Can you survive Project Zomboid as farmers?

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hey there friends how's it going my name is definitely not Kevin and I've got something cool for you today you see me and my buddy Max decided to hop on project zomboid and become farmers and then well this happened maybe one should be a farmer and one a fisherman they do have Farmers Excell and they have fisherman do you want to be the farmer or the fisherman uh maybe fisherman you're going to be the fisherman okay I'll be the farmer it seems like the lamest job here it only gives you fishing and one foraging oh man compared to the others what did you get oh you just got three finging not like that much greater no no not very exciting time to make my character how about Tilly Fields oh that's a good one let me make mine I'm going to go with tractor wow he looks so stupid he looks like a tractor tractor is now a template the tractor has arrived did you spawn in a house house yep do you want to loot set house yeah I got lots of food y all are watching Woodcraft put on a TV if you have one near wait mine's on theing news station no I need to remember to do this more when I spawn in it's the first time I've actually thought of it yeah it's it's one oh sleeping tablets I can put those in Kevin's food I got some medical supplies and food I've looted this entire house I forgot the I'm claustrophobic he's having a bit of a panic attack Jesus I didn't realize he got that bad I'm in extreme Panic yeah are you also claustrophobic yeah oh God I found a car but it I don't think it has any fuel cuz it's not starting I'm sneaking into people's houses and eating their Margery just a regular night for tractor do you have any notion as to where you are uh I think I might have an idea but I could be wrong cuz it's not really like that standard out but I think I'm towards like the southeast of the big city Southeast I could be wrong though yeah I'm in just like one of those neighborhoods that just they all look the [ __ ] same there's not many zombies near me famous last words yeah perhaps I'm just going to run in a direction and see where I end up which might be a terrible idea because just the forest ahead of me are you dancing I'm Moon walking very good how do I stop I don't know um there's not many zombies around here it's a pretty nice little neighborhood but this is not where we're going to live no no no tractor just wants to steal their stuff oh no I'm getting panicked again yeah I need water oh I think there's some banging coming from indoors nah okay and spaghetti ball andise nice I don't know if it's actually oh there's a can opener here we'll definitely need that do you have a bag uh no I don't yet do you want this garbage bag nah I don't like the ones that I have to carry I like them on my back ooh strapless braa d a good feeling oh just came out of the shower too yeah in the bathrob and everything yeah my heart is pounding in my chest being in here I hate it I know right tractor is not happy either I didn't see any cars or anything but I'm pretty sure ization is this way I think yeah I think we're we're like actually out in the Farmland already somehow nice look a car I think it's broken I'm just a fisherman I wouldn't know I think you're right about civilization possibly being that way I think so should we just run or what I don't know I don't think we have an option of getting a car here they have Uber here tractors revving up his engines oh what's this yeah there's a shed that almost looks like a farmhouse wait actually yeah it does this is quite nice there's plaster powder and gravel in here oh I think of all the odd jobs we could do or all the gravel we could eat you might as well raid this farm right yeah but like is it a a good Farm could we stay here or it's hard to know without knowing where the hell we are like for all we know this could be the farm it could be the farm it could be our farm I like it I'm taking a look outside it's got a broken window but looks fine a temporary base if nothing else there's toilet paper lovely lovely that's a luxury my God there's so much storage downstairs holy and a tire pump a gas can oh my goodness fantastic a hammer a weird noise behind me what the hell is that oh this is great there's tools here there's like nails Garden saws hammers screwdrivers just out in the shadow gold mine yeah this was a really good find close some curtain oh hello look at you desizing already I was hoping the goggles would help with my claustrophobia it's like in The Simpsons the goggles do nothing my eyes the goggles do nothing did you go into this little Hut the one out front is the one with all the tools in it it's a lovely hut very small though did you go upstairs at all I'm just going upstairs now crayons no way can I use use the crayons for my map can use the Crayons to draw my map fantastic I hope there's a maze on the back this place is awesome I love it at least until somewhere better comes along but for now it'll do for now I love it oh and a his and her bathroom ex smashed window somehow is that on the ground floor or upper Upper Floor oh that's weird yeah it's like the window you can see from out front I might actually repair the window in front if I can like disassemble something like get rid of this table or do we want it ah get rid of it it's ugly table what else can I destroy this bench we have a washer dryer set up back here and everything oh I love a washer dryer it's so convenient haven't had a washer dryer in this game in a while oh my God it is so good you can pick one of these ta yeah this is just the chair roomid of both tables and just leave chairs go get my saw I'll get rid of this bench too how many do you need to make a oh I think three or four goes on it okay I hate to point this out but we don't have a [Laughter] dog sorry there is no time just start barricading the door oh canned peaches oh can't wait to just swallow canned peaches there's some dog food in there as well if you want it we don't have a dog Kevin I've told you oh yeah hey I don't need fixing I can fix him did you border it up I put one board on it then realized they didn't have any more nails so I threw the plank on the floor and ran off in a Hof okay but I closed the curtains so you should be fine should we see if we can find a way into town uh yeah let's do it I just wonder where the hell we are should I look on the map I need water yeah I drank before I I just ran out of there need some food too actually oh there's a zombie heading this way [Music] Goodness Me resilient yeah Jesus oh okay how does foraging work um I have no idea you like open a box or something now right and you have to search within a grid I found some twig I will take the Twigs with us we might need them I guess they could be magic Twigs what is this I can't even click on it what is it what is it it's a pill bug do you want to eat it uh-huh oh this going to make you way less hungry uh I have a weak stomach but I'm just going to wing it can I drop it did that drop M yummy oh crunchy oh that made him a little sad but it's a pill bugs thought pills are meant to make you happy Kevin there's a duffel bag over there in the countryside you want to go grab it I think it might be useful we might be able to lure him wait can we just shout maybe or would that be really bad I think we can get close enough to just trigger like one or two oh the [ __ ] all the ones except for the one with the [ __ ] bag came over of course it's okay we got this and he has policeman clothes down he go there we go they still haven't noticed my God is that zombie blind another one heading over wait maybe not that looks like a trucker cap do you not want that I don't know I kind of like my ball spot stones are rare apparently but I found one something here a cricket you want to eat this Cricket yeah oh it's uncooked though Kevin are you sure oh maybe not did you grab it yeah I'll take it with me I put it in the duffel bag I can carry your food you know we can cook it if we get really hungry I should have brought the gas can I have found a milipede nice dude we're going to eat well tonight it's dangerous uncooked so maybe don't eat this grape leaves these are like all the things I never see cuz I never do this [ __ ] how do you actually open it oh you see the little magnifying glass on the left and you click that and then at the bottom it says enable search mode and then you just have to walk around until you find stuff oh wait is it night time I think it's night time oh no I think we'll be fine oh big wall there must be something valuable inside can we clear that wall I don't know if we can go down oh no don't bite Kevin go down there we go oh up and over excellent wait what about my bag that's why I don't like those bags can you put my bag into your I guess so there we go it has all my crickets in there you see oh I see in your Twigs okay I understand oh wait can I put my mipedes in my termites in there yeah if you want to I'll put them all into my bag don't eat the mpede he's my friend I won't no have you named him yeah how do I climb this wall holdy oh yeah I forgot that's a thing just pressing shift at it and it wasn't going anywhere oh okay I think this was the neighborhood we were aiming for right I'm not really sure but there's a few cars around here okay that's good good oh the window opens here I'll turn on the lights to let them know that we are home that's nice I like that what is that noise are you breaking stuff no oh I'm going to make a a stir fry with this random mushroom I found I hope it doesn't kill me can I microwave the millipede sure don't see why not okay how do you microw the mped I assume 60 Minutes at full power oh it's burning wait eat it just take it straight out in your hand oh my God what an animal all right thank you very much I'm full that's good wash it down yeah that's not getting washed down do you want some of my sausage and mushroom s fry it does minus 10 to unhappiness if I make you happier I might microwave these termites and eat that instead oh my God have you become like a vegetarian bugs are okay come on cook faster nice see I've eaten two meals and yours is not even ready yet I know the microw is so much better oh I'm depressed all right we'll find you some happy P yeah I might need them at this R I think I've been eating too many bugs meanwhile I have some strawberries in my inventory oh crosswords hold on that you're my depression wait let me do these I completed two crosswords and I'm still depressed there's a leather jacket in here you want that oh that could chew me off hold on you like my look yes how do you get the vehicle menu again V oh V yeah that's oh there's a van over there let's try that there's an annotated map oh I got an annotated map as well there like some houses marked normally means there's something good in them ooh I think I found every map in here except the one where we are at okay well nothing useful in here and certainly no keys you check inside yeah I'm looking in The Little Garage oh comic books okay I'm going to read all of these you're going to be so happy by the end yeah I'm not going to be depressed anymore yes my depression is gone because of spideyman I love Spiderman tractor feels better oh empty gas can there's a briefcase nice oh there's lots of can goods in here if you wouldn't mind yeah and some dried kidney beans and some cereal and a bullan cube just also going to eat this uh orange with the skin on bad luck I don't see any keys in here oh that's unfortunate there is pepper we can eat though nice I found some lipstick as well nice nice you can see it a little bit under my mustache uh where was the food in the fridge in here uh there's loads of canned goods okay oh foraging volume one I've got a feeling my foraging is already beyond that so dark in here I went to the next house a long the one oh yeah I see the one one further down you left the door open the farming magazine excellent but is it the right one do you need magazines or it can make GE for me Dew and flies o but I my character probably already knows those there's chocolate I love chocolate chocolate I remember chocolate cards though we need a car oh made some friend friends yeah I made quite a few friends out here very friend I don't I kind of want to drag some away from you but also don't want to [ __ ] it up he it okay yeah and now go down there you go buddy I got me a shovel there we go uhoh oh uh let's get behind a house at the very least in here maybe yeah I guess oh bun can't stay in here though I'm making me panic I'll just close the curtains that'll make me less claustrophobic yeah I got something that'll cheer you up oh Windows yeah this is CarZone oh CarZone the windows episode look at that we're learning are you learning two things at once yes excellent oh I need to find a kitchen knife surpris me I haven't come across one I can make a speed yeah oh he's doing exercise as well damn straight that's crazy I should have I think I upped the gains we get an XP boost on Fitness and strength as well nice cuz normally it's not on I never realized that before so maybe we can make our MS wrongs and fits yes go to the gym am I almost done with this book almost I think the zombies have passed um I don't know how many more my not feeling too good oh is it all those bugs what's after happening oh cuz he took off his uh duffel bag for the exercise oh he's he just holding it I need an actual proper kitchen knife why there no kitchen knives in this kitchen all right next kitchen we come across that's a lot of red bubbles what my guy isn't feeling amazing right now like he he'll be fine don't worry do you need anything uh no I don't think so I'll just grab a drink I think we m mostly in the clear don't know which way we should go re really sure either I guess we kind of need to keep going up right into civilization to get a car yeah like one of these cars will work eventually it's really hard without the hot wiring yeah I forgot and to get it you have to do so I think you need like mechanics three and electronics as I seem to remember it's like a double whammy it's really hard oh there's another car in the driveway there oh nice yeah another thing would be good if we went past the petrol station so you could fill up just in case we come across a car that works it has no fuel no keys no keys oh another car another car nice this is it I can feel it it's one the [ __ ] cares so I feel like it's a middle ground and it's going to come true very little uh expectancy on the car so yeah oh there's a lot of zombies across the way one of them has a backpack though unfortunately no key but we could check the house oh that that's the one with the backpack come here yeah just you don't bring your friends come alone don't tell your friends about this come to the back alley tell no one bring anyone the girl dies like what what girl what nice all friendship bracelet I'm taking that should we check the house yeah I'm going to take a look in the garage for that key a folding chairs oh maybe one day Jesus careful oh god oh no oh man where did you guys come from oh no Kevin it's getting fogy oh man okay that window does not oh man oh it's very foggy oh man oh this window's open oh my God there is a few zombies in this room I'm just going straight up through those houses I'm I'm looking for cars I'm just going to slowly clear out the sedan house Fu dude oh this looks like a Survivor was in this house oh I have a spear nice I'm fighting my way towards a car but I don't think it's going to work now that I'm close and I'm seeing it uh I'm going to just see if by any kind of a baseball bat damn it nice good find pretty good probably equip that actually no key look inside there is a key on this zombie but I don't think it's the kind of key I'm after damn it I was hoping they oh do you need foraging volume two yeah nice did you find it yeah nice okay well s Dan house no bueno no keys no keys here either there's a gun in here may as well take it I guess if you can carry it yeah it's a bit heavy okay it's quite heavy I don't think I can take it you went up right yeah are you in the house that was just above that one or uh I just kind of went straight on through the middle of them like not following a road I can come back no I think I can find you hold on uh oh I think I see you oh yeah there you see you it's so foggy oh there you are Jesus yeah this is uh not going to make this any easier I can only see like a few feet in front of me yeah yeah we could be walking straight into a ho actually we are walking into a ho oh yeah so we are all right yeah let's go the good thing is I don't think they can really see us I think we've drawn one yeah we've got one following us I guess we should still try and go oper right will we just do a run through like some of the buildings to try and get towards civilization yeah do we take this left or no yeah let's take this left could be a oh ah it'll be fine I'm sure yeah why not they lose Us in the fog right yeah they do actually okay great oh what about that car ooh yes oh I'd love this one it's locked oh man the back is open though weirdly enough you could try smash the window but then why would the keys be in there if the window's smashed we got company bastards will we keep going yeah not Point finding them oh there's more of them straight through I guess oh big wall big wall is our friend lovely my character can almost not jump Jesus all right we made it I'm sweaty a moist some houses though there's a lot of zombies to our right oh my God my God okay I'm going to keep running yeah just go just go there was so many let me take a look behind okay they they are coming but slowly surely we lose them how would they have better Vision than us in fog surely they can't oh God there's a few here I'm just going to run buy these ones no cars on this street though do people not drive I know I've been looking out for one and we just can't get any luck I'm going right at the end of the street when you reached an end okay can you see me or I don't know how far see okay oh no I'm going left oh no little heads like 50 little heads Bing around oh God I'm going straight through I don't know if my character is going to jump this please jump it you got this oh thank Christ can they jump that I doubt it no oh more canned goods can't really take much more yeah that's it okay uh I'm going to eat this chocolate to give me energy oh there's a zombie coming in through the window oh no oh there are several zombies coming in through the window oh no oh will we go out in the back and jump the wall uh probably yes oh my God I just seem blood splatter around the corner okay I'm inside the door will slow them down yes let's go let's go let's go any one of these fences could be our death though Kevin that's the problem and it's going to get more and more tiring like I don't know if my guy can do many more of these you want and we're like in the middle you watch that way I'll watch this way you know what that does look kind of nice how do I sit down there we go ah yeah that's nice ah sitting you got something to read no you want to exchange some books I can swap you a cricket oh I love crickets here I got this for you I got this for you can you reach I can't reach it I don't want to move actually I'm actually rested all right oo that is cool I made it myself that's how you know my gift has meaning I can't there is it's too heavy what the [ __ ] sorry man gift rejected oh my God this is I'm going to break it on some zombie now come on I want food I have my spear is everything black and white for you too except when you go indoors yeah outdoor is pretty Grim okay it must just be the fog right yeah okay oh bags of chips I don't like being indoors for too long though no should we go out the front I hear so much banging and I don't know if it's here or oh that's the neighbors oh is it the neighbors that was so loud oh big blue building across the way you know what that means right big blue building yeah that gas station I don't know I can't remember oh my God why there so many zombies I don't know I'm going to run away now what is Big Blue building huh oh it's a Community Center thank goodness just what we needed we definitely needed that is there a parking lot maybe do you want to have a look I'll take a look out front oh my God there's a lot of zombies there uh might want to go in and then just go out the other side Roger that chief on my way oh [ __ ] I closed the door and then just open it for him that's nice there's like a gym here this is oh this is lovely go this way maybe a lefty yeah I think so there's also water you need water I think okay yeah I think I'm good there's a car here yeah there's a car pack okay we don't have long though oh yeah there's definitely zombies that get F yeah I think some of them actually can't see us fly enough all right I'm going to check this cab it's locked okay next next one oh nope there is a lot of zombies coming my way you okay yeah well I think we should move yeah maybe so I'm getting pretty tired oh there was a few cars there too oh my spear broke it only lasted two hits it killed two of them though was it just made from the Twigs from earlier yeah and a knife wasn't bad it been lasted longer you know couple of cars up here as well on the left I just check them come on bro give us something taxi key we got a taxi there's a few zombies I'm on my way Chief I have no weapon oh they're coming for the taxi I have my weapon out which is you know hindsight and all that oh my weapon just broke all right we doing some pushing and some stomping yeah oh I hurt so much from all those squats okay I think we good we get him eventually this one there go oh Jesus oh wait there's a necklace with a crucifix here I need to wear that I I love the Lord all right let's see going to quickly make another spear it's pretty good it even has fuel really now oh yeah where do we fuel up though oh what color are gas stations again uh I think yellow if so there's one just around the corner oh did I give you the the Louisville map I'll leave it in the glove compartment yeah I I read one I think oh damn it's hard to see say we need to drive very carefully this is rough put the fog lights on Kevin what are you doing I'm trying I don't know how if you hold a v there's an option for lights I don't know if they're working oh wait no that is with them on okay this is it with it on this is a nice neighborhood I don't know a bit too big city for my liking I think now okay so yellow must be restaurant cuz that's a spios right yeah it does okay and that's chicken so where do I go to get to a gas station from here do you think I can have a look if you keep us safe I'll try oh wait there's one here I found it oh nice good job I always had faith in you I know I didn't have to really look thank you very much it's busy gas station now give it that yeah maybe hop very busy okay oh there's more over the [ __ ] fence oh Jus oh Jus I nearly got bitten so I did oh I think run for a bit maybe okay maybe inside I don't know if that's like a death trap going inside though I kind of want them to jump through the window I'll draw some away okay yeah good idea oh there's some creeping up behind me oh [ __ ] oh no okay got one there are so many zombies here holy got two I'm shouting okay there's a few there's a few coming towards me oh no they knocked me off balance uh-oh uh oh like a good uhoh yeah it was a really good uhoh I'm out again oh God damn it there's more out here yeah wait everywhere all right there's a few of them distracted in the shop now at least oh there's a lot at the door be careful I might try and fill up the car really yeah if you're distracting them they're all on you I know what that is true what if I get them to like go around the fence or some [ __ ] will that annoy them maybe yeah and that would give us enough time to fill up I guess I've gone around the fence okay it's close enough to siphon from oh there's a lot more coming by the looks of it yeah dodgy dodgy they don't seem to give a [ __ ] about the fog they like insta see me for no reason at all yeah I'm trying to lose uh a bit of a horde myself right now I'm going to go through the upstairs bit of whatever this building is here see if I can lose some okay oh yeah I'm right behind you okay some of them have gotten distracted with the window perfect I'm screaming at them just trying to get them to follow me around the fence oh God there's all's behind me okay at least they shouldn't be at the gas station anymore yeah yeah I'm just heading over there again now there's one near the car if I can just kill this one and refuel come on die okay I think the fog's clearing I don't know if that's good or bad what do you think I don't know can you cover me on the car can I cover you from the car I can try I'm filling her up oh damn it two zombies but my sprinting leveled up ain't that a nice thing that's lovely yeah as long as the huge train that was following me takes its time to come around we should be good do you want to hop in the driver's seat and I'll just start ref refueling again yeah sure you watch your back though oh yeah actually I don't might cover as well why is it not letting me oh now it's doing it yeah if you can cover me there are a lot coming so okay just hop in whenever you think it's necessary and I yeah we should go okay let's go let's go go go go go go oh fews out there today we're too Chief I guess we need to find like a where does farming Goods uh normally grow I don't know there's got to be a store like we need like a hardware store right for like stuff and then I don't even know what you need for fishing I guess you need like worms which you can find by like tilling the soil oh look it's the football fields then I should be hanging like right up here somewhere I guess uh I wish I knew where we were okay we jumped over that fence and now we are going there some very weird neighborhood with a church o that's a cool looking Church gas to go that could have been where we just were find where we are on the map need more landmarks think it's all these places always look the [ __ ] SI yeah it's very hard to tell I feel like I'm driving us toward the main area you definitely are it's definitely has to be in this direction it has no choice oh here we go it's getting busier this taxi is pretty fast oh I upped the speed limit cuz I actually had it turned down I don't know why yeah so that's maybe why you're feeling a bit faster okay so now we're going inwards but oh next to a row of like pink houses I don't know where we are chief I think we're lost here we are the big city this is the big city oh that looks like a farm shop to our left oh it does doesn't it all right let's try and pull in here I guess don't forget to kill the engine I was just take the key cuz I I don't know how to kill the engine I think you can just click on the key icon in the dashboard I thought that takes it I can't remember yeah you did it you just need to turn the lights off as well just in cases makes sense I haven't found anyone with a watch yet cigarettes oh I could use those could you make those up for me find a lighter but I didn't have enough room for it do you want to check the store it or not worth I can't remember if store it worth it or not I'm after going into the farm area okay I will jump the fence I guess actually a nice little spot this is lovely oh a generator is in here okay we're going to need that oh [ __ ] I broke the lock they're trying to break this is this locked I open this door oh they broke through the fence they did oh they did oh no anend in oh man I thought she was wearing a superhero the scarecrow's cool can we take him should we try yes and should we try and hide maybe in here oh Farm stuff oh a rake and a handy and a shovel I need to just Chuck some stuff into the back of the taxi I think so reckon we good to go back to the taxi yeah I think so did you manage to get some stuff out of there or I might inventory was full yeah I got the shovel that was about it okay but my inventory also a bit for also this seual ooh Some car repair stuff in the boot okay the back is completely full already oh [ __ ] wait do we have a back seat yeah I think we can store stuff there we have to get the generator would that fit on a seat uh how much you reckon it weighs I don't know oh we're going to break our back moving that thing it has 20 oh that should do it right it should do there's water here if you need it I need some food uh I don't know if I had any actually surely I can grab some off those plants can I I don't know I could have shared my stir fry with you had I known I'm so sorry you had an entire stir fry to yourself and you've been feeding me bgs just an entire griddle pad of stir fry as well these are green buildings here next to us so surely they have food although this is American TI so I don't know what about that yellow one down there some sort of restaurant oh I found some random meat place there's meat here meat here do you want a meat here to get meat here I don't even know where here is also there's a water barrel I wonder if we can take it yeah if we could get the generator in there and then the water barrel even better and then head to that big farm maybe or do you think we can get some more like tools I'm thinking seeds is what we don't have oh oh true I think you can get them at the hardware store can you yes I think so let me grab this generator I'm heading back to the taxy how do I grab the generator pick up broken glass no thank you take generator are you okay it encumbrance is 40 oh my Lord we're not going to be able to move that at all then oh no I could move it I'm walking with it currently as we speak but like it won't fit in the car will it uh let's find out prob it probably doesn't there's a van over there but or we could try empty the back seat uh the trunk into the back seats I don't know if there's even enough space in the back seat let's find out shall we oh I found a key for this van oh he's doing it okay the generator's in one of the seats even though it says 40 out of 20 it still goes apparently oh okay that works yeah do we still want this van maybe hand maybe can never say no to a second vehicle can you check the mechanics and I'll grab some fuel in my gas can it's not even that bad just the Hood's a bit damaged nice taxi and van it's out of gas but yeah yeah I'll grab some from the taxi now this is excellent so we need to find a hardware store then yeah I think one street down and oh there's a few zombies there if you can take care of them I think one or two streets down and straight to the right would uh get us to a hardware store there we go I put it in oh he has his credit card on him what a fool we're good to move out Captain I'm on my way I don't have the key did you leave it in in the glove compartment Oh I thought I left it with you sorry did you loot this place no all right let me just loot it okay I'm going to move slightly ahead just to the next street down oh there's a [ __ ] zombie in here how did you get in here get out this is not your home no not live here get out genuinely baffled the zombies of no manners nice I found a tool store I forget like box of screws probably useful rope probably useful wooden Mallet probably useful man I hate being a weak fisherman usually like strong Carpenter or something but this is depressing where did you say you went down one street and just follow all those little green shops along the tool shop you'll see it it's blue it's on the end I'll look for your taxi it's out back I parked it in the alley I'm clearing the alley now I'm clearing the tool oh man where are you there three of them in here where did you go from where I left you a while ago I'm sort of next to the the farm shop still cuz I'm not quite sure where you went I can see the Fun Zone The Fun Zone there's just a line of stores like all next to each other if you just follow that line it's right at the end in that case I need to get rid of some of these zombies you'll see an ambulance out front greens Goodman yeah keep going oh [ __ ] oh no I've fallen and I can't get up oh I think a sneeze just got me killed actually maybe I'm not sure I saw it going to bite me and then I just just had to sneeze there's my health no they didn't hit me where are you I'm by your taxi oh excellent you won't be saying that when you see me no everything will be okay oh Jesus look at you go I'm such a trooper it's risky all right no this is working oh this one has a satal nice it's all coming up mhouse uh they're in the hardware store I'm about to let them out yeah I got most of them they were just at the front door just one behind you so I'll get him what a crazy clear out good Lord how many zombies have we killed 999 1,000 excellent oh there's fishing line in here oh can you take that yeah excellent is there water in here or drinks there must be it's got to be right TR and shovels yes gardening stuff nice toil in there delicious water straight out the toilet oh garbage bag we should take that we're going to need those to make water thingy Gard saw I might have to throw some stuff into the oh there's an axe there's so much stuff here holy oh the axe will help us so much I know you love a pickaxe I do I've got a fire axe for now if you want to use it though oh careful zombie coming your way oh fire ax is now we're talking I just saw a whole bunch of other fishing Goods here Fishing Tackle fishing net trap oh you're going to be such a good fisherman I'm just going to throw a load of [ __ ] in the van so I'm not watching your back yeah I'll come with you actually cuz my I've got my SEL and my duffel bag in the same bag it's not super effective oh this has so much space too oh there's so much to loot I don't even know where to start think we've kind of got a One-Stop shot though yeah for everything farming related I'm sad so I'm reading Spider-Man again yeah I think we got kind of everything here now oh there's a digital watch here if you wanted it oh I did actually oh there's some more I found your fishing rod oh you did nice yeah oh you did good job fishing tackle I got safety goggles over here for you oh nice as well as various other good stuff that I can't carry I'm going to run to the van I need food yeah I was thinking the same if we could just get a load of food now we'd be kind of fine notot will have to grow it it's the only way yes and then we eat cans in Winter if we make it that far it's pretty hopeful the only thing is we cannot lose this fan yeah this is very important we got to get these two vehicles back to the farm should we maybe just like not go too far and just try and get to the farm with what we have yeah okay let me grab the pickaxe inside have you remove the broken glass you get cut you can but I think it's kind of unlikely not to let's just try not to get cut you know okay there we go is this a oh it's a uh oh oh God should we go yes I'll follow you I'll get the taxi which way are we headed to the farm okay do you remember how to get there no that's why I'm going to fall follow you oh I think we need to go that way okay I think moving out and then we'll just uh it's technically on my map oh excellent okay we need to go like end of the street and then hang uh downwards okay and watch out it's crazy out here at night yeah there's some lunatic in a van driving all over the place what happened oh Jesus oh god um I'm going around to the end of the street you think right to the end yeah okay okay watch out there's a few wrecks I'm about to cause another one oh no no no okay we definitely actually haven't been down here so maybe yeah it'll be fine yeah you feeling good about this yeah we can go down and then we hang another why does my map keep opening do we need to get to the other side of the the big Park is it or where are we going big to get to the big farm oh the big farm yeah oh man uh I was aiming if we get to the other Farm we were at which is marked on my map that'll be a good start and then we can figure out from there did you keep driving I'm not sure where you went yeah I just went down oh god I've lost you completely I don't know where I am uh should I double back and see if I can find you maybe I just passed a police car with two police zombies come AC a warden truck smashed into a tree oh I didn't see that I might just try and make it a big farm because I'm kind of lost in a a sea of houses here oh I see a greens oh maybe we're heading towards each other then be careful I'm passing a greens now no nothing ah shitoo oh I hit a car is the car okay yeah I think it's okay and also I'm okay thank you very much oh oh there he is oh fate brought us together wait I think we're close to the fair this is the fair just beneath us nice oh there's a nice pickup truck here wait I wonder if it's in working condition it looks too nice let me know if we're in trouble I'm just looking at the the other map out of game you find the the fair ground Fair Ground Fair Ground oh yeah here we go fair ground with yeah cuz there's a Farm close to we need to keep going west essentially we're probably best going like up and then left so I think this is the corn maze right yeah this is the corn maze where we're at at the moment so follow that road towards the corn maze and then head left and then just go straight until you reach like a a driveway all right I'll Follow You Chief yeah I think I can I think I can do it also if I run out of fuel I will need you to put more in my no how are you doing on fuel it's orange but it's like a less than a quarter of a tank up that'll do I need to go left this road's closed Kevin we can't no we need to go left GPS says left Google Angry Jesus my van does slow down when I hit grass holy oh another road block oh this is the actual road block going to check the map yeah there's no real way around aat is there oh man this fence goes on for ages yeah it's the one that lets you into the city oh Jesus I don't know if we're going to be able to get out there we'll have to go through the fence uh-oh zombie but yeah it's a good point how do we get through the fence we might just have to go back to the other Farm until we figure out how to get out yeah we have to earn big farm we'll need like a sledgehammer or something right wait did you say there was a zombie here there was somewhere I cannot see it I'm carrying a generator oh no shine your light on me I can't wait hold on I think he's close too man can you see than yep there a craw up there's another one coming and he's got a backpack and then there's another one coming with nothing get down you get down my back oh this one has like a mill oh wait there's more coming oh no oh God get out of there Chief [ __ ] Scoops run Chief I can't I can't I'm carrying a generator run oh my God that one just won't go down okay there's one behind you as well I'm getting into my car I'm just going [ __ ] drive with a generator in my bag all right let's go nice oh nice turn too generator on your back this a perfect J turn okay I will need to quickly put this generator somewhere though get out the road are you crazy oh my god oh wait oh [ __ ] it's okay but I'd like to go home now yep my dashboard is blinking and everything's a bit wonky yeah I'm gonna quickly oh my God is that a ZB are you kidding me I want to put this the back for [ __ ] sake go away I'll get him okay you can get on there's another one behind you [ __ ] sake okay what if we hide quickly in this campsite where it looks like there's no zombies I think you're good we run to the back grab the generator and shove it into the back of the car oh thank Christ my spine so we need to follow this road all the way to a dead end downwards and then we go the other downwards clar see CL somehow clim uh my engine just stalled oh no is it coming back no oh no it's back let's go baby okay go go go we need this to make it to the farm wait where did you go I just keep following this road just don't leave it I'm slowing down so you'll catch up yeah you can't leave me no I would never do that there's no fuel in this thing plus you have all the stuff wait do I go past the intersection or do I go down yeah just keep going forward Where Are You Jesus Christ you made it far keep going Chief uhoh [ __ ] my engine just died next to a whole bunch of zombies oh no this van is now dangerous thankfully I had a lot of speed where the hell did you go keep going okay okay down now this way down yeah it's kind of awkward anyway it's better to have kind of a slow approach the little van that could all right now I need you to go van wait hold on I think this is the wrong turn we need to go back really I think so maybe not I don't know me to check my map I haven't it marked oh yeah go one more and down Follow Me Chief go go go go go go little van that could go yeah please don't conk now I guess just try and maintain a bit of speed when you can it's all right we'll get you fcked up we'll learn mechanics okay turn back sorry what no just one I just needed to check my map yeah there we go this should lead us right there it's hard being a farmer isn't it there's a lot involved that you don't really hear about it's yeah yeah you don't never see Jeremy Clarkson do this no no all the fire department's here I'm not sure where we go from here do you have it marked in your map yeah I just need to do [Music] another oh it landed all right let's get anyway is mild I'm not even hurt let's just assume it's this way for now let me pull out my map yeah I think we're good oh there's another tool shop here it's not this way at all it's not this way what do you mean it's not this way oh yeah yeah okay it's not this way we need to go back right oh I'm really hungry my engine is STO no it's back it's back it's back I'm hanging a right here on this little slip Road I'm trying to gently move this car out of the way okay I don't think okay good job surprised that worked yeah oh thank you for mowing down everything inead yeah I think your car is doing a bit worse so I'll try at least you can try and maintain a bit of speed here though there you go she's back baby nice it's all clear sailings from here we're back on the farm oh this is where we got crickets remember oh these were the times why did we ever leave for the big city huh the big city is scary I'm never going oh look at this Bay parking yeah thank you for calling me your B that means a lot you're welcome oh my God it's lovely lovely and stress need water I'm so my is starving to death Hing gone someone else has moved in what do you want I'm going to eat these canned peaches I'm going to make bacon well to be fair yeah we should not be eating canned goods but it's too late I'm going to eat all of them didn't even make a din in my H do we have any other food here oh uh in my Satchel there's more there's got to be some of the cars right I I sure I left some food around there yeah yeah there's got to be there's got to be we wouldn't just come back with no food that would be that would stupid we know stupid oh there's a zombie at our window how did this happen how did you find us go who sent you oh you left the uh lights on on your taxi I better go out and turn it off I got you oh thank you very much I've got some unknown mushrooms we could cook sounds great and the cricket oh yeah there's like canned stuff here okay we can eat we shouldn't eat the canned goods yeah I guess not but I don't know if we have much else I also don't know if we have a can opener we do have a can opener uh I'll bring some of the stuff inside there's fishing stuff you could always go fishing I don't think there's any water around here oh yeah this wasn't where we were meant to be no oh well I think we have enough canned goods to keep off hungry for now and then we'll have to find our closest body of water and learn how to fish and get planting some crops yeah actually that might not be a bad [ __ ] at all is that a water barrel what is this what did you find out front by the shed oh compost oh compost Barrel there that's handy I was hoping I could cook this Cricut for you that would be so nice can I just pop it in the oven do you reckon yeah I think I left it on anyway cuz I was cooking bacon I was cooking bacon a while ago and I just kind of left it on what you reckon it's the right temperature to cook a cricket maximum it's cooking at speed nice that's what you want M it'll still make you un happy but no no no this will cheer me up nice oh no I'm depressed let's see if I can find some foraging Goods out in the wilderness well I wait for you maybe some more snails for you to eat oh yes I forgot about the snails M my guy is heavily depressed he's ravaged by mourning and Desperation what were we doing last mourning and Desperation yeah was I just eating bugs you did eat an awful lot of bugs I found a sausage well that's good at least it's not a bug I'm going to cook it you cook sausages at 300° C right yeah okay I found some mushrooms I could eat those nice didn't they make us sick last time uh no I don't think so okay nice wait a second is that our neighbors our neighbors have a barbecue Kevin yeah just you push that over right now I'm here cooking sausage in my oven like an idiot oh but barbecue also good oh yeah we could steal it yeah that's what I was thinking these are some white berries not sure if poisonous maybe try yeah give a bit of a mud does it say it just say unknown Berry if you taste the poison just spit it out M sausage right from the oven where are those cigarettes out out front you can't miss them I bet I can where am I are we on the ground floor are we are oh my Lord that's a lot of cigarettes we have any I don't even think I got a bottle while we were out to fill with some water did we get any we didn't get any bin bags either to like make water barrels well this survival going to be hard yeah I I don't know I felt like we got a lot but in hindsight it doesn't feel like we got a lot I I think we're actually not in a great state here no we're definitely going to have to go back I just making some mushroom would you want half of it are these the mushrooms you found yes no I'm okay thanks what do you mean I'm going to cook them they'll be fine no I'm full but just to confirm it's definitely just the ones you found right it's not like store b or anything no I would never okay yeah I'm good I'm full what do you mean what if I eat half no you eat it all what if it makes me violently ill it might should we go to our neighbor's house and see if they have food I guess where's their neighbor's house down this way is their house bigger than ours uh I don't think so okay going to be foring while we walk just in case I come across some more mushrooms they do have a barbecue I think we should take it oh when when's life and living on it's no it's it's uh it's 11:30 in the afternoon we've missed that part no oh they food here oh it has fuel for 20 hours cuz it's propane the barbecue yeah nice they have a bread knife I can make a spear oh they have bread I can eat can make make a sandwich oh they have loads of canned goods those can go into the bag wouldn't it be funny if these guys had like a working car out front that would be kind of hilarious after all we've been through books anything on fishing and or farming how to cure depression for dummies I'm going to read this one it's actually working oh yes two books and his depression is gone oh also I do have farming volume one is that helpful uh uh I think my my farming is already level three so okay crossword magazine should I take that in case please do I can already feel it coming back I have six magazines in my bag in case of an emergency oh there's painkillers on the floor oh wait and tweezers and lipstick you want to paint your lips uh I already have I put a pork chop on the floor for you oh nice didn't we start in this house with this lady in a Rob I remember this yes there's a plastic bag on the floor here wait did we oh yeah we did yeah this is where we started and then we just ran next door and we were like oh a farm right probably had a garbage bag though so it's not all bad and there's canned goods there I'll take those I'll live forever that's the dream oh another newspaper for Kevin he loves those and a word search where are you I am in the house just opposite where we just were oh okay oh I'm over incumbered and I did not even realize it and over the cross word there you go nice would you like to do it with me I too and in case you want to read today's news nice kind of over encumbered I might need to drop all these cans off at home I think I want to uh repair that window as well I just kind of left a one board on the window and then threw one on the floor and then ran away did you get an X now too yeah I can I can take care of it pretty quick I think did we take everything out of the cars I have no idea I really hope we did but I can't remember you think if we took the roof off it would still count as inside uh the roof off of what the house you can do that I assume we could get up there and just Sledgehammer it right like just open a big hole so it's not inside anymore and our guy won't be panicked oh yeah you probably could do something like that I don't know it would work as long as it means like awkwardly standing on the roof trying to destroy sections I'm in any other windows need boarding up on the ground floor or I don't think so I think that was the only real one oh like that looks great not that any zombies have come to visit us here really except the ones that sort of chased us here I just don't trust them when it comes to windows they're really obsessed with Windows oh man I've got some bad news oh no what is it we did not empty out the truck no okay I'm just checking the other windows before I drop these planks where are we keeping our oh my God your Shadow scared me so sorry I don't know how I could even see it through the wall where are we keeping our medical stuff I put it in the bathroom is it newspaper hat medicine yes I would also say yes oh I've got some worms for you yummy oh my god did I destroy that [ __ ] what happened I went to pick up a crate but as soon as he picked it up I I wanted it out of here and it just kind of exploded into nothing I don't know how that's even possible H what were you saying before my crate exploded I have worms for you m I feel better now okay I got one this time see now we have this box outside where the inside can't get us and we can have F stuff and tools in it I like what you've done with the place just uh sewing some Tomatoes I see you're growing some planks did we not we didn't find a watering can did we no I don't think so I to be honest I'm pretty sure there was one there but I just didn't know it was necessary okay now I got to figure out how I'm going to water all of these oh wait can I use like a gas can maybe let's see I'll try it would seem not oh empty pop can I'll take that at my work going to be a long [ __ ] day of watering though yeah this is going to take a while I'll be back yeah I'm just transferring stuff anyway so I can't even fill up the empty pop can that's it I'm littering dude and know it's the apocalypse but come on water level's thirsty but I just gave it water what are you using now a water bottle okay it took two to get it well watered that shouldn't take too long right it's not like a watering can in the garage or some [ __ ] oh imagine there might be I'll have a look just in case he there a tire and a gravel bag oh I think I put the tire in there earlier I was going to bring it back here but it was so heavy I just said [ __ ] car stuff in there [ __ ] we got to pray for rain will we pop out and get a watering can we're going to have to all right there's another empty gas can there what the H so many we should probably take one and fill it up right or should we just go fill them all we should take all yeah we should take all white twig Oh I thought this was trash I'm sorry one man's trash is another men's treasure I was say is my Stir Fry Still okay oh I'm hungry time to are you hungry uh yeah you want some my mushroom stir fry no I'm full I don't you trust my mushroom I make another one I'm going to put worms in yours now you're talking wait the van was the one that was just like conking out all the time right yeah yeah should we take that and just dump it or uh how far do we Mark any gas stations on our way not really no what's the green thing you got that that's just like directly opposite us I look across the field I don't know not sure what that is she also doesn't have a lot of fuel oh a lighter you don't mind if I SM do you thank you oh my clean van surprised there isn't a bigger horde here since they probably all followed us yeah I think it's just so fair isn't it yeah I guess they just don't bother yeah there's nothing down there I we probably got a bit lucky as well cuz there was only like a handful in there in total wasn't there yeah we did well we have a lovely home oh [ __ ] oh jesz the Wall came out of nowhere trying to dodge these zombies Maybe that's not the right thing to do yeah this van is it's kind of hard to know what to do yeah I'm going to take a left and we'll have a look and see what this is besides lots of lots lots and lots and lots and lots it's a fire department oh that could be interesting two cars out front as well we might find a key in there you want to hop out or uh well the engine is still ah please St again just slowly Coast by them smiling I think we could land at anywhere in the road outside there it's pretty open so I'd say it'll just be left alone right sure this is as fast as this van goes here all right got to come up with a plan of action there's a lot of zombies yeah just going to there's more heading up as well okay I've run down there's an EP tools down here in accounting so I might just go to the accounting building and see if I can yeah I'll try and link up with you afterwards I'm in the fire station another gas can oh [ __ ] I don't have long here no no no no no no no no can I go out this window oh God there's a zombie at it you okay there oh my God jump skit are they coming oh [ __ ] they're in oh God this is bad there no way out where are you in the accountants I'm on the way I see you oh I hear glass shattering I'm outside there's a Windows broken I might try and get rid of the glass why is an item in your hand I don't have oh The Griddle pen Amo front EP tools there's a mini horde behind me very mini come on in to EP tools EP I'm EP for tools yeah that's our slogan oh dude there's loads of [ __ ] here there's so much [ __ ] here do you want to get some gardening stuff and I'll try and fend these guys off if I can find a [ __ ] oh man is there a lot H it might be worth checking if there's a back way out of here on it Chief there is not this is a toilet oh oh no all right we'll be fine we we'll be fine we just need to deal with this problem now we're okay as long as that door hold is a little bit longer it's fine everything's fine okay they're in the door I'm going to back up the aisles a bit okay I'm backing up the other aisle you okay yeah oh man I'm coming oh I'm running around is there one on the floor here what's going on that one's shy sorry okay pH that was close there's another wood axe in here you might want to grab that oh yeah definitely are you still stomping or is that glitching out I think that's glitching out okay thought you were still upset just checking in oh yeah keep an eye out for a sledgehammer oh yeah I've got a axe now a bit more armed nice uh I haven't however seen a water again yeah I haven't either did you say you saw uh an axe or that's the one you have that's the one I have I grabbed it but you can have it if you want no no no you use it I have my griddle pain you know a good backup weapon there's a crowbar in there that might also be good I'm pretty happy with my axe I was just going to take it for chopping trees if we were leaving it why am I crazy what happened oh is it the mushrooms my character quezy those mushrooms huh I wouldn't have thought a watering can would be that hard to come by yeah you would think so hello oh I'm not queasy anymore maybe I was just exhausted from fighting things would a legal service have a watering can hello watering can watering can I have magazines you like magazines I do like magazines oh God what did you what are you okay don't go in there room busy in there no no just someone getting some legal advice yeah a little bit there's empty bottles in the trunk if you want them alss and all oh what El huh we should burn the place down we need H curtains as well for the house but we can just Rob them from our neighbors I guess yeah unless you want to throw something like in a car at some point I'll look for uh some bourbon H I found it any food there's some chips do you want some chips oh i' love some chips there you go they're all over the floor I found the back room it's just more bourbon in here they have ice cream Kevin oh my God I'm on the way I was just about to throw my moltov cocktail too that's lucky my character's name is Tilly Fields try and guess their profession uh fireman no not quite oh my guy's name is tractor can you guess my profession tractor yes it's the last time they'll make fun of tractor tractor will get his revenge what was that oh God why did you just set everything up fire R it's Factor's character now you wish you a fireman yeah right that would be handy Candy Town USA is upstairs got to save the candy save the candy we need to eat that oh there's insurance right upstairs that's Cy [ __ ] useful Drake candy you calling me candy or you're saying this candy there's no time get us the candy oh jelly beans I'm full now I I had all those chips I'm eating it I'm eating it m red licorice black licorish just slowly e again does the floor feel hot to you my gummy worms are all melted we went out for food a sledgehammer and a watering can and all I'm coming back with is candy oh my God there's so much candy this I'm literally taking it all it's going to feed us until the farm is going we're going to live off candy well there's a creepy back door back here mostly creepy cuz it's dark I can't see a [ __ ] oh I see at the end of the tunnel there's fire just don't make any sudden moves and it should it should pass by I think I'm going to have to take some of this candy home just going to eat the ones that you can't take we can't leave them behind they'll burn just eating mints by the fistful yeah I'm going to eat all my candy canes I'm I'm carrying too much oh that building the insurance building doesn't look too hot Chief or it actually looks quite hot oh it looks very hot oh [ __ ] I'm sure they're in short anyway they'll be fine oh we should let the fire out if you're going that's true oh my God it's really going up in there okay never mind it'll find its way out it always does fire knows best good thing the fire engines are right next to them yeah I'm sure they'll arrive soon why have no zombies come along I we killed them all here a while ago this this was bad Jesus Christ yeah they all came up to the doors and windows and I was like Max better look for a way out and it's just a bathroom so it was trouble and before that I got stuck in tax and accounting that also has no way out there's my axe that's why I'm so heavy I'm carrying my axe around they're still in here oh [ __ ] they're just hanging out in here oh this is where I left them earlier when I came to find you I can still hear them is there a light switch in here somewhere yeah I think it's here oh nice there's one outside another axe a road cone I'm taking it nice man we can put that outside yeah zombies just stop oh oh zombie behind you Kevin watch out oh I got you this [ __ ] dunked on him Jesus Sledgehammer oh what are the odds I was just thinking cuz we do need it to like destroy a military barricade so that we could get a different Farm but now like we're kind of settling in Max do we want the other Farm or like you've already put down you want to leave this town you want to grow up here you want to live here forever maybe I mean you just planted them but I'm down to go if you want yeah I want cuz like that one has the big fishing pond that is true and I am a fisherman that's my whole purpose I think there's a zombie up here with me and I'm in the dark I don't know actually where you are where are you I went upstairs cool little upstairs yeah I came back down I was scared neither of these cars have keys unless one of these zomes oh my God I thought that was you oh my Lord holy [ __ ] thought you was just reaching out to give me a backrub or something [ __ ] hell that scared me man I didn't I didn't even move it was just walking up behind me hello hi none of these people have car key oh oh another that one has an a does he have what the hell what's he made out of wonder how our fire is getting on I hope the fire department comes soon I think we are the fire department I mean you're dressed as a fireman so surely the only liquid I have to throw on it is bourbon head N Balls there's a hard hat here if you want it yes please it was tractor's favorite you reorganizing your bag I I got a new bag do you want my old one how big is your old one I think it might be the same as what you had it was a duffel bag yeah yeah I've got one here are my old shoes ah thanks don't pack up a belly button ring I'm wearing that nice man secondhand too so it's good for the environment let's see our fire is getting on wait is that hunting supply down the road a bit yes it is you want to get guns oh wait is that a gas station that is a gas station nice dude I love this town I definitely want to grow up here now going to live here forever I opened it nothing's coming out it's dark in there oh my Lord I can't see a thing yeah back out you got a torch I'm got to turn the car maybe that'll help oh nice that's perfect yeah it is uh it's blocked but I got the key yeah the big key you got the big key boss I got the big key boss there's still some some zombie in here oh uh farmer magazine nice my goodness you're right this place has lots of goods yes it do I think I'm going to go with a shotgun is something in with us like I know that that banging but Oh you mean besides that yeah I thought I heard something I think I'm on edge since that last time you still have given me an actual backrub by the way I'm so sorry with those farmer hands the van is certainly filling up that is one issue oh that's the noise I could hear that squeaking I was like who the hell is it anything else we need here or I mean we probably just come back yeah I we don't really use the guns anyway do we ooh a sling though that's cool there's food next door I'm going to eat some kaaga cakes oh oh and red licorish look at this Max where are you it's like God himself shining a light down just on what you need right oh oh this has got to be The Driver come on it's a bit beat up but imagine if we fix this bad boy up got new windows in it it's locked it's too good to be I'm coming in I did say new windows I suppose there's a walkie-talkie in here nothing else oh a it's sad we take this bad boy to the gas station and fill up our gas cans I think so this bad boy is moving over there now we are the bad boys two oh Jesus I'm like dying of dehydration over here oh so much candy and I got an empty bag let's go candy oh and vitamins kind of like candy Jesus Christ they're everywhere are they oh god they are like daylight happened and they all woke up I think they've broken out of the back room of the gas station now as well and this a does make short work of them though yeah it's very good they're breaking into the bus station over there let them go about their day I guess 100 cigarettes oh my God sorted so much another 100 cigarettes God I'm going to go smoke by the gas pump then they'll think I'm cool cool that's pretty cool huh do you want to fill up the gas cans as well no just going to keep what you doing there failing gas oh tractor that would be the voice of a guy called tractor to be fair oh this is actual food this is a grocery store here got lots of candy I think we might have to head back our van is getting pretty full that's a good point even if we don't have a watering can what happened to this guy I don't know but he's made out of steel we go around the field down this way see what's down here it's dangerous but I'm willing to get on board with that just remember remember this thing made conk I like that we never go on road trip since we live in the city that's true but when you're out this far every trip to the shops is a road trip that is also true I think this might have been faster and easier to be honest it's definitely quieter oh wait this isn't our neighborhood or could we just grab some curtains there if you don't mind I always love their curtains now we'll take them and we'll go right home I'm going to leave her run because we have so much gas yeah do you want this dead rat yes put it in the glove compartment okay nice prank it's just an emergency item there we go the right I'll take everything else out I got me some curtains you want me to cook the rat and then put it into the glove compartment yeah okay thank you that way when we need it it'll already be cooled down home sweet home let's not empty the car for all time's sake I like the sound of that we didn't get a [ __ ] water no but we need to farm when you got this much candy true we don't need it we have so much candy going to live forever on Candy it's all going in the fridge it's only what I have on me too there's plenty more in the truck fridge candy oh yeah that was another thing this house doesn't have a TV oh we got to steal one from the neighbors yeah we'll have to else will we watch life and living wait is life and living on uh it was at some point Jesus Christ are you still on loading candy no I thought the living room was through here and I just ran straight into the wall and fell down I didn't even know we had like a utility room I forgot about the washer dryer where should I keep the worms in my mouth okay here you go uh I've been putting the fishing stuff out front as well with the gardening stuff but not the worms no that's just food oh we drumsticks that's so cool Twigs are [ __ ] oh my god with cigarettes and the Cann spray I can cure flies that's pretty cool that was what was in the magazine the farming one was it just gave up on that one well we achieved nothing of what we set out to do I feel like we achieved a lot we got candy yeah mainly G to fire my gun so I can feel like a real man I put up curtains and they look really nice I'm also going to fire my gun now probably tractor like if you hold R you get like a gun menu ooh stick them up you think any zombies will actually come down I don't actually know we quite far maybe the ones in the well there not some in the field at least I don't know how far they approach from gunshots I imagine it's quite far I'm looking in this and just don't one here well I guess that proves were safe yeah I guess so this place is gun prooof we should empty the van yeah we probably should oh my god there more we could leave the van until next time yeah we could let future Max and Kevin do it yeah idiots I don't know what they're getting themselves in for
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Views: 465,547
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Keywords: callmekevin, call me kevin, kevin, funny, call me kevin clips, clips, gaming, project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid guide, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid tutorial, zomboid, project zomboid build 41 gameplay, project zomboid mods, project zomboid beginners guide, project zomboid story, project zomboid modded, project zomboid tips and tricks, lets play, project zomboid playthrough, project zomboid tips, project zomboid call me kevin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 17sec (4517 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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