We found a Spanish family's GOLD & SILVER business left ABANDONED as a whole!

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[Music] driving driving and driving what an enormous but beautiful country spain is [Music] after a four hour car journey we arrive at our next destination a beautiful authentic spanish house which shares its ground with a small-scale gold and silver factory that once turned in and out of production air every day [Music] why was the factory never sold demolished or given a new purpose [Music] and what happened to the boss of the factory who lift on the same side [Music] today we take you with us and go on a quest among the remains of the precious metals [Music] is so welcome back everyone another day in the tropical country of spain and here we are standing in front of the entrance of a beautiful time capsule home we can't wait to show you this place so let's walk along and let's get inside under the ivy air everywhere wow what a beautiful place wow it's unbelievable right yeah it's true all the paintings already it's such a ground entrance actually also the front door it's actually very cool to see how nature is just coming inside yeah the roads are actually just growing on the door over here very very cool huh yeah very impressive and then let's have a look over here there's actually a pillar standing and it's from marble as you can tell i think it was used for a vase or maybe for a bust i think for a bust well we have some files over here okay we have some names and there already some files falling i can't see properly look over here there's a record laying around the ground yeah true and also over there a fire extinguisher some files on the table it's the bible or i don't know i've not seen the pages yet so hmm it does look like something religious but yeah i'm not sure it's a big one oh yeah you can tell it was religious yep indeed indeed actually said to see that there was like so much mess here on the ground yeah probably vandalism but wow have a look at another religious artwork over here in the world and again the the spanish jesus face don't you see it yeah and this is such a beautiful painting definitely made by talented artists wow jesus crucified this was such a charming place with so much elegance yeah true true over here all the little cabinets with the shelves and different compartments it's crazy there's so many of them you cannot even almost count them at 16 in total and they're all just filled probably some personal files some candles also filled with deco then again in front of us i absolutely love this painting yeah also the cover of it it's very beautiful yeah this is such such beautiful artwork the girl with the sheep what is there actually your land with an angel mm-hmm a candle or very little chinese uh yeah an asian statue and then this box over here oh what's the game and it's also filled with cigarettes all right i think it used to be a cigar box maybe yeah indeed indeed over every speaker from phillips and actually we have a lot of ways to go yeah true true i think first over there before we're gonna go there have a look here on the boy he had a beautiful painting again i think was one of the kids i mean it's very detailed i just love to see paintings like this absolutely sparks my mind and then it's all just left unloved it's actually very sad and look at the lamp here actually in the hallway inside that's so unique it's not a normal uh typical lamp you would find in the hallway yeah filled with gulp webs too then we have this working uh space over here yeah with all the desks and actually it's quite messy there is a clown wall here on the chair oh well some light bulbs look at that it's actually a package and there are still like old postal signs on it from spain [Music] yeah you can definitely tell that there was something inside which was fragile what else cannon what is that it's a prince yeah it's actually quite modern printer yeah true true oh look at that there is actually the map of spain and over here all the yeah it's like a little chemistry equipment some potions and everything yeah this is definitely something from chemistry all right but why i mean there is even more over here well do you think maybe a person will lift their matey paintings him or herself i don't know but i see the name rhodus a lot rhodas yeah it's not from greece no no no no no i think it was a company name uh because rhodes consecurity growed us and over there also so we think that the owners had a company and we are taking a factory right as we did some research yep true true and actually there was also an abandoned factory and the family name actually of this place was family fernandez look over here literally the blueprint of a ship yep and a big one 150 scale well a lot of tools and appliances here literally a lot you can definitely tell that they did some mechanical things in this room for sure [Music] so [Music] and then actually the next room right left from the painting is also very messy but have a look at the clock wow it's from duarte i've never seen this brand and actually i've never seen a clock with this design so that's absolutely absolutely fascinating i'm wondering if this is like typical spanish do what wow and look over here you can actually barely move yourself there are some vintage televisions here staple on top of each other wow look behind it there's actually a beautiful cabinet in this over here it's a mirror but you can yeah only see the back of it right now because literally everything has been dumped there in this room yeah it's quite a big mess wow and there is actually a bed look you can see the part of the bed right over there and it's actually just all the way where i think this used to be the child's room but then eventually when children grew older they did not live in the house anymore and they started literally started to dump everything over here because it doesn't looks like fennel is that this no like they used as part of the storage and over there you can actually see this was all of them so we're not going to visit only one house this one but we will visit three houses in total also this one and this one and then over here you cannot see a factory but there is also a factory so if you want to see that stay tuned for the next videos all right and then we're going to what we assume was the living parts of this beautiful home and have a look over here complete sitting corner all the paintings on top wow beautiful hand in the corner have a look at this tapestry oh this is the very detailed one it's unbelievable the size of it actually this is painted this is no embroidery this is all painted wow what do you think it actually was it's massive yeah that's all pain we need wow i absolutely love this it's definitely telling a story you can tell the man over there holding the hand of the woman it's very beautiful and then look at the furniture over here very detailed and still in a very good state actually yeah it's very unique like we've not seen furniture like this before it's spanish just spanish and over here is a similar one and then have a look at the big sofa over there it's actually the same design and then also on top is this another painting well i don't think this is painted no this is this is embroidery yeah this is embroidery wow just love to stare at these artworks and just trying to discover what story they were telling with it and also just the size of them it's unbelievable it's almost complete height of the wall then over here is even more chairs and again they are so so spanish and they are looking very royal actually golden pattern on them yeah definitely very elegant and also definitely the colors of spain [Music] over here they had like sort of a fireplace but it was more like a cabinet it was not a real functional fireplace and then the lamp over there also very spanish it's like a mixture between the lambs we found in belgium and then over here on the bottom you can tell there's definitely something spanish and also the way this aware is made it's different material and just the details on it that's what making it spanish and i actually really like that painting man wow it's again so well detailed and actually right next to it there is a real picture and i think that this was their son or grandson on his communion have a look here on a beautiful list there is a picture of him and it's set to imagine that he's just being left unloved and just left behind there the clothings he's wearing it's so different yeah but you can tell they were very religious yep true and then over here again they're very detailed one wow actually over here there's also something standing in the cabinet look that's jesus maria a statue let's see if we can open it no it's closed no don't leave it it's actually very beautiful [Music] all right so you saw the first three rooms now and we're gonna walk to the rest of the home there's bathrooms there was bathrooms but first the somehow magical corridor with the angel statue there on the wall pretty creepy actually look at the ceiling the channel there and this table they were standing on the side of the corridor this was like a stamp i'm actually looking for a company's name but it was like a complete twistable one over there some tomatoes fake ones though plastic but awesome decoration wow look at the cup that is also very asian yeah definitely i think they definitely went on holidays to to asia and we are actually some old faxes all right from when 63 to 1963. damn that case this place is a real time capsule to imagine that people live there in that time true true and in this room and sell also again pretty overfilled but this was definitely the kitchen yeah their kitchen and i think they also used to do their laundry and everything here man it's completely overfilled yeah this was definitely the chairs for the dining table they're definitely looking like that well there is actually a lot of coke webs in this room all around have a look all the cleaning products still left and then all the dead dried lands here they're completely barren i know what what is that it's a tree a fake one over there it looks like a giant piece of a bonsai tree but then it's just too big there's actually a christmas tree inside this box talking about trees this is all christmas decoration i guess this is just stored over here again another room which was just dumped you know what then asking yourself like all right you saw that they were cleaning but why they never continued or went away or you know nothing happened with it actually have a look here on the side of the mirror wow it's unbelievable but before i'm gonna go into detail there is first a room right on the right side of us right now and this was a bathroom actually damn this one is so beautiful to once compared we ever found yeah i really love the black style in here the black and white that's definitely looking also very modern it's strange i mean where did family fernandez go why'd they leave and why they left everything behind in this state imagine just having a bath with this painting right above your head well one thing is definitely very obvious and that's that they loved art and love decorating their room all the coke waves over here the bday there also very spanish all brown still the gillette razor over here and this one is not even looking that old crazy and then the light bulb you know it's so beautiful but then you can see so do you think that the water is still running in this place i think the last reps will come out wait a second no actually no man no it isn't completely turned off well you can definitely tell that spiders found their way in especially in this room this was actually a part of a lab oh yeah it's completely fallen down man this looks so dirty here it's just modern but it's it's completely decade there's even a towel still in the toilet i'm actually only still curious oh yeah wow everything yeah literally all is left is this hmm i don't know what it actually is splash out and off somebody again they had a lot of perfume [Music] and the other one probably also everything oh yeah you can tell whoa this stuff is still looking good man crazy well and then actually on the opposite side there is yet another room and this looks also like just the room where they would just sit around the table gather around look at this and probably also have dinner wow again a beautiful lamp on the ceiling and then these chairs and the style of the table and the rock that's so typical spanish well this one is pretty empty but these no they're all also it's strange that this cabin is almost completely empty yeah but i think if we have to make an estimation i think it was just like china where inside and dishes yeah true true true but actually i really like the table and everything and this beautiful chair too [Music] with the roots just growing behind the windows and then indeed beautiful table there and actually that cabinet over there with the mirror like all around it never saw something like that actually it's so typical spanish we're gonna find it a lot there in spain for real well these are still filled but it's just blankets sheets as you can tell i think it was all just used to make up the table yep indeed yeah and tidy everything up i'm so stuck some china is left but not many no very minimal all right yeah you know it's besides that everything isn't left it's still a very beautiful room it's in a good state [Music] and then look on the details of this mirror where and it's so huge i think it's the same size as we are maybe even higher wow that's crazy and then we actually go into the room where everything happened was like a little office part probably for their company their factory over here you can tell the money was made and also the money was stolen well no not stolen i don't think this was stolen i mean just have it look you can tell but it go up this one hasn't been opened for a long time and i haven't seen such a heavy gaze and i haven't seen such a heavy one in a long time and it's completely stuck yeah well i'll definitely tell that people are attempting to steal it and it has just been smashed on the ground yep true with a lot of force though that's where the code and also the spin and also the key oh there was actually a part of a barrel meter there and look that definitely looks like an alhambra palace there on the wall oh yeah another painting and then right over here on his desk this is actually very cool this was like also a cigarette tobacco box and over here yet tobacco was over here this just looks very royal i mean just looks expensive bubble i don't know what that was i see some keys in here but i don't know and then this cecilia's oh it was actually from an expansive brand yep carter perry made in france and it is [Music] research the gas okay i want to see and that's from an expensive brand yeah all right gas recharger and then just one cigarette is left where they all used to be long and one postal sign over there too from espana yeah from spain very neat box yeah and what's this actually here paperwork oh well and also just i can't imagine how how royal that this is a picture like a magazine with watches well with watches not just watches amigo patek philippe damn i can tell you the first person who found this place yeah well there were definitely some expansive brands inside you know what a patek philippe watch uh is priced huh yeah very expensive i can tell that the people were wealthy which lived there around 000 it's crazy over here the office lamp all the books there again a duck it seems that they definitely had a passion for ducks yeah especially for the decoration and then another one oh look at the lamp here too the lamp looks so different from other ones we've seen very modern actually yeah well indeed the yellow curtains the chairs very spanish too and the rock on which i'm walking now too and then indeed again a beautiful piece of embroidery and well of a horse it looks oriental especially with the colors like cowboy vibes or indian vibes yeah exactly and a statue here too i'm really wondering how these people lived what was their lifestyle what was their profession well i think to be honest family fernandez definitely owned the factory man there is also like a paperwork again with road us okay i think they definitely own this aluminium all right aluminium paint and powder they were producing aluminium i think they were one of the very first people to produce aluminium actually they were like tycoons here in spain yeah yeah yeah because this is literally like the paperwork how to produce it or yes it's just a producing file and the small lap he had it was i mean maybe the man will live in here he literally started all by himself and then eventually opened the factory and became very wealthy and rich and successful successful and then this as you can see again money is only uh during your lifetime because everything that you buy with your money it just stays if nobody takes care of it exactly meta-realistic things don't matter when man just passes away so that's the reason why it's very important to just lift your life to maximum potential and just cherish your family cherish your friends and yeah just make a lot of good memories because one day it might be your last one and yeah we sincerely don't hope your house will end up like this but it happens in europe a lot and this is the aftermath of it all right and then it's time to enter the final room and at first glance it looks slightly vandalized with all the paperwork here but have a look at the chandelier on the wall yeah it's very beautiful huh wow this was definitely the main bedroom the couple fernandez again a room with so much spanish allergens embroidery again they definitely didn't love to leave their walls just plain and simple and just naked and they were also definitely very religious well actually if i could just say right away you can tell that jesus christ over here used to hang on this cross in the corner also these little cabinets right next to the bed very neat ornamental design with flowers on them and the lamps here too there they are very neat also the bed it's very beautiful the cabinets are completely matching the design of the bed and the style also on the ground there well you can tell that the stuff over there has been thrown over and the wardrobe is made in a similar style and so is the mirror right over there like the sort of vanity with the big mirror like all the furniture is just matching each other here so you can definitely tell that this was just all handmade furniture for themselves yep yep that's crazy and look there were still a lot of clothes also still hanging there and if you can grab some out you can definitely tell the difference between french clothes and now spanish clothes look over here for example on the pink one well and also you can definitely tell the difference between wealthy and not wealthy those are actually some really beautiful clothes in it and i think they are pretty expensive real leather jackets completely decaying yeah it's full of mold i really like this room it's set to see the vandalism however but still it's very interesting to see the other style in other european countries it's definitely so so different from places in france we've seen places in belgium and germany then look at the sofa where like this little chair all looks very comfortable well all right i wanna have a look actually inside i love these spanish vanities yeah you can tell jewelry is gone but still the stuff that is left actually that's the old newspaper 19 69 10. no it's stuck and this one is just filled with sheets there is a lot of dust coming outside well and this there is a very nasty smell but it's coming from there right in my face yeah it's a very very unique bed yeah so spanish i think i love the chandelier the most in this room but i also really like that one [Music] all right finally we have to show you a shed on the outside in the garden so making way to the shed there's even still a barbecue standing outside there yeah this is a very old one ah that hurts all these goddamn spikes all the time wow let's see this wow still completely filled yes some very old things [Applause] what's that over there yeah i don't know very strange huh jars i think look at this table over here completely filled with dust would you think these things were maybe for something of the aluminium i don't know it looks like jars but i you know i can't touch them but they definitely look like jars man there are some old actually right over there an old pram oh wow yeah i did not even see it over here indeed a very old pram just hidden behind the letter and all these boxes it's actually a very beautiful one hmm and just couple more boxes so there was actually more right yeah there is more i haven't checked this one actually yet where we just wear but these two they actually had a huge chat for only a small house yeah true true but this one i mean have a look i think it's better to go in by itself it's very tight also but there was some very old furniture spanish especially spanish it was very tight whoa it's like we just entered a spanish antique store i mean have a look at all the lambs there for example these parts of the cabinet are actually looking like an altar or something yeah actually the one that i'm liking the most what's this a door it's very spanish though the thing that i really like the most is right over there if you just walk right over here then there's this chair and i've never seen something or something like that ah that's strange do you think this was a normal chair or something to kneel on i don't know but it's just very spanish wow this is unique the first time ever i see a chair like this too and all the boxes can only imagine what kinds of antiques are all inside i think literally these people were just so wealthy and rich that eventually yeah they just left everything that was old and unneeded you know do you think they also used to change their interior from time to time yeah for sure for sure i mean it's probably old furniture from back in the days which is all standing here yep and that's why they're like yep just leave it look at the carriage hanging up there oh yeah almost pretending to fall it's very wiggly that was crazy let's check out the other one i really want to see everything in this place well this is very strange because this is not just a normal kit but it's like a petite factory a mini factory tiny factory oh yeah look crazy it's like the work is just we're working the other day and left the next one and they never returned look over here there's safety protection helmets all still hanging here even this one this is so cool this is where they used to put the heated metals in and what they actually produce over here i don't know for sure this looks kind of old to me this looks like gold man and i can tell you if this is real gold there is a lot in air but like a lot well i i do feel that it would have been stolen if this was real gold yeah it's so small it's not worth anything i think it's actually real gold that they used to eat over here also some other figurines [Applause] i really don't know well if you also think that it's gold just leave it down in the comment section yeah well vote for raymond if you think it's real and vote for me if you think it's fake and just paint it because bro honestly if that was real gold it would be worth a lot of money it would have been stolen even if it's thin like that yeah for real right yes it's super thin it's super thin well you can tell why this is not in use anymore you know what could be true because they loved art they loved jewelry that they were actually creating like parts of the jewelry that were implemented in the design of them we have so many so many speculations aluminium rodus family company at least they were wealthy and they were doing good that's one thing for sure this was all a chimney and then you can tell it was once a big fire over here because look at the corner yeah it's actually so fascinating what we all are just finding in only like one abandoned area and this is only a small part of it i think this was the factory and if the people want to see the rest of the houses we are going to do then stay tuned for next week's episode in the next week's video [Music] okay so plants have changed we just did a quick inventorization of the complete property and it is so much bigger than we expected it to be so what we're going to do is we showed you a part of the factory right over there because yeah that was actually already for the factory we thought all right this is only just like a shed from the people that once owned that house but no we were talking about a factory and yep it is in this area and we also found another beautiful abandoned house thing that we found inside of there it's unbelievable and that will be next week's video in this case it's right over there and it's even better than the house you've just seen but the factory is also very badass very badass indeed so that's why we're gonna do the factory in this video and actually right over here we have the parts and have a look you can tell this was the junkyard of the factory and so much mess this was literally the junkie all the barrels probably bear us over filled with oil we're all bubbles and mess man that's also just smelling oily yeah it's very oily air yeah well so yeah this was definitely just their dump not going into detail about that but you can tell that they used to produce a lot looking by everything that is laying over there so we're actually going on you just saw only a small part of the factory because the factory itself is even way bigger and that now it definitely makes sense why the family was that wealthy yeah because we were first like a ride from these two machineries where they that wealthy from only these two things you know because we saw a lot of expensive stuff inside and they changed furniture time by time but explanation is right over there so that building over there with the roof is actually the complete factory and this is yet another outbuilding which was also part of the production process i have to look at the dk air oh my gosh stuff is falling apart for real yeah well the roof is indeed just gone completely collapsed well and i think right now going to my personal favorite part because every factory also needs a lab there is a laboratory here and i think yep this was a small laboratory working on a mask all the chemicals on the table over here so crazy and besides a discussion from miyamo about real gold and faye gold you don't have to comment anymore it was all fake old it was just powder yep powder and then it was heat coated i think with the pressure like the press over there was like a colorant yep indeed and you know where the name roders was coming from definitely from their company yep for sure for sure man it's crazy like all these bottles over here are filled with chemical liquids chemicals and yes it's really crazy all the colorants here again i'm actually really fascinated about this this place is personally my favorite we filmed so far yeah for sure for sure is this is amazing man like literally every single thing you can imagine of a company of houses are left it's like the perfect mixture of a house it tells the story of the people and it's not only the house but it's even more which goes with it it's also like just their complete working process what else is really cool the faceomatic red tape over there what does it actually mean um this is with all the atoms no this is not the this is not the atom card um but i mean the molecular weight of yes yeah yeah i know the molecule yeah molecular weight no it's not this it's not this actually super honest i only know that one when you're talking about well because you said that like you knew what this was yeah you never heard of it i actually thought that it was that table oh i think it's seeing everything with degrees celsius aware so maybe it was when something melts or something like a higher melting point in these from stuff because that's what they definitely needed over here coloring heating pressuring all right so we had the laboratory we had a little outbuilding and right now we're actually going to the main part of the factory and it's crazy how everything is built just on the same land we haven't checked this one huh no it's actually another door cool oh there is even what do you think this is left i don't know i want to see it the last thing you just need for an abandoned house wow that is crazy man that's an old timer that's an old timer man damn it looks beautiful and at the same time it looks disgusting yeah wow holy what happened to this beautiful timepiece a dirty car but incredible dk incredible dk alright unbelievable we were walking outside but for this one i'm just gonna take my glove and i want to see the interior oh it's not sealed really yes here this is spanish brand man this is a time capsule holy this is just a spanish car can you imagine that we are in spain exploring i do not even recognize the logo from sea that was different back in its days yeah definitely definitely this is a proper antique one i think people who are watching this and just drove in these cars back in the days are freaking out right now i've never seen a car like this from say uh no no no not even on the road or on a picture well actually i want to see the front do they also have a logo over there man yeah i think they even have absolutely crazy this is like real exploring because we did not check like all the pictures something this place is very unknown yeah in a spanish community look at the logo in the front it's down there see ya yeah i see it man this is one one beautiful barn yeah after it had a good cleaning session wow a proper good cleaning session even see out on the on the rims but you can't even see it anymore because of the dust wow we actually discovered another outbuilding over here with another car have a look yeah it's not the american one right let's be honest i don't know oh no it is dutch it's american car crazy i guess all the american people watching this city right now love to see this car well i actually honestly don't know dutch is an is an american brand but i don't know this logo but it's also a very good old time with this one this one was actually actually red too the color was red but it's like so so dirty that you cannot even see it anymore right over there you can see still some red colors on the doors it's crazy how it's completely full of leaves because of the roof which has collapsed yeah so many insects here like everywhere wow actually over there i think was like a little carriage for the products of the factory which we have produced oh yeah that looks like like a little card yeah but i heard wasps okay so that was a surprise but right now we're really going in the factory building wow ah iron i just smell iron on your left this is all iron oh well it knows man all this machinery is so so cool we almost never visit industrial places but this i find very interesting you know what these things actually was it's metal i guess this literally was the aluminium factory so crazy that was just built next to their house well actually i'm 100 sure that they used to produce aluminium over here damn everything is just this is literally like i'm walking in aluminium heaven right now look on the floor look at your shoes can you imagine that this was just once look this is what the actual floor used to look like it was brown brownish and just because of every production that has been going on over here it's just so you can also tell by the windows and the doors oh no there is a lot of barrels batches samples wow so let's walk upstairs over here let's see what we can find wow look at this room this is like a complete favorite part man it's really like time has frozen even the jackets of the factory workers are still there and completely covered with all these aluminium powder stuff and man this is unbelievable look this is also very cool oh yeah the headphones used to be red you can literally see all the particles of the aluminium just flying around i mean it's completely filled over here look here in the wall too the helmet over there the last dates 2001 2005 whatever oh yeah the calendar is actually from my year of birds 1998. this factory has been for a very long time do you think the house is two yeah i think so man well good question actually look the calendar 2005 indeed it's the last date that's the last date of the factory and even the cope webs are covered in aluminium powder the mask over here we had a respirator crazy well to be honest if i see this mask we are currently wearing our moss these moss but gotta be safe gotta be safe yeah very safe i don't spend too much time inside but look over here all the generators using the clock the switch it's like a time capsule man a factory i think we almost never documented the factory on the channel before no and especially not like this so what was this room like it's like a storage oh yeah and over there is actually a toilet oh it's even actually a complete bathroom for the factory workers when they were just covered completely in the aluminium powder it's so crazy this is no normal dust definitely metal dust and i think to be honest when we set factory i think this will be a long video because it's even continuing right over here wow i really want to get down well let's go like literally everywhere is the metallic dust and everything has the same aluminium color yeah everything is literally silver oh look at the roof or the ceiling over there it's cracking oh there's so many flies here that's disgusting must be something rotting over here yeah well i was i'm protected because i was afraid to wear wasps at first sight side all right and what is over here wow these ones are all golden this is all gold powder this is insane so that explains also the golden powder and the wraps and everything is falling into its place the longer we are exploring it some heavy machinery here i really don't know what the machinery actually was if you know we'll leave it down in the comment section because yeah i think those were awesome presses moving up and down and then inside of here it's actually the residue of everything covered in gold so crazy and talking about gold bro this is absolutely unbelievable this was all definitely oil for the machines yeah you can tell the people worked hard over here and i think actually a lot of people how much workers do you think they had 20 yeah something like that that's a good amount oh this was like a grinder oh everything is still there like also these rounded plaques here and again a lot of the mass of the production process i think it was literally just golden wrap then you have this cable leading all the way to this machine and you can tell that if you make your way over here all these machineries were driven by um cables yeah and they were all generated from the ground over here so no normal electricity but all just like well i think over here is a big generator like okay spinning all of them i also look in here you can still see all the metal parts so crazy they actually have many of these generators yeah this is a really special find all the ground is also gold just the imagination of how these people looked after a day of work yeah probably completely covered with all the powder of the meat of the metal this was a scale does it still measure just sort of moving the look with the old fire extinguisher also covered with gold and then again bro speaking about gold wow this room is so huge this is just insane this was all of their factory unbelievable there are holes in the ground everywhere i think these were actually grinders i'm just trying to figure out and explain you something about what we actually find over here have a look inside i mean these were definitely grinders and now just covered with dust feathers not being used anymore what a shame this was once a productive place like a it very productive every day producing so much the aluminium oh look inside of the bags you literally don't know where to look no actually look inside of this bag i'm waiting with your hand too this was the raw stuff i think this was the coloring i mean look at my hands those were like boxes to collect it all it's also so cool how everything is still perfectly written on there it was never touched by vandals or thieves [Applause] and just abandon unbelievable all the drawings on the wall and stuff it's just all from the employees yeah actually people indeed that just worked there worked their bag off every single week all the barrels that was an unbelievable time man wow at first class i could not leave my eyes with the house in spain and then finding this on the same property it's insane it's insane that this is just not touched at all it's so so so special but i really think well we covered everything of the factory and i'm very glad that we found it eventually and wow wow i'm pretty amazed a beautiful abandoned house you can tell that this man was definitely the owner of this complete property passed the way of elderness and his company didn't go through maybe run in depth we don't know we really don't know what do you think yeah well or the owner passed away or bankruptcy or living abroad there is a lot of theories which could be possible yep it's strange that it doesn't get demolished or doesn't get a new purpose no no that's that's the most strange part of all then only the imagination and we have to cover another house on this area true and that house is actually right next door so if you want to see that video make sure to watch next week's video of the new road trip spain series but for this one let's say i really enjoyed the house the factory was a legendary find i also really like industrial parts and it's finding silver in the gold factory that's something you'll it's just a once in a lifetime experience [Music] so [Music] so so um [Music] um [Music] um so there is police waiting at the car now we don't know what's going to happen we wanted to film the second house but that turned out to work out completely different we were scared but that's why we don't have any bad consequences i'm just going to record everything and hope the cops are very chill we're not going to say immediately that we wear at the event place maybe it's because we parked in an area weekend park but we will see let's hope for the best so raymond went looking and he saw the police officers with a police car standing at our car we don't know if they are still there and if the problem is the abandoned building or the parking but i hope it's a second i think nobody saw was actually in the abandoned building so yeah we're gonna see it now apparently the police is gone but we wanted to film the second house for you and i think that's not gonna be it for today maybe in one week i think it's better to go now but we definitely have to come back to film an abandoned beauty not now let's hope we don't have a ticket for parking well we are four months later now and still haven't received any parking tickets so that's good luck but unfortunately we wanted to go back to the house we were talking about in the video and this could not work out because this specific region of spain actually went in lockdown because of covet 19. anyways we really hope you enjoyed watching to this video and if you did do not forget to hit the like button and subscribe to this channel and then we will see you next week with another incredible place in spain peace out [Music] keep showing me
Channel: Explomo
Views: 272,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned spain, spain, spanish, abandoned places, abandoned factory, abandoned family business, gold, silver, abandoned gold, we found, we found gold, found gold, left abandoned, as a whole, urbex, urban exploration, exploration, explore, exploring, urban, urban exploring, explomo, exploring with josh, bros of decay, factory, gold factory, business, abandoned gold and silver, gold and silver, mine, abandonados, spanish family, mansion, EX, found
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 9sec (4389 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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