My Husband Controls My Sims 4 House Build

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lava button do we have fire or lava I'm gonna lose my mind this is a mistake there's a bridge guys somebody else is gonna be in control of my gameplay today I just wanted to come and warn you that it's not on me if my gameplay is all messed up and stuff or my builds it's not on me okay it's on it's on somebody else that's coming soon to control my builds and things whenever he's here oh god oh he's coming he's coming hi I'm here hi this is my husband Bobby and he has never played The Sims 4 before oh my god no you you have not no never ever so I thought it would be funny and also I kind of sorta took this idea from the legacy check out her video in the description below where she had her boyfriend control her Sims build so I was like hmm I have husband husband might be able to build something interesting definitely here his husband I wanted to be an architect that is true but he does not know what capabilities the sims have or don't have so I as your contractor slash house folder I'm going to build you your dream homes on the designer you're the designer okay or the client your is my client okay so I'm gonna ask you all the details and then basically you can tell me exactly what kind of house you want to live in perfect but there are no you have no budget no nothing no budget no budget house 3 a mansion no budget slides lots of slides I will try to do my best but Sims has limitations as does real life even with as much money as you want anything is possible okay so first where would you like to live there is this is like a normal area okay the desert no ice no Oh No just nothing there's nobody near you it's just a flat land so shopping centers so at this old timey village where people like to hang out there dragon there it was a Loch Ness monster maybe maybe next this is like a no vampire lair no no this is like where all the veterinarians are veterinarians veterinarians veterinarians this is the famous land like Hollywood this is the stranger oh well you don't actually see him he's not there I could show you and then you could decide perfect there's wind turbine I know where I want to be oh this one you can also pick areas that are each front big property land grass the summer home that's what I want okay absolutely are you just wait where's the beach they lied where the hell's the beach the beach is but I water for a property I don't know not at all what I wanted really you're the worst realtor ever wait I'm not a realtor though I'm just a contract where's the water I don't know where is the water zoom out more I did this is as far as I could go I don't want there's mountains no pass look you have neighbors or neighbors why was there no water I think if I was in play mode I could zoom out more so you don't get there's a beach there's no beach oh it's cliffs I think so let's go you want the bluffs okay it's my own Island I don't know if you can live there but let's see what do you mean what is it because it's not a residential area it's like a hangout area oh oh look you're on a mountainside with water everywhere it's pretty dope can't just be my home no sorry there's too many limitations in this game okay as your Realtor what about brittle tin bay all right it's not bad one of these there's a dog park you better yeah 40 40 who's gettin the heck out of here we're victim them they're homeless well I want to do so first I want to see if I'm waterfront property over right here you want this house so like by the stream I like it yeah look there's woods right here there's a dog park right here perfect done sold at victim evicted get out of your hacking bulldoze it yeah okay so do everything whoa okay so no pressure I'm under pressure from you I'm trying to impress you you're my client who's doing terrible considering I don't actually call it yes hi can you buy me better sin no real estate no thank you who you calling - like yourseif turned ago yes that was probably bad timing but I don't actually build houses nicely I'm gonna ask you what kind of house you want and we're gonna get one from the gallery and then I will then I can do like the design work then I'm more of a business person looks pretty cool like wait wait so we got to do 40 by 40 okay and then what what would you like to live would you want a modern house do you want like fantasy house modern do you want a treehouse there's tree houses I'm sure there is well there are tree houses but there already looks like get out of here just I think so you like this one little modern tree house it's small enough to go in your lot can I have multiple multiple little areas and bridges yeah we're starting to get something here Oh God so I need at least two to three of these I don't think I can do that I might be able to so you want multiple of these we think what's this a little hamster box we're gonna get a couple smaller ones no you can't like you can't put multiple houses on a lot oh you can only put one lot well from the gallery I can't go get another little treehouse and put it there no you are giving me anxiety I thought this was gonna be fun you showed me treehouses we need a bigger treehouse I just want to put the house and then make like modifications to it I don't I want to make the craziest coolest thing I know so we're gonna but we need a jumping-off point I don't want to be building four different houses we're going to there's not gonna be one big look what about this it's like a castle treehouse what about that it's a medieval treehouse that is kind of cool I will do the medieval treehouse in the gas thank you look at it look at what cool your houses okay yes there's a bridge yeah there you go it was already built I'd want this house in real life are you good with the color scheme with the outside of the house yes no that's good I want that one okay you think you're good with the stone pretty good this thing be sure don't you don't need to cut corners for me I'm just here to please you because customer satisfaction to my Karen when you see all my options for what with the stone oh it just changes the color of the border no this is no this is too much we're getting good done are you sure yes I do like how trees are growing in my house I'm just realizing that now I don't like any of the furniture what yeah what so much yeah but at least we know like what what room is supposed to be one eighth floors do I have you have first floor look second floor third floor third floor that's do you like this no what why what are my options circular all different shapes oh you want crazy couches wait we need a little love seat oh yeah that is a couch right there may I suggest would you have a nine the hamster chain Oh the hamster chair or the Egg Chair mmm that's kind of quits like Star Wars it's to the nature's ready black perfect love it this is a fireplace Oh Oh a red and black yes like red and black okay not your style at all no my dungeon you're talking about that's it yep that'll do you're talking about it being too medieval that you're like brick for a dungeon now we'll have a different theme for everything yes that'll be your task designer/contractor okay here's your dungeon room all right good this is where we have our what is this room I feel like none of these rooms are Nessus this is like an office I'm a big fan of my office here I would get yeah we should make this house more inclusion fun their slides in this game slide they're bigger slides adults lines tubes there's no tubes or anything of similar to slides tubes type in tube what is to look at - it's a pod there's no slides are there zip lines no there's fun ways of getting from one place to another there's no zip line you can't there's ball pits it's a giant arcade machine let's make an arcade room where next to the dungeon that's okay so when you first walk in you're kind of scared but then the next room is like very fun no no why'd you have to pick a tree house I'm giving you a challenge what else what are these this is definitely challenging what are these other things I see here you can barely walk through but it worse oh there that's it I don't waiter you get rid of this painting yeah it's gonna say wait I won't get get out I want fun wall colors we have some very contrasting room okay we need more stuff in this room we just need a bunch of fun stuff what else is fun so we got my TV on the wall here which is great for you know walking around where that a DJ booth why did you get such a limited cows so this is you know your traditional gaming jukebox large TV room with yeah what is this room it's the room it's a party room all right Wilde is on this floor Wow this is another sitting room but you can make wait wait wait we got some exercise equipment there well I like that we do that sitting area what would you like it just a little more my style do you want it to be a sitting area yes I like what it is bit more traditional compared to the dungeon so we have our dungeon room this could be more of like a family oh look you love wood Oh could this be your wood this could be the one room you want an entire room dedicated to wood like a things just happening here I don't know look would lock see you just gotta find one piece and then you just keep build around yeah yeah indoor camping area this sounds very safe yeah then get more of these put them all around whoo this definitely won't burn down the house the treehouse made entirely of wood some more wood wood hearts Oh No get them walls up and get rid of all that and one new windows too oh I know what we should do for the walls there's woods oh yeah yes clouds oh god I think you're outside yes oh I gotta get rid of that light that's what's making it yellow oh yeah look at it ah oh my God look at it it's amazing it's a wood outdoor room oh good try that one yep there you go oh I'm happy with it that is my favorite room so far this is like a workshop did we get the whole thing down Danna biers oops nothing don't tell you how to build huh backseat gaming Oh a bowling alley where's the how BIG's the bowling alley it's this how big is it oh do you want it outside no we're like here no it's silly I didn't want a basketball hoop outside we're here yeah yeah cool okay what kind of colors would you like to look at while you run what are motivating colors oh Abdur z stuff does that mountains oh yeah you can pretend like you're climbing you have really big windows because you can get so you can pretend like you're flying yeah flying while running up and through the mountains it's like you're in a glass tank what is amis and there's mountains I love it but we got to change the floor oh yes lava do we have fire or lava this is kind of like fire lava there's orange let it move see it's glow it go yeah so I'm not arts and crafts area throw a guitar in there wait what is this thing it's a stereo I don't like this area I don't want this okay massage table do you want a massage table massage paint very communal you're working a little guitar and then do a run in the edger your wood room was that a rocket ship but it was too big rocket ship in there do I think we got it it was good wait we didn't put lights in it oh yeah if you want to go with the mermen the crazy aesthetic yeah I like it is that all the first floor yep I'll let you want to do anything outside do the outside I don't like any of it what colors rattling oh the outdoor furniture on the balcony here what is this outdoor dining chair barely that is really nice yeah the rustic table I like it no I like the light cuz it's pretty dark outside the way yeah all right I gotta do that all over it yep there we go that is not no the most annoying house ever if I do a good job the worst let's go exactly how you planned it I'm gonna lose my mind this was a mistake I should have never said tree house no you said tree house these trees are really in the way I love the horse the best house ever you better be reviewing me what happens I think we could do more with the fun room I'm just gonna leave that maybe the the comments will have some more yeah let us know what are some of the comments what do you find fun what do you think I find fun let us know in the comments we don't we didn't even make you a kitchen or a bathroom it's not fun are you ready ready you're right first floor house towards do it go into the first floor my chambers oh that's quite a color difference everyone realized that we might need to put a door but that's besides the door would be good we'll add that to the list this fireplace you know you just feel you really feel like you're somewhere you've never been before yeah that's what I was going for okay fireplace to you you've achieved that for sure though why is there a fireplace table and a firebox you never once never and then you go into the fun room I don't yeah this is very empty this needs something it's a very loud room with not much going on I think we were like I do leave the windows this was probably the best thing we did I think we gave up and then just moved on we're beautiful for you know have your beautiful table and chair set over here okay it's all uneven but it's fine how do we get to the others I think we have to go to the other door this is very confusing how do we get over there oh is it a separate entrance you have to get it to it from these things yeah from the second floor right well we're just gonna float over here you fly over here yeah you go through here oh god this room screams massage workbench Israel guitar are relaxing and then we have you know I mean this is the best look this is good this is really cool okay yeah I mean the view is it was amazing you can look at the river it's great and in my favorite room this is the campfire room with clouds and everything that is cool that it so what we did what we did it took so long takes a lot of time god I thought we could do the entire house design such beauty parlour and we put the basketball court in oh okay oh my god oh nice good job why do you have unlimited basketballs - what three for three on fire yes sorry what all right well we did the first floor I had high hopes that we were gonna finish the entire house but you know I have a very complex customer who likes complex houses like this one were nothing fits and it's great yeah it's really all need something but guys if you enjoyed Bobby controlling my Sims build and making beautiful things like this then make sure to leave a like before you go and if we get enough and you guys really like video then we will continue with the second floor and if not then you know this is just gonna be your house it'll just be every now and then we'll come here and check it out yeah look what we did this terrible thing we made I mean amazing subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,175,099
Rating: 4.9594355 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, laurenzside sims, living like a sim, live like a sim, sims 4, challenge, sims house build, controls my life, husband controls my sim, boyfriend controls my sim, husband controls my sims build, boyfriend directs my build, house build, house build challenge, instagram controls my sim, sims challenge, subscribers create my sim, sims 4 cc, sims 4 challenge, my instagram followers build my house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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