We never should have gone to the city in Project Zomboid

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this is so stupid but I feel like I'm committed now yeah I think I missed my turn hold on my GPS is losing [Music] signal oh when did we get a kettle um oh God I don't remember you Brit and your tea oh we love kettles we do what's the plan um we wanted to burn down the forest to make a road to get to town a bit easier that's the logic behind yeah sounds logic and I say it like that matter of fact and like that condensed we sound a bit mad but like it made sense when we went over it last time yeah yeah it was by the the lake right we we'd burn down that whole section yeah I think we decided we would go down yeah down and around I think is your your map still isn't it yeah uh but I can it's annoying bring up a second map and you know yeah you might have to work off of that because the idea was to link it to like our old road I think we figured that that might be the easiest path you know these four Molotov cocktails have got to be put to use somehow oh don't worry I have plenty to make more we have much more than four I can't find where we live I'm just a humble farmer who doesn't know how to use a map I literally cannot find our house really yeah oh I found it okay yeah okay so we need yeah we need to burn the South part and then that connects us to another little Farm Road yeah cool and we wanted to loot all those Farms to get like watering cans and stuff right oh yeah we did want to see if they had watering cans it's true and to get a friend for our scarecrow oh that was almost the most important now what am I saying it is the most important oh do you remember that sling yeah for your shotgun did you get that so I I have a sling and I was reading what the hold on hold on emergency oh my back is breaking what am I holding oh planks oh yeah you do love holding on to Planks okay I'm better now uh I was reading some of the comments on the last video now that I think of it there was this really helpful uh comment that told me I needed a screwdriver and a uh to put on the sling onto my gun and I was like sense this guy knows loads of stuff and I was scrolling through the comment and then I must have got distracted because I don't remember the rest there was a lot of really helpful stuff on there though well you know if any of it comes back to you anytime soon oh yeah I'm just going to eat beta blockers in the meantime so I can feel happier about myself seems reasonable you want some no I just do crosswords like that's my vice that keeps me going where's your puncher all on my my guy has like eight red moodlets I lik him in a really bad situation so po tractor yeah tractor is uh yeah he's not doing so well he needs a mechanic I thought these were Nails on top of this box the newspaper hats oh my God emergency newspaper hats good I think if I just have a big meal and have a cigarette outside then I might feel a bit better by big meal you mean like several sticks of butter or um I'm having canned goods and then I'll eat loads of candy okay just cuz I'm missing like a quarter of my health oh Jesus what happened to you I was carrying a lot of logs last time I didn't have much patience should we just drive straight over there with the um malts or well maybe not the rain maybe we should wait till it stop I don't know that impact yeah rain will definitely put fire out God we're smart we might have to do something while we wait we organized all the inventory last time right I think we were good yeah for once Christ for once I think we were good like all the cars are like organized that's awesome we might need to like maybe want something we could do in the rain is take the logs out the back of the truck and just dump them oh there's only two okay I'll do it you know what I'll take this one letting you know I'm moving so you don't come quickly around the corner thank you [ __ ] it's the police you got a deed for this Farm boys just preloading this entire time someone was pulling a very elaborate prank this not actually a zombie outbreak oh [ __ ] well then I've killed 397 human beings yeah what a prank those crickets I fed you at the beginning of this play through oh it was Heavy LSD I see it all makes sense now well I'm getting the chair anyway there's like a 100 dead people on this Farm alone [ __ ] how many kills do you have 216 I have 370 371 so yeah jeez together we've killed like 600 almost pulling our way that's mad oh I I remember one other thing you wanted to do you wanted to go to a warehouse there was a few warehouses up there Warehouse but first things first we got a lot on our to-do list this is a lot to do the rain has stopped I have two mols how many do you have uh none I don't even know how to use them oh might you learn fast there's four in here should I bring those yeah bring all four you you love it it's fun and you said you could make more right uh yeah I can get some oh I left the bourbon in the medicine cabinets I figured if we needed an emergency it's probably best to have it there you got any like ripped sheets or anything um or do we have clothes that we don't need maybe upstairs must somewhere remember there's like many holes upstairs I found a sh sheets in here oh nice that'll probably do I'll come back down I'll rip this shirt apart why is my guy upset what's wrong with you why do you have minor damage oh I'm breaking my back again I forgot bourbon heavy oh my God all the sheets on the floor I didn't even see I was worried know what to do with them this seems reasonable I'll make you two molotovs and drop them on the floor you not like throwing them no that's a bit risky yeah but there you go all right I'm going to wait outside cuz my guy is having a panic attack I got to leave oh the barrels are like full oh it's raining again [ __ ] s oh well we can head out there and it the rain will stop right right now which car should we take the trashed one I guess I don't know which one's worse let's check this one's pretty pretty bad I think yeah this probably you want to give it a look see I'll have a quick look see oh yes this one is f all right okay the hood is just flashing red then hop in partner oh there's matches in here oh yeah do you like a lighter or matches might work I think you need a lighter do you have one there's a lighter in my truck oh let's go back and get it look at that rain water I don't think we've ever had that much rain water usually it just doesn't rain when we make them it's true and it's summertime as well I don't know why we're getting so much rain in summertime yeah maybe I should make some more is my rifle not on my back why is it so heavy what is in my backpack oh loads of mods have cocktails of course yeah they're actually really heavy who would have thought oh do you want to check your fishing thing see if you got any fish oh yeah I forgot about this I didn't get anything in my trap I don't even know if it's still set it's kind of confused me uh how do I use this check cck it okay I got a little Bait fish six of them so I guess they can just be used for bait you put more back in there I don't know there's a lot of fish in there anyway so should be okay I have a spare pen if you want it oh nice thank you I think I know the best way to like get through these trees okay um and that might be at the opposite side of this fence behind us cuz that keeps going for a while so we might want to just break that fence back along could we do with them we need Sledge I guess maybe is there no hole in it I guess not think the purpose of a fence I guess yeah let's get the hammer and we can knock that bit of the fence or wherever really I'll keep an eye out and see if there is like a gap but don't see one no where do we have the hammer inside I oh I think I left it on the garage I think I left it on the like regular DIY shelf with the handy stuff all right yeah makes sense oh the car's dying on us what a surprise yeah we did give it a bit of torture are the lights broken in this thing oh one survived yeah I seem to remember was pretty spotty going to watch you work yeah thanks for supervising I appreciate it I feel like I could have done this with a scissors I didn't really need this massive Hammer you're doing great to keep up the good work thank you very much you're doing great as well I must say thanks inspiring yep that's what they say good job man this rain is not going to stop is it well that's why I've got my poncho on it actually stops you from getting wet I'm actually surprised yeah is there any water in that little shed there's a water bottle what is actually even in here there's a desktop computer in here I don't know if I've ever seen that oh [ __ ] yeah it's so strange oh loads and nails and stuff and wood glue there's three empty gaskets more for the collection there's a propane torch and some like metal take that how do we not come in here I guess killing everything yeah the time was probably too much have we check this bone I don't know there's some fishing line here too plaster plaster and fertilizer nice how do you use the fertilizer and plants can you just use it at any point do you think yeah I should we should probably wait is it you throw in the trunk if you want will I pull up the car yeah go on come on there we go wait is that a zombie oh my God I nearly knocked you down on my screen you definitely did there there's just a zombie here how' you get on the farm brutal oh my guy is soaking it says [ __ ] I should have brought puncher that I gave you I hate taking it on and off all the time I don't know if the puncher does the puncher get get wet it doesn't get wet damn dude I wish I had my Poncho dude I might have to go home I need my Poncho uh can I just grab these last three as well since I'm here oh yeah I can I can give you a hand where are they I got it I got it I got it okay r that bad boy you a let me hear that engine purr still technically putting one bag in but I think it did it anyway wait are you where are oh you're there I couldn't see you at all go go go this bad boy doesn't really purr just kind of groans he start at the engine just be like is that a zombie or the car you ever see that video where the dog comes out of the lake and it just throws up it's like that it's just go like it's so nasty I need water so just as well we came home and I'm hungry another packet of crisps for me that's nutrition for you how am I moist is it the rest of my clothes are getting wet oh yeah my t-shirt's got wet it still took a while are you washing things yeah I'll just wear my um my Poncho is there nothing else makes sense cuz the other things are soaking nothing can get wet if you're just wearing a poncho that's what I'm thinking where did I put it now it's oh wait I put it on the bookshelf didn't I next to the worms yeah that's the only thing I remember [ __ ] I think I put my digital watch in the washing machine I just took everything I was wearing hopefully it's water H we'll see all right I'm in my Poncho ready to go even though it's still raining yep it is still raining have you got a flashlight you might want to bring a flashlight it's 1 a.m. okay I have one somewhere did you see my fishing stuff anywhere I thought you left it on the Shelf maybe it did like this shelf here I know we changed most of of this this this shelf is still a bit ODOT not just cuz of the worms there's also shotgun shells yeah yeah oh the fishing stuff is there okay I put six raw fish up there to use his b slaps on them [ __ ] nsty I I just need some shoes can I just take something out uh there's some desert boots out front if you want I'll just take these out and wear them back on yeah but it'll be fine you don't want to get a cold now no one ever got a cold from wet feet right uh yeah know you're right that could never happen to you okay thank you oh my God never heard of a tractor getting wet feet anyway yeah did it stop raining it stopped raining let's go what timing oh my God imagine if it doesn't rain again now you've got your poncho on for God's sake you're right I love how we're going out like in the dead of night in our bunch shows to burn down the forest oh that chair is a little bit in the way to put it back in the car so we can no it's all right just someone being a bit careless dude I can't can you see not really I can see like a foot in front of us and that's about it okay so it should just be straight this way that's what we want to do so we'll reach a tree line here oh F oh [ __ ] okay backing up lights still good right let me get rid of this do you want to go to the other side and start burning down the forest I like how my flashlight gets off more light yeah it's true are we still going down or we just turning in yeah just straight straight down yeah and I can start anywhere down here yeah we just need a straight line oh my God it started raining oh that's good all let's throw them anyway and see what we can do I'll I'll I'll throw one there he goes I light it uh I think you just kind of throw it I can't see a thing I'm just going to throw one into the forest okay I'll yours I don't know oh my God okay yeah I threw it it took a while should we see how long one goes for I guess I mean you could throw one more if you wanted quick secondary that went out fast that went out very fast it didn't even burn one tree okay we might have to wait till the rain stops but at least we have the route now should we try and loot the nearby Farms or will we just that could be something good to do while we wait yeah it's also night time which kind of sucks but oh well come on give her the trusty slap there we it worked can't see a thing neighboring you me to pop my head out the window shine with my torch hope we don't go by a pole or a wall or anything okay there's the chair that means we're safe the chair of safety so is it at the end of this road we turn down or I guess so cuz that takes us onto like the main road now do we turn down here oh God I cannot see a thing yeah there an accident ahead of us there's like a trailer park here but I think we could just go through the trailer park and then loot the farms around there like if we go down this road there'll be a few Farms this is so dangerous point out imagine if we died okay what do you want to do will we hop out here with our flashlights I think so yeah okay we look like weird cult members looking at window seen this oh Jesus no oh was ready oh Le need to check myself before I I'm fine wait it didn't oh you're fine okay I've had that a few times as well where you can get them just before they actually do anything that was scary what did you learn Max maybe you shouldn't be out in the dead of night in a zombie apocalypse in the rain I don't even have like my good weapon no I don't either I'm just shoving them with one hand damn rival Farmers there we go almost got me killed we'll steal their produce oh God there's still quite a few right I'm going to call them over I think it's safer if they come to us oh behind behind run out okay I need to grab an actual weapon here do you have an actual weapon oh I hope so oh one's coming after you okay he fell over I'm just going to crush his head at least all the ones I'm pushing are just falling over nice I'm nearly yeah I'm done with this little group oh my goodness this is stressful and it's becoming brighter it's 500 a.m. morning is here we're almost at day break there's still zombies here oh my Lord are they yeah there's some up there by the awning and one here think there's some in the house too yeah I can hear the door going okay Officer it's nice to see your friendly face you got a deed for that farm boys not K him he's a zombie no I'm not I didn't get him what's it like inside is it nice very pretty yeah lot of blood on the walls drink some water and eat their eggplant losers that'll show them no higher disrespect than breaking into someone's house and eating their eggplant life and living please turn on the TV and tune in life and living great news max I just learned how to cut off your arms and make you a metal hook oh wait I have a spare flashlight do you need one no I'm good there's some magazines if you want to read them just in case you have to cut off my a you never know I don't actually even know what we need for the final like I don't know if you need specific things I think we have everything we should probably look it up cuz it would be good to have like I don't want to lose this character uh it's like if one of us gets bitten in the arm or something and we could cut it off that's true but it's probably something like a sore and yeah we have like Everything Medical related as far as I know these poor people didn't even have a couch they just had two plastic chairs yeah and there was like 20 of them so they didn't exactly get a lot of time on those things it's just a shack outside nothing of value here remember to grab some garbage bags as well I'll take them from the front bins I'll drink water before we leave never know might be my last drink oh me say it like that no I'm worried very dicey yeah I mean this was pretty dangerous I've also kind of realized that all of my good like clothes are at home I'm just wearing a poncho it's not a lot of protection um should we go to these neighboring houses then yeah we can do wait what time is life and living is it 6:30 cuz it's almost 6:30 hold on I'm just going to go stand by the TV at 6:30 just in case I'll pull up the car you would have thought we would have remembered by now what time life and living is but no yeah we're too busy life and living to be worried about life and living I think it's at 7 I'm not falling into this trap not again all right it's fine we'll find another TV at 7 it's not coming on no it's not all right let's go wait what's this Shack behind us oh I checked there's nothing in it like literally nothing okay did you check the boxes underneath the awning yeah so there's a little Warehouse across the way I want to go to not a warehouse but a little storage shed and then there's some actual Farms below us we can go to I'm hoping for that watering can God damn yeah for real oh look at that nice table and chairs they have out front down the way that is very pretty we could have that folding chairs what will they think of next I think it's this way a sign was there a sign there was that's a good sign oh that's there a road here here we go what's this we got a little bit of a a nice car a little local Farm here you could check out real quick couple of zombies hopping out where is my wood ax equip in both hands please holy crap this takes me a long time to take out all right I'll be right with you yeah I'm swapping to my sledgehammer this is this little Hammer is for babies this is a big hammer now we're talking I'm going to check the uh back shed I got some metal working things I'll take those I want to try and learn that I've never done that in the game but metal working yeah yeah me neither I'd like to know more about it mechanics this house is empty yeah but look outside we got a friend for our scarecrow ah it's very important I got it heading to the car I'll just throw it in the boot is life and living actually on don't know it's 7:40 and it's not on so maybe not is it at 8 I forget uh I'll wait until 8 and see okay mannequin is in the trunk mannequin secured the first of many may I may I going to have a whole Community if we're ever in town and we have the truck and it's empty we're filling it with mannequins wow they have a lot of farm land yeah they really do they have more than us oh watch your back yeah there's a few get away from him thank you Poncho Bros stick together uhoh oh that was close oh um damn this is fine there's there's a key in this how does it look let's take a look not bad 80% yeah may as well grab it it's better than the car we currently driving we can get it on the way back there'll be um we have a bottle that we can put some gas in oh this is all rotten food we could take the rotten food for our um compost remember we have a compost bin oh yeah I think if you put fertilizer in there uh stale vegetables and stuff it gives you fertilizer okay how much room is in that trunk let's see if we can just offload it all in just fill it with rotting vegetables and a mannequin that's all we're carrying I'm going to do a quick check over this fence I think there's yeah there's a little Shack at the other side of these trees oh it's a lot of farming stuff come on watering can starting to think the watering can is a myth starting to believe it as well yeah not here there is a small little other hot but not sure I can get into it without being killed did you when did you down the way like yeah follow the trees like across the way from that house I'm coming back I think we can just move on I don't think there's anything there we going down the way yeah we can go down this road and at the end we'll oh wait that's Cemetery no we don't need to go there back off back off turn around no they always tell you not to go but why that's where they hide the Cure I tells you do you reckon there's anything in there I doubt it this road ends we'll have to do a 180 and we can go to one more Farm there are a lot of zombies there to be fair yeah where is this elusive Farm uh you need to take a right here and then it should be on a right up on this road somewhere you might have to take a little bit of a like diagonal turn yeah follow this road oh come on it's struggling poor Betsy she's seen better days she has she has yeah this is it this is quite a cute little farm oh that man has a shotgun oh God they all just want to go for you wait how's the door open oh you just opened it for me what the hell you ins it was locked oh interesting glitchy game be glitchy something wait how are you in here now I am everywhere you really are oh there's an empty bucket can grab that yeah that might be helpful oh there's a zombie outside I'm going to take a look inside the house get some water too oh there's another one oh I love their kitchen look those Island counters and they've left pasta should we eat it rubber dock nothing that great Soul Fair carpentry Volume 2 do you need that I think I have it they have a nice living room yeah it's a cool little house actually it's pretty unique oh I found some pens nice oh nice they even have a TV in the bed what the hell yeah they're fancy Farmers I'm glad we put them out of business I think we should burn this one down we don't want our enemies getting a hold of this Farm the fields across the way are crazy too they won't burn though it's raining we'll burn it from the inside oh yeah it can't rain indoors you ready yep uh actually I'll throw it at the kitchen because that is theide I'll look through the window oh Jesus that was close okay all right she's on fire she's a lovely house she should go up in no time I'm opening the windows to let more oxygen in that's a good idea all right cool another Farm out of business she started first time lovely is that the last farmyard um what's this there's a black building on my map down here uh we may as well check this one and then if we keep going the down the road we were going we have to break through a checkpoint there so we may as well do it now when I have the ledge this place looks cool window's a bit locked I got the key okay that's good there's a table behind that side I know if you want to whack this side instead I'll break everything I'll break it [Laughter] all there you go a nice oh there's a zombie inside I got him he was just outside seeing what we were up to oh there's fertilizer and plaster in here damn it and gravel boring Farmers don't need oh oh sorry I got it I didn't even realize why is the thing making go noises but it's not going okay let's go jez it was like but like the key wasn't even turned so at the end of this road is the checkpoint we need to break through yeah there's another one of those military checkpoints and if this is the road we're going to be using which it should cuz about here is where we'll break through up on our left if we burn down those ah I see trees so we'll break this um we tow that car away as well we could do we could probably give it a little nudge with this bad boy it's got a lot of power God it hasn't stopped raining in days yeah I want to burn down the forest Jesus Christ we might have to do the warehouse thing first yeah I mean we could just keep going to the warehouse that makes sense and we could burn us on our way back we take the car with uh space oh oh yeah true true checkpoint checkpoint and now is that the milit yeah we've definitely been there we can stock up on a bit of ammo and stuff or you think we've been to this section I don't know there's like a fence open and some dead people so yeah actually maybe oh [ __ ] oh that was close leave C alone oh man you're going to have to cover me for a while this is going to take a bit it's a lot to break through oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh man my guy really wanted to continue with the animation of destroying the uh the fence they're wearing high viz it makes them easier to see at least okay let me have a look around I think we're good can we EV Vault this yeah I think you can go in and loot if you want I'll destroy it from this side you must have been here right I don't know it's pretty far down but maybe okay we're broken through that at least I'm also going to get rid of the um things on the road those little barricades oh Jesus you scared me hello you want to just pick them up and move them right back are they heavy they are very heavy really yes they we like 20 really holy [ __ ] thought they'd be quite light we should um steal a lot of those flood lights you know the the yellow ones yeah we could use those all over the farm yeah those would be a good pickup definitely need one in the back garage that's like night time how do they work like how are they powered the generator um okay you can also build them with like a torch and woodworking I think do you want me to pick this one up and move it uh i' say all right save you're back do you want to get the car uh so what do you want to do will we head back to the farm or head into town well logic would tell me that we should go back to the farm to get the car that has more storage space yeah that makes sense and also that way I can drop off all this rotten food that I'm currently carrying yeah I've got some stuff I could drop off too that I don't really want to get rid of oh I'll sit in the bag back oh I don't have the key oh really okay I'll F in the back I thought you were in the driver's seat I'm European wait am I in the driver's seat now or are you in the driver I don't know I'm use the vehicle menu there we go I'm not just European I'm all right I need to remember the actual rout back now basically go on this road till the end of this road you know that dirt road that's halfway in between here where you were like oh this is where we'll come out can you actually go up that road you can but it's just a dead end at the trees we're going to be burning uh gotcha gotcha gotcha the one thing I was thinking is we could lead a horde of zombies into there and light them on fire which would burn down more trees but then they could also come through to our farm which kind of scared me we have guns we do have guns yeah the lake is just beyond here but these trees are in our way curious if it'll let us through somewhere left now yeah somewhere that looks pretty dense is the only thing unless we have a route back here somewhere was there a few gaps there's slight Gap if you keep going and like in here and up there's a slight Gap and then it instantly becomes a lot less gappy it could still work this is so stupid but I feel like I'm committed Now Yep this is good we just need to head left left okay yeah the pond is further left hold on this the car never starts again yeah I think I missed my turn hold on my GPS is losing signal someone stumbles on this car in few years and in the back it's just a mannequin with of rotting but look here we're home kind of we just got to get around the lake the mannequin is there P pasta is a craftable container nice need carpentry too you could probably make it you need a five planks and all Nails uh five planks mhm let me see I already have some yeah I have enough where do you want it somewhere out here by the farm I guess his friend yeah it's nice isn't it that's very nice look at him my back is breaking where do you want the composter you're just like here okay oh thank Christ okay just need this other plank that I dropped on your crops earlier carpentry and what was it uh compost composter there we go this is Young broccoli oh my favorite rapper oh look at this this look at that Speedy huh I already washed my watch I may as well dry it Chuck it in there we should take Road snakes take what road snakes oh yeah but what if we don't use the road then we won't be able able to eat them a that's a good point given what we just did where are we leaving garbage bags uh you can throw them on this shelf maybe or something on the one that I use for nothing else essentially my important shelf I'm guessing rain collectors are some of the most important things if we're going to last much longer cuz surely we can't have much water and electricity left can we like that's going to become a problem at some point it will at some point yes I just don't know when I've never made it that far no it's true it's when things get scary all the things we take for granted like being able to see oh man it's going to suck I didn't really think about it too much I bring the monoto cocktails I feel like I should leave them wait it just stopped raining bring them all T cocktails are you kidding let's go I've got three on me God it better not start raining halfway through there it won't we've got the whole thing planned out hop in partner we're going our listening a classic only you can start forest fires nice chair it does its job though it's like do not look past me I am an important chair it's like an artpiece is that a bangi wow can't wait for someone to steal it did you see that zombie there oh yeah what the hell yeah I saw someone stole the the stop sign right the stop planes within like hour was of it being there wa Minecraft Minecraft okay okay let's try this one again let's start a forest fire oh this gets dense all right yeah Chuck it Chuck it where it's really dense I chucked it in there and I'm running away watch out cuz they seem to go off a bit late all right I think it's spreading don't worry it's all the scary at first I think I dinked a tree though did it light it I don't know oh oh wait I do see fire I just I heated it apparently okay but where's the first fire has that already gone out I think it may have please don't tell me oh wait no wait that's fire maybe getting a horde of fire zombies in here would be a good idea I'm going on an adventure straight through there's just like one Burnt Tree oh man maybe this plan isn't as good as we had hoped cuz this would take a lot of chopping to get through here yeah I was really hoping the fire Ida would be a really best bet the thing is it's not even that far like I'm pretty much at the other side now yeah I'm at the other side and it's like it's not that far it's just very dense might try and find some zombies and lead them through on fire I don't think there's like any zombies here oh wait I see some tree movement must have been the wind I'm going to come back on through there's no zombies here it's going to get dark soon again yeah I'm back at the car oh it's so annoying how close but yet so far it is ah it's true now stop right you reckon cuz it's wet just don't know can you build any sort of ramp like there's no way of going over the trees is there or perhaps with the basement update we can go underneath we have two cars one car on one car on each end and we make a little Passover yeah now you're thinking I'm putting on my Poncho for a wash if you want to throw your clothes in yeah I think my puncho does need a wash actually you go I've made you this for chopping down trees is it an axe sure is Chief you can make that that's crazy so will we head out at like 4:00 a.m. by car and then by the time we get there it should be about six that sounds that sounds about right burning trees doesn't get rid of them it just sets them to be burnt damn it so maybe our idea wouldn't work anyway it's a good plan until logic got in the way God damn game mechanics did you grab my axe what did you say no I you grab here I put it on the counter here for you thank you just getting him in a good mood he's he's had a rough day packet of Christmas wow that's cool thank you I have no idea how long it will last but there it is we'll give it a go anyway let me see I'll get dressed how do I know if unknown berries are good for me only one way feed them to me and see if I die [Music] wait no no you eat them you sure you don't want to try one how about we eat them at the same time H kind of a Russian Roulette where we're on the same team I will be in the car reading carpentry volume 3 because I'm scared of being inside I might just need to find some other pants is there any pants upstairs uh there's some pants outside I dropped them on the floor right outside the back door oh God there's a hole there I forgot yeah sorry there's many holes in the upstairs I have a abandon that project entirely for now made a massive hole in the wall and just left it there all right I found some jeans this will do nice hey I'm in the back seat wait are we taking the van oh I'm just sitting in here reading carpentry um cuz I'm scared of being in the house I feel better in here for some reason makes no sense what the hell I've taken minor damage from falling oh no I also have discomfort something doesn't feel right which might have been either from eating the ber or falling from first story window yeah I'm not sure which right you wanted to go up like the top section right like following the highway all the way up to the top and going into those warehouses yeah I think that would be a good way okay do you know the way or like do you know the warehouses you want to go to oh wait I remember the one you wanted to go to yeah oh this is an easy route then luckily for us apparently holly berries are always poisonous you know what going to stop [ __ ] with berries I think yeah might be for the best we've got a super easy route out of here if we want to do it the easy way it's just like one road and one turn just going to put everything into the compost think that's the uh what what are the limitations there what can you put in and what can you not put in I think you can put in mostly anything that's food and that's rotting okay why am I hurt so badly I guess I fell yeah it'll probably wear off um eat eat a lot of food and get that big green mood oh yeah that's a good read a book or something we got to chill anyway until like 4:00 a.m. I'll probably read or watch the carpentry VHS when I'm done with this in the living room some good downtime on the farm yeah maybe I'll do some burpees just casual farmer stuff you're not out doing rough manual labor you're inside doing burpees an hour of burpees an hour of burpees is great for you still only at 9k what is my strength strength is it the XP bar yeah how is mine higher maybe I started with more with perks what's your XP at then uh for strength it's 115,000 out of 30,000 maybe it's all that swinging of the pole arm You' been doing yeah to be fair it could actually be the carpentry and Sh so it's was doing a lot of that so maybe it put us up a bit what about your Fitness uh that's uh 3,390 yeah mine's only slightly better 3 2,816 after all those burpees takes a doesn't seem fair we need to find a dumbbell yeah we could rate a gym up there I can just see you doing burpees in the kitchen yeah we should we should do we we could find a gym up there for sure do you want to uh watch this carpentry tape with me yeah let me just eat my post-workout meal of a bar of chocolate okay I hope we haven't seen this one I don't think we have we love Woodcraft in this house oh it's for the ladies ladies love stairs they're smiling when they go up them and they're smiling when they come back down it's true off from that the knowledge I have received I think I could level up from this what level are you on now I'm currently halfway completed level five oh nice so it's not bad like I I can do most of the basics but I think seven is really like the perfect amount cuz you can build stairs ah stairs and all the like cool stuff like I'd like to have a balcony or something in this house so I I'm not panicking when I'm in here cuz I didn't want to like be reading a book in a field that's why I was sitting in the car a I didn't level up from it I'm going to throw this thing in the trash I got a Kimbo watches on one on each wrist how's your health looking do they feel better good yeah yeah yeah I'm back to full health and I'm feeling okay but I'm still not risking it for those berries even though they didn't kill me what is dark out here yeah it's very dark perfect opportunity to test my new Axe 2 A.M [ __ ] black like the thing is if this character died like this I'd be devastated like it's so stupid Oh man there's always something wrong with him like Jesus Christ he's like oh my back sore so I I ran inside to put the logs inside and then he's like oh now I'm too hot from the running so I took off the jacket and he's like oh the jacket's too heavy he's never happy you know oh this guy pisses me off he's such an annoying character sometimes what's wrong with him now I just gave him so many negatives because I wanted like some of the positives but I don't know I don't think the claustrophobia was worth it I don't know how you're feeling about it but it's just an annoying moodlet that's always there I'm always extremely panicked yeah and I think it just it makes him unhappy and like then he gets anxious and he wants to smoke and he just has a lot of vices I think what hat should I take on our journey H now that is an important question I'm not sure a news paper hat or no you need more protection than that the stone Axe by the way amazing but it can only cut down one tree is that all it that's all it can do oh damn it has another bit of life in it but it's like barely anything oh my God I'm soaking again and we'll be leaving soon all right he's he's calming down I'm leaving a pair a spare pair of shorts on top of the dryer in case we need them I'm delighted to inform you that we have a balcony now but I would like to say that it's more like a plank for now like you'd walk the plank on a ship cuz it just kind of jots out and there's no fences um it's really dangerous so just be careful you can fall off either side on the inside of the house and the outside of the house and it's not very long so just be careful up there but you can stand there and read a book book can not be panicked the little things in life yeah got to take what we can get are you still wearing your um friendship bracelet by the way uh friendship braet I am okay good could never take that off not even in the shower you know yeah I mean you didn't seem too sure a while ago when I asked you but that's okay it's all fine I just assume that I why would I take it off you know yeah yeah that's true it's like you're so familiar you don't even think about it right Kevin it's 4 a.m. oh we heading out yep let's do this we going to grab some Road snakes three packets of crisps do we have any water bottles I like you're grabbing like crisps and stuff yeah I need Road snakes yeah I mean it's great it's just you know ro road snakes little chips it's like a cute little road trip yeah drink the big bucket of water so we can never go de get thirsty um I mean yeah I do get pretty thirsty in this game uh which car are we taking the the shuck we yeah it's shuck time watch out zombies here we come here we come imagine you are this Brazen going into the city like this is probably death oh my Lord oh look at that turn look at that action movie I love that your character would have been like face on with them as well Jesus that was a [ __ ] that was crazy they were all just bunched up in that little ball yeah they were very bunched up holy crap do you need uh directions or yeah kind of I mean I imagine it's straight where did you go so far you've just been going up right yeah yeah that's fine then so as far as I know I need to get to like a main road that'll head in you can take this road if you want or the next one whichever and at the like very end of this road it'll come to a t Junction and you can just like keep going forward there through the grass and you'll get to a big road that'll take us straight to town it's actually a pretty easy route like it's really straightforward it's long but yeah broken down car interesting doesn't even look that broken down it looked pretty nice I keep going forward here through the grass and this big road go right and you just need to follow this all the way into town through the traffic or uh yeah that's a bit of a problem that doesn't show up on the map actually there'll be a very big intersection oh God can we get through that we're going to have to move those aren't we unless there's like a different way in through here could be the train tracks might be a good shout actually this this could work too though I'm not sure where you're bringing us to I've lost you on my map that I'm looking on big red building where the hell are oh okay I think we're at the rail yard ah yeah if you if you head to the right there should be tracks down there okay can we just damn trains all Hing the tracks there was a tunnel for a maybe we can just follow this if we're lucky only one way to find out I hope there's no oncoming train oh man God damn it why can't anything just go right there may be no way around this did you bring the sledgehammer no but I'm just thinking should we go back the way we came and take a regular route to town just to might save time yeah it it might be better off it's very foggy yeah we don't get very lucky with our weather and timing does this thing have like fog lamps or anything I don't think so it has heating do you want heating um no I'm okay but thank you that's very nice make sure passengers are God we're going to have to get a new Bonnet on this thing eventually yeah I think now that we have like some cars and we can start collecting a few more I think it should be good to get into mechanics and like fix up the cars oh man I don't like this I'm so glad you're driving oh there she is good stuff not bad oh God one single zombie it's good thing we left at 400 a.m. cuz Jesus yeah at least oh damn well this is our turn anyway poor car yeah ah this thing is pretty tanky it's had a good run it's true it has I just don't want it to stop breaking down I know it would be so sad did I break the lights okay no it looks like they're still there yeah they're working a bit would it help if I sha my flashlight no anyway we're getting through nice this should be relatively quiet here and then that's going to lead us onto the big Highway which you can just go left and follow all the way up uh isn't there like one more barricade somewhere here yeah I think so I think there is one more so be careful where the hell okay this is awful why does it have to be foggy so glad I bought Road snacks I'm going to like you know just uh don't stress it man don't let it get to you some Christmas you don't mind if I smoke do you no go ahead thanks it's been a stressful day all around it's stressful being around your stress you know yeah I can understand that it's pretty spooky like cuz we also haven't had to be around zombies in a while just moving out on the farm it's been like just nice and Chill Vibes I love being out on the farm but yeah it it creates its own problems for sure oh bottle all these City Slickers I hate them don't they have anywhere to be what if we're just Middle Road crazy Farmers with like really bad social anxiety and they're all zombies to us and the LSD like you mentioned earlier this is what the corporation does to you they become zombies um we turn off we wanted to go straight ahead uh I don't know if it's possible okay I I'll see what I can do yeah it looks all right I don't know if you're getting the epic music that I am while doing this but it's very epic oh I have my music turned off could you like describe it to me like perhaps you could be boxes to me well there's drums that are kind of going oh okay then um there's some strings just going okay I can get a picture of that and then um it's it's kind of a bit like that bit looped actually I think about it there's no new sand sticking out to me but I've got a soundboard I can try using that oh yeah it just did really loud air horn I don't know if it played my audio or not not but the one next to it is like Smooth chz okay just what I was thinking of yeah oh I really hope that's being picked up oh that is a long Jazz Qui it's still going all right I can stop it where where are we Kevin um I'll just keep going straight okay just as long as you know where we are because I've lost where we are a long time ago it's better to be a watering can in there I swear to God that's what we really want what is this oh you're worrying me now no is it worth it a trailer there okay maybe what do you think it's pretty foggy but they are coming though like look all around maybe guide them away and we can get on the way back like beep the horn and [ __ ] okay if those zombies aren't stupid they'll follow us and if they are stupid we'll deal with them later just imagining living in one of these houses and you're watching them go by like we tree of the Apocalypse the only person call out marry no let them go they're fools I tell you fools hopefully that led a lot of them away hopefully we're going to on our way back we're just going to drive into a horde and be like why are these people here what oh is that a gas station it is a gas station oh Lord these ones here are cuz they're quite big and they have warehouses Vibes that one is an oh this is the power plant that one's a Distillery the one we just passed lots of bourbon in there I bet if the if the forest plan would have worked then we sto there about now oh man there's a lot going on here oh no okay it's here on the right yeah driver in here yeah perfect perfect perfect great stuff great stuff you're brilliant you know you get us through that fog now you're brilliant I can't believe it's still foggy let's go I'm not going to use my gun right we won't use guns in the city will we not unless we're desperate yeah I've ran to like the back of the warehouse are you good yeah I'm just by the cast still I will just follow your trail of dead zombies oh I see excellent hello hopefully one of these is open that would be big nope I feel like we should always bring the sledgehammer I think it would be a good call unless we have like a screwdriver we could disassemble that door oh I don't have a screwdriver I can whack it with my a yeah you could even though I let me use my um my pickaxe it's less valuable right what's the condition mine's like half condition mine is too I think the axe is more valuable cuz you can use it to cut down trees and stuff oh that wasn't too bad at all uh it does leave just an open door behind us so be careful of that but the place looks oh my God it looks empty man holy [ __ ] this is the jackpot um I need to find some water in here and some um food oh my God what did you find got my safety h on Boss wait hold on let me see oh I like that oh you'll be very safe now I'm very safe okay pickaxe entry water again oh my God it's here oh my God mission complete mission complete there's another pickaxe here if you want a new one yeah I wouldn't mind they're pretty good weapons oh there's a hammer great car stuff in here mechanics too I'm just going to uh quickly try and make another door for that place we came in and destroyed damn it I don't I don't have a door hinge I don't think I can make it right is there anything like specific you're really looking out for uh we found it but I guess yeah your your Holy Grail like repairing stuff yeah I guess the tape and things like that we could probably find here yeah wood glue is a good one for repairing stuff yeah there probably there must be some here I found some let me know if you find any food or something oh I think food is like on the far end maybe I might go take a look oh I have some crisps if you're really starving actually I'm really starving wait I'm really heavy too what am I doing yeah my guy is not feeling so good oh we got a few zombies at the end oh I have exercise fatigue oh we got some uh zombies at the end and I really do need to find some food oh and heat exposure is getting bad okay going to have to take a a rest or something did you have some water or something or you found some oh I do would I be able to have some tractor sad get your germs all over my bottle just tractor germs yeah I'll put it here thank you that bourbon bottle oh that's better oh that's much better thank you that means a lot to tractor it's nice and it doesn't weigh much it fits the two boxes can I eat crayons I found some crayons m you want a pack of the crisps yeah uh yeah put there's a pack of the chips here down the in thank you I found a fishing net trap oh there's a a jack there yeah there's also mechanics volume one oh do we have those I can't remember I'll take them we're going to need them if we have a plan to repair that car yeah oh keep an eye out for dumbbells and like gym equipment oh yeah there's bound to be some in here dog food there's dog food Kevin if you can find a c honestly yeah that's fine I would eat that oh there's food here Kevin gumby bears cereal dried chickpeas oh thank God that's pretty much my diet careful there's Zombies by me just need to oh I just need to quickly all right I'll take one or two away Jesus good Lord this dude was made out of something completely different he did not want to go down I'm too full to drink but I'm really thirsty oh man I'm going to have to find some water then I'll look upstairs yeah there might be a water machine somewhere that's true there's bound to be I'm just like I don't really want to be in combat when my guys not feeling too good there are a few zombies trying to break in just a warning another watering can what are the odds oh nice should I take David The Gnome with me oh please if you can if you can like if he's not too heavy oh finally water upstairs on the left if you need water oh that's such a cute Flamingo I can't carry him going to have to stay behind I think I have one my B though oh my god there was loads of orange soda in here the entire time like unlimited orange soda do you need farming volume uh four I have two and three I have a feeling I have four at home okay do you need two empty watering cans no not anymore anyway okay fair enough what's the difference between the empty water watering can and empty gardening spray can do you want the spray can this I think I have a spray can at home okay the spray can is for when we need to get rid of bacteria and stuff off the plants uh will we head out or do you want to search more what's the what's the play here yeah that that herb magazine is the only thing I'm really looking for now if I can identify what's going to kill me you know there's a map store just underneath us uh I don't see much else in the area that's like super interesting to us I'm in one of the aisles just hiding I'm looking for the gym are you in the car yeah okay I'll come back what uh we go down to the bottom corner the bottom corner okay oh my Lord he's in the building there we go I'm in let's get out of here do you find the game um yeah you want to head up or well either way actually is fine we just need to get like I like that maneuver go this way go left go damn it this way yeah this way yeah this should do it cuz we just want to get out to this side of the map and this road looks big enough the potato farm oh potatoes you love to see a bit of potato oh [ __ ] it came out of nowhere the map I believe you a there's mannequins in that shop uh we we just introduced another let's not overwhelm him now body chisel it's called sounds like it's up our alley I need to shove lots of [ __ ] into the back of this car yeah yeah same oh Jesus is there a lot oh I'm managing damn oh my God go down what are you made out of you gymrat yeah that's the problem [ __ ] dude all these zombies are jacked okay I think you're hitting the sorry oh I love the trunk in this pickup truck there's some water in here if you need it oh yeah that probably would be good in behind the main desk gym looks pretty empty got barbell and dumbbell what do we need both we need them both oh [ __ ] I put one on the floor cuzz this barbell was better conditioned on the rack so I don't know if you want to take that too my inventory is pretty full now will we head back to the car yeah okay let's go that was a good successful Mission mainly the watering can but I love the dumbbells oh my guy is a bit sad could we get ice cream just before we go home yes oh thanks I'm going to just eat all of these ice cream cones that are here yeah I'm happy with that wait this doesn't make me happy oh here we go you got some yep loads in the back yes nice yes all right good stuff all right I'm ready to go home on what else is in this mall let's have a quick peruse sh yeah let's take a look around the mall thought I found a pharmacy but it turned out to be just stationary that was sad why does this car have like so much more o when you're reversing yeah I don't know it does sound like it's struggling though this is probably some of the hord that we Dre yeah yes yes okay yeah this is more manageable this works let's hop out you good yep I'm just leading them in a circle while you deal with a few stragglers you can just deal with the trailer if you want if it's clear as long as you're not in like danger oh this zombie looks like Freddy Mercury okay oh that was lovely we're good good [ __ ] my head got scratched I'm okay oh you'll be fine we'll get you home get some meds so what do we need to do here need to bring the car in we need to bring it close enough do we yeah okay there's a few stragglers I'll take care of them oh yeah that looks good I don't know if you can get much closer with the angle but you definitely got it moved oh there's some stragglers watch out they're kind of awkwardly around the car oh man there's quite a few here go down would be wearing a hard hat I need to just back out a bit oh it's getting so dark there's some Street lamps over here we can use oh God help oh no no no what's happening I died no no tractor is alone [ __ ] it's all right I'm coming after you no oh Merry Christmas what's a tractor to do oh my Lord is the key even the ignition I think that might have been my Christmas present too wait so it ignition okay oh here I come [ __ ] dude yeah that's what happened to me oh God there is Street lamps to the bottom of you oh my Lord that um that flashlight is absolutely useless yeah yeah yeah run down there there there's light down there I think I'm just going to G it for the car I'm getting so tired I can't even run God I hope I left the key in that ignition oh you absolute gent you Saint oh I'm wondering after you oh man that's so sad goodbye Tilly didn't even get to see your farm coming to fruition tror be ugly crying the entire way home can't see [ __ ] oh the good news is my character is staying with the trailer okay just turned around and it's now just wandering up the street oh God I don't even know if I know the way home oh man I got a bad feeling about this sugar I just lost my headlight oh no it's completely dark oh man good thing I have this hand torch where is my character going okay it stopped running finally was it just having a bit of a a moment or oh it's wandered quite far from where I died oh no what are you going to do a new character going to have to oh what are you going to be a farmer can't live out in the farm and not be a farmer it's true it's true man all my burpees all those burpees but look you've a full gym now that is true we can call it Tilly's gym in her honor Tilly death to us part [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] going to make it home oh I don't know dude I do have a bad feeling but I just hit something really hard I didn't know what it was I couldn't see cuz I have no lights I don't even know where I'm going I'm just following the highway wonder if I can watch all those VHS tags again yeah they're in the trash but they're there damn I cannot remember our exit off the high oh no do you remember at all what it looks like or what I should be looking out for the highway yeah off the highway from that side you're looking for like the campsite and the the blockade oh yeah okay [ __ ] I hope I didn't pass it [Music] then I'm worried that I missed the turn the road is getting darker [ __ ] it's it's still going we're good yeah yeah oh God I wa to see my truck again two two zombies oh man you know that place we cleared up earlier with the sledgehammer and stuff that's the route I had to come back home it's poetic in a way it kind of saved me my new character is called corny grower I've heard of that name before it's Eastern European right I know a few corny is Corney love yeah I'm mad enough to admit that I'm [ __ ] lost hell yeah brother I found a trailer oh man I'm not brave enough to try and get it I'm like dying of dehydration here I think I'm at one of the nearby Farms we were at earlier y yeah yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep oh it's dark though when will morning come oh no oh no oh no car's dead oh no car is dead I'm running for it the good news is I'm very close to the farm hello oh it is dark I can't see you if you're here oh there are zombies here no immediately dies it's like H that was an interesting side character oh God I'm running straight back into the farm I think I just saw you I did not see you but I'm like dying of dehydration it's not looking good I think uh I think I'll be fine I just need to get in and get some stuff I lost my hat no not your hat I had a huge summer hat oh my God there's zombies at the house the hell did they come from hey you want to be my new carer what happened to the last one cats ate their face no I don't even have a poo that's so sad don't mind me I'm just immediately getting naked give me a drink my health just started to go down from the dehydration it was oh nice Dance all right you're in welcome to the farm he passed the test oh that was stressful Jesus Christ you're telling me well actually I don't know anything about it I'm fine poor Tilly though yeah didn't deserve to go out like that definitely going to build like a cross in the back yarden for Tilly I have to go find her she has my backpack and my gun actually oh yeah that'll be a mission in itself oh I get to keep my map that's nice you remember where I died right uh roughly yeah oh yeah we're also going to when it d breaks next time we will have to find the car as well though yeah I mean the car is pretty close at least it's just out the gate and down this is this is the one thing we didn't want to happen what the death nearly dying I know I mean also me dying like that that two things we didn't want to happen right you didn't die so you're doing yeah I guess so I'm going to do the YMCA but in a nice respectful way like she would have Lov this yeah that too whatever that is whatever you're doing okay oh I can hear her voice in the rain she loved the rain oh she did in her Poncho we used to be out in the fields doing this the Cabbage Patch we'd call it oh wow now I'm freezing so I'm going to go back inside
Channel: DoNOTCallMeKevin
Views: 148,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callmekevin, call me kevin, kevin, funny, call me kevin clips, clips, gaming, project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid guide, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid tutorial, zomboid, project zomboid build 41 gameplay, project zomboid mods, project zomboid beginners guide, project zomboid story, project zomboid modded, project zomboid tips and tricks, lets play, project zomboid playthrough, project zomboid tips, project zomboid call me kevin
Id: K-J7LHgf0FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 16sec (4156 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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