We Made Willy Wonka R-Rated

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17:50 is the scene where Grandpa Joe gets his just deserts.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/2ndHandMan 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I came here to post this. He finally got what he deserved!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ima420r 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Brought Charlie with him. Right up till the very end.

Maybe if Grandpa Joe worked a day Charlie wouldn't have to turn to murder to get what he wants in the world! But no, he had to pull Charlie into it.

Grandpa Joe, I'd expect nothing less done to him, but Charlie... Well, under the pretext of murder, like grandfather like grandson.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MidnightWorries 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

The final product, without the vpn shilling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE-5tJWd2uU

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheOfficialNotCraig 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory a seemingly innocent story for children yet contains gruesome industrial candy accidents that one by one takes children out of the running for that Golden Tickets prize but the end they show that they're all okay and everything worked out what you know what that's the coward's way out through new visual effects newly shot scenes new edits new sound design we want to present to you a reimagined version of Charlie in the Chocolate Factory for each one of these scenes shows what really happened let's take a look at how we make it we're joined here by Ian Hubert Peter France both VFX masters guys we wanted to look at this with you guys and take a look at smooth shots and brainstorm together how can we make this really crazy what kind of things could we do to it let's vote the movie I watched it for the first time last night like I've connected with these characters you know and now we're gonna have to put them down it's gonna be such a cool set so this thing it shrinks it transfers the chocolate bar and shrinks it down I guess Mike teevee is tiny now he got turned into particulate and then reassembled what if we pulled a Galaxy Quest and Mike teevee was reassembled wrong dude yeah dude that could totally happen to Mike teavee she faints at the end of that scene - lets go - Gustus gloop this was like the most disturbing in my opinion like the reason the scene messed with me as a kid was because it was so claustrophobic horrifying dude just the red smear as he moves up the pipe I don't know I'm from that shot where you could just see you said you have to have the stream just go straight through sculpt this like inflate up against the glass Oh Oh pressure just keeps building and he just bursts dude this grows the worst yeah all right wailed Veruca Salt [Music] this one kind of feels like the producers are just like yeah one more time for gifts drop her in a box trap door gig done so I was thinking this is a great opportunity just to do the human pachinko machine so she falls through that then it cuts to a rag doll of her knocked all over the place we'd basically be paying off what the audience has always been fighting to see we also have the fan scene and that's just waiting to be violent yeah eventually they get up there oh dude those fingers feel like might be a little tricky compositing wise with all those bubbles in the foreground oh yeah you're right though those bubbles are gonna be hard to deal with though what do you guys want to get fancy on here anything involving soft buddy physics this is my game what he said but the exact opposite rigid body physics pick any scene claim it for yourself go for it lame augustus Gloop all right key you're stepping up to the gloop challenge very happily do that bubble one okay okay great well I would love to try the rag doll okay and then I'll grab a Thomas TV what's his name Mike TV Mike TV gentlemen right look at that look at that synchronization every entertainment the fact that Peters in the middle of a hike yes okay so you can see here we got our shot of mr. gloop but you know I'm not sure that I buy this performance in theory he has chocolate shooting up through his butthole and so I imagine that would be a bit more painful than he's expressing here so as with most things I decided to recreate this in CGI I use this great software a free software called make human basically it gives you a generic person model and you have all these sliders for gender age muscle weight that gives you a whole skeleton you can work with what I did was I projected the footage of gloops head on to the 3d model of glue since I didn't really believe his performance I decided to do my own so I did a little janky home motion capture of just recording my face with my cell phone bring that into blender and then go through frame by frame using these face bones to match the performance of me to the mall I've taken some artistic Liberty with the eye rolling and shaking of the head but for the most part it matched my performance from then on it's pretty straightforward we just bring our render into After Effects overlay it over the background overlay it's in glass overlay the pipe we're good to go No for the second shot we're not mixing this with no live-action footage I took a wide shot of the whole environment and I painted out to the bike we got that in blender and what I'm gonna do is use the knife tool to cut out some little doohickeys extrude it to give our background some depth we get this a super janky but usable background out of focus totally works I also went ahead and recreated the pipes in blender put it around mr. Augustus to show his body inflating with chocolate I decided to use a displace modifier which basically takes the geometry of his body and just pushes it outward he's been inflating with chocolate eventually there's gonna be a breaking point a simple fluid simulation you just set the z-axis velocity to like 10 feet per second and just let it shoot up into the atmosphere do you get a fluid simulation like this then to top it all off we add a material we have a nice mixture of blood and chocolate here and there you go Wolfe has successfully been exploded killing Charlie Bucket and Grandpa Joe Wow what a dream come true so my thought was the grandpa Joe would be excited to be flying and so he would fly straight through the family and then the sphincter opens and the fan comes out and it chews up some Charlie paste down below in a spray of exactly 100,000 drops of grandpa blood grandpa was easy just cut out an image from the movie and attached a few vertices to control objects so yeah good bye but Charlie's trickier I put a few textures from the movie onto a human shape and he looks kind of like a nightmare but I stuck an image at the top of his head on the top of his head and it looks like the top of his head so that works but how to animate I have a Rococo motion capture suit so I was gonna use that but first I have to get inside his head what is Charlie like what is he thinking in these final moments fear sure but also shame at the theft of the fizzy lifting drinks and acceptance of his punishment for reaching above his station with that in mind I acted out Charlie's final desperate moments first one leg then the other we're done okay so while all the guys are working on their respective the effect shot it's my job to edit together a piece that can kind of string these the effects sequences together into a story I have to make the setup for the payoff that they're working on there's tons of stuff to work with in the movie if you're trying to recontextualize some of these shots Roald Dahl was known for going to dark places and his writing so there's a lot of that just inherently in this story now while Willy Wonka may be a psychopathic murderer in this world was setting up what if we took it a step further and actually had Charlie commit murder to get his grubby hands on one of them golden tickets there's a sequence where Charlie's walking in the street at night those shots are very dramatic they're very kind of dark shots he's in a kind of dark mental space in the film why not push it one step further and make him contemplating murder there's a couple building blocks to tell this story that are missing though one there's no target for Charlie to kill he needs to have a victim too there's no shot of Charlie wielding a weapon in three there's no shot that explicitly pays off so some pickup shots were necessary I went to the only place I could think of that really felt like 1970s England there's a place called post alley in Seattle there's a famous gum wall there this place was perfect dress-- my dad up as an old drunk guy it worked out great then I got a shot of a knife being pulled out of the pocket a couple shots of Charlie rummaging through the jacket and finding a golden ticket I think the shots turn out great and they're gonna give us what we need to tell this story the only thing left is some sound design I've asked some of the guys to record some screams of the victims as they fall prey to Willy Wonka all right Nick has asked me to sit down and record some audio assets for the Willy Wonka piece he wants me to do some ADR maybe some vio for some of the characters and things like that well I thought that there'd be no better opportunity to tell you guys about today's sponsor expressvpn through these recordings right here you may have heard that expressvpn protects you from hackers trying to steal your information but what you might not also know is that it can expand your entertainment selection keep your private 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motion capture data downloaded this into c4d so you get this guy writhing around on the ground I select the joints here and I just start scaling things move things around and you start to get some really weird Sims glitchy effects here then I started to texture things referenced stuff like real loans on Google and gross images from that show Chernobyl and basically came up with something like this these dark parts here you have like a real nasty red pulpy fleshy material and then you have this top layer which is more like just your normal skin real nice wet reflection on that thing like it just looks oh it looks horrible he is not having a good time here I lit the scene with a couple area lights made sure I got that real nice harsh edge light on this guy and the last thing that we did here was had some goo turns into a melted piece of skin for that I used X particles there's just an emitter set to object mode and yeah that's Mike TV in the microwave I can't wait to see what the other guys have up their sleeve is relatively straightforward you just take your model and you break it into chunks forearms biceps top of the torso middle torso the head the neck and connect to each one of those things with joints it's like the elbow is just a basic hinge for example so using all these different joints I linked all the different parts together and then I could just hit play and the whole thing would tumble to the ground problem was setting up joints that match the range of motion for a human body is actually a lot more complicated than I thought a 3d object has something called a pivot basically it's like the central point of the object that tells where it is in 3d space and apparently pivot affects the orientation of the joint so I discovered that the pivot points my bones had been altered to point sideways when it was on the arms rather than normal up and down side to reorient all that fixed my joints and once that was looking good I knew I was ready to start my full animations I had to build a stunt route you know for the character to hit things like now I wanted to slide into something and smack off on something else along vaguely the thing is with physics you can't animate it you just just set it up and hope that nature takes its course and that your character will hit all the things it's supposed to hit finally and I was happy with and now I'm going to build a whole factory around that and actually decorate it to look like it's a part of a whole factory system I used kit Bosch Brutalism architecture model pack to kind of basic deal on my factory backgrounds and all these archways and concrete decoration things like I would have taken away too long for me to make you know I have this theme that just comes to life now there's cool lights everywhere and now I had my character get this and hitting that and that was that and render it out now the motion blur in the depth of field at all stuff plus the realistic lighting added a lot of time to the renderer this actually took me an entire week to render yeah that's how I made the ragdoll animation awesome all right we have some final shots to look at so excited yeah I hadn't seen any of your guys's shots I'm just not sure you guys are gonna hire me after you see this so amped let's do it oh here we go and now details on the sudden announcement that has captured the attention of the entire world hidden among the countless billions of Wonka bars are five gold tickets and to the five people who find them will come the most fabulous prize one could wish for a lifetime supply of chocolates [Music] nobody ever comes out Wow are the old knife man [Music] like an old fault or a lifetime supply of chocolate chocolate this is Willy Wonka directed by Stanley Kubrick lock in the morning of the first day of October and do not be late it's nice to have you here I'm so glad you compromise this is going to be such an exciting day I hope you enjoy it I think you will buy the nerve center to the entire Wonka's factory oh the blood barrier inside this room all of my dreams become reality pressure is building up behind the blockage man you got a garbage strike going on in Wonka oh who wants an Everlasting Gobstopper I can only give them to you if you solemnly swear to keep turning violet violet [Music] well well well - naughty nasty little children gone three children left these are the geese that lay the golden eggs as you can see they're larger than ordinary geese hey daddy I want two golden goose here we go again how much do you want for the golden goose they're not for sale name - promise she can't have one he was a bad egg that would you all please put these on there's dangerous stuff inside one commission my very latest and greatest invention here it comes there it is it's here taste it it's delicious it's just got a small parting is there a thief in a swindler excuse me for not showing you out straight up the stairs you'll find the way and goodbye to you both I'll have to take a break charlie nobody's watching [Music] oh my god everyone that was terrifying cinema I'm glad my goodness oh my god that all looks really good you guys freaking killed it man the goo and the piper whatever his name is Charlie the door that closes and traps perfect chefs kiss for that that end sequence sighs like that chopper grinded up pulp just freakin nut meat dude just even the blood on his face after he stabbed the guy it was so good the blood on the face when he comes to yeah a long time on that yeah Nico that like when it cut to the your first your first shot I thought it was actually part of the thing for reals like I don't remember this like aimless and it was lit really well thanks for out of that man that was really good every minute working on this was a blast and what a payoff to see all this come together like it's the best feeling ever that was amazing like that line you've put in there eraser head like little corpse on the screen Peter you kept your graph going upwards for crazy acts I feel like Sam did he do these shots for this yeah I did all the Blood River stuff yeah I've been all the the guts dropping port in there yeah the meat what a testament to like the technology these days that we all have like fluid simulations and like physics simulations and hair simulations and like so much stuff going on like all in our scenes that like we've all just did yeah yeah pretty nuts if you want to watch wonky Willie uncut without a react we have it uploaded to the corridor channel also we made a playlist of our favorite Ian Hubert videos and Peter France videos Ian makes these incredible lazy tutorials that are the funniest thing I've ever seen and Peter has made the spider-man film that's not so I can't believe one guy did it but we have a link to that in some of those great tutorials as well don't forget to subscribe to core crew and here's a little sneak peek just something that's gonna be coming out in a few weeks on the store alright see you guys the next one thanks for watching I can't find any sounds online of someone gurgling up liquid repeatedly I need to get creative here [Music]
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 5,308,424
Rating: 4.931097 out of 5
Keywords: VFX, cgi, makeover, r rated, visual effects, react, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, gene wilder, edit, horror, hollywood, blender, c4d
Id: hDtjefcXIh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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