How to be a Full Stack Developer?

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[Applause] how to be a full-stack developer to be specific on this channel we can't discussion how to be a full-stack developer or how to be a full-stack Python developer let's understand what do we mean by full stack development so we are living in a virtual world right so for every problem we have a virtual solution or maybe we are solving that problem with the help of some softwares like some solution now this software has multiple layers right so if we talk about different layers we have presentation layer we have business layer and then we have the database layer now presentation layer is something by the user interacts let's say if you are going to you are accessing the website right you are accessing some pages now that's your presentation layer now you can also talk about app here so let's say if you are using Amazon app on your phone that's the presentation layer because you are only accessing that app right but then the processing of it you know so don't you buy something when you add something to a cart of a new search for a product all this search or all these activities are going on on the server where you have the business logic so as your requirement will change your business logic will also change so that's your business layer and then we have a database layer right where you will put your data of course right so this is information age so everything should be stored somewhere and that's why we have a database layer now question arise if you want to build this application what other technologies should learn so if you talk about industry for different layers we have different professionals who work with it example we have experts in presentation layer we have experts in business layer and then we have experts in database layer now when I started my career I started with business layer okay so I wanted to be a Java developer and George elihpa works on the business layer now question is why not presentation layer is because presentation layer can be done by those people who are creative because you have to give your user a good UI with a good UX and to build a good UI with UX you need creativity you have to understand users you have to understand color mapping as well so when you go to any website there is a amazing color mapping which happening so when you see a great design so we have some animations we have some great fawns I'm not that good with that so I thought let's stick to the business part now we have experts for database as well so we have people who are doing you know their certifications in Iraq those army mask UL or maybe we also have no escort the databases right we have MongoDB so if you want to be on any layer you have to learn those technologies so if you want to be on presentation layer you have to learn HTML that's how you build design right so you have to learn HTML CSS JavaScript those are technologies which we use in front-end okay now there's one more thing with this you should also learn how to use Photoshop how to use coral alright all the designing software maybe you will also use some tools we're using which you can design your website initially not exactly running model but at least this sketch of it if you want to be on the business player we have so many languages you can learn we have PHP we have Java we have C sharp we have Python and then nowadays we can also use JavaScript on the business layer that's why you had it right so we can also use JavaScript on that layer and that is with the help of some frameworks now I don't know if you have heard about means tag so we have MongoDB expense GS angularjs and node.js so using the entire stack right so you're using this tag can build the entire software now you might be hitting that word stack from a long time the stack simply means you know we have one about the other so this is only the representation so we have the presentation on top of that we have business layer so the user will interact with presentation presentation will interact with business a business will interact with data base that's why we call it as stack so you can use mean to do this accompli stuff and then we have data base right so you can use masks yo you can use Oracle you can use post squeeze all you can also use MongoDB right so we can use all those layers now till this point people were doing expertise in one right so some people would they are very creative they work in designing people who work with logic they work in business and people who love databases they work on the top layer but now some companies you know special startups and then big for companies they prefer someone known as the full stack developer oh that simply means from start to end everything will be done by you that's amazing right so you are responsible to make this and you're responsible to build the business logic and you're responsible to work with database as well and trust me that's something which excites everyone so the entire application belongs to you so company does prefer that because you know the advantage of hiring a full-time developer so full stack developer knows everything so it will be easier for he or she to build the entire page there is no communication gap so we don't have two different teams to you know to handle so they know each other so even if you have three full-time developers they know what they are talking about so there's no miscommunication and then these people there's one more advantage so if you are a full standard upper the big advantage you have is you know all so you are jack of all the technologies but that's also a drawback the drawback with this people who are full cycle especially the freshers they are jack of all but master of none because you know all but you're not able to master on any specific technology and that's one drawback which I feel of being of worse developer but that's fine right so at the moment you start working on projects the moment you spend more time with some technology it will increase right yes your time will be divided in different technologies it will take more time for you to master all those technologies and I feel you don't even have to master them because for you what's important is build the project which works efficiently so if you want to be efficient calliper it's very easy learn the front-end technologies you can go for JavaScript so learn HTML CSS JavaScript and then I know in JavaScript as well so when you say front-end you can also use angular you can also use react of view so that's something you can work on for middle level which is the business layer you can work with Java which is one of the best enterprise language you can go for PHP you can go for Python you can go for a spell out net or the C shop that's the option you have and then on top there if you want to work with a table base you have to use all the data base which I mentioned now when you say database you have to also learn the concept of caching right because you want your software to work with it efficiently you want it up etching so it should be fast so you can improve that as well but again when you start initially you don't have to worry about the caching part you don't have to worry about big languages here yes it is important to choose a good business language because in future as well you have to update that you don't want to learn each and every business language so let's say if you stick to Java that's great if you stick to Python that's great so just stick to one technology at least for one or two years and then you can start experimenting there's also an advantage of learning multiple language so you can use the concept of one language in other language because not all the language have same concepts in build but then what about if you want to go for a full stack developer so the only thing is the bottom part and the top part will remain same right the front technology will be same the back in technology database will be same what will change is business layer that will be Java if you say you are full stack Python developer that will be a Python middle layer in fact in the presentation we can also go with apps nowadays we are building websites and apps as well right so when you separation it may be app as well that's important so now the moment you say full stack - developer so beetle layer will change and one of the best full stack development stack now is mean stack or you can also use m e RN stack which is react in there so that's how you can be a full stack data boy if you have any more pencils there in the comment section and also let me know what is your thought on the full stack developer so that is everyone bye bye
Channel: Telusko
Views: 122,085
Rating: 4.9195738 out of 5
Keywords: telusko, navin, reddy, tutorial, java, python, mean stack, mern, javascript
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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