Building our perfect farm base in Project Zomboid

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let's get going let's go direct me I slow down for no man so you better be quick [Music] sorry oh I'm just cooking some water in the oven I thought you were like talking about real life for a second I like okay there an auto drink did that happen Auto drink oh that's just being Irish what does it do I think when you have water in your inventory it drinks from it when you're thirsty oh but it's not there on my water bottle it was only there for the bucket of water so I'm very confused jogging with your bucket of water what the hell why am I in this cupboard I don't remember anything hi do you have amnesia I and maybe the claustrophobia triggered it cuz I was just locked in that tiny cover I need to sort out my inventory did we empty the truck last time do we need to do anything we probably need to sort out the truck but it's raining I don't want to get wet it's true I'm just doing burpees we also probably need to go out and find ammo at some point wait I'm I'm listening to the voice of the cows it said I I don't know what I'm watching you're learning how to speak to cows I mean it would help if we Farmers I guess oh it's survival you might want to come over here I don't know if you're going to get skills from it but they're talking about survival I don't know if it's actually going to teach us anything might just be clickbait I don't know oh carpentry carpentry they're talking about wooden planks oh my God my carpentry level is soaring from the TV we should try and find DVDs I remember those being good oh that would be handy cuz like out on a farm you're probably not going to have like the good channels and what do we do on rainy days you know I can't read Woodcraft Woodcraft all right that was a good episode you might need to put your stuff into the washer looking kind of oh and whatever that is needs to go on the wash to just Chu my my axe into the tumble washer sure where do we keep like ammunition that's a good point maybe this covered like by the door so it's like ready to go like there's just a box in here was there weapons in there I think I put the hunting knives yeah there's knives in here it's just a box of knives and newspaper why are newspapers I don't know maybe you're like cutting out letters and sending threatening letters to people with them they need to eat and then I think I'm good to go wherever it is we're going nice hat D just put some more newspaper on the rest of you that would be ideal this isn't all our food right we have more food than this there's like a load of canned good somewhere I thought we had more fresh food maybe check the van I feel like the van has all of our food in it yeah that might be just a good stop in general just to see what the hell we were doing last time Kevin when did we get a white car I don't remember having a white car at all oh that was last time yeah we went to get a car and then we we filled up the car you told this car ah it's all coming back I think we're going scile or something Jesus Christ I'm going to smoke in the garage man I'm stressed you want to take a car with you no oh wait it's still being towed okay how do I unto this oh Jesus Christ oh my god oh you made a friend in the garage it did a jump scare noise I was smoking I was scratching my eye like IRL it was the perfect storm this is a nice storm you're right oh stop it you why are you smoking indoors isn't that going to trigger your anxiety yeah so I can smoke more okay so these cans are actually getting filled up with water okay great made a a water collector the rain collector that's actually really important should we make those like when it stops raining uh yeah or wait should we make them now I guess we can get a bit wet and then we get rain yeah yeah what do we need to make them uh just wood and dumpster bags I think like trash bags I I've definitely been looting bags somewhere I just broke my main weapon chopping down a tree because I I I even thought about it and I like no I can't be bothered getting like something else and now I paid for it there's SS we have SS somewhere yeah I know okay well as long as you know yeah it was a decision I'm just going to have to live with I knew the cost oh wait there's a entirely new axe here oh what really yeah oh it's pretty broken though survivalist rain collect where do I find the rain collect it's um carpentry miscellaneous I think got some more logs here I'm going to move your planks over to my other ones yeah here go ahead I'm still trying to find where do we not know how to make one I think they're basic enough I can try do you have the tools oh do do we have the dumpster bags as well oh maybe that's why it's not showing up hold on let me sit let's go loot the bins around town we could do if we needed to but I wait Kevin come here I'm waiting wait now it's mix messaging do you want me to wait or do you want me to go there please come here something for you where are you in the kitchen I'm waiting for you oh sorry I ran to the dumpsters outside I got distracted I'm on the way oh little thumbs up oh my God I got you just for the wet weather this is what we need I'm not wearing any pants under this we Hood up should I also take off my my pants or am I okay uh you know whatever feels right to you I guess uh all right let me let me take them off okay it took off my pants and my bra actually oh wow all right I'm ready to go I've got two dumpster bags on the spot it's just by the farm where I've just dropped the stuff there's going to be a stack of them yeah there's six of them okay nice okay that's enough to make two look like some weird cold but we're not getting wet yeah but also the rain's dying down a little bit I feel like this is God laughing at our ponchos and our plan to make bins rain collector thingies that would kind of suck I hear wolves okay but for real I cannot find how to make these things you got a h are they in your carpet Tre I don't have the tools on me what tools do you need I think hammer and nails probably a saw as well now I have a saw hold on I'll drop the yeah I'll cut up the logs I lost the saw where the hell did it go I don't know oh wait I found it okay sorry yeah [ __ ] was like why is my health going down he picked up all the planks after he saw them how is that even possible how can you saw plank when you're holding five other planks help me carry all this plank I wish there was another way he says we need Nails uh did I put them in the garage we actually sorted it out I definitely like oh yeah I put some Nails here in the garage oh it's stop raining of course it did God saw our buchos and our barrels and he laughed at us he was like they're too prepared you know what doesn't make sense to me what is we have two perfectly good garbage cans right here right why can't we just open the lid on them use them to collect water don't ask questions okay oh well I'm going take the I'm to put the hood down on my Poncho there's no point having the hood up now yeah I didn't want to carry it around so I put it on the the Scarecrow I think he looked better in the leather jacket your underwear is just on the floor in the kitchen you said you weren't wearing pants either but I didn't say I put them on the kitchen floor did I okay all right sorry Fair Point oh it's raining again God saw I took off my Poncho and he laughed at me I literally just put mine in my backpack do you still have the stuff to make the the barrels the tools I put the hammer behind did you find the hammer oh no I didn't let's see I put the hammer over here but there's the hammer okay uh what else did we need and I just need to grab the nails I didn't find any other nails so I think those are all of our nails that's worrying this is not enough it's 76 nails that sounds like a lot is that not a lot no cuz a box is 100 and I usually have a few boxes of them on me oh looks like we we have another mission M okay I'm going to put some of this gardening [ __ ] into this I'm not a good enough Carpenter for this oh what level carpentry do we need four what to make a box got to watch more Woodcraft I guess oh wait there's seven boxes of Nails in here is that not enough oh that's enough yeah that'll do it yeah I think there's one box that has an awful lot of [ __ ] in it and then this just has musical instruments in it for some reason I'm I'm not sure I can't explain that one maybe that was was here when we got here yeah let's go with that oh I see you put your broken XX in here yeah I'll try and repair it at some point yeah that was another thing we said we were going to try and find a lot of wasn't it stuff to repair yeah that would be handy I'm not sure if we have any I'm putting like carpentry stuff on shelves I just made in the dining room so I'll start to like gather it now and don't want me to bring SS for that as well that' be good on your carpentry shelf I might need more space it only holds 15 it's only 15 yeah I thought there were more if I get one more carpentry I can make a crate and then I'll be able to make a proper area um you could go to the greenhouse at some point and disassemble all the [ __ ] in there we don't need it that's a fair point I'm to Bear let's go on an adventure I want to go on an adventure I love adventuring $ 49.99 who'd resist welcome to pil of CP oh we're going to learn how to make pancakes oh no maybe not nice oh oh pancakes will there be anything of value on after this D pancakes I mean it's it's 12:30 at night this is what's on TV yeah there's never anything good on at this hour I guess oh I think we can do some more exercise that might be a good use of our nighttime unless you no you're making shelves sorry uh I was making shelves I don't know if I should make more or just wait till I can make better thing yeah maybe I'll just go out and do some carpentry in the greenhouse alone at night in the zombie apocalypse there's a flashlight in the in the um the pickup truck glove compartment and I think it still has batteries so you should be able to use that to see or you could take your carpentry truck I don't know oh that's true we have like Farm Vehicles now we're like you know those people you see on TV that just you know they they have a car that's really [ __ ] up and they just use it to drive around that sounds fantastic especially if you live in like an apartment or something your living room is just a car in wait a second that would be kind of cool imagine if you turned your like you had a car for your living room don't ask me how you get it in there and then you just kit it out to be a living room essentially I mean like you know like my R yeah like it would be cheaper than buying like all furniture and stuff like couches are expensive if you get a cheap car that doesn't run anymore for almost nothing and then just throw it in your living room how you get it in I don't know but maybe build around the car i s half oh that would work maybe you know like how those diners just have like half like half cars in them sometimes yes everything in your house could be care oh I don't know if you noticed in the kitchen but there's a bucket I've made that the drinking bucket so every time I need a drink I drink from the drinking bucket why not from the sink cuz I want to empty the drinking bucket okay man I only disassembled one of these tables correctly I destroyed eight of them and got nothing from it so wait but your carpentry still goes up right I don't know if it did I hope it did oh it's going up so slowly though I might have to read a book do we have a we must have a carpentry book oh look at I'm going in his van wow well I was like I could come over to see what you were doing but I don't want to be there when you see that shameful performance oh wow yeah you see what I mean is there anything you can too with the scrap uh I don't think so maybe you can burn it oh yeah that's actually a good point let's I'll see if I can yeah you must be able to burn it right surely oh crap I left my backpack behind and you would normally say something along the lines of well just put it in your truck but the truck is full of candy it's emergency candy I've just been eating out of the truck it is kind of easier trying to put a dent into the candy truck and you don't have to get claustrophobic going inside you're a man of pickaxe now yep swapped over I didn't want to break the other axe but I found some um repair stuff in the garage so I think we can fix it cook show ah fine let them cook okay shall we head out yes let's get going let's go direct me I slow down for no man so you better be quick [ __ ] sorry it's my first time did you read the mapor did it help uh yeah I got a bit of the town but I don't have this area okay just hang it right or up okay when we get to the end here uh are we stopping at that gas station yeah I think it could be good oh this little car actually goes yeah she's a fine motor all right no tractor Embraces his inner Irish routs when he drives I wish we could have I wish we could have it oh hanger right here oh okay sorry the cars are in the way any my first time giving directions to the car as well it's okay I like this Ro reversal thing we've got going on though yeah at least he didn't direct us into a fence though yeah it could have been worse it's kind of coming back to me this area we go through the military Outpost now when it turns and then it's straight through to the highway right yeah but our gas station will be on our next main road on the right okay uh about three blocks down oh watch out for that fence real car bumper cars they should have like big bouncy rings around them it would solve so many problems that's the gas station that's actually very close that's handy I hope that pump works it looks fine somehow the most flammable thing in the world is the only thing that didn't catch on fire here oh this is your air expertise oh is it okay do you want to drive the car then yeah sure you go for it and as a tractor you expect me to what this like to be able to knock through a fence you know oh that's fine thought you were going to throw shade at Tractor I would I could never he's un shable look at him he's out here struggling but he's making it work I can surprised fit into there yeah oh no okay I need to get back into this we've been like just on the farm too long I'm not used to these City Slickers wow this place is really just done for isn't it sure looks that way did you go through the gas station ooh I'm just just after doing a loop around it I'm collecting all the trash bags oh nice uh I also found a pharmacy here that looks like halfway intact so I'm just going to take a look yes the motherload oh this was lucky did you find it yeah there's actually quite a lot of stuff here there's some candy here if you need some food just to make you feel better in the gas station uh in the building just underneath it I'll come outside cuz it's kind of hard to explain yeah this was difficult to explain yeah and then it's through here he jumped through this yeah on the sh where is it some food here oh my God gummy worms yeah it's our usual stuff so I thought you might like it peanuts what a great way to find out if I have a peanut allergy y I'm right here for you if anything happens swelling up oh great I can confirm you have a peanut allergy don't think this works that sucks I drink from this toilet and come out unless like I'm not getting the prompt somehow but I'm like I'm here so I can't imagine it would just work right I don't know can you fill a bottle here uh I I found an empty bottle in the trash I'll see fill Empty Bottle wait you can uh I think he did I don't know where he put it wait is it just water he got from that thing like pouring it out yeah take fuel empty is this from no that's taking it from the car I think it's just tainted water no this works it works wait where did the bottle of gasoline yeah it works what the hell why is mine just saying water bottle tainted when I fill it up really yeah oh this is this a cruise control I did not know that cruise control there is cruise control okay didn't know that am I too closed do you think I think the car is on at the moment let me take the key out oh it's on this side cuz I'm coming this side to fill it oh okay here I'll put the key back in or I'll just move it yeah you try moving it and maybe like I I'll stand here maybe we'll leave like a Gap maybe you just keep going until I get the prompt oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to do that fill does that work it's off oh no it's raining wait now now he's coming this side to fill it up oh he's filling it with the bottle is he yeah oh so he can just fill from both sides that's interesting will I just go right up next to it yeah maybe I don't know I think I usually pack like there so this is our life now even if we had a bigger bottle it wouldn't be tooo bad how much fuel is actually in here let me add this and I'll check uh it's like a third it's not too bad yeah it's got 19 out of 59 might get us into town right there's always that gas station where we used to live that's true remember as you come into town so we could just stop off there that one works at least yeah that makes sense I'm just going to grab some water from this sink back here oh I might do the same actually do you think it just doesn't have electricity or what's the deal like if we brought a generator here and then would that work but then why would we be able to take fuel out of it I don't know may as well just add this in yep cool wonder if I should dump this empty water I'll just put it in the glove compartment yeah maybe keep it in the glove and we can fill it up if we need to want to hang a right okay oh my God this car I'm really not used to it it's it doesn't really turn as fast as you'd expect it too I think the sedans do like are a bit like that yeah I usually have the little tiny things the little hatchbacks oh all this Camp there's so many logs here yeah I wonder if you can chop them up I think there was a car uh Jack back there on that car oh do we need it I don't nah we could probably find one somewhere if we already needed it or just keep stealing new cars and have a car graveyard yeah I wouldn't mind having a bit of a fleet ooh that pickup looks nice don't we have oh yeah no we don't have one like that at home I think we checked that one didn't we maybe it looks like bait it looks too good is it up on the motorway uh yeah we're coming to the motorway now in a sec okay weird house there yeah I think that's like one of the other Farms healthy competition uh here on the right then we're going to go down one street and then that should be gas station Lane excellent is this the safest way to do this yeah just like your arm over the seat looking B as you go yeah then you think I was cool oh here we are it's like we never left yeah just going to defend oh that one has a wood axe we could use that don't want to hit him just take it out grab it out the back of his head I'm just going up to stores there's a gun shop I'm going to check if it has anything we need what's the ammo you needed 45 order round oh you're in lock then we can fill up here when you're done oh nice which is a lot I cannot get fuel out of this what is going on is this car bugged yeah I wonder it seems a bit weird is there any bigger bottle in the gas station that we could fill up with might be an orange pop bottle or something oh orange pop that sounded like a big gasp yeah I found a liquor store malts you want a big bottle do you have a big bottle I will once I drink this big bottle of wine oh I can refill from the gas pump at least I'm full but thank you for the big Bott of wine I'm drunk just so you know uh do you want to go uh to the ammo store oh yes all right you can if you drive I'll show you it's just around the corner all right I'll meet you there oh full tank of gas you love to see it we come in here once uh it looks like we did yeah we broke down the front door but I think we took like what we needed not everything ah there's a farming magazine here oh very nice shotgun shells do you still need uh uh yeah I'll grab all the shotgun shells if you grab the ones you need I guess I'm going to go ahead and open that door it's one blast him poor fella at his gun store magazine oh my God there's even more back here man oh really have a lot of ammo I think we're checking a lot of the boxes of the stuff we needed the boot is completely full ah I'm throwing some stuff in one of the back seats but there's plenty more room for some stuff oh I got excited for a second I thought it was a bridal store cuz it's called brighted whites but it's a laundry store we could have got a wedding dress for the Scarecrow maybe next time oh yeah we wanted to find him a friend yeah we need to look out for mannequins I'm just up the street I'm going like shop by shop just well shopping maybe we can put some stuff into the back seat maybe that might be a good call we've got another tool store here there might be some stuff we missed out on oh look there's that place that bur down yeah you're there I was admiring that place as well we definitely leave our mark on every place we've been to that we do I think this place was the closest we got to dying actually cuz wasn't it when they all ran in yeah I repressed it some random tools and stuff no water in can though I assume uh I'll take a look but yeah maybe not the fire spread here as well did it God at least they didn't burn it down oh there's actually a lot of decent stuff here I think we were just too full to take which means we're about to be too full to take anything else what else do we actually need cuz I feel like we got a lot of good stuff um well we came out originally because we wanted to find a DVD shop yeah we could still go to the DVD and bookstore and then uh I think we're pretty sorted you still in EP tools yeah I'm just grabbing one more thing and then yep I'm done oh wait one second I'll just check those back um things for your watering can no oh it's just like we never left did they always have this thing where there's like puddles on the floor I think I've ever noticed that not sure after rain I think they did it it wasn't there for like the whole history of the game but it's been in it a while I think you don't usually get the amount of rain that we just got either like that was a lot I wish we had the rain collector set up yeah we normally would but we just relocated so many times before we found the perfect farm and boy is it perfect oh it is I just know it's in this general direction but I don't know EXA exactly let me take a look on the map oh I don't have this much mapped I think if you follow up here to the left yeah yeah it doesn't turn well does it it really doesn't oh my Dash is flashing that can only be good right yeah that means it's good it's flashing green right yeah yeah yeah yeah cool mostly yeah mostly green like what our colors really when you think about it your green could be red to me I think it's more up probably is so I think if you hang left I think you're getting close going to keep uh going down these tiny little neighborhoods cuz what's the Worst That Could Happen nothing ever bad ever happened in a tiny neighborhood mm- oh we've been here oh there a gas station oh nice I remember this okay Civilization now we're talking yeah I mean I hate it cuz I'm a country farmer but you know that's why we left the big city yeah we hate this place look at this big city couldn't take the heat fire truck fire truck should we check it is there a fire in there just now there was yeah that might be the only reason I would check it yeah that's what I was thinking too drive down a bit so that we can have a bit more space to get out okay cool that I'm pulling over let's go I'll watch your back he's dead once we clear it off I'll check oh wait they're going for you I'm checking he had no key oh beta blockers no damn no key they're always bait those trucks how did that get there there's loads of stuff on your seat on my seat yeah can you get in no I'll just get a something from inside I'm just moving it give me a second it's a good thing we're not in a bloody emergency yeah oh my God like boxes of rounds are taking the longest I moved everything else and now it's just that okay could be good nice thank you any water uh yeah I just got some from inside the house what about that green car as well the sedan that's out front I'll just take a look while you're get water oh no got you had to go in that house go go go it's a good thing we cleared out a lot of the zombies that were on this street yeah but they'll be here watch the roads try and go like upwards as soon as you can I guess is it struggling to start start oh no this thing does not turn no it's terrible is it cuz the roads are away you I don't oh maybe God no I hate this place this is the gated community that has no lights for some reason yeah we need to go up a good bit and then I think we're we're going to get there oh just a few pedestrians I think I've uh I think I might have gotten rid of both of our Headlights by smashing into things nice now they won't see us coming oh this place is this the place with the Arches what does that say News Network the new news network didn't we come here once cuz you really wanted a a wants it fan I still want a news fan a news fan I think it must be up more up more do you think yeah I think so it's so annoying I don't have my map yes we that's a feature oh I know where we are this is the police station yeah straight nice I remember this is the like Arch I was thinking of the bridge going above it's that on our right I don't know but this is the street I think bers I love walk and rolls book book naked book naked holy [ __ ] there is a ho in air yeah it's quite a big Gathering just for books it's the 2000s the books of Harry Potter have released again Mania Street oh [ __ ] how many have you got on you have you got okay you've got a few nice yep I've got a fair amount I'll try and pick off some for mine but it's hard when there's this many yeah I can basically swing once if I'm lucky yeah that's kind of the same over here at least they're dying in one swing when I hit them oh my ner have you been working out no that'll be why yeah I'm down to my last one I think I'll come find you okay I've hit them like steadily so a lot of them should be weak I you would think so well this guy's sturdy as all [ __ ] stay down oh nice Jesus there quite a lot of them let's get our books it's a lot of books I'm exhausted hard work chopping down zombies sure is so we're after carpentry is it yeah and just anything you want really there's quite a lot here Tre volume two and volume three that's great thank you my first book sell is there any skills you're after uh farming I think I found farming okay I got the first three on metal work trapping I'll get electric do we have mechanics one I think we might actually yeah I've got mechanics one okay make sure we don't double two yeah I'm trying to find one and two of most books rather than taking everything yeah I've got carpentry two and three nice what is all this stuff on the floor it's a lot of Racket in the back whatever they're doing I just dropped some stuff that I couldn't carry and I don't think there's enough room in the car for there's boxes of nails back here oh there's wood glue back here oh we can take that that would be good why is this in the back of this store or is it just because of the kind of units that are back here that it spawned with stuff yeah it's weird isn't it it's it's either way I'll take it yeah what about uh fishing I have four so I need volume three and up on fishing right I think that's how it works they have one and two it's purple fishing three yes that's exactly what I need thank you yeah I'll pop it here cuz I can't carry it it's on the floor I got four as well thank you might just mark this place on our map just in case uh we need to come back for more books yeah that's probably a good idea and just to know where this like strip of stores there now I'm really going to be able to take care of those tables suddenly you're just going to go flying up we need to find DVDs next yeah can you guard me I'll go in the bathroom and try and um look on the map for some DVDs oh my God what is after happening we're close they're not listening to me they all want their books there's one down by the dock lens can I drive yeah and then I think I can get us there good teamwork good stuff and we did get a lot of good stuff oh wait you have the key okay I'm just going to grab some food from the truck or actually you know what I won't zombies will be on top of us a the pawn shop where we used to live I do love that little pawn shop it's a lovely spot oh and look the bar we burnt down oh look another house we lived in that one time we do live in this area a lot don't we yeah that's where we had that nice rooftop roof Terrace Place oh come on no don't die on me there we go oh Jesus that's a pile up of cars bit trafficky here yeah okay please don't die on us so we a bad time look at this expertise navigation though I must say yeah but it's it's getting pretty awkward wow oh Jus who oh it's very nice around here you wouldn't want to be in a hurry now no you definitely wouldn't okay it's around here somewhere uh keep my eyes peeled American eats hit vids hit vids hit fds oh that's it okay perfect let's just hop out right in front and look that still has mannequins we could get a friend oh I don't think it'll fit in the car though oh well we'll have to take some stuff out drop all those medical supplies or I guess if one of us walks back we could have the mannequin in the other seat they can carry the mannequin I think I'll need food soon you want some chips I might just look next door and see if there's some chips on the floor here there's American eats here there's refrigerated food oh it's all wrong oh here we go found something yeah there's a leak and a ham Oh I thought you meant like a water Le never seen that before oh now I'm full leaky ham leaky ham eat this tea bag you're eating a tea bag M te T you Brits we love te so much that would be [ __ ] awful ooh garbage bag comic book dance magazine Cabbage Patch that sounds like a cool dance I don't know what it is but I might read this magazine to cure my depression as well I put it on the floor here for you if you want to learn the Cabbage I don't even know I think I don't think I know this one oh wow I'm throwing my back out cuzz I've put my a away to dance okay I'm going to take a look next door with the VHS tapes yes wait what time does life and living come onm I think but maybe try it yeah I've got a TV here that I can put on sounds like the neighbors don't like life and living I'm going to grab a book oh wait I have all the books on me I'm going to come back inside could I have carpentry tree from you yes uh carpentry volume three thank you Woodcraft Woodcraft what episodes of Woodcraft you have uh oh this is going to get confusing seven oh I found seven as well God damn it I seem to remember there's only some vses that are actually useful Survival episode three farming I got it oh Woodcraft episode one I've got Woodcraft episode two I just want to go home and binge all of these right now the cook show okay that's the middle column checked the magical Woodland I don't know what that is oh a fitness one oh if you find dead wrong it up are aiming and reloading XP cuz it's about a crazy sniper that attacks the Mean Streets of C okay and if you find Mother's boy our short blade goes up so dead wrong and mother's boy yep okay then if you find Zed Squad season 2 episode Three that puts up mechanics and metal working oh sweet Jesus okay dead Squad episode what was it Zed Squad season two episode three season two episode three I found mother's boy I think uh the fitness club ones we can leave they don't actually give us anything oh okay I'll drop those according to this anyway I don't know then the ones we need are the Cook show Woodcraft exposure survival and Car Zone uh you said dead wrong was that one of the other ones you said dead something dead wrong okay I got that one wait there's more if we can find certain home VHS they can also give us some stuff oh my God okay I think I have enough how are you doing over here I haven't checked through them I've been there I'll start from the other end Car Zone episode 3 I think I have that one yeah I do I have Carone one two and three ver just Survival episode one uh no Survival episode three yes I got three and five there's some other episodes of dead wrong is it just the the normal one dead wrong dead wrong yeah okay I'm grabbing some water next door wait is that the episode of said Squad that I was looking for was it said Squad seon 2 episode 3 I think it might be yes it is let's go many there's more in the back isn't there normally in these buildings uh maybe yeah there are more back in oh my Lord I'm coming hold on cook show did you say you had two um I why is this locked now I'm coming in cook sha I have three and seven you should have this one I think you'd like it what is it it's episode two but look what they learn how to make sou can't wait to make it and throw it at you oh [ __ ] what's that is that us could it have been us should we go we got a lot I'm in the passenger seat where are we going I think we need to go home I think we have enough stuff and a lot of tapes to watch oh we got out at the right time there was a lot heading up here oh do you have um carpentry level two so I can read it in the car and then I can make us the things you gave me three oh did I yeah uh here I've got two I'll put it in the glove compartment oh you're a gent thank you so that we may never touch yeah I don't know where we've been yeah I do know where you've been exactly do you need help or do you know the way uh I'll just sort of head in the right direction you know yeah that that will pretty much get you there to be honest I'll tell you you uh start to get on the level you need to be ambulance check that ambulance probably that's also an EP tools ah we can't we must we should but oh we didn't even get a mannequin friend for our scarecrow next run cuz we'll have more room we got a lot of unexpected wonders in this car like we got so much medical supplies and and malov Cocktails from this oh oh god oh Jesus Christ I'm going around holy crap this is a lot yeah that is a lot back to my book I hope he finishes it I think I turned on faster reading but I'm not sure I'm a slow reader that probably doesn't help you I don't remember what I took anymore I'm claustrophobic I'm a smoker weak stomach and a slow reader so yeah I do have some good qualities but to be honest they don't even seem that good I'm a speed demon fortunately I guess at least I just need to read this book and then throw on some Woodcraft episodes and that should get me to four and then at least I can make the rain barrels cuz that's the main thing we need yeah it's true then it'll never rain again you watch oh I'm fully prepared I'll be standing there at my Poncho and I'll just starve to death next to my rain barrel that's bone dry sounds about Ang can tell we've been on this road before football field yeah oh that's cool they're all in their little jerseys and everything got their shorts on yeah oh cuz this is like a big Sports area down yeah news van oh man wait we've been here too probably for the news van if you go back up to that street you were on and then just go left it'll guide you to the house oh yeah so just yeah keep going this way around and back yeah all right so I left here and then the road will kind of like KCK down a bit but just continue in this direction oh no no not not up there come back watching The Little Dot on the map and they were right there we go yeah and just keep going this road and you'll you'll get to familiar territory okay oh sorry shouting at people out the car just had to get that out yeah much as I like being a speed demon it's also very dangerous it is isn't it ah yes the farm I remember this all becoming familiar now and the truck that we were going to try and take but didn't never Place had a barbecue outside come back promise oh God oh God that stop sign was so close the first one yeah here we are we might be able to make like a more direct route as well like by breaking down some military fences next time on our way we could try and go direct yeah that might be good even like chopping down some trees or something might be cool yeah we'll find a better route than this anyway because this is a bit round and about I'm not even going to finish this book am I you're not I'm like four fifths of the way it's my fault for driving so fast imagine if the carage just conked it's just like now I'm done walk home I mean we're close is this would take a while though this would take a while you going pretty fast oh look here where we shot all these people yeah now we're talking we're home [Music] baby we sure are we made it roll and die this book is almost done just going to read the last 10 pages mom says it's time to C downstairs stop reading no it's just getting good carpentry volume two right at the end what a Twist we should make a DVD shelf I think we should definitely do that once we start watching them I'm just going to make a pile on this all watch DVDs what about the bookcase on the right will I just Chuck them all in there or will I make a shelf next to the worms or I'll just throw them up here yeah next to the worms the DVDs H that's where I put the DVDs and then I'll put the books in the left one I guess but they're going to start to fill up maybe we can just remove everything other than DVDs and books they don't weigh much they're one just a few worms we got a couple of duplicates I'll grab the duplic and put them on the fire cooking over old VHS tapes if we've already seen like an episode of Woodcraft on the TV on life and living it it doesn't count oh I hope it does I didn't think about that I've been hitting play on the VC Ora but the TV wasn't even on feel like this is the one we watched earlier oh no wait no it's going up oh no that's that's just from the book the multiplier never mind this might have one we've seen okay let me grab episode two you want to throw this one away or will we wait a bit longer h no I don't think it's working okay I'll throw in the next one if you get rid of that yes it's working the books and VHS combine I should have read a book don't have the multiplier but it's fine I can build the big stuff once you have like a few levels you can do the most uh basic [ __ ] that you need actually while we're doing this I should read it's a good point we can multitask going to grab the the next Woodcraft and I'm going to grab a book carpentry yeah how many more levels did you need uh I just got it leveled up now so I'll be able to make those rain collectors Happy Days Woodcraft right I'm going to head out and make those I should definitely read outside to stop my panic attacks yeah I feel like I'm being mean to my guy forcing him to be inside all the time poor tractor oh I need to do some exercise as well oh yeah dude I've been trying to remember it and I still only have 8,000 experience out 30,000 and it takes to level up is there any way to speed it up or are we just stuck with that cuz that seems excessive it's quite something I think the regularity means you get more from it and the fatigue is less okay the way I'm going to use that shell for carpentry I'm just going to throw my stuff there when I'm using the carpentry stuff so if you see like a pickaxe and some random objects on there that's why they don't have to carry stuff around yeah just makes it easier cuz he's going to pick up all the planks again oh yeah true oh I might grab all that stuff out the car as well oh I need a single plank we need to sort our cars out yeah we do do we have any more planks around I need a single plank uh there might be a log out by the fire no I have to cut down a tree and cut down a sort of log in half or I can attack all the tables I gu there's also there we're two people how many seats do we need we we just need I just need that table for my hats I'm how did that happen I don't know I'm also soaking all right we got two rain barrels set up now we just need it to rain excuse me thank you sorry that's okay um I'm going to put garbage bags onto your shelf okay unless there somewhere better to no that makes sense I also wait are you doing a wash yeah but it's probably easier to do them separate cuz then you can just go wear all rather than yeah I'll let you know when my washing is done and then you can put yours in and I'll put mine in the dryer just going to dump this rotten Berry outside don't eat it now I want to eat it you certainly can try I don't know what will happen I got some wood glue as well if you want to repair your ax oh that might be good do you want to throw it up on the carpentry shelf yeah I'll um give my guy a bit of self-care cuz his extreme panic and depression are both dark red now there's got to be a trick to make this outside like if we knock a wall or like a bit of the roof off or something right what are you trying to make outside our house so that when we're inside we're outside oh right yeah like if we open up to the Outdoor World somewhere I mean considering this place is quite safe we know there's no zombies so you could definitely just knock a hole through it and see if that would work yeah I'll try and think of a safe way of doing that I'll have a smoke I think I need to build some storage before we unpack all these cars I was going to like take some of the stuff out but I don't think we have anywhere to put this stuff with so much loot ah I didn't know that did you know if you favorite something you can't accidentally put it away oh really oh that's so cool how do I favorite my cigarette oh [ __ ] where did I leave this wouldn't have happened if I favored oh I found them favorite oh that's so cool I think it also goes to the top that's handy I just had my revolver favorited and didn't I was like trying to put it away and couldn't no use me keep me forever I will keep you sa you think a hand ax is a weapon or a tool a tool I think in fact I might take it and go chop down some trees if that's cool cuz we need some work doing is your wash done yet yeah I was just about to go check on it it should be fine I'll put it in the dryer for you aren't you lovely thank you okay I'm going to try and be a bit crafty before making a hole in our wall but I'm also not going to research this wat however I'm just going to start hacking okay so we'll hope for the best hacker man that's what they call call no they call me Tractor and another idea might be to grab some of the like storage we have upstairs and just place it downstairs yeah that's probably not a bad shout just eating out some chocolate out the back of the car just a normal human thing that people do yeah I'll see if there's any boxes upstairs that might be useful maybe I think if it doesn't have more than 20 storage though I will not yeah there's big um boxes in here that have 25 storage dead lift this vanity mirror oh I didn't realize to pick it up I broke it I mean you may as well just break it cuz we're not going to use it so it's worth a shot just sledgehammering the floor me make hole all right don't go in there or you'll drop to the ground floor oh now I must know wait where's the it's in that room oh no yeah I don't think I'm allowed to move furniture no what about these boxes in here cuz they're just like cardboard boxes but there's four of them and they have 25 storage these boxes barely encumber you by the way they have two encumbrance oh nice we should pick those up from a store then and just take loads of them yeah I thinking something like that if we could find some sort of a warehouse that has them or a big store we'd be sorted we need to go to the big Warehouse so we can find a watering can yes our next adventure finally get a watering can oh maybe uh if you wouldn't mind building one rain container close to the farm bit yeah yeah um I have to yeah whenever the next bch sounds good Chief it's very annoying having to run inside run outside to get water yeah how close do you need them like right next to it just yeah the Clos better cool I'll do that watch out upstairs in general the place is a death trap it's risky is it yeah man in his underpants is going kind of nuts oh yeah I forgot these boxes can be stacked one on top of the other as well oh nice yeah that's handy good thing you can phase through chairs otherwise this would be very awkward yeah I might just get rid of these chairs will I get rid of the table or do you want to the vhs's how else we know we've watched these vhs's maybe we throw them in the dumpster yeah that might be a good Kevin your clothes are all dry excellent can't wait to be clothed again damn this one bucket of water is taking me forever to drink why don't you just throw on the floor I enjoy drinking from the bucket all right fair enough okay could have man not have a hobby geez no it's just it's an unusual hobby but it sounds fun I'm going to move some stuff can I use the two boxes that are like in the corner for tools I've had these nettles in my inventory for ages to eat them man do reduce my Hunger fine I'm going to eat all of these Nettles it's better not stomach you'll be fine I'm sure it's the worst that could happen oh I'm full nice you want some Nettles I wouldn't want to eat them all no no I'm good thanks I've made this into my new shelf the metal one for just my like ready to go carpentry stuff so if you can keep this one clear and put stuff in the crates and I'm just going to destroy this and move it elsewhere cuz it's too small for tools do you need a shelf for anything if we n how big is it it's 15 now just get rid of it yeah I didn't realize it was so small you want to move stuff onto your shelf uh no I think it's good cuz our wait safety goggles no we can keep those out I need room to like put my tools in and then I take all of these out and I go do odd jobs on the farm where's my rifle I didn't leave the car running did I no I just left the lights on oh no oh that doesn't sound good okay she started pH ooh nice looking rifle M that's fancy it's got to be better than that pistol at least it's got to be right yeah surely any idea what racking the gun does um I never really understood I think the racking is the like but I don't really guess in case it gets the gun mechanics I I don't really know I've just been kind of guessing put them up no please I'm holding my wood glue well what happened to the DVD table oh yeah sorry I kind of got carried away I kind of just for kept going on the bright side I made a crate and with four planks I can make more you need four planks uh I mean if you want a crate I can make you one with four planks we already have one do you need a crate for anything not of the moment I guess okay but we do have lots of cast out so yeah I can't imagine it won't come in handy that's true I'm wondering should we just like drive over to the Woodland cut down some trees fill up the van and bring back some wood does that make sense yeah um which car has the most storage this the pickup truck has 110 so it probably be the best one to use okay and does it have stuff in it at the moment so much stuff there's an uncooked TV dinner in here okay there shotgun shells there's quag cakes I've been eating out of this truck trying to just you know get through the random food yeah I might eat something out of it help yourself if I can just eat everything in here and then it'll be empty I will grab these gas cans and move them now is relatively empty and put them in the garage sounds good Chief it's dark out here why don't we have a light for our garage yeah we should probably pick up one okay I took a good like half of the stuff I'm going to go throw them into containers yeah we should try and find a light to go in here yeah that'd be good Farm scary at night it actually is It's Just Deadly dark out there absolutely nothing at least there'll be light soon okay I'm ready to cut down some trees when you were nice are nice and empty now almost yep it's pretty nice 2 packets of chis we might need those oh can you check there's nothing in the seat yeah as well yeah we're good glove compartment as well glove compartment has an empty gas can somehow oh we used that because um we filled up your car the white car yeah it's not hm to have anyway yeah I just need to to fill it up next time yeah let me just drop off all of these chips of which there are many I'll just run Straight Ahead there are some trees there I'll start chopping oh I need to grab a saw so I don't [ __ ] up my Axe can you cut them down with saws uh right click it does it tell you what you can use um let me see I just get an option cut down tree and then he automatically uses the axe cuz I have that hand ax on me let me just grabb a do we leave the in the garage I don't know they're probably there yeah it's 5:30 what does that mean isn't life and living at like 600 I thought it was 6:00 p.m. is it 600 a.m. morning oh God I thought it was like 9:00 a.m. and 600 p.m. or something Woodcraft Woodcraft that's what it's all about now do you think it's more effective to grab them as logs or to sort them up maybe as logs I I don't really know what do you think yeah no probably logs right oh so it's close enough to the truck you can move it straight in oh really that's handy I will um cut down this tree right next to the truck you can just drag it from the ground into the truck that'll save my poor guys back well we've got eight logs and that's 72 okay this will probably be enough then uh you want to pull up by the the rain collectors and I'll build you a new one wherever you want it yeah sure I hope we have enough garbage bags I'm missing one do you think and neighboring house might have one probably oh this person has a Louisville map on them oh there's a trash bag over there nice I'll just drop it on the floor next to them so you can find it easily I found another trash can and another trash bag on the way back drop the logs wherever you want it and I can throw it up um look should it go it's 700 a.m. did we miss it there's nothing on no no life or living for us I guess um where should it go I guess like in the middle one like here cool let me grab some logs how many do you need do you know I don't know does One log turn into four or two planks three I think three I don't know if maybe better carpentry has a bit of different effect maybe so just in the middle here is it or will I drop it like actually on the Farmland like in the middle that's fine okay how many did you get I got enough anyway six and I dropped two logs here there you go young man your very own rain collector feel like we do need like a door on this side but then it's not in the best place on the inside of the house no could you bring in one more log and um I'll Make A Crate we could probably replace the window on the um Farm side with a door if you want yeah actually we just have to move that cardboard box but it's not that big of a deal or wait do you want to create somewhere else like for guns where would it help uh this room's kind of crowded though yeah we'll be able to get a second one in here maybe just here like just so it's different oh when you get to carpentry 7 they look better oh that'll take a while all right there you go there's your crate oh and at carpentry 7 it goes up to 60 capacity oh that would be handy 40 now which is good but still you have your door well no you have a hole but you'll have a door eventually Jesus Christ moving individual ammo rounds takes forever you're the one that threw them down there oh God my guy's a bit hurt he's got some minor damage I forgot how back breaking this work was putting them in the back dragging them inside it's way more productive guess if you have a car that also can do it it helps yeah I gave our scarecrow a paper hat no nice that's the kind of work we appreciate around here outside the box thinking oh my God there's more shotgun shells in here what the hell I didn't find a lot yeah damn you've got plenty yeah this is going great so this is all weapons these two and this is tools I had to um well I'll put tools in one and then spillage yeah you you have like welding rods wood glue and such and the other ones like material I guess oh we need to find more wood glue that is true this doorway is now blocked but I think I might just get rid of this wall Al together that's separating or a living room there's no real point to it yeah renovation you know if the place collapses it's on you doesn't look like a you know a weightbearing wall or whatever it is yeah I'm sure it'll be fine don't think we'll run out of hammers anytime soon anyway no we're very good on hammers right I'm going to keep that bit of wall cuzz that's where the light switches and I'm not an electrician I ain't licensed uh I'll put duct tape with the wood glue nice sounds good where do you want Nails uh that can go in with the tools I guess oh we have another hand ax out here in the white car this House is's a Home yeah it's really becoming our own little farm Now isn't it where are all my moltov cocktails when did you make these the last batch I made them recently I guess they would have been in the white car and one of the seats maybe seems safe really cuz I just emptied I just emptied that car I didn't see him oh man I'll have to go find them maybe in the barriage yeah I'm looking in there now cuz I need to transfer loads of stuff anyway yeah some of that stuff might be able to come in here now yeah I think so how big is the trailer if we took the trailer and the truck to do a wood run we could come back with so much so nice and peaceful out here now yeah we've not had any company in a while haven't had to shoot anything in ages oh I miss shooting people going to put gardening stuff in the box to the right of the door okay that makes sense to me do you not have enough to make an actual door uh I didn't have enough planks but I've found the other stuff I have hinges now and uh door knobs oh no did not mean to put that on the floor this is where we'll keep the sheets and string I made us a lovely door you'd never even know looks like that's just the way it was when we got here wow Blends right in doesn't it yeah I made pee Poes like a lot of them big ones all the mtops are in the boot cool oh that's where you left them I'll put them in the weapon chest and that's the white car completely empty we're finally doing what we've put off for so long I know it's much easier when we just do it like impulsively it's just like okay we're doneas I'll just have things that I don't know what to do with and I just decorate with them yeah the house will really be a home then oh my spine embrace it slou harder for the gaming has just begun I re we could live a whole year would be fine it's raining the water barrels have purpose and so does my Poncho and I'm just making another one I see bits of green in your plants they're coming along yeah I have no idea how long they take I don't know but it should time well like we're still in summer as you said so yeah not bad huh not bad at all pretty good okay the taxi is also empty and the boot and oh nice let's move these things out of the way we just park them up front like on our grass I don't have the key for the taxi so oh I can move it I'm going to try and just leave the keys in there I have a habit of taking them it does automatically taken I know it's a bit annoying oh my God the generators in the gas we have a oh we had to leave The Blue Van behind didn't we uh yeah I I kind of forgot about that van to be honest this one doesn't have fuel oh does it not okay that's why we told it remember I completely forgot to be honest with you I forgot most of what we did there loads of can go to the SE I'm going grab oh yeah let me help you grab those at least then the cars will be done we did the pickup as well right that whole thing is pretty much done yeah it's just full of logs there's like bacon in the back SE oh my God at least it's all food it'll be easy enough to organize just bacon just [ __ ] left there oh God I just smack straight into the wall and fell over oh no all right car empty we finally did it we emptied all of the cars have to tow that red truck to the gas station yeah or I guess we could fill up one of the tanks we have uh we don't have any room in the fridge yeah I'm putting stuff in the freezer for now what is in our freezer we got some meat in there I'm going to put all the canned stuff like just in the cupboard next to it I guess well some of them just to make space m delicious Leaf it does look like a good Leaf I'll give you that you want one no all right how about you we uh end it there with a little bit of uh Cabbage Patch what do you say cabbage patching the place is pretty set up I'm very happy oh nice look at him go wait we should do it by the Cabbage Patch oh that would make way more sense use the new door that way I can watch you come out of the new door you're still cabbage patching am I yeah you're still cabbage patching for me over here get a load of this cabbage patching look at my Cabbage Patch while I Cabbage Patch yeah I mean I also gave him a paper hat which is probably getting quite musy out here in the Rain the poor guy oh wait my back is breaking all right okay it's been fun cabbage patching with you
Channel: DoNOTCallMeKevin
Views: 129,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callmekevin, call me kevin, kevin, funny, call me kevin clips, clips, gaming, project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid guide, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid tutorial, zomboid, project zomboid build 41 gameplay, project zomboid mods, project zomboid beginners guide, project zomboid story, project zomboid modded, project zomboid tips and tricks, lets play, project zomboid playthrough, project zomboid tips, project zomboid call me kevin
Id: Z9HLxmgWCn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 13sec (3793 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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