Our Newest Employee Remasters our Oldest VFX

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thanks to nvidia and puget for sponsoring this video stick around to learn how you can get a geforce rtx 3090 powered system from puget systems [Music] so huge it just hooked me up with a beautiful new computer it has a geforce rtx 3090 in it which is an insanely fast graphics card and i want to benchmark this computer i want to see just how fast it is so what i want to do is i want to open up an old corridor project one of the ones that i grew up watching i want to open up that dusty after effects file and i want to remaster and re-render this file to see just how fast and beautiful this graphics card really is you nailed it man hell yeah wait i need your help opening the archives i don't know how to do it if legend has it correctly and legend does have it there are some archives deep within the corridor studio that contain the old project files supposedly they haven't been touched in eons i need your help opening these come back let's dust off some drives baby so the real question is do we still have the footage why do you believe we don't have the footage people here historically have had a habit of just deleting old stuff on the server because we run out of room there's only one way to know for sure to open the archives i actually forgot we've it's probably been offloaded to one of those old hard drives they're cataloged through a spreadsheet that carmichael made five years ago hey by the way i single-handedly packaged and labeled each one of these so if we can't find it it could be my fault party bucket remember the party bucket yeah it had all our vfx elements in there it's just a whole bunch of pirated 2010 programs hey guys we have to break into the business somehow [Music] oh my god dude i just about passed out oh we got it we found it so there is a very real chance that even though we found the correct hard drive the hard drive might just be dead you guys ready i'm gonna plug in the drive's not showing up that's it i think you hit the power button when you put that back down oh did i you didn't oh no what is this i was just plugging in the hard drive i was assuming it was already plugged in after that all right ready close the moment of truth it's fire enough it's alive glitches who knows oh i'm opening the premiere file for the glitch see let's see what happens whoa wait what this is the footage i love when premium does that whoa dude this is like i think the red files are so old they're from here can't read them i don't know man and we ended up not being able to find any project files right here oh that's the sun i want to have sun we did find the footage though which means that we can actually do the effect but i have no idea how they did it originally and i want to pay respect to the originals like we did with the tron video you know you gotta copy the process i'm not actually sure who did this shot because i was i think i was born when this came out i was probably like three or four years old i'm gonna have to dig into this archaeologically to figure out who did this shot and what they did because if i can learn how the original artists did this shot that can inform the way i do it so i can get it close to the original yet with today's technology and advancements so sam i have some questions for you okay you know i want to recreate this glitch shot do you know who the original artist was the original artist was me like december 2011 do you think there's any way you could rewind your brain kind of tap into those deep memories and remember how you did this effect guys this is like eight years ago i've done so many vfx shots how am i supposed to figure this out look at me should i like close my eyes take three deep breaths now close your eyes and think about it was 2011. what do you hear on hunter street do you hear construction or like a lot of cpu fans hundreds of cpu fans i want to take you to a time when your life was much better no worries on your mind but how am i going to do this excellent vfx shot today i got the footage in the timeline try and think tracking manual track pf track pf skyrim i'm really i'm actually there now guys i'm there in 2011 i'm playing skyrim and it's awesome get skyrim out of your head no no no no no no no no character customization face face face space jam face jam face check face jan face chin keep going i've lost i've i'm playing skyrim again this is uh this is not working we gotta try something else we need to find another way to access this memories it's like a smell sam what snacks were you eating circa 2012 from 2011 to like 2016 on the eve of every video release when we crunched and got it done i'd always drink a giant xxx vitamin water with a five-hour energy shot in it hey right there right there there it is so if everything goes according to plan this concoction should bring sam's brain back in time all of it okay bring it to me i can tell you everything you need to know please go on we begin by filming benji from the waist up on a green screen and composite that onto a shot of the ground for the ground effects basic after effects 3d layers glitches mosaics find edges but for the face it all begins with face gen face gen is a horrible horrible piece of software it does everything wrong but it gets you one thing right and that's it gets you a face and will give you a 3d model in which you can use so i just manually animated the face for the entire shot the key element was just a simple manual animation of the eyes to look down and around in panic in a moment of realization of the horrible fate before perishing into the ground yeah man we got it we got it we got it i wish you the best you want to take a step just for old time's sake no i've stayed away from this for a very long time i've had far too much i think i'll probably vomit if i taste it [Music] [Applause] so we have successfully gathered the footage now i just have to figure out which take they used for the actual effect so the way i'm going to do that is i'm going to bring in the glitch final export that's up on youtube and i'm going to bring in the original footage and i'm going to line them up to see which take exactly they used for the final effect now that we have our footage all set up it is time to start doing some 3d work but how are we going to do 3d work on 2d footage well i'm going to convert that 2d footage into a 3d model with an algorithm that can look at a 2d photo of a human and turn that into a 3d model it's developed by some people over at usc and facebook so let's give that a shot see what happens so i tried running the algorithm and i got a pretty scary result didn't quite work my guess is that the algorithm got confused because it didn't have legs and i only fed at the top half of mario and i maybe it doesn't understand it's like where's this guy's legs so i actually dug through the original footage and i found an outtake where benji was just chilling and so i grabbed that still and i fed it to the algorithm and it worked so i figured since we're taking a bit of a modern approach to this 10 year old effect might as well use some modern equipment so i got my rococo motion capture suit on and i'm gonna capture some motion let's do it help me uh we got our motion capture data that's the best we're gonna get and so i'm gonna bring that into blender and start playing with it let's see what happens so i went ahead and i brought the 3d model into the scene and i set up a rough 3d version of the original set and i have to say this 30 90 and this computer is like it's like a bear and my render is like a salmon and this bear is just ripping that salmon apart in seconds what i'm trying to say is that the geforce rtx 3090 is a big ferocious gpu with titan class performance one of the biggest limitations of doing 3d work is not being able to see what your scene is going to look like until you spend hours rendering this time adds up and you end up wasting precious work hours just waiting on your old tin can to show you something useful but with the 3090 inside this machine i honestly completely forgot that this was a problem for real though i really don't ever have to switch out of rendered view i can pretty much just set up my scene while seeing pretty much the final render inside the software just makes the workflow in general a lot easier so as i've been working with this beautiful computer i've honestly been a little bit concerned because it goes so fast and renders things almost instantaneously and that made me worry that there was some kind of dark magic going on so i did some digging and it turns out that this computer is actually powered by ampere which is nvidia's 2nd gen rtx architecture and it's doing that with new ray tracing cores tensor cores and streaming multiprocessors and let me let you in on a little i didn't have to clear my cache once during this project it has a staggering 24 gigabytes of g6x memory which delivers i have to say the ultimate experience they've also managed to accelerate video encoding and decoding so playing 8k footage back no problem and nvidia graphics cards also run off of nvidia studio ready drivers which means that out of the box it's going to be stable it's going to be optimized for creative tools and it's going to be fast as freaking heck i have to say those people over at puget were like i know what you need and they crafted the perfect system for corridor fits our needs perfectly check out the link in the description to see how you can get your fingies on a geforce freaking rtx 3090 powered system from puget systems link in the description right there to digitally recreate the environment i took a still photo of the background that they got on set 10 years ago and i projected that onto some geometry once i had that information i could go ahead and put my ground plane in and then extrude up bits like the wall the dumpster and then i added in some little plants and stuff and it ended up looking pretty damn good as far as animation after bringing the motion capture in the first thing i'm doing is i'm going through and i'm applying scaling effects to the whole animation little things where the arm will like bulge out and then bulge back and the head will shrink and then bulge up really big and that's kind of the first passive animation i'm taking after this i'm going to go and add the eyes which i found online by wild artworks on blend swap and so i'm throwing that in animating out of mario's head the final shot ended up being about 30 seconds long which is more than 700 frames that this system had to render obviously the computer absolutely crushed it and in a couple of hours i had a high quality render ready to nestle its way into a youtube classic the last thing i'm going to add is a vocal performance to really sell the pain that mario is going through help me no of course i thought this was gonna like take five hours or whatever to complete and ended up taking way longer as usual that's always the case that's always the case always always but i'm really happy with how it came out and i'm excited to show it to the guys sam is a very busy man and you are pulling away from a very important meeting right now show him this shot that's honestly a lot of pressure and i don't know if i'm ready for it but uh i hope i did it justice that's all i'm hoping for all right george lucas we'll see about that you like my dead rat at the end of my rc car i honestly don't think you could ever live up to the original but my hope is that it respects the original and builds upon it to prove how much better i am at vfx than sam ever was look here's the thing look we got ourselves a remastering situation here you know look at star wars they remastered that and look how many people complained do you remember how much george lucas got after he decided to change up the vfx in his movies well miso want to sniff a yagunga peter you're in dangerous territory here i was about two years old when that happened so i don't have a firm memory of it but uh i remember star wars being pretty good so yeah peter when you were negative 30 star wars was much better you know i'm just hoping that the original audience the the the ogs if you will will not uh you know skewer me for ruining this timeless shot it is just the thumbnail the thumbnail that won 20 million views youtube broke with that thumbnail over christmas and that's how we got 15 million views so was that the expectation for this video yep all right here we go y'all oh you gotta reset the game i got you man hold up um ah oh my god oh my god that is so much more than i was expecting yeah same what they had bad layers dude i thought it was over it kept going i got tears i have tears peter's tears of joy that was so beautiful that's the past my every expectation we gotta watch that again okay [Applause] you turned that one one second shot into a full video i'm happy with how it came out i love the spotlight the sudden spotlight is the best yeah oh stop it stop it not behind the back how fast did that stuff render though because that was like a high quality render for a very long it took honestly like three hours it was not bad nice yeah well the 30 90 it was crazy i could literally watch it in rendered view as i watch the animation oh my god it was nuts yeah wow jeez i can't wait to work with more 30 90s that's so cool so these crazy experiments would not be possible without the support of you guys particularly our patrons i want to give a couple thanks to a couple special people first off appropriately thank you glitchcube for helping us on patreon and thank you not a canadian spy alan almanza phillip oxford and harris reds and pagic jordan sunil s daniel webster phillip when jack beck thank you so much if you'd like to check out our patreon the link is in the description thanks again for watching see you next time
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 980,784
Rating: 4.952352 out of 5
Keywords: vfx, vfx artists react, cgi, visual effects, how to, tutorial, make, new, shot breakdown, blender, the glitch, remake, nvidia
Id: smY4faNBvEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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