Phenomenal Abandoned Knight's Palace in Portugal - This place is like a MUSEUM!

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High in the cradling embrace of the Portuguese mountains, a secret is hidden – an abandoned mansion of unparalleled wonder. This forgotten jewel once belonged to the noble couple Pedro and Ines Maria da Lima, who resided in its glorious chambers. Their union was blessed with a daughter, Isabella, who brought joy and laughter to the grand halls. As time whispered its passage, Mother Nature began her relentless siege upon the mansion, slowly reclaiming what was once a man's creation. Yet, amid the crumbling walls and encroaching vines, remnants of opulence remained, turning the place into an extraordinary museum of the past. Pedro and Ines Maria's prosperity flourished through their agricultural company, and they generously invested their fortune in enhancing the mansion's splendor. But the cycle of life carried them towards the twilight years. Ines Maria and her beloved Pedro retired from the world of business, devoting themselves to the mansion and each other. Tragedy struck when Pedro passed away, leaving Ines Maria to roam the grand halls alone. She embraced the memories and found solace in the mansion's embrace. However, as the weight of years burdened her, Ines Maria reluctantly moved to a nursing home, where her final days drew near, and she joined her beloved husband in the realm of the departed. Left without heirs who cherished the mansion's legacy, Isabella's disinterest paved the way for the property’s relentless grip of decay. The once-magnificent mansion is now facing the cruel passage of time and the unforgiving forces of nature. Enjoy this tour as we take you inside today and show you its immaculate beauty that is still present today. "All right, all right, Mo. Welcome, welcome! We're still half awake." "Yeah, true, true. It's like 6:30 in the morning." "Yeah, around six or seven-ish. But we are heading towards what I currently believe to be the most beautiful place in Portugal I've ever seen. This place is mind-blowing, guys. So, like I said, we are still half awake, but we had to get up early because we're going to need a lot of hours to explore this place. When we saw it yesterday with our own eyes, we couldn't believe what we saw, right?" "No, man. We couldn't believe that this place is just wide open and abandoned." "Yeah, the fact that it's abandoned and not looked after anymore is crazy. It's like a museum. This video is going to be totally worth watching. Honestly, you might see a two-hour timeline on this video, but believe me, every single second is worth it." "Oh, definitely. There's so much to see. It's vast. This is probably top five material." "So, we're just hiking here. It's beautiful." "Yeah, it's the mountainous area of Portugal." "As you can see, we've also brought a bag with some supplies, mainly food and especially drinks. Because we do think we'll be here for a long time." "Yeah, for sure." "We're about to get a glimpse of the beautiful mountain valley." "Yeah, we're very close actually. Check that out. It's incredible." "Such a scenic place. It's very quiet, only the sounds of nature. Wait, I see a white van. It's going to pass us in a minute or so. I'll keep the camera low." "Just act like we're observing the wildlife. The van might speed past us." "And over here, we need to be cautious." "We're in a small mountain town. People aren't used to seeing strangers this time of the year." "Listen, the dogs." "We managed to get past a few houses." "It was a bit of a hike. I see another van. It's going to pass us soon. Look, there's a man by the pool." "Just go, yeah." "All right, we're out of sight of the house and the neighbors. But let's make zero noise while opening the gate. Now, close the gate." "Okay, guys, we've made it to the place. Wow. There's even a private chapel here. The place has so much history. Bro, I'd say let's just walk in. This is incredible. How old do you think this place is?" "I have no clue, honestly. Maybe 60 or over 100 years?" "Over 100 years, yeah. I think so too. Maybe even three centuries. The religious artifacts and the chapel suggest it. It's a majestic place." "But I'm trying to understand its original purpose. What I'm most curious about." "I think it belonged to nobles. It might have been the residence of a prominent noble family. There's so much to see. We've already surveyed everything yesterday. We'll start with the mansion, then the chapel, and lastly, there's even a guest house on the upper part of the property. We'll cover it all during this exploration. So, without further ado, let's head in." "We couldn't believe, when we came yesterday, how easy it was to enter." "Yeah, it seemed too good to be true. And there was an alarm sign at the front, quite shiny and new, indicating the place might be monitored. But everything's open, just wide open." "We should try to leave everything properly closed when we're done. To protect this place. Because it's simply insane." "Insanely beautiful, indeed." **Time for Magic!** "In three, two, one... wow! All right, Maureno, this is where we enter. I think we're right inside a basement or a ground floor part, actually." "Yeah, for sure. This was the basement, the ground floor, and there's a little shed, as you can tell. Well, let's put on the gloves, put on the mask, and start exploring. What could this have been?" "I think this was actually to keep chickens." "Yeah, definitely. I think for poultry or other animals. Look." "You can tell that this was probably for food storage over here." "Oh, yeah, for sure." "We've already found our first chest. Let's check it out. Open it up, man. What is that design? I've never seen those strips before." "Maybe they're for bottles of wine." "Like exclusive wine storage? Wow, it's just storage here. Not that special." "Making my way through, I see some wine bottles. Are they still filled?" "Yeah, that one still has the cork. Yep, it's still full. Let's see what kind of wine it is." "Vino tinto." "Red wine product from Portugal." "Nice, man. There are some more bottles over here." "Well, continuing on, oh damn, Mo! We definitely have some more wine over here. Look, old-fashioned wine storage. Remember, this is typical in Portugal with those hexagon ceramics." "True, man. Like a complete wall. On the other sides, there are also these bottles for short-term storage of wine. It actually continues around the corner here. It's so vast." "That's crazy! Portuguese and their wine always go together. Many of them even make it themselves. So, what's in here?" "Yeah, there's more wine, actually. A lot of bottles, even on top." "Let's walk up. What's behind this door?" "Well, there isn't much. Just a pipeline and some cans, probably for storing water or maybe milk. Could be chemicals. I don't know. Maybe there's a secret meth lab?" "Who knows? This place doesn't have a secret meth lab, but it does have many historical secrets to be revealed today." "Oh, for sure. Because you might be thinking this isn't that special, but I believe this is just the beginning. Let's say this treasure is a slow burner." "All right, making my way up to the actual house, you can see the terrible state of the stairs. We need to be careful. Maybe we should skip a step." "All right, well, Mo, here we are. This is the start of a very big adventure because the property is vast. And imagine, this isn't the only building. We also have the chapel and another structure. It was probably for their service back in the day, perhaps a guest house." "True, it's pretty decent. I checked it out yesterday." "Over here, you can tell they used to store small items, maybe equipment. Look, a coin! Is it the escudo?" "I'm not quite sure. But yeah, it's the old currency of Portugal, the escudos." "We also have some postal cards, business cards, and, for some reason, crystal on top. Here's the first religious artifact we see. We're bound to find many more, especially since they had a private chapel." "Well, some decoration, and there's a flashlight. I always wonder why flashlights are stored in kitchens." "This seems more like a side kitchen. The main kitchen is probably on the opposite side. Everything's still here, untouched. Look at this plate, is it real silver?" "I'm not sure, but they're beautiful. Look at the carved design on them." "Okay, let's close this up. Mo, there's a fridge. Should we check it?" "I think it's empty. Oh, but it's quite dirty. And there are some magnets on the freezer. Is the freezer stuck?" "There's water in it. It looks like the refrigerator was just shut off. I think it's still connected to electricity, but it eventually stopped working. Look at this photo. It shows how this place looked in 1998." "That's the property! You can even see a white car parked in the garden. It's a vast property." "Look over here. I think it's medical equipment." "Like medicine, right?" "Exactly." What is inside over here? I don't know what that is. - I think medicines, man, just medicines, all over the place are medicines. It looks like, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, wait, let me see. Cutlery. Damn. Yeah, it's shaky for real like it's falling apart. Unbelievable. What is this? Some biscuits, crackers? Yeah, it looks like. I think some crackers. - Yeah, but it's like a heavy brick, actually. Yeah, of course, after all those years. - Yep, that came quite heavy. And then we're just some other kitchen tools. Just the imagination everything's left like everything they once owned. I think for this tour we might gotta go into this direction and then show the other parts. Alright, your choice. Or do you want to do the corridor first? Ah, I would say just let's first do that part. Okay. Let them keep on watching let's say like that because this is also very cool but that is even way more cooler. Yeah, yeah yeah. We know that for sure. There's just a lot so. I would say like immediately walk to the opposite side and do the kitchen because that's what you said like it's on the opposite side. Yep, and this is it. A very traditional Portuguese kitchen. The dishes for this noble family that once resided here we're all prepared here. - By servants, you think? I definitely think so. For such a big noble family, I think they were generous, especially in their time era. And now, it's just all abandoned, man. It truly shows you that time is of relative definition and very allusive. Just imagine that time is always catching up sooner or later, so that's why we always try to say like live your life in the way you want it. I'm wondering what this is for. Yeah, I'm not quite sure. Maybe these are names but... If it has a meaning, please say it in the comments section, if it doesn't then, yeah, just let us know. Oh, look, actually, a typical Portuguese chicken. - The rooster, right? Yeah, from Portugal. You see those a lot when you go to Porto to the city. - Yeah, yeah. Damn, stunning, man. Yeah, it's crazy. Cool. Some dishes have been cooked over here. Oh, yeah, you can truly tell. It's completely black. What is this? I have no clue what that is. It's not a music instrument. - No. Even another little oven over here. Well, and then, of course, over there's some more kitchen equipment. You know what's just so insane about this place? Not only the fact that we're gonna find multi-millions of dollars of antiques and centuries of history but also the fact that this place is truly decayed. - Truly decayed. And truly neglected like not being maintained or taken care of. - Like honestly, even if somebody cared about it, you can't do anything with any of the stuff that is inside. Like you really need to recover some items. There are definitely some that are savable but like 80% or something... I can't open this anymore. I mean, 80% is like demolished. - What about the water? I hear water in the pipes right now. So, there is something but... - It's probably just, yeah... ...not sufficient to gush water. Yeah, you saw that last drop? Yeah, oh, well, actually. I do think that's it, man. It's probably still some water from the mountains in there but that's it. - Yeah, that's just it. Well, alright, let's continue, Mo. Cause it's just quite a huge property, actually. You would definitely not expect it and there are so many storage parts like also over here, this big storage, Well, just the storage for some canned food, and then again, kitchen tools. Whoa, the porcelain over there on top. - It's beautiful. I'll open it up from this side and, of course, way more porcelain. Why would you even have that many? Well, if you had guests and you had different courses, you would elegantly serve them out like different kind of porcelain, chinaware. - True, true. You know, it was like your visitor's note. - True that, true that. They wanted to make a good impression when other noble families or you know like important people from that time came to visit them. - Exactly, exactly. I really want to make sure that but... I still don't get it, the property is this big. Unbelievable, man, unbelievable. Alright, let's head up here. As you can see, the jackets, are still hanging over here. I mean, come on, man. And yeah, these are definitely from a older man and as you can also tell with the jackets over here, there's also the skirt, a dead spider. Completely moldy. - And just look at the cobwebs in between it. Yeah, unbelievable, man. I'm the first person touching this in a long time. And also over here. It's crazy, all those clothes are just hang up here like they still wear their last outfit. - Exactly. But they never returned ever since. - Who will leave such a place? Damn. This is a back door I think. - Yeah, this is a back garden door probably. This is quite unusual. I do think this was for a servant because this is like it has a bathroom right next to it. - Yeah, but I think it was not for a servant because we're gonna find a lot of personal photos inside this room. Okay, okay, well, continuing... Oh, no! Look, look. Wow, all the shoes are even on the ground, all paired next to each other. - It's from an older man. Yep, these were definitely his last routes, man, I do think so, since the medicines are right next on the table. - Yeah, on the nightstand. On the nightstand, exactly. I'm just gonna sit over here in the bed and we have some personal letters. "J. Lolol". I think that's not how you pronounce it. I don't know, I don't know. Yeah, what does it say, man? Joaquil or something. Portuguese, we need to pronounce it in the Portuguese way. We're gonna find more letters probably with more clear description. Joaquil da Lima. Da Lima, maybe, you hear a lot in Portugal. Joaquil da Lima. Am I a good Portuguese man right now? Well, let the Brazilian and Portuguese viewers judge. - Just say it, just be honest in the comments. Let's check this out over here. - Yeah, man. We have some baby pictures, actually. This is quite unusual because these pictures are new like... Well, I would say they could be like from my childhood, you know so let's say like their maximum 20 years old. True that, true that. So cute, all these photos of the baby, really nice photos. The little girl growing up. Really really nice photos. And then, I'm actually more curious about what is over here, and we still have the glasses. Well, we have to box, we even have a watch, a "Seiko", de Luciano, 1999. So, yeah, the photos could be from our age, man, like our time period. Check out the a lamp over here. It's cool, man. A little receptacle over here. - Yep. I do think this was the last residence of the person living in here. The bed, haha, look. An old painting. And then even the toys, Toy Story2. Yeah, there are plenty of toys inside this place, actually. - Yeah, man, alright, we do have a name. Yeah, I already saw another envelope over there too. - Yeah, you were right, Lima. It's Maria Lima, and this is actually from the city itself from Portugal, for paying taxes. Well, I'm not going into too much detail because that's some personal information. Yeah, this place needs to be protected. - Oh, yeah, sure, sure. Also look at the stones, by the way, all the stone walls. And it's real, right? Yeah, for for sure. - It's not fake, man. I mean, it's very traditional. - Yeah, yeah, it's a very aged structure, you know? A picture over here. - Do you think it's the same girl? Maybe, yeah when she was more grown. - Yeah. Oh, look, this also very Portuguese. - The clumps, right? Yeah, Portuguese clumps. Haha, look at this. One cent. Free cuddly panda bear inside. Would it still be in there? It's from Canon. Yeah, it's still in there. - Yep. Cute. - Yes, still inside, man. Also look at the picture right behind it. - Oh, yeah, that's properly old. Yep, we can see a woman with a baby and it was probably the person that was, actually, raised here. So, that was like the grandmother. - Yep, exactly. Or the great grandmother even. Some other names. Of course, there were many people that inhabited this place. - What was the name? Uhm, pff, hard to say. Damn, these hand-writings. Pai, oh, oh-pai. Nah, that sounds French, man. Actually, we can also see the name of one of our friends, Gaspar. - Gaspar, haha. Yeah, haha. Danny, you were in here, right? You lived here. - Danny, we know it. You are noble, man. You are a noble man, tell us. Yeah, and then we immediately have this bathroom over here and, actually, it's it's way more modern - this style of bathroom. - Yeah, so, I think this is maybe the most modern room we're gonna see in this place. Exactly, exactly, so, I do really think that the man was just sleeping here in the last days. - Or maybe one of the bedrooms like downstairs and the other way. Could be. Those are also a little bit more modern. - True. For the rest, you can still see the signs of decay. And dust. - Yeah, just decay and dust, and just a bathroom, man. It's crazy. Oh, watch out. And this is after the year 2000 because there are also two cents over here. Okay. So, it hasn't been abandoned for long long long. - Well, at least, 15 years. True that, true that. I do think around the beginning of the 2000s, man. - The turn of the millennium. Yep, I mean, machine washables for five euros, that was when inflation was not hitting that bad. Another one of these lamps. - And again, the picture of the child. Alright, so, for the next part of the corridor, we got to be very cautious because the floor over here is completely cracked. - As you can tell, yep, it's completely cracked. Just to give you an imagination. Let's head inside the first room. Alright, Mo... - We've got another bedroom. Shine the light, man. - Wow! Man... This looks repulsive, honestly. I mean, take a look over there at the doll. Damn! Ah... - You can clearly see all the black mold in those books. That's crazy, man. Ah, it looks nasty, man, honestly. - Actually, I can see something over here. What is it? - D. Maria, yeah, don't show it in detail. Okay, okay. just keep a little bit distance. it's crazy. It's almost like a four-poster bed. - Yeah, man. Man... black mold is all covering the envelopes over here. - Exactly, exactly, well, you shouldn't stand too long in here then, man. No, we still have the key over here. This fan has fallen down over here in the corner. - Oh, yeah, we have a fan over there in the corner. Well, Mo, if I was you I would just head out. Oh my gosh, that was the fan. - Destroying the fan. Since you can't find your mask, my brother. - Check this out. Yeah, it's beautiful. - Yeah, but I'm talking about how the greenery is making its way inside. Oh, yeah, I mean, take a look like nature is really taking over, man. It's doing his job at its best will. - Yeah, for sure. Alright, I'm stuck, what is this? - It's a paper bag. Well, let's see what's in here. Yeah, there're not even clothes or anything in there. - No. There's another child toy with the clock. - Hahaha, it's quite funny. Yeah. Okay... oh, what's this? It's from the rally, the international rally in Portugal in 1988. - That they won something? I don't know, I think they attended it. - Damn, so they were rally racing over here. Another letter? - I'm not sure what is inside. Actually, like stickers to label something. It's saying "historia", so history. - Okay, okay. Name, year, and type, so, maybe this was once used to sell like some of their antiques to label it and categorize stuff. - Maybe at least they tried, let's say like that. Yeah, alright. - Well, then head out again, and better watch your step over here. Look how the the wood is just cracking. - I mean, look... You can easily tell, haha. Alright, this is one big step, Mo. We've got another bathroom over here. - Yeah, just a small one. As you can tell, again, Portuguese style with the tiles. And look at all the feces in the sink. - Argh, oh, yeah, I see, it's quite nasty. Well, not much special things to see over here. Alright, Maureno. I think this is the room where they used to do their ironing and laundry. - Yeah, looks like, right? What did you find? Quite a cool hat. Yeehaw! Reminds me of the time in Texas, bro. - Well, if I was you I would not take that one with you to Texas. I have a better one. - Yeah. Cleaner one, more swag. - More swag, yeah. Well, oh, look! Even over there, man. This is just falling apart. - Yeah. You can tell that this place is really catching up on time. Maybe one day it will just completely fall apart. A lot of blankets in here. - Yep. Check this out in the corner over here, Remon. - Is it a safe? I'm not sure. - What is that? Wait, I'm gonna grab it. - It's... alright, let's just grab it. It must be quite heavy. It's heavy? - Oh... it's quite heavy. Yeah, right? I was thinking exactly the same, man. Alright, grab the light. Now, tell me, Mo, what is it? What do you think it is? Yeah, I think this used to roll, you know, but that's not possible anymore. - Yeah, it's stuck, it's like completely stuck. But I don't know. - Alright, if you know it, you know what to do, just leave it down in the comments section. Because now back to this, is this like a vault or is this a stove? - I do think it's a stove, man. Yeah, me too. Yeah, it's definitely just a stove. - Multiple doors, and it's yeah, just stone, you know? It's probably leading to another chimney here. - Could be, I mean, behind it, I think. Yeah, possibly. But, well, bro, the floor is cracking underneath me. - Yeah, it's crazy. This place is very decayed. Well, I do think you have your answer right over here on the floor, look. This is a part of the chimney, right? - Yeah. Alright, well, what else do we have over here? - A backpack. Full of blankets again. It's quite nice, quite unusual, actually. Check out this here. Oh, yeah, again, religious artifacts. This is something of their travels, Monaco. - Yep, Monaco, Monte Carlo. "Route de Soleil". Ah, they've been to places. Yeah, and for the people back in that time, you used to have a lot of money to be able to travel. - Yeah, you needed to be quite wealthy, man. Like, nowadays, there is globalization, flights, like that was not like that back in the days. You needed to be a wealthy person. - Exactly, exactly. Well, what else do we have? Oh, over there, look on top, the suitcases. - Yeah. As you can tell. And is there like many much things left over here, except some white molds? And it's right over here, maybe if you have a light for me. Just some clothes and I do think that was it for this part, man. It's time for the other parts. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. Be amazed, that's all I'm gonna say. - Yeah, yeah. Sit down and enjoy. Allright, so we're back where we came up, and we need to show you a beautiful part first. I mean... - Let's treat you guys well with one amazing room. Exactly, let's treat you right with one beautiful glimpse, and that's actually where we came up, and then right next to that door. This was unbelievable. This was literally the first thing seeing inside this place. I mean, can you imagine this? Damn... - You're actually blocking the view right now. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm also beautiful but this is way more beautiful, man. I need to admit that. Wow, this is incredible. Can you shine the light? Okay. Wow... This is unbelievable. I think this was actually the dining room given that it's like so close to the kitchen too. Exactly, exactly, and that's why I was asking myself like I mean, you have one, two, three, four, five, six seats, so, imagine all this chinaware for six seats. Yeah, maybe they had... I think they had different sets of porcelain for different occasions as well. Oh, yeah, true and they probably had a bigger table, a way bigger table. Damn. You can see the painting properly? Yeah. It's from the war. Yep, it's from the war. They're actually fighting. It's quite ironic that exactly the place where the clock of the church used to be is actually a hole. - Oh, yeah, it's quite unusual. You can see them fighting and battling over here. And then, the beautiful fireplace, but look at this design. - Wow! Beautiful, right? - It's like carved, right, and painted? Yeah, yeah, it's painted. Just all handmade. Let's place that back because I don't want to destroyed it. And then, look in the corner over there too. - Yeah! All their crystal. - Crystal, yeah, I mean, let's have a look. Oh, check that out. Jesus, it's... I said "the last evening meal" but what is it? "The last supper", I believe. - The last supper here, yeah. Well, beautiful lamps. - And you can just see how damaged the furniture is, covered with debris. You can see signs of wood warm over there. - Yep. And then, we have the dining table. - With the beautiful lamp. A chandelier, I would say, incredible. Mind-blowing. What's a beautiful, gorgeous piece size. - It looks like it's from crystal, actually. Wow! Check this out over here, Remon. - Yeah. A little records layer. - A little record player, yeah. It's actually a way more modern one, but still... Oh, damn! All those different family coats of arms from noble families are displayed on this plate. I do think that's the only reason why these places just don't get torn down because they were definitely from noble families and I need to say, Mo, this ashtray is 100% silver. Can you show the back? Europe, Estonia, and it has a silver label. This is also heavy for an ashtray. What's that? A police siren in this area, but there is a highway close to this. - Oh, yeah, true, true. I mean, it's quite unusual because it's just so serene over here. Yeah, yeah, it's quite peaceful. Well... - Check out the painting over here, Remon. Beautiful, right? - Yeah. It's quite big. - Yeah, yeah, and have you also checked this? Like the curtains. Yeah, they're in almost every room that's about to follow, so beautiful, those laces, those curtains. Again, we can capture a glimpse of the outside with the chapel right over there, the out-house or guest house there, another shed. And there used to be another shed on top but that home is actually being renovated, and we think it's a vacation house right now. Well, then... Oh! This is cool! You know what this is? Was it for water? No, no, no. It was for cream, whipped cream. - Are you sure? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, because over here... well, maybe not whipped cream but over here, you can put in the pressure capsule. Wow. And look at the traditional coffee maker, I remembered this one from Marcel in New York, haha. I actually don't drink coffee so I didn't use it but... That's why it's so close in my mind, man. Well, what else do we have over here? Just some simple tools, a lighter over here, probably still working. Whoa, it's still working, bro! - Yeah. That's crazy. - Still working, another one over here, probably also still working. I mean, come on, these things don't go down. And again, a silver plate, actually. We have some more plates. Again and again. You know, again and again. Wow, check out the little cups over there. Oh, yeah, I see. Check out this over here. For vinegar and oil. Oh, yeah, I see it, and it's still inside. - Yeah. Well, it's completely solid. - Yeah, it's completely solid. Vino Verde, actually, the white wine of Portugal. A copper plate on top. Whoa, look at that, it's the last supper again. - Okay, the last supper, alright. And take a look at how cute this little set of salt and pepper is. - Very small ones, man. That's so cute. - But like I said, completely out of copper. Again, we have Rooster of Barcelos over there. A small cart, it's for a dinner, right? To like bring the food. - Yeah, a little cart. Cool, man, very cool. Then you could definitely tell it's a noble family and just servants living in here as well. And again, one more time the last copper. - Yep, the Last Supper, bro. Oh, the Last Supper, damn, I said copper. - Copper is something else. Copper is something else, okay. - Don't worry, don't worry, it's early. True that, true that. And we are both blown away by this immaculate beauty. - It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, but this was the beautiful room we were talking about. Right now we're going to show you some more beautiful rooms and eventually also going downstairs. Okay, so, we're about to continue right now. We're gonna give you a little tease. Look at this exquisite wooden bench. - It's beautiful, man. With the family coat of arms painted right over here. The carvings, the lamp right above it. Also, very unique, and then, Maureno, I would say, show them the last bits of this one. Wow, it's incredible. - It's very incredible. You can see the cobwebs all between the structure. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright, now, I'm just gonna stand right over here... - ...because the other parts behind me, that's gonna be the last part of this video. Yeah, yeah. Last part of this house, let's say it like that. - Yeah, the mansion. I can't believe how much we still have to see, bro, like... - Yeah, yeah, we have a lot to see. Alright, well, what is the painting right next to you, on your right? I can't see it properly. Okay, okay, I do think also something religious as well. Wow, you walking inside of this place looks so, so cool, man. - I know, right? We tried something else today with holding the light instead of mounting it on the camera, I think it gives a more ominous perspective. - A more mysterious vibe. A more real vibe of exploring, you know? - Exactly, exactly. Check this out. - Guys, the bed. Look at that. The pillows have been completely eaten by insects and mots - I mean, take a proper look. The foam of the mattress and the pillows littering the bed sheet. And also on top, look at the design. A wonderful headboard with some detailed carvings. - Again, a religious painting. And what do we have over here? - Well, actually, check this out. What is it? - It's a carved statue. Okay. - It looks quite strange like it's holding a bible, so I think this was some kind of priest or monk. Damn, religion in these places goes so so far. "Santa Teresa di Jesus". Okay. - Some very old scriptions over here. Maybe we can read what it says. - Nah. No, I mean the handwriting is just bad. - Not even a chance. Again, a religious artifact. So many, actually, in this place, man. I mean... Old plasters, quite vintage looking. "Salvelox", okay, okay. A pocket bible with Jesus Christ on the cover. - Like we say, only religion, only God that's among us. Well, and then, over here we have some books. Well, some books. The desk is completely filled, man. "History universal". What is that one? Mr. Bean. 2007, April 2007. - Yeah, like I said, 2000. So, Mo, imagine only for how many years like 20 years or something? - 15 years. 15 years, ah, yeah, 15 years. Running too much in time. Damn, because I'm so speechless and so amazed about this place my IQ is going down, hahaha. - I just really really want to check everything out. A little car. - Oh, yeah, yeah. Take a look. - Ah, yeah, I see it. Let's give them one little hint. Keep watching this video. - Exactly, exactly, please keep on watching because yep, like we said, there are some proper antiques and a beautiful place, man. For sure. Check out, first of all... - ...the design of this one, right? This cabinet. Intricate carvings, wonderful locks. Alright, then open it up. - Oh my gosh! Actually, actually, I believe some of these clothes were, actually, special clothes to wear to funerals. - True, true, true. The decay is incredible. - These are repulsive, man. I mean, take a closer look, please. You can see that inside of there, these are probably moth eggs, I think. I don't know, they look disgusting like the white thingies. - Yeah, that's also why we're definitely wearing gloves in this place. Yeah. Are there even more clothes over there? - Uhm, some, not a lot. What's this over here? - A beautiful purse, man. Whoa! - We have some pictures? Yeah. - Alright, alright, what else do we have? We have a name, "Ines Maria". - Alright, alright, so, it was a woman. Oh, I even saw a bank card, actually. Ines Maria. Ines Maria. Yeah, that's 100 percent her. And it's actually from 1995. It's actually from agricultural company and this was like their billing, their finances. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 1990. 1981 over here. Ines Maria again. Ines Maria da Lima. - Okay, okay. I think that this woman actually lastly owned this place. - Could be, and it could be that she was in that bed over there, man. It's all Ines Maria and, actually, this is her driving license! Dang. We have her driving license here. Come over here. Check this out. Oh, yeah, that's Ines Maria! That's her, in 1961 she got her driving license. - At least, thanks for having us, darling, because yep... She was born in 1921 in the city of Porto. Actually, on the 1st of January. - Nice, New Year, newborn. Wow. - Damn, Mo. Ines Maria. This is really going back in history, actually. I think this woman has, actually, already departed Earth. It's sad to see her wallet because this was probably her husband's that, actually, passed away. - Yeah, that's the picture that we just saw, okay. Let's see what else I can find but we already found a lot of information right now. - Yeah, I would say, we spent quite some time looking at personal documents. Yeah, because we want to find out the history, right, that's exploring. Well, there was also a bank card. Over here is a card from the year 2000 and it's, actually, from her retirement. - Okay, okay. That was it. I'm gonna put this purse back where I found it, close it because it was just open. But that, actually, learned us a lot of this place. - Yep. Now, next up, we have a door over here. Whoa! - Some clothes used to hang over there. Typical Portuguese clothes hooks over here. - Yeah, exactly. We also have an identity card over here, also from Ines Maria. - Well, that was the woman again. It was admitted in 1961, she got this one. - Okay. Ines Maria, and then, we also have the other two names. Her man Pedro, and her daughter Isabella. - Okay, okay. So, we have the family right now. - Quite a beautiful woman, actually, back in the days. Yeah, for sure. Well, what is that? It's just a little plaque of... I don't know. Maybe some wine or some liquor. - A religious artifact again. We've still got a lot of perfumes right over there. - And as you can tell, a religious statue, actually, right over here. Wow, check out that bottle of cologne. - What is it? "Kolnisch wasser", it says. Okay, okay, so German cologne. Check out how precious this little jewelry box is.. - Yeah, it's religious, right? I do think so. It's hand-painted, actually. Magical. - All the religious artifacts, man, keep on continuing. As you can tell, a religious statue again. And then, we have some more perfumes. Exactly. And check this out, it's also quite neat. - Religious artifacts keep on coming. Yeah. And have you seen the chair over here? - It's beautiful, right? It's well-designed. - Yeah, it truly is. It's actually quite matching with the bench that we just saw in the corridor. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Even the bottom part of it. And then, you can tell, nature is conquering. Nature is conquering its way. It's crazy, man. Like right over here. Unfortunately, Mo. It's the sad truth but... - I mean, exciting for us to see natural decay, but very sad for this place and especially the history. I'm happy that it's still in such an untouched condition, at least free from any vandalism and just natural decay but it's just a crying shame that this place is not getting restored and it's really left in a state of neglect. - Neglect and disrepair, man, because you can't do anything with almost everything inside, like I said 80 percent is just gone. - Yeah, let's let's continue, bro, let's continue. This room was amazing. We just want to take our time to see everything. What do we have over here? - Check this out. Actually, packing paper. - Oh, yeah, yeah, Christmas decoration again as well. What's that one? Ah, it's just Maria, I think. Oh, it's another room, bro! - Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is also a quite fascinating room. Wow, oh my gosh! Yo, check it out. - This looks like it's coming home at your grandma, like it's very cozy. I also need to say, the smell over here is actually very bad. - Very musty. Very musty, yeah. But besides that, it is a very cool room. Alright, where should we start? - Just over here. Wow! Check this out. Who is it? Well, at least what is it? - Well, you can clearly see that this is a noble family and this is most likely the family originally from the city of Porto that actually owned a dignified landmark. Well, and what else do we have over here, Mo? - I see 2003 over there on that invoice but for the rest nothing interesting. Look over here at all those tiny porcelain knickknacks. - Yep, some very small and cool decorations. It really feels like coming home at Grandma's house, man. The books, a Portuguese Hotel guide. 1993. - Yeah. Damn. - And look over here, if you can zoom in a little bit on the elephants. Oh, yeah, yeah I see them. - A duck, a crystal stone. Oh, yeah, that's quite cool, actually. - Yeah. It's real crystal, right? You know that I'm a stone fanatic, haha. - Check out those little cups, very precious. Yeah, very neat. Well, what is right behind you, actually? Well, open up this desk because I'm quite curious what is behind you, man. I do think some finances. - Yeah, for sure. So, this was for "Gaspar" actually, Mr. Gaspar, an invoice from 2003. But, we've got some blueprints over here. - Alright, I do think it's gonna be quite a big paper. I'm going to zoom out a little bit. It is quite a big paper. But where is it from? Well, at least, I don't know if it's the area. - It is, it is. Yeah? - You know what I think? I think that the original people, when this mansion was constructed, were very important for this region and that they actually made this area look and design it and make the planning, like the geological planning, the way it is today. - Could be, could definitely be. I definitely think so. They had the funds, you know? - Yeah, they did. They definitely did. Alright, we do have some pictures. Wait, maybe show them with the light, I do think that's better. - Yeah, it's way better. Alright, where is it? Is it here? Hmm, somewhere very snowy. Could be here in winter time since we're in the mountains. But this is a more recent photo. - Oh, yeah, yeah, that's definitely more recent. I think this is Mrs. Ines Maria. - Yeah, yeah, that's right, that's her! Damn... cool, man. Check this out. - Yeah, this is here. This is here. - This is the outside, actually, it's quite fascinating that it's just laying over here. Alright, grab the light. Some other personal documents. Some knitting tools. 1995, agenda. Disney. Haha, a Mickey book. Alright, Mo. You wanted to see what's behind the door. - Open it up. It's actually the next room, the other bedroom. - Ah, okay, okay. Yeah. So, let's keep it a surprise. Well, then we have the entire sitting corner over here. - Yeah, man, well, as you can see, this was like Grandma's home spot. I mean, I'm just gonna take a seat over here. Ah, nice, man. - Yeah, now you know how exhausting it is to film all the time, right? Well, no, not like that, but the sofa is good. - Yeah. The sofa is very good. What is it. - Jesus Christ with Joseph. Yeah. Check out all the precious tiny details on top of the fireplace mantle. - Yeah, well, and you can also tell that it's just repulsively in black mold. Wow. - This small statue. Mind-blowing. - And again, look, I don't know if you've seen it, the little girl. Yeah. That we've seen in the other pictures. Check this out. Incredible, and also the decay over here of the wallpaper. - Yeah, that's what I was saying. I do think that's black mold, man. There's also just bugs walking over the wall. I can't see them. Alright, then, I'm just pretty blind, haha. Probably you can see them on camera. And I don't know what I'm currently stepping on but I do think that this was an old painting. It once was, let's say like that. And over here we have the fireplace. What do we have in the corner? This is so magical, let's be very quiet. Wow! I'm not sure if you're able to hear this well. This is no background music, there is literally a choir of a church singing right now, and we're able to witness it right here in this place. That's magical. - That's magical, man. There is a name, "Amalia". Actually, also the name of one of the princesses of the Royal Dutch family. - The Royal Dutch family, yeah. All the chinaware, small decorations, actually. And Mo, yet another door behind you. - Yeah, let's firstly show everything in the room. "This looks almost like a little school desk or something. And look at the paintings on the green table right next to you. This one, you mean? Yeah, oh yeah. Some little flowers, quite detailed. And have you seen the decorations right over here? Also, yeah. Damn, the sun is bright. "Yeah, you should get a little bit closer; you're right in the sun flare." "Sunshine, sunshine, baby! And all the vegetation... It's crazy, right? The entire ivy is covering up. It's just completely covering it up." "Unbelievable, man. And also some of the details over here on the table. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at the table itself. And again, a rock? The religious statue over there is also wonderful. Yeah, and also the stone right next to it. You know, just a fanatic of these things. The choir actually just stopped singing, but that was so magical for a moment. We think it's actually coming from the other side of the mountain valley. There's a church, and since the wind was actually blowing in this direction, we think we could actually enjoy that for a moment and hear it. Yeah, and here's again the girl. Yep, a small picture. Probably Isabella. Yeah, Isabella." "All right, well, you were wondering what was in this door right behind you?" "Whoa, that's pure decay. What is it? Oh yeah, a lot of bottles of liquor. Damn! I mean, look. This is a local-made liquor from '82. 'Licor de Fociara'." "Hmm, looks also quite repulsive. Martini Rosso over there. Yeah, and what is over there? In there? That's the Martini Rosso bottle. What's down here, besides some pure decay again?" "Some magazines. We got some desks over there, but not too much special. Actually, check this out. If you can zoom in. Yeah, yeah, completely zoomed in. Check this out." "Very old postage stamps, yeah." "Even some more. There's a lot of them. They're all stuck onto each other because of decay, you know, humidity. It's sad, man, sad to see. Well, there's one over here. Wait." "Wait a second. What is it? 1800? No, no, no, damn. That's what I was telling you. They're very old. Whoa, unbelievable. Also, check out the mirror. Yeah, quite fascinating, huh?" "Okay, well, lastly, we have this wonderful bench that we haven't really pointed out yet. Yeah, I just sat on it. I think it could have also been used like a bed, maybe. Yeah, it could be. And then, the last frames are on the wall. We actually have Alcazar Palace. This is in Sevilla. I've been there with my mother. A wonderful patio. It's an incredible palace, but unfortunately—well, I find it unfortunate—it's also very touristic. Too many people. You can't really enjoy the quiet ambiance of an abandoned place. It's not the same historical experience, in my opinion. No, so many people. But at least I'm happy that that place is taken care of. Well, of course. Then we have the little girl again. Yep. And then again, the Alcazar Palace in Spain, Sevilla. Beautiful, man." "Oh, well, we actually have a staircase going down here." "As you can tell, they had this little fence, so they probably also had a pet or something. Could be, or maybe little children, you know." "I just can't believe how decayed this place is. Vermin have entirely covered the suitcase and this bench with all their droppings. So nasty, man, so nasty." "Also, look at the design. Yeah, it almost looks like a little face, you know, like an owl. You think so? Like an owl face? Yeah, a little bit. Another frame over here again. Maria, I think. No, I think it's one of the noble families. It's not Holy Mary, I think. Very old ancestry of the family, yeah. It looks like there was a lock in here, but I think it was just to lift it up. Yeah, you can lift it up. But I mean, just sheets. Just sheets, as usual. Another chest over here. A beautiful one, though. Yeah." "And then, what is... well, another one of those lights? A person in the light? And also, look on top. Natural light falling through. Oh yeah, little ceiling windows." "Well, actually, this is the other bedroom that was connected with the other room." "I'm just gonna stand here. Check it out." "It's a wonderful bed. Yeah, I mean, look at the design. So different again from the other bed frames, but again, so elegant and truly antique. Priceless. And then what do we have over here? Another family picture. Yeah, and the little girl. And then another one right over there. This is actually at a company, I would say. So, man, textile, maybe? Yeah, I do think so." "All right." "In the church, yeah. Looks like 'Sexto Capitulo'. You see that? D. Carlos." "You should also check out the bedroom from that perspective. If you stand there in the corner, I can definitely tell it's the best. It's incredible. It's beautiful, right?" "Check it out over here." "Again, a small child. Wow, small girl. Maybe Mrs. Enis when she was younger." "And what is that? This was actually a bill for Pedro, the man that actually passed away first." "1906 over here. Trying to find some really old things, you know." "1915. Something for the municipality in Porto from, again, Pedro. What else do we have? A picture again. Small pictures." "All right." "Well, for the rest, we have some very old magazines. Again, I see 1930. I also see something of the Republic with Joseph Stalin on it. Well, this one, at least, looked like it. But I believe he's actually a Portuguese count. Oh yeah, yeah. This is even the price before the escudo. 300 réis. So, that's very, very old. Got some generals over here displayed. Yeah, yeah." "Wow, a very old magazine. At least, D. Manuel." "D. Manuel II." "There are so many of these volumes over here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There are multiple over there." "Well, I think over here is just some more storage, as you can tell. Some personal letters right over there. Yeah, there's just a lot of paperwork. A lot of paperwork in this place, man. Some toys, actually. Yeah, also a lot of toys in this place. You can tell little children were growing up here. Oh yeah, yeah. And one day, probably also grandchildren. The small girl, constantly seen in the pictures, right? Yeah, she was definitely inside of here, as you can tell right over here. Hopefully, we have this Bravia TV. It looks quite modern, but I don't think it's that modern. Wow, check out the stove. Oh yeah, yeah. Take a proper look, man. Wow." "Then we have a little sink over here in the corner." "To wash themselves over here, yeah. But what is that? It was for the soap. This one? I mean, those things. What is it? This? It's very heavy. Well, here's your answer: gym equipment. Yeah." "Can even—uh—for your forearms, yeah man. All right, all right, that's quite fascinating. I know what I'm gonna do when you take some pictures in here. Have you also shown this already? Like the glasses still laying here? Look how neat. Here, now, have you seen the picture? Look, look, I can shine a light. What do you think? Is it her when she was younger? It looks very old. Yeah, it looks very old. But, yeah, she was born in 1921, bro, so I think this was Mrs. Ines Maria. Yeah, it could definitely be true, man. Another one is actually outside here. Oh yeah, yeah, I see. Well, all right then. Some of the religious artifacts. But I do think we should go to the next room, and that is actually a bathroom. Yeah, a bathroom. You can tell this one is a little bit older, less modern, more dirty too. Yeah, yeah. Again, we have the ceiling windows over here and a washing machine. Yeah, a washer, heavy-duty washer. Actually, quite an American washer. Yeah, yeah, from Ligmas. Ligmas, yeah. Toilet—and that's not a toilet, guys. We know what that is now. It's a bidet. It's a bidet. I learned that here in Portugal. And yeah, a little med chest. Yep, well, not too much special, actually. Well… It's crazy. Lira Vortex glass. It is a glass. Crazy. One way to go, right? We have another bathroom over here, I believe. Let's just quickly check out what we have over here. Nothing very special in here, but maybe the other one? No, brooms for cleaning. Exactly. And then, just to show it to you, so you know that we're trying to be as thorough as possible, we come back to the kitchen, and we made an entire round. So that means we found some stairs going down. Let's head there right now. Let's see what we can find over there. I think it's just a shed, honestly. And yeah, keep watching because after that, it's going to be phenomenal. Let's go. So, making our way downstairs… Well, Mo, this definitely doesn't look like a shed. Do you think it was another living part? Oh, what are you seeing? It's a big hallway. Like, really big hallway. Yeah, yeah. What's over here? Well, let's first do this thing. Storage, yeah, storage. I mean, look. Yep, that's some storage. So this is like a little shed, but the rest—it was a big hallway. I'm not quite sure yet because, of course, we've been through this place at the beginning, like we said at the beginning of the video. But we only checked it quickly during the night. I only saw the beautiful room, and then we were like, "Oh yeah, then we need to film it." Guys, all the items that are inside are not being used anymore. If you think this vacuum cleaner looks used, it's just covered in thick layers of dust. Yep, mattress over here and… Whoa, this one looks pretty neat. You see, you can just see a bug crawling inside. Yeah, oh yeah, now I see it. Nice. It's crazy. Well, at least no salamander. Bro, lizard. Salamander is not a word. And this is not the first time that I said it wrong. Let's hope you don't say 'ananas' this time. Just some Dutch-English jokes. If anybody knows football trainer Louis van Gaal, then you know that the Dutch can make some funny phrases in English. Yeah, yeah. Whoa, this is another bedroom, man. I wasn't anticipating finding bedrooms on this floor too. Well, all right. I'm just gonna walk in. Wow, wow. All right, so we have this bedroom over here. Another—yeah, it's matching the other bed that we've seen, right? That's exactly, exactly, as you can tell. Yeah, animals have been hitting on this place, man. They did their thing. Whoa. What is that? That's actually for pneumatics, yeah. You know it, right? Lung patients, yeah. What's on here? Well, oh, a beautiful bathroom. Right, bro? Honestly, like I would like to have this in my own house. The tiles are beautiful. Honestly, that's beautiful, man. Yeah, but Mo, don't you find it strange? These look like hotel rooms. Yeah, a little. I think they just—this was for guests. I really do not think this place was a hotel. No, no, no, no. But this was definitely for guests. Yeah, I mean, all right. I think they just wanted to give them their privacy, you know? Yeah, yeah. And the reason why we're saying that is because there's one other door. Oh no, some personal belongings. Actually, clothes. So maybe not guests? I don't know. Honestly, I'm so speechless about this place. It looks like this floor over here though was maybe the floor that they lived on in their last days, since it's still in the best stage, you know? Yeah, yeah. All right, well... Continue and continue, man. Crazy, it keeps on going. Yeah, oh, another bathroom over here. Wow, beautiful tiles. Can you shine a light inside? Yeah, yeah. It's beautiful, right? The design of it. But these are actually quite clean. Like upstairs, there is much more stuff. Left over here, it's quite plain. Hmm, just going to the outside? No, I think it's just a cabinet. Right, but it's locked. It's locked, properly locked. What's this? Well, it's actually a natural park in Portugal. A little map, yep, some shoes. And look, bro, we had dinner here last night. We cannot show it to you, but—no, no, no—beautiful place, beautiful town. It was a beautiful town. Yeah, I can remember that. Oh damn, damn. Wow, bro, this was definitely a part for guests. I mean, have a closer look here. Wow. I'm just going to stand over here, right in the corner, you know. Maybe the people wanted to give back to the community? So, when people didn't have the money to build a house, they would maybe give them residence over here, a place to stay. I think I can't—no, it's locked. I mean, right? If you saw this right now, you would say it was an Airbnb, but back then, they didn't have Airbnbs, no. And as you can see, we're panning through the rooms quite fast, but it's just that there is nothing. Yeah, and also, nothing original from the family, you know? No, no, exactly. Like nothing that dates back to the original family. Well, apart from the thing that we're about to see over here. Many, wow. Bro, imagine how far this goes. Unreal, right? This dates back, sometimes, centuries. Well, in this one, we actually have some personal stuff left, as you can tell. On the bed over here, it's also quite simple. There's actually a rosary." **Qortefield** "I think it's for a baby. Yeah, it's actually a gift you would give at a baby shower or something. 2017? I believe this bag was placed here after the place was abandoned. The last person who came here did so very occasionally. I wonder why they never gave the gifts. Maybe that person also passed away?" "It could have been, man. But, how long has this place been abandoned then? Look over there, in the corner: 'Our 25th Anniversary or Wedding Day.' This is probably the person who owns this place. Oh no, they're just stock photos!" "Well, at least they had their 25th anniversary to celebrate." "That's true, but it's fascinating that there's quite some more modern stuff here." "You can tell those bags are recent. I mean, Pull and Bear? But aside from that, it's all gone." "We have another bathroom over here." "There are so many bathrooms here! But again, just single bathrooms, many attached in this place, but not much else left. I want to point out something: there's an alarm. Was that the wind?" "I hope so. It would be funny if we actually found a working alarm, and suddenly someone showed up. But I don't think so because this alarm system looks dismantled. It's disconnected. Wow, there are some embroidered pictures here. Another alarm sensor too." "This is the real deal, man. Lucky for us. I think this was more like a hotel section. There's a fire extinguisher, and those usually have an expiration date." "True. This looks like a small inn. Over the last few decades, it probably turned into a hotel section. There's a kitchen here, quite cozy. I love the vibe; it feels like a hotel. Not many personal belongings." "Look at the boiler. Lots of mouse droppings. And of course, this cabinet is empty." "I think you're right. This section was probably used as guest accommodations. The upper part was likely only for the original family." "It's like we've just entered an art gallery. Look behind you." "This seems to be where they stored all the old furniture from the previous inhabitants." "This piece looks like it's from the war. It's German." "All these paintings... so pristine. Small decorations and another city in Portugal. This is just a storage area for antiques. Look at the chinaware." "It was for Maria, but another Maria: Maria Courtansa. 1984. She must've been one of the daughters." "As you can see, this was the foyer. The place where guests were welcomed. There was a coat rack here. Look at this map. And I'm really curious about this case." "Whoa, this is from a church. I know it looks simple, but this is an incredible find." "The detailing is beautiful. Look at this fireplace; it's stunning. The floor is so dusty." "One thing we should do is close this shutter, if it's possible." "Let's head upstairs and show people what they've been waiting for." "Time for the real deal. Walking down this hallway, if you look closely, you can see some glimpses of beauty. There are more paintings, even a drawing of the Louvre." "This place is like a museum. We're entering the office and library of Maria. Her sense of style was royal." "This is one of the most astonishing abandoned libraries I've ever seen. Look at these portraits and this cabinet! It has compartments for the entire alphabet. It's incredibly well-preserved, likely because it's so secluded." "It's hard to believe it's in this condition. The bottles are still full. Look at these photos, stamps, and this mask. This room was used for business. Look at this dress in the cabinet." "This room must be worth millions. The craftsmanship in here is unparalleled." "The old family pictures, religious imagery, and even pictures of military nobility. Over here, a portrait of a wise and intelligent man." "This shelf is filled with books. It's tragic that some pieces, like this chair, are broken. And over in the corner, nature is reclaiming the place. Vines are growing inside.” Birds' nests? No, no, no. It's really just like all the sticks that look like birds. Well, do you know why it’s in that shape? This spot was probably closed for a long time; it's slowly becoming a jungle over here. This place is unreal, man. So, what type of books do we have? "History of Portugal" over there, in different volumes. These ones, huh? Yeah. And this? This is the sphere. Let's examine the sphere. What's the date? 1912? Damn, that's unbelievable. Alright, I'm going to open one up because I'm curious about its contents. Go to the first page. Wow, 1912. London made this. It's a foreword to an illustrated newspaper for the home. This is fair. What we are finding here is worth a lot of money, especially for collectors. I mean, people... well, people are going to freak out if they see this. This is crazy. Look, this is what I always find very interesting: a ruby and diamonds for 60 pounds back then. So, that's the reason why, for many older people, 60 pounds was a lot back then. But still, inflation hits hard. Yeah, for sure. I think I've found a puzzle box over here. The book is also very heavy. I'm sorry. Yeah, don't worry; it's really heavy. But they're all so big, you know? Yeah, just pan through it, bro. See what you can find. I think this might be a dictionary. This book is more than 100 years old. Written 100 years ago. Damn! Mo, materials remain, but everything else vanishes. Once things are neglected... I know this part. I can't read the books, but as you can tell, they are in ruins. The covers are completely damaged. Do you think this is a more modern one? Yeah, this one looks really cool. I think it's the "Dictionary of Science, Letters, and Arts." Ah, it's a hefty one. You can see the dust as we're opening the pages. 1880? That's what I was thinking. Oh. And there's also a Latin-French dictionary over here. Oh, I needed that! You know why? It's also in French. What’s the date? 1871. And you know what I think is so cool? The way these people educated themselves back then. Yeah, a lot of reading. A dictionary for French, so learning French, and then a dictionary for science, so learning science in French. It's unbelievable. Primitive times, indeed. No modern internet back then. Alright, man. This one with the white cover looks quite fascinating. Just a storybook? Yeah, I think so. Ah, there's a blowing shutter again. Something keeps slamming over and over. The main office seat? It's actually the same as the other one, but this one is luckily still intact. I can imagine how the other one looked. I'm so glad this one is still intact. The pillow is beautiful too. Look at the embroidery: some cats, three kittens. Oh wow, check this out, bro. The pen? You know what's even cooler than the pen? These coins from other places. They're from Canada. All Canadian coins. Crazy. A stapler, a globe. And it's completely written in Portuguese. Wow, this is where we are right now. I think, besides all these books, the most beautiful thing still left to show is this ancient map of the continents: Portugal, Portugal Continental. Wow. I think this is also from the late 1800s, at least. That's crazy. That was just the beginning. Alright, let's continue. Things will definitely go crazy. Alright, it's time to show the real secrets of this place. Imagine finding something like this! The main entrance, the hall where people would come in, filled with ancient swords, sabers, armor, even knights' armor — almost a full suit over there. This is unbelievable. Imagine finding something like this. Just take the leap, bro. Turn around. Wow, a family coat of arms right there, with a massive crown. And then there's the chair, the same as we saw earlier. Such beautiful tiles. Let's take a look at this centerpiece because I can't believe it. This is real, museum-quality medieval armor, with all the swords right next to it, used just as decoration. Can you believe it? This was the main door of the property, and you can see how the roots have creeped through the door. This place hasn't been opened for years; it's even locked from the inside. Oh wow, we have some letters. And what's this? An agenda from 1982. Well, there's not much written in it; it’s quite blank. I do think there are some calculations. Oh, it's nature science, physics. Yeah, nature science. Damn! Please, I had this education. Don't worry, bro, don't even worry. We're all here to learn. Exactly. I know that I'm good at it in Dutch. Oh yeah? You're also really good at English, bro. Don't worry about it. And again, the chairs, man! Look at this. And it's just... yeah, bro, it's the same emblem. Like the same emblem. It's an umbrella holder, a freaking umbrella holder. I mean, take a look at the grandfather's clock. It's from 1786. 1786! In that year, right, bro? This thing is more than 200 years old. Wow, I honestly think this is real gold. I honestly think so. It could definitely be the case, man. It could definitely be the case. And this is one of the most beautiful clocks I've ever, ever, ever seen. It's so sad that this part is not intact anymore. Nope. I think this has been just falling down. And I was talking about umbrella holders while there was even an umbrella inside. That's just how untouched this place is. And even the umbrella is quite old. Yeah, and it is in bad condition. I don't want to destroy it. Man, what is this? Oh, it's what they use to pin on weapons. There used to be guns inside, but we've heard that those got stolen. Well, then I do think the guns were actually here, man. Yeah, most likely because these belong to a gun. Look at the light fixture in the middle. Yeah, beautiful, right? It's actually made of wood. It's quite unique. But this, this is iron, right? This is iron, man, or at least copper, maybe. I don't know, some kind of metal. Oh my, this reminds me a little bit of when we found the samurai warrior statue too. Exactly, man, exactly. But then, this goes back to Medieval times, bro. Yeah, this really goes back to Medieval times. This is incredible. Like you can see, let's start at the bottom together. The shape, the shoes. And also the weights over here, and the knee patches. Exactly. And the world-famous "million colder" to protect as well. Then we got the gloves and the hands. Exactly. Can you shine a little light on here? Oh yeah, sure. Alright, now, and then how can we tell that this one was real? Well, I honestly think that you cannot make a replica that looks as genuine as this one. Well, take a look. Every single frame stitched one by one. That's like, every single thing is stitched one by one. So, that’s real, so that the person could move his finger inside. And normally, at least I remember that from museums, with replicas, they don't make it like that. They leave it because it's way too much work. Bro, unbelievable, right? I'm never gonna forget this day. No, absolutely not. And besides the fact that we have this beautiful thing over here, I mean, why not just place a second one? Yeah, why not just place a second one? But what's actually quite fascinating about this one, and very sad, is one is missing. Right, one is missing. You can still see the dust mark. Unfortunately. And what I also note is there was one sword that had this shape, and this one actually used to be on top. Okay, so the other one is in perfect condition, but this one, still a very unique piece. Absolutely, absolutely. Well, then again, the same chair over there. And I would say, let's head down over here. Coat rack over here. As you can see, some storage and child toys, scooter. Yeah, man. Yeah, just some storage, actually. Storage, um, vacuum cleaner, toys as well, some movies. Well, not too much to see. So, when you thought that was beautiful, we have the final room. Look at this. Unbelievable! Maureno, this piece over here that is still in such good condition, it's immediately the big eye-catcher. It's probably worth 50,000 to 100,000. I have no clue. I don't think these are even made anymore nowadays. Oh no, for sure not. That specific type has been made centuries ago. Yep, probably in the 1800s. What a room! What a room, right? The main room, "El salon". Do you have enough light, by the way? Yeah, yeah, for sure. There is a lot of natural light. Alright, and, uh, Turn that down. I'm gonna focus on what we can see. It's beautiful porcelain statues again. Yeah, wonderful vases. Yes, exactly. All the small bits and parts over there, a religious one. Beautiful curtains. Yeah, the laces, right? Yeah, with the natural light falling in, it's just so magical. Unique sofa, and they are so comfortable. I can't believe that even though the wallpaper is all peeling, the frames are still hanging up here. Yeah, man, yeah. They're all still so well in place. Wow, this is from a bygone time. And they're also French, huh? Yeah, a lot of French, of course. France has a lot of history too, yep, with the revolution, but also the military nobility. And that was also definitely related to the Portuguese nobility. Yeah, true, true. This is so close to collapse over here. It's a ticking time bomb. It's a miracle that it still stands upright. Absolutely trapped in time. Again, a fireplace, and the sofa over here. Well, there are also some books, actually. Maybe we should show that first. But I do think they're also quite modern. Yeah, they're newer. It's about nature, about animals. That's nice. Guys, check out this fireplace. It's so beautiful. Guts General over here from the war, the military nobility. Unbelievable. Wow, take a look over here. Nuts, what is it? It's this man sitting, yeah, like a knight. Looks like a knight. Yeah, bro, so well detailed. Still, the tools for the fireplace right next to it. Yep. What is this thing over here? It has two candle holders on the side with candles. And what's also quite cool is this, like, Bent-out candles. I don't know. Well, if you know exactly what it is, then leave it down in the comment section, 'cause we millennials have no clue. Millennials here, guys. Now, finally, the most incredible feature of this mansion, and definitely this room, let's just be stunned about it, man. Unbelievable. This is possibly inside this home. You see a nobleman sitting over here, having a conversation with the person right next to him. Yep. Again, the girl, she can’t be left out. Beautiful picture of a woman. "Just showing you the details and I'm speechless. Not too many words in here. Let the place speak for itself with all the photos and memories of people who once lived here centuries ago. Yep, in this place. Well, I think before we go, we need to do one last thing, and then we'll immediately go to the other parts. We have a French piano over here, a French grand piano. These are really, really, really valuable pianos. Yeah, they're probably even rarer than Playal. Here we go, do it. Damn. I cannot believe how well this can play. I wish one of our friends, Arco, was with us right now. He could play a song over here. I would have goosebumps. I immediately thought of him when I saw the piano. When we walked into this room, he came to mind. It's quite funny that you mention him now because that's telepathic. I was really thinking about him. I can still remember him playing that song inside the Nightmares Mansion. But that's why they also call us a dynamic duo. True, man. Sometimes we just have that connection. Yeah. Well, over here are just some small decorations. But I don't think anything can compare to the piano we just saw. Ah, does this look closed? Check out this tiny thing here, a little man, another little painting. And the wall paint... Well, I think it's time to head out because that was it for this part. We have two more parts to go. They're, of course, not as big, but we will show them to you. It's time to tour the outside. Yeah, two buildings on the property, man. Let's go, let's go. Okay, well, it's time to explore the outside. Now, the inner courtyard over here has some beautiful features as well. So, if we look at the door here, this was probably from the hotel, we think. Like, this was that entire wing. The piano room was right up there. That was the main door with the knight's armor. And then, this is actually the part and wing where we started. You can see the fortifications too. The bars here indicate it's an aged structure. As you can tell, right over there it just continues. Then, actually, over there we have the other building we're going to explore in a bit. It's incredible, all the stone. Yeah, man, and all the overgrown vegetation. How neat is that? Yeah, man, it's beautiful. The still fountain once gushed water. Well, this is the last bit that's left. It looks like very dirty morning coffee. Yeah, we're definitely not drinking that. I still want to feel okay the rest of the days as well. Yeah, man, exactly. Actually, we can maybe check out this part over here. We haven't checked it out yet. Well, actually, I did yesterday. Was it open? No, it wasn't. It's just crazy to see. This is not even walkable anymore. No, it's very hard to walk up. And then look at the property itself, that's so neat and beautiful. Wow, with that balcony part over here, right? Yeah, man. As you can see, windows right there. The doors are over there. It really gives me the vibe of, I don't know, like an ancient place, you know? And I'm not sure if you can zoom in closely on it, but we also have some beautiful tiles over there. That's Holy Mary. I do think you can see it. Maybe hold the camera like this for a better view. Speaking of Holy Mary, this is the chapel. Yep, as you can see, you already got a glimpse, but only the exterior. I'd say let's take a look inside. Whoa, here we are in the chapel. Look at this, Maureno. Wow, damn, that's incredible. Look at this altar. I mean, look at the details. Honestly, I really love the religion in South Europe. It's so precious. They really did care about it. Take a proper look at all the decorations here as well. Then pan around. Yeah, bro, just a simple look. Unbelievable, man. Also, take a look at the damage on the ceiling. Yeah, it's really damaged, honestly. We'll see it from this perspective. Okay, so this was once the main entrance. Take a closer look. Wow, a prayer chair over there. This place has everything. It does have everything. You can't see it properly anymore because it's very faded due to decay and mostly mold. Also, look at all the crosses on top here. Yeah, they are literally all over. Crazy, it's actually a religious Portuguese quote. And finally, over here, whoa, what do we have? It's like a side part of the church. Yeah, probably where the priest or pastor was doing prayers. Yeah, man, the key is even still in the keyhole. Unbelievable. As you can tell, nature is really taking over. For real. There are the candle holders right there. Damn, man. What a chapel. And entering it from here is also magical. The prayer would come in for your praise. I'm still going to give you one more beautiful glimpse. The statues, look how well detailed they are. Unreal, man. All right, Mo, I think there's one final thing to show. One final thing. The guesthouse. Exactly, let's go. The final thing to show you is this little building over here. It looks like they used the lower part as a barn or something, probably to store their agricultural machines and vehicles. But the top floor is actually a guesthouse, at least I assume it was in its heyday. And also, for that part, it counts that it's still completely furnished. There's a bedroom, a bathroom, and a living area. Unbelievable. And you haven't seen it yet, right Remon? No, I haven't. I quickly checked it last night. Just take a look at this entry. It looks like a jungle opening. Honestly, it does look like a jungle opening. I'm just going to walk, man. I'm sorry. Don't be sorry. Oh, cobwebs. I can't blame you. This door was also open yesterday. We always leave places closed when we leave, but for now, we wanted to leave everything the same way, so nobody would notice a difference. Okay, so let’s head in.” "Check this out! Wow, beautiful, right?" "Yeah, that's beautiful, man. So pristine, apart from all the dust. Everything is perfectly in place. And have a look at this! This man is very extravagantly dressed." "I do think this was for a fun party, man." "I don't think that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is serious. I mean, we shouldn't... We shouldn't make fun of this. He has a very particular appearance, and it looks like he actually went to church for a very special occasion." "Yeah, I mean, I understand it's funny because it's out of the ordinary, you know?" "Yeah, true. And it's not from our culture in this time, but we should definitely respect that." "I think that this might also have been, like, one day this was for servants. But I think in the last days, this was also something for a hotel. Sometimes or leaflets." "Yep, yep, yep." "Well, incredible iron chandelier in the middle." "Yeah, man, quite beautiful." "There's not much detail, mainly just many pictures of... Yeah, like, see? This is the cleanest bedroom we've seen of everything." "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Even though you can still see some feces over there on the mattress. I tried to smell it yesterday, and it smelled musty, but it looks clean." "Yeah, it does look quite clean. And then finally, well, it's a little narrow space, but we've got a bathroom. A bathroom, as you can tell. Shower right over there." "Toilets, all right. What is behind this door? Let's find out." "Oh, I haven't even seen this yesterday. It even continues over here, bro. Kitchen!" "A lot of ceramics. Yeah, as you can... Wow, check this out! A very old stove." "Oh, yeah, that's quite unique." "Well, a quite modern boiler. There's definitely been an Airbnb part." "Another bedroom over here, with a bathroom attached to it. I think they would actually rent this entire condo out." "Yeah, true." "Prayers? Now, this is the door. This is the door." "Yeah, yeah, actually locked. Properly locked." "A lot, man. Can't open that up. That is a spectacular exploration. One for the books in Portuguese." "The greatest place we've seen so far on the new Portugal series. I'm just gonna have a seat over here on these musty stairs with all the vegetation around me. I really want to thank everybody for watching. But I also particularly want to thank Mrs. Ines, Maria, Pedro, and Isabella. That's for the entire family for allowing us to immerse ourselves in their incredible family history and everything they have done. And of course, once again, my gratitude, and Remon’s gratitude, to all of you. If you enjoyed it, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel down below if you want to see more episodes, and leave a nice comment. Supporting is possible in the description via Patreon and PayPal, so we can travel to more places all around the world. In the end, 'Muito obrigado'. Thank you very much, and we will see you in the next one. Peace out."
Channel: Explomo
Views: 436,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned palace, urbex, urban exploration, urban, exploration, abandoned mansion, abandoned castle, mansion, castle, abandoned house, house, everything left behind, untouched, portugal, abandoned portugal, in portugal, museum, phenomenal, abandoned knight's palace, explomo, exploring with josh, steve ronin, the proper people, bros of decay, exploring the unbeaten path, abandoned palace in portugal, piano, escape to rural france, insane, abandoned building
Id: 6HFqvZdPYa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 7sec (9067 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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