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you got this buddy let's give it a cat a pep talk he's gonna make it this is my husband's toothbrush oh my god get in the house oh my god how do you do fellow kids see sometimes i remember to say it while i'm doing tick-tock related videos sometimes when things go as planned i think it's safe to say that one of the biggest life lessons that i personally learned in 2020 was that things just they don't always go as planned sometimes you think things are going to go one way and then out of nowhere they just skew the other direction and appear total chaos and there's no better example than this than a bunch of my favorite tick-tocks that i realized went along with this trend of enjoying watching things not go as planned basically tick-tock fails or tick tocks with a twist ending i don't know what i want to label this yet if you couldn't tell but they're all the same thing these tick tocks they don't end well or at least don't end the way that you think they're gonna end today i decided to cook for my husband and it went like this i was doing good made an egg oh no oh no oh just disaster and then disaster what's funny is i saw him go to do the vacuum and i was like oh that's not a bad idea because i'm a stupid person too this is my fault i got him in my creative world oh i'm so scared um look he's sleeping he's so cute he's the cutest kid playing minecraft ever come on walter oh no be careful of this love walter just ended it all oh my god this scream at the end the like blood curdling scream he's fat he's fed real good what a majestic tiger and then you got dunphy over here oh my god he's like hey hey what you guys looking at i'm cool too look at me it's so cute he's really smiling okay these next ones are definitely like my favorite tick tocks that i've seen so far in 2021 voldemort voldemort [Music] it's so good it just never works out it's never gonna work out oh my god what come on oh my god it keeps getting worse and [Music] worse there's that one but then i just recently saw i tried to do dobby i'm going to become zombae it's an old swimming cat [Music] oh no oh i no see it who is it [Music] oh my god i love that he keeps putting a black circle over who it picks for him to try and like make it easier [Music] you can only see out of this tiny hole it's so good i can't okay i feel like most people have seen this tick tock already but i don't care it's too good oh rack fell out there's trying to get the wreck off the pizza falls on the ground falls into the oven oven falls on the ground it's just like so many bad things happening at once i would just give up i would just give up i just lost i just lost that day we need to just move on to the next day because things are not getting better from there my husband and i were having such a happy new year so i decided to make some quick oatmeal for breakfast i went in the kitchen and i saw that he put trash in the trash can without putting a liner in her and i said oh my god i ran to the bedroom and he was in there relaxing i said get up why would you do that so i made some oatmeal with oatmeal butter it's going back in there oh i was mad i was pissed why would you you saw it was empty and i was stabbing the oatmeal ooh was stabbing the oatmeal i brought him in the kitchen i said this is your oatmeal here on the left and see i had to put a liner in there so yours going in the trash and then i walked to the bedroom and enjoyed my oatmeal happy new year oh my god i totally get it though put a liner in the bag bobby oh my god to the bath bomb incident i fell asleep you could have died you could have died you could have died seriously it's like are you okay oh my god oh he looks just so confused he's like i don't know what happened he started off his days like i'm gonna have a nice relaxing bubble bath and then it just ended with possibly dying okay so this is that trend where you're supposed to like tap your dog to the music and see how long they'll let you do it i'm okay it's like oh what a cute dog just let him do it he's like i'm on tick tock i know what you're going to do i'm on tick-tock i know your tricks i know you're a trickery human my husband and i brought our toothbrushes at the same time and we brush our teeth the same amount of times a day okay let me show you the difference between my toothbrush and his oh this is my toothbrush you know nothing special normal toothbrush this is my husband's toothbrush oh my god what is it too what does he do to his mouth oh my god are his gums okay yes seriously why he's so mad yeah you might need to check on your husband i think he's going through some things my husband is not going out like sorry i told my son that i would wear whatever outfit he wanted me to wear for christmas because what could possibly go wrong this this is what could possibly go wrong up until recently i thought that inflatable holiday lawn decorations were stupid but then i went to the at-home store and i found this 20-foot thought stupid so mad it's the greatest decision we've ever met they're so excited oh no wait for it oh no i understand don't do it no oh no oh happiness is just gone there was so much chaos for no reason yeah i'm terrified of getting christmas blow up things for that reason my god i come home from work again and have to deal with this it's like when you think your kid is normal and then how many times i've told you take your weird tick tock stuff inside get in the oh house god you two the ending is so good oh my gosh it just keeps escalating he just comes home from work he's like are you kidding me well at least i still have one other normal son that he's like nope oh my god you two the water at the end oh my god tried to do the forehead shrinking scan oh no it's so good it went so wrong and i was like let me see if i can do it there we go it's so bad that it's so good i heard you down so here's an excerpt of the worst cookbook we've ever received it looks like a normal favorite this disgusting greek wrap tied up with the goddamn lettuce leaf i don't know how it's held together then we're gonna move on to this i looked at this i was like broccoli coleslaw what the there ain't no broccoli in this entire thing i looked in here broccoli coleslaw do you even get that and then like 10 pages later oh that's green sweet peas there we go it's the same picture a herbed egg noodles it's the same goddamn photo now back to the pea cereal okay oh there's more philly cheesesteak pizza that's literally just the crust of the bread you throw away with a bunch of mayonnaise splattered all over the top and then you go into the tacos you know what i love my tacos radishes all over it and straggly cheese ah the world before pinterest recipes were so terrible before the internet mom look at them oh the baby oh she's beautiful oh no try to fix it she's just like oh uh she's beautiful oh no you got this buddy who's giving a cat a pep talk he's gonna make it oh he's like no she's he's gonna make it it's gonna work out where are you oh no no is he drowning come here oh no come here and let me draw you i just thought he got so far how did this happen it's just i love how it sounds like this happens all the time they're like no no no i think he's gonna make it this time nope nope nope nope oh it's so cute it's like just a little bit just a little bit just a little bit oh no sharing is caring oh that escalated so fast she's like just do you want a little bite you want a little lick cat's like i want all of it it's mine now four ice cream cat tick tock's gone wrong there's a little bit it's pistachio ice cream the captain is the drama that was the most dramatic bite of something ever it's like instant regret like oh no no no i'm screwed oh no uh here comes greg whatever you do don't let him have any of the chips in queso what why not well hey boys you having a little bit of chips in queso what's he gonna do what do you want greg stay out of this michael could i perhaps have a few of your crispy tortilla chips maybe even with a little dipping of queso oh no don't do what could possibly happen are you so worried about he's just gonna get no oh it hurts so bad so yummy for me go back to hill where you came from that one didn't even have cheese that one didn't even have cheese like that would have made it better i first saw that and i freaked out i've never it's such a i can't believe i've never seen somebody eat a chip like that it's so unsettling i hate it so i just found this filter it's crazy if you have freckles you need to try this i am now a locked character oh my god it's so true well she does the stance and everything yes girl that's a lot of uv damage i love the other girl on the side too she's just like so excited that she has sun damage to her skin there's so much uv damage i'm not worried about skin cancer no this is cool hippopotamus hippopotamus hippopotamus german is such a such a beautiful language we've got cats what about more than one needing to decide plurals what about mouse mouses what mice okay and sheep sheep sheep sheep yeah who decided this what about goose gooses just to keep it nice and simple geese of course but at least that means mooses moose yeah goose keys moose nice it's so confusing oh like sheep moose moose yeah why everything it's just like why couldn't you just continue with that pattern it would make things so much easier cats dogs mouses gooses mooses didn't know if i should include this tick tock but i mean it's still things not going as planned right i just really like this tech talk i don't want to watch it who am i kidding all right well that's all of the tick tocks that didn't go as planned tick tocks that i have for you today but if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos there's also a subscribe button over there it's totally free and you just click it if you don't then this video won't go as planned which i guess keeps up with the theme but still click also make sure to leave a like before you go if you made it this far in the video and as always i will see you guys sued
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 401,374
Rating: 4.9843535 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, weird, weirdest, i tried, tiktok, tik tok, tik toks, funny, react, react to, reacting, trying, trend, life hacks, meme, memes, tiktoks, relatable, fail, fails, tik tok fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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