This Quiz Tells You What You're ACTUALLY Supposed to Look Like

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do you wear sweatpants out and about in public yeah I don't even own sweats I don't even want to know you girl [Music] am I being the best me that I could be should I have dyed my hair purple are my eyes the right color should my hair be shorter should I dress differently I want to know if I'm doing the things I'm supposed to do to make me be the best me that I can be are the best looking me that I could be and that's why I've turned to 1 million tests for help as you can see they have so many tests and quizzes to try and figure out the real you so I tried to pick four different quizzes that I could go through and then at the end of this video we're gonna see what I look like by taking all of the advice from these quizzes to change my appearance and then we will vote if I look better making my own decisions or making my decisions based on some online random quizzes that I found good life choices right we'll see as I'm going through these quizzes though make sure that you guys also tally up your answers and let me know in the comments below what hair I color haircut and a steady key guys alright first the big one what color should I dye my hair ohyeah and let's go deep follow trends yes some of them very very few rarely hmm I'd say some of them so some some trends depends if I like them too which would you rather have as a pet a miniature Pig a miniature dog a miniature pony so I actually like bigger tip like medium to larger sized dogs pony seems like too much work I'm going with miniature Pig miniature Pig I actually love miniature pigs oh my god 3 stars of course of course I got 3 stars for that one because that is the correct answer always miniature Pig what John wrote music do you like to relax - Oh relax - rock classical I don't know what this was pop I guess rock like indie rock that 3 star 3 star Oh - ok you prefer to read funny books romantic books adventure books I'd say adventure books yeah two stars object you would rather learn a second language learn how to play an instrument learn sign language ooh okay so I'm between learn a second language and learn sign language because I feel like I could use those a lot in everyday life I'm gonna have to go with sign language I've always been really interested to learn sign language oh boo there's only a one star oh my god it might be brainwashed maybe it'll work subscribe to my channel though subscribe to me get brainwashed by this what would you serve dinner guests for desserts chocolate cake blueberry pie ice cream ice cream blueberry pie I don't like chocolate cake is not my favorite ice cream oh my god it's gonna be a 1-star isn't it oh no the blue okay we got to star what is your favorite part of the weekend Friday night Saturday oh okay or Sunday hmm my weekends are weird now that I'm a youtuber because I'm either working during them so they're not really a weekend or I'm trying to hang out with people that work Monday through Friday and I have I think I guess Saturday Saturday especially when I used to work like a 9 to 5 Monday through Friday Saturday was always the best cuz I wasn't still I wasn't tired from Friday working Sunday was always the worst cuz you'd be thinking about having to go back to work or school the next day I got to what time of day are you at your best I have a perfect answer for this evening afternoon morning I tend to work lately like from 3 o'clock on so I'm gonna say evening for some reason I can't get motivated anymore until 3 o'clock on but then I pay for it because then I'm working late it's not even I wake up early I just for some reason don't get motivated to all the evening anymore to start I think in lots of to stars all morning people and they got one star do you often reread books I don't think I've ever read reread a book yeah no there's too much new stuff to read sure student I mean yeah oh we got a three star what would you rather do at the lake with these questions take a boat ride swim have a picnic take a boat ride 1 stop Wow have a picnic 3 of course his food are you ready for your the results yes all right I got a score of 20 let's see what the answers were I'm hoping it's purple still 10 to 14 blue okay I'm not blue 15 20 me black okay I was right on the cusp between this with the next color dramatic bold and daring you do not frighten easily or back down you stick through things to the bitter end you're a fighter and fierce people can count on you to come through during difficult times sure you are a source of unending strength and in still great confidence oh thank you quiz all right so I'm getting black hair apparently the next one was purple I was one point awful purple majestic and magnificent oh man Oh pink was the next one I would have rather pink what I get black and those were the only options I got the only non colored hair great I'm gonna be so boring all right now we're moving on to my eye color which naturally is hazel but we're gonna see if that actually fits me or not what's the best way to celebrate exciting news throw a huge party dinner at a restaurant with a small group of best friends congratulate myself for doing great at the dinner one dinner food Oh ease and a small group of friends that's where I thrive okay to two points what time of day is your favorite oh we did this already evening it's over I can sleep now yeah we're going with evening again once too hard what is the best way to calm down scream and curse until I get it out of my system breathe in and out for ten seconds I don't stress out ever oh my god I wish the breathing in and out that's that's the way I deal with it meditation guys meditation does wonders two points what is your favorite type of artistic experience or of I have one okay I can't play music I'm okay at drawing right definitely writing writing a hundred percent love writing one star for writing I'm gonna get a low score for this one what is your favorite gum flavor cinnamon oh god no spearmint bubble bubble gum two stars what is the best way to share bad news with someone tell it like it is they will appreciate the truth be careful with my toe use positive and upbeat words no I don't even know I guess be positive with upbeat words be like don't worry it's not so bad maybe I don't know what the bad news is oh three star TV I don't know if that even matters it doesn't the best type of concert to go see live is Loudon has a place to dance a great mix of energetic and slow songs are there chairs to sit down the last one the last one a hundred percent anytime I go I'm like we have to stand I'm not going yeah one star I don't care I'll take the one star on that one when you see a stranger's dog you beg the owner to let me pet and hug it ask permission before putting it try to read its mood before I pet it uh I guess the second okay two stars two stars what is the first thing you do when you walk into a room filled with people you know throw my arms in the air and wave hello to everyone seek out the host and offer my help and services hang around with only those I immediately recognize yeah the last one the last one one star you get to escape for the weekend where are you going a mountain cabin the beach foreign country I like the gift they used for that ah the beach yeah the beach two stars okay this round I got 17 10 to 14 green Oh green eyes would have been cool if I get black eyes I swear I swear for like really really dark brown 15 to 19 hazel that those are my eyes right now yay you are somewhat of a loner you are okay with this yeah you know it is time to put on your best face and outfit go out mingle in the world you won't make a spectacle of yourself but you know how and when to engage with others yes that's true as much as you would prefer to stay at home curled up with a nice book or watching your favorite TV show you know life is out there and you must participate in it anyway this is perfectly me 22:25 was blue and 25 to 30 was brown alright now we're moving on to what's your ideal haircut do you change your hairstyle often uh so no my hair always pretty much stays the same yeah that's me I just don't like change guys don't like change ooh get three stars you would rather get style tips from your friends the internet nowhere I can't imagine anything less interesting than style tips the internet for sure one star you're at the mall when you find a shirt you think is gorgeous your friend hates it though do you still buy it yeah screw her yeah I'll still buy it if I like it there's so many things I like that other people don't like I'm cool with it only one star for my confidence whatever it's Friday night and you're off to watch a movie with friends what kind of movie are you going to see no idea a film recently nominated for Best Picture and award-winning comedy probably the comedy one I guess who knows the movies and doesn't decide what they're gonna watch till they get there do you look forward to your visits to the hairdresser yes they can be very relaxing there okay I guess no I hate them um I'll say the first one because Bobby's mom does my hair and it's always a good time one star if you could change your hair color for just one week what would you choose pink blonde brown let's go with pink let's try out pink I had blond at one point in high school it did not look good on me and Browns my natural so pink pink it is why I keep getting one star just below one you just won a million dollars how are you going to spend it going shopping and then I'm going on vacation for two years Wow I'm investing some of the money in saving the rest I'm paying off all my debts and saving whatever's left for emergencies probably the second one I'm investing some of the money and then saving the rest ooh three stars which of the following art forms is your favorite oh is this the same oh no different options photography sculpture paintings Photography woo another three star coming up in our points how long does it take you to get ready in the morning under 15 minutes oh wow about 30 minutes 45 to an hour yeah I'm pretty bad with taking my time getting ready in the morning so I'll say the last one one start is they're gonna give me some ridiculous hairstyle aren't they which word best describes your personal style chic no comfortable yeah casual ooh comfortable casual casual okay that's what I leave the house in come to rolls around the house casual - oh my god I got Italian my points alright I got 18 let's see what I got 10 to 14 the pixie cut I'm actually really glad I didn't get this because I don't think that I will look good with a pixie cut I wish I did wish I could pull that off 52:19 me the layered Bob Oh super versatile and stylish women with Bob's are youthful fun and spontaneous you're constantly changing and updating your look that's not true and you have fun experimenting with your style let's be honest your experiments are not exactly as risky as people think you truly look great in practically every style you try out all right I got the layered Bob what else was there Oh 20 to 25 would have just been what mine is now long and lovely 26 to 30 it was the ponytail okay lastly what's your aesthetic gotta see how I need to dress with my new style my new layered Bob black hair and regular eyes do you invest a lot of time into your look every morning for this one I think I'm gonna say depends I know last time I said I take a while but it depends what I'm getting ready for sometimes I can be really quick I got two stars do you like to follow trends hmm right I'll say rarely once though do you smile a lot uh I guess what's there to smile about people tell me I should smile more you know I hate when people say that always yeah I guess um I think I'm always smiling I can't tell I can't I don't see myself I'll say I'll say always I'm sure I'm what I'm around people I am what color do you most often wear black only neutral oh and neutrals Oh black more simply I wear black lock black simply might might go to one star how often do people compliment your looks they usually compliment my clothes and jewelry daily almost never I don't go out much so I'm gonna say almost ever although you guys are really sweet in the comments usually thank you you guys are my compliments but in real life I'm gonna say never because I don't leave the house do you wear sweatpants out and about in public yeah yeah yes yes I do number one I don't even own sweat I don't even want to know you girl how do you not own sweats the restar do you wear makeup yeah only on special occasions yes not really yeah yes I love makeup actually it's fun are you afraid to show your emotions I never show my emotions it depends on Who I am showing them to I have no problem with that else I'll go to the middle the middle room depends who it is two stars are you often out in public with a group of friends I know most places alone there's always a crowd around me I usually have a few people with me hey you I usually go alone if I gotta get something done in public I'm going I don't need people to go with me yeah one star are you generally nice to people yeah I'm nice to everyone almost to a fault got three stars I have no idea what my aesthetic is gonna be oh I gotta have my points oh that was the highest I got 21 on this one 10 to 14 is a spooky beauty 15 to 19 is edgy beauty 20 to 24 is glam Beauty oh that's me hey you are all about wearing the latest styles following the hottest trends showing off that bond and making sure you shine everything from highlighter to glittery nails you found a way to shine in every light more so you know how to strut in heels and you'd never be caught dead without makeup on wow your glam all the way not at all other than another category natural beauty oh all right well I'm going to use the magic of Photoshop to see what this quiz result Lauren would look like Here I am oh look look at me just look at me it's the new me well let me know in the comments below if you think current me or new me looks better if new me looks better maybe I'll have to become new me you guys let me know you didn't think I was actually gonna die it chopped off my hair and change my whole aesthetic did you up for a video I'm not that crazy not when I have the magic of Photoshop yeah let me know what you guys got in the comments below let me know which Lauren you like better subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,110,112
Rating: 4.9393163 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, funny girl gamer, psychological tests, psychological quizzes, tests and quizzes, personality test, personality quiz, personality tests, personality quizzes, tests for fun, quizzes for kids, quizzes for fun, test your personality, know yourself, 1 million tests, what color should you dye your hair?, whats your best hair color, personality traits, hair color quiz, perfect hair color, best hair color, what hair color matches your personality, eye color
Id: SJiuQ49a_zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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