$13,500,000 Super Yacht Tour : 2014 Nordhavn N120

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What a ship. That fully enclosed flybridge kind of ruins the aesthetics of the boat a bit for me.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fryciclee 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
if there's one thing we love on aqua holic its superyachts this is another thing we love its Nord Harvin sort of match my excitement to get in the first Nord Harvin superyacht this is the n120 it's a large they do I've just been on board of it and it is absolutely magnificent you are really going to want to see this so we're going to head down here and go and take the full tour and this is the full aquaponic tour we're going to every area of this boat we're going into the crew areas the engineering areas the cabins the decks a lot I am very very excited to be bringing this one to you so we step on here over I this bathing platform and what we're going to do is head up to the cockpit and then we will start on the inside and we'll work our way around but this is the corporate area you got seating at the back here and that's under this big overhang so you've got plenty of shade but that's going to have a full look around shoes off push this button here we go so this is the interior people on here but it know we're coming so we're all good look at that that is absolutely beautiful I love this big social area at the back here and you can see the dining area at the front as we go through and this is Dan Street he is the president of paa Nord Harbin hi Dan thanks for a good word as a pleasure thank you very much for organizing this I really do appreciate it thank you very much okay let's crack on so this as I mentioned if the dining area there's place settings there 410 and you can see that absolutely stunning would work they put into these and the lighting it just looks amazing now ahead of here is the crew areas of the galley that kind of thing will not look at that straightaway but we will obviously work our way around to that as we go around what we're going to do first of all is to the full main deck so we're head out down here this is a doorway out onto the side deck you can see that just there that is back to the cockpit as we head on forward these are the stairs lower deck and upper deck we'll be looking at both of those and up here use a day heads that and this as you would expect has a main deck master cabin that's in here so you've got this wonderful snug as you come into here the TV room and as we head on again we come into the cabin proper so there is an ensuite here there are two of these I'll show you the one in a moment and as we head on around here this is the cabin in its entirety isn't that beautiful really nice and then as you come around on to this side this is that other bathroom and this actually is a bathroom it has the bath in it and it has the shower and some really wonderful finishes like the way they've done this and you've got the VN here there is of course a blind to come down that scene that some privacy if you wanted to get back in the air beautiful and these doors up here you might be wondering about these there's lots of storage as you can see all around places like this but check this out it's an absolutely massive walk-in closet it goes right around here and drawers and more storage down there huge hanging real across here pretty impressive but it's not the only one let's go around here when he excited safe in that one as well awesome okay let's press on we've got a lot of ground cover and all of it fantastic say we won't move on and I think what we'll do is head back out of here and we'll take a look at the lower deck guest areas that's just storage in that one and this then is the roof down so these are the VIP guest cabins down here this is marble and granite on the floor his design he got his pantry area and as we head on through here big double cabin as it expected lots of storage big hanging Locker there and of course the ensuite which is over here very nice and another bath in fact awesome let's keep moving so this is pretty much and mirror image very good size cabin you can see on this one they pulled these lines back so you can see you've got the portholes there so you do actually have a view out to see if you want it we're in Miami at the minute that is the MacArthur Causeway and again wardrobes in here and of course the ensuite on this side beautiful okay we'll head on up and then up and then up because there's a lot to see these rails so head on round again this will take us up to the upper deck and then we will head towards the back first of all there's another day heads here so this will give me like a Skylab here a little bit more informal you put a bar in here it's too wonderful easy tears there's a huge screen on the wall so a great place to come watch a movie of an evening if you want to and a card table over on this side very nice extra area and if you come out the back we will find outside dining area what's quite neat is as you can see it's a fairly breezy day today but we're not feeling it at all because you've got these screens here they're on both sides and they really sheltered this area you don't see them but you do feel the difference and if you go around here you can get around the boat on the outside on this upper deck and in fact if we come back onto this side you'll see there is an outside stairway back down to the main deck but we're not going to do that we're going to head on forward see what else we can find you may have noticed there is another stairway just on this side so let's head up here we'll take a little Explorer this area so here you've got a really nice bar area and you've also got another helm station I haven't shown you the main helm station yet we will come to that of course but this is the upper helm so it gives you another place to drive the boat from a quite amazing view of course of the main skyline and then more seating over here and then this will take us out of the back of the boat on this level whereas you probably noticed there's some bathing up here in another great little area we can come and tuck yourself away from the main party superb very nice indeed and from here as well you can see all the antennas the satellite systems that radars that kind of stuff is all up there on top of this to get maximum height and in fact a lot of the antennas as well are down on the side you can see them just there and this this is one of the life rafts so that's all to there for an emergency situation there's an area here as well it's a great place to be not sunning yourself or enjoying the jacuzzi to come and show yourself off before you get back inside and this bar area you've got things like cool drawers there's a dishwasher up here you've got a wine cooler on this side so very well catered for okay let's head on down and we'll go and take in some of the crew areas but there is more cabins to see we haven't actually finished yet okay I'm working our way around so in through here here's the main wheelhouse of this ship look at that that's fantastic we've got all these screens across here from navigation systems and the systems of the boat this is currently showing fuel tanks we'll talk a bit more about that and get a bit further on and all your engine controls thruster controls auto pilot control navigation radar all that kind of stuff that's all across here there's a seating area up here if anyone will enjoy the ride and if you go around here this is the captain's cabin so he gets his own area right next to the bridge there's a desk in here as you come in storage along here and then a very nice cabin thanks there and that's it expect proper ensuite with a separate shower area very nice now we can go from here directly down into the Galleon ku areas the routing has been very clever so the crew can actually pretty much operate the whole boat without going through the guest areas so you've got this here where you drive the boat from this is a separate stairway for the crew and if we hit down this one didn't take us down to the galley okay so just to reorient ate you as to where we are we're back on the main deck if we go around here that's that dining area and that's what we came into the boat in the first place back there so they actually give you an idea hopefully where we are and then this is the galley area this is all your cooling so your fridges and freezers that kind of thing it's all Mila equipment and it's all proper professional staff look at these Evans over here and more up over there and all this kind of stuffs that you've got trash compactor you've got mill a professional dishwasher two of them in fact sparrow one a quick boat and then to get around here where I was mentioning about the true routing being very good the cruise cabins are down they will have a look at the moment but they can come through here and as I say you've got galley you've got separate stairway up to the wheelhouse all totally separate but there's also a doorway here that'll take you out onto the outside of the main deck and that takes you back the back of the boat and off it so some very neat routing going on but let's go down and take a look at the crew cabins there down here so this is the crew mess area so you've got more fridges down here you've got some where they can do some cooking and some washing and then a really nice crew area like that now there is sleeping for five down here in three cabins so there's one here and that has its own ensuite just there with a separate shower stall and then if we come back round and through here that's a watertight bulkhead there so that can be closed off on the ships at sea obviously with the crew on this side of it and not in here and in here you've got bunk beds for two and again they're really rather nice ensuite this type of shower stall maybe back out of there across we'll find it mirrored over here exactly the same situation this is obviously storage and that kind of thing in there okay and so back out through here another thing to point out is these tools here take you straight into the lower deck accommodation so we're changing beds that kind of thing they can come straight through here then it's come up the steps along and back down again so that works well and in here for laundry facilities excellent let's keep on moving loads more to see I promise you this is another doorway if you look behind here this is all sound deadening material and that as I say it takes you through to the lower deck guest accommodation okay people are going to ask never look huge stories right and access to some of the plumbing and that kind of thing I did say the access all areas let's press on so this of course is taking us back up to the galley and this time what we're going to do is go through here and we'll come back out onto the main deck and there are more areas to take a look at at the back of here so we'll head straight through here pretend we're not here and then right at the back we find another stairway okay so a couple of things I've noted down here first is there are overflow guest cabins so one in here the big double bed again it's got those blinds you can open and a view out like so this of course is all storage across here and then if we go round here the ensuite with a separate shower area and if we head forward we'll find another guest cabin this one's laid out as twins again you got the portholes in behind there and again a lot of storage so a wardrobe like that drawers in behind the door there and this was ensuite look in here storage there we go okay and you may have noticed this door here was a combination lock on it so the boats being used to charter and people in these cabins you can lock this and make sure people aren't going in there because this is the engine space so go in through here this is the main laundry facilities that's the first thing that we come to there's more cold storage in here as well the ironing board important and this goes two ways we'll do both of these we're gonna head forward first of all this I think we're going to like okay here we go of the engine room look at this [Music] this is split-level these are the engines they are a pair of Detroit MTU Diesel's 965 horsepower each and this is a strictly displacement long-distance boat so you're looking at about eleven and a half knots plows out with these Indians cruising at eight nine knots but the big number is the range because she'll do over 4,000 miles between fill-ups and that isn't very much the point of this boat as it is alone all islands we head to the front here these are all the switch panels these are sea chests what these are as the raw water cooling for the engines comes up through here and then goes for filters so you have a blockage you could take the top off because we're above the waterline the water won't come out of it this is the manifold systems for the fuel fillers so it has commercial fillers get look the photos onto the deck and then it does a very high pressure fuel so you can put a massive amount of fuel in both sides this one comes from that side this one comes from that side and in this manifold directs where you want it to go because you got various tanks on the boat with spitting out a little bit more we get a little bit further on as a sink in here so you can wash your hands [Music] around here [Music] this is the track system she's got spin stabilizers 2 on each side and there's zero speed so they'll stabilize the boat even when she's at rest let's head on down a level okay so now you'll see the engines in a little bit more detail seeing the fuel filters this is interesting this is a universal joint coupling and that allows the engine to be soft mounted so it really reduces vibration through the boat a lot of stuff going on down here the other thing I'd like to show you is up through here because this is tankage this is what gives it the incredible range it's the tank crew and these are the tanks left and right for your fuel your water all the way up through here look at this get right up to the front of the boat through here and these are access panels now these are designed specifically so that when you drain the tanks you can unbolt these there are all of them to get back away further and they're big enough that people can actually get inside the tanks tanks have battles of course but the battles can be unbolted and that means we've never had a problem for example with diesel both which can congeal the English tanks and it's like an organism will carry on going you can actually get in there undo the baffle top see where the tank is empty and you can clean it all out [Music] if we head back through here and I'll show you some other tank management systems lock that back down [Music] one thing I didn't point out was generators as a generator here there's three of them on this boat and you'll see the other ones there we go there's one outboard over there and another one just there and they all run for a Napper system the splits load across them and balances them so they're being used most efficiently and if you have a look over here this is the fuel tank system so you can see here she's got where are we one two three four five six seven eight tanks that one there is a separate tank for a tender supply some proper stuff these exhausts amazing let's come over here and we'll head to the back I'll show you some more okay so let's go right through here right to the back of the boat now [Music] this here is a sport zero system what this does is it purifies the fresh water so much that when you wash the boat down with it it doesn't use a boss it's the kind of attention to detail you've got on here that's a way out of the boat out onto the very back onto the bailing platform so it's another way out of it's needed and also it means that people can come and go in through here they're doing servicing work that kind of thing this is a passerelle so it is an extending gangplank that comes out of the back of the boat so you can get a short cameras around the place as well so this areas can be monitored remotely and over here that's a system that allows it to adjust the frequency so wherever you plug in anywhere in the world it will adjust the shore path to not just the correct voltage but also the correct frequency then this here is a short power handling system so it comes down and actually coils up inside here awful when it's acquired [Music] and you can see there's a workbench in here and that kind of thing as well okay now the one thing we haven't seen is fenders so I'm going to show you those next and in fact some of the deck areas so the way that we came into this area was through this door over here and past the laundry facility and what we're going to do this time is taken another route out this is again what I mean about the crew roofing is brilliant on this boat they can go pretty much anywhere well that was involved themselves and their guest areas taller don't want to it's very very neat so back out through here onto the main deck that is the doorway just up there from the galley area we're gonna go this way take a loop round up to the upper deck because this is the route forward so you can look at these four deck areas and the tender handling systems and the Miami sunset look at that brilliant so where we are now this would take you back into the wheelhouse if we head on forward again we have got wing stations just here and if you head forward again you got seating up here on the front and then this takes us out on supporter carrier this is like you find on the smaller islands so it's got the tender here and space for another tender just there and I think if I'm right and saying yeah that's a tender there you can see the steps down to it so that's deployed and ready to be used and if we come right to the very front there's a massive crane I think I just about three and a half thousand pounds something like that and then right up here you've got all your anchor handling systems and if we look down here you will see the chain lockers and more systems for the boat fenders that kind of thing though that's down there it's very accessible very get out of all as I like to say okay so I think I'm gonna finish up right on the bow with it's wonderful Miami sunset behind me and say that that is a yacht I've been really excited about bringing to Alcoholics been planning that for a couple of months and I'm really pleased to have done it I hope you enjoyed that talk do let me know what you think of it do give the thumbs up a click if you liked it and do subscribe if there are lots of this good stuff coming but I'd like to finish off by saying this is absolutely 100 percent super yacht but I really like about it is that it's also absolutely 100 percent classic North Harbor thanks for watching take care bye bye
Views: 989,729
Rating: 4.9418578 out of 5
Keywords: Nordhavn, Nordhavn N120, Nordhavn 120, Nordhavn Dreamers, Boat Show, Aquaholic, yacht tours, superyacht tours, super yacht tours, Yacht, luxury, millionaire, lifestyle, superyacht, super yacht, boat, boatlife, AQUAHOLIC, Miami, Florida, Miami Yacht Show, boats, yachts, superyachts, super yachts, superyacht life, boating, yachting
Id: 1Wf9zHOl-1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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