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so I've been grinding this game quite a lot after recording the last episode and I have made a lot of changes with my base which I would show you in just a second but first of all I've captured a lot of new Pals which I haven't been recording since I forgot to press the record button when I was playing and I that has happened actually I caught this one a tanzi long ago this SP Ed long out objects like three branches As Weapons after coming into contact with humans however it found something slightly more effective guns so this one is the one that uses a submachine gun in the trailers I think it's in the trailers then this one a jolt hog releases the electricity stored in its body when under attack producing a shock that can be over 10 million volts if drone it can even be more lethal than any conventional heavy Weaponry yes and I've also yeah as I was saying I haven't recorded a pretty much an important event that happened my base got raided as I was building it and I have caught this one during the raid a dire how long ago dire how would hunt alongside humans but over the years this bond has faded yep I caught this one it looks like a like an Rock and as I was exploring some more I found some Syndicate settlements that is hold that is holding this palse hostage I think if that's what you call it and they're holding them hostage this brista I've got three of them wait what's the name of the other two I kind of forgot I think this one to do mod yeah I I also encountered this one during the raid but I've I've failed to catch one there's only two of them and my pals just obliterated the both of them first so I failed to catch and this one too yeah I've got this from the settlements The Syndicate settlements and still I failed to find another one of this one and this one too flame Bell I've also found that on the settlements and I've also encountered this one while exploring but it's too high of a level for for me that time so I didn't even bother to buy it yeah I I've gone pretty far this game yeah I have unlocked quite a lot of teleport way points yeah our main goal for today is actually to fight the first boss the lowest level which is Chile Chile I think it's pronounced as Chile yeah it's only level 11 and I've quite grinded a lot and my party is already at level 21 level 9 and yes before we start if you do find yourself enjoying this video make sure you walk a like subscribe if you guys are new ring the bell enable your notifications and leave a comment down below if if you have any suggestions or something so here we go I'll show you the base first before going here you go I've built a defensive wall out of wood for now I might make those Stone to into I might turn those into Stones later on if I find it convenient but maybe I won't and I built a house it's not that big of a house it's also not that small but it's pretty good for me I think I'm not really that kind of a artistic Builder but I'm pretty satisfied with what I've got here I haven't really placed some things there except for the uh workbench the new workbench the high quality workbench oh and as you can see there there's also another a that I found which is quite surprising to be honest while I was fighting the settlements I threw a ball accidentally and got this one I've caught a human guys I've caught a Syndicate tug which is which is pretty funny to be honest because you could you could actually CAU a human in this game so remember when I said that I want humans in my settlement in my base like a village yeah we could do that I actually watch some crators and if you tried to kill the NPCs with that is not affiliated what why am I climbing that the door is clearly open what the heck anyway I think if you killed a an NPC that is not affiliated with The Syndicate you are going to get raided by The Defenders the level 31s that I found on the settlements the the small settlement yeah those Defenders they and they're pretty they're pretty strong they're quite tanky so let's see what should we do first yeah maybe let's just jump in to the boss fight I think uh we should prepare some food first cuz I'm getting hungry and I don't think the berries would suffice me oh hey he actually sleeping on the hot spring that's quite cute and yeah the the tanzi is actually also a lumberjack so if you're looking for if any if you are looking for a quite weaker one to be a lumberjack you could use the tanzi so yeah and I've also got some saddles for my teams so this D how I can already red it there you go and I can also use its moves see but it doesn't really jump that far that high I think that high and it can't climb walls so yeah it's quite still better to just run on my own and have a bodyguard something like spark it for here so yeah let's not waste anytime I think I'm quite ready for the battle oh wait let's just repair that and and I'll see you guys in front of that mini boss look at those M rest fighting each other and those poor tanes are getting slaughtered by them collateral damage those are quite strong they're all level 35 unfortunately I can't catch any of them I think they required a higher tier of ball for me to catch them but they're quite aggressive to each other yeah we're quite near the boss I think oh there's another Nightwing yeah we're quite near did I catch a Nightwing I've got a lot of f Spears and this switch Sho uh shouldn't be wasting my arrows here but I really want this one yeah fire it Daydream fire it ah hey Daydream Pate where is it where did it go I can see it what it it just teleported somewhere oh my God no where is it ah never mind let's just go where's that boss it's getting dark kind of don't like to fire it while it's dark should we wait for morning says that I'm here but I can't see oh there it is could we catch a boss uh oh be good let's try it yeah let's try it Go spark it and this one is quite easier to see if there low Health cuz there's got a lot oh this will this would be quite easy oh God I prepared quite a lot for this can we catch it would be nice if oh we we we caught it we we got a boss I didn't know you could catch those oh that's really good if I could catch those boss then they would be stronger than a normal one does it oh no now I don't have a go anymore should you just go to the other boss this one this one is a little higher level it's level 17 but I I think we could face it but I'm not quite sure because it would be like we're progressing quite a bit fast oh there's a fast travel point there oh yeah and we could actually unlock the incubator could finally incubate those eggs that we have and the materials that needed are not that expensive I've got a lot of those the podum fragments and the stone what I don't have a lot is the cloth because I don't have a wol production yet I don't know how to do that but for now maybe let's just yeah let's unlock that oh yeah I have a glider what are what is that if mon I thought it was the dinosaur would be better if that's the dinosaur oh there's another wombat bat bat it's not wombat the comat is that a journal yeah it's a journal oh yeah I've also got a lot of journals during my exploration and some and the good news is some some of my friends are actually thinking about playing this game but maybe I'll will create another server for it for the cop and I'll just continue to play This Server by myself I don't have a lot of wol for the plot yeah maybe I should just sleep then and I'll find a lot of lamb balls yeah I'll get you back once I can build the incubators then we'll think about fting the other boss now all right before I go let's check on the new one the Chile that we just caught or is it this one is it is it boss size like I think it's ice dragon yes it is so what does it what does it do that's six passive passive skills it's good for Gathering and cooling so it's good for preserving I think yeah there are preserving bin preserving bins yeah English pronunciation is quite hard I'm so sorry it can curl up its body and roll around at extremely high speeds long ago people would TI bags of milk to domesticate chillet as they graze to produce butter using the spinning Force oh that's a really practical use of a monster and there's a schematic once more legendary one how could we use this L outfit oh there it is we need anient civilization Parts H that's quite not practical to use it on a cloth armor yeah maybe I should have battled that boss quite a long time ago yeah I'll get you back once we're finished with the incubator so we are back and I decided to just put this incubator up here inside the house so you wouldn't stumble upon it outside and it wouldn't be easily destroyed if we got raided Again by some things later on because those guys those Raiders are actually D actually damaging your base yeah they actually damaged some of my things here before I built that defensive walls especially The Syndicate tugs that raided my base they almost destroyed my foundations here before I built this one but yeah so let's just put it here and we'll start with our incubation let's get one of the eggs because we could only incubate one at a time I'm so sorry for the background noises as I've said in the first episode I've been recording this in our living room I don't have my own room so there's a lot of background noises even if I put a filter on my mic they still kind of getting recorded yeah so how much do I have to wait 7 7 RS oh wow that's quite a lot of RS for an uncommon egg I can't quite imagine what would it be for a legendary or a rare egg can I can I actually change the settings for that I probably can't oh God we we need maybe I'll just do the incubate ations of Cam then yeah so that's our main goal for today to be honest but I just can't leave the video with just that maybe let's just should we just fight the other boss then let's just go fire it why the hell not we're quite strong anyway and who did I switch that one I really want to try LIF Monk's machine gun he's really cute once you use the machine gun yeah let me show you show you for a little bit let's oh I I just got myself burned what the heck can I remove this from the hotring oh yes I can that's really cool maybe I should remove that campire soon it's getting myself burned and some of my tames when they're walking they're passing by that campfire what's a dayam doing here though should I tame this one or should I just oh yeah I learned the dodging mechanic I forgot to tell you all about it oh where am I where am I going though oh I'm going to show you how LIF Mark Works yes yes yes yes I totally forgot about that go this Mar let's do it here you go hey kind of prefer it if I don't have to aim or something while using my tames kind of want them to do all the work be completely honest because I I love the the Pokemon style mechanic of this game and I want to stick to it as I as much as I could okay maybe I should just use him it's quite fun to use the submachine gun thing it's really fun but yeah it's qu the duration is quite short as you can see a while ago but I also want to use this Chile though there a saddle for this one maybe I could ride it or something there is I need two points and I only got two points left let's just unlock it though and there the assault rifle oh it's an assault rifle for tanid then the submachine gun is for Lift Mar kind of mix that up I need leather and fibers the leather where could we get the leather I kind of forgot where I'm getting the Leathers though maybe the oh I think I got that from the rush rush or or something or maybe some random monsters I'll just collect the ingredients for those first and let's make the saddle hey so I'm currently fighting a Nightwing and I caught it I finally caught a Nightwing I finally have a flyer yeah I forgot to press record right away because I'm too focused I'm too focused on catching it and I found out that the letter is dropped by the deer and the BS yeah so I've gathered some of it just enough to make us the saddle for shile yeah I'mma call it shile from now on kind of like the sound of that the roll of it in my tongue shil where's where's my helper where did he go oh well I'm just going to finish this up then we'll go to the boss okay so I've finished it and I decided to switch D Hall for it oh and we could ride it like just the same with there H wonder how high he jumps oh it's a she it's actually female can she jump on walls noow it's the same Dragon Cannon I wonder how that works oh it's literally just a dragon breath ice missile oh it's the same as the penguin that's cool I guess she's quite a good one especially it's a dragon type and I love myself some dragons if you didn't see my first video the this gym of mine Pokemon this gym of mine I use some dragon types there and I'm a certified dragon dragon Tamer yeah I'm a dragon type gym leader and so far now I've just finished some things some preparations oh I forgot to Dismount I just finished some preparations I'll go to the bus the other bus right away that's probably enough I guess play B is too distracted to cook my meal yeah I kind of want to add that one to my team yeah I I still wonder if there's Evolutions in this game if there is then maybe let me know in the comments if you guys know if there's an evolution in this game still kind of wonder if there is and maybe let's just sleep first I kind of want to battle that boss in in the morning so we are currently at the nearest the nearest Waypoint to that boss and I'm seeing a different F that looks cool a bron Cherry I actually encountered one of this while exploring by myself but I think my capture level is not that high yet catch this one but let's try think I can't still catch it maybe let's try Mega spear we could still doesn't touch still have creep maybe we could ah let's try another one my last last Mega sphere yay got him you dire how you're bothering me you little prick yeah spark it take it down you can do it hey oh so we could also get Lea from those maybe I should have just murder slaughtered a lot of them I always hear murder but I could probably just use a different term because I might get banned from YouTube if I keep using those those dir 's a lot of Syndicate tugs I could I mean I could catch them but yeah they they have quite a low catch rate capture rate I think if I remember correctly the other one that I caught was just 2% catch rate and I just got lucky with it so let's not waste our Spears for that where's that boss it says it's it's over here is it in the water if it's in the water it would actually be a problem for me I think yep it's in the water but I think it's quite a shallow water let Agro it to us yeah go spark it Pate Pate don't be afraid of that seahorse spark it do your job oh oh oh oh oh hey day dream you're you're getting in my way does a lot of damage ah oh this is this could be bad I don't want to lose my stuff in the water let's run away near land so we could get our stuff easier and while we're heaing for a little bit let's run here did we lose our did we lose aggro I could still hear the music sparket still fighting it can I reach it from here oh it's getting near me spark it go fight it I'll wait for you here oh oh oh oh those kind of hurt and let's try to patch patch it I just rest [Music] that uh I can't catch it I think I don't know there's oh he just died my stuff no is there a I don't know if there's a Teleport near there I've got a lot of stuff on me there is one oh maybe I should have brought some food oh there there are berries here some berries maybe some berries are enough I just want my stuff back and I saw two men watching there oh I got the wrong direction I'm going on the wrong direction I don't want to deal with those thugs because collectively they do a lot of damage collectively but if they're aone alone or just one or two they're pretty weak oh it's on the other side I totally messed that up could we reach that by just swimming and the boss's HP is definitely back to full so we could we should probably just get back oh what's that that that's a new one let's get that then let's get that first that's level 23 I don't think I could catch that or maybe and there's another new one looks cool I'm level 22 oh it's scat trate is below 1% what the heck oh shile Pate dos a lot of damage what the heck I wasted that we got you I want to be your friend don't hurt me why are you so strong I am rooted I'm just going to spam this balls until you got killed by Daydream uh so strong that's only level 23 I'm only level 22 so that's only a a level difference why is it quite strong or maybe I'm just too weak and now I need to get back my stuff again yeah you probably don't want to see this anymore I'll just get you back once I found something interesting it's kind of funny how I died in the same spot yeah and there are quite a lot of aggressive people yeah let's havex Sparks do with them while I'm trying to get my stuff oh they deal a lot of damage de with them FR Sparks theyd dream what are you doing oh no I'm going to die get Fox Parx Fox Parks them yes good job buddy so yeah so my recording froze OBS just like to mess with me every day every time I start recording there's always a problem with OBS maybe I should reinstall it I'm going to do it later so I as you can see I retrieved my stuff and just as it froze the recording I've got invaded Again by a raid called a fan girl raid something and look what I've got where is it I I've got something new why can't I find it did I not get it I'm pretty sure I get it oh maybe it died before I get before I got it that sucks I oh yes I've got invaded by this this this Pals called lavander they pretty much look like a Charizard with the lario mix and just color pink I'm pretty sure I thrown a ball at one and it says a 90% I didn't really think about looking at it again because uh there's four of them that invaded and I didn't bother myself counting because I've seen my OBS just got frozen that sucks I thought I would have another another pretty good game oh well but I guess that's it for this episode I was quite scared a while ago when I saw that the OBS froze because I thought the video would be corrupted but thank God Ive set this set up the OBS into MKV recording so yeah guys when you're recording on OBS use always use mkb so you could always repair your [Music] files even if it's corrupted yeah so thank you guys for watching I hope you continue to support me in this journey if you did enjoy the video please leave a like subscribe if you guys are new and I would see you on the next episode peace out
Channel: Stuxell
Views: 7
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mbT-owl2AAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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