This Crazy A.I. Filter Turns Cartoons Into NIGHTMARES.

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it's a huge trend these days of picking animated classic films and making live-action versions of them so today we want to empower machine learning to help us and generate what live-action versions of animated classic films would look like it's just a matter of time until AI reboots all of our favorite movies what's a character we can make live action we can take Tom Hanks and make Woody from Toy Story look like Tom Hanks yeah we got Tom Hanks now we have an image of Woody a character he plays in Toy Story let's make a real man have you guys ever heard of Runway ml it's this program that is free to download and it is basically a way for anybody to experiment and create with machine learning Niko has been messing around with a lot like for months in the studio and all of us have kind of just picked it up and just been messing around with it and it yields some super hilarious results so this is really cool here's how the process works basically we take an input image of a face I feel like we should do a buzz light here oh it's right here all right let's parse that face basically this is gonna use AI to look at a person's face and basically split it up into different parts it's a skin the nose the eyes eyebrows hair neck and give us a basic image that shows us all the different components of a face solids anything from that we have to do this manually boys man if your segmentation comes out kind of janky like this you can actually just take the same color and drawn by hand so that the AI will recognize that now it's skin it's identified all the parts of the face and now what we're gonna do is take those parts of the face and give it a style image I think Tim Allen's getting the booth - melons cool but I think we need an it guy take this Terry Crews Terry Crews it could be a great buzz lay here here's another face that we want you to reference and rebuild this face in the style of the first-base Sams rendering with the clouds that allows you to use cloud processing for these actions it's computing everything on their GPU servers their private machine learning a private Nimbus their little nimbus on a leash and that's what that's what runway ml really is is that it's basically just this huge repository of machine learning networks algorithms and damn generative adversarial networks Cruz oh no dude that's pretty jacked up what did it do I mean this looks like a scared what other great animated movies deserve a reboot the up grandpa grass is the way to get a younger actor oh yeah Marc perfect oh this is too good up old man okay all right we got a face okay we got Danny DeVito mine okay it looks like Stanley a little bit ballon Newstalk who didn't really give us a lot of information to work with let's take another character will this even work the proportions are all different from a human I mean I think I'll get this to work the mouth is perfect the nose is almost there we just need to add the eyes and shape the face and we're good teenage mutant ninja Regan is technically an animated character do you think you'd make a better fan OHS Joe Rogan as Thanos wow he just looks like even meteor now who would play Elsa from frozen they're gonna reboot this live-action totally pummeling definitely Tom Holland and I think you'd be really like progressive a young boy as a young woman very brave as Elsa be brave that actually like produced something it's got like all the shading underneath the neck in the neck it's actually easy as far as like realistic faces that this thing is generated so far this is the closest yeah right Photography is great Fogg Rafi okay so they're incredibly similar it's basically using skin tone hair color those really basic features what other great animated movies deserve a reboot yeah I freaking Ice Age baby man who would play the Ice Age baby it's about Adam driver leave a comment if you agree to that Adam driver pays ice age baby gonna be good he's got the mouth and nose well enough I'm pushing this one through guys oh except for the giant like mutant like what do you make Sam what's really cool is that like even though the AI isn't perfect it knows how to combine the elements at least in a way that kind of makes it look like they belong together you can draw like just a skin circle right and it won't look like anything but once you put the nose on there the eye will actually know like okay like I'm gonna contour and kind of like emboss like the face to give you those proportions and like shadows well the guys are out there messing with their AI face generation I thought it would be fun to come back here and see if I could play around with a little AI myself now courtesy of today's sponsor Vesey Footwear I actually have been messing around with an AI shoe generator and well quite frankly there's no way that this thing has the computing power to actually deliver this beautiful magnificent shoe right here you see the thing that AI can't do is come up with a 100% waterproof ready for any weather sneaker not only can you wear these in the mud in the rain and the snow and the sleet they're also made of a patented diamond tex material meaning that they keep you cool in the summer and keep you warm in the winter when was the last time you heard of AI doing that I haven't another thing I can't do is give you one of the most flexible sneakers on the market I mean these things are so stretchy and so comfortable it feels like you're barely even wearing a shoe you can wear this hiking you can wear it on a date you can wear it to the office so you could wear it on run so if you guys are interested in getting $25 off your own pair of Betsy's head on over to Vesey Footwear comm slash corridor crew and that's exactly what you'll get 25 bucks off Betsy Footwear comm slash corridor crew they want to go for a run so the face parks are here it's little janky as you can see but that's because the face parser is designed to take apart human faces standard human faces that's what it's trained for so we're throwing these animated characters these CG characters at it and it's really challenging Sam you're basically using this parser to automatically generate the face maps yeah what I kind of want to do is there's a different model that allows you to hand draw what's cool about manually drawing it is you can get more details than this I think if I just spend a little bit extra time really taking an artist's touch to these separations here you have some super funny results I think we could get from that and I want to try so obviously this works best when it's going from a human face to a human face so I want to test a bunch of different configurations to see how these games deal with human faces okay all right so Nick and I are gonna work on these little experiments here unless we're done we're gonna show everyone what we've made so yeah stay tuned you know if you want to see us do some other experiments with machine learning we did a Tom Cruise defect in a Keanu Reeves deep fake which are both machine learning based visual effects those videos are actually pretty cool so go check them out if you haven't seen them before so we spent the last hours so just like trying to whip together some cool things so I was trying to explore like what it would look like if I converted myself to myself to this process this is it parsed your face and then you gave it your own face as an input to reconstruct it yeah so then I tried combining Jenna so my wife and I if we're to have a kid it's gonna look like this sick disease like decided to go through and convert everyone to every once I took nine photos of various other people because I'm trying to get every possible permutation of all of our faces here so nine times nine that's 81 I should end up with 81 different faces that are generated this is Christian I found Christian kind of interesting how he just for whatever reason looks like a Russian Eskimo because it's basically forming it off of that one initial parsed image so this is a plant that's like really old leathery oil I'll take a click to Niko Dean Wow actually surprisingly spot-on yeah you know didi Downey jr. this is just a boy band I kept wondering why the Huracan space was surrounded and then all he just occurred to me is the beard is converting your beard into awesome yeah it's gotta be just going Oh looking at like the hairstyle any tenders here that that's fat long it's usually a woman's hair good job Griffin for confusing the AI so this one might be my favorite which celebrity does Nick look like George you know it would be surprised if there's elements of those actors really being used for this picture because it's probably trained I'm just as many pictures as they can get and I'm sure a lob is just that's a good point Nico I'm Nico for whatever reason just looks like an old lady computers suck at this Nick made some stuff this is the first time I did a manual segmentation from a picture of me and this is what I got the first time weird however I did a second time and I went way more in detail with drawing myself I really tried you know really good actually it's really really how it's like a hand drawn bike proportions yeah and shaded realistically oh so this is my face trained on an avatar picture it's the same drawing the same segmentation I do but I put in an avatar that it's referencing instead of me really tried to draw this one like this is the one I took like 15 minutes really trying to draw yeah it's that weird like she like oh gosh this is creepy one that's real and this is with like an hour's worth of work imagine if we actually put weeks into this what can we create then honestly my take away from this is that AI and machine learning is accessible to everyone now and it's super fun to mess around with it's just super early days so it's like this stuff is just constantly getting better and better so we want to do a lot more of this like machine learning and exploration stuff and there are so many more little programs to use within Runway ml we haven't even scratched the surface of what's available if you checked it out find your favorite one and let us know and maybe we'll take a look at that what Bretton reads every comment every single one especially the videos that have eight thousand comments there's actually another video coming out soon that we've been working on for a while a certain guy because my name is Snoop Dogg he approached us because he had a deep fake project he want us to work on and we did it for his upcoming music video the video will drop in the music video drops it should be sometime in the next week or two we're not entirely sure so if you subscribe to the channel you'll be the first one to see it let's just say it involves a certain someone who's not with us anymore coming also subscribe to see more of this thing what the hell was there next time
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 845,065
Rating: 4.8174744 out of 5
Keywords: vfx, vfx artists, CGI, ai, artificial intelligence, machine learning, runwayml, runway, visual effects, A.I.
Id: AzIMlTgoieQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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