The Worst Episode Of The TryPod... - The TryPod Ep. 83

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being a listener of the show you can receive 10 off your first pair of features by going to and using my code try guys that's ten dollars off your first pair when you go to f e e t u r e s dot com and enter promo code try guys at checkout again that's and use code try guys to get 10 off your first pair thank you to liquid iv features and amazon for sponsoring today's episode welcome back to another episode of the tripod i'm ned we got keith hey and zach hey thanks for having me glad to be here on the ones and twos it's miles howdy eugene couldn't be here so he left us a special message and when will we listen to that yeah wow right now yeah you're trying to have me queued up let's first tell people get out there and vote bro yeah but the special message eugene might be about voting okay okay now i haven't heard this so it could be totally inappropriate oh it probably will be it probably will be okay here we go this is eugene's special message hey guys i'm sorry i can't make this podcast but i wanted to make a quick appearance to set up a new game the game is called one gotta go so one goddamn big trend that happens on social media i'm gonna present four different things you gotta choose which one gotta go one guy will go playing one you gotta go so in honor of halloween my favorite holiday which is happening this saturday there was a a tweet trending basically saying milky way was the one that had to go out of these four iconic chocolate bars now i'm taking milky way out of the equation and giving you a new fourth option to make this a little tougher so out of these four which one gotta go snickers reese's twix and kit kat those are your four yeah stickers reese's peanut butter cups twix and kitkat dang that's tough i expect you to show your work all right while we mull over i'm thrilled that eugene asked this because i saw this going around and my boy kitkat was not included i'ma go ahead and say kitkat is my number one chocolate candy i love it i love the way i'm a little wafer [ __ ] over here can't get enough wait for slime you break me off a piece i love so much it's definitely my least favorite of the four girl you're crazy you're crazy keith yeah well what about a kit kat is better than a reese's peanut butter no wafers yeah uh i'm gonna have to go and strong agree with keith yeah you're out of your mind i was i heard the list and i was like absolutely not absolutely not well still probably not and then kit kat sorry yeah like first of all the candy tells you to share it [ __ ] off it's mine yeah it's mine i bought this in the checkout line right before i was the younger brother left the [ __ ] grocery store because he's a younger brother nobody share with me when the best part about the candy bar is the fact that you can snap it in half that means it needs to be better this is better candy look how it disconnects that's the most fun part not eating it not eating it you know what you're about to push me to the edge you know what i'm going to say all three can go [ __ ] i don't need your snickers fish you know what if i'm hungry i'm not wrapping the snickers i'm grabbing a meal like a full grown adult i don't need a reason for marketing it's not protein i don't need it that's a theme of at least two of the other three as a kid i i wanted i loved twix but now as an adult i'm like that shit's just gonna get stuck in my teeth so since and kit kat doesn't it doesn't it doesn't as much as twix but twix is so much better yeah it's just like i will not stay i'm gonna kick cat with caramel yeah it's like yeah yeah it's a kitkat plus i'm getting rid of snickers it's too much i don't know why are you kidding too much there's almost nothing more satisfying it's like the steak of candy and you know what ever in the protein world steak can go get rid of it steak has its own house oh you don't need it steakhouse it's like no cows no chicken house yet there's no lamb house but there's many steak houses a steak it has a house you got a steak house you got a house got upstairs he's got a housekeeper zack and also like it changes with the seasons right it knows how to adapt and stay current you know it's got bunnies it's got brandy it's got pockets oh and kitkat does it you got your green tea you got your white chocolate in japan yeah if you were in japan maybe you'd have a good argument it's the most versatile japanese candy yeah nobody ever talks about how the best part about kit kats is biting into it i do i do you mean the way for crunch no wait no they don't talk about that they say so snap it and give it to your friends hey classic give me a break zach get real real quick like that let's give me a break real quick just to entertain me why don't we go ahead and sing the theme songs of all of you let's start let's start with snickers give me give me the again if you're trying to have a non-candy-based reason why your candy is the best you're already in a hole oh so you don't have a theme song oh so you don't have a delightful song that delights millions of people across the country hungry why wait hungry grab snickers hungry you seem a little upset maybe you need the snickers i'm actually thrilled because now i know that when we go trick-or-treating together i'm getting all of your kit kats and i will not if i see you try and eat one i'm gonna say no look i'm not saying i don't like it oh you told me you hated it if it happened all your kitkats come to me if i get all of the other three varieties of yours sure great trade yeah great trade i'm down all right you'll give me all your snickers all your reese's and all your twix because it's that much better and then you know what ned i'm gonna break mine in half and share it right back because i'm like giving man wow very good it's too good i i can't afford not to buy it the twix is the most beautiful in commercials the way they snap it yeah they stretch out their hands you got that drizzle drazzle and they have the whole left versus right nonsense they just pretend like they're the left twix and the right twix are made in different factories and they're made differently they pretend like well this so the caramel is layered and the chocolate was poured it's like on this one the caramel is poured and the chocolate is layered it's not exactly the same but they create this fake fake uh fight which i thought was very cool yeah yeah i feel like they're ripping off kitkat they're all you know they're all really good at marketing yeah like the transformative quality of snickers the how do you eat it of reese's the left versus right of twix and the shareability of kitkat they've really created the myth that snickers is a meal because i feel like often i've gone into a convenience store i've been like i'm pretty hungry maybe chips no i'll get a snickers bar yeah it's lunch for me it's got peanuts healthy dose of nuts yeah there's nothing it's what's been keeping betty white alive all these years jesus yeah well in the commercials right everyone is always betty white every the little betty white inside all of us so that's all right exactly answer me if kit kat has a delicious ice cream bar version oh [ __ ] well either way use the comment section to vote for your favorite and make sure you vote yeah much more important voting thing the election remember if you have a mail-in ballot and you have not mailed it by now you should actually take it to a meal drop off folks yeah mailing ballots you can't send them in anymore the usps says that it's too late we want your vote to be counted across the country they are trying to make many many votes not count so don't let that happen to you um and you can also just take it into your local bowling pit you can take it into your local polling center voting center on the day of and just drop it you don't have to wait in the line so just go straight just go to the door and say hey i'm just dropping this off they'll be like right this way you do not have to wait in line to drop off a mailing ballot just walk right in put in the box you did it and don't procrastinate yeah don't just like either like just do it before you forget the most important thing is to make a plan uh have a plan and just god execute that plan uh we have already and we'll continue to encourage you to vote for joe biden we have a full endorsement video on our channel uh next week's episode is the day after the election we're not gonna know what's gonna happen uh so we're gonna do something a little fun and light next week but we just look the circus is about to begin this is not an election day this year this is an election week so hold on tight get ready to be patient uh there's going to be a lot of insanity and possible misinformation so take a deep breath it's been a long time some candy for the other people in line yeah the kitkat do a little reverse trick-or-treat share it yeah make sure it's wrapped over candy well actually maybe don't share a kitkat this year maybe this is the fun size because there's nothing fun about sharing that it's already barely anything yeah cat i already have such fond memories of getting home after trick-or-treating and this sorting jump jumping i think that's the first time you realize if you're like type a or not if you like organize your candy into tears of flavor see i was like okay so i've got the premier candy i got my butterfingers my stickers my milky ways over here i got these weird things that i like but i don't know what they're called because they're sort of generic based candies i got the [ __ ] candy yeah you try to bring the [ __ ] candy to school and try to trade like five pieces of [ __ ] candy i'm not gonna eat that [ __ ] candy i'm not gonna throw it away it might be valuable to somebody else remember those like strawberry the wrappers are just they look like strawberries then you open it and it's kind of a hard candy that also chews the grandma candies yes those were great i have no idea what they're called but those were like the generic candy like i don't know what this is but i like it yeah my uh my favorite thing about halloween candy as a kid is that it was the first time where i got to regulate fully regulate my snack intake so i i mean i don't know if i was like i hid my candy somewhere so that i had my stash and i you know i i didn't go all in at once i was like i'm gonna have a little bit every night and i made sure that it would last a couple months and like i had this haul it lasted me a while but it was i remember being like my little second grade brain maybe even younger like being like okay you're rationing if i save my candy then i can have candy every night for the next two months and that is that's a thrill or is there any uh ever people in your neighborhood that would give like the weird candy like the homemade candy oh it's like comes in a little homemade [ __ ] dash you're like whoa whoa no however someone did hand out little cups of popcorn that's kind of nice it was kind of nice was a little odd he can't hide a razor in that it was better than the dentists on my block who gave out toothbrushes ah that's funny that's a shitty thing to do no that's funny it was good in that halloween probably sets you back a couple months in your dentistry i went to like a hundred houses i was hard wow so like it was wasn't bad to have yeah oh yeah you only went as joggers for halloween yeah it's like a famous jogger street and then i'd have my dad drive me to like my friend's house we'd go by his street and then their parents would drive us to another friend's house we go down their street so you sort of hit all the like your local friends blocks yeah and it's just fun yeah and we sort of knew like oh this block there's this house that always does full candy bars on this block there's this house that always does like oh candy bars candy bars i always wanted to be a full candy bar house you know like for like if you know if you're like coming to my house trick or treat i don't think i can't imagine anyone doing that in this in the year of our lord 2020 that's like a dollar a person you gotta buy them wholesale yeah that's that's nice you guys as adults still eat candy trick or treat yeah no i'm gonna pay for candy like a chump nah dog you just go to people's houses yeah dreads up cute they give you candy that's right i ain't you just say oh my kid's like on their way what was your actual question do you still eat candy like as a like you'll be like i'm gonna have a candy now yeah it's rare but i i'll still do it occasionally i i got a bunch of airheads for like a like i was making a decoration i was cutting them out and using them for decorations and then now i just have like 50 airheads in the cabinet i tried one as a snack and man if you eat a lot of sugar all at once it gets you hyped up oh yeah and i kind of forgot that you know what's funny as an adult my candy intake has been replaced by like artisan candy like i said i just get like the trader joe's toffee and pistachio and like that's [ __ ] that's candy man the chocolate cover the sideberries i'm like yeah it's antioxidants it's [ __ ] candy cane my candy intake is low i rarely candy you sh your wife really likes candy becky loves the candy i even bought my so i went on that road trip right i bought myself some peanut m ms which is what my dad's favorite driving candy was i thought you know what maybe i'll do it didn't open the dang thing at all i had no interest in them i only wanted chips and sandwiches i'd rather eat fruit you know that's my candy i like having have a kiwi little sweetness miles yeah can we hit the eject button on this dude right now come on zach you're talking about fruits well i love fruits it's a sweet i want i go into my little pantry i'm like do i want chocolate no i want some [ __ ] grapes and blueberries bro and then if i do get candy getting kitkat the best oh my gosh grape fruit's greatness are good yeah talking about grapefruit they're the most candy like yeah i'd say berries have you had cotton candy grapes they're grapes like cotton cands or nuts sweet tooth sweet oh god oh jesus i love i do love like a fresh strawberry uh uh the really good yum yum yum yum i feel like if it doesn't have chocolate on it i'm way less likely to be on board and they're going for the airheads fruit chocolate fruit then we're back towards candy i'm i'm back on board that's true i prefer to keep it separate i think it reminds the strawberry i don't i i don't like it i love a chocolate cover bonus i love fruit works i like that but it's like we're pretending to be healthy here we're talking about candy i want chocolate i want sugar i want maybe some nuts maybe some caramel or caramel depending on where you're from what about sugar snappies right oh snap peas oh my god now we're getting towards vegetables you imagine next you're gonna be like you know edamame is like yeah we don't eat much candy speaking of spooky sweets and sours hit it i asked twitter this last week hey what are the worst ideas that we could possibly do for the tripod and i've assembled a list of several oh wait are we about to try and have the worst tripod episode of all time we are yeah wow i wish eugene were here for this well he couldn't be because then it wouldn't be the worst idea yeah by default yeah um so i've got some great ideas thanks everybody who wrote in on that um and we're gonna kind of go through them and then just try to enjoy the worst segments of all time yeah it's great i mean i am very excited it's only up from here yeah i think it's really good in life to get the worst out of the way right fail as hard as you can and then every episode from here on out you're gonna be like wow that wasn't as bad as this one [Music] we love liquid iv did you know that with one stick of liquid iv in 16 ounces of water you get two to three times the amount of hydration as plain water ned i did know that cause i got some horrible food poisoning the other week i was out of commission i'm over here and liquid iv genuinely brought me back to life we'll get like the family pack where it just comes with a bunch of them and then rip it open just like da tap a little bit you can do the whole thing or we just like ariel likes doing just like a third of a cap and then she can use it for like longer they're also really tasty they've got new flavors like sweet and juicy guava that's my fave crisp watermelon and comforting apple pie yum it contains five essential vitamins more vitamin c than an orange and as much potassium as a banana and it's healthier than sugary sports drinks so you got no artificial flavors or preservatives and less sugar than an apple it's a great product it really is good stuff that makes you feel good liquid iv is available nationwide at walmart in the beverages section or you can get 25 off when you go to and use code try guys at checkout that's 25 off anything you order when you use promo code try guys at get better hydration today at promo code try guys [Music] the first one is a staring contest which i think is a fantastic segment for so funny we're doing non audio they're all just the worst ideas yeah they're good ones they're not all set they're good bad ideas but i figured we'd do one right what tweeting what was this at tripod do we have that on twitter i don't think so it's just on my personal handle oh okay cool atmosphere the worst tripod episode starting now so you and ned keith and ned are going to do it because zac's looking at his phone which is already we're off to a good start um is that keith and ned are going to go staring contest okay so close your eyes hold on my wife's calling me oh becky hello no i'm in the middle of doing a tripod it's the worst episode of all time oh god if people haven't left yet they will soon bad okay all right ready keith let's do it all right one two three staring contest ned already blinked i don't he did blink literally himself i guess man do you judge a staring contest by breaking sight or by blinking because those are different rules oh i think it's blinking it's bad i think it's traditionally it's blinking yeah blinking traditionally i've played both all right my sister and i would do the one where you like can't look away and then she would like throw her hand wildly in the other direction or i feel like it's all about your your the amount of liquid that you naturally carry on your eyes right zach let's do it ready one two three all right ned's looking fine zach's looking scary uh his eyes are already playing okay ned is the reigning champion all right okay let's do this hang on closing my eyes my eyes like sting from refreshing okay i hate it and ned here we go such a lead here we go i was waiting for a one two three also you you did start it differently than all oops down champion which means miles is the champion after only one match congratulations congratulations miles which is not fair because miles is a podcast gremlin we all know gremlins don't have eyelids exactly i sliced them just really sliced them up for the podcast well moving right along here that was pretty bad that was pretty bad but i think we can get worse okay um somebody suggested that we play mafia no on the podcast i don't know how we're going to do that well here's how we're going to fall there's barely any of us all right yeah exactly so there's three of you here right so i'm going to decide one person who's the killer this is very exciting and then we just try and talk about it then we're gonna go to bed and the killer's gonna kill one and that's the end of the game no no no no no i love mafia if you don't know it's like kind of the original among us okay you're on the circle there's a secret kill you go around doing little secret handshakes uh but then if you like what is it you scratch the inside of your palm then that person has to die in four four steps yeah yeah well that's like crowd mafia yeah he's talking about playing card i'm playing about like where you sit in a circle like where are you like werewolves the cards are basically how you know oh okay exactly but how we're gonna do this is no one's gonna get killed but you all are just gonna kind of feel it's mob mentality you're gonna feel cause one person is gonna be the mafia so you're gonna try to feel who that person is just by talking just by talking is there a time limit uh i'll give you yeah i'll give you i'll give you 60 seconds all right all right sounds good and we're just going to close our eyes and you're going to tap one of us on the shoulder or something close your eyes and i'm going to tap one of you how are you going to tap me it's probably not going to be well we already know it's not me because there ain't no way you're getting to me without touching uh that might be the trick that might be the trick okay so you gotta stick over there so everyone close your eyes i'm gonna walk over i'm gonna tap one all right close i'm walking over or the italian mafia that's that's too trite it's still hurtful stereotypes to my people my family was in the jewish mafia oh really you know it's all right i'm back okay now campers open your eyes up now the mafia has killed somebody in your town but it's none of you you have one final night to figure out who killed the people in your town here's what i'm gonna say i'm a respectable businessman i don't want anything to happen to my family so whoever is the mafia let me know i will pay you a monthly retainer to keep me safe all right i don't know what's going on there but i know i'm definitely not a mafia so it's one of you guys all right that's that's right exactly keith i want to play when it's what exactly are you a liar voting zone keith are you a liar look me in the eyes are you the mafia no then what are you i'm keith what and you're and you're totally innocent keith hates lying in game so you just need to ask him a lot of questions how much time is left 30 seconds ask him a question so you believe that i'm not the mafia correct i know it's him why do you believe it's him because miles stood in the middle and made a big deal and you were upset about not being mafia so and ned and i were talking the whole time and you were silent i know it's you remember's really running all right ned who do you vote you're so i [ __ ] gave you a jack you're wrong zach is killed and zack is not the monkey it was keith i'm so mad at you you had a chance all you had to do is say it's not me i did i said i literally started by saying it give it keep setting my family i said it first the first thing i said is i wanted to protect my family i was doing a comedy bit about how i wanted to overthrow this system and and swear allegiance to the mafia chose you yeah i'm sorry to make you like eve i know you don't love it i hate lying yeah i'm mad i'm taking a walk zack made it easy by being so strong in the beginning it's like great drew suspicion i'll just try to be quiet as much as i can i was trying to do a bit and then you threw me under the bus a lot of times when i play mafia or werewolf like a party situation it starts out really fun and then someone gets really upset i've been playing so i've been playing so much among us lately and i've almost exclusively been playing with 10 year olds i've never been to an imposter oh it's so i've only played like five or six times but i get so mad because when you play that game so when you're doing it over chat it's like on your phone it's a terrible way to be impossible yeah i report a body if you guys don't know among us you're like on a ship you're trying to find the killer so i report a body and then someone like whoever let's say it was purple and before i can type purple with my stupid little fat fingers someone else is like it's yellow and i'm like no no guys i like and then i saw it whoever says it first everyone just goes okay i believe i believe i believe and they don't listen to logic they don't listen to anything else and i lose every game because i can't type fast enough i'm like you [ __ ] idiot 10 year old that's basically what happened exactly you couldn't speak fast enough yeah yeah so you are 10 year old is what i'm saying i'm not a ten-year-old i'm not just something you don't vote for the first person you get the facts yeah you listen mm-hmm but i was just going on snap judgments you know that's all we had and how far did that get you the money has taken over this it didn't get me voted so yeah you lost snapchat do you want to be a part of the mafia yeah welcome to the fam hey thanks man welcome to my friend i wanted to be in the family too i i bent i laid down i can't wait to play it next time we're in a big house together among us oh my gosh it would be crazy to play in an actual party in the room where everyone has to be quiet and ooh i like that oh no and a murderer actually like murders something oh that's cool and you're like all right you have to go do the dishes in the kitchen that's your task no there's no tasks really i don't i don't think you could do that would be very funny imagine you're in like there's chores well you do it you do it at the end everybody's coming over to my house now zach you're going to have to put away my laundry before they get killed if you do it at the end of the party then you actually have like you party for hours and then you clean up those are your there you go i did it once in a house in like middle nowhere colorado is on a ski trip there's about like 16 people in this big house and it was super super dark it's like it's terrifying it's just all dark people are trying to walk around and not be killed then some people are the killers and then you turn on the lights on and then discuss all right moving on i would say so far that was not well maybe it wasn't good audio but it was pretty fun if you're watching on youtube well i feel like it'll be a good suspense because people didn't know who the mafia was unless they saw the video the listeners don't know the video knows yeah it was obvious i assume you can hear me tap keith loudly i was like powering in the corner i did not want to be tapped okay next segment um again these are all from twitter people suggesting segments uh this one is just talk about worms oh dude love worms uh okay so my favorite video game the funnest thing about worms is you cut them in half now you got two worms that's probably the coolest thing about worms okay but a sad thing is that i heard that as a kid and i feel like we all went out into the back and tried to cut a worm but we only had our like dull butter knife oh no i'm just being real this is a memory that i feel like a lot of people have and you try and cut it and you're just like smooshing its body yeah probably causing a lot of harm you're like it's not working and then also realizing like wait just because you can cut them in half doesn't mean you should it's still a traumatic experience for that worm and their their neural system is like all throughout their body so to the extent that they feel pain they feel it everywhere i felt it oh know if that's true do worms have either way digestive tracts i'm pretty sure they have like mouth butts like they can eat and poop it's a two-way street you guys can't do that i feel like yeah we're gonna do that for a video like that segment actually yeah one-way street i don't know well the other type of worms worms world party uh my favorite video game franchise little worms that that shoot each other with bazookas yeah our airplane had a game like a bill you know how like you could play worms on the in-flight entertainment system but hilariously you couldn't play chair to chair you could only play two-player at your chair yeah so ned came and like sat on the the the the side handle of my seat yeah and we played worms for probably two hours that's awesome that was fun it was a little 15-hour flight you got some time yeah yeah find stuff to do uh so funny reading about worms yeah what are the worm facts you got arm facts i want i love after the rain and they wriggle yeah well they're they're dying what yeah they're they're getting out of the water because they're drowning that's right that's why they're out when it's raining that's because they're underground and they get waterlogged so they actually come up to the surface to not die anytime west sees a worm like on the sidewalk he says take back to its home and then he'll put it you know back in the ground i was wrong usually it's already dead no but they have gizzards they have gizzards uh-huh that's cool they got a mouth of pharynx an esophagus a crop a gizzard and an intestine all really close to the head honestly oh wow what's a gizzard i know it's like i know it's a turkey [ __ ] i know you can eat it when it's on chicken is it like it looks like a second throat the gizzard uses stones that the earthworm eats to grind the food completely so oh it's a pre-digestive so yeah the worm eats rocks as well as dirt and the rocks hang out in the gizzard wow and break up the dirt so that it can poop the dirt y'all call this a bad segment i mean this is pretty good this is not dissimilar from the normal show yeah yeah it is so funny this is the best tripod ever exactly they're gonna have to make they don't have lungs they breathe through their skin oh goodness wow [Music] look we all want life to be easier we're all juggling too much so the ability to offload even the simplest of tasks can make a huge difference one convenience i cannot believe we lived without before smart bulbs connected to the alexa it's incredible you talk to a magical computer and it changes the lights in your house what yeah and right now amazon alexa is offering a special smart lighting bundle just for you guys we use them here in our studio it allows you to set different moods it's fun it feels like you're living in the future you go hey it's movie time and all the lights dim give you nice mood lighting with the amazon smart lighting bundle you can turn your home to a smart house in just minutes the setup is easy you don't need any extra equipment you don't need to be smart because even i figured it out you can set every possible mood with over 16 million light colors to choose from you can also set lighting routines to gently wake you up in the morning help you wind down at night or completely turn off at a certain time right now you can get 20 off your amazon smart lighting bundle only at tripod every bundle includes an echo dot smart speaker and a single color changing light bulb that's 20 off at tripod but hurry this offer ends october 31st spooky tripod [Music] uh there's magic all around you ever eat a worm [Music] i remember reading books were you that's a kid about no i never eat worms but i know that people did sometimes miles i'll give you a nickel if you eat this worm yeah that kind of thing but i never did it but i definitely had friends who were like you can eat bugs like you could i honestly don't know if i ate a worm when we worked at buzzfeed or not like it seemed like yeah oh that's very impossible that i ate a worm i may have definitely eaten a lot of them i've eaten silk worms i hated those they were not good they were like squishy yeah they were squishy hey gushers i'm sorry yeah cause they felt they tasted very grassy yeah it's terrible and they burst and they burst with the bursting power of hay oh my god this is disgusting probably the most terrible food experience i know it's a delicacy in parts of the world i there's nothing i've eaten that i hated more than it didn't taste that delicate to me tough little worm double hay worms crickets however delicious yeah crickets can be totally great scorpions scorpions are really good genuinely so tasty some salt and pepper on your bugs they taste like nuts and they're great yeah and it's pretty uh give that to kids for halloween candy that's because it's a spooky treat like scorpion lollipops you ever get those oh yeah scorpions inside and i know that cricket protein is actually a huge thing yeah it's going to save the world yeah crickets are cool yeah we need it actually i always think about that scene in snow piercer when they like the the the working class finds out that they've been eating bugs this whole time yeah and they're horrified i'm like yeah what the [ __ ] did you expect you're on a post-apocalyptic train of course you're eating bugs did it taste like bugs no then just eat the thing yeah yeah i know there are bigger problems than snowpiercer but that was the one though oh it makes perfect sense everyone should be eating bugs they're [ __ ] the world's over you're on a train sex ray of two cars away from the engine of course that's where you would put the sex rave near the classroom the worst is in a cloud atlas when they find out they're eating themselves oh soylent greenish people yeah yeah yeah classic hotel is just kind of dope all right here we go uh this next segment is uh another another twitter suggestion um unwanted questions a segment where i present uncomfortable questions to my bosses in an effort to force some camaraderie between us of course okay uh yeah this is a segment says you trying to be friends with us this is me actively asking you uncomfortable questions to try to be friends with in an effort to gain our trust yeah just an effort to get gain your trust yeah sure correct okay so sit up for this all right here's the first one least favorite employee i don't you you know we can't answer that well i figured we just wax philosophical about it maybe well you know they're all they all have good days and bad days yeah that's good but i would say most like 98 good days that's good yeah okay i don't have an answer to that however what my mind immediately went to is the level of uh comfort amongst us employees to the point that like probably is is crossing some boundaries that i'm totally chill with yeah one of our employees told me a hilarious sex story the other day and i'm like wow cool i think you'd be like wow that's a felony i don't know i didn't solicit it i just it was it was a funny story and i'm like ah this probably isn't allowed in the workplace but we're the cool bosses could be me as our leaders probably somebody's yeah that makes sense um miles who's your least favorite boss uh oh man there's so many choose from not just so many boxes there's so many boxes to choose from honestly um okay next question um and this again this is not to anyone specific but what model of tesla do you have and why is it better than a four-person car and it is like a cool sort of prius tesla yeah that's good that's pretty good i did just remember that we had to let somebody go early on in the company so that's my least favorite employee jesus oh yeah the person that we fired yeah that makes sense like we had to fire them hard yeah and just so that people don't like go like digging and looking we've had uh uh other wonderful employees who had to leave for other reasons personal on their own we did not fire yeah we love and adore and they are all wonderful this person you would not know because they were never a part of like correct um okay cool uh uh this is the next one name someone who you think is a train wreck but you can't call them out due to professional courtesy mm-hmm yeah literally the second half of the question yeah i know that's why it's hard because you can't do it i'm going to pull keith and say it could be me could be me yeah that makes sense for sure yeah you can't agree okay who cares yeah all right well that just about wraps up uh unwanted questions yeah i think that's good to get through yeah that one was bad i know it was a hard one it was just we couldn't answer the questions well right exactly yeah right when we we probably really shouldn't have exactly yeah that's why it's a double-edged sword sort of a double entendre most swords are double-edged huh nowadays i guess that's true you're swinging back and forth just the well swords aren't even that popular but yeah most long swords short swords broadswords are double-edged only the single-edged ones are typically uh katanas like a samurai knives swords that's cool yeah yeah snickers nice flashing swords rather than stabbing swords would you ever do a video that was just try guys try swords hell yeah [ __ ] slicing stuff up oh yeah why not you know i was trying to do it it's too late to do fruit ninja irl it's too late for 15 years too late but you're like we're just a watermelon i've seen videos where they try to do it hurt your shoulder really funny you need just actually a really really sharp sword it'll just cut right through live butter no kidding like butter butter i love those street street food videos where there's some guide or lady just crushing food so fast i'm like yeah your skills your skills that's cool you know which one i don't like though the mischievous ice cream man where he steals the ice cream back from the customer yeah and he just [ __ ] with him i'm like ice cream he's so mischievous you don't know this night yeah he has the long stick and he'll like give you ice cream and then like turn it upside down and like he'll like give it just he's [ __ ] with you non-stop wow it's classic viral bit yeah good bit first time i saw it ha ha second time boo hoo third time you're a bully sir you know you're talking about fruit i don't think i can pretend to be uh grossed out by durian anymore i legitimately find it delicious i don't find it delicious and it's always supposed to be something that it's like oh it smells so bad but like it's it's it's just smells strong yeah it's potent is this supposed to smell like no i'm sorry sorry to say that it's nice the worst episode ever does not smell like okay but you guys know those trees that smell like yeah oh yeah yeah those are wait no we looked at this up the other day and it wasn't gingko smells like poo poo no dude i definitely had them outside of my chicago apartment oh no you lived on street i lived on every it's so beautiful because it's like these you know they are very pretty little tiny white flowers but then they fall and they're just everywhere if you guys don't know what we're talking about we're not making this up this is the thing there are trees that smell overwhelmingly like and the whole the whole block just reeks of it and even before you really know like i remember being like in fourth grade and being like i don't know what it smells like but i'm like i'm pretty sure it's this yeah and you just you know there's something in your lizard brain that that it clicks yeah uh and it is uh it's called purist clarion uh i believe they're uh they're they were trees that were imported we looked this up recently why would they bring them over they're pretty yeah they're from our country they're from australia and look they look like they almost look like it's like it's just like white explosions they're very brutal oh my goodness the explosion of discussion came from miles yeah that's true it was your burst gee i don't have to believe that yeah that was too grounded okay um uh this is another suggestion for this whole section it's just one longer this is the worst episode of the podcast oh boy okay this is another one um another bad segment idea baths for showers again [Laughter] i haven't taken the bath since the argument to change my mind so i'm still a shower wait so miles you seriously watch grey's anatomy in the bathroom bro i got it last night yesterday i [ __ ] like every day yesterday was a new cause so all right ice cream obviously it's in a bowl it's kind of easy to maintain yesterday i [ __ ] ate cake in the tub are you kidding and a glass of milk a big milk and a slice of cake my neighbor gave us decadence and indulgence like no other can i tell you uh so one still team bath for soak not for a wash that does not change but hi now i like i'll be at home some nights and i don't take baths as much as i would like for my achy achey body and i'll look and i'll go i bet miles will be taking time for a bath right now and you have like you you you're in my brain you're like a little parasite in there and i think i now can't think about baths without thinking about you and i fear for my next bath or i'm going to be laying naked in a tub of my own filth and i'm going to be thinking about miles and it's inescapable i like that i like to be sort of the bath to like people think of me when they take a bath bath genie yeah bath genie you know what i got you you'll probably like this you might have one of your own uh a little like it's a little bamboo slat that goes across look at that yeah trey i have a bag miles do you have a bath i have a bathroom miles you gotta get we gotta get in where did that be a nice present where did you keep the tv i put it okay so i've talked about this before it's a laptop i have a tripod um and i put there's like an ipad mount and i put the ipad on the tripod and put it right outside the tub so i'm like looking at this slightly to the left at the ipad that's smart because one wrong move from that little bath tray and that laptop is slipping in and i'm cooking like a like a little yeah well so you have to keep it plugged in oh yeah man of course so no no i'm kidding well i will say every once in a while sarah told me to stop doing this she was you had to talk to me because i sometimes the ipo wouldn't be charged and so i would plug the ipad in to the wall near like with an extension cord right next to the tub yeah which is a no-no zone and i it was a bad idea and i shouldn't have done it yeah no no anyway the definitive opinion you said you're good i'm doing magnesium flakes yeah i i i do it for the soak what's the magnesium fla because i haven't done it and honestly this is so funny because on the on you can sit with us last week they talked about bats too our listeners cannot get away from it that's a try guys basically it's the same thing as epsom salt it just relaxes the muscles let's move on let's move on what are you gonna get a tray i would love to get one we should buy a tray one more pretty cool bath thing is uh so i take what baths with wes right and recently we tried out these color bath bomb little pellets where it turns the entire bath blue or purple or yellow yellow's a little weird we haven't tried that one yet but it's super cool it totally washes out and it's like super washable west just kept saying blue bath blueberries i was happy they were blue ariel did mention that she said frida baby makes bath bombs that are really good and i was like maybe i should get the frida baby back yeah yo straight up we reserve all the best stuff for babies and then when you're an adult you're like all the most toxic uh harsh chemical [ __ ] on your body who cares always get the baby stuff the baby stuff baby soap baby baby baby shampoo baby bug baby sunscreen yo you know what if it's not good enough for a baby it's not good enough baby eyelash glue yeah baby nose tweezers get the baby stuff guys they have baby nail clippers that have a little window where you can see oh my god perfect we've always wondered baby manscaping you know i need that protection yeah baby razors baby babies first razors yeah baby okay here's another idea uh we've got just a couple more here um this is just something somebody suggested they said a nice prank call but you're just telling someone at a restaurant you had a really good time the other day okay let's do it yeah gonna call it just just say hey i just wanted to say i had a really great time i don't know who's working yesterday but i just had a great time at the restaurant that's really lovely to do i think well ned pulls this number up uh make sure it's a restaurant that allows people to come in oh yeah well maybe just my food was really good i guess it is going there's some outdoor dining here now yeah you know the uh the trucks that have like how's my driving yeah i did one time as a teenager i called one and complimented them because it was like one guy who was really courteous he was letting people in he there were a lot of trucks or dicks in my town that i grew up in and this one guy was a good guy so i'm like you know what i'm going to spread happiness today that's good i did that oh they are picking up why don't we just call will then tell them zach here's a prank call idea you can call will and just tell him he's doing a really good job cool will's right there i think the other thing that's why i thought of it oh yeah i'm gonna do i'm gonna do that will are you over there oh it's josh okay it's jonathan all right great i'm gonna call will call will our assistant and just tell him that he's been doing a really great job with it and then he's gonna realize it's a prank put on speakerphone yeah yeah we can record well okay guys okay hey what's up hey will how's it going it's zach yeah uh what's happening i just wanted to tell you that i had dinner at your establishment the other night and it was a really great meal wonderful service and i wanted to thank you for that what which which is the hell schmidt this feels like some sort of a bed did i confuse the positive prank calls oh you're also you're doing a great job with everything and we just wanted to say we appreciate you okay yeah i was wondering because i do not have an establishment i started panicking you know but uh yeah the risotto was top notch okay yeah i have made risotto once in my life i can send you the recipe if you want i would love that okay okay bye bye very distracted at the end there because maggie texted me all cap's huge aaron carter stan oh my god it's photos of her as a kid with aaron carter oh my god aaron's party oh wow that was pretty good i think that was a nice i think that made his day well that was really nice gang um we really just have uh one more segment um and it's um imaginary fruits oh so maybe we just have fruits we wish for existence red berries green berries blueberries get it all blackberries get it all but why don't we have any green berries well you know the the old have you guys ever had a shakatan no no oh it's really good it has a hard exterior casing but then the inside is just like this kind of squashy like pumpkiny like delicious fruit i really love eating tree fruit oh does it taste like oh miles no that's disgusting while this is like imaginary fruit made up fruits fruits we're constantly genetically engineering fruits like we make all sorts of new fruits all the time there's a hundred billion apples we made we made the cotton candy grapes that's true yeah they made it some other kind of goofy apple like the galaxy crisp apple yeah you know we make fruit we can make anything we want you guys want something like exciting in my life and it's exciting on a sliding scale of probably not that exciting well this is the worst episode yeah so give it to us passion fruit tree you brought a tree oh i i already yeah well it's like a little it's not that big it's like no bigger than that plant like our tripod and i bought a passion fruit tree and you have to water it like way too often i'm talking like every two three days is it an inside house no we keep it on the on the little patio little balcony yeah right and it has yielded one successfully i mean it we've had like three one was ready to eat it was delicious i mean passion fruit's really hard to find yeah in the us that's cool and it's something that i got very addicted to when we were overseas wow um but then the worst is one fell and then bowie came out and was like ball and he took it in his mouth and flung it oh no no no like immediately and it's uh my downstairs neighbors i'm in an apartment complex and they it's like on their tarp and so now i need to go down to my neighbors and be like hey um i dropped fruit on your on your thing and i i want it back cause it's like it takes a long [ __ ] time to grow this and i want it back i need right it's kind of rude to be like hey can you go outside and give me my apple back but yeah that's what i'm about to do that makes sense so i'm gonna have probably one thing of passion fruit every two months watch out world oh dude we planted a cucumber bush and it is growing like massive cucumber dongs they're on bushes yeah yeah it's kind of like a little viney bushy thing looks like a tomato plant it's like a vine it's crawling up a little grate that we put in there but i mean it's i'm talking like a big old honking cucumber and it was good we had one oh on a salad slice it delicious i got a cucumber story it looks like a word of warning cautionary cucumber tail some people have inferred because we have said it that i bought a house and we our house came with a garden some people have inferred because you said it yeah well becky said it more explicitly on the previous podcast yeah i've like said i've moved and i've put in tiny text on some instagram stories but very very good it was very hilariously coy well i didn't want to go around bragging things are tough for a lot of people right here yeah right i thought it inappropriate to be like check it out you know i thought that was that would be unkind so you mean you already have a tesla exactly but i we inherited a garden and in the time that we were moving in there was a cucumber that became ripe that i did not notice was there so i did not pluck it and it kept growing oh and it became overripe oh which is not good but i have this i'm talking 14 inch long yellow spiny cucumber it's too prickly for me to pluck off the plant without hurting my hand so there it remains yeah it was a little prickly yeah they have like little spines yeah i didn't know that either and the vine also has spines i had to wipe it down with like oh it's like he's have flowers time of there time to time the o out so you're telling me like the outside of the like you have to sand down a cucumber yeah i i didn't know this about cucumbers but it had all these little tiny prickles and i used like the back of a you know a sponge that was the spiky you know the rough side it basically sanded down my cucumber i think that's what the little nubs are i know me too no idea yeah never no it gets so it gets yellow when it's over right but it keeps on growing you don't need that a cucumber is a weapon yeah you could uh that's why well yeah it's definitely a weapon my mind just blown please continue the story okay well that was the end of it really wow well then let's then let me have my mind blown again because holy [ __ ] so i gotta make sure i harvest these dongs before they get yeah apparently they're very bad and even maybe like lightly toxic like not you'll die but like not good for you to eat after they're right but the passion fruit just falls off when it's done yeah maybe welcome to the tripod where we talk about baths in our gardens and our shitty attempts at gardening i'm not gonna lie maggie's the plant queen in my house uh she we we killed many plants for many years but something clicked this year and she's on top of it she like takes them all the way across the house into our shower and get like hoses them down oh yeah some of them need a lot of water we got one of those she takes him to the shower yeah you know you look you take baths with wes we don't say that's weird okay we take showers with our plants yeah that's true that's true you know what i changed it around with a hose well it's time for advice with your advice host miles yeah advices will go for miles miles montgomery hit it imma go acapella it's advice that'll go for miles into your radio station it's advised for miles everybody ready miles nation yes thanks for that theme song miles have you ever wanted to be a cozy little [ __ ] oh my god i mean yeah sure reclaim the word and reclaim the bird yeah i have a little treat for ned to keep his dingle warm oh and a dream for keith to keep his nipples hard oh my god this is the worst episode this is horrible so what my body is just left alone i got it sorry it's already warm and hard silly get a freaking blanket okay this can't be your advice it's just a blanket it's been getting chillier this time of year as it always be doing and so my advice to you is to get a cozy little blanket just a blanket well not even like a weighted blanket like a just a blanket way to blankets which are too hard to get away from like i feel like up next bed shopping that's shopping near the merch section um but yeah i find like a living room blanket for you to like kind of cozy up in the living room because obviously beds have blankets that's what we know but in the living room if you want to get warm and toasty while you're watching i don't know some steamy on the tv then get a living room blanket i i don't know that this is advice anyone needs but obviously every house needs a living room blanket it doubles as a throw it's decorative and you get to snuggle up but here's the real advice you need two because yeah or honestly at least two because your partner is going to take it yeah maggie maggie's a little and blankets you know they're smaller than normal blankets doesn't even matter even if it's big she'll wrap herself up like a burrito that's true too yeah you gotta get in-laws that make you a blanket that's big enough for you oh my unless they made me a big coffee blanket yeah that's like extra long and they're like there's like they made it for keith because he's so big actually this is great because it is a great two-person blanket you know what gargantuan a good easy gift a a tastefully monogrammed blanket yeah i don't want something that's like two like i don't want i think you have one that has like photos of like your face on it or something no no oh you're thinking about mark oh maybe i thought you got an engagement blanket which was their engagement photos on a blanket it's too much hilarious too much you can't you can't i don't want one but i want one of mark and robin yeah that's good but like uh after my engagement my sister got us a very beautiful throw blanket that just has our names like in the bottom corner so i can respectfully fold it over and hide it so that i'm not embarrassed when people come over but it was like a thoughtful gift and really now it's just a nice cozy blanket yeah gotta stay warm in those cold months get yourself a blanket basket oh a basket for your blankets and it'll class it up it can be an enclosed more chest it could be an open basket where the blankets are rolled or folded either way it's a nice decorative piece that's very functional get blankets for your friends yeah they're going to come over and they're going to be chilly and you don't want to be sharing your blanket with your people in the back you don't want to be sharing your blankets with them you want a designated friend and make sure your ottoman game is on point nobody wants to have a blanket when they're sitting with their legs at a 90 degree angle no you want to be stretched out recline no matter what side of the couch couches yeah right turn your l-shaped couch into a u-shaped couch with massive ottoman coverage wow rip up your upholstery and put seat warmers in every single one of those [ __ ] go down to the sharper image and turn all of your chairs into vibrating massages in fact just rip out your couch and just put a whole bunch of fluff and stuff in there just a whole bunch of cushions just a whole like tempur-pedic floor wow replace your walls with bouncy castles i want to be able to bounce off all those [ __ ] uh-huh all right that seems like a good example good advice yeah foot bath for your friends oh this has been the worst tripod episode of all time please don't subscribe don't leave us five stars yeah rest assured that it'll only get better so come back that's right it will get better yeah well get yourself some zadoko get yourself some hot sauce get yourself zach's new sweatshirt if you're watching on youtube it's not out until tomorrow saturday i don't know it's a sneak peek sneak peek sneak peek [ __ ] uh you know uh stay well this next week it's gonna be it's gonna be a week uh that's it that's an episode this has been the tripod we'll see you next time keith can you um can you hit us with the tripod theme song [Laughter] until next time stay beautiful [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 184,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, talkshow, behind the scenes, youtubers, ramble, audio, video podcast, clip, segment, silly, becky, maggie, you can sit with us, try wives, girls, female, women, bad ideas, twitter, halloween, bath
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 45sec (3765 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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