Fully furnished abandoned German family home - Two twins vanished away?!

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[Music] mr. soapy water on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the channel right now we're sitting in the garden of this abandoned house and we are in Germany today this beautiful home is left abandoned ever since has been decaying and I'm it's a real time capsule like literally all their belongings inside of this home are left behind yeah we are really hot yeah many many interesting things to find over here and that's just guide your wrongs and start off the video there was a little garden house here two bicycles standing inside of it right over here there is another bicycle on the ground we are where we shot the entrance and follow me we're gonna go inside first of all I want to mention one thing that is really cool that is standing outside up here Luke this home trailer very old-fashioned home trader look the leader on insta working wing yeah yeah driving 50 kilometers Raya and hell it's from a German brand Gettler made in Germany another bicycle as you can see there's some plums on the wall typical Dutch thing actually those are wooden shoes and they wear traditional the farmers used to wear them yeah Holland well bro go inside it's really tight over here put on your mouth and guys on the wrong oh we come inside of a garage there is a lot of equipment left all these tools take a loop so the family will use to live here the man definitely did a lot of work Holly skis why is there a telephone here yeah I don't know and look it's even on the holder as you can see old rotary phone and also yet so many spiderwebs yeah right behind you jackets whole ring coats actually Wow so all these Niels these little boxes troubling machine is also a little you can tell the man was very handy I think you did a lot of job says I think this was like his personal mechanic home you know where he definitely did something with bikes because so many bugs over here have to do something well let's continue in the basement there is a door here it's closed I didn't even notice it it's scary guys ah this was a little bathroom at the basement there's actually a pretty strange about you I think this place is going to be pretty amazing because Luke how many betting products are even mine still running water in this house and then a death fly no swimming in the water that's crazy that's crazy didn't expected it were you ever shower let's switch this up okay that was quite a surprise we did a new dad but let's go on man I didn't expect it to that you happen actually I don't know where the water is exactly coming from I don't hope we you know we alerted some owners or something around the area I really know how this works so hope you didn't do anything wrong Oh brew on the ground a crate full of beers and this is actually my favorite German beer bowl honor is a really nice wide bear if you ever come to Germany or you maybe even know this brand because I think it's pretty international those are amazing if you like bears you should thrive definitely try one out and of course if you're 18 or 21 years old in the States this flavor yeah and drink responsibly that is also good what I can learn from that one what here is yet another oh this must have been a washing area yeah and look watch you so we're not about you okay wait a second if the water was still running shoot the toilet house we're still flush probably mud and soil inside of the water probably look at this beautiful little straw in it it's really need very little one and all these floats denim jackets t-shirts blankets decoration some lights dinah messy room where you can still see some food and some things for the garden there and again this must have been another part of the man's working blaze and imagine if electricity is still work just turn this thing on yeah and then there's one last room in the basement no way take a look at this all these wine bottles wine wine wine and I thought yeah there's a really a lot oh my gosh oh right yeah all these jars huge collection of Jaws oh my normally they are holding canned food but they're all just empty there are some carrot juice this amazing man there's all just being left there still standing there perfectly you also can see the signs of decaying malt yeah refrigerator from the brand hush well let's go upstairs so right now we're on the main floor and have a look I already see a lot of stuff that is just left whoa so what's the main entrance hall there Ramona standing in front of the main door good that's loud okay pretty creepy oh that's actually old papa - you could play with it I don't want to touch it cabinets one thing it's stuck it's free died wait a sec advisor there's a passport no way we're doing short right wait yeah well I'm only gonna say his first thing Ed's got adds gar typical German and yeah there are actually a lot of pictures inside and he did some vacation trips remember you've got the stem yeah here you go vacation so we travel a lot yeah incredible to just a German bass / is just left behind yes and what a reading like is this thing over here yeah it's a beautiful carpet and he's hanging on the wall I think it was for wall decoration yeah man I think if you just lift it up air hole indeed it's very early man this is all Christmas decoration inside up there oh yeah Santa Claus 1985 this telephone booth always was just calendar still all the appointments they had are standing inside of it from the year 1985 incredible design decoration the walls a beautiful German style you can tell where they would hang up their keys probably still keys if the main door and everything and then this was their kitchen all the wooden cabinets oh my dig a little on top and it's saying a German sentence better as you get good and there is a lot of small artifacts also on the wall oh there's a coffee grinder on the wall during the radius right wait it's we funny calendar let's see the exact year so we can ever do ours no 14 are you kidding me so the bees at this house is not abandoned for dead a long time it's abandoned for five six years now I didn't expect the death but yeah that is definitely a conclusion that everything is just left over and there is some modern stuff Wow yeah this place is over stuff losses Wow must've view from the woman what a bottle and yeah this water bottle is good till 2016 so that definitely could be true December 2014 man all these medicines I think the people we used to live here just died of old age probably had a bad health mission it's very unfortunate of course these glasses are cool but of course all the cash is already taken out of it I guess we are not the first person's to go radio spoons forks cooking with all the spices yeah that's amazing magnets Wow this is amazing this is legit untouched man take a look at all the mugs plates even their medicines still on his mom another telephone over here Wow look at this beautiful decoration that it's really really neat what do you think there's actually is this used to be a light where'd you get a rope and it would turn on but this is bronze or is tougher no I think it's comfort but I'm not sure what do you guys think just leave it down in the comment section this must have been a beautiful home back in its days where cabinets with a lot of old pictures I think this must have been one of their own justice family relatives looks like this person wasn't military or in navy I don't know if this was the old order or maybe his father or her father vegetables who and even more vegetables and also gets food those are cherries apricots pineapple some pasta man this is just all their food so this used to be their food cabinet when they wanted to prepare food in the kitchen then again not a beautiful wall decoration with all these bells amazing you can definitely tell a german-style maybe just this must have been their dining room yeah but I just love the size because there are so many details and Luke a death clock right behind you that is an incredibly beautiful one these folks are worth a lot of money nowadays and then these two spoons as well Jesus statue well I really love this house I mean it's very small at some points but there's so many old stuff just left in one place also look at this china cabinet you can tell that nobody has touched this during the years these people must have even very religious as well I think this painting was drawn by the grandchildren this must have been a man who lived there this must have been a dining room yeah definitely look our equipment for decoration there's so much decoration tools yeah look in another decoration I think they're really loft to just decorate their house during festive Christmas and everything and maybe I always even got a banner because we fall into calendar of December the last day and there is a Christmas tree still standing in so many Christmas decoration for example Ryba near a mano on the door and also this the Christmas trees and the candles I think this the house which got abandoned ruin Christmas time what I've also read in life is that was already looking at it it's the rest there's still things you see it must have been a beautiful dress yeah well I'm just gonna leave it like this we'll be right over here toilets baby yes oh yeah just a small toilet it's Freddie crazy I just had to either cram everything is just left inside of these buckets thanks for walking Luke whoa those are cities towns in Germany man that's a really extraordinary one take a little bit to design all these emblems and badges wondering why it's so design but it's very very cool maybe at a place and she visited with the state yeah look at the pin on it also a lot of other clothes which are just hanging there and just the plastic you see means that they just came from the steam and they never wore them again they didn't wear them at all so so we said actually and riding double fear look man this one is so clean it's coming from Germany students and besides their shoes they are still standing here like time Stood Still the family disappeared as we presume probably of older age and here the house has just been left like this ever since yes inside this room over here you ask the family pictures Wow beautiful memories on the wall this must have been owner and is Ola days just an empty box but what I really don't like is look oh yeah this must have been done by people I guess I think that was not your original position of it what is this Bible yeah this must have been the Bible yeah definitely something that has read to it that's highly gifted oh yeah the only Bryan Cranston thing aside his shift Wow take a look at all this China that is so beautiful was actually really funniest yeah actually with Chinese paintings but I can't grab it and I don't want to demolish it teddy bears what what are you holding man camera oh yeah we we bought a second camera thank you all for these supports yeah thank y'all patreon supporters for support we just bought not even one camera nope we bought two cameras what up oh oh as you can see damn these are some collectors items very old-fashioned cameras damn this is crazy dude what is the brand of this one nasal okay and this is from shark I still know that Brent I don't know if it still exists today but I remember it it's crazy that these cameras with the old lenses are just left this one especially yeah I mean it still looks Sony you can tell has a whole design old model but power is only eight variable speed and we know that right now and they won't let me do ya clock and again another very very small stroller must have been from a child very small child yeah and we're not a room this must have been a children's bedroom maybe their own children but if it was an elderly couple as we pursue it's more likely that those where the grandchildren who came over to granny and granddad but then wow this is a beautiful friend that's actually already the third for my find this one is really beautiful I mean it's so different from the other prams we found in France for example take a look at this child bed as well you could swing with it so that the baby would just fall asleep very died actually really set this one was making me really sad to imagine that the smaller child was having a great die Mayer grannies and granddad's house Wow my father still has one like this from his own time a wool record play insulation top the l beat right over here and you at all different stereo surround systems also sad tapes before 2000 they were used a lot see these a lot of folks oh man all their children's clothes are all just left there why were there no relatives for this family almost feels like they just disappeared and no one ever cared about their loved belongings follow me the last room on the main floor their living room Wow have a look this is so real is effected everything is left and indeed it's so I really feel so comfortable in this house I mean you could just move inside of here and if you fix a little bit up move out the mess you could just easily live inside of here take a look at these dolls elephants penguin following the sheep's oh yeah they're so fluffy perfect for me next to each other reign with us curling them if there's the wrong thing I really like finding there are toys for rush cuddles you could just open them you will get a smaller one eventually a smaller one a smaller one that's smaller one it will just go on like that it's really cool they're all just left and the lights before we take a look that is so cool he's really cute yeah what's the Hedgehog yep no go but this is really cool do you look at the inside it looks really historical over did you yeah I'm religion as well and then the rest beautiful living take a look this is also beautiful divorce and yet is actually copper plate it's really heavy action such beautiful decoration they had on the walls this was to sit in corner wow there is another hat take a look at this gentleman said that is crazy and then over here though all the liquors and the bottles just still completely filled there's so much liquor left best-selling gear Oh cherry liqueur this is actually from Holland oh I remember it wow man there is so much to find but it's hard to walk here because there is so much stuff piggy bank what's this dinosaur I think the children made this maybe in school or the grandchildren I mean of course old picture maybe it wasn't even an elderly couple living here just take a look yeah you see the chair is actually jet chair over there where they were sitting unbelievable I really wondering what happened with the family I hope they are okay yeah if they're still alive right over here I actually phone yet another camera they definitely lawful tog Rafi Olympus this camera sitting on very comfortable I can tell you I can a dog care every day man Isabel Wow take a look at this children's rollerskates so cool and then there is still Freddie modern television left yeah Panasonic it's probably from the years 2000 it's really beautiful pluck with a thermal meter as well and this place must have been abandoned since Christmas time seeing Merry Christmas here to go upstairs I'm really wondering how many bathrooms look like can immediately go to the left oh where it's very messy and oh my gosh oh and there's another one of these row 3 phones over here take a loop how many clothes are just dumped that was the bed so many and you can definitely tell this has been done by people trying to rub something or trying to find stuff that is worth a lot yeah probably Burgos we're looking for valuables jewelry money yeah wow so many clothes man they really had so many clothes this is what you just set over here they used to be jewelry inside but you as you can see everything jewelry behind fit and some old family pictures indeed it's looks like the man was awarded for something oh and where he's at a party or gathering and then there's this beautiful books oh look I think this must have been a pretty expensive forge back in the days yeah stranger to what she's just still left Oh take a look at this label so I think they were trying to divide all the belongings between all the relatives because we have found labels like this before but for the one of our mysterious reason it never happened voila this is why she's just still left there with the curtains as well flowers last evening meal what is nice not a watch this robber is just filled with belts has been trolling on top of the bed I got a man to bat Luke's fairy model I love dolls sheets what is this I really don't know what is this well Luke's vehicle also will old razor from the brands brown so I just also found his little bugs away I thought maybe he was a cardholder or something for coins but it's just a clock I never saw that it's really cool here's a pocket back lock so apparently this was a twins room Wow the old box television and there's an old school television cool oh synthesizer with an electric one Oh take a look at the muddle ship that is really cool there is no name of the ship but Wow secret room for storage a lot of gold webs what is that over there looks like platelets which shots looks really cool I guess alcoholic rings indeed yeah telling well and then Apple logo hair as you could expect completely filled must have been a big family yeah definitely I think they had multiple children first we were presuming was an elderly couple but I think it wasn't in that elderly couple and I really wonder what happened with that man yeah what could have happened because yeah as you're telling us besides that clothes you can definitely see that it wasn't that all of a couple I think they are still alive they just disappeared to maybe then over here it's beautiful on our artifacts well jewelry I think so I think those where ever else you know no I think it was for to pin on your head you know some woman had this as a some extra design on their heads could be but I think they used to plug this inside of an earring and any good to hide just hanging it on their airs you know well leave it in the comments what do you think about it because we both have a different view on it yeah yeah well even in the comments and see what's right Oh Mickey Mouse and then over here too bad yeah this was definitely child but look how small an actually what would be inside that bag oh yeah sheets but look this is actually pretty straight you see that look don't you think that this dried blood looks like dried lots of me studying for it but this definitely looks like dried blood I'm not joking yeah maybe they're having something criminal inside this house I don't want to think about that you know let's just go on with our explore a lot of shoes in the grounds over here some bums off the woman suitcase man this was a big storage Louisiana Steamboat Company founded 1869 New Orleans do we have any viewers from New Orleans let yourselves here in the comment section down below some other Christmas decoration tools and this friend is also beautiful wow those are prams from the 1980s approximately I'm wondering wouldest woman was but ever was a young a couple this was probably the model from the man or the woman we have another one of these coffee grinders but this one is not hanging on the wall look before after standing where this is so sort the people who lift it were very small okay right now if I go all the way up oh definitely okay following Moreno to the next room alright aware it's better I guess and yeah this is was just yet another big storage actually or big storage there's also Beth but so many stuff left this was the woman in the younger days we haven't seen pictures of her downstairs and living this was the trenton twin I guess oh so maybe was their daughters I think so yeah guess these pictures aren't that old oh yeah look they were twins the twins room and that's what we all right now so this is just the abandoned house of twins yeah we could get named that man actually that sounds pretty pretty mysterious well which became abandoned for no known reason look at this television not a bad so I think one of the two twins slept here and the other slept in the other bed weird Lots well then it's actually pretty strange the place is abandoned for five years or something yeah five years there is dried blood on the bed and in our twins that probably are still alive right now so I guess they should have gotten all this stuff which is inside of this place but everything is left yeah it's restraint why wouldn't they want all these stuff I really don't get it man because yeah there's a lot of stuff has just word something you can sell it or you can use it I mean like all the China and the cabinets that is so beautiful you can still use it right now yeah there's a lot of valuables just left on there may be some really mysterious things happen over here those were some really old shoes from one of the two twins they were in a young 'days I also have my first pair of shoes still standing in my home my mother really loves to collect it of course it's a beautiful memory from when you old John Lewis oh and another model ship Wow how cool there are two model ships inside this home this one also doesn't say your name but I think they definitely had passion for sailing or for ships all right that was our first episode of this little German threat wheel making this home it just had a very mysterious vibe I mean it was so beautiful that so many valuables were left but we are really wondering what is the actual story behind this place and actually right at the end we found out that it worked two twins that maybe it could have had all this stuff when we found nuts in the bed which was also pretty strange so we are asking yourself what could have happened over there and yeah let's say maybe you can think about something that can happen over that could have happened over here just leave down in the comments because we will always be thinking about it definitely definitely and if you light it you know what to do leave a big thumbs up you can subscribe to our channel for free down below and also hit that notification button bell leave your comment down below if you want to support us you can check out a patreon page the link that is in the video description and it starts digging or mosques because we are moving to the next button we hope you have a wonderful day and we see you on our next suspension in Italy visa [Music]
Channel: Explomo
Views: 316,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urbex, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, verlassen orte, urban exploration, explomo, german family, german home, fully furnished, twins, urban exploring, what happened to, fully furnished abandoned house, abandoned german family home, exploring with josh, abandoned germany, urbex germany, steve ronin, bros of decay, german twins, everything left behind, exploring, germany, lost places, lost, family home, family house, house, untouched, timecapsule, abandoned home
Id: awQtQi9YWXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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