LEGO Harry Potter & Project Zomboid (with Max) | 2020-04-12

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give it a second all right i have my megaphone i gotta give them a greeting as soon as they arrive oh god welcome you're welcome i don't know how loud that actually plays when i do that i'm hoping it's really bad i imagine the um the compressor takes a bit out of it yeah i felt someone said i left this up and that scared the out of me sorry brunch man that's the oppressor takes most of the hit okay yeah i imagine that um right me and max stop adjusting my volume so your video settings are look no hands did i go through the menu this we're playing lego harry potter and we're using the uh remote play together so max is at his house and we're doing local co-op technically so we're just gonna start up right away if i can i think you actually have to start it i think i'm your sidekick on my game so excellent you go ahead and start the game yes you're making my run oh i'm gonna be wrong i'm bloody [Music] exhausted all right oh look at this we're starting back in private drive it's the one that firstly just bullies the crap out of harry potter in the newspaper they have a picture of him decapitated it's a bit disrespectful andrew thanks for the sub what i'm so confused with this already that's the one where this needs a chat isn't it i guess so i gotta minimize a second hopefully that doesn't affect it what the hell okay okay sorry okay i should have him thanks for the sub sorry for ruining your immersion wait am i going to have to play as dudley i hope so what the this is my game i just bought it and i have to be dudley look at me i'm just crossed like something out of grease or something can i shoot at you please stay with me i don't have any magic to fight back with though so if you could not that would be really nice old man what'd you say what's dudley's attack [Laughter] i love magic mostly i just stand around doing this i can roll though oh the hype train is here yeah you like it your body goes we don't have pets do something like this do something with that yeah do something do something magic come on punk you're my pet you do something my guy's refusing to dig he doesn't get it oh he's okay you have to learn how to play the game as well yes uh hallucinate thanks for the sub can you use this you're a very only a strong character can call this wait i'm strong jesus christ all right wait i can't okay there okay i think i just unlocked the new outfit does anyone know how to change outfits i'd like to change my outfit that's what you're worried about you're not changing it being dudley to someone more useful i want to change out fate i don't know how though erica thanks for the sub max what sound does the hype train do again because it's here okay jesus summer thanks for the gifted subs oh you can't imagine your way up that slide harry i'm saying this is a job for dudley yeah can we get rid of it grandma's zombie thank you for the sub sorry i know i said your name wrong i apologize you can't change outfit in story mode thanks wait i want to go down the slide oh oh that was fun it's been so bizarre i'm hurting you it's brilliant we're never going to get to hogwarts are we [Laughter] all right where did that come from queen charina thank you for the sub okay i think you need to open the gate because uh you can't handle the dudley totally smash totally kill harry game over fish cop thanks for the sub wait who was that that's a hogwarts student what are they in there oh wait you can pull this car it's there thanks for the sub i can pull a car oh my god dudley maybe i underestimated how good a character dudley is yeah i didn't realize how powerful he was level four complete we're on level five i gotta get out of the mega ball so just to be clear it goes like right yeah that's the sound it makes as it goes by modeling thanks for the sub okay get ready if you got headphones just be careful all right crazy cat thanks for all the gifted subs this turns into an asmr stream [Laughter] it's so awful liam's in the chat it's like oh my god morrissey needs coffee thanks for the sub and what what dudley needs smash now dudley [Laughter] he literally just smashes his ass into things the striker totally is an amphibious vehicle he's an all-terrain all-terrain vehicle oh jesus christ who came i think you're gonna just change the cast a spell thanks for joining the the subs everyone joining the cult i should say oh jesus it was the shopping cart all along what dudley do now uh hold on dudley hopefully he's just gaming figure it out okay harry filled happy time gaming thanks for the sub as well okay that's all dudley needs one step one step what the does it run away yeah it took me with you this is going to be a good cut scene jodly's [Laughter] all right leave this to me harry okay they're t posing at you just go around guys please social distancing please oh jesus oh my god look at their little tails neither but there you go lego harry potter there's so much to teach us he does oh he's in trouble now that irish potato thanks for the song oh can we make this toddly totally just the main character please oh my god the hogwarts please id boss thanks for the song look at that where is this what was on his head i don't know i don't remember this in the movies oh my god man i moody they've got the wrong guys here they should have brought dudley potato princesses oh he's just barreling through the air when we said all terrain we meant all to reign oh god i think we just became a dudley fandom ah good oh you got a one this time yeah i don't know who i am i'm mad at moody do you mind i moody oh yeah i thought you were some blonde chick i was like i don't remember anything because i wish wow she doesn't look as sturdy oh i'm gonna turn you oh sorry i forgot you're on my screen now i just wanted to turn you up and turn the game down a little bit insert me to max mr max volume everybody enough of that i'm so glad we played five through seven so we'd get more dudley god yeah one two four would have been so less interesting yeah way less dudley what the hell's happening here i don't remember them crashing oh are we in a batman cartoon all of a sudden those little powers and womp of the whack what's that character luke thanks for the sub this guy is what's his name kingsley i think oh is that kings yeah i'm kind of a big dudley potter fan yeah what you doing i'm just turning these things around i don't know what they do the water like there's someone in this i think this is mad eye this is me uh rafsom thank you for the sub i struggled with that one there god thanks for all the support with the hype train jesus christ no wonder it was so loud today how do you we meant to turn these uh you are i'm turning them yeah i think they all need to just go in the water right because if you get all the water or if you pour them all in there then it'll shoot mad eye out of here they are all in the water no oh wait what's this it's shining a lot to not be anything yeah that's true are you microphone we need a megaphone emote that'll be my next one i've got some open slots you will need arthur weasley whoever needed arthur weasley out of all the people i'm sure we can do without him well that guy's stuck there let's just accept what's this i think there's a child in here someone threw out a child how could they monsters animals what is this i am not lamin thank you for the sub i don't know i'm sure another one oh that's how you fly things okay how do i okay this is confusing zombies thanks for the sub oh there's someone up there oh is that you know i feel like we're getting involved with like we're getting our hands in too many pies we need to save that guy from the fountain first i think and i need to save the rest i'm just going to destroy whatever park this is meant to be cm german thank you for the uh can't even get out dudley's not here to open the gate for me now wait what if we both turn one does that do anything do you think we can turn them all at once or like think so turn them away what do we need to do in the fountain okay someone said you gotta do it last told by the fairy man thanks for the sub okay that's a bit strange that they start us with the guy you have to save last but okay that's fine i don't know i think it's a choo choo ah yeah i built it you built it you're building things wait hold on do you build that bit i think i've done much i did it lifting what i did wait what everything in there oh oh i think they're they're gonna move one of them okay i get it all right let's put is that did that go up there should we go fireman or something wouldn't that be easier or just jump i'm shooting at them wait i think oh sorry harry wait there's we need to get the other one on the other thing here see look fantastic job there oh my jesus christ this seems unnecessary we're just killing wildlife to help friends who can't jump from a tree it's even more dangerous minimander thanks for the sub okay now we can definitely get wait do we need one more i think i reckon we can do this no we need we need one more no we can do this all right no we we can't do this we need another person okay let's go find all right let's find another person are they locked in there do you reckon how the hell would they get in there press h to catch but i'm not using a keyboard i don't know what h is on a controller dude you got those hammer what the hell am i worthy wait okay that is not safe we don't care about our friends at all who even is that i don't know all right it doesn't matter what is this the hell is it watering the plants that's good we did kill a tree so i feel kind of guilty okay not sure how that logic worked but it's fine we changed to mad i lost his stuff oh my god heck's sake they're useless you're a magician just make a new one that's the point in magic if you can't conjure a stick oh oh well you guys like 40 years old and he's just going around this little pond he's got a dragon the dark lord is coming for you hearing that thing i'm just like yep he won't find me in this get up um where's this stuff i don't know uh christian k thanks for the sub do you think we need to just water the grass everywhere this game has a weird way of doing just random to progress and this doesn't make much sense oh wait there's something right there oh wait god damn you think it would actually be on the floor what was even the point in the head he can't walk without it ah right of course so he couldn't walk over these like three meters to get his moody now apparently dude i'm so quick what the hell that's where i stand wait wait i think i'm the main character now i'm harry that happened in the movie i don't remember i haven't seen these movies in so long yeah it's like hidden in between two um oh yeah oh that's dobby that's not darby yes it is i love it thanks for the song oh there he is he's exhausted the whole gang's back together oh there's the man himself thank you for the donation he's not allowed to use magic maybe we could do that it includes a ferryman all right what are they doing now off to the ministry yep to turn them in yeah let me shot oh god i'm not a weasley wait i am a wheezy harry's gone mad a man with power use magic once defending my cousin from dying is too far but this is this is grand it's destroying the ministry i'm pretty sure arthur can fix oh wait yeah you can use this fix it oh it's a muggle thing oh okay there we go you fixing it it's fixed are you sure it doesn't look fixed it's kind of broken the tiger leah thank you for this how long do i have to there you go it's got magic in it yeah i don't think that's very muggle hell what the hell is this the blockade to get into the ministry why are they taking the piss out of dumbledore look at his picture here what's he doing is he having an episode i think so we're making fun of him all right this is a job for harry wait off i have magic too no you just do muggle stuff oh okay goodbye yes seems unnecessary my back okay i'm back not this oh okay wait i'm stuck oh i wish dawdley were here dudley he would just ass wipe through their barrel what barricade like there's nothing right through yeah this seems weird that this is fine yeah going for a swim nice swimming area what is happening there's a purple one i want it i want it okay i got it all right what are we doing with this oh oh it's a paper airplane wait what did that accomplish you see what i mean if the most random to progress in this game yeah i know that makes sense harry's just off the casting spells around people again banterman thanks for the sub what's this dude has lost his toad all right all right if we've learned anything it should be like right next to him pew pew thanks for the sub these buttons confused we go let's see all right toad if i was a toad i was gonna say you'd definitely be in a light what is this doing um oh wait i can fix whatever this is oh very few things again no not like that like this of course you need a someone who knows muggle fix to fix a lift that makes sense did you know in jim's cult there's a rule that you're not allowed look for frogs like that is actually canon exactly careful that is cannon yeah and look what you've look what you've done you've been looking for frogs well arthur weasley [Laughter] i'm sorry to have to do this i'm just jumping around you're not even killing me it does nothing but you had like four dudley barrel rolls that a person is dead what's the point in magic is the strongest wizard alive happy easter everyone by the way i kind of forgot it was easter it's not very eastery feeling for obvious reasons you gotta eat your eggs and what else do people do in easter um rise again i think yep so eggs and rise again where am i going come on arthur okay you do it i don't know what that does all right we'll just oh i did it by accident great off we go the most remedial things don't require magic but then turning an elevator on will help me better use magic oh it's it's draco malfoy's papa um chad right that's malfoy damn that chad why is this old dude kissing me he loves harry too much what the hell is this it's a cult oh god i haven't been looking for frogs i swear it was arthur oh loopy dumbledore's here hope he does the thing where he bashes his head what fake news ah fake news clip all along it was fake news basically harry is donald trump this laura's just getting so deep yeah imagine you were playing this game without having seen the movie or the book with that clue what's going on yep it makes great fantastic they all held up their green arms yeah which in the wizarding world means it's time for lunch i guess because they're all just leaving ah the simpsons uh oh dudley godly great yes don't play with him can you even complete the ball good job fantastic job out there yep that bar was really holding us back i like citizens god how do we i like zip yeah i like super yeah just leave it at that it's very topical at the moment ah i don't have to be wrong wait you are wrong aren't you i can be hermione okay it's what the people want look at him look at his little fringe he's so misunderstood oh because this is the emo days of wrong yeah yeah yeah this is like spiderman's three isn't terrible mum haircut ryan well quarantined oh my god yes i think i'm gonna look like quarantine ron soon enough at liza hmk i hope i'm pronouncing that right subscribe thank you very much oh we can just torture citizens no we're not inside look oh what is happening where is dudley greytown give him to me i don't know what i'm doing this can you change your clothes perhaps into a gray top ah this is a load of shite oh ice cream oh no that's a paintbrush thanks for the song yeah i'm not sure what i did with that w oh stop lifting people you can't just lift people run let's have a wizard battle it's hagrid oh my magic is strong i wanna be i wanna be hagrid make me hagrid tiger's busy right now hanker's having a great time i'm trying to send him away put him in there but it's not working is this how we leave diagon alley no i don't know i don't know what's going on to be honest this is the entrance to diagon alley okay through here this is this is how we continue the story no idea honestly oh it's the leaky cauldron yes of course i remember now i think we're just wandering into one of these oh that guy's got a nice haircut this is how everyone looks like in london yes italian thanks for the sub it's just quarantine hair dude everywhere oh how come we can't lift him the one person that needs to be lifted he needs our help oh really welcome thanks for the donation ron help appreciate it and i am doing well today we just get a random student now is that what we've done yeah he's our new he's the sidekick he turned out his pockets he had so much junk in there i think we just mugged him onto the full moon thanks for the stop all right should we run off there's an owl should we go wait did you interact with this already uh i don't think so i thought it thanks for the sub we're not good enough at magic for whatever that is i don't think so all right i think we have to follow i'm destroying the whole of the train station billy thanks for the sub thanks for all the subs guys jesus sorry if i missed anyone wants a mousetrap oh oh you found an orphan we'll raise him together this game is really strange yeah it really is isn't it oh oh do we need uh rt game crowd just subscribe is that oh someone gifted it to rt thank you sorry krug scared thanks for the gifted sub to rt but now it's like sort of an endorsement he's letting us on on the train let's get on the train brian the man thanks for the stop it's a hogwarts at the very least yeah i think we will learn some better magic than just lifting people around and torturing them yeah oh it looks like a little model train set whoa jesse simpson thanks for the donation thanks for the content wireless factors are stuck indoors during the pandemic stay safe in jim's basement i am in a basement that's why i've got the green screen but you can be wherever you want yeah thanks for that donation that's really nice who am i i'm very generous of you wait am i britney spears oh my god britney it's britney hold on i got to minimize i missed it i appreciate that though billy b thanks for the what i missed some bits there i missed your message uh uh russell or have you been started into a house thank you for the bits um well i'm house britney he's in the house brittany uh i think we're in year five so we have uh merlin thanks for the sub uh where are we going hogwarts all right let's let's go to hogwarts brittany can't wait britney god you're tough finally some roleplay i can get behind max i said god you're toxic by the way oh yeah it's very good okay he looks so you didn't laugh and thanks for the bits good to see you guys what are they called these what's my doodles dementors no mentors released horses i forget what they oh um this time of [Laughter] uh year the hell are we going to open this look for the most obscure thing you can find because it's going to be that okay emily thanks for the sub would be this oh we got to put wheels on the cat of course oh wait there's a wheel here that's not a wheel put it on the card all right we'll put him in the back all right katie thanks for the sub i can't throw him is he not working he's not working for somebody he's such a weird wheel turg need to understand wheel come on oh just go he just launched into the sky all right well that's another murder we have in our hands well harry can't uh open gates when he can fling strike teachers for miles of okay there's more boats out there i can see them do you want to hop in the boats i think i think we can i think there's a padlock on the door even hagrid can't get in oh jesus christ just like hagrid on the right it's everywhere the you wait what's happening to brittany over there brittany's getting attacked an angry mushroom oh of course tripping balls man mushrooms are coming after her all right we need what is this this surely will help i don't know what it is it's a bee is it well i think so who knows this is like throwing people around all right they must be over by the wagon surely yeah it's gotta be close to the way so chat just said turg pay mortgage i'm not sure what you're referencing but i agree i kind of got hybrid stock by the way oh he's having a great time summer hurt which uh thanks for the bits some which meme from your channel videos do you like best oh i'm luna oh no you're britney i i think i like being brittany more than being luna to be honest i don't know which meme i like best i like the turd meme right now get up here strong okay let's find our way up there oh there's a bush here of course of course the book what is it alien your friends are here i don't know what the hell they're supposed to be where's hagrid he's stuck he's stuck over here look oh he got out he's free he could be anywhere too close to comfort harry please yeah this like even the social distancing aside that is way too close right up in her grill it's just uncomfortable where's dudley where's dudley the strongest magician oh harry has arrived she's just really had an applause for harry he's gotten used to it now what are the owl things doing um i don't know can you get like an owl treat or something and make them do stuff you could do that in the other games oh my god these pumpkins are demonic i don't know the carrots i'm pretty sure they're pumpkins i'm pretty sure pumpkins fly like that oh they're dropping so much money that isn't counting towards anything fantastic why is it the one one time we get loads of money it's not counting up oh food ah oh my god jesus wrong ron hasn't eaten in years he's really gone off the deep end like that what's what we got oh hambridge everyone's favorite teacher who's that girl thanks for the cheer i had a dream that i saw you on club penguin and said hi and you blocked me it does sound like in character yes they're all having a nap they don't want to listen to umbrage anymore someone said max should voice umbridge's cough little did you know the mysterious question mark what does it mean it's just weird dreams voldemort's thoughts oh my god there's a dead student over here what the hell is he odd oh wait there's just body parts dude just plant them on this guy and let's get out of here all right let's go ron's not going down for this ron's went through too much i think this ghost leads us the correct one by the way well he just went through a wall so that's actually gonna do it too oh impressive look at that look at him go wow wait that's not that's not letting it sound yeah it's just cool oh she wants flowers here he's just stupid flowers stop flirting harry jesus i can't help it don't kill me not in front of the women don't make me look weak god magic is useless nothing is as powerful as dudley i don't know why we have to even have to bribe her to just get out of her comfort zone there you go world of hogwarts yeah it's very corrupt what potions what oh i could be strong oh yes wait run strong run strong no stop it run oh my god let's go back and talk to that woman i want to see my muscles wait how does it work wait i don't know but i'm having it now umbridge is like just chilling flexing in front of umbrage someone in the chat said they've never seen and or they know nothing about harry potter and they're really confused i can't help oh yeah you can speak past the mouth can't you yeah you need to i don't want this magic just subscribe thank you very much it's that's okay it's giving me like a puzzle right hold on how do i do what the hell is he doing dude oh harry's getting freaky with that sign fairy man thank you so much for the i found a random student great i remember these games being more flowable in story yeah these games are so weird oh the case said point umbrage just watched you die she just walked away are we trying to get into oh my god that mouthful chad raised you better at draco stop being like this where's dudley where are we meant to be god [Laughter] has died so much fed up of this world zach zach zach thank you for the donation what house is turrican oh my god umbridge is making people social distance oh she's such a hero she better stay away from people with that cough of hers though right max so there you go there's a sheep thanks for the bits that one yeah i agree with your statement by the way dude how many students are in power i don't know hogwarts is a dangerous place what's that voldemort's like i don't know i think it's time for voldemort class it's my fault i'm not quite teachers about the birds and the bees my god that would be traumatizing a little bald voldemort man in the background is that a machine gun was it i don't know oh god he's going to flip that weasley oh my god dude he's writing hate mail the hell listen here you little i'll have you know 300 confirmed kills in the sas green blue yellow red green blue how do i use it harry do it yellow red green blue i'm trying harry how do you do it yellow red green blue harry it's me how do i use me ron hi you're doing it trying really hard but it's not working for some reason let me listen to it one more time oh beach balls oh yes yellow red hell is this green blue what the hell is going on what did i find what is this used gonna guess this is for this uh there you go yeah you did great what's going on here i don't know but a picture of deborah's i think it's the minister of mad yeah yeah maybe yeah i think so why is there a child here i don't know huh okay just leave him leave him there okay we need to make a plane uh oh is that what we're doing yeah a war fighter i think there's a target in there okay we probably need that thank you for the sub oh it's another target now hold on oh great i just killed wildlife again this seems unnecessary really strong oh oh oh ron time to prove myself in front of hermione okay i gave him a shovel it's just a student you could jump this look he's not even like tight away from the ground what's that all right get that thing up there yeah very good i don't know how to we're gonna need to find a cauldron or something oh it's a cauldron yeah to make a potion because we're finding ingredients oh is that what's happening uh a medicine thank you for the sun i think so anyway i'm not 100 anyone have any guidance for us we're a bit lost oh i'm cleaning the rafters oh great job and then i broke the broom great where is this going what's this what if i cook for the donation i have a slinkle door your support you got a slinkerdorf yeah i got a goyfen over here so i'm just going to put this down and now we go skeleton where are we meant to be building this thing i don't know no guidance come on how do i even use my scabbers oh wait oh yeah no he i don't have scabbers anymore he's a grown man now he's he's grown up and moved out all right so i can't use him anymore it's flowing the nest has it they grow up so fast into weird looking old dudes okay great i've started this very good like how are you supposed to know how to progress the pipe i don't know if we have any pet yet i don't think we do what are all these items for is it something to do with this chest story wait what's that there's something glowing up and pull those but it just brings down the things um um hermione can use her cat they said oh good point let's see how do i use it you actually have a cam she she did things but i i don't know how to use it i'll keep investigating okay yeah i'll try and figure this out okay i've been turned to ice they've turned me into ice so i don't know what our revenge is along with this they all fit in they won't bully me this is doing an awful lot of shining over here how the hell bee doesn't do i thought we made these games for children we're not as smart as children it's true actually i don't know the buttons there's only like two buttons isn't it chest under yeah none of them are working someone should chest under the uh stairs has a cauldron that's under the stairs ah oh okay okay that can help yeah [Laughter] okay so we need these ingredients so we i think we have them all yeah ron has the arm over there bastard now we need to become strong be strong ron be strong ron all right honestly i think it would be a better prank to just get this strong potion then you'll beat the out of them let's just ass roll into them he's doing push look at him run fantastic okay now you do magic stuff i do magic stuff i make a plane stuff with this big ass point uh blinter blap thanks for the cheer and one's gonna kill him correct but umbridge is upset is that it giving everyone kitten books wait what the hell harry's rebelling like it's the first date it was okay all right maybe you should get a bit pissed it's gonna say give her a chance but did we get a dunce cap i hope so what is happening i think we're losing our classes or something i i don't know who knows dude god you will need to send a pen yes door's locked they've locked us in here oh we're in detention that oh that doesn't make sense to be fair at least we can watch movies and stuff they're like hermione and ron have pets now i do want to just yeah oh okay i hold why and then i have this owl with a with an aviator helmet on okay great fantastic what's up i think there's something wrong with my owl look at them is this a patronum oh it is patronus it seems kind of cruel to giving his head it's obviously hurting him martin thanks for the sub what does this do harry whoa harry what is this i don't know oh dude what is doing maybe that's his problem he got a pigeon instead of an owl let's go well now thanks for the sub oh so that's kind of cool we have like different things what is this one okay let's go boy you just live vicariously through the pigeon oh hit that person with all the books behind you oh that owl radiates dark energy i agree with you oh that student has his ladle his prized ladle let's get it off him come on owly why is he so upset about his ladle from he's scared come on get him yes good job let's go take just give the owl the strong potion really buff owl yeah stealing and giving we're like robin hood modern day robin hood that we don't know why he needed that label yeah or the other guy what is this really needed you just fed that thing a load of chicken deliciousness down we go oh my god this is just freaking out this original hogwarts is just so cursed wait up i'm coming where are we meant to be going out this way i don't know ron is like way behind we just left him no use lumos to scare away bloom off that's not late moss actual dizzy it's 5 a.m well thank you for sticking with us but have a good sleep oh we're on the bridge yep just you hermione and the owl the three amigos back at it again yeah thanks for this song i would have made harry potter way more entertaining that's just the pigeon character definitely new and like he could say stuff like i will take care of this and then he kills voldemort and stuff like that oh that would have been the ending that everyone really wanted this and why is it all sparkly where are we even going what's going down to the quidditch field i don't know this is no hogwarts hat there it is i'm going to see hagrid it's trying to get me to put my pet away because this is the first year of him being a teacher is it no that's in third year god damn it you don't know the lore at all i swear he gets his job when umbridge goes no he gets fired doesn't he oh maybe that's it oh look a thestral no that's a testicle i'm really flying a lot these days yeah nothing like seeing a testicle fly through the air on a sunday wild testicles what's in the forest this year then i forget hopefully another pigeon wait what the hell oh my god it's britney spears let's bet that a private concert you don't feed the testicles you dope can't just feed them anything anyway fish we're gonna have to fish wait oh where's the pigeon i hate this when um turn um turn up the game sounds a bit hold on let me turn it up a little bit um someone said when it was you and the pigeon running down tigers thought they were like wow this is exactly like the movies i'm stuck apparently oh no i'm okay now what you're making i don't i think i'm destroying actually you made a bridge and then you probably got rid of it again i'm very good at burning bridges trust me true truth get out of here britney's fans you're pretty hard you slipped too hard i like that catch the fish how do you catch the fish uh we clearly need another spell do you have anything else you can do if you were invisible you just sneak up on it oh that's a good point never see me coming yeah you do that and i'll be over here doing something useful gotcha now fish i'm really close what the hell oh wait do you go in go inside the tree okay maybe you just do the other side then okay great fantastic what's this i hope it's a fishing rod uh what the is this this seems like it's a bit overkill what is a fishing rod good job sick beat that there you go there you go your little testicle perfect now can we ride him ah wait wait come back what's the point benevolent eldritch thank you for the donation thanks for doing these streams to make the lockdown be less boring well same here i okay i'm not okay i don't have my pigeon i'm upset to be honest with you for that big plant thanks one that looks really dangerous i do blame myself partially mainly you but me partially at least you're taking some of the blame that's progress yeah but the partial blame is just for hanging out with you in the first place oh yeah should i know you're gonna get me in trouble oh god uh simps go sim go i'm getting out of here brittany come back they don't want me they want you i know trust me all right what is britney doing i don't know what britney's doing brittany's destroying stuff oh my god oh stop hitting me letting the river flow i don't know if i should be in the river while i'm letting it flow like this i'm going to do this really hard jumpy thing oh i'm building bridges for a change where are you you look like i'm up here spots yeah you feed that one i'll feed this one we gotta figure this out i need to find some check oh look at that i figured mine out already i'm a genius right it's literally just in the tree ow what the okay yeah we did it did you do the second one yep oh one was i found mine right after you all right what the hell britney's going lady gaga i like it i don't like this new direction oh yes i'm wrong unlocked i just want to play with off we go pigeon and the order of the phoenix oh there goes harry potter with his pigeon friend he struggles a bit socially just late at night talking to his pigeon everyone else in the common room is like oh sake you have to sleep with that pigeon every night bird everywhere uh oh it's following oh you're getting like stuck on the most random of items i feel is probably quite normal for this game yeah because there's so much crap yeah to be fair this school is a mess in this game it's all over the place i don't know why anyone would want to go here we go look at it with this little helmet oh this is great does it actually fly or what's the deal i don't know if it can it's not very good at it wait hold on no it it really can't oh well it's trying its best and sometimes that's all you can hope for the game just closed well i hope it auto save it's just it didn't even crash it was just like goodbye all right interesting what are the odds that it all received i don't know will we if we try to see if it auto saved technicolor thank you for the cheer owl's name is actually pig pig wink this is a pretty clever jesus christ that's hard to say all right let's see what it's saying it's a pig now what pig widgeon pig widget yes all right let me send you an invite pigwidgeon and it's calling me excellent i don't know why it automatically decides to call you as well all right okay i'm in yeah okay oh that's only two minutes jesus christ you know i wouldn't mind going back to being dudley oh that would be nice would be a bit of a blessing that is not work safe to be hopping on a ladder like that oh wait switch yes wait no i need to press see you later i don't know what any of my keys do now did it swap you i guess because you're player two now and i have to back and figure out all again what keys is actually using now because it's guaranteed gonna be something weird i'm still trying to figure it out hold on it's got to be like the number pad or something like that oh i think it is yes well she [Music] i think i can deal with this yeah this is okay it's probably like in the same kind of yeah finger spots it's just i think i understand why they've done it it's because of um when you have two people yeah it makes sense yeah i mean to some extent it makes sense yeah like what happens if you don't have an a number then what well then you're out of luck i guess i could borrow liam's controller does have one it might be but then i'm using the controller on my end so i think it'll just control the same character i think i think someone i think so yeah really yeah just the textures that it's like uh liam's and chat and he said absolutely not anyways okay won't borrow his controller i will steal it you should bully liam like go in and and push him over and say like give me your controller he would hate that yeah i think that could work though he would never recuperate ever again i think he just got wait did he just i graduated congratulations [Music] oh he's so confused how come he graduated because the firemen said so it's easy that's what happens when you graduate oh well harry's dead you know what to be honest i think the the the uh pigeon deserves to die slovensky thanks so much for all the gifted subs just for that the pigeon dies i found a city that's dying in the snow what the did you dig him up yep welcome to the culture he needs his wand it's right here why why can't he do it himself i'm stuck all right that's fine you idiot oh i'm going to make us a boat this is perfect oh all right instead i'll wait to roll this oh this student's more powerful than us let's go must be voldemort in disguise there's no swimming can't you read wait hold on let's make a bridge all right or do that that's why i was gonna say useless that's a bridge of some sorts time 14 thanks for the sub thanks everyone for joining the the cult that we got going here you're not look for frogs though no frogs that's the one rule oh oh oh what's this okay i think i'm just stealing someone's mail this is the equipment the hell was the point of that i don't know i think this should be an animal portion of the game come on let's go let's go animals take the lead the animals are dead all right what is up with that cat though it looks so weird just a bit fast all right i'm freeing all their animals dude it is an animal episode yeah i'm ruining this person's day i stole their mail and freed all their animals all right let's see what this does the hell is going on now i'm robbing them oh you just put that on there of course then the gate will work i mean oh it's trying to go higher i think use it on do it dude i'm gonna check my video while you complete it okay i believe in you did half of it yeah yeah definitely i think it's going well just shaking out all the boxes to make sure that we got everything thanks for all the making loves games welcome welcome to the call you're legally in a call now by the way you can put that on your tax returns alex north camp thank you only i had a friend to open the other side of the gate uh wouldn't that be nice huh how are we playing this co-op there's a thing called steam link you can do co-op games remote play max steam link is the thing that um oh yeah yeah yeah but he knows what he's talking about he just got a bit confused guys give him a chance now remote play there you go what i said yes and nothing else was said um oh cup of coffee you want some coffee i like some coffee you have some coffee i'm just tweeting out my video there we go indie type thanks for the sub wait are you looking for frogs max no no i'm i found coffee okay good i wouldn't have coffee you had some coffee jesus you have to go into the hogsmeade ah sure why not come on stopping us the door it's too strong yeah this isn't a good way of getting customers oh wait there's something in here oh i was a student what the it's britney is it kind of like brittany what are you doing oh she needs coffee she needs coffee give her the coffee no get out of there no social interaction for me where's the coffee gone oh it's here coffee perfect i don't even drink it she just pocketed it that's what you do with coffee you pocket coffee moist in your pockets holy it's just under the barrel oh my god this is terrorism we freed her so she could do a terrorist attack this is ridiculous so happy about this as well i hate britney spears now she is cancelled should we try and go inside that shop or just forget about it i think we we probably have to eventually we're not now what's this hold on i can't keep up just slow down a little bit oh we're going back okay having a sweep we need to give this dude a shovel i don't know what this is what does this do i don't know what is this do things yeah i'm not sure what that is doing to be what this guy has an entire plant he's stroking it he's stroking his plant max don't look casual look away i mean i'm hiding in my barrel i think i'm pretty safe okay fantastic oh it's gonna be make a potion isn't it oh yeah we need to be strong here we need to be strong okay that's the other part what the is going on oh so many oh i made a spooky scary sound oh two little dudes you're scary oh my god look how fast he's spinning jesus christ bring a new meaning to doing a barrel roll all right ron is free ron is a free house elf we need to get in here um we need flowers from somewhere as well maybe we get flowers it's going to be in that trash can what's the barrel even for for doing uh this very good we need to find flowers that skeleton is just a delight honestly he's brilliant and well i mean these are full of flowers it's the skeleton kevin heaven underneath you can't escape from your problems like this where's the skeleton what did you do go back to hogwarts for me oh you're doing stuff yep i don't know what this is it's random as so it's definitely going to accomplish something we're going to get a cauldron out of this i can feel it you reckon oh no you're just reassembling it now interesting great i got a nugget x f norto thank you for the sub we get oh there's got to be flowers in here we get in there yeah definitely oh i didn't know we could it's a tight squeeze just i found the shovel oh look there's a thing here pick up this no i gotta give him a shovel oh you have a shovel you have to come back i can't pick up anything yeah where are your hands did you lose those in the war yes great barrel war oh we should play hold fast someday ah hold fast they have horses now they have horses in hold fast yeah oh my god oh this one was made news i don't know where that cauldron came from i think he dug it up when we went looking oh okay there's a flip knob and a doop doop and the zimbabwe [Music] jesus all right there's gonna be flowers around it somewhere i wish this was more uh love the canon that like ron was constantly in a barrel and it was never explained in the book so when the movies just appeared it was like jk rowling never said he wasn't in a barrel and there was more pigeon too interact with this max with this do this yeah do that do it yeah oh my god now it's your favorite character abba aberforth who yep abba what abracadabra summer thanks for the bits then jim said if you look for a frog you will soon meet your epilogue very good very good oh is that a new barrel would that suit me better than this one no i think this one actually is my collar hermione get your cat out the love of god what did you just say i told her i need to get her cat out okay all right take her out and put her up the pipe there can you just look at the camera in this for a second with that cat it's demolished let me dig dig all oh my right that's been drinking the strength potions it's reckon hench it's like a mountain lion rather than a cat i can just picture in red dead redemption that pulling you off your horse look at me go fantastic great job up there what was the point of that oh we've got whatever this is what's this yep it's doing things let's go ahead put it on up yep here we go everyone's celebrating great we've made it inside we've done it yep my barrel is waiting can i use this one oh this is all right fine kevin is a hufflepuff i'm definitely a hufflepuff what house would you be in max i'm hufflepuff you're also always a puff i'm always hufflepuff great this is go to the same classes i don't know that's on you okay i'll figure this out don't you worry oh i pressed the wrong button next time i'll figure it out don't you worry wrecking havoc [Laughter] oh what is this thing oh this is the secret passage to hogwarts oh is it yeah what is that this girl for some reason needs a skeleton i'm not even gonna question it but uh yeah there's an apple in there does that help that's not a skeleton does it go in here into this pig's mouth let's see yep oh wait no it's a boggart oh is that what it is it's a buggers max listen wait hold hold on i know this one yeah oh we'll have none of your buggered magic here you've had a buggered arm for some reason a bulgard sounds like a nasty word go away a boggart sounds very irish how are we supposed to get that man of broly i don't know he wants voldemort i would like one voldemort please it seems reasonable yeah we can accommodate that we aim to please we're just supposed to destroy more things normally when you can't find something because you haven't destroyed enough sorry i think i just destroyed something what the i found a puppet show like it's so vague it's like what are you doing yeah i think i phoned emoji stupid idiots what is that mysterious ticking noise there you go here's your oddly specific request that's what she wanted along okay the probably has to be here somewhere and just destroy more things where's the broly hand it over we will tear this place apart like the mafia oh oh yes i have given you a gift a picture of me destroying the basilisk [Laughter] i'll sign it for five dollars what's he doing that doesn't look safe no it really doesn't but it gave us this this i don't know what it is but this guy wants it these people really want specific memorabilia yeah i don't know what the hell that is but we've completed our list yep the gang's all back together we got um oh this is the everyone defense against the dark arts thing yep dumbledore's army so it is oh yeah possibly some sort of drug gang not sure well that was just fantastic yep uh my harry potter lauren is now so much more profound yeah you're learning i can't wait to watch the movies just watch a pigeon fly around for hours here comes the pigeon all right how about we swap up game okay what are we playing what we need to do first before we do so we've unlocked free play oh we're gonna have to watch this cutscene but we've unlocked free play so i think that means we can play as dudley load up the game and bring dudley in i want to see if it works what is it with her assaulting students dude loves cats so that allows you to assault students yeah i'm just a cat person it's crazy people can do whatever they want apparently so oh it's the room of wanti thingies oh my god look at that black tooth oh it's nice it suits him how do we do free play okay let's let's figure this out we just drop out from hogwarts or do we return to diagonal let's feel like gf5 i'm done i've learned enough that's enough school for me i mean that's what i did they can just do youtube videos instead career that everyone can get involved um how do we get to free mode does anyone know there must be a way to unlock characters and stuff right hmm oh no you won't wait no we did find his character talking we found dudley gray shirt what is happening here what the hell what are those spells oh you have to buy them what's that one at the bottom jesus christ they're terrifying and gorgio scholars okay they didn't even try to invent a name for that one come on all right no money here let's go and spend making spells okay so you can get gag spells like play little pranks on each other epic prank gorgeous wow my favorite spell from the movies yup this is the leaky cauldron yeah uh go to the shop right next to the leaky cauldron and buy him there what next okay this one i'm going to be this one quality quidditch supply no it's not what we need what the in this stuff ah oh oh they're down at the bottom what why would they put him at the bottom custom ace we can make custom characters what what what hot wait they're all locked wait no there's there's some that aren't locked right now i think i saw another one somewhere yeah are they like yeah through pages or something why are they flipping wait i think that was mine hold on let's be very careful yeah did i okay i definitely spent money because i heard the classic select up the stairs someone said so is that in the leaky cauldron up the stairs like up here up here oh it's a changing room is it there's a wizard naked wizard dancing establishment what is this world i don't understand anything that's going on is he now in the leaky cauldron i don't know someone said paulie juice potion i just want to be dudley i don't want to look like him oh what was this all right what is happening trying to come over there too okay what is this oh this is how you free play so is this free play yeah okay so select free play we're getting there oh oh dudley there he is god oh my god oh my god oh my god can you pick him too or let's see no oh no okay let's be ron wait wait what happened did i go back before you may have gone back i might have gone back i don't know my keyboard's weird okay good yeah number two me run yeah that's better anyway wait where did they go no but i agree with them the bear in space in chat this game is so unnecessarily confusing like it's all over the place what the is going on okay all right i'll just pick yes yes now what you press yes and off they go for no reason okay oh okay it worked that time well oh oh look at him gold what's that for me oh wait oh okay good wait what the okay something messed up um what do i do i i think i just have a passive of being strong can you open the bridge max wait what is going on sorry folks he's not max volume anymore uh shelby thank you for the sub and 12 months wow thank you i think you might be the only one i wonder if we saw this oh there's someone over here what what maybe he does no magic after all max shyness that's his new name very good very good i killed him and it didn't help at all does he realize max silence where has he gone let me minimize a second he must be confused oh he's in the wrong channel user was moved what are you doing i just i didn't know how to say goodbye so just ran away [Laughter] purple monkey thanks for the sub i need to get to the village can you get me to the village village yeah you can become the village people how do i run now my character's stuck forever walking i think swap spell oh how do i how do i do that no it's one of these i helped trolls thank you all right how do i get to the village change spell please oh two runs wait can you be dudley too oh that probably doesn't work does it i did find the button oh yes this is cannon you know what i think this is perfect this is great what did you need to hold on this i wanted to toss um oh yeah i need to dig up this dude let me find the pet spell double dudley i think this could be cannon and voldemort knew there was just no point in coming back starly was there to barrel him down all right take the wand you ready get to uh double dudley double dudley we're gonna have a death match come on dudley in the jungle let's go ready yep all right three two one dudley oh i think i got a solid hit in there i'm very experienced that dudley wants a he's so fast oh oh that was close oh no no no no no i don't know which i am all i gotta do is kill you and then everyone will think i'm the real dudley i am the real dog oh i died you won the godly off we should have done it on the bridge probably it would have been a bit more dangerous someone said in chat the only double d's i need very good very good very good all right dudley no you're not totally sorry get dudley out of here harry i need to get up there i want to assault the villagers accidentally switching spells i don't know how i'm doing it really annoying controls are definitely not made for not having a controller yeah especially the player two ones i guess i might need to help open this door though all right and then we're into the village great the thing is the best part about this is i'm dudley greytop that implies there's more than one that you can get yeah must be well there might be one for later years oh my god you got her out that barrel straight away a barrel rolled into her why can i not assault people not fair at least let me through here yeah she gets us through here right because i want to pull on stuff something in here yeah i don't know how to get in for anyone can get in there dudley though you think assaulting their building it's just it really hits you how weird this game is like when you get past a wall that's blocking your path by giving someone coffee they rocket bomb a shop that knocks down a sign that happens to be filled with coffee and melts the ice that's blocking you look you don't even need to collect because dudley's got your back oh my godly let's do this [Laughter] dudley has flowers totally give the flowers to dudley love you dudley oh dudley [Laughter] it was harry i totally hate harry hello i'm new to your chat how are you doing i think we're doing toddlerific thanks for joining all right um what we're changing too i want to see it does it keep as dudley in the cutscene so we just need to get through here okay hold on there's a cut scene after this right or is it uh no i think you need to get to the oh well this is actually kind of long isn't it is it worth trying i mean we know what we're doing at least i guess it won't take us long right yeah especially when both of us are helping yeah that's the the main that's keeping this nice and quick yeah very efficient why is ron so he's firing bolts with oh my god i'm deadly now why do you sound sad about that it's the greatest gift you could have just loom on everything blinded that old man all right let me in let me in how do i when does he let us in give the old man flowers no we need to find this oh no no you need the next notebook the people the stuff right i don't think so i just want to see donald cutscene we need to find the next there's just like one more block for me to find i forget where it is we need to give him a shovel and everything just i don't think we do because that's to get the cauldron we don't need the cauldron but up the top it still has like the people we need right oh yeah maybe actually but we can't keep getting that give her the flowers and then we're good i need to get the guy's shovel why did he give it to him yeah i did i'm one step ahead for once how do i put away this spell i don't know now i'm a cat all right whatever what oh because it broke this barrel doing that apparently okay oh and now you put his shop sign up right and then he's opening business great get her done there we go fantastic let's go inside first time [Music] welcome to the dudley stream you do the other puzzles while i do this no thanks okay what do i do uh i you get the apple oh the puppet show how did you do this one yeah just break the break the break break the tree katherine thanks for the bits break the goddamn i'm trying not that one yeah that's one more specific the one where the puppets i'm juggling max oh very good look i did it oh good job mysterious ticking noise that was not what i meant to do put that cat away missy okay oh yes very nice there you go all right that's one that we just need to do that one and what's the last one the wall one uh the wall that's the barrels over there in the corner oh yeah with lumos obviously jesus christmas that is blinding i bet don't oh wait uh switch to dudley fast i'm dudley oh god we said to give him the broly it's fine i've got a feeling it's not gonna work i have a feeling it's not gonna work either but it's it's worth the shot i think i think i feel like they they pre-record those probably yeah but they probably have alternate cutscenes just for dudley that's true everybody was done twice so you could have doddley or harry the dudley why is he flexing i'm so strong all right gotta be strong totally strong totally is a bit of a turd all right please this isn't gonna work and it's not gonna work come on i off your bastard oh alt f4 off how do i get out of this it's gone so disappointed it was a nice thought it was a nice thought we tried we tried um all right what what game do you fancy what should we do what haven't we done hmm gonna be the thing with hold fast is it's really noisy yeah it's really hard to like hold a conversation while playing that yeah it's a bit all over the place um we could go back into our uh project zomboid world but i think you're like really burning you i'm burnt in that yes so i don't know if it'll allow us actually play or not well i think i think the wounds were clean i can't remember we could try it you want to try it yeah sure okay let me set it up and we'll we'll jump on in if you haven't seen our project zomboid streams you are missing out basically we started in a house it got a little bit overrun so we set the entrance on fire which burnt down the entire thing so then we got a new warehouse and we were microwaving like loads of metal and gasoline and lighters and then we did some ice cream and our whole warehouse burnt down so we've moved to another house and there's yet to have even one fire so it's going pretty well so far one day without a fire it's just like a calendar on the wall yeah honestly in game it's been what like two weeks and there's been two catastrophic fires it's weird because like i try and help you but still you keep starting these fires this the the pyromaniac inside of me comes out to play yeah and i see wood and molotov cocktails close together obsession really i'm not an expert but i think the only microwaving gasoline is a good idea well to be fair that's not what started the um the fire it was the ice cream surprisingly that started the fire god knows how the well it's like a sleeper sleeper agent the ice cream here all along some hurt thanks for joining enjoy work what what am i drinking tonight you have to guess what it is we have no rat um he died in the fire unfortunately was the first to go yeah the first to experience old harsh death oh god oh yeah i forgot um i have something to fill you in on once you get in the game oh i give them the game capture first change your game category on twitch as well don't forget oh my god you're so good at streaming ah best streamer right here very good at what you do professional okay oh yeah category project zomboid there we go excellent updated the rat was already dead i mean he was but in spirit he wasn't okay get some strings popping him around it's like he was never gone invite to play you're invited yeah if it's psychotic but yeah that works and um you're in a zombie apocalypse what else you supposed to do okay okay i think i'm connecting joining game okay great i remember the problem we had what's that couldn't sleep oh yes well it's daytime now so we can go out and about um so yeah the issue is once the stream ended last time i accidentally left my game open and my guy is now extremely hungry extremely bored and severely depressed no so that's what we're dealing with right now at least i'm fine you know i'm in pain yeah i don't know which of us is worse off to be honest at this point but um i'm hoping because we can do something fun i'm in pain over slight damage but the issue is i'm not sure how long it was open for so i don't know how many days passed and like it'll bring us even closer to our water being shut off so it was overall a really bad um are you thirsty how did you have some water i had water so water is still running um i need something to eat so i'm gonna cook up some bacon i think i deserved it i'm gonna cook there's a frying pan somewhere uh i'll just throw it in the oven ah yes oh you gotta love some oven cooking oh look our water barrel thingy worked though fantastic see it's not all bad not all terrible container remember all right i'm i don't want to jinx this or anything but this is 100 not going to cause a fire because i know what i'm doing you do look like a chef to me the tiger lee thanks for the bits you're drinking star star star star right yes i've guessed it well your your guess was blanked out so i don't know oh in the chat it says you're drinking piss if your piss looks like that i'm really worried for you it's red oh no see a doctor jesus let me where did we get all this food i don't remember that oh we went to the different places yeah we went to the restaurant and everything oh pickles i love pickles let me eat all these pickles and then he ate a pickle it was the funniest i've ever seen tell you what it's my wadi you are correct oh can i set off the box of sparkles kevin uh outside preferably but if you have to do it inside then you have to do inside maybe when we leave this place yeah maybe keep it for like when this place gets overrun and then then you can set it off inside you can go out with the bank literally all right here's me eating bacon i hope it's because it's good you turn the oven off oh my god uh no i'll get some more food i need more food oh wait there's ketchup here hold on all right i shouldn't i'm extremely depressed already i don't think it's me i was going to and everything okay i should get the frozen food the thing is i've eaten and like my status got better but now i'm on the could eat a horse right now like after eating oh my god really this is not good so all the food that we got you're basically gonna have to eat it all now is that what you're trying to say um no but also yes good good good i'm about to have um a steak so i'm really treating myself you can watch me eat it if you want yes i love second-hand eating yeah my favorite kind of eating okay okay oh that was kind of pointless all i found was tree branches and a stone what does foraging do like what do we need stones and stuff or is it to build stuff um i can't remember you can get like berries and stuff and you can get the stones and sticks to do the like axes which are quite good oh right but can you craft at a oh i could make a wooden spear oh a spear a spear yes wait oh were these baits always here yep wow day one i don't even know probably the nicest house we've ever had to be honest yeah pretty good well it burns down hey i mean given our track record we've put down two houses out of three that's true statistically we've burnt down a hundred percent of our houses yeah the title has changed but thanks for the reminder anyway it's sometimes you need to refresh it's weird sometimes it updates a lot longer like it takes forever yeah i don't know why really odd good old twitch as i'm cooked kevin don't do it i know i'm i'm waiting i'm waiting like you can eat steak blue that is true you can you don't need to cook it why does steak make me bored oh look i'm eating it anyway like this is the most amazing meal he's had since we started this whole thing he's been eating berries and and then when he gets a steak he's like yeah oh wait i should turn off the oven oh that was close i almost just left it on and left to kill us all yeah at least our house and the way fire spreads it would have burnt down our other house too it would have just it would have taken the map with it i'd say so extremely bored and severely depressed find a way to forget reality that's what my guy wants to do and some magazines yeah do we have like a magazine or something that i can read um i know we did in the old house but you know that's the old house at the old house are we very depressed i'm getting i'm just lashing out i found some matches that might be fun yeah yeah you reckon should what do we do with the water we need to cook it i think yeah but the one in the rain barrel can we collect that uh dear devil dude thank you for the sub we might need oh someone said they saw a magazine in there and the one i was looking i must have missed it then no i'm going to make an axe a stone axe did i make it i can't tell i could read the ketchup bottle ah can you uh no but like it it might make you happy it's a bit of light reading alright kevin i made this axe wow peep you thanks for the bits and appreciate the message what what should you make you made an x wow that almost looks like an axe i'm gonna make a hammer there you go look at those tools surviving you're doing fantastic today yes that's well my forage was enough to make that whole time this is what i've been doing all right do you have anywhere on the map it would be a good place to go um i need to find a book i think there was one inside uh how do i i'm trying to light up these sparklers oh we need fire for that yeah i have a light oh no sorry i just shouted stop shouting at me like a meter away just screaming hey you uh maybe check your crafting thing they might be oh yeah maybe probably not but i'm thirsty uh the title is already changed guys it's sometimes it just needs a refresh climb into the oven that's not a bad idea i'll keep you entertained for hours singing beauty thanks for the uh the bits from washington state i know like nothing about washington other than you know the fact that all the politics goes on there oh that's different from washington state is it washington state is in like top left and so as opposed to washington dc is it yeah ah right okay i'm learning yeah i say you learn something new every day i wish i didn't i keep forgetting stuff i need yeah that stuff is not important look the next time you turn on the oven remember to check it because i put a lighter and some spatulas in there by accident so just take them out first okay all right what's in washington state then um the only reason i know where washington state is because the company that we do based off for has a um hop farm up there ah i say i see it i know there's hop farms uh banana 2608 thanks for the sub cracks are still in pain it's just a minor burn it was nothing electronics magazine is that that's not fun is it i need like a normal magazine i'm still burnt how do i treat my burn i just don't know i'd say just keep bandaging it i'll leave it bandaged because i'll bleed out we're gonna go on a road trip there like a big hospital kind of thing we could go to i don't think so um that could be cool ah someone made a max payne joke oh very good you're in next pain i love it it's in stream boys that's it it's not gonna get any better than that i'm gonna bring up a map and see where we can go yeah i drink water straight from here that won't feel great oh yummy yummy delicious poison water okay we're there uh a group of cabins in the woods no that sounds dangerous i'm already in oh poopy what what there's a rail yard we could go to should we go to the rail yard it sounds interesting it does sound interesting doesn't it let's go to the rail yard i don't know what's there a few more stones okay very stylish perfect i know the way good you're driving yep just drop these twigs and stuff i don't need the mop do i kevin should i bring them up um i don't think you need it yeah i'll leave it behind let's go and do some spontaneous cleaning but i think we're good house could use a spontaneous clean to feed on honest could we empty out all the cars as well i forget i think so what's not that one kevin this one it's no going max it's that car i ripped the battery out there it's going to get this one [Music] i don't have the key you have the key i have the key all guys i'm sorry no homegrown tomatoes i don't like the song anymore i'm never playing on the channel i really don't like it so i'm removing the emote as well by the way so get over it i'm uh i'm afraid it's gonna um oh wait what the you just stole it's good if if i play let me turn off the camera a second as i thank you for the sub uh results can i have one with prime oh prime is free be sure to subscribe well thank you for that um i think if i i think i'm good because i was just thinking i might download the vod for this one but i think it's all right if i play music because it only mutes the part with music so i can play it i've changed my mind i like tomatoes again thing at full volume over it and that way it won't know that it's dmca you're fine if i sing a different song loudly over it arctic rage thanks for the sub just pitch it slightly up and then it won't be able to detect it breaking the system here we go to be fair it is a fantastic project zomboid road trip song if he marketed it that way it could have been like number one now it's perfect for road trips it is perfect special ones will be almost crashed that could never happen to us dirtiest car in the west yep damn are we in the west [Music] [Music] yeah it just went black for me i was like oh so the world is flat i did go on a road trip [Music] um and then they were like telling me oh you gotta stop by uh death valley though for sure and i was like i don't know about a place called dead valley they're like no you'll be fine in the car and james doste thanks for the sub and then he was just like although you do hear a folks dying every now and again but you should be fine this time of year the heat gets to him you see i remember in vegas 30 degrees it's like at 10 o'clock in the morning yeah we were already dying yeah it was insane but in death valley apparently it gets pretty intense just imagine yeah they advise you to like not leave your car and like whatever even if it stops it doesn't work yeah stay in there forever i still remember like all the water we bottled up because we split up from you guys we went off to the uh lake tahoe and we had all these bottles in the house from when we were like just drinking throughout the week and we filled them all with water so then our uber came and we just had bottles of smirnoff filled with vodka just loading them into his uber he was saying like what the hell are these guys doing just going to the desert yeah well they're gonna get plastered in the desert yeah i think i took a wrong turn by the way you're the one with the map i know but i usually use google maps and it talks to me and keeps me company there's a lot of blood here for some reason and we've not been here before okay this is the rail yard oh fantastic slovensky thank you so much for the bits jesus christ it was very nicey oh god yeah there's a lot going on here is that a tunnel i guess so do a flip wait in the car yeah there's a wrap there on the left do a flip horizontal duct thanks for the bits who's max he's max's volume what else is playing a different song is playing [Music] that song is called grandma's feather bed by the way if you want to look it up or anything we can do that when we go to sleep a song for every occasion in this game why are you walking backwards you're risky quiet um i'm empowering michael jackson oh wow that's some good moonwalking [Music] okay this doesn't sound nice break the window okay i think they're going to break it going around the back oh there's a zombie there hmm there waiting window i don't know if we can get in it or not but oh come on open her up oh the zombies smashed the window in the back the one we went by i'm being attacked run away thank you all right let me remove broken glass kevin why is your character wearing pants so you can tell me and max apart that's the only way we differ where did you come from oh no there's just loads of pants oh no what's happening i'm okay i'm a pacifist it's fine as you beat that zombie to death they're right there banging on a wall i found a comb a small over here if you wanted i'm a little bit thirsty calm there is nothing of value here i found some pens and a comb i mean this might just be an office to be fair [Music] okay let's let's get out of here upstairs these are both toys wait that's a zombie on the stairs watch it there's a zombie on the stairs he's coming down to you i think i know you're gonna be okay though because you're brave oh brave oh god help me help oh god oh god they're glitching through the stairs oh that was a hell of a swing jesus i'm a pacifist are you you don't swing like one i don't know where this zombie is on my just stomping on the floor i'm pretty sure he's dying well there's plenty of water there's not much else oh boxes really there must be something useful in these boxes absolutely nothing i've climbed out on the roof look at that that's cool nothing here yeah the stairs are kind of buggy they're scared i seem very buggy all right there is literally very point nothing in here let's leave fast movement okay where now um oh that's a lot of zombies okay you with me all right yep the warning noise yeah i agree it's scary aha this is where the loot is give me the loop i found a hunting knife what the a gas can and a jack ah i found a jack too great now we've two friends called jack this is going to get confusing we're not taking it all right the metalwork magazine this is all useless wait what the heck that's not max read the magazine it will make you happy i don't think so because it's not like an entertainment magazine it's a learning magazine oh if there's one thing i hate it's learning yeah vending machine is empty scary i do with my flashlight it's really dark in here by the way i apologize i can't really see either well i'll equip my flashlight there's not that many zombies in here though most mode thanks for the sub there's like a few but oh god oh i spoke too soon i jinxed it as usual ah god damn it oh maybe maybe we can just skirt on by and try and rob the good stuff oh hunting knife oh that's not kevin run away we've gotten the most useful stuff out of here there was some good stuff in the back it was really good stuff like what like um hunting knives and stuff right in the back yeah on those stairs oh this is a mistake this is a mistake why did i come up here oh jesus this is a beast no room in my bag i don't i i do how do we oh dodge bob and reef where am i oh jesus this is bad i can't see anything yeah but i'm coming i might be bringing wait no we want to go down we want to go down okay yep going down all right let's get out of here i don't like this getting dangerous is that hype train i don't think the hype train is um here no there might have been a similar noise in that panic uh now it's nighttime for thanks sake there's a building here is that a building i think it's the top the heartbeat settling everything is unsettling about this isn't it this is do you still have that flashlight do you have it on you yeah it's on now can you not see is it oh my god that is useless fishing tackle what the sh i'm grabbing that dude we're gonna go fishing the fishing net trap oh my god we've hit the jackpot this is fantastic i don't know if we can actually use these or not but i can't see anything look i'm shining the torch at you you're running too far away from fishing tackle i can't oh i think it's running out of batteries oh no should we try to start the car or watch it what is that is that a generator that is a generator we need that take generator how heavy is this thing going to be oh sweet jesus this is heavy in the back of the car yeah i also have a magazine how to use generators so this is good perfect um oh there's nice shelves back here these normally have good lube it says do not operate indoors which i take is some sort of challenge yeah all right we got a generator i'm happy let's go i i'm trying to find our car by the way electronics i'm just looting these light bulbs as well for our car jesus christ i can't see anything you find the car no i think i'm going the right direction better find it because my flashlight is dying yeah i can't see anything oh i found it oh nice oh a car battery i want that so badly oh i heard the car going off okay i'm gonna try and come get you oh i mean i'm lumbered down all right i'm gonna put my generator into let's see are you back where we were uh yeah i'm outside where we were oh lug wrench i need that do i need in here it weighs a lot i'm gonna try and find you off the gasket wrench oh i still see you i i think i saw you go by there's a lot of zombies by the way i see you do you will i stop yes die jesus christ almost knocked you down tell me when you're in go go go go go you know what this means we're gonna need to drive and so on if i can find my way out of here hold on this place seems to have good tool kind of stuff yeah where the hell are we okay wait i need to just get back on the road and then i'll play our song don't worry on the road again oh my bandage is dirty um do you have any clothes you can tear up that's an odd way of flirting um i gotta put this on loop because i want to change it all right there we go oh wait i need to i need to stop carrying carb actually i'm going to put it in the back seat [Music] here i put my skirt into the oh [Music] [Music] battery thank you what's with all the tomatoes sunset if you're new to the chat you'll be super confused on road trips we listen to homegrown tomatoes by john denver you gotta join in you need a single lyrics so you just spam tomatoes [Music] we need to actually grow something i don't oh no we're good we're good we're good it started it just died thank god is there actually no gas uh no we're like we're like sorry i'm drunk there's like a third in it [Music] it just died for no reason i don't know why which is also kind of worrying a very good okay i'm pretty sure one of our windows just smashed no no no that was something else someone dropped the base as we returned i hate when people do that it's so hard to drive at night i hope you're able to sleep i'm in pain do i doubt it no you can sleep while the pain it just depends if you're [Music] weak yep i am also that oh no good luck trying to get me to sleep i can lock you to sleep this is like what it's like driving down country roads at night yeah this is basically ireland see that sick drift before we crash stuff for a car wait which way is it now oh wait it's this way yeah we're almost home i'm going to read this book while we get home that's quick it's just done reading already yeah maybe you can't read when we're moving i think the world's too bumpy it's an irish country role perhaps oh no they stole it again scared but can you learn how to drive please it's the car's fault not mine oh yeah fantastic [Music] i'm gonna take the generator [Music] maybe we can use the generator now there's a thought i cannot see yep i'm just going to put the generator down here because i can't see how don't let me at least we have one now and that's for sure but there's nothing that home-grown tomato won't cure put them in a salad and put them in a sauce where am i gonna make your own very own tomato juice we're going to have so much rain it's gonna be amazing you're gonna love it i have so many showers alex for beginners i think i can read mechanics for beginners can i this book is obsolete all right i need two more planks then we can do another one i just want us to have tons and tons of rain can you feel like um the gasoline things with water or something like just something you can put a lot into um you can get bottles yeah before because if if we want to cook it in batches you know what was are you getting that was me did you michael stinks oh it's because my badge is dead it's the game telling me that i'm dying [Laughter] it's an omen can i put duct tape on my wound i'm still severely depressed well at least you're not burnt like me you know look at the bright side can i put mayonnaise on my bun apparently that's the level up sound someone said oh i still said that last time as well i think so i believe in a thing called love just listen to the rhythm of your heart wait we can wash clean rag yeah i just i've been kind of dumping them yeah i just remembered you can wash them i just don't know if it's worth it well it is right now i can't find any other rip sheets oh fair enough i'll just use that i actually should probably wash a few um why we've got the water working i wonder what the hunting knife our mayonnaise is rotten gift oh no i was just going to eat it damn it is there any lit no there's no lake nearby for fishing or anything damn it wait to go on a fishing trip oh no it's not closed in the oven there's um a lighter and sparklers in the oven uh sorry let's talk with someone to check um you want to go on a fishing trip i'm saying if we need to go fishing we need to go on a fishing trip it's a good point it's a good point um i don't know how it's done though like we have no fishing tackle but we don't actually have a rod can we make one um eventually like here you can make a sphere out of a hunting knife in a tree branch any good i don't know i'm foraging right now just fish from the water barrel good idea there is a there is a fishing survivor this trait okay maybe in the survivalist oh yeah there's nothing in there that would help you with fishing uh you could fish using spears or you can craft a rod but you need the blueprint rats oh i wish we had a rat that'd be so cute um what did i just do oh no oh you died no nothing that stayed i'm not damn it world it's just a bird see loading up my bag with stones just to punish yourself yeah that's a good point he's dead i can eat him at least delicious delicious um oh you can right click trees and do cut tree down and it does it for you wait if i put another nail i can i can cuz we got here oh that's great we've got floats and nails so many nails i'm just putting more nails into my bat the damage has gone down a bit but the conditioning this is great this is just fantastic yeah walk into a fight there's like a tiny bit of plank and everything else you'd be so careful picking it up to grab that one finger like your outline of your hand yeah i'm just repairing it by sticking more nails in it if i can upkeep this by just putting more nails in it this is fantastic great great great great i can [Laughter] anything you can do with batteries like repair them or fill them or something someone said why is half this chat random memes while the other half is requesting that max be eaten yeah that's how we do it here yep it's not much but it's on his chat yeah i need to just i like what is heavy here what's that noise oh you're playing with the door yeah just making sure it works those hinges working nicely all right crosstalk says go visit the mall the mall yeah there's a mall far east of the river east of the river i don't even see the fecking river wait what did i need to make the sphere oh wait oh yeah yeah i see it now i wasn't zoomed down enough east of the river stone ages away dude how far away is it um pretty fair we have to go to the mall town there oh there's a church we could give this situation our thoughts and prayers oh and facebook likes don't forget facebook facebook likes of course i don't see the mall anywhere church and cemetery no we don't want that bridge east bridge racing track race track i feel like these help us survive gonna keep us entertained at least oh i have found them all i don't know if that's a good idea why maybe we should go it would be less depressing i guess if we go to the mall this might be a lengthy trip well good thing you've got loads of music lined up yeah it's easy to make a playlist when it's all the same song luckily enough yeah okay where are we gonna find where we are on the map hell i've lost us jesus jesus christ hell where are we where are we at all geez i can't find us i can't find those max i can't get over the map hold on no how big is that oh jesus okay okay i found no oh i'm thirsty i need to drink some holy this is rain water we have enough fuel to get there i think so it's a road trip then road [Music] um [Music] here yeah you can put them in anything [Music] why don't you just fill a bottle in the sink i'm practicing oh okay remember take out the sparklers in the lighter no let's leave those and that's for sure [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] it's funny because you said it he said if i die don't bury me [Music] all right let's go road trip [Music] just drink some water quickly before we go i want to go now okay can i bring a gas tank in case we need to siphon some yeah we should probably just keep one of theirs [Music] pretty straightforward you know famous last words if everything's going to be a hundred percent okay [Music] keep losing things this is very ah i'm leaving no okay use the van i think the van's effect is it the vans back to you yeah i took all the parts out of the van actually the the very might in the world but we don't want to take them that fast it's broken it won't be good for us [Music] here he is come on we've already had two loops of homegrown tomatoes wow all right settle down for a rough ride it's not gonna be rough it's gonna be a perfectly [Music] roll down the window to get some fresh air there you go that's nice and the heater on as well just waste as much fuel as possible is that the plan wait is this quick [Music] [Music] okay [Music] do you have any rags uh [Music] oh fantastic you can just paint over the burner i will not i knew i should have brought more yeah you live in the land you [Music] [Applause] music is a little loud oh let's knock this person down and then you can get their stuff bloody clothes okay you deal with them i'll turn down the music a little bit [Music] there we go you won't give up you don't have a weapon a pacifist okay i think you're good there's blood all over it where's his body oh it has blood all over and it got crushed by the car but you can still rip that up and use for bandages yep that works fantastic very severe damage oh no yeah let me rip up this other one so i have something else to take with me the song's kicking off you got to get in okay let's go we are like 15 percent done we have not made good progress good good i can't wait i'm that nasty feeling that one of us isn't going to make it out of this alive no no no we've always made it out alive every situation we've been in oh don't forget about the roadblock here yes said noodler thanks for the donation happy birthday notice how max didn't say happy birthday to you but happy birthday always trying to one-up me and look at all these people out jamming to homegrown tomatoes oh you're getting good at driving look at my health i'll probably just give up and my character will definitely die yeah oh gas station nope we're on a mission oh we can really use that gas i can't wait until we get stranded in the middle of nowhere night time good news because we can't afford to get distracted mainly because i'm afraid it's not gonna be nighttime when we get there we can sleep in the car true we found somewhere safe yeah we need to find a nice client yeah i could just connection you could sleep for me alone defenseless like samino thanks for the sum [Music] um [Music] yeah i am and then it turns yeah we're good when it turns right then we're pretty close oh no bad time to stop bad time to stop jesus christ what is wrong with this car look i did the best i could with what i had i'll have to take a look at it and see which part it is inspect and then see if we can find another car with a better engine piece or whatever oh here's the turn which means we just gotta go down and i think we can just follow this off if there's a dark track a little bit of grass at the end of this road 100 percent is eyes on the road your truth yes sorry i'm looking at chat and i just said drifting all over the road what's that up there that's a gas station no we are on a mission we will not need gas 100 okay not even a chance okay those limb pickings forget okay that plan is not gonna work we gotta stick on the road what's gonna say where the hell are we going not the end of the world it's just it's like the same distance it's just a bit harder to navigate the other world was pretty straight if we could have gone through there what are these zombies doing like there's nothing here for them why are they on the road just irresponsible and dangerous they don't know that i guess tomatoes [Music] did you account for the roadmap no i didn't account for traffic google didn't alert me 100 there's a police car that's a zombie i'm trying to slamming through the hype trainer what are you trying to say left oh this was a this was quite the road trip yeah how many loops of homegrown tomatoes um i'm not actually sure a lot there's already so many zombies it is the mall after all zombies do love to have a good show it's true have you played dead rising exactly oh dead horizons you like it or you don't like it i don't like the time aspect of it yeah it can be a bit frustrating but the whole idea of the game the weapons and everything is very fun yeah [Applause] i remember there used to be an achievement in the original um that was like it was i think it was the most rare achievement on xbox where it was complete the hardest mode which is just constant no saves no loads you can't turn off your xbox and it took like 72 hours to do it and yeah very very few people had it and this was that was one of the first xbox games too so if you tried it you probably red ring oh my god the nexus nobility thanks for the sub yeah it's wild when did you do it no i couldn't take that like if i was like halfway through what would you do yeah true i think that would just snap your sanity okay it's almost here and zombies pissing in the trees disrespectful if you ask me oh that oh no we're good i thought just died i felt so too i thought you hit that zombie and that was it okay it's down here there's already loads and they're just on the roads doing nothing they're just chilling it's a nice summery day i'm gonna die man so not like this no this will be fine okay nothing ever bad happens to the protagonist with the protection right horse you're correct i've already died twice yeah let's not talk about that yeah they hear homegrown tomatoes and they can't help but gather oh my god there are where the hell is the ball character thank you i appreciate it um i know the mall was around here somewhere okay those are trees hold on back to the road back to the road just done like a sheep dog and just group all the zombies up together there's something in a mall out of nowhere you came oh god it's a sleepy one here it is i think oh my god i'm nervous getting close to i feel like this could be the end of it there's a lot of zombies there is a lot of zombies oh god oh oh oh so much parking [Music] oh in hell it was a key right in the middle of the road how many packing spaces here there where is the actual mall okay is this it but it was at the top what is this no i think this is it rendering in yeah there's so many zombies let's park out here okay get out oh my god a scooby-doo van no time oh my god a scooby-doo van wait a second uh where did you go i don't think we should split up no uh where are you all right let's get inside try the doors oh sweet jesus okay let's go this way come on if we outrun them and then get inside and then we'll lose them we have to hide once we're indoors yep max it's level two it's level two oh keep running yeah i'm just taking my weapon please be open yes all you gotta do is say please oh oh oh get out of here run holy kevin thank you for the sub oh run away run away we gotta find the stairs or something we gotta get out of here all right there's the stairs we'll be thanks for the cheer all right up we go up we go i'm upstairs where are you okay upstairs let's go we gotta look for a chemist or something a hype train okay we're still fine we're fine oh there's all supplies there like needles and the tiger leaf has it for the bits okay we need to do a 180 somehow um okay okay let's get across here how'd it go thank you for the cheer oh this is stressful okay let's just walk now i think we've we can just chill for a bit look at the train oh my god look at this stairs the pants are bending for the chair there's i just want to get those medical supplies even that would be just oh this one is chasing me go away okay yeah you gotta run is there any chemistry or pharmacy just i don't know just fine ice cream in a microwave someone said we'll burn the down how are we gonna get out of here there's more stairs we can go down [Music] oh my damn god you doing all right jesus i'm exhausting myself with my burn but jesus fit oh my god this is so good i got your painkillers there's so much in there there's so much good stuff in there oh don't go in there oh look storage room yes hold the door run this is a dead end oh okay let's deal with these that's a lot all right let me get my axe memory oh hell i'm not hitting the one on the floor okay keep going keep going we just gotta do it before they break the door behind us yep there's so many out that side yeah you should be okay oh why are they knocking in that door no stop it all right come in and close the door oh no no don't come in don't come in is still playing it's not fitting at all oh sweet jesus will we try and run around them are they almost all dead okay we'll knock down at least guys thank you for the bits and the subs just a bit distracted right now okay let's get in here yeah there's only one close the door let's close not grab cops grab corpse no man left behind i need to take this dirty bandage off [Music] yeah this is horrible you know but you know adding some excitement oh definitely i really want to go to that pharmacy i'm hoping we lured them away and we could sneak on back can we grab i don't know we can't grab a bag [Music] what's the hype train on it's on level three no we're good we're good we did we did level three i was worried we'd miss it in the panic what's out here oh this goes out onto the roof fantastic if we want to kill ourselves yeah uh unfortunately it seems to be a dead end so um oh that is a slight issue but there might be another way around oh god oh god oh sweet jesus hold on you don't want to come in here yeah you don't want to come in here uh hard to go thank you for the get out of here max run run run if i close the door yeah i had to go thank you for the cheer max it's on level four oh jesus oh that's gonna be quite loud okay wow oh that was a double okay we're back out okay okay this is good this this is just around the corner let's grab as much as you can off the shelves but it's it's quite awkward to be honest hell thank you but disinfectant oh sweet jesus i'm grabbing stuff but jesus vitamins run run run antidepressant you know you're speaking my language god legos thank you for the summer holy i got the painkillers i got better blockers this is so scary like anything i got painkillers bandages okay okay okay it might be time to leave you good can you like yell and bring them away or something yeah i was thinking that okay it might be if i run a train okay this place is quiet oh twine eh okay no wonder this place is quiet it's knitting needles in here and kevin tell me you're losing stuff uh no not right now i'm looking at the knitting needles man i'm running back in now i was waiting for it to clear out oh my god there's such a train there please don't bite me okay there's still way too many in here oh my god don't go that way okay keep screaming and running around oh they're coming up the stairs oh geez yeah there's no way we can get more i don't think okay um what's the plan yeah we gotta leave okay let's let's head uh up right i guess okay i'm behind you oh jeez keep shooting i got painkillers i didn't get a disinfectant i got painkillers and i got antidepressants uh bandages all right oh i did get the disinfectant oh good good run run run just run out this way head this way okay oh my god they're dropping off the balcony oh my god all right we need to get out into the car are you behind me yep okay i'll get the door the lady i need to check the scooby-doo van i just need oh there's a cabbage back here oh no well defined luck kevin did you get anything nice because there's luck with habit we are now the owners of a vlog oh lucky day all right you're gonna have to follow me let's get started on this convoy there's nothing let me go ahead did you see uh where was the um jesus max you're gonna run me off the road where was the ambulance uh it was over here somewhere i think so we could try and have a look in there that might be good holy i'm not at the road your maniacs is it there on the left i'm not sure oh what if i tuned into chaos you know uh no i didn't actually i don't know where you've gone i've lost you run away wait holy where are you um oh i found the ambulance i think okay okay okay all right okay do you see the train that's hot yes oh oh my god watch out okay this way only two cars to hit each other you all right you following mystery van away just follow the road like left like down left you with me the out of my way yeah i'm having to mow through a lot of zombies all right come on hey go on the road and go up oh whoa oh god a little hype train there i heard it okay get off the road there's so many oh my god i wonder did we attract some of them out of the mall though with that chaos um yeah i wonder if you could starve me man thank you so much for the bits sorry that there is a way to like sneak through them all um yeah possibly it looks like they don't even know where to go anymore we've riled them all up that's so upset starving man thank you for the bits again jesus christ very kind to you um i think but why did you stop at a gas station no i take a left let me get up to the t oh oh i didn't have to make a phone and i have to turn on homegrown tomatoes and it's all just chaos you might need to wait yeah hold on are you still following the road yep okay okay oh this is nerve-wracking i'm gonna have to a lot of things happened once okay okay all right there we go we got homegrown tomatoes on [Music] all right i got my megaphone i just gotta turn it on somehow okay and what does it sound like again yeah oh of course it does and hold on i think we're taking a long turn we need to go over that bridge back there scooby oh my god [Applause] what does it sound like again i can't remember okay okay that was good that was very good it's so depressing when it wasn't working [Laughter] sounds like a dying animal someone said the meow yeah there was a few cats on the train sounded like they were under the train there i think oh i've got a red bar on my fuel gauge oh are you behind me now yep i'm still behind you okay should be prepared at any moment to have to stop and turn around and pick me up as we abandoned the mystery man this is a hell of a hair all right someone said they were paying attention they have a headphones on god legos think of the song i also found a needle another fantastic crazy cat parrot thank you for gifting up the subs very nicely yours has left the chat i just need attention i just need to scream every now and again on my megaphone okay mount the rails the hype train is here no it's nice we need to cross the bridge we were the hype train all along who knew um af killer thank you for the sub okay go straight off the rails again when you get across how's your fuel doing it still just says red okay i think red means good red means fast yeah it's so much [Music] just follow this road keep going forward on it there's a few like uh junctions but just keep going okay welcome to the cult anyway how was my person still depressed all right oh you got some antidepressants yeah thankfully the hellboy thanks for the sub there was so much in that shop that was insane oh my god no oh wait the hype trend didn't reach level five i wonder can i no actually that siren is just ear piercing honestly like i don't know how it sounds over the mic but it is horrible in person absolutely horrible not too bad because your compressor is just taking it up yeah everything in this skeleton how's your fuel looking max oh my couch watch out i'm in the middle of the road tell me one thing about the situation that shouldn't make him depressed okay maybe you have a point i just think i wouldn't be really depressed in this situation i think i'd be scared and just panicked i wouldn't be depressed maybe i would i don't know what it's like to be a zombie i haven't seen you in a while kevin i don't know why he's following the road do you see those like cars blocking the load yeah there's a there's a car okay oh my god bandages dirty i need to fix that it's hard to multitask in here i'm telling you let me let me do my bandage i like sewing scoob have you got the [Music] oh antidepressants i'm gonna start eating him take pills speeding down the road in a zombie apocalypse the homecoming tomatoes chugging back antidepressants this is wild i've got a feeling if it becomes night time i'm going to be driving in the dark this is no headlights oh my god this car keeps cutting out oh please stand please start okay starting wait why is it stopped okay why is it stuck oh jesus christ max whatever you did to this car it's shite yeah it's getting stuck okay i got over there it's just lagging on the road oh you've no gas i've plenty of gas it's not even on the end of the e yet that's when you get a real fill when it gets to the e mine is on the e you've been traveling for ages which means i'm definitely safe how are your lights doing um it's getting kind of dark do you know lights um it says they're on and i don't see any so i mean i'm just gonna assume that they don't work oh jesus [Music] this is christ i've run over so many zombies i don't know how it's still alive oh god it's getting very dark kevin okay um i'm gonna drive i'm driving super slow so you keep driving and then you will swap into my car and we'll come back for the scooby snack oh my god there's so many sweet bejesus dude i can't see a thing i'm just driving straight and hoping that there's nothing there that will kill me okay this is a decent spot i think are you near me okay get in tell me when you're in okay i left the engine running so that thing's gonna have no gas that's all right it had like nothing anyway oh here's the roadblock good that means we're almost home blocked the ambulance chance i don't think so what else do we need though we got some good stuff right i need something to get rid of my burn it's not going away i think it's just painkillers you just need to take painkillers and uh leave it here over time that's what they were saying but so far they've not let us wrong except for the time they told us to go to that mall i don't remember oh they just take a long time to heal apparently how did you even get burnt again which fire was it we went back to the house remember oh yes we went back to the house which was literally just a pile of ash still on fire somehow yeah oh engine's gone yeah it keeps dying you need to take a little look at this when you get a chance yeah that's the forest okay i'm confused uh like sereno thanks for the donation would you recommend this game just wondering it looks interesting i think if you're someone to play it with then yes yeah and you can play with an awful lot of people if you wanted to yeah i think the servers go up to 64 people so if you have 64 friends don't worry about it you can finally play together imagine just a teamspeak chat with 74 friends all going on at once yeah we've been giving you great advice which is why you should listen when we tell you to eat max very good advice i honestly have no idea anymore okay i think it's here and then you go off the street yes yes yes and then there's another corner the potato zone thanks for sobbing love the name i wish i was in the potato zone right now you're all alone you're walking around seamlessly and then you find yourself in the potatoes in the potatoes all right um what was i gonna say uh we need to find the house again when we get there that's another problem um watch out almost almost oh someone should take that train out do you have painkillers on you did you take them what i think i've offended him crash or what oh no start this is the longest playthrough of homeland tomatoes yet i love that part we just go what is currently happening i just joined we just went to a mall and got a few medical supplies but almost got eaten completely [Music] god [Music] um hold on wait let me get my flashlight out zareki china [Music] just follow me in does that mean shack it doesn't have any light snow off the show he's trying to sleep do painkillers on you yes [Music] okay that was your chance no he's on high alert you guys have been blowing my cover how do they take a while to kick in i don't know just try sleeping anyway [Music] who says i'm in minor pain the van ran out of fuel my parents thank you for the bits happy bunny day or hoppy bunny days sorry yeah true i'm gonna eat this honey and that'll make me feel better painkillers and a chair of honey yeah great i can sleep you're depressed winnie the pooh fantastic carrot cake thank you for the sub my bandage is dirty oh one second is it day no my band is dead um back to bed oh am i in pain again i woke up and i'm in pain such as okay like candy i took two surely holy wait two pills or two bottles two oh my god that specifically says on the side don't ingest two entire bottles i can go back to sleep now okay you stay in bed i'm gonna stand up okay yeah it's day time day time yeah day time oh that was eventful what what medicine uh bed yeah there's some twig stone and chip stone in here i'm just gonna put the medical supplies in here okay i'm not depressed anymore by the way i'd like to know that i got lots of vitamins as well that's the thing i got most of because every time i said loot all he went for the vitamins for some reason they must be like flintstone vitamins it's like oh yummy yummy yummy little gummy things let me take a look at the car real quick see what's going on there i gotta get some pants because i wear the pants in this relationship i need some more you're just always naked i wonder can we like put a lamp in here can we craft lamps or something i think i think you can there might be a way to craft a light with a flashlight yeah there's gotta be oh it's the engine that's fact ah that would explain it okay all i can do is dismantle things i assume you can't make a lamp or something i think you can do carpentry uh some sort of lamp on pillar yeah you need a flashlight two planks and a rope will i put one up we have rope don't we somewhere oh i remember why i couldn't take the engine uh i need mechanic 4 to do that oh jesus christ that would take ages i know that's is that a dog turkish man thanks for the subs eat him if his name is max we should eat him to a piece and then eat him life feels so empty now that the song stopped playing yeah it feels kind of silent now um so wait what did you what were you i want i don't think rope can we make rope i don't know easy way to find rope i'm not sure i wish that map of yours gave like common spawn items that you could find there i'm sure you can find stuff um you just have to search for them individually i guess like oh wait we have rope right here i was literally just staring at it when i was looking at the chat it's all but okay great uh so we got rope i just need planks now i think um lamp on pillar planks and flashlight wait i thought i took out the flashlight i put in my bag all right i've got one i i got a flashlight on me i want to put it out always disgusting we have to keep just jumping we don't have keys around i just want to put it here yeah that's probably a good idea it's kind of hidden from the uh the forest and it might light up this area in general because we really need something we cannot find our way i'm going through so many bandages and grab plank i think i just need two oh we can make our very own tomato juice wish this burn would go away okay there it is my bucket of water i love being a carpenter look at that is it just one forever or do we need to change the batteries oh yeah you do need to replace the batteries qsr damien thank you for the sub i guess we can just wait is it turned off are you turning it on and what is happening okay yeah you were it was just sinking up perfectly every time i clicked it it was just it turned off um what was i going to say um we could just turn that on like if we were doing something outside or if uh say we were leaving and we needed a light to find our way back because jesus christ is a dark yeah i wish you could get a natural way of lighting the place just so we can light up the entrance a bit well there's no electricity here i'm gonna cook some water but can't wait is the electricity gone yep i can't right click the oven to make it work can you medical check i'm gonna give you a medical check this time oh someone just said a good point max is burnt so i can't eat you i can't just eat burnt food that's true yeah i can't turn this on yep you're gonna need to make it do you need to make fire uh sv murphic thank you for the sub uh fire terrigno figure out how fire work need two logs and a rip sheet oh that's not too bad you get twigs and stuff as well or three planks or we could have a good old-fashioned book burning very topical all the books yeah the campfire kit isn't too bad to make actually no plank or logs and we've plenty of those get generators set up yeah that's a good point as well where do we even put what do we do with the generator how does it work i don't know i read a magazine how generators work and i didn't understand it the pictures were nice though did you sleep well you were super tired yesterday yeah i was exhausted yesterday i don't know what happened to me um no i slept harder to forage the generator what does that do let's not do that flynn is doki thank you for the sub i took it away took it but i'm still bored oh nothing who would have figured all right generator are you still in pain please inside no way bernie let's use indoors and specifically said that maybe we can power this with generator so i think that might be a waste that's enough fuel yeah i need to eat but need to be electrician proficient wife operation can you operate it um how did it say connect generator is it yeah wait that was you eating i was like why does it sound like eating sounds when i'm trying to activate the thing delicious generator noises yeah it's connected but it's got no fuel so i guess when it has fuel we can turn it on and off siphon the car and check it yeah actually there might be yeah you know how it works does this work now and uh there's a book by the way somewhere to use those generators i don't know where i put it um does that just work since it's next to the house or what's the story did you do the connecting thing oh yeah you did i said connect yeah so i'm not sure well we don't have a fridge to check and the only thing that's here is the oven but the oven can't seem to turn the oven on you can get the generated gas station to activate gas pumps and get infinite fuel oh that's kind of cool but so we'd bring it to the gas station and connect it up and then just get infinite fuel out of it oh that's useful that seems like a whole day in itself though we're not that good at this game yeah um but i think for now it's a good time to finish up we got a lot done we had a lot of panic we got you your painkillers we got me antidepressants yeah it was good it was good all in all uh you'll learn how to use the generator if one of you eats the other oh because you consume their knowledge i get it delicious all right all right do you want to do a little dance as i sign off the stream that sounds lovely that is fantastic okay you do your little dance everybody say goodbye to max or else you will be really really sad like he was last time you guys really hurt him [Music] there we go boomer max leave him alone you're supposed to say by max look at him look what he's doing for you i'll give you a song [Music] uh fantastic all right well thank you all for joining the stream it was fun i enjoyed myself i hope you did too i love tomatoes this is great the zombies are gonna come charging because he said that um yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the uh the chat um and the the gameplay it's it's been good um i might stream tomorrow we'll see we'll play it day by day but sure she is the store we have a grand old time um i'm gonna go ahead and rate uh brian terrorizer who we uh play with sometimes on weekends [Music] thank you very much for joining thanks for watching thanks for chatting thank you for all the subs and bits as well super supportive as always uh god i had a good time i really enjoyed both these games tonight this and the harry potter i'm sorry dudley and the orange for the phoenix which is great um but yeah we're gonna raid brian now so if you want to join be sure to click there and be sure to give him some good turns he knows the reference so he'll he'll enjoy it you'll see my community is as trolly as i am but yeah we're gonna head off now guys bye thanks thanks for watching good goodbye bye bye bye bye quickly
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 104,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: vgkxHG1Hp4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 46sec (11026 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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