Making a Dwarf Fortress fit for a (short)King

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hello again welcome to the future or rather Koral the future plane upon which if you look a little closer you'll find the hills of traveling where if you look really closely you'll see a small gang of Seven Dwarves dreaming about A Mighty Fortress they intend to call ancient Hermits The blighted shafts for some reason they call themselves Al suppers the bearded beards they're are creative but ultimately misguided Bunch if their naming conventions are representative of how they live regardless in this snowy early spring Wonderland the dwarves will immediately dig themselves into the hillside quickly setting up a small farm food and drink production basic workshops and a rough dirty living area with a few offices and a dining hall this stuff is all temporary it's a starter base but not a starter base like usual we will actually abandon this eventure I promise after tunneling down into the Earth a little bit the dwarves who number 12 by now by the way thanks to a few migrants start working on a small Forge it might feel a little early to start tearing down the local Woodland to fuel iron production but if there's plenty of ore and dwarves ready to work why not said dwarves are however still sleeping in the mud so let's mine them out some considerably more Dwarven bedrooms down here they're not going to be palatial but at least the walls are made of solid rock naturally then they'll also get somewhere to eat down here and then one floor above the living area a new space in which to do all manner of crafting starting with a trio of stone workers the sole purpose of which is cutting stone blocks this both gives us a near endless supply of nice building materials and clears up a load of the Raw Stone lying around all over the place the same applies to gems with a pair of gem Cutters working away at cutting through all the rough gems so what's next then [Music] smooth the whole living area will gradually be smoothed making these prison cell bedrooms just a little bit more appealing this dining hall will become a Tavern too but only for residents don't want no undesirables showing up in the fort for me dwarf fortress's early game largely consists of remembering which Industries I need to set up to see The Fortress into the mid game without a tantrum spiral so with that in mind we're planting pigtails for weaving into cloth and then eventually clothing because naked dwarves are not happy dwarves and their clothes will wear out faster than you expect and as the miners reach deeper into the Earth I figure we'll hit a cavern soon so at a fairly random depth we'll Channel out a small pit and build a bridge over it that bridge gets linked to an emergency lever up in the living space making it effectively act as a gate capable of blocking off the fort From Below for a little while the fort chugs along we do indeed find some Caverns but nothing that we immediately dig into so for now we'll Dodge this one and keep heading deeper right into another Cavern and this time we pop right out into a large flat muddy area which for now will simply close off with some hastily built walls but later will become a rather useful space whilst we're busy with that zon tosan withdraws from society struck by a strange mood being a carpenter he predictably claims a carpenter's workshop and starts sketching forests which inum speak means that we don't have any wood for him to use on his secret project so after deforesting the local Hillside again and giving him a moment he's made at tulas a relatively simple Peachwood cabinet nothing too fancy for the fortress's first strange mood but a nice heirloom all the same I hadn't noticed it beforehand but whilst zon was working away a migrant wave arrived to jump the population from 19 to a whopping 48 and whilst that's great dwarves like booze they like booze a lot and as such over the next few months they drank the fortress's singular producing still dry so three more Stills in the crafting levels will help and this will also help streamline the drink's delivery process as they're no longer being hauled all the way down to the tavern in barrels of lead yes lead barrels don't question it something I like about Dwarf Fortress despite not always doing a very good job of managing it is that it's sort of a logistic simulation as much as anything else as your Fortress becomes more populous poorly flowing production lines can really bog things down so anyway yeah all of our barrels and bins are made of lead which ignoring the poisoning aspect uh are also very heavy lugging lead and barrels of wine all the way from the surface level Stills down 25 flights of stairs was taking a lot of hauling work and these new Stills should help to alleviate that less helpful but still nice is that abbl azath has created udal a jagged pigtail cap good for them now having finally realized that the population has exploded it's time to make a whole load of new bedrooms including some larger ones to satisfy either unhappy dwarves or needy Nobles during the yearly trade with the Mountain Homes shortly after we bought a load of musical instruments for the tavern a giant arrived displeased with the state of our Fortress which reminds me of an important aspect of progress that I've neglected military thankfully the Caravan guards were on hand to smack down the giant for us but next time we're not likely to be so lucky therefore we'll quite randomly elect udil lool the glass maker as the militia commander and assign him a squad of largely inexperienced dwarves to become his small Squad of Axe wielding Maniacs then down in the living quarters will'll create a small Barrack for them to train in as well as ordering the forging of a set of iron battle axes these guys will train full-time in the art of Limb cleaving and they'll get frightfully good at it I'm sure but in the meantime iros odg Kross has created an nilad a limestone Zas which is some kind of small wind instrument I think as the population has grown a basic democracy has sprouted up and elected mthat the original Expedition leader as the mayor muscat's first mandate is that I tell you about this video sponsor displate who make unique metal posters that you can mount on your wall in seconds with no power tools thanks to magnets I don't know how they work no one does but that's okay because they do work being a a gener I enjoy noisy things like metal music and Formula racing and was very easily able to find designs to suit my freakish needs as well as this motivational duck who looks down on me to ensure increased productivity in the content [Music] minds and with hundreds of officially licensed collections as well as a massive selection of work from over 40,000 artists there's bound to be something for you too when you make an order your dis plates are custom printed in Europe and should be with you within 4 to 5 days from there it's as simple as sticking a protective leaf and some magnets to your wall and then sticking your displates to them very good visit haaz to get 25% off a single displate or 35% off two or more this offer is valid until the 18th of March so skip to it so that wasn't actually muscat's first mandate it was to manufacture leggings because evidently a man of culture as is Adel balba who after seeing a goblin Thief pulped by the axe dwarves creates zedal zest a hematite leus which is another kind of instrument a freestanding stringed one this time we'll pop it down in the tavern for children to make awful discordant music at whilst their parents drink themselves to sleep I'm spotting some strange things in the Fortress at the moment for a start there's this child that appears to be rendering as headless and then there's another child who somehow got their head dented you have a dent in your head but what's this a threat to the Fortress a minur named in English slet shoot webbed the lust of wait of denting protect the children he's come to Dent their heads he arrives directly into a migrant wave and does some substantial head denting before the axe Squad shows up and puts him down quickly pretty much instantly actually but not instantly enough to save Solon Raz from taking a nasty hit mangling both his right foot and elbow but you know that's the risk you're made aware of the dangers when you get randomly drafted into the Dwarven military over the next few weeks and months I keep discovering corpses up there on the surface and when I check the combat logs I see a lot of people fighting giant sparrows I suppose when I hear about giant Birds killing people I question the possibility but then I remember just how small these little bearded bastards are anyway eventually I remember to build them a tomb the building of which was interrupted by some unusually reserved goblins who seek a par wanting to avoid loss of life but the dwarves of ancient Hermits do not negotiate with terrorists and as such they were ended rightly I'd like to see the pommel throw maneuver added to dwarf Fort anyway lovely good to know that we can smack down some goblins apparently we can also make decent turbin as vok aerid as voka kruid demonstrates with umil Cog Kath perhaps more importantly though Memorial slabs for the great many lost dead I'm honestly not sure how or where most of them died but they get engraved slabs in the Tomb in any case these giant Angry Birds are probably part of the problem they're certainly making people upset at the absolute least and they're also irritating the livestock so down to that part of the cavern I talked about earlier where thanks to the already decently enclosed layout in about 10 minutes we have this section fully enclosed impenetrable to the nasties from the caverns however whilst I was wrapped up in that syob barison was possessed and I completely forgot about him he went berserk and was somehow suffocated sorry syob that's my bad but at least some of the reason I was distracted is probably thanks to streaming this playthrough on Twitch follow the channel if you're into that kind of thing there's a link below and while you're down there hit like And subscribe so the YouTube algorithm goblins know to recommend you my content for a little while now various guilds and religious sects have been petitioning for their own private spaces which is why the living floor is getting gradually covered in temples and Halls like this it's a pretty constant thing and can get quite annoying but it helps to keep them happy as does being clean so we need soap because it probably stinks down here but for that we need fat and to get fat we need to kill some life livestock so I pick out some animals somewhat at random and set up a dedicated Kitchen in the cavern layer solely for the purpose of rendering fat which is then transported upstairs to the crafting layer where it's turned into soap you'll also notice that I made a doorway to this Lake down in the cavern so that dwarves who need access to clean water can have it I'll probably build around this properly at some point because it's not very safe currently just exposed to the cavern like that but anyway dumat here has claimed a ston workers shop and eventually creates a noag abas lul a hematite bracelet he offers it to the Fortress and that's why hematite homy you might notice that the fortress's population has continued to grow at its ever frightening pace and now in the 104th year of this world there's 143 dwarves scrambling around these tunnels meaning it's time to dig more bedrooms a lot more bedrooms remember zon todam no me neither but he died earlier and apparently never got memorialized so now he's being a ghostly pain stealing mugs from The Tavern and causing other such Mischief oh zon what a Scamp anyway he's eventually put to rest with a slab and now the Dwarven representative from the Mountain Homes is here to inform us that we're being elevated to a Barony that's how this works you generate wealth for the mountain homes they give you titles that make your dwarves more needy I'm not exactly sure this is the deal of the century but it's still nice to be recognized I pick the new mayor mang to be elevated to the position of Baron because apparently the leggings obsessed muffat died at some point I don't know how or when but I'm sure he's in a better place now smothered in spandex we do our customary trade with the mountain homes in which we shower them with gems and take some random mushrooms and tat in return and then I decide it's probably time to shift the trade Depot inside to a more secure location behind a drawbridge in the process aush odg cross got crushed he had a tree felt on him to be more specific but that's life in the Fortress isn't it despite the occasional accidental death The Fortress is in a good place pretty much everyone is happy enough aside from the children who are sometimes just really angry for no good reason I get it though I was a child once a very very long time ago and it made me angry sometimes too another zon is taken by a f mood but before I can find out what he wants a forgotten Beast arrives the first that the Fortress has seen svia a towering Bush tit with lidless eyes Okay terrifying truly in any case it looks like we'll never actually meet it as it's roaming around a section of the caverns that's not actually connected to the Fortress when you wall off Caverns this becomes a fairly common story but sometimes they do surprise you and find interesting ways to get in we'll see our time is Once Again filled by fulfilling constant petitions for Guild halls and temples smoothing bedrooms and oh whoops I forgot about zon lior tre's Fame mood zon is a cursed name in this Fortress it seems he went mad after waiting too long for whatever he was looking for and got beat down for annoying people by going mad I think at this point almost 5 years in is a good time to appoint a little more military we'll build a Barracks up here on the ground level for a squad of hammer dwarves which means appointing a captain of the guard as soon as I did that appointing Goden Calis he went and beat the snot out of some folks for violating production orders well I I'm sure Goden knows best anyway he'll head up the new Squad as they train for combat in the entrance to the Fortress next the mayor wants his own shiny tomb and more importantly dodok Nick cat cat all is possessed it took me a good long while to figure out what he was looking for until eventually realizing it was some wool cloth so with all this material stone blocks two animals worth of leather a roll of wool cloth some rough gems and a bar of silver he made an amulet a wooden amulet a treasure Grand enough to attract a vile force of Darkness one which turned around and left immediately after arriving right then the mayor wanted to tomb so he's finally getting it just as soon as this child manages to Lug his silver sarcophagus into place and as I'm designating more mining looking for more interesting ores and gems to build coffins out of another forgotten Beast arrives thein tone an enormous goose with lidless eyes I'm seeing a theme here anyway once again it's kind of just out here doing its own thing there is a doorway to The Fortress right by it but it's just not interested I guess so anyway with about 170 dwarves here I think it's time we upgraded from a dingy Tavern to an absolutely cavernous grand hall with tables made of silver it'll be a bit of an ongoing project but here's its early Beginnings it's been 5 years now and things are going very well I'd quite like for some interesting drama to occur something more interesting than the axe Lords all naming their axes one by one and inish tulva Bok making a puzzle box named catlos Ros so after another half a year of Guild halls and temples a Siege arrives they only brought about five goblins though so predictably they get absolutely steamrolled back to the grand hall then which gets some interesting metal flaw including some good old lead which despite the health implications I suspect would actually feel pretty good underfoot I bought some glass as well as some random bronze and steel equipment from the yearly Dwarven Caravan and then with with an apparently Pretty Natural sense of timing irad syob desor the glass maker is taken by a fay mood they weren't claiming any shops so I figured correctly that they wanted a glass furnace after building which they're Off to the Races good thing we randomly decided to buy that raw glass then sometimes my own genius astounds me usually it doesn't but sometimes it does anyway once derad works on another artifact it's time we displayed some of the other ones we have in the hall all of the fort's shiniest objects are on display a nice bracelet a six zass and a turban and what better to top off the collection than a green glass Floodgate which I've just noticed now they named after themselves if I was going to create myself in Dwarven artifact form I think I'd choose something a bit more exciting than a flood gate what about you I'd probably go for a puzzle box because I'm just so godamn enigmatic and I know it anyway it does actually look nice in the hall if you don't think about the fact that it's a Floodgate too much unfortunately as usual the various implications of a growing population have snuck up on me a little and we're running low on meals we do however have plenty of beer so we'll use some of it to make biscuits whilst the farmers call some of the massive random herds in the cavern something I've been putting off for a while now is navigating to the magma down in the mines we hit warm Stone along time ago so let's have a scratch about and see what we can find channeling an extra layer down here reveals exactly what I was looking for the great magma sea fantastic charcoal be damned it's time to make some magma smelters down here but before I can finish building them another group of gobos seeks parlay quite a large group this time but as discussed previously the dwarves do not negotiate with terrorists squads assemble uh okay irad that's a very nice hematite Crown but not right now please squads assemble at The Fortress gate after letting the Goblins arrive properly I just Target all of them all 36 and let the dwarves run Riot which proves quite successful and before too long the area here is covered in a layer of severed Goblin body parts get absolutely dumpstered gobos the ax Lords are basically Gods compared to the Invaders and just hack them apart like 40K Space Marines amongst GRS glorious all right back to the Fortress where we've now predictably run out of drink because we cooked it all we can gather a load of plump helmets from the surrounding Caverns to replenish stocks for the moment whilst waiting for the next cave wheat season which is this fortress's season of Plenty working on this down here got me thinking I should make a small bedroom complex for the farmers to live in down here and on that note the Planters asked for a Guild Hall some time ago too it's quite a pain to actually manage but creating more specialized living and working spaces for Industries can pay huge dividends to the efficiency of a fortress like this which exists across a number of separate layers but anyway the Guild Hall petitioning hell continues the farmers the doctors The Smiths everyone wants a hall so at this point I start building them close to their working areas and having fun with their shape the Smiths get one shaped like a hammer the doctors like a syringe kind of you get the idea anyway a child named tosd bomb rrio is possessed and claims a craft shop this is for fantastic because children can manufacture such fine details thanks to their tiny hands what are you making in there tossd ah a yak bone cabinet named sangore DED mot all righty then still struggling to keep these dwarves fed and watered will'll make some Stills down by the Farms to cut down on hauling but I think this is largely a production problem not a hauling one I don't think the Farms are making enough raw materials we're not fishing down here at all which puts quite a bit bit of extra strain on the plant stocks but for now we can help out by starting to brew pigtails rather than saving them all exclusively for cloth production throughout summer the drink stocks creep back up to a much healthier count and then USA called devam arrives another towering lless eyed British Garden bird a nut hatch this time in case you wanted to mark it down in your bird watching Journal anyway as usual it's lumbering around an unconnected area of the caverns but for how long delightfully ominous foreshadowing Hazel very good a cave Croc arrived at our door so I sent the axe Lords in to quickly decapitate it only to watch one of them ye themselves directly into the deep and murky Cavern Lake urad ikag kogan first of his name Slayer of many worthy foes felled by pond water the grand hall continues to become grander and it's time we started to make some valuable shinies just for the hell of it making copper amulets and encrusting every little thing around the Fortress with gems one of the more hilarious forgotten beasts I've seen shows up in the caverns as dhamu the eight-legged horse with lidless eyes there's also a gang of serpent people in another section of the cavern slaughtering all the cundles those poor little guys so watching all of this fun in the caverns I think it might be time for a cavern Tavern let's invite some danger into The Fortress and have a little fun opening up our Cavern Farm to the east with a small but nice little space for everyone to hang around in visitors and all but we're distracted by a foul crime a nil rad the fancy Zas was stolen from the grand hall so we'll hastily make a dungeon and appointed a keeper then schedule an interrogation of CRA du simova who basically everyone accuses of the theft but before that's concluded one of the Forgotten beasts has found found its way in corpses lit of the stairwell and there it is none other than usao K devm the nut hatch the fighting is messy and mostly involved civilians including none other than the exalted virtue themselves which I needed my twitch chat to point out to me was the high priest of one of my temples a religious figure doing useful work what a concept anyway a few dwarves were lost in the fight and quite a few more were either maimed substantially or suffering the maladies of the nut hatches Vapors which appear to cause a fever most of these folks will ultimately be fine but many will never quite move or work at normal speed again down in the caverns it's time to start Milling the wheat into flour and this can be done at Kerns by hand but it's considerably faster to use a powered Millstone but without any access to flowing water my options are to run a shaft from the windmills on the surface all the way down to the cavern or cre create flowing water we'll be doing that if I Channel out a bit here for water to flow into set up a water mill and then pump the water out at the end of the channel it creates flowing water and keeps the pump running basically we've discovered a working perpetual motion machine we've also apparently implemented a policy of capital punishment for the theft of artifacts in the Fortress after cere confess to the theft the captain of the Guard marched right to the temple where he was worshiping and punched his torso open with her bare hand this is a shocking turn of events but who am I to question Dwarven legal Customs a large group of Cavern dwellers have arrived in an area that actually connects to The Fortress for a change managing to kill a few dwarves that I assume were out collecting spider silk before the squads arrive and slaughter them all now the magma smelters have been chugging away for all this time relieving the for of some charcoal usage but until recently we didn't have any more steel anvils with which to make some magma safe forges so after buying some from the Mountain Homes we'll make six of them over the magma sea freeing The Fortress almost entirely from its Reliance on wood for smithing having accomplished so much the dwarves are getting itchy feet looking for something to do so to vent this energy will send the ax Lords on a few missions to pillage and raise the nearest Goblin pits for the most part we'll get nothing of value from this but for me the satisfaction of raising someone's home to the ground is reward enough so now Begins the Saga of kubok oil faath the possessed Weaver who claims a Clo's shop and asks for bones Rock cloth blocks wood and rough gems thinking I had everything but rough gems in ready supply I dug out some of the walls and assumed that it do the trick but no he was still stuck on something so I started exploring the possibilities by blocks bricks could he mean specifically clay bricks probably not but okay we'll set up a Kil and make some bricks up there and then someone in chat suggested that Ru color might be asking for dye considering this is a Clo's shop after all so okay maybe that's it we'll set up a dedicated K down here in the caverns to grind up some dimple cups for dye and then seemingly out of nowhere he started working on something after all that he just needed some wool cloth which he used to make zis SA a sheep wool vest sounds itchy so we'll bestow it onto the mayor another Goblin Force arrived presumably displaced from their homes by the pyom maniacal ax Lords unfortunately for them we also have the blam maniacal Squad of Hammond Lords now who didn't struggle much to put them down so after eight long years of Toil and struggle the king himself arrives from the Mountain Homes and declares ancient Hermits the capital of the realm I've actually never had this happen happened before so it's a pretty neat feeling to have created something apparently worthy of the honor as such I'll make an incredibly grandio Royal quarter complete with coffin shaped mosum and retire The Fortress to the bustling doldrums of Dwarven oh um okay never mind first we'll deal with buron udil a cyclops that was very rude wasn't it where was I right retire The Fortress to the bustling doldrums of Dwarven life in the capital thank you so much for watching this video and thanks to displate for sponsoring don't forget to check out my link in the description for 25% off a single displate or 35% off two or more whatever you do though please remain indoors until next time [Music] goodbye [Music]
Channel: Hazzor
Views: 132,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress steam, dwarf fortress above ground fort, dwarf fortress stories, dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress tutorial, dwarf fortress playthrough, dwarf fortress kitfox, dwarf fortress 2022, dwarf fortress lets play, dwarf fortress tavern, dwarf fortress guide, dwarf fortress ep 1, lets play dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress review, learn dwarf fortress, beginner dwarf fortress, steam dwarf fortress update, dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress tips
Id: DgA1zRypqzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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