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today we have a heavy mission chorded to the brim with scrap metal of all different types and we are heading out and we're gonna go see what we can get from him he said come by take whatever you want ready to embark on this mission we can fit that in the back you guys what is up everyone here we are another beautiful day in paradise out here we're in Somers Point New Jersey where we live today we have a heavy mission really heavy so got contacted by guy off of YouTube who said a little bit back his father passed away and his dad's house is hoarded to the brim with scrap metal of all different types so today we are hooking up the trailer and we are heading out and we're gonna go see what we can get from him he said come by take whatever you want and it's yours to take so I'm assuming that there's gonna be a whole load of scrap and then probably a whole bunch of other stuff so this is a miniscule amount of scrap but we've been slowly just collecting over the last month without really even trying to look at bird it has a worm in its mouth early bird gets the worm is what they say so that this bikes not going that scrap or taking to the yard and then we're gonna head from the yard to his house and we're gonna pick up all this stuff all that we can fit and whatever else there that he's giving away that might not be scrapped I'm serious gold we have really no idea but from the pictures that he sent me it's like just machines a big ride on mower all kinds of crazy stuff ready to embark on this mission the city of Somers Point needs to put a dome around the city and then just put a giant like humidifier the size of our house I try to wear as little clothing as possible when it's this hot but oh you don't want to get like burning for outside yeah Tex because I had a tick on me the other day I just saw a bird catch a worm I need it catch it well it had its mouth already here feel me pulling out all right first stop on our journey today and maybe the last stop again later if we can make it in time the EMR firehouse scrapyard this guy's got crazy scrap in his trailer big doggie I tell you get it out that dude nice he messed up too though I got the trailer with the short walls I got it and then tried to build up see that yeah I mean it was she buried not by much that it alright I'm hoping that there's there's battery charge in this thing total dead which isn't that big of a deal but kind of abusive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] crazy [Music] so 270 pounds 13 bucks and 50 cents happy I was just to get it out of there but that's crazy Savage honestly that's why part of the reason why every time we get something we could maybe sell I try to sell it first because perhaps a hard life to try and make a lot of money down [Music] what's the claim today huh what's the claim today what's the best plan of attack here swing all the way down to the shop okay okay perfect okay right across the street so we built there years ago stoked so much for myself oh it's rolling should we keep going down should we keep going down oh yeah that's a good piece does it keep life right there hey how are you good nice to meet you you Ted so we made it yeah yeah no I'm just it's just happy message me because I forgot my guy I just I think about a thousand things and then but yeah we made it I'm sure thank you for the message mega awesome awesome so this this was my dad's place we live across the street and he passed and it's just kind of we just can't keep up with it yeah this was his he had just a shop down here and I'm we're just trying to clean it out okay you know there's it so he was in the medical work repair business okay so you know there's some heavy pieces of that on all kinds of stuff I'm just getting going right you're welcome okay perfect okay so let's just start with one thing and then we'll see how far we get but we can put all this in easily and how about the mower that's going to or you want to want it it doesn't run if we can push it up in the trailer we can just scrap it yeah okay pretty thick heavy-duty rails there long though like too heavy probably system left but if we could get it rolling in there that batteries now I'm gonna back up to this file first is that cool yeah absolutely yep all the way here do you think we'd be able to do that of nowhere yeah they both have back braces but neither were wearing it so so maybe even I could plant this back I give ya a drop more even with it there you don't even have to be there I don't think that's the plan right here right yeah that's probably it what do you think just beast it enter do we try you like put it up on my gum dragonfly well what about one of those metal things you know they sure don't oh we in there boys and girls [Laughter] put some plot pots and plants grown out of that that's what people do yeah yeah yeah oh yeah we can definitely fit the SCAF away is this the shed gang out here huh any of like this stuff to that metal we can put in there for sure yeah if it's trash it looks like it all right there might be a pin on it yeah these are checks back here I don't feel like there's that many texts personally I don't know that I just like we're not in the woods really that looks like a generator or something right there I mean that can go if we can get it do you guys want this though I don't want to take anything that they want for this that big thing yep you can take that we could definitely fit that air conditioner that can go yeah that bike exercise boy yeah yeah I didn't even see that whatever anything that's metal really any other than medical thank know I'd be honest with it's been a long time is this plane kind of cool des you can take that do you guys fly these you see [Music] yeah that kid yeah you could do that maybe yeah here's the wings though yeah I mean that's a very little one that's a little servo that drove this oh wow I love that really cool [Music] all right so this is like a big scrap out clean-out type of job where I think they want as much of this stuff gone as possible as but basically they're saying so this goes this will go with us today that might be for sale this like seat bench thing that'll go this like bed frame probably goes really anything we can fit today this thing this I'll just get it out here yeah you want this thing okay are they heavy yeah was it hidden for years in here Wow what's that doing in there thanks serious right it's the light bulbs I guess all right now but I mean have you seen the wrestlers there's probably endless amounts of stuff in here but this is what we're looking for check out this chisel oh man she's coming home [Applause] it's not that heavy yeah it's not that heavy this could get on top maybe [Applause] we can fit that in the back I should being like 10 and buzzing around that oh my gosh you would actually get hurt on that maybe you'd have to say apparently they race them oh in Las Vegas they race them in the sky that's just so crazy I guess cuz I've never seen that like Don Goodyear this one's huge that I think that's what he's maybe that's what he said the Goodyear the little trailer with it right air conditioned that's going eventually what do you think we maxed out now or not yeah what do you want to do that we got a little bit of room we could probably put that AC in it everything where every knit was oh yeah oh yeah like him like the Eternity had an old van one time and she said you're getting rid of that van and he said so he parked it here and spray painted it all like army color like the to look like the woods so that it would be camouflaged it was too funny that he wasn't having it right what was the first shot this one they're big these people are so cool they even got us coffee that's the claim okay stoking these people are epic when he was 80 he he want to he jumped out of a plane what he was yeah he's 80 so he went water scam we took a mortar skin he was set 69 and he's and he went he he got up on the water skis in our boat so he was living a full life oh my god fall 1982 this is the shop right here Wow right [Music] this reminds me of my dad yeah my guess he built his house too no no all right this is the load we got so far which isn't really that crazy but the only thing about it is we didn't bring any straps which I have no idea what that was all about and everything's good we don't want to overload it too much no I think it's fine all right we're good we're rolling and then all this stuff that I'm gonna keep life it is just cut in here so pretty cool the wood chipper okay well we might have to come back yeah just sayin I just yeah I was him he was telling me that he just put a new door all right I mean door handle cool there was cold day you guys are cool so it was a good experience and I guess there's other stuff in the house too but we can just look at it later right cool thank you so I'll just keep in touch with uh Tom right and we'll go from there Thanks okay all right be safe all right so we just passed this legendary dude cruisin down the street and he has a vintage Tommy shirt and sammy claims he's gonna buy it off as well I would like to buy up think you would take for it 20 that's too much he can't just walk down the street if you got that Tony doll until he can you don't have another share for the boy you can give him that tail to wrap around them until he gets down to where he's going you don't know that for sure yeah he just desiccated yeah that shirt was really running this house maybe where did he go these right things on the other side we're doing good let's just pull up in front of what might just be like that's a collectible shirt he's killing him that his tavern that'd be right here hey just be like excuse me sir I collect those shirts do you think I can buy that shirt off yeah and then I'll give them this one you really want it how much would you spend on it like ten dude the cheetah he literally lost her freaking mind thinking that this shirts fire you better check it out first [Music] why that shirt that you're wearing if he traded you the shirt he's wearing and I paid you $20 she collects this jerk all right switch shirts I'm giving them tangos Michelle what that's right thank you so much getting the 20 there you go there's 20 there thank you so much I'm stoking mrs. Tommy you just gotta go for it let's just put on the shirt that ain't got this guy rubbing it for you to the dryer yeah dude you baby give up my shirt that's my boy there he is wrapping it brother so freedom to dream baby I just bought a shirt off all right so I just bought a shirt off that guy's back he had a vintage Tommy Hilfiger shirt with a hole in it which I like she didn't just buy a shirt I'm in the middle of the workday like we have other stuff to do still and I have to try to have a bigger shirt on because there's nobody bigger we have in the back but like it's row we gotta wait till you wash it but that was me ahem venture all right so my friend Frank is a musician this is his dad right here but we got this PA system and he needs to use it for a gig that he's doing this weekend so we're gonna give it to him well he's gonna buy it off of us but it's probably worth about 500 new not in the condition it is but I think I'm just gonna ask him 400 just cuz he's the boy let's say big little little duh Louie what's up dude what's going on Big Dawg how are you oh you got my book yeah yeah thank you ok what's going on all right you good huh are you good good fine solid yeah I hit a lot a couple bucks on me more you hit the lottery yeah yeah scratch off huh but this just as 16 times already did here there shall we hit 30 times chump change 5 10 20 50 s honors that's all the other one and the other one hit for $1,000 but I played the same numbers for six years straight that's what yeah just like a the bars are gonna come up they the same numbers do not stop he knows david icke buck now I got a PA for it's like they had that movie out Dustin Hoffman played in it he worked in the chemicals thing and just thought what happened lightning hit blew this thing up and he says what can you do is I can't do nothing it's in the air now and there was like it was poisoned sit just like now it's in the air I was a virus they kill and they won't play that movie no more yeah I go to Coachella penny how much I used to make 100 $200 a month I'm copper aluminum everything you steal everything nickel Luke put that aside the Tata Sons and did a boatyard thing he's at Lotte I would die cast know what the motors put down the side I give me that I had over 500 pounds of batteries he says Lou I know where you got that from you know bus batteries he gave me a good place for it and he says I should just came off a speedboat the batteries are just big bigger than you yeah bunch of junk because she hey this is just junk yeah cuz he docks the place of my head just alone money screams he's just Lou I don't want to screams in there take the screams out to have the aluminum so this ladder is a good ladder this is a good ladder that's a capable cheap to fight you guys and then the the I'll sell some of it before I take it you know what I mean wait comes up yeah you can have these did dump grinds it all up in a chipper and he says like you know how much said in bags he should leave it in the back so ten camps that and I used to take up over a hundred pounds a remote moon - it's getting a lot of German brother I get a couple bucks I can make I make a couple bucks all for that does he know I'm here now dead the boy bring him out for me pitcher shinobi in how long I'll do yes Turkey that's my wife bro are you dad put up whatever that what up Frank Frank chase I forgot name I can't dude hold on I can't do it you high so basically he's gonna walk back there he's gonna film stocks and like it's a cribs I'm gonna open it and probably disappoint everybody and then I'm going to show you my makeshift studio and it's gonna be a really awkward bunch of clips yes I'll edit so I was gonna have him walk back there filming self knocking on the door I open the door and show you my studio cribs whatever fake in to MTV Cribs and I don't know play a song or something here what up Frank chase this is my humble abode word follow me some trash there with some fruit flies this is my humble little abode is really cool in here wow it's so much cooler in here than it is outside there's my little studio spread some bars in here you know I had jay-z in here the other day he loved it he loved the sound we were getting I'd Nass to come in and you know do this whole acoustic thing yeah basically I just bought a PA off Chuck and Sammy I played a song for him serenaded them and I don't know this is what I do every day basically so I make music I just put out an EP I've been away all my drums I've been driving a drummer for like 20-some years yeah that's way harder than just this is my drum set there are many like it but this one is mine basically I just brought I've been playing drums for like 22 years I started out as a drummer and I've had this for about 10 years and thankful thankfully I've had this thing or otherwise wouldn't be the drummer I am today because even placing 24 hours a day so over there's my um Taylor acoustic would you mind model in it Sammy that's my other prized possession at the one time I actually had money I bought that that was a while ago so yeah this is a this is my little year when I read this basically wake up maybe music I just put out an EP I just recorded everything in house in here six-song EP it's on YouTube Apple Spotify all that stuff tell them what I've been doing telling my what I've been doing for 20 years about 20 years tell him about music what I've been doing for 20 years what about some music and what have I been doing Oh playing drums I don't got my hearing aid again all right well there's that that's my dad he's for putting a man I mean it was like I'm not with it today dude I can't do this I'm just not with it I said you got it dude I've been playing drums for like 22 years I came from a really I was cultivated from a really like musical family well both of my brothers played guitar and they weren't bands and stuff like that so basically by the time I was eight years old I was already like being groomed to be a musician so now I'm like I'm 58 years old and I'm still playing music but I didn't and that dude when I was it he would play drums before I didn't know he played drums dude my dad but brother we were actually because we have a different dad the rest of my still do something I was youngest of five my brother had that drum set actually out there that's in that that's the first drum set over and had a play on he had it set up and like basically my dad went up there he started playing like swing there's this little like boom boom sound like Frank Sinatra like I was like what do you play drums he's like ah yeah split off bah bah bah my mom was like she's like you play drums do you like how does this happen but so yeah I guess that's where it came from but I don't know dude what you wanted to do I can't do this right now I wasn't was not playing like I was planning on buying a PDA I wasn't spending on joining interview so I'm like not with what do you want to hear JB or JT really I got Justin we were on deck bro all day let's hear it everybody that's high sometimes you know what that's gonna do we're feeling long so take a deep breath and let it go you shouldn't be drowning on your own home and if you feel y'all sinking I will jump right over and to cold cold water for you and although time may take us into different places out still it be sure your ball I hope you know I won't let go I'll be your life line tonight I won't let go I'm in your life line tonight cuz we all get lost sometimes you know what else can we do when I'm feeling low oh oh cuz I wanna lay we tell them oh oh you shouldn't be fighting on your own and if you feel you're sinking I will jump right over and - cold cold water for your Oh and all the time maybe person to their friend places I still big picture on your goal I hope you know I won't let go I'll be your life line tonight I won't let go oh I'll do your life line tonight [Music] where'd you come from that's going out just think it's work all the others [Music] better get the scrapyard we're gonna drop off everything that we're not gonna try and sell and yeah so we have a few things in here that we're not going to scrap a bunch of stuff actually for one that lawnmower somebody wants to buy because of the real the real Wells the really solid metal rims so yeah we'll see how much weight this is it's really not that much this guy's scrapping like a laminator I guess like a vinyl printer Wow [Music] this days this prices thinking about keeping a scaffolding but the bottoms are all rusty and then so it's like not really worth it at all [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so really all we got on this side is two big motors a little bit of aluminum just some aluminum strips and then one solid piece of copper here and a little bit of dirty copper and then this is a big aluminum like telethon strand I'm not really even sure what it is but if I stripped it it would just be clean aluminum and that's just hours of work for a few dollars really but got the bike the plane and some dudes supposed to be buying the mower I think I said it already and then this compressor and this sign right here so not a bad day dirty aluminum stainless steel heavy real quickly I wanted to just show that light iron is at five dollars every 107 five cents a pound and I'll just read off the other ones insulated aluminum wire 18 cents copper one two dollars and 36 cents that went way up copper to 220 electric motors nine cents a pound aluminum is 35 cents a pound so we didn't make that much off of the scrap like probably not even really enough to go on the trip if we just made money off the scrap I mean I can't say not worth it but the reality is this that clean this and then I'll show you as the other two items that I'm gonna try to sell I think we should be able to get I don't know a few hundred for the rest of this stuff dude what's the claim I got you on film right now this is the client is someone swimming in that board shorts right now in the ocean in winter this is the claim they're swimming in their board shorts dude how cold is it that's too cold are you what is the location that where you are Sydney Australia why is there brick wall wiser big big wall there about Yoshi and I don't know what it is it to stop the Watterson coming up where people swim and stuff kids come down and swim spa no my new single drops on my birthday this month 21st of July where can we see it YouTube on my youtube channel and you probably also see it on Takas story every day for a week what's your YouTube channel if they don't know slippery stuff up at YouTube baby so so far I have this Miller up on Facebook marketplace for $100 which I just posted it and literally at the site cuz I wasn't sure what he can get traction or anything and it got a comment I got it got a message very fast very quickly so I'm gonna just take some more pictures of it this is what he was interested in or the wheel wells I already posted it but I'm just gonna add some photos and then that compressor bees and there's a little like sign so I'm thinking probably looking at like 300 for everything else that we got on top of this crap maybe a little less but that's pretty good that's a solid day I'm gonna step over this well actually I could probably take a picture of this compressor as this yeah all right so I guess my two cents would be try to sell stuff before you scrap it if you think you can because you'll always get better values for items if people can use them as they are then you will for the scrap value but uh thank you guys for watching it was a fun day and definitely if you like you know grass roots kind of music go check out my friend Frank chase on his YouTube channel we're at his house we dropped off a PA system to him and his channel is easy to get to he has a lot of music on there and on his other platforms which are easy to find I always just go for the YouTube first because I'm a YouTube like person I love YouTube so check it out and we will see you guys in the next one peace what's up everybody good morning so today we got hit with a big storm I guess it's a tropical depression I'm not really sure but it is freaking flooded out here so last time I'm in my car cuz it's still raining a little bit but last time it flooded out here it was really bad and this time it's even worse so we're gonna check it out and see how deep it actually is all right so here's this front street a front of my house actually I put these cones here this time because I didn't want people to think that they could drive down the street because it's it's like even in a truck it would be bad but in like a little car you probably flood out your whole car so I'm gonna just walk down all the way and see how deep it actually gets but this is no bueno like real bad cuz like you can see our front lawn it's coming up on the lawn and it moved all the trash cans around like crazy see the manhole cover bubbling so I'm in the middle of the street here and [Music] it's not really that deep in the middle of the street but we're gonna go to the deepest part and just check it out if you guys can see it bubbling all along but this is no good like if this border level rises any higher it's just straight up not even gonna be able to live on the street in ten years like look at this guy's front yard and we're talking like it rained for like maybe an hour and a half max like you could drive a jet ski right down this tree right now first for real look at this guy's front lawn it's deeper today than it was all right what's up everybody I'm standing out here in the middle of my street here in Somers Point New Jersey and it is in the highest point of the middle of the street it's above my knees look at this so this flooding the coastal flooding along the Jersey Shore right now is absolutely terrible look at this my friend's yard right here it's going all the way up halfway across their lawn and over here it's actually going up to their house and it knocked over the for sale sign and it's literally to their garage like if I go it's waist-deep by the curb here this is really bad worst I've seen it on my street since we lived here for the we've been here for like three years but I don't know seems like it's not normal considering not really a hurricane so this could be potentially a problem in the future okay I just wanted to quickly end this video with saying that we just did a giveaway on Instagram so if you do have an Instagram or if you feel like you want to make one please follow both myself and Sammy on Instagram I'll put the accounts this is Sammy's and this is mine so that you guys can look at him and easily find them and I wanted to say that Shannon May from Midwestern TV was the winner of the last Instagram that was conducted the in Sierra and giveaway that was conducted off of Sammy's Instagram so we go back and forth and we're gonna do one every month for the rest of the year through our Instagram accounts I also just wanted to give a big congrats to Shannon and Jeremy from Midwestern TV happy anniversary I know it's 20 years and I was gonna do this shout out a little bit ago so I think it passed but shout out to both you keep pushing we love that you watch our Channel and you got scrap all the time and you can relate to us on so many levels which is cool and we're happy that you won the giveaway because that is what it's all about we want to give back a little bit I know it's hard to really give back to everybody that supports us because it's just it's hard but I we try and this is what it's all about it's connecting with you guys on a deeper level so please follow our instagrams and we will see you next time you peace everyone
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 43,603
Rating: 4.8608303 out of 5
Keywords: scrapping, out, shed, hoarder, property, take, whatever, you, want, hoarder house, vintage, antiques, scoring, treasure, treasure hunt, scrap metal, dump trailer, clean out, foreclosure, scrap yard, trash to cash, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, vlog couple, YouTube couple, nj, new jersey, musician, band, drums
Id: rNFS7dpfFdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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