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welcome to a brand new episode of block city today my family and i are becoming the incredibles in minecraft to find out how we did this make sure you guys watch the entire episode if you skip ahead rage junior is going to come and get you if we can get 50 000 likes on this episode then i will upload more block city next week [Music] family movie time was a good idea ashley i really enjoyed incredibles 3. what'd you guys think of incredibles 3 you guys like it ashley amber rage junior i honestly i honestly really really liked it uh he said watch again please no rage junior we need to get started with the day it's it's uh it's gonna get dark soon we need to well i chose it so of course it was good ashley can i please use the remote now i want to watch block city i want the family to watch block city you chose incredibles 3 i mean it's a brand new movie and all but like bloxy no that's did you just say it's boring amber do you like block city i know you like block city last time you were watching with daddy i don't even know if she knows what i'm talking about but hopefully she liked the movie uh incredibles you know it kind of reminds us of our family you know you can be violet you can be dash and you can be elastic girl and i can be mr incredible guys i'm already i'm look look what me drew huh what let me see guys i'm already wearing red my epic drawing ever is is that a drawing of daddy um i mean yeah yeah yeah you did you did really good good job good job raise junior good job you're getting better you're getting better you're adding um more more colors you're adding more color i like it i like it yeah you better say that oh man he's still you know he's getting better but he's still a spoiled brat in a way hey ow why would you hit me no hitting me no hitting me rage junior man oh man you called me i'm sorry i'm sorry one day one day week hey don't hit your father see don't hit me okay man i like that new shirt you have on oh my gosh it's so cute let me see let me see oh my goodness he has that creeper shirt oh man and amber has that new outfit they're both so cute but yeah honestly it reminds me this movie incredibles 3 reminded me of our family didn't it ashley kind of reminded you know you know except except we don't have someone like jack jack another baby is it time for baby number three we should have a third shot that's what i was thinking what do you think what do you think amber what do you think about a little brother and sister would you like that she's just looking at me she's like so confused oh yes uh what about you rey jr what do you think about a little brother and sister i feel like he would have in too many i feel like he would have enjoyed being an only child hmm we should have a little dress up day for some family bonding time what do you think huh do you think oh my goodness are you thinking what i'm thinking oh my god yeah oh he wants to do oh he wants to do it too we just watch incredibles 3 we're a family just like the incredibles except jack jack baby number three let's think about it but you guys want to play dress up amber you want to play dress up you want to play dress-up with mommy and daddy oh she's just jumping up and down me yes okay rage dude i heard you the first time i heard you the first time okay okay kids hop in the car let's get right into this oh my goodness everyone in the car we're going to the mall we're going into the mall come on come on come on hopefully they are selling some incredibles costume i don't know is there is there any other like family out there who were like heroes and stuff that would be really really cool but let's head on into the mall and see if uh if they're selling incredibles costumes that would be really awesome all right everyone we are here at the vlog city mall i'm just gonna park here okay kids because uh it's uh it's much quicker to the entrance everyone come on i heard a clothing store just open we should check it out sure sure why not is it inside of this mall is it inside of the mall because honestly i haven't been keeping up with everything duh well i didn't know rage junior i thought like there hasn't been many stores lately but then but then again a lot of new stores have been opening up like the uh like the food market upstairs uh is it upstairs or downstairs oh i guess ashley you lead the way then i think she knows where it is i was just going to where the other new stores were okay ashley you lead the way where is the clothing store man i should start working out again i might buy some more gym equipment i have the bench press and everything but i think it's time for a treadmill too i want to buy a treadmill what is this thrifty let me see what this place is all about wow dave dave says welcome it seems like isn't that the guy that was working at the food mart wait hold on where's the food mart let me take a look he's not there no don't tell me this is like mark 2.0 oh no i don't like this hi hello dave hello hello we were just wondering if you are selling any costumes at this clothing store right here with all these amazing clothes with these gaming you know gaming themed clothes we have some alien themed clothes we were just wondering if you were selling any like family costumes indeed there are some in the back uh do you have like family themed clothes like family themed costumes for example you know the incredibles let me know let me know dave what do you have in stock we have hotseal reeboks no no no no we are staying away from that i think they just came in stock in our wait it comes with it comes with a discount did you guys hear that discounts oh my goodness we can get a good deal okay okay you know what dave i think i think we'll go take a look in the back all right i think we'll go take a look in the back um if we need anything we'll we'll make sure to say something all right everyone kids kids ashley come over here come over here all right all right let's head into the fitting room real quickly okay okay all right everyone everyone in here everyone in here okay okay okay so so here this this is the plan this is the plan actually i'm still negative 500 my credit card has no money okay i just remembered what okay i'll find a job i'll find a job okay i promise i'll find a way to oh stop shh we can't be fighting out in public ooh telling no no no no stop rage junior i have a plan this is very very wrong but we live in block city okay all this stuff happens all the time okay don't don't don't don't follow your dad's footsteps but what i'm gonna do is get us free costumes all i need you to do race junior is distract dave while we sneak out from the back okay yes i mean if you think about it rage junior has killed a few people before oh my goodness you terrible influence actually one time okay just this is just one time i i think we won't go to jail but raise junior you better do a good job or else mommy and daddy will go to jail okay including mommy are you ready you know what to do okay go go go go go distract dave let's see what he's gonna do let's see what he's gonna do all right let's see okay okay dave is distracted a little bit ashley you go first amber take amber with you take your emperor with you hi i rage junior hello there okay okay sneak out sneak out go go go amber go follow mommy nice reeboks nice to meet you okay okay i'm going i'm going hopefully hopefully this works oh no oh you watch you watch blog you know block city okay okay hey at least at least if if dave watches it he said hey hey run run run run race junior run run he saw us actually ever run oh my goodness actually you good oh my goodness did she just break her legs or what race junior run no what the red no my goodness why is everyone jumping off the second floor go go go go i think i think dave is chasing after us go race junior go go go go go hurry hurry hurry oh my goodness i feel like are your legs okay is everyone's legs okay okay let me let me hop in the car quick we gotta go we got oh my goodness we gotta go we gotta go before dave comes okay okay i don't think he's coming anymore we gotta go we gotta go we gotta head back home oh my goodness i have the costumes i have the costumes i have secured the bag i have alert i have secured the bag everyone i have secured the bag we have the costumes oh my goodness we are back at home please do not try this at home do not steal from stores we had to i was desperate okay when you're negative 500 sometimes we we got to do we what we got to do okay ashley i'm so sorry we just committed a crime but you know this is block city we won't go to jail for this i i hope okay she's just shaking she's just shaking her head abby i'm sorry i'm sorry okay kids everyone kids go up here go up to your room and change ashley let's go change real quickly we gotta change everyone change into your costumes go go go everyone change everyone change come on come on come on what you saying you're sleeping on the couch oh my no why why why do you have to do this to me all right we gotta change we gotta change oh okay well she'll change over there all right let's change real quickly all right i think i look pretty good not too shabby as mr incredibles himself now let me take a look at what ashley is looking like ashley let me see let me see you turn around oh my goodness you look so good we can finally be the incredibles yes you you came up with a really good idea today you look nice you too you too now let's go look at these special kids let's go take a look at the kids the babies raise junior oh okay okay you look just like daddy look at me look at me you see you look just like me don't you like that you like that and amber looks so cute look at her with her little red bow ties that's so cute oh my goodness oh man ashley you like you like their little suits me costume gave me powers that what powers such cuties oh yeah everyone everyone come to the living room come to the living room let's uh let's look at our suits down here with better lighting and everything raised junior what do you what do you mean powers not oh you feel like you have powers now right you feel like you have how what oh how are you moving so fast um i did what am i seeing this correctly okay okay stop race junior stop how how how are you moving so fast told ya oh my goodness you are literally dash um hun what's happening rage junior i don't know for some reason he has dash's powers just like the incredibles right just like the incredibles ah it must be the costume magic uh then then what do i get do i get super strength or something i don't even know i don't even know did amber get anything amber are you okay uh where'd amber go ashley where where did amber go amber wow what i know i'm not the only one that just saw what in the amber what did you just do what did you just do wow wait what do it again do it again amber did she just go invisible like violet oh my goodness race junior said violet oh my goodness amber just went invisible ashley are you seeing this we have special kids oh my god oh my goodness and she just pops back up right here what is this this is crazy ashley are you thinking what i'm thinking right now are you okay sweetie yeah are you okay amber best ever right oh my goodness ashley are you thinking what i'm thinking yes i think i have the best idea i think the kids are gonna love this i honestly think the kids are gonna love it save the city for a day yes we become the incredibles for a day in minecraft do it again race junior do ready junior i want to see you i want to see you run like super speed again like the flash like dash come on come on let me see you do it oh my goodness yo that is insane why can't i do it okay okay ray junior let's race let's race ready ready ready three two one one lap one lap go go go go wait i'm winning i'm winning i'm winning what oh my what this is not fair at all raised junior this is actually not fair all right all right kids you want to go save the city for a day yes it is okay bye i don't know how you have superpowers now but you guys want to go save the city for a day save block city this is why i bought you the bench press okay okay but i wanted a treadmill i want to be able to run as fast as my own son my own one-year-old son i don't know how he's running so fast but rey jr let's go amber let's go get in the car we are about to go and save block city for 24 hours this sounds so fun let me get some pumps in real quickly i gotta get some pump you know never mind let's go let's go save the city amber ray jr ashley let's hop in the car and go save the city i hope you know for for once i hope that there is some crime in black city we all know that black city is not the safest place to live but hopefully there's more crime today this is the only time i want crime me want mcdonald's okay okay fine fine oh oh i almost ran over i almost ran over this old lady right there oh my goodness hurry up old lady my son wants me my son wants mcdonald's oh oh whoa help her oh are you okay old lady get up get up okay okay i need to work out a little bit more man this either that or this lady is this old lady is really heavy all right all right you're almost there oh hey why are you looking at me come on come on you're almost there are you okay are you okay oh my goodness old lady is everything okay all right well have a good day okay thanks no worries have a good day okay all right i got her ashley i got her ha slow rage junior don't say that about old lady hey hey just because you're young and and healthy doesn't mean you can make fun of old people okay the more mcdonald's you start eating no no no the more mcdonald's you start eating you're gonna become unhealthy like you know like them okay okay except except they got unhealthy naturally like you what just because you have superpowers right now which won't last very long let me tell you ow stop hitting me stop hitting me rage junior don't say that young man say yeah don't say that young man or else you will be disciplined amber you want happy meal you want happy meal wow okay okay i think that's a yes in baby language okay everyone let's go to mcdonald's ray junior what do you want do you want a happy meal see look how slow you're moving now see that see you don't have super powers anymore okay let's see what he wants double happy meal no you're gonna get you're gonna you're gonna get chunky you're gonna get chunky okay only one all right hello bob oh they have a new worker here welcome all right bob i have a few orders uh can we get two happy meals one for my son and one for my daughter and uh can i get um let me see can i get um four burgers please can i get four burgers and one salad for my wife that'll be it that'll be it that'll be it all right this is gonna be uh very very delicious i cannot wait to eat four burgers amber you're gonna like your happy meal um all right bob hook me up hook me up my friend all right i used to work here uh by the way so do you think i can get a employee cash record you really gonna eat four burgers i mean you can have one of them i you know you can have one of them it's okay it's okay um cash or credit um i used to work here actually bob and i know the uh i know the manager here so he said um yeah exactly he said uh if i ever come back you can get anything for free for for two more years so you know hook me up my friend all right all right yeah thank you thank you uh just just ask the manager when he comes back all right thank you my dad worked here blasi see my son even said so we're having a little dress-up day if you guys take a look at us you see you see oh wait where's the happy meals can i get a happy meal it's a it's a burger each and um it's a two potato fries i think one one potato fry for each package bob the builder bad hey raise junior get down get down rage junior alright thank you so much thank you so much all right here's your happy meal there you go amber here it is where's the where's the uh sorry about the oh he's new um do you have the toys by the way i will tell the manager if you don't get the job done correctly no sorry yep yep one star yep i'm gonna let them know that bob was working here that day ashley here's the burger and the salad there you go all right bob you're gonna lose your job man no please i need this job okay okay fine bad review for you okay i'm sorry i'm sorry all right have a good day bob i'm not actually gonna report you i'm sorry i'm sorry all right all right all right let's head on out everyone get back in the car we gotta look for some crime we gotta look for some crime okay amber get in the car race junior get in the car we're gonna go and save block city all right let's go ahead and uh wait isn't that the bank oh yeah wait uh um kids i need to stop by the bank real quickly i need to what's happening what do you mean what's happening i just need to talk to the bank teller because i can't stand my credit card being negative 500 oh wait aren't these uh police police car crime crime we're heroes we have wait wait how long did this happen why are there why are there so many policemen on the floor oh oh my goodness there's so many there's so many dead bodies oh my god yay no no rey's junior not yay there's so many there's so many dead bodies here uh oh uh oh what is happening uh ashley do you think it's a good idea for us to go inside i don't know if we should i don't know even the swat team is down yeah look they have full armor and everything i don't think this is a good idea race junior do you still have your powers amber do you still have your powers i don't want them to get hurt i don't want i don't want to die i don't have superpowers like them rage junior do you still have your powers can i see we gotta make sure i don't think this is a good idea anymore oh i mean i don't think it makes you invincible but it's worth a shot amber can i see you go invisible can you still go invisible uh oh i'm i'm kind of scared these are my kids this is my family we're talking about we're playing with our lives we have we have actual dead people right here oh no uh i i oh oh she she's not going to invisible i'm scared what if she can't oh oh there she she went invisible for a second oh ashley should we go should we go um like these kids oh no our kids might be scarred from all these dead bodies okay you know what this is block city where where all the city has i mean our kids is all the city has i don't know about us all right let's head inside let's see what's going on um is that the that's the robert hey hey stop hey you there stop hey you there stop stop are you the one who killed haha are you the one who killed all the police uh you're not gonna stop me yep oh he's not even he's not even scared oh i'm scared i'm scared i feel like he has a gun or something we see about that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is happening yo yo they're literally beating up raw yo oh my goodness he says ow is it actually hurting him or something oh my god no way no way oh my goodness even ashley is going up ashley stay back stay back what if you get hurt actually you don't have superpowers careful careful careful careful don't let the kids do it let the kids do it but the kids do it oh my goodness oh my goodness ashley we shouldn't we should get involved we shouldn't get involved we shouldn't get involved oh my goodness look at the kids going crazy oh my goodness hey he's trying to run away hey hey yeah yeah you don't mess with the dad you don't mess with mr incredible look at me kids you see what i just did money hand me that hand me that that is part of the government it's part of the city we need to hand we need to hand the money back no no no it's not yours right junior hand it back hand it back hand it back please please thank you thank you ashley hand back the money all right all right ashley should we keep the money or should we give it back to the city because i am negative 500 what do you think ashley is it the right if keep give me no i'm your dad i mean we just saved the city so i don't know we already stole today and i feel kind of bad maybe maybe we should you know we should uh do something right for once it's a reward save city get paid i mean i don't know we should go we should go we should go we should go let's go let's go oh my goodness what do we do about all this police we can't even call the police now because all these people are leave then okay we should probably uh we should probably go um okay let let's let's go i guess it's time to oh oh oh oh oh uh hello hello sir um a robbery just went down i know it looks weird no no no we did not do this i know it looks weird but but listen listen listen listen listen oh my god oh oh i think we're gonna get framed for this listen listen robert no uh blake we can explain um i know it might sound weird but our kids have superpowers and uh we took out the robber you don't believe us rage junior show him go super speed right now go super speed show blake that you have powers go go go come on ray jr don't let me down see see where'd he go look at him look at him look at him okay okay okay that's enough that's enough rage junior all right all right you believe me now hey look look at amber look at my daughter she had we just saved you from the real robber yes we did man more people see she just went invisible look at her look at her man now do you believe me um here you go blake uh here's all the money that um kids get out of the way get out the way kids um here's all the money that the robbers stole [Music] um there you have it there you have it we're doing the right thing by returning the money that the robbers stole from the bank yes we are good samaritans and no what what what's up blake you can keep this wait wait no what you're lying [Music] really thanks for helping us i guess we're not ashley i guess we're not broke anymore oh my goodness just like that um blake i'm so i'm so sorry for your loss um for your for your comrades your fallen comrades um but i hope you have a i will handle the rest of this all right have a good day sir i salute you all right everyone in the car we need to get out of here this is a crime scene now this is literally a crime scene now we need to go come on come on have a good day have a good day all right we should go we should go now let's go home i'm not i'm not fee okay okay let's go let's go let's go phew blake good man right we have money now we're not broke anymore this is so nice we should uh yeah no i'm not feeling what ashley why are you not feeling too well no no no don't tell me don't tell me no no no last time you were last time you weren't feeling so well we had a we had amber no no you were not having a third no no no no no you are not having a third baby just yet no i'm not ready i'm so not ready for the third baby but you know it would be nice to have a little jack jack all right everyone i'm so happy of our family but i think it's time to uh not be the incredibles anymore we should be ourselves i'm sorry no no no no rage junior i know you won't have your powers anymore but we shouldn't oh my goodness amber's just running around invisible but we shouldn't abuse our powers we shouldn't abuse our powers you boring no kids go change back hand me the costumes we're throwing it away it's cursed and no normal human should be able to use powers like this let me change real quickly okay is everyone back to normal ashley you changed back nice very nice you're looking nice as always all right hand me the costume hand me the costume all right thank you all right let me go grab the costumes from the kids too i know they want to hold on to them but raise junior hand me the costume i know you don't want to give it up but hand it to daddy there we go thank you thank you okay even if you don't want to give it to me all right amber hand it over all right thank you give back no no more costume i'm throwing it i'm throwing it in the uh the fire okay i'm throwing it in the fire no more costume i'm throwing it here there it goes yep yep this is the right thing amber ray's junior i threw it in the fire okay no more no more bad dad well it's time to enjoy the rest of the day you know what we gotta do today is family day time to watch some vlog city all right everyone you have fun me matt no sit down sit down no you're only one years old you shouldn't be mad sit down ashley let's watch some black city together and uh enjoy the rest of the day all right time to watch more vlog city [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 1,686,301
Rating: 4.9155822 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, RageElixir Block City, Block City Roleplay, Minecraft Roleplay, We Became The Incredibles in Minecraft, The Incredibles in Minecraft, Minecraft Incredibles, Incredibles Mod in Minecraft, Incredibles Roleplay, Minecraft RageElixir, RageElixir Roleplay
Id: BwsEnKRJ2-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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