The addictive game that is my most played game on Steam

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hey there friends how's it going I'm bringing you my most played game on Steam today it's not the kind of game you'd expect unless maybe you've seen it pop up on my channel a few times before and I may have leaned into that it's the most addictive and most tense game I've ever played in my life it gives me those serotonin and dopam means that I'm after that I just can't get with any other game all right I might be exaggerating a little bit all right I I'm talking about it like it's crack it's not crack but it's good crack as us Irish say but over the last few years I've Seen It Go from an alpha into just amazing game developers who absolutely care for it a really good Community behind it and the game just continues to get better and the the reviews really say it all except that one I don't know what that one's about but the other reviews really say it all anyway I really wanted you to get a field for the game so I figured I jump in and I'm going to guide you through it I'm not the best guide so stay close these are the things we'll be using all you need to know is I got a jar full of bees and I'm ready to use them our guy is called Bjorn axelon he was actually born son of Axel and there was just a bit of confusion we're going into a playlist that his teams are two and I'm on my own so good luck Axel son all right here we are I am all on my lonesome I've got to get h a good aim I just miss that fly lady that's going to haunt me every night as I try and sleep um there's murderous dogs here who also want to kill me uh pretty much everything we're going to come across is going to want to kill me just so we're on the same page and the idea of the game is I'm hunting that boss up the top left there in this case a giant spider I'm sure loads of you are happy to hear that but to find out where it is on the map I'm going to have to collect all these little clues that cuts off a section of the map so it's onto the prison to get some more clues I absolutely love the atmosphere in this game uh it's about to get stormy that horse is upset so I'm not going to kill it cuz YouTube commenters would hate that he went to sleep or possibly died of old age yeah this is good the storm will uh cover my Advance as I run around like a lunatic in the bayou just trying to make a living here all by my lonesome be great if I had a partner but not all of us have friends ready and are back in call to play video games adult thing sometimes gets in the way unfortunately is is that a guy no that's that's a zombie he's just going for a walk or eating a horse we've all been there hm it seems once again I being chased by bees I think I'll just light the whole place on fire rather than deal with the situation okay I need to get inside this prison this place is absolutely huge if there are people in here it's going to be a tough one I think there could be up to 12 people total and they could be solos or Duos most likely Duos we're going to try and get our Clues and just stay out of trouble for now I don't mind fighting them up close so if I had to fight someone I'd rather fight them in this prison but now and the an open field with my cute little [Music] shotgun that is the second clue down where we headed next wait do I have another I have another clue here we're going to know where the boss is it's going to be lovely we're going to show up we'll kill everyone we'll get the boss no one will know what hit them all right got the final clue is that bees oh God they're bees at the door okay I'm out of here I hate the bees not the bees okay I got slight bad news remember my amazing plan which just involved me kind of walking over getting the boss and killing everyone I think they're already doing it yeah they have they're banishing the boss as we speak now that counter is going to count up to 100 up the top left and then they're able to grab the Bounty and extract there are two extraction points near them here and there but they won't be allowed to extract because I'm coming for them oh god dog dog oh God I'm dying I'm dying to dog all right hold on no no I'm fine I'm coming oh no another dog all right I'm coming for them I hear people I think there are people in this field I see someone way over there I've got an idea and it involves throwing a jar of bees at them ow I got shot that wasn't part of the plan oh no this isn't the plan at all okay not to worry I've got a perk on because this person I've already extracted with and I can revive myself I'm hoping they'll be busy with the boss and they won't have time to to burn my body or like guard over me like look at this man or because of my vision look at these men that that looks like a pack of men who have something better to be doing like buying new clothes perhaps okay I've had a lovely little nap I think it's time for me to revive hopefully I'm okay uh-oh I thought I just heard someone but maybe I'm okay my vision's still all blurry is that just having to deal with the handsomeness of that hillbilly that killed me oh there's another boss here the alligator that's a roaming boss I think my vision is glitched by the way so we're about to do a drunk playthrough I I have so many hours played on this game I know you wouldn't think it but I do but yet I've never seen this happen and the one time I go to record it by myself to show you this cool game it happens so yeah po you're Irish drunk and playing hunt Showdown oh never mind a little jump cured me new hangover cure just start jumping it won't make you projectile vomit at all okay there's two people in that building with the Bounty they know where I am because they can use the bounty to find me they're throwing something oh they are throwing Dynamite at me oh they're here I hear them hello he's not talking back I'm scared it's only making him angrier hello sorry there might be some confusion no I I don't think so they just want me dead the more I talk the angrier I make him here we go oh my God what if I dropped it into oh my God quite a lot okay not the best run but certainly not the worst right I met that handsome hillbilly I got I don't know shot in the face but either way you know how the game is played and you're prepared for an epic win now okay they're fighting I'm going to stand up and I'm going to die cuz I'm underneath ped wire all right I've seen the error of my ways and clearly I just need to be more handsome and I think an issue was like the quantity of guns I had I didn't have enough there we go I've got two dual revolvers and by that I mean I have two sets of dual revolvers look at that that's a man Ready for War that animation does not fit him at all but you know what does fit him his clothing I take it back he's beautiful it was just the triple Vision I thought he was wearing three pairs of overalls okay we're back in the game and what's more we're not alone this time like I know my shadow makes me look alone but watch this another set of guns look at this just a handsome man chewing on hay and walking his bottle of bees in the woods I have a very good feeling about this game oh was that shooting already why do I ever speak all right you know what it doesn't matter I'm going to go in and mess these guys up they don't know who they're messing with it's me by the way I'm going to mess them up there they go there they go but where did they go oh no okay we killed each other what a happy ending for God's sake at least they had more expensive guns okay you know what the real problem was they're aiming at my head right now but if I put a Target on my chest it'll allow me to live longer and take out the competition I have $1 left this is all of my money it's all gone cuz I've died twice in a row but hey he's full of confidence still and I like that the game keeps warning me yes I know I keep losing I understand I'm entering solo play alone I get it the problem is me message received oh great it's night time ah it's fine I got got Cat's eyes I can see a rock over there I think my point is this is the game this is the big one that's the problem with this game sometimes you win sometimes you lose with me sometimes they win most of the time I lose we rode in on that wagon and I see North is a little cowboy town so that'll cheer me up we'll head to the saloon once my uh body responds you know it's it's it's in shock right now from the losses I'm not allowed to move my my mind wants to go but my body is in a state of sleep paralysis here we go all right I'm out now time to hunt down my sleep paralysis demon I don't like that I've lost terribly twice now and each time my kit has gotten worse and worse but hey let's not focus on it let's go to the saloon as I planned not really for the drinks or anything I just like playing with the doors excellent great yeah all right there's like three serotonin there I think I'm strong enough to continue piano ooh just in case anyone tries to turn off my piano placing bear traps sorry I just really like music what where did the bear trap go ah taada and for my next trick I'm going to turn on the lights I actually can't find the generator in this town all right well I'll leave this alone uh this alone I'll leave this alone for now that does work I didn't make a mistake that's plain English and understandable it makes sense I should probably go back to school which is where I am ah I see I'm an adult then I'll turn into eggs and then Lara and Cocoon and then I'll be an adult again all right I've learned enough now I'm ready to kill oh the generator's on here but maybe it was on by default like it is nighttime after all yeah I'm sure I'm safe got some cash badly needed it some spare change in a cash register and I multiplied my net worth by 50 okay I just set every noise alert off on the entire map with one jump I'm going to just keep heading west I'm going to hope I find the boss first despite all my Dilly dallying okay where is this guy oh he's here okay well hopefully no one else is if they are I just let them know cuz I alerted crows and now there's a man screaming he may as well be screaming look everyone Kevin's here oh there is people here oh crap I'm in a terrible spot for this ah I'm dead again oh my God I made so much noise they're looking for my partner no it was just me the guy screaming was just also trying to kill me look we got Barnabas and I'm really happy with my load out this time look at that how could you beat it I got a spy glass if any pirates from the 18th century come up on me I'm ready to go also my net worth is still double what it was last time so we're on a good we're we're in a good spot right now also I'm going to a playlist with double but this gun only has one shot anyway best of luck to you Barnabas just don't make eye contact with me it's best we don't look at each other right now it feels really good to go into a game with such confidence I my confidence is Sky High right now what what's this bloodline XP I don't need it but I'll take every little Victory I can get that just gives me experience to level up but uh yeah I don't need that right now what I do need is this spy glass any ships on the horizon no I'm fine all right then I'm definitely going to win this game the problem I have with these sort of games in general is I don't have a lot of patience so I tend to run all over the place uh it doesn't work uh that well if I'm on my own either like it wouldn't be a good idea regardless but if I'm on my own not great to be running all over the place ooh silenced gun on a horse that I found dead and definitely didn't murder okay lock is with me now having said that I probably would have been better with the shotgun but hey I got to respect the RNG I got a decent gun here I just have a feeling it's in the universe's master plan to make sure I fight really up close now okay that cowboy town we were in earlier that's where the boss is going to be way more stealthy this time instead of just talking about handsome Hillbillies or whatever I might have on my mind at the moment it's not handsome hill abiles by the way that was just an example so that white glow that means I'm the only person here the boss is here and I'm the only person here so I can get a little head start on that oh god there are people here all right I'm not going to get a little head start on that I might just hide in the bathroom instead how about that this is my game plan now you got another 20 minutes of this no probably wouldn't be the best video okay you know what I'm going in not waiting any longer still white I figure if I can get some silent shots on him and then put a sticky bomb on him maybe I might be okay or maybe vice versa it might be easier to get the sticky bomb on him him early before he starts like getting all aggressive and being like hey bro why are you shooting me do spiders use the stairs I I don't know I mean they don't have to but maybe they just you know maybe they do anyway okay he's coming down that way yes okay I stuck it on him please don't chase me please don't chase me please don't chase me what it okay well it did about one damage on a 1,000 HP creature for some reason so that's fine that's okay unfortunately that makes it like impossible for me to do this Boss by myself when there's people around time to use that chaos bomb that I got earlier I'll just throw that in the window pretend I'm doing the boss oh no there's people here okay I'm going to throw it in anyway and hopefully cause a rockus there we go and now I'm going to move out take him out in the commotion take a little look down the street see if anyone makes their way in no that chaos bomb is not convincing apparently that's okay sounds pretty convincing to me where are these people I hear glass or something okay I think it might have been zombies walking on the glass where are these people oh they're throwing stuff there okay I'm pretty sure I saw someone he's going in the same way I went in but the problem is there's a big meat head in my way that's that guy by the way in case you don't know hit him once okay let's do this got him okay I'm an action hero finally still one more okay there's some shooting I don't know if that's a chaos bomb or not the body is there I need something to burn this guy with but I don't have anything cuz I had no money oh he's coming around me this is too intense right now I don't know where this person is they're coming over to me so I've kind of been looping around see him okay perfect okay I got a shot on him and I'm running all the way around to freak him out even more uhoh never mind I'm in grave danger okay I know roughly where this guy is and I know his plan is to just like Vibe so I'm going to run past this guy and be like a little bit terrified inside but try and stay confident so you think I'm cool going to take his pistol oh perfect actually you are just in time come over here and and boom that should have put him on fire oh sugar this ain't good oh that was bad that guy is still running around like a lunatic yeah I thought he might do that I just got here too okay now I'm trying to get back over to him I'm doing a big loop of this Village I'm being very sneaky now I've gone from I don't care I'm running into every situation to I am being the most annoying person ever there you go he's on fire again okay got him again where is this dude he's very afraid to face me I don't blame you oh he got me I was just about to throw bees at him oh well good fight that was a nice little prolonged game of chess he put traps down on my body so I won't get up he's waiting this guy has one barar of Health left damn it he was almost gone for good okay I'm going to be honest with you um the last time I actually didn't have a good feeling but this time I have a really good feeling about this game this is the one yes I want to enter solo play alone I have no one okay I also like how I've just given up on guns and gone with a big stick at this point I think no one wants to play with me anymore it's just stuck and this is what the big spear does funny enough we started in the exact same town where I just died memories oh God the boss is here and sore people okay well then really off to a dramatic start he's getting very angry in there I'm hoping those crows are just played off by the storm rather than I'm thinking it was me okay this kind of sucks cuz oh never mind I was going to say if they don't make a noise I have no way of knowing where they are and I don't want to sit around now they're making a lot of noise this might be a good opportunity to sneak up on them Ah that's the entrance they used oh there they are just saw a foot gotcha ah that was fun is there still more okay it's gone white so I think we're okay but that means he's also solo and that means he could revive himself if you really wanted to could I maybe blow this up will that catch you on fire no you're just safe huh this is an annoying inconvenience for me while that poor man is lying dead it's still white oh God there's the big boss okay we're banishing the boss this is great news okay bees you look after this guy for me for a while okay you got to look after him I'm going to go look for some fire okay he's still here anyway uh I still haven't found fire burn this man good lord I can't find anything no traps no fire nothing to guard this guy and I'm afraid other people are going to show up in the meantime I also have a long way to go to extract that's going to be a big problem if this guy can revive himself he gets a free Bounty I hope he respects that not because I I let him have it but you know I I had no other choice really okay so people would glow yellow for me if I could actually see anyone um but there is no one here so I'm going to throw bees at this guy and I'm going to run away that'll give me a head start if he does get up I just have a really bad feeling that someone's just going to wait they're going to wait between me and the extraction and they're going to get me on my way home still no one around me I might have an okay run here I'm just afraid there's going to be someone waiting right at the end shots off to my right somewhere they could be doing the other boss or just beining straight towards me well the Bounty hasn't been picked up so I guess after all my worrying I didn't even need to worry that guy is just like me he can't revive or he has a friend who's a very very good Hider oh no I'm almost here let's check nothing I think I'm home free oh I never got to show you Clive look he's my biggest bug in my collection let me show you you can throw Clive up into the air my one's called Clive by the way it's not a generic name it's very special actually it could be almost like a little UAV for you yeah he's a cutie pie you live to Die Another Day oh but I forgot Clive I won't get him oh that sucks but oh well you know I got to win it may not be a glamorous one but I got to win and by the way the thing I said earlier about this being one of my most played games that was um a lie I this I'm new and that's why I did bad rewards acquired choke Beetle why the hell would I do that you sick Oh you mean you mean it's a new item it's a choke Beetle ah okay thanks
Channel: DoNOTCallMeKevin
Views: 144,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callmekevin, call me kevin, kevin, funny, call me kevin clips, clips, gaming, hunt showdown, hunt: showdown, hunt showdown gameplay, hunt showdown guide, hunt showdown tips and tricks, hunt showdown rain, hunt showdown event, hunt showdown funny moments, hunt showdown funny, hunt showdown pvp, hunt showdown solo, hunt showdown hacks, hunt showdown highlights, The addictive game that is my most played game on Steam, addictive game, most addictive games, most addictive games pc
Id: nx0EOwOUzic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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