lucky block bedwars is a broken gamemode

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okay so today I was walking around the bed Wars Lobby as I do like 17 hours of every day I'm just walking around the bed Wars Lobby I noticed that lucky blocks v2 was a thing the current of dreams mode might yours this already isn't good for my ears thank you gasps apparently lucky blocks made it back to bed wars I made a video on this a while back wait am I am I about to die pass it before burns me sorry teammate sorry you got to take that hot potato man it's a hole you okay so I remember way back in the day the lucky blocks were like a little bit overpowered you could easily just get a couple blocks with really good luck and then just win the game from there I don't know if they changed that at all I broke a few I got like a blindness feather a bed pointer will float towards an enemy bed and why is this a thing dude nice I found them here sped a bridge egg so that's actually pretty cool and this is region from the blood of your enemies I don't know if I have to attack some with it or if it just like works but I guess I'll just go and smack this guy a little bit and oh wait nice put down some some obby didn't do anything for him but I mean close okay so I have water balloons which turn into water when they land so can I just like get over to green base without ever needing any blocks I'll just like throw some water balloons and they'll explode and this is gonna take way too long I should just probably use my blocks but why would I do that why use wool when you can get over to a base with the power of lucky blocks if only I had my bed pointer though that is that's what I really need here's a fishing rod what the heck are you serious is that a thing okay he died but that seems incredibly broken having a grappling hook in bed wars oh my god give me some of that okay from what I recall the red ones are really good the ones that you find in the M gens nice - nine emeralds for just a couple of those a couple more of these lucky blocks thank goodness what do I want what do I want sharpness knock-back I'll do this sharpness knocked back - that was too quick I didn't get to look at it this is gross okay um let's let's make some moves I don't think I have to worry about pink there without a bed and also alone and I don't know if this sword is infinite however oh my god what is going on hang on fling bow wait I didn't take any knock-back this is this is stupid there we go there he goes haha fireballs what in the world okay um I don't have great gear as far as armor goes but my sword will deal so much damage what if I just throw a couple waters down wait that didn't do anything okay hang on I need to get up here because if I can get high ground oh man oh this is it Oh it's over oh my bows gone this is so sad wait I don't have Anu to break a bed with oh shoot uh hang on guys this isn't so good also something is spawning on me silverfish related sorry wait he didn't take knock-back again oh he died to something I don't what is going on I hit him once and then he was in water and then he just died okay sorry sorry okay whatever chest I just got is so incredibly broken yeah I guess I was thinking they nerfed the lucky blocks a little bit to make this game a little bit better from last time no they definitely didn't no he did not does go middle and break those uh lucky blocks from the emerald generators and you win the game you just win the game okay so from what we learned in that first game I think I'm gonna just rush MIDI immediately hopefully 32 blocks is enough I'm unsure of the calculations of how many blocks I need to get some mid but if I just bridge this way look for long enough I'll eventually hit middle and then I can get those overpowered lucky blocks unfortunately I did not get enough I'm gonna need more your teammate you can break my lucky blocks if you want there break them they're all yours oh my god there's a lucky block that gives you dragged him off - that's insane number one game mode over here also yellow buds broken by aqua meaning either fly hacks or aqua team got that one blaze there's like a blaze that you can ride on and it's super broken and I hate that and it should be remove from the game but I'm guessing that's what aqua ended up getting but nonetheless I think I shall be able to get all four of these overpowered blocks what are they even called me go lucky blonde ok I'm frozen in place but I think that's fine is everyone else yeah looks like it freezes everyone that's good to know um except for the white team I'm guessing white team yeah white team's the people that placed it let's go ahead and grab all these and see what I can get are you no no I got four magic sticks this is freaking ridiculous dude I don't know if I got really bad luck maybe got really good luck who knows but I'm gonna actually try out this thing here so I'm gonna only put one of my inventory at this moment and here's the plan I don't really know how powerful this thing is I'm assuming magic toy stick it it's similar to the victory dance um like when you win I I think that's my victory dance actually I use that all the time from what I'm aware this launches you a pretty far distance so it's uh let's take a look at how oh my god I'm gonna die of fall damage no no okay now that one didn't launch me at all and I'm frozen in the middle of the air okay we're trying this again I'm gonna head over towards white team I think I'll take them out or that's the goal at least I probably won't take them out I got a water bucket I feel like I'm gonna need it because what I've learned is if if you don't fire the magic stick under you oh I lost my bed he must have flown over to me cuz there's no bridge how wonderful I love this game-mode well I guess that puts high stakes on this let's find out I'm gonna just go ahead and launch me up and oh god oh god oh god oh god we're good we're good I'm at their base now I'm gonna have to kill this guy real quick and then I can break their bed I don't have another magic toy snake but that would be super cool if I did we just leave oh this doesn't get me anywhere Oh God hang on I'm stuck okay cool yeah run back thanks man okay I'm going mid okay so magic toy stick is very difficult to control this is just a suggestion it might make it a little bit too overpowered but if you use a magic toy stick on yourself you should not take fall damage until you land and also it looks like red these like red lucky blocks only spawn once per game I could be wrong maybe they spawn every upgrade and like every time the emerald Jen upgrades that you get another one I don't know but they're not in there I only got em s so that is unfortunate I would love more broken lucky blocks what do I get here from these a helmets prot one feather falling ten I'll take it I'll take it and a sharpness to knock back five sword oh it's a one-time hit oh I see I see I see if this guy wants to come over to me he can okay okay let's find out what I get here shovel of sharpness three I mean that is quite a bit I think that's just a little bit better than a sharp iron wait I have a question I don't really want to find out but feather falling ten that's a lot of feather falling can it make me survive a magic toy sake hang on we have to find out aqua hasn't done anything all game they've just been sitting at their base so I'm okay giving them the win I just want to go and kill white and then if I survive the fall then I'll win if I don't then aqua wins and I'm okay with aqua winning let me head over here and see if I can take out a white team though okay so I need to get up because I feel like they're gonna start fire balling me or something along those lines there's a oh my god is that a rapid-fire skeleton this is madness dude I'm jumping okay maybe I can bait them out I'll start drinking my pots well not actually drinking anything I'm just gonna try and make it so they think I'm going in biz and then they come out let's see what's his plan he's gonna leave is his teammate gonna follow wait did you just take fall damage over there oh my god that's insane Oh get out here get out here wait I'm getting fireball ouchies hang on I'm in a lot of pain right now okay please your boys in pain leave just just chill for one second and hold on I will I want him to come over here the friggin love that sword okay moment of truth boys I have no idea what's gonna happen here I'm full health like I have full saturation and I have feather falling ten time not gonna make it hang on I'm gonna see if I can land mid oh wait you don't take fall damage at all oh okay I just had a really bad placed or badly placed my stick oh my god the incredible chest it's back there's no diamond swords in here that kind of sucks do I want anything I'll get an iron sword naw quick I think I'm actually gonna buy one I I didn't think I'd ever used a villager but I'm going to yeah every time a gen upgrades I think all the blocks respawn Oh P diamond helmet there we go oh wait actually that might not be o P I do like feather falling ten it makes you take no fall damage at all okay so I just broke a lucky block that gave me six obsidian not super helpful okay hang on I got enough that emeralds I'm gonna buy another one looks like I can use that trade anymore toy stick that's what I like to see oh my god I got so lucky let's go umm okay so I don't I know what a toy stick does already blasted on myself and launched myself around that was pretty cool and fun however I want to use it on the enemy dude that's it like nothing what it wanted me like 70,000 blocks in the air but it launches him like two also he survived he's in water oh no he's just taking a really long time to fall okay well I'm gonna break that I'm just gonna switch to my Opie helmet as opposed to my like no fall damage one and then I should be fine here yeah okay cool that's the end of the game sup man well said well said sir I activated a status effect on all players for ten seconds is that the frozen one did I just make everyone frozen died make everyone just let it go frozen reference guys smash like okay I am mid hopefully nobody else is mid and hopefully red doesn't rush me a lot of hoping here we and that's that's what this game is you just hope that things go your way okay so we got Jerry who's willing to trade nine emeralds for one of these blocks that one did nothing and that one gave me a toy stick I'll take another toy stick the first one that I broke gave me six obsidian so I suppose I'll put six obsidian down as if that's gonna help me at all cool I only got six so we're missing a couple I realize I have MS that I could spend on obsidian I just don't want I you feel I don't know my teammates spam and water all over my base sure go for a teammate I'm gonna go for this magic stick into a water bucket clutch again this is gonna be kind of tough but let's find out um okay we went a very long way up we're good let me get this bed there we go yeah baby let's go um hang on can I possibly deposit that I can let's go dude tima what are you doing over here you're torturing villagers oh he's trying to help them save the villager oh it's too late yeah how dare you yes you should you should be upset I saw what you did to that villager he didn't deserve that okay I'm actually gonna spend on Abbi I realized that it's a good idea I feel like we're gonna get rushed by a few different teams I have two extra obby what should I do for it with it all I'll just put them on top okay I killed one sweaty gray player which I looking up in chat I don't know if they're still up there yeah they had 14,000 beds which is madness so I really wanted to take him out of the game and I was able to I also feel like he had quite a few on good lucky blocks on him he may have had all of them actually and then here's the other one I don't know how sweaty this guy is lucky leg back oh my god I still killed him thank goodness that would made me so mad if he survived from leg back obviously this is gonna sound arrogant but like when you're able to combo someone really hard it works against you because like you'll rail him and then because you rail them so hard they leg back and immune to most damage for 15 seconds let's go ho I think most image means like everything except avoid I have the ability to be invincible which is just amazing okay I don't know how this is gonna work but we're gonna go for it also what is this knock back oh I guess that works okay here we go umm fireball we're fine that was scary I didn't want to lose my my invincibility here we go I don't know let me just eat this up I don't know if you eat another star but that's what I'm gonna say that you do alright so I'm just gonna run in here I'll place down the the TNT they're gonna swing at me they're very confused as to what's happening let's go are they gonna follow me up Oh God oh it's overpowered its overpowered oh wait a minute they're overpowered how dare they they place up sitting in my path see ya oh is that guy going to my base No teammate look out know that dick wait he left he got worked out of the game but that didn't stop my teammate from dying wait what if I do this oh you have to use it on your bed oh well I don't want to do that cuz already have all be down but this sudden makes a three-layer protective cover on your beds so I figured I'd use that on my bed but not if I have to break the obby to do it I'm guessing it'll put down a defense that's worse than ah B so it's not really worth it oh wait how'd you get here what they're just shifting behind here somehow made a colorful path I'm gonna pro lit their base I don't know if that pearl is gonna go long enough it did they have aa B as well shoot dude also these Pigman are join me ouch get out here okay I should be able to kill both these boys see yeah and this guy oh he banked a lot of things Oh No okay well I have to go back and get I triggered arrow rain get out of here oh we fell in lava okay I'm gonna head over to this space and I'm gonna get a diamond pick I feel like I need this also some guys gonna follow me over here that's fine that didn't give me anything how lame see ya okay let's try offensive lucky blocks these are sometimes really good a poison trap has been placed for your team oh nice a poison trap over at somebody else's vase that is what I wanted okay I'm gonna head back to this base over here and I I think I'll be okay it looks like one of them is leaving I hope that's the case I waste and then I can probably break their bed I just needed this person did not smack me off the edge but they might they're throwing something see ya okay I should be able to get the bed I don't know where the other red player is possibly in mid possibly on my base I'm gonna lose my bed well they have a time intake that sucks that really sucks um we'll be okay we will be okay no God my teammates down but after what he did to that villager it's fine he deserves it I'm gonna head over to actually I might not have to I got him cool um so it's just me versus aqua and aqua is I don't know where they are at the moment I might die to that oh they found the void okay I should be all good there alone they still have a bed but they are alone first off I have rainbow wool which is amazing couldn't have asked for anything better but I have something up in chat here that says you ever received another gauntlet upgrade your punches are now more lethal so I'm gonna pro to his base I'm just gonna start punching him now there's something very unfortunate going on and that is he defended his bed and hang on I have a bridge egg now I have a jump boost hopefully I don't have to use my pearls to get there but I might I I'm not opposed to it if he fireballs me I'll fall pearl but he defended his bed with lucky blocks which sucks because I don't know what this is gonna do to me probably something really good okay let me kill this guy oh my God he's so stacked uh give me now its hold on rainbow wool I'm rainbow willing away okay I should kill him here there we go now that he doesn't have a diamond sword there should be a little bit better I'm very curious to see well I can't hold on oh my god geez what is this die get out of here let me keep trying I'll eventually get his bed right what is this this is ridiculous he's on to something this man is on to something he's able to make it so I just can't break his bed because of the lucky blocks oh my god hang on I will sit up here for a little bit who's he gonna follow me up like I need to kill him before he gets a better sword because I'm a little concerned about that yes so much prod as well this is ridiculous okay you just have to break like the stuff above it - nice okay now I'm curious um Ken I like how we how lethal are my punches he's gonna pearl out or what 20 okay so they're like nothing I'm not gonna use my fists okay I was thinking they were gonna do a lot of damage because they said my punches became lethal I don't know if that means that we'll deal more knock-back but it didn't do anything as far as damage goes let's go okay well that's gonna do it for lucky blocked by dwarfs today hopefully you enjoyed smash like and sub we'll see you tomorrow bye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 1,704,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, gb80, bw, mc, leaderboard, challenge, lucky block
Id: dmIPy8A5EfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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