Resident Evil ABANDONED Mansion with Everything Left Inside | Frozen in Time

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foreign can be full of joy and happiness in one moment and completely fall apart the next [Music] and the story behind this Grand Home is just that [Music] in an instant this family lost a loved one [Music] which would change the course of their lives forever [Music] yo what is up everyone it is Big Banks we are back again for another exploration today we are in southern France exploring an amazing abandoned castle here this is in a very rural town uh there's like literally no one around and it's in the forest we walked up this beautiful path of flowers I have my friends here Steve Ronan who just joined a band in Nashville Jeremy who has been on the trip with me for the last few days and we're about to check out this Beast of a castle I'm gonna let you guys know the history here in just a second but let's take a look around the outside first and then we'll get right into it so if you're new hit that subscribe button leave a like down below and let's go so guys here's the castle look at the first Tower right here very beautiful it's about three stories high a lot of bedrooms in here and everything is Left Behind so let's take a walk around the front and see what this beauty looks like guys on this trip we've been having a lot of fails and this one is literally like the best one of the trip so far look at that thing beautiful wow I love abandoned castles I don't know how many I've seen so far definitely quite a few it's like before I never saw any I never thought I would ever experience abandoned castles before so look at that what a beautiful home it's sad to see that nobody lives here anymore nobody's enjoying it and just everything is still inside so you guys are literally in for a treat once you see the inside of this place so guys I'm gonna let you know the history here in just a second we're going to do a whole voice over so look at this place look at the beauty of it it's been abandoned for many years here it's exactly what happened to this beautiful castle this stunning forgotten mansion looks like something straight out of the movie Resident Evil but it was actually once owned by a very loving family who came up from a very wealthy background throughout Generations the same family owned most of the land in the area and the Mansion was passed down until about 20 years ago the last couple that resided here was a man and his wife as well as their daughter and cousins and even though they were already wealthy from their past relatives they ran a successful Hotel business and from photos we found inside they seemed to have been a very happy family living their best life secluded from the crowded cities nearby foreign but one day the wife got very sick and unfortunately passed away of pneumonia leaving the man by himself and the daughter had moved away years prior the man couldn't stand living in such a large home that brought so many good memories that he decided to walk away and leave everything behind [Music] foreign so join me today and let's see what's left all right guys well we're inside this abandoned castle and I'm going to check it out today this place is absolutely beautiful we're going to go throughout this entire place it's me Jeremy I've been in Nashville as you guys know Steve Ronan we're all in here today and we're going to explore this I'm going to start you off downstairs work our way around and then we're gonna go upstairs so let's get right into it so it's looking like that we're in some sort of like gentleman's room of some sort check out this fireplace that is something else in the ceiling this place is beautiful he had the two leather sofas here that I want to focus on this details in it it's such a large fireplace pillars on both sides just beautiful architecture check this out this is like their heater and right on on top of it there's like this eagle looks like he's taking a fall a couple times and I believe this was the man and his son that used to live here foreign this is like some sort of pantry not much in it looks like rats have kind of made their nest in there that you can see this room and how Grand it is look at the ceiling still and there's bats up there there's lots of bats in this place so hopefully we don't get bit by one a lot of books lots and lots of books he got the radio over there you got lots of things but we're about to get into a really really good room and it's this room right here come through these doors and check this out look at this piano we have a grand piano here the leg is looking like it's about to give out almost look at the dust on it in the old chair has like a king's crown on the chair with beautiful ornate details but this room is literally like a library look at these books they're all still here all different kinds of books they even have like molds growing on them and then look at the moldings in the ceiling I love like the sea foam green it's all throughout this it looks like there was even glass between all this because there's hinges and stuff so they might have been doors for the books it's another heater in here but I love like the sea foam green throughout this room and all these books and I mean there are so many books with that so this says Berlin and there's these really old cards here it's like so quiet in this place you have the three archways really makes this place super unique beautiful details so it looks like along the ceiling it's like fruits I assume right here there might have been a beautiful chandelier at one point there's murals on both walls there's more books fireplace and there's another painting right here you can kind of tell what it is but not really at the same time looks like a naked woman The Man by a beach under like some trees it's like a statue within a frame beautiful fireplace this is just one beautiful room right here is your stepper you need to step up to reach the top shelf for the books look at this it says sexology so I wonder if this is a book about sex I don't know French so you guys should let me know check that out check out the mural definitely looks like Europe a long time ago there's like a temple up at the top beautiful landscaping cattle beautiful I love art and this is just like Priceless pieces I think this is your name but there's also one on the other side as well sort of almost the same type of scene just imagine this being in your home painted on the walls so this is what you're seeing when you first walk into the front doors of this place like I said there was probably a nice chandelier there and you would see this Library turn you'd see more books and this beautiful grand piano this is not a baby grand this is an actual Grand it's huge foreign and then as we come back here this must have been like a dining room some sort check out that you have a beautiful rug here really nice rug he's really really expensive looking seats they all have like this king's crown on them wow I'm just kind of like really in love with this spot this is definitely the best one we've seen so far it's a very special place the artwork in here this artwork kind of looks dark this is like a wow it kind of looks scary it's like a forest that had been destroyed this is where you would have had your silverware maybe they would have served some alcohol right here on this tray and then in here there are China plates everything like that and another painting of some flowers above it look at this guys this is a butterfly that is literally landed here and never left it's like a mummy mummified butterfly this cabinet right here holds books and it's actually a radio too on that side you got this little painting this is a beautiful home this is actually a fireplace so I was rolling about it holding books I thought I saw books in there but that's just brick but this is actually a fireplace and this is a radio I love the light fixtures on each side as well with this beautiful mirror here thank you but yeah this room is like the dining room of some sort at least that's what it looks like it was [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] shorter door here but we can fit through it and wow check this out this is the first bedroom we're seeing and look at that goodness so what I'm thinking here is that siblings would have shared this room you know one of them would have slap on one bed one step on the other and by the color of this room it looks like maybe there it was both boys because it's both blue in here above the bed there are paintings different art pieces and right at my feet here there's a baby carriage check out some of this furniture beautiful nice chair here amazing furniture that is up to this place just amazing this is an old school type radio we even have a chest here whenever we can open it up inside it's just some trash some old newspapers but just look at the details on this thing it's got like a cushion on the top and then the blue beds they're like still made got about 10 foot ceilings in this bedroom but it's all just blue they even have a really nice fireplace in here the floor feels really sketchy I mean look at it look at all the dust and debris from the ceiling kind of caving in right there wow one thing I noticed about Europe too I can't walk over there but it's like double windows I mean I'm not sure the correct term for it you guys could let me know in the comments but there's like two different Windows here it's very nice like the wallpaper just peeling off until it's been here for so long just sitting abandoned it looks like right here this is a like washroom there's a washer over there so maybe this is where they wash their clothes it also could be a pantry too there's different dishes and stuff there's a lot of storage space all throughout this side a lot there's a lot of champagne and wine a lot of stuff like that is left throughout Europe and I think these this is like some sort of Cooler you can see how it opens up like that so yeah this is the washroom though in the pantry come on to this room right here and this leads out into like the main stairway of the house which I'll show you here in a little bit there's a big fireplace here like a really really large one there's a table in here I mean there's just a lot of stuff I mean what's even in these look this is where the microwave is so this might have been like a kitchen of some sort at one point in time and this is also a pantry there's still food left in here look at that just old rotting food spaghetti all that stuff there's even an old TV in here little box TV and this is a doorway that goes out this is the back door of the house right there but what a beautiful home we are in today guys [Music] foreign so we've explored downstairs it's time to go upstairs and see all the bedrooms I believe this has about five to six bedrooms in it it's been abandoned for quite some time it has a balcony this is like a legit like little Chateau it's not like a full-on castle but it is a mansion it's pretty big house so we're going to keep looking through the rest of this and see what all is Left Behind in here I hope you guys are enjoying if you are this massive subscribe button leave a like down below but let's just keep on exploring and let's see what else is left in this gym I can't wait to show you guys yo this is a bunch of bugs what that is crazy and there's another one here even a butterfly look at the dust of like the wings I don't know what these are what that looks creepy what is this those are very creepy there's like these bugs up here floor is really sketchy look at these statues that are here I think that might be even a painting of the owner or the previous owner this old camera it's crazy up here this is like a work area let's move on back to this side there's some things left right here just closed scattered throughout the floors but I see one two three four bedrooms on this side alone and there's a closet right here in this hallway and Steve just made it upstairs you feel relieved yeah all right I'm going into the first bedroom straight away floor is really dodgy so we have to watch out where we're stepping but so see there's a hole in the floor there there's a couch in here very fancy looking couch and there's another two beds another room where siblings probably would have stayed in I don't want to take my chances on this floor it's really dodgy you just look at the wallpaper wallpaper actually matches the curtains on the walls look at that there's paintings old portraits of people there's a table in here with some documents on it but walking over there would be really dangerous because of the hole in the floor so I really don't want to take my chances with that looks like there's going to be a fireplace and but just about every room what is this so just like crappy I'm not sure what would have went in here but definitely has some sort of utensils of some sort but it's so sad to see it decaying like that look at that the ceiling is literally caving in wow here's another bedroom we got and there are bats in here you see this one hanging up right there he's looking around he might try to fly away here in a minute might hit me in the face look at this bedroom though my goodness that is a beautiful bed frame I'm saying the word beautiful so much because that's just what it is oh the bat's flying hope snap bro it is flying all throughout the room oh snap God dang this land buddy just land oh my God all right ah jeez all right please stay in there Mr Beth so in this room there's a Singer sewing machine there's your own sink a little work desk and of course the bed with this magnificent looking bed frame he got the portraits hanging on the walls they look like coins that's what they look like I'm trying I want to get closer but it's like the floor is literally like curving in this room he's probably even closing the dresser still we have another bedroom right through here it's kind of a large bedroom this is quite a big one so this bedroom and the floors again are like literally curving but this has a pretty big bed this bed is a lot longer than normal beds from what it looks like looks like I could lay perfectly on this comfortably it's just crazy how everything is still sitting in here like they just left one day and never came back like the beds are made some stuff is like Fallen probably from Decay or maybe even Vandals I'm not too sure you got a nice rug in here really large rug this is probably it's probably 12 foot long Persian style rug I think that's what it is the old radio in the corner there got this table foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] coming right out of the bedroom the big bedroom looks like we have our bathroom here which has a toilet end of a day very very nice bathroom to say the least you know got the sink here the tiles is amazing I love the tiling in here and I love that it matches the shower curtains as well but the toilet in the bidet are literally right in front of each other so you can go and then you can clean yourself right there tub is a really kind of narrow tub it might just be a European thing about the Soaps and whatnot but oh my check out this bedroom look at that the bed matches the wallpaper we've seen that before in other castles but we've seen it a lot more matching stuff in this Castle than the other ones look at the bookshelf above it ties this room together so well I must have loved to read very nice books everything is stacked so perfectly there's another whole shelf this looks like a collection of a certain type of book all on the same Shelf so you got clothing shampoo and stuff like that what is this believe these are negatives for photos this looks like a portrait of somebody some Kodak looks like there's a whole bunch of them there's just collections of them all over this one says Sports so maybe they took photos during Sports this is pretty cool over in the corner right here we have a desk for this room this bed looks super comfy for some reason definitely not gonna try to lay on it but just check it out right above the fireplace in the room as a painting looks like a beautiful little river it overlooks a castle some lily pads some weeping willows we even have a rosary still hanging here on the wall so maybe they were a little bit religious this almost looks like a like a cigar box oh my God what the heck freaked me out for a second I think this spider lives in there I just love how the bed literally matches the wallpaper they went hard in castles doing that stuff the basics was like Chinese or Japanese themed on this pillow it's like the emperor they're carrying you can see how the floor is literally like caving in right there it's pretty crazy it's a bit scary to walk in here look at all these books look at this Spider Web the spider is still in there get away from that guy I like that guy I don't know what this room is for there's a bidet in here so maybe this was just like some sort of closet some sort of just like getting ready area of the house for one of these bedrooms there's a staircase it goes up so I wonder what this goes up to maybe another bedroom oh yeah it does check this out it's really bright in here love the bed it's like a double sized bed another like Persian rug in here take a look at this furniture it's all Left Behind this place is an absolute time capsule look at that all the dresses all the Blazers the shoes are still in the closet here's the desk look here's even a photo it looks like maybe they're with a priest or something they had a fireplace very beautiful details and this bed here check that out is this what's right next to the battle and nightstand just like a little bit of a little portrait there a lamp looks like almost an ashtray of some sort if there's anything in the drawers I'm almost afraid of opening them look at that and then the paintings above the bed it's like a castle or a monastery or something or the river yo this one is creepy if you guys can see that but that's a night who is dead and that is his guardian angel holding his feet very creepy very dark type of Art I'm seeing what looks like a pretty crazy room down there look at this all of his shoes are still stacked here there's a baby crib and this is like a closet I wonder if it all leads into the same thing going this way whoa check out this bathroom I've got the wood paneling and everything it's just a weight scale I have never seen a weight scale look like this oh my gosh that is it's like you know the cup of weight scales I'm talking about but it's so different because it's made of wood and wow never seen one look like that the tub the cloth the tub look at that it's still beautiful still white everything that window it's green and all the things are still left in here in the cabinets my goodness here we have the shower it looks like there's water literally on the thing maybe that's how it's designed almost looks like somebody just took a shower their toothbrushes toothpaste oils lotions brushes and we come in here and oh my goodness what this must be the master bedroom let me get to where you guys can see this whoa this is nuts what look at this bed this is a bad Bill for a king let me tell you King of the castle wow I love this like Spiral design it has the curtains and then look right there there's a face carved hand card right there can you imagine how much a bed frame like this would be worth like just try to imagine that it's not for a king-sized bed but it is big enough look at that that is beautiful has the most beautiful bed frame I've ever seen in my life the amazing furniture look at this couch and I wonder what went up there on those little stands I bet you they had statues hanging up there or something and then this chair actually matches the bed frame check that out it's a different stain but it's still the same kind of design and this is their desk this looks like something for stamps what not looks like this is locked there's no key for it look at the nightstands and then there's the bookshelf stacked right on top of the heater which feels like it's kind of dangerous but you know let me tell you this room oh I didn't even look at this wow oh my goodness there's more of these like negatives right here they're not Polaroids there's something else but I think they're called negatives wow that's what an amazing house we are in I want to say this by far is the best Chateau we've seen on the trip and we have a few more to check out so we never know they could just get better and better and better this bed oh my gosh I am in love wow this is just surreal being in castles like this in France I'm in love [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right everyone well that's going to be the end of today's expiration I hope you guys enjoyed this just as much as I did check out Steve Ronan you guys know him and Amanda Nashville in there we're going to get out of this place it's a bit sketchy there's a lot of bats flying around and it just the air is just not good in here and we really need some water and some food we've been in here for like six or seven hours now so we are ready to get some fresh air and go get some food and everything like that so if you guys enjoyed hit that subscribe button leave a like and comment your favorite part down below and until next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 370,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: wzl8BCasyPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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