messing with our teammates (ft purpled)

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he looked at me really funny i really hope logan's on our team dang it we're going to team up so bad so what's the plan are we like going to sweat mode are you messing around with their teammate hey that's up to you i would say mess around the teammates but still make sure we win every game i might be able to team key for our teammate let's find out if you have shears maybe oh he made it to mid lucky dog do you have shears yeah you don't do the epic sheer rush do you is that like a regular thing you do i try and always get cheers i mean just think of all the teams that have wool on their bed i mean true and i guess you always have a surplus of iron on forest greenhouse i only have two hearts but there's there's a possibility that i can get this bed i'm gonna go over to the yellow bed actually at the moment well there's no longer a possibility of me breaking this bed just kidding no he's putting around in stone oh my gosh i'm the craziest bedwars player alive i'm just so crazy i died but certainly not the best because i have already taken that title you can you can have the craziest bedwars player title there's a skippy skin nice i love that youtuber i think it is scaffy i love the stuff that he does with kids oh no see i tried to do that because he's trying to kill me specifically he's targeting me i get him in the hole oh i got a three-pointer it's because i'm the most famous minecraft youtuber alive wait what if we did that what if we did we're like the middle of like a basketball i gotta hit the people with knockback sticks into the it's basketball actually maybe that's an idea for a separate day maybe maybe i don't like you sports hold on you're talking to the minecraft youtuber please don't bring up sports not bad dude i played basketball until uh eighth grade then the coaches started getting really mean so i stopped playing wait i was just running on a bridge this me and this this blue guy just ran right through each other and neither of us hate each other well that is what you call crosstalking goodbye youtube rank oh oh he's swinging oh because i triggered their mind fatigue trap oh that is super do you need some help over at the blue base that's super sucky hang on let me smack this guy a few times smack wait there's someone in there jen this might not be good this guy just broke his legs okay i'm in their base i'm doing in there oh oh man i'm doing all right how are you doing i'm scared not doing the best well yeah i already told you i took that title of the best i am still the craziest though yeah you but you didn't say i'm i'm pretty crazy out here you said you were the best and you you're not i'm just out here you know you know me just being crazy being silly no i'm not the silliest though that's true you said you're the craziest not the silliest how are the titles dispersed they're all the bed worth youtubers so well do you want me to call people out i guess i'll do that okay so well i've taken the best uh you've taken craziest sammy green can take uh sexiest what how do you feel about that comment why do we only have another one teammate again oh man see i made a video on this i think i made it it was called i'll just advertise my channel real quick if that's okay yeah i made a video called uh bedwars but i can never get a full team or something along those lines it's because that's a good video whenever a game starts with like 15 or 14 players we have so many stars we're always gonna get the least amount of teammates oh is that how it works yeah yeah so like whenever i'm on a team by myself and the game starts with 14 players it's almost always me that only gets one teammate because it tries to balance uh the amount of stars i need to do but they shouldn't balance it i should make us win every time that that is pretty cool they should do that i do enjoy winning well i'm on my way over to uh to the yellow base right now nice i'm gonna stand here you should break their bed because they don't know you're here oh what was on like the last little tiny little bit of it do you have a pic oh you do nice yeah i got one frick moment i got the other god you're great you're amazing oh no then red got the third one why'd you tell god he was so good can you not be can you push your religion on me in our youtube video i'm sorry wait how'd you get over here again didn't wait did you die or no no oh you just got hit down oh wait we're about to lose our bed um i'm not going to avoid don't you shouldn't die by the way you be you being serious i think you can't see i'm going to mid from diamonds wait do i see you oh yeah okay our teammate's going down are you dead oh no i only have four blocks you better uh i have three for you here i'd rather so you better uh no you don't have to give me i was just saying you better complete all your bridges because i i certainly can't do that i dropped them did you get them yeah yeah i got them you give wait do you give me all your blocks or what i gave him i gave you like 30. camera boy if you're here well no i'm not going to say that oh whoa oh hey be careful we're good um all right where do you want to go from here what's our game plan um hopefully back to yellow yeah that's probably good call let's move i have four m's oh that's really good well do you want to break their bed while i kind of just chill from behind because i don't have that i don't have any m's so you kind of have to do all the work here i mean i guess i could go in with a leather armor wood sword that would probably be a good call okay you go mid i'm gonna go to green and see what's going on there maybe get some more resources maybe see let's see what's happening do you have any diamonds um no okay now blue's coming over wait i have one i won diamond we'd get product to come wait hey you should run hey you should run away from blue don't kill any of them why because i think i can get i'll get their bed i'm just going to go from the other side they're not going to expect it okay i'm just going to keep running and act like i'm really scared yeah that's a really good call just keep running maybe you could even go invis and be ready for me to break their bed because their bed's gonna be gone very shortly oh yeah i see the blocks over there uh build limit i can't do anything oh no i don't care here oh he's voiding he just oh okay okay i can i can take out one oh my god they both voided hang on i'm running i don't want to be here i don't want to come back to middle i don't have the things i cannot handle this i'm coming to middle right now just leave it to count oh wait i see one red and one blue okay it's me and one red here i killed him i killed my minecraft gamer are you in mid i'm a mid i'm heading over there now i see two uh two blues at the blue base one's at yellow you could probably go kill them with your invis if you want if you have enough that's gonna go i'm just gonna go kill one of the blues at the blue base or kill them both i mean you could always do that that's never like i wouldn't like frown upon that if you did it i see you're taking i see you're taking a lot of damage over there so i'm not i've taken none oh nevermind take it back dude nice epic pvp i got him did you hear me clicking uh i hear lightning because you got kill oh my god there's another cow in this game i just realized you're kidding cow cdc you know what that stands for cops it stands for cops and crims oh wait sorry the last blue is that green so you can go on there i'm heading i'm gonna go the opposite way well do you want some help looks like you're in trouble no no he's it's fine still seems like you're in trouble so last red player is putting on a lot of pressure he's currently in his sky base i'm on fire i know you're doing pretty well no need to brag no i'm i'm burning alive at the moment he says gl does he have something planned like it seems like he's like goodbye getting past my trap all right whoa honestly if i didn't kill him i probably would have died i was up in his uh tower and you threw a fireball down and it sent me flying off the edge but i got the last hit before you did that get a live g80 freak he's on to you they said purple on yellow what am i yeah they always talk about purple they never talk about gameboy 80. well we know the food chain here check this out i'm crazy ready for this i'm gonna do a 360. oh did you see that uh i by the way rainbow billy bob's in the void not because i team griefed him did you see me do the 360. but actually yeah i think no she was eating team griefing our teammate it's okay we're gonna get them a win so we can do whatever we want to them yeah i'm so sorry close bracket i didn't open the bracket why am i closing the bracket i'm an idiot stupid oh my god he has shears he's trying to get me back okay i need to be very careful that there's no holes in this bridge because my teammate looks very mad that i team griefed him earlier i mean he's with a gimbality skin no i'm not oh racket girl shut up racket girl wait what team do we have to go after okay we got green green was the team i was about to go after but now i don't have to okay well what should i what should i be doing can you coach me like what would you go and kill let's go again and kill blue here wait where are all the greens did you just leave them alive somewhere yeah yeah cause i was really low on health oh were they all together at their base yeah oh i see okay well i probably should have helped you kill xxx yeah that would have been smart wouldn't have if i'm right and it's perp frick dude i'm gamerboy80 famous minecraft youtuber tell them all hello it's me i'm gamerboy80 i exist too please no tis hey you're you're there to stop them yeah no well oh wait well we have counter offensive traps so we'll probably stop them from breaking our bed well man all right we just lost our bed who buy the who who buyed i just said biden who buy counter offensive is probably the least bought trap well by far like what does it actually do i think it just gives yeah i think it's supposed to give you speed but it didn't like i didn't get enough i think it's only if you're at the base look at the guy in chat he's smart if we kill purple we won't be in the video because we'll cut out the game oh my god they're on they're on to you specifically because i wouldn't do that because i'm i'm an honest tuber nah he post vids where it loses i'm gonna say no i don't could you calculate the probability of me breaking red bed wait why are all the reds not at red to bed could you do the calculations of me breaking red bed are you there not yet better hurry up because i'm i'm around like 30 red people well i don't i shouldn't go in because there's uh three at their base now no they're all respawning because true chronos is going off dude if only your teammate could not go off good job man he's not doing a good job i could have had their bed but i didn't open the other guy voided because he thought i was at his face but i'm actually leaving now good luck catching me you idiot welcome back thanks i was over there for a second then i realized i shouldn't you know what would you say if i offered you an all-inclusive vacation to hawaii right now i'd say thanks you're awful you're an awful person here you ever heard of the uh the shopping cart experiment no it's where if you're if you're you just finish grocery shopping but you see a grocery cart not related to you just sitting there not doing anything not causing any harm do you put it away absolutely not that means you're a bad person no well i mean i definitely am there's no question about that i mean like i guess i understand like it's not your shopping cart why would you mess with it you know well you think about it this way like wait where do you see it where do you see the shopping cart in the middle of an aisle no it's like in the parking lot oh like just okay it's like wait wait wait wait wait i might not busy day i might i might if it was in the store absolutely not like i wouldn't put it back because what if it is somebody's yeah well yeah duh but like if it's just an empty shopping cart sitting in the middle of you i'm sitting in the middle of the parking lot not it's not rolling i'm not about to hit a car just sitting there if i walk past it like if it is near me when i try to get out to my car then i then i probably would if it's like if i look and it's like a couple uh you know lines away parking spot rose away i'd probably just leave it i believe someone else can so you're an okay person i'm average you have one m by any chance i do actually any chance you want to give it to me well do i want to try and go break their bed or no i mean red red's falling your red's falling you be careful purple doesn't upload fours let's go dude they're like they're doing a deep dive on my channel yeah they're trying to figure out they're trying to figure out how can we get in this video what's how do we get yeah what's the highest probability of us getting in this video hang on i'm making moves oh why'd you have to kill him why dude why god um wait let's go that's a final play oh boy epic minecraft pvp is game avoiding me yes let's go that's a win wait we didn't win is there a third one there no there's a lot of people left there's four enemies left we definitely have not won yet i see i thought that was the final kill so that's why i said win yeah you're you're way off oh i did i meant to buy prods get on some fireballs i have like seven yeah i'll take two am i funny or what oh my god oh god they're gonna be talking about that one for years oh man i saw beau fly from middle somewhere oh someone got kicked for being afk wait there's a person at the top of mid it was the person that just disconnected how'd they get up here and then they just stood up here for a while how do they get kicked for afk though i don't know i feel like that was the person with a bow if they were up here shooting at you but then like right as i got up here they left hey i see you i have a bow fight fire with fire but i don't know who we don't know who's shooting the bow you're gonna start sailing arrows towards the ground track that's the wrong thing hold on um he's at he's at green wait where are where are you fighting them right now i'm in an intense minecraft battle oh wait he has a bow i'm taking out the guy with the bow taking out the guy though just for you give him buddy just for you okay i'm on my way over just run i'm running all right i'm up here god there's so many golems what he's so low he's so low one of the guys is really no he's on a team okay yes that's actually they they put up a lot better fight than i thought they would they did have five members of their team oh yeah and semi straight down into the void i wonder does five nights at freddy's have uh a movie it's they're supposed to be making one for the last like couple of years but i don't know if it's like real all right well we'll just follow what fnaf blockbuster does yeah i'm trying to make an annoyance well i i would build a bed defense but our teammates kind of like right where we need to place our blocks yeah no it's fine i got this he plays duo or solo yes our teammate is commenting i'm saying that you only play duo or solo look at this look at my bed defense i'm making right now i don't like it why i just don't think it's very good it looks like yellow is going to come to us but also looks like blue is going to come to us for now i'm not purple fennel blockbuster get out of my way oh yellow's honor yo is on their way y'all's on their way i see him what do i do i'm too busy defending our bed please don't get the no don't get the stuff left snap blockbuster i need it i need the resources more than you do sorry dude that's epic gg moments nice nice kill swag lord stop stealing the resources from that blockbuster so i have good news it looks like um the red team is making a push towards yellow and blue so never mind it looks like they're gonna cross team oh you're on top of us i don't even realize oh he's gonna dig in from the top okay maybe my medicine shouldn't be this tall it was pretty bad i'm just gonna be totally honest now your bed defense sucks but you know it's it looks cool no yeah all right i can't deny that it's a pretty cool compete defense oh teammate says hex to who yeah who's he talking to right now i don't know he's talking to team chat apparently he's at our base oh maybe he saw that you broke your bed and he's like okay that was really cool hacks way reds coming to our base red's coming red's no longer friends oh okay oh man i'm dead all right yeah are you just watching me die to him i was just watching you die oh i should have waited to kill him let's go no no now let's go i should have waited and then that would be let's go let's go blockbuster i wonder if he's gonna call hacks again that would be funny check us out i'm gonna go bananas on them i just dropped my sword hey don't do that we have to use it to fight people no i just picked it back up and knocked on the wrong slot no that's really epic the guy i was fighting to start eating a gap will mid fight it did not work out for him you ever heard of opportunity cost yeah yeah me too are you gonna referencing something or just no i mean i just wait what when did an opportunity cost economics i think like yeah in like a le i think i learned that like 11th grade it was cis economics no yes watch out behind i was commenting about her teammates saying that he likes purple or that i like purple i was uh oh he says you suck dude you are the most toxic five nights at freddy's player i've ever seen fnaf is a good game no it sucks i'm so sad i forgot that silver fish you can punch to throw so i just threw three silver fish and now they're on a bridge somewhere um so you're at our base yeah because red team is going to come from no how did he not this dude just lagged through my block trap he got stuck in my box i killed moin quest hold on hang on ready for this oh where'd he go epic moment oh i see him hey guy he's in there wow i'm gonna i'm gonna burn to death that's so epic is gambling number one killer yes i love you purple i exist thank you
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 781,684
Rating: 4.9557481 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, gb80, minecraft, mc, bw, leaderboard, purpled, challenge
Id: rJWgr-zJaJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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