i want to build this [ __ ] from scratch i feel like buying shopify things from from others and reusing it kind of feels off to me well it's different if you have an agency for example if you have a freelancing agency or something like that right it doesn't make sense for you to build everything from scratch you know why because the more clients that you can go and and and serve the more money you're gonna make there's a huge difference between i'm trying to make money and i'm trying to build custom code there's two different things right if you're gonna build custom code for somebody you gotta get paid top dollar because your hours that you're gonna put in it's worth something but let's say for example somebody says hey i would like to have um you know um i don't know e-commerce store and i want to sell t-shirts i could tell hey man i could build it for you you know from from the ground up build it for your brand make it you know the website exactly how you need it to sell products and you know make it top-notch you know something that will go with your brand right but that [ __ ] might take me three weeks now am i gonna do that for five hundred dollars how much is that five hundred dollars right bring out the calculator five hundred dollars divided by three if i i'm gonna be working for 166 dollars a week hell no now what i can do for that person that says well i only got five hundred dollars i said you know what i could buy a theme set him up right set up his store put it up for him get everything up and running right and i'll tell him you know what uh uh you know give me 700 you're gonna have to go give me the 500 now and you're gonna have to find 200 hours in in another two weeks or a week from now whatever it is when i finish the work so what do i do i keep 500 hours right all i had to do was just upload the theme right i bought a theme for 100 200 right i changed it change some colors change the settings etc put it up on this person's store uploaded their products that [ __ ] doesn't take me more than you know an hour two hours and then i i keep the 500 now if i'm able to do that and it took me let's say that work five hours right to get all of that done right that means for every hour i could make a hundred dollars now if i can do that to five six or seven or eight or nine or ten different you know customers at the same time then now you could come in and say well on a weekly basis right if i'm doing five hours let's say five times 10 right that's 50 hours right so those 10 customers now i'm coming in and i'm charging them 500 right so i'm saying 500 times ten that's like what like five thousand right so on a weekly basis i could make five thousand dollars now if you're writing the code custom then you're gonna have to charge that person each person a lot of money because it's gonna take you three weeks four weeks you know it's about making bread bro it's not about how it feels like oh you should build this from scratch with somebody or you feel off you can't have feelings this is all about making money the only time that you should have feelings is when you get that call just like how i got it what you want cash app you got a cash app send me their own cash app you know what i mean that's when you you do your little giggles you you laughing like yeah i'm about to get a bag right that's when you want to have feelings besides that take that [ __ ] out of your your mind take that [ __ ] out your heart you don't do this thing for fun you do this [ __ ] for a purpose you do this [ __ ] to get your back that's it the moment you start thinking like this you're gonna win the moment you start thinking i'm doing this [ __ ] for love you're you're playing lottery does anybody know how to implement web developer starter kit in cold sandbox uh i wouldn't i wouldn't do that okay let me see reading through here before i leave uh i always wonder what the main benefit of shopify was as opposed to woocommerce like a business um there's a lot of benefits bro it's security woocommerce it's not secure it's wordpress so [Music] you know that's the number one thing that i will say let me see david e thanks for the welcome to that we're into here reading through here again okay gary out out there you there let me see savage just use your virtual box and use the operating system what that's talking about uh joe you play ps5 yes sir i got ps5 uh joe i got internship working as a developer and not getting paid nothing but it's an experience also i had an interview but it was all all about object-oriented programming uh typescript they're gonna throw me in the deep um i mean they could you know just go for it see what what it is you're only gonna learn from it if you fail or whatever it is you're only gonna learn from it uh alex the word says how you doing mr batute mr platoon thing oh man joe batunte oh man i have a friend that's like you more acquaintance at this point is stupid yo while he goes like yo i have a friend that's just like you more more of an acquaintance at this point so pretty much like i know this dude but we ain't really cool like that right he reminds me of you and guess what he's broken guess what he's broke because he he has a poor person's mentality uh that's what wally cole said you know while he calls stupid yeah why cause just stop just go do something stop being negative get your skills up yeah richard you got this bro i see your work i see what you you know the the time that you put in i can see your your account bro i i know you i know you're putting in the work you you got this bro i've seen your account plenty of times even when you leave a comment i know that you're in the website grinding don't give up you're almost there trust me but now just apply to you know start somewhere you know like i said i'm setting up this this content editor i know you already did all those html css courses the javascript courses you already did all of that i'ma set up this this um timeline for the content editor go in and literally apply to those jobs get your job you put in enough work right if companies on a hiring or not giving you an opportunity get a job that's gonna you know get you started and then from there start applying other places i guarantee you that even just by putting that on linkedin of saying hey i'm working here now you're gonna get recruiters up your ass like yo what's good you know javascript you know html oh you know a little bit of react i got a job for you right that's just how it is so let's just get you into this into a job as soon as possible so you got this richard uh let me see stu minion says finally subscribe to the monthly glad to join the community hey welcome uh let me see i'm about to use these tips on my relationship with my old girlfriend no feelings all about the bag you can't have no feelings bro not right now now while you're trying to get your [ __ ] together um carter just says so developers that use mac have an easier life yes way easier i have been windows all the way so i wouldn't know yeah it's it's much easier like everything every tool every language everything that you've ever had problems with on a windows computer it doesn't happen on mac so think about that think about all those times that you're wasting time dealing with wsl uh wsl tool uh setting up some you know virtual box setting up some [ __ ] to get things to work in mac it just works you don't have to go through all of that um let me see right through here hit the like button um joe maker shopify freelance course yeah let's see let's see um if people are interested in that man uh hit the like button um see what it says here sometimes medicine doesn't taste good you can do it richard you got it yeah man you definitely got it um richard says thank you i got a job right now after working non-stop for two years i'm four years in depth game uh i just want to do what you're doing with shopify well if you want to get into shopify the courses are there man and what i will say is you have different routes like i said you could create your own themes if you are somebody who enjoys the back end and knows about the back end do applications applications are more profitable than themes but the thing is that application is like setting up a business like you can't do applications without dedicating all your time to it if you look at everybody that's doing the shopify app challenge right now those guys are just working on that they're not working on other projects they're not working on anything else and most of the people that um are making shopify apps and are making like top dollar like they're just literally focusing on that business because a shopify application is a software as a service so it's like literally like setting up a business and you have to work it you have to build it you have to promote it you have to get it out there but the work is worth it because at the end of the day you make way more money let's say for example you go in and you create an application where you might have let's say i don't know two thousand three thousand people paying ten dollars a month for your application you know how much is that that's like 30 000 right that's about what 360 000 per year that's a business that you already got a business that's a that's as if you already had you put a pizzeria right you put a a laundry mat it's the same equivalent like you have a business it's just digital it's in the web it's online so you're gonna have to deal with customers you're gonna have to uh answer emails you're gonna have to so at the end of the day it's worth it you might make more money even if you continue to grow it and maybe use that same application and now you put it in in other things like wix or you add it to salesforce app or um you know other platforms that might come up in the future now you might have ten thousand right ten thousand users that are using your your application [ __ ] you know that's a million dollars a year 1.2 million dollars you know what i'm saying so now it's like it's a real business right so real business so that's the thing about shopify apps you got to put in more time shopify themes you put in time it's like a digital product it's like i created this iphone and after i created this iphone i'm able to sell it to hundreds of thousands of people right or whatever amount of people that that want that product with a shopify app it's a business you're setting up and then now you have to provide service to those people update it create features you know what i'm saying so for most of you guys that are like um like a one-man team and you've never done this before you could go in and create your own shopify app but just know what you're getting yourself into right um when i teach shopify app development at i'm really teaching you so you could do it to do it for yourself but it's really for you to get a job right when you're working at a company you could do it right and they want you to create a a private application you get that consistent pay and you're good to go but you could also go in and set up your own company so it's just a process it's up to you so there's definitely a lot of things that you could get into now let me see tell me someone some of those things you uh you joined joe i would join some of them definitely email me i'll send it to you i'll let you know uh college says um might might have to fork off 1500 for a mac yeah bro it's worth it get the um imac mini like if you have a uh a dedicated station in your house get them uh imac mini because right now to be honest i wouldn't recommend like getting a macbook pro like i have a macbook pro uh i have a couple of them over here i have one that's a catch and dust somewhere here um but if you already have a laptop use your laptop but if you have like a dedicated station in your house get them uh imac mini and also so i like the macbook pros like the how can i say this the the hardware has been going down lately like i'll be honest like there's things that the keyboard be [ __ ] up um little [ __ ] like that but it's i don't use it for for the hardware like i i care about the max because of the software the operating system that's what's important okay let me see right into here what type of mac is best to buy if you are going to the dual development macbook pro you could get a macbook pro but again i could tell you ahead of time like it's not macbook pros are not what they used to be because the problem is that apple tries to create smaller and smaller devices and then by making them that small it brings problems sometimes [ __ ] overheats sometimes you might see a dead pixel on your screen uh i've seen all type of situations so it is not like what it used to be um so but like if you get yourself like a mac pro or get yourself a imac mini you're gonna love it you're gonna be like holy [ __ ] this is the you know that's the best thing to do okay louise myself with greens fam give away those macbooks joe i need a bag bro i need a bag i spend thousands of dollars i got i got a macbook pro that i told my nephew i was going to give it to him and then i thought about it i was like wait hold on that [ __ ] cost me like 3 000. like i can't i can't give him his first macbook pro maxed out i'd rather go in and buy him a new one get him the starter kit which is like fourteen hundred dollars get him like a macbook air you know i'm not gonna give him a three thousand dollar macbook pro right like that should cost money like at the end of the day when i think about it i'll be like yeah i'm right now i'm getting fast money you could think of it like that but i still think like i'm broke you get what i'm saying like this is why you might see me with a shirt that i'm you might see me like 30 times with it you're going to say on the live stream you might see me 30 times with that same t-shirt right i got clothes i got all this [ __ ] but i'm not going to be [ __ ] buying a million things just to buy it right and it's like the same thing with the macbook pro like that [ __ ] cost me 3 000 when i think about him like yo three thousand dollars that's like a whole month of work for somebody for me is you know it's a day two days of work but at the end of the day i can't be thinking like i can't be moving like i i have that [ __ ] because you never know all this [ __ ] could be taken away so i gotta set myself up um where you know i could save money and not blow the money just because it's coming in fast and just be giving away [ __ ] you know it's like look i gave two two macbook pros right i gave um for the coding face uh code phase 360 right coding phase three it was a 360 challenge right uh i gave two macbook pros um i also gave somebody that won the shopify theme theme challenge i gave them you know a thousand dollars um i'll be giving a lot of [ __ ] you know and even like you know when i went to miami to go drop off this macbook pro i spent a lot of break i spent like two thousand dollars just on going over there i had to pay for the flight [ __ ] flight to miami expensive right definitely i had to go in and buy uh eighteen hundred dollar macbook pro give it away for free i had to pay for the hotel like i do a lot of [ __ ] that i'll be like yo hold on why am i doing this [ __ ] like i'm not gonna get the money back right i'm not gonna get that [ __ ] back right so now now i'm like i chill i can't be giving [ __ ] away for free like that like how i used to because when i think about it there's guys right now in youtube that got a million subscribers and they don't give [ __ ] and people be kissing their ass this guy's the best this girl is the best they got millions of subscribers get thousands and thousands of dollars just from people watching them and they never give not even a [ __ ] dollar to people right so then i think about it i'm like yo like why am i a small ass channel right why am i always giving [ __ ] away and i'm like now i'm just like you know what let's chill with that word my nephew doesn't be watching me but look like i said i'm gonna buy him a mac i'm gonna buy him either a macbook air or i'm gonna buy him like a windows pc so he could also play his games um but i'm not gonna give him the [ __ ] 3600 macbook pro with uh you know three-year plan protection that cost like another six hundred dollars that [ __ ] is like four thousand dollar macbook you know like i'm not gonna [ __ ] for him to go in and and drop it or some [ __ ] like that like nah bro i'll give you a thousand dollars you know maximum i'll give you a product that's a thousand dollars you're not ready to be holding uh you know a car like a macbook pro one of those macbook pros maxed out was like having a a car for that i'd rather buy him his first car a little hoopty a little you know nice little honda civic you know 2004 two-door coupe i'll cop that macbook off you for 2k bro i'm not selling them [ __ ] i'd rather i'm the type of person that if i sell it i'll sell it on ebay bro like i'll be honest to see if i could get as much money back you know because that [ __ ] is expensive where ethan want to learn how to code so that's another thing too i might give it to ethan i don't know if i give i don't even know if i want to give it to anybody i might i might just sell it like i said i got like two three macbook pros in my crib i got a mac tower right here that's on the floor just catching dust um i'm gonna sell them shits on ebay put it out there you know what i mean let me see but anyways guys i'm out of here man okay um jason cruz says he's 87 year company or a company i work for 87 lux man i don't want nothing man um i'm just a worker out here you know 87 ammo joe santos garcia's is an employee of coding face llc joe sanchez garcia is an employee to 87 lux inc so i'm just an employee i just happen to own it you know what i'm saying i'm just happy to be the chief officer on the paperwork but i paid myself a salary you know what i'm saying like i don't i don't i work for that [ __ ] let me i work there uh yeah i just switched to a month ago simple still runs like a champ you may also consider a mac mini if you're on a budget yeah mac mini is amazing that new m2 chip is amazing man okay uh i'm gonna see you guys later man i'm out of here because i gotta get to this um this whole thing that we're about to do right now this whole career path so check it out in like an hour on the new career path i'm setting everything up i'm creating the bundle and also to creating um all of the the different timeline uh the courses on the timeline so you guys can check it out and you'll see on the website in an hour okay uh let me see it's just i love i love reading your comments man and i'm reading through this [ __ ] it's like i want to leave i got [ __ ] to do but i'm reading it's like yo joe what's the conspiracy theory with the apple products i've heard the apple purple purposely shorten the lifespan yes yes there's something before we leave this is a topic that's good if you look at mcdonald's how the what's it the fcc or some [ __ ] like that one of those government companies right government whatever branches they're looking into mcdonald's they sell the [ __ ] mcflurry machines that always break and they and they do that purposely because they charge people a premium to get them fixed so when you own a mcdonald's right it's a franchise now when you own it you have to use their services their repair shops and whatever right and they come in and they make money off you so they're making money by giving you the food making money by getting the freaking franchise they're making money from you in every way now apple at some point somebody's gonna figure this [ __ ] out they've been doing this [ __ ] for years right you buy your iphone the new iphone comes in gets an update your phone was great you got that new update that should start slowing down the [ __ ] start they're like well it's because they got a new update and couldn't keep up nah it's [ __ ] they come in and they do something to it okay same thing with the with the macbook pros that's why i don't update my macbook pros i updated one of them and the [ __ ] started going mass slow the ss ssd drive started acting up i'm like this [ __ ] is a year old how can this [ __ ] [ __ ] be [ __ ] up already and i paid top dollar for it this [ __ ] is like that one this is like six thousand and i'm like yo how the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is already [ __ ] up and it's because i did the update now i put in i don't want no updates leave my [ __ ] the same way how it came in because if not they'll [ __ ] your [ __ ] up man okay anyways guys i'll see you guys later there's your boy joe back at it again coding phase
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 2,061
Rating: 4.9710145 out of 5
Id: tBB5AOp2mSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 34sec (6694 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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