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all right guys in the last season of block city my wife ashley and i decided to take a vacation just for the two of us without our baby to enjoy some alone time however things did not turn out the way we wanted it to not surprising because it is block city after all since you guys enjoyed season two of black city so much i am so excited to announce a brand new season of block city let's get 25 000 likes for more season of block city in the future anyways i really hope you guys enjoy the first episode of season three ashley i know we had a bad vacation but at least you know i'm just glad we were no more crazy trips with you no ashley please like at least we made it home alive right we made it home safe and sound at least i guess well ashley i wonder how baby rage is doing ah wait let me let me go let me go look he's probably just bored in his room or something like that right what not not funny no i know i know it's not funny that you know uh we we you know we had a bad vacation and stuff like that but hey hey look we should probably go do you think we really left our kid along oh oh yeah oh that's right that's right uh hey he's been pulling out guns he's been shooting siren head and everything i thought you know he was capable you know of living alone he's with the neighbors okay i please ashley stop being angry at me i promise i'll make it up i'll make it up to you again i i've tried so many times but i promise you should go get him i'm gonna go relax ah all right ashley please please don't be mad at him uh all right guys well i better go get baby rage i should probably drive to the neighbor's house you know don't wanna don't don't wanna be walking baby rage back cause he's probably gonna he's probably he's probably no i'm tired that's why all right let me let me drive on over to a little baby rages place right now or the neighbor's place she did say the neighbor's place right all right so this is our first neighbor halloween candy halloween cat oh my gosh halloween is next week guys oh my okay okay that makes so much more sense now they have decorations enough you know they have decorations up already look they have a little brewing stand right here pretty pretty nice little brewing cauldron we've got decorations up here a little school with a candle and candy you know i i'm not gonna take the candy i i i i'll resist i'll hold back for now well let's uh excuse me baby rage daddy's here to get you huh there's no one is no one home what did they kidnap my baby or something hold up let me look inside the house hmm there doesn't seem to be anyone in the house but you know i'll give them the benefit of a doubt they're probably in the backyard let's let's go check out the backyard uh it's not trespassing if it's your neighbors right you know i'm sure we have some sort of mutual trust or something like that even though i've never met him i know my wife has that's why she left them with them you know you guys know man they they love talking to each other i don't really like talking with my neighbors too much especially with the you know especially what happened last time with jim davis um but yeah let me let me go take a look around um all right all right let me go take a look around dang that oh damn man i'm jealous they have i'm pretty sure their pool is bigger than mine wow they have a fire pit back here and everything wait the door is open wait hold on so someone is at home right dang their kitchen is nice too it doesn't look as modern as mine but you know it's still pretty nice um dang they have a pretty yeah they're they're their living room is bigger than mine for sure huh dining table okay okay but where's baby rage baby rage baby rage hello anyone home wait what wait what trespasser home invader stay back i called the wait uh excuse me lady you you've got the you've got the wrong idea you've got the wrong idea i promise i promise i promise i'm just here to get my kid okay i'm just here to get my kid she has a knife in her hands you're not going to get away with what do you mean you're not going to get the cops hey hey stay away from me with that knife hey you're the crazy one you're the crazy one you you crazy you crazy lady you stay away from me ah help someone help i'm getting murdered staying back i called the cops what do you mean you called it i don't even do anything i'm here to get my kid upstairs stay away from me with that knife oh who knows hey go get the door go get the door oh yeah she's gonna stop me police officer come out with me yeah get that lady get that lady she try to stab me she's trying to stop me excuse me sir officer she's trying to stab me that lady in there was trying to stab me after i was trying to get my kid she was busy babysitting my kid she probably killed my kid she has a knife in her hand all right what do you mean all right go get her you've been accused of a lot of crimes what do you mean i'm gonna kill the log guard she had a knife in her hands oh my heart what are you doing breaking into a house i'm not breaking into a house what do you mean i'm breaking into my house i i promise i did not break into that house i promise i promise i know it looks bad i know it looks sus it says right here you've been stiff but from the mall running running up what do you mean running over civilians now break okay okay okay before you get before before you keep going i'm sure you have me mistaken with someone else because i just got back home i just got back home my name is rage i i just got back home um from from a vacation with my wife we we live right there that's my house right there i live over there sir please believe me yes yes yes you see right i would not do that i have a family what do you mean you'll have to moderate me it's not me i promise you're crazy you're crazy just for the safety you're just absolutely insane sir like trust me man like i i would not if you break any laws you'll be sent to jail what do you mean oh okay so for for no reason i'm put on a house arrest basically be be careful uh what are you gonna do put an ankle monitor on me how are you gonna monitor me huh i even do anything we have to look out for the neighborhood i i guess i guess for for the safety you know i guess for the safety of the neighborhood and everyone you drove over you hey i did not meet you you drove on the curb i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry it's on the it's on the street now okay it's on it's on the road now i'm not breaking any loss and i will not break any laws okay okay well just be careful all right have a good day sir i know it looked bad that i was inside that lady's house but i'm just i'm just gonna go get my kid you know is that is that okay with you is that is that okay with you wait what do you mean what do you mean wait stay away from this i'm here to get my kid well maybe ashley was talking about wait there is another neighbor there is another house right there maybe it might be that are you sure your kid is here um i'm pretty sure my wife wasn't really clear about it but uh okay i'll stay away from this house all right have a good day officer have a good day you too all right well i guess i'll i'll i guess i'll check out the other house hopefully hopefully this this neighbor does not pull out a knife on me because oh my gosh i'm traumatized shhh all right gotta make sure you know my car is not on the curb man that that officer was a little picky but i don't know what he was talking about like i drove over i ran over people i i was stealing i was robbing places or something i don't even know take one candy each uh no thank you i'm kind of scared now guys i'm gonna ring the doorbell and like i don't know i'm scared of you to ring a doorbell now ah okay uh hello hello hello um hi oh mr rage hi um what a surprise i i'm just here to um get my kid if you if you here to take junior back yeah yeah oh oh my god yeah yeah i'm here to take baby rage back uh how was he did he behave let me go get him okay okay all right all right sounds good sounds good miss he was a handful he does take after me hey baby rage oh oh my god i missed you so much dad i missed you i missed you too have fun guys well have a good day miss oh baby rage all right all right let's head back home mommy's waiting for you where where were you oh um mommy and i just uh just went to have a little bit of fun because we've been we've been really really tired you know we were really really tired that's why all right hop in the car mommy missed you oops i'm happy you back oh i'm sorry for leaving you we just needed some time okay we just needed some uh us time because you you ha ha ha you know you know you you've been you've been uh you've been you've been baby rage basically all right well mommy's been waiting for you so we're back home all right hop out now you can play with their toys now and everything but before you do that you should probably say uh you should probably say hello to mommy okay i'm sure i'm sure she missed you a a bunch a bunch all right come on in man you're all running and walking by yourself now my kid all grown up oh baby rage oh ashley baby rage is back my darling oh mommy dude this is so cute guys hey the perks of having a family man i love you are you tired yes of course he's tired you know we've been he he probably tired himself out knowing knowing babies and everything let me take you to bed good night daddy good night baby rage man i i think i should probably tell ashley about everything going on because she knows that i wasn't here the entire time so she can vouch for me you know she she's literally my only witness actually actually we need to talk we need to talk let's head into our bedroom real quickly because um something crazy is going on yes we do no no no like like that decoration no no yes okay decoration yes yes it's halloween yes but there's something i need to tell you and we need the court oh my gosh are you not gonna let me talk uh yeah yeah we need decor okay no oh okay okay no time to talk oh my god can i tell you when i come back then you need to go to the mall yeah sure man always making things harder for me all right well i'll go get i'll get halloween do you still have your credit card yep yep i got my credit card you know how rich we are now oh man okay be safe man i'll make it up to you ashley i'll make it up to you you know the vacation wasn't the best but i promise all right you can make it up to me all right sounds good i'll go get the decor now i was supposed to tell her oh my god i i should i tell i'm trying to tell her right now but like she's gonna get mad like she's she's definitely in in a really good mood so i should i shouldn't ruin that huh yeah i'm not gonna ruin that for her but like what was the cop talking about like i'm i'm sure i'm sure they're just mistaking me for someone right but like no one looks like me oh wait i know this might be karma guys this might be karma for uh for stealing jim davis's id card in the first place well stop by the mall and get some stuff get some stuff stuff all right let's head on to the mall uh no no is there a halloween store in this mall i've been here multiple times but i i honestly don't remember puppy love store dollar store best best buy i'm sure that's the mcdonald's right that we went to oh ashley and i we went on our first date here um the gun store oh so many memories at the gun store is that the camp store yeah that's the camp store that we went to camvorge not the best camp but what's that over there oh we have the gym sprints where's the halloween store does this mall even have a halloween store um no one's at the receptionist so i can't um no one's at the customer server i can't i can't really ask them anything all we can do is look around this this store is out of business oh my gosh i almost fell off i almost fell off to the uh this is the place that scammed me oh i mean they didn't really scam me the volcano just erupted for some reason definitely not my fault most oh here it is halloween oh hello hello hello hello i'm here to happy halloween ah what huh oh boo boo wait wait what wait oh that's a fake prop isn't it get back whoa what is happening what is happening you are not going to rob us again excuse me excuse me please thief wait wait i can explain like ah okay i can explain i can explain that's not me i don't i am not who you think i am please please please trust me trust me i have money i have money i have a credit card i have evidence no but i have a credit card look i have evidence um let me see what this evidence is all what who's this wait that's that's you wait hold up i mean the pants are the same but like this dude is blonde he has purple eyes and a purple shirt are you wearing smart ah stop shooting please this is not me take a good look take a good look take a good look that is not me same pants maybe i don't know how he got my pants but dye your hair no i did not dye my hair he has purple eyes fine i have a credit card i'll pay for it sorry sir i'm gonna keep this for later man if this i don't know who this person is but he does not look like me sheesh i'm just here to buy some decorations for my wife i have a family and kid i almost just got shot in the head guys what do you mean my bad you almost took my life you better give me a discount i i i deserve a discount imma buy some decorations but there already is a 50 off well you better give me the five finger discount now because because you almost took my life just now you know what i'll i'm gonna take it i'm gonna i'm gonna take whatever i want all right yeah yeah this is a stick up i'm robbing you no no no no 100 off hey okay okay i'm sorry all right 55 55 all right all right let me take some of these decorations i'm gonna take one of this please miss ma'am i want to take one of this one of this um yeah i want to take that yeah i want to take that that okay thank you thank you you so much ma'am all right and as promised i will pay you because i'm not a robber like you thought i was i honest that would be 70 yeah take it take my money even though you almost tried to kill me just now sheesh sheesh i'll remember this i'll remember this lady man i almost died guys i want to die oh my god oh man how many times do i get close to dying this episode jesus like i almost got stabbed by some random neighbor my neighbor basically this lady almost killed me just now with a gun oh wow it's almost turning night time sheesh all right um all right well i should probably head back home yeah i should probably head back home huh let me let me hop back into the car oh yeah that was a really long drive home from vacation maybe i should uh it is getting a little dark but it's not oh oopsies it's not it's not too dark to the fact that i can't go get some gas all right i'm gonna fill up my gas and then head back home why not can't wait for baby rage to grow up one day and you know be able to drive me around that's gonna be that's gonna be a proud father moment honestly i'm gonna be so happy um but let me move all the decorations into my inventory i'm gonna surprise ashley with all these amazing amazing decorations all right well let's go oh wait i should probably park my car in the gas uh area wait who it oh huh see someone else is here during this time he did look a little familiar didn't he huh all right well should probably fill up the gas real quick [Music] oopsies should fill up the gas there we go yes sir i think it should be full now maybe um all right let me go let me go pay for the gas now do do where's the guy excuse me um sir why is there no one here in the counter oh is that is that blood holy crap wait wait wait the person who just like wait that's the guy that has been pretending to me or or oh my gosh oh my gosh where where did that guy go oh my gosh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh i just witnessed the murder oh where did that guy go where where did that guy go i swear he just turned out right oh there he is there he is he stopped at the stoplight or something hey hey get back here what the this dude's driving in a golf cart hey hey excuse me sir get out your car right now before i run you over i know what you've been up to what the heck what is where is he driving he's driving all over the grass i don't have a golf cart mister hey where did he how's he running so fast what the is he flash oh my i have to chase him with my car what the heck is happening hey get back here get back here oh my gosh this guy has been basically ruining my life hey get back here get back here hey hey get back here oh my gosh where the heck is this guy going oh my gosh hey who the heck are you who the heck are you and what do you want what the hey whoa whoa you're gonna run me over sir hey i know exactly who's been doing all this i i know exactly who's been pulling all this bad stuff all the crimes and stuff lately you shouldn't be speeding i can't explain i can't i was chasing after this guy right here he was chasing me that's the guy that's the guy that's been wait wait a second yeah that's the guy that has been committing all the crimes here look look look i have look look i have proof i have proof i haven't been the one robbing stores and stuff it's been him wait it's been him let me take a look um officer he's gone that is him wait uh he's gone where did he go i i don't know you were distracting me so much now now now i got framed for everything take take the monitor off of me i have to start an investigation i i've been trying all day to not break any laws you're off the hook for now see i've been trying my best not to break any of the laws you know i was paying for my gas i we will no longer be monitoring you exactly exactly all right thank you so much thank you so much i've been trying my best to drive on the right side of the road and everything all right well have a good night sir all right good night good night sir um it'd be i'd really appreciate if you can move your car real quickly so i can drive back home all right thank you so much officer all right i'm driving on the right side of the road sheesh man now i can finally peacefully sleep at night wait it's halloween night ah i know i know uh well we'll go trick or treating or something afterwards and we have no decoration hey ow what no decorations up what do you want me to do go set them can i at least take a nap first come on ashley come on i'm tired i've been watching tv all day please please uh we're gonna be the only house in the city without decorate no i'm i'm pretty sure some people don't celebrate halloween ah you know fine fine for for baby rage right this is his first halloween yeah so it's gonna be yeah baby rages first yup yup yup yup all right for baby rage all right i'm gonna grab all the decorations and everything oh yeah i left my ladder out here but before we put down the ladder i should probably put down the can't oh um let's put the kitchen counter thingy right here the can oh no dang it okay let's move the ladder all right let's put the kitchen counter right here and then some candy on top there we go this is already looking nice i've never done decorating like this before so i'm hyped all right let's put a spider right here in the corner scare everyone else uh let's put a little skull right here looking at someone coming over oh oh the pumpkin the pumpkin trio where can i put the pumpkin trio put the pumpkin trio right over man there's not many places i can put the pumpkin trio um where should i put the pumpkins all right right here in front of everyone i will put the pumpkin trio right here too and then right in front of the mailbox there we go this is good enough all right i should probably break this one should be good all right and then i'll put the tombstone right here guys i'm not that good at decorating guys somewhere all right let's put the little ghosty thingy right here oh i like that placement um and then the tombstone right over here yeah facing towards whoever comes to the house all right well let's uh let's put this down hop on top of the ladder hopefully i don't fall off and break my leg or arm or something like that all right let's put down the decoration let's go two two by two oh oopsies okay that works that works all right this should be good enough there should be enough decorations compared to other homes like this this should be good enough yeah it looks nice it looks nice it's not very symmetrical but it is what it is it's baby rages first anyways so it doesn't really matter too much we we just need to top it next year all right so what else do we need for halloween i am gonna go trick or treating oh there's actually um where's baby rage baby rage hey baby rage are you excited for halloween guys to be honest i'm more excited about halloween than baby rages um may rage you want to go trick-or-treating hi yes okay well uh with halloween there's the thing called trick-or-treating where we can get candy and stuff right you like candy right baby rage yes please free candy yeah free candy but you need to do one thing you need to wear a costume um since you huh oh i have an idea follow me follow me baby rage we gotta go order our costumes on or our masks let's just go with masks um i'm gonna order us a few masks and costume on the computer online on amazon real quickly yep all right all right let's go on the internet all right um there we go all right so let me order you all right i'm gonna order you oh i got it i'm gonna be batman and baby your age is gonna be robin that's gonna be so cute all right let me quickly order there we go just ordered it wait did the bell just ring who's ringing the doorbell what it's a huh oh hold up i just ordered it don't tell wait what the heck is this five second shipping shish amazon really stepped up their game they got my batman mask and the robin mask oh my goodness their age we got our mask already that scared me i was like what the heck all right baby rage this is your mask put it on put it on i'll put mine on too we can be can i see yeah you can oh you're so cute with your age all right let me put on mine oh wait oopsies where'd i put mine oh oops uh oh there we go there we go let me put it on as well there we go yay father and son batman and robin oh actually we're about to go head out trick-or-treating it's just about time i think yeah the moon's coming up you guys look so cute no stop huh what do you mean stop we're gonna go have some fun come with me rage um baby rage i'll be right back okay just wait for me all right what's up ashley you want to come with us you can be a catwoman or something like that you need to teach baby rage safety stuff i i know i know don't worry don't worry it's his first halloween i promise i'll teach him all the safety stuff while we're doing it you know it's all about showing the kid to help him learn you know he doesn't know about how to interact with strangers exactly that's why i do it for him no talk to him now before you go okay okay and i want nothing bad happening tonight okay ashley where do you think we live we live in block city something bad is gonna happen for sure but i will promise to keep baby race i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'll keep baby rage safe okay uh you better all right all right i'll i'll teach him about everything you want to come with us ashley or no okay be safe no i'm gonna rest why why do you always need to rest i swear you need to rest 24 7. so you're not doing anything mommy come with us all right all right well baby rage we need to have a little safety talk all right it's all about you know being safe all right okay sounds good all right cool cool cool all right let's go let's go all right all right let's uh oh man oh wait wait i have an idea uh you wanna have you wanna have fun right you wanna have fun your first uh your first halloween all right let's have some fun let's have some fun don't tell mommy about this okay she might be wondering where all the eggs went but i i i got something cool to show you all right all right come on come on come on let's head out to the garage we're gonna take our car we're gonna take our car and go trick-or-treating trick-or-treating this is very rage's first trick-or-treating experience even though i'm probably more excited than he is right now to be honest guys i can't wait to i can't wait to get a ton of uh candy um yeah we're we are not stopping by this house do we get free mcdonald's too oh baby rage um no no mcdonald's we're here to get candy from neighbors and homes let's not buy this house let's let's go trick-or-treat at this house remember this lady remember your babysitter oh okay it looks so cool yes you see all the decorations dang they went all out with the decorations now i feel like i did a bad job alright well let's ring the doorbell take one candy each we're here to grab some candy is that okay with you miss oh how cute yeah i'm batman he's robin all right let me grab some candy yum yum yum yum grab some candy baby rage what are you baby rage what are you baby rage he's robin i'm robin all right well have a good night miss all right let's go let's go let's go let's go um wait that that's all the house wait i think um baby rage i hope you had fun tonight you ready to go back home is that it uh more candy i mean shoot oh baby ray don't be sad okay okay we could go back to the old neighborhood that i used to live in this isn't candy what is it wait what is it baby rage let me see cucumber soup oh you you know your babysitter she's a vegetarian or like you know she's a healthy freak you know it's okay well i'll get you candy all right let's go let's go but i want candy okay okay all right i'll take you to i'll take you to another neighborhood daddy used to live there and i think you might remember i think you might remember i think you might remember uh this house it might give you bad memories i don't know you were a little young then it's been uh it's been a few months or a year now all right well all right no mcdonald's no mcdonald's baby rage no mcdonald's all right we have a lot of people probably trick-or-treating on the street so let's get out let's get out let's uh let's walk to each house all right come on baby rage let's skip skip with me skip with me yay la la la la la all right we're gonna start with the first house okay all right this house is a little dark it says no trick-or-treating huh i win no you don't i won the race baby rage oh man this this house doesn't have trick-or-treating baby rage wait let's have some fun baby rage take some eggs i'm gonna teach you something okay don't tell mommy about this okay okay you promise you promise you won't tell mommy about this okay look at this look at what daddy's about to do eat this yeah yeah wow yeah look at all these chickens look at all those chickens did you have fun yeah okay don't tell mommy about this or else we're gonna get in big trouble okay all right let's go to this house right here oh this house has pretty good decoration man this house is really nice and i kind of wish we lived here instead whoa whoa whoa boo oh man you scared me sir oh that's a really cool costume what what big paws you have thanks yeah costume what big teeth you have oh give us some candy oh okay okay we got chocolate baby rage this is your first candy i don't like him scary yay okay okay that this dang this guy is so spirited can i can i eat it no no let's save it for later we gotta we gotta oh let's do a little contest baby rage to see who gets more candy okay okay let's compete who gets more candy okay i win no it's not over yet let's keep going to different houses trick-or-treating this way oh who is this ah oh god hate this holiday what i hate this holiday what do you want this guy is a little grumpy isn't he wait um sir sir oh shut up hey you don't tell my kid that punk yeah yeah before i beat you up i'm about to pummel you you want these hands yeah yeah i bet your blood hey i got garlic all right stay away i'm just kidding i'm just kidding hey hey you just hit my kid i'm breaking into your house one day ah go go go go go go go go go [Music] all right let's go to the next house let's go to a nice house don't tell mommy okay don't tell bobby i've got another house right here dang they don't have any decorations or anything like that oh wait they do have blood on the floor that's oh baby rage get back get back get back come back get back we're not we're not in the blood no no no no baby rage um uh nothing nothing let's go let's go baby rage everything's okay everything's okay oh my gosh oh baby razor let's keep going this used to be my house what is my monitor doing up there how is my computer still on yeah i'm never coming back to this house this house is haunted for sure at this point that jim davis got killed here oh okay um oh okay let this house seems pretty spirited hello nice costume you have there hi fancy this is the kind of spirit we need very very happy guy hey kid come in free candy hey baby rage baby rage baby don't go in don't go it this is the safety i was talking about don't hey kid come in free candy no give us candy out here fine we're trying to do kidding at my kid she's creepy uh creepy old man uh what thank you okay okay uh um what the heck is this thanos uh what's up dana what the oh we got calaveras hey this is actually pretty cute um who are you guys supposed to be um i'm batman and my son he's robin oh what is this twinkie huh uh it's a little unhealthy but hey once in a while it's okay you like you like twinkie you like twinkie baby rage you're gonna you're gonna love a twinkie don't eat too much now too much sugar is bad for you all right so it seems like this is the last house in the neighborhood all right baby rage you ready you ready you ready to get some candy okay okay let's go let's whoa we got this jason voorhees guys man this guy has a really nice pool honestly i i don't think i've seen a how too many homes oh baby rangers just jump in the pool get out bay ridge this is not our house but this is actually a pretty nice house honestly dang it nice decorations and everything oh very very cool very very cool ice um huh that guy was pretty cool yummy oh that's very nice that's pretty nice all right uh baby rage we should probably go we should probably go it's getting a little dark look what is that it's pretty cool is that candy oh that's a really oh caramel apple oh my god baby rage since this was the last house um we should probably head back home okay how many candy do you have um ah well we'll look one once we're back in the car i think i have one two three four i have i have four candy baby rage i have four candy i have four candy baby rage i hope you have fun i hope you had fun baby rage all right all right how much candy do you have baby rage why was he laughing he said he he how much candy do you have guess um three i probably have more than you um five five how do you have five candy um wait a second did i not did i not get candy at the last house baby raged in the house i mean stay in the car for a quick second i'll be right back okay baby rage let me go no i don't get no no no baby rage get in the car i'll go get i'll go get some candy okay i can't let you win all right well let's head back to the house i know i know this looks bad as a parent but i need to win guys i need to beat baby rage and how much candy or at least or at least high you know or at least high in the amount of candy we have oh the guy's still outside all right all right let me let me go ask him for candy excuse me sir um i'd like candy please you have been here before i don't think i don't think i got candy from you though only my kid got candy please sir how how old are you um not old enough really man hey hey i haven't gone trick-or-treating in like 10 years okay caramel apple can i have another wait wait wait hold on can i get another one please please the night is over anyways well you come on just one more i'll leave you alone after you give me one more hey okay okay he gave me a brownie ah i'm stuck all right well now i just beat baby rage oh my gosh i can't wait to brag to figure age how much candy i have baby rage baby reach i beat you i got more candy than you i got more candy than you yes ah kids need to learn that they can't always win you know baby rage are you ready to go back home baby raid where's where where's baby rage baby rage i know you're hiding behind uh baby rage maybe he didn't want to wait for me anymore and just walked home i don't know how that's possible because i live kind of far away but um i should probably drive back home and see if baby rage is at home what am i gonna do what am i gonna do actually ashley's gonna kill me ashley is gonna kill me oh my gosh oh my god oh my gosh uh uh oh my gosh i need i gotta make sure i don't get oh no back already yeah um i'm just here to um take a little bathroom break you know it's where is baby rage oh um baby rage is just waiting in the car we're still gonna go trick or tre no no no actually ashley wait wait wait um baby rage you know he's in the halloween spirit uh and and we still have a lot of stuff to do so i don't want you to you know break his spirit right now you know he's way too happy right now thanks for caring about our kids so much yeah don't worry let me just go to the bathroom and you know enjoy the rest of the night i promise you we're gonna surprise you okay oh my god oh my god oh my god where's my bathroom okay i'm gonna use the bathroom upstairs oh my gosh oh my gosh where the heck is baby rain oh my gosh baby rage baby rage oh no he's not at home what about the backyard maybe he's in the backyard oh i'm gonna be in big trouble oh my gosh my baby got kidnapped again didn't he oh no first jim davis now this it's all my fault oh my gosh baby rage he has to be in the tree house i hope please please please please please hey rage he's not here oh no baby rage is not i'm a failure as a parent oh okay okay let me go to mcdonald's let me go to mcdonald's maybe mcdonald's i don't know crap i think mcdonald's is closed right now man oh my gosh could he be at the mall i don't know i i just gotta ask around is there a way from here to go to the mall um there might be a back entrance maybe oh there is there is okay how come there's a mcdonald's that connects to the mall from here and there's also another mcdonald's inside of the mall that doesn't make sense okay well gotta ask around i wonder if anyone's working this late at night crap is there anyone in the real estate store excuse me is anyone here shoot no one's in the gym no one's in the bank crap oh my god i lost my baby i lost my baby crap how many times am i gonna lose lose my baby oh there oh wait there's someone working here hello hello excuse me sir oh i'm out of breath oh have you seen have you seen a kid um that that kind of looks like me um he is a baby and he was wearing a robin mask uh i can't seem to find him oh right oh wait you know something he was with you right no uh i don't think you've ever seen me but you had a purple sweater on and a joker mask wait is he talking no he you're going towards the park oh my okay thank you so much for telling me that was not me sir that was not me oh my gosh i'm so thankful you told me about this oh my goodness i think he just got kidnapped guys maybe baby rage just got baby rage just got kidnapped by that person that was impersonating me is there no one working here crap do i just steal a gun or something oh my god oh wait oh oh were did you just come back from break or something sir um uh can can you give me a any gun and again did you say steal no no i didn't say steal i didn't say steal um i need some wait oh nice halloween spirit is that aquaman uh is that aquaman or something suit no oh oh you just kind of oh you just kind of look like aquaman uh um i need a gun any gun uh give me give me the most powerful thing you've got i need to take i need to get rid of this criminal what please i have a gun license sir give me any all right thank you so much oh a hand cannon oh my goodness here's my credit card hurry my baby just got kidnapped i need to go murder someone my gosh oh no i'm out of bullets uh sir can you give me another one give me another one please accident hey please please i actually shot the gun it was on accident all right thank you so much sir all right i won't shoot it this time all right well he went he went to a park apparently so uh i think the park is this way is the park this way okay okay okay we have no time to drive i just need to head to the park and hopefully we can find baby rage or else oh my gosh why does this have to happen to me every single time next time i'm never letting my uh you know i'm never letting my eyes off of rage a baby rage ever ever never letting go of you know i'm not letting go of my sight of baby rage my my baby oh wait what the come on what is he saying that's him i'm your dad now okay what he hey hey hold up you there what are you doing with my kid stop give me my kid i know who you are rage what the how do you know my name and why do you have my i was a big fan of you what big fan of me on what i want a life like you what the heck what is this creepy talk is stalker i'm doing what you did what do you mean you're doing what i did i will shoot you like how you started in the city stealing someone's identity i would never do something like that i i would never do something like that i will be you no you will not baby rage come with me i'm your real dad baby rage oh my god he's confused omg a zebra is behind you what zebra what wait where he disappeared again this dude disappeared again baby rage i'm your real dad you should know who here let me take off my mask it's me it's me daddy don't you ever go running off like that again okay don't follow any strangers i gotta make sure i teach you everything because i was being careless daddy i'm sorry okay you left me oh i'm sorry i'm sorry baby rage but hey you got all the candy right here take take take my candy too you can hop you can have all the candy you want okay i'm so sorry for doing this to you all right we're gonna go we're gonna go home now okay all right let's go home we need to head back to the car and everything okay oh my gosh this is uh this was one disastrous halloween oh my goodness uh at least baby rage is happy right today has been awesome oh okay okay that's good that's good baby rage i'm glad i'm glad you really enjoyed today all right well let's let's head home now okay vlog city episode a day keeps the doctor away oh my goodness that was that was such an amazing way to start the day all right man gotta make sure i stretch a little bit or else my legs will go dead i don't want to go paralyzed now all right oh little buddy how's it going little fluffy little fluffy little thing oh man oh ashley how's it going man you don't look too well hey why are you walking like that are you okay huh hey i haven't been feeling the bet wait why i think i might be no is that why you haven't gone out with us till like halloween and all that oh no here here we are let me take you to the hospital come on come on come on you you shouldn't be you shouldn't be you know dealing with this all on your own i i remember i'm rich now you know i got no no no listen no no listen to me you're sick come on come on please i'll carry you to the car if i need to listen uh wait i can go to the hospital on my own it's probably no no no you're you're you're just you're just trying to you know make it seem like it's nothing you need to stay here with baby now we'll take baby rage with us come on no no let ah listen to me hurry up go we can't take him to wait why not he will get oh my goodness fine you know he has a baby he is only a child i get it i get it but like you're sick right now you know you need to stay here with him okay fine fine fine only if you say so all right fine i'll stay with baby rage here he's probably upstairs just chilling and playing video games right now um also another thing huh how are you gonna get to the hospital he likes to be called rage junior now man just because he got a little he isn't so baby anymore just because he got one year older that the man oh by the way guys his birthday party is coming soon but uh fine fine i'll call him maybe uh babe rage junior okay it's gonna take a while to get used to i'm gonna get in my car and go now are you sure you can drive maybe you should get an in please for a love of god no you should probably get like an ambulance or something make sure nothing happens oh fine fine you know this is block city this is block city something bad could happen but please be safe okay please be safe i i would not know what to do with myself if something bad happened to you if anything bad happens while i'm away i will be very mad okay okay okay nothing will be nothing will happen make sure rage junior is safe okay man nothing's gonna happen she's just overreacting i swear oh man ashley all right goodbye goodbye man i hope i hope everything is safe and everything but yeah i should probably make her bed because um you know she probably didn't have enough time to make her bed she's really really sick right now all right wait someone's ringing the door it's ashley back see i i told you guys she wasn't she wasn't able to drive all the way because she's really sick right now ashley i knew you see you're back i told you i forgot my suitcase huh suit what suitcase where is she going hold up wait wait wait why do you need a suitcase to go to the hospital it has all my details okay all right all right all right okay well and just in case i have to stay overnight man the hospital has everything for you i swear you overreact too much all right well see you later ashley make sure you be safe now all right well anyways i should probably go finish making the bed and just make sure i clean up this entire room and all that um man gotta make sure i look at myself in the mirror gotta make sure i do my hair a little bit as well you know and guys don't forget to wash your hands baby rage how's it go oh baby jumping on the bed stop jumping on the bed be good now okay man wait someone just rang the doorbell hey what the tim what surprise wait wait wait this is block city yeah you're never i came here to surprise you wait wait wait wait all right where's your wife uh hold on hold on tim tim hold on just a second yo yeah where did you get this car is this a rental no this is my car i bought it how would you even find your way to vlog industries i'm pretty sure i didn't tell you there's my work car all right don't worry about it but anyways wait i mean where's your wife i even tell you about vlog city how did you get here i'm saying hey rage's wife where are you dude this is a surprise indeed wait who are you looking tim i thought you were here for me no i'm here to see if you have a wife you lied to me no no i swear i'm not saying that you have a wife but okay no i'm not i can't believe you anymore what do you mean where is your wife you keep saying you have a wife i do have a wife i do i do i swear i'm not lying to you okay uh trust me so so she just left the house you barely just missed her okay she sure she said she felt okay okay if there's one way to prove it tim come come upstairs with me i if i didn't have a wife how in the world would i have a baby that looks exactly like me me baby rage baby rage meet tim your uncle uncle tim hi oh oh oh my i'm sorry uh rage junior rage junior yeah yeah yeah uncle tim that just does not look like rage that doesn't even look like you what do you mean oh that's why you need glasses wait what because you're blind it doesn't look anything like you okay okay rage junior uncle tim is a little blind he's just washing up his eyes right now gotta make sure you know i'm sorry i'm sorry he didn't see you the way he was supposed to yeah i'm sorry my glasses were a little dirty a little blurry huh okay yeah oh see he looks like you now don't know why but he looked like a girl for a second there oh man that's probably i don't know it's probably a sign or something like that you know hey all right um should i call you baby rage or raise junior because i'm confused i usually call him baby rage but apparently he's broke he's all grown up now all right aren't you it's rage junior now no baby wait i still can't believe that you have a wife though wait what are you sure you didn't adopt raise junior wait why would rage junior look exactly like me if it wasn't genetics you know i don't know could be a paid actor no no he's not paid at all trust me right not paid right oh your mom lives here okay i guess i'll i guess i'll have to believe him for now yeah yeah i can't exactly we had here we had family pictures maybe not huh maybe we should take some family pictures yeah we actually don't have any vampires since you're here now oh dude you surprised me should i give you a house tour or something however this house is giant it is see let's even like get the money for this oh can i come yeah baby of course of course you can come look at this look at this tim there's over one million dollars on this credit card right now or maybe less than that now because i've been spending you sure you haven't been doing illegal things no no of course not guess what happened though i won the lottery oh yeah all right so anyways here's my house here's my house tim you know let me give you a brief rundown even though you kind of just barged in and looked through the house anyways already but we have the first fireplace right here kaboom right there first fireplace mm-hmm do you have multiple oh you'll see soon and then we have the living room right here where i watch a ton of block city you should you should definitely get on that soon vlog city episodes are insane uh but we have the second fireplace yes yes yes okay so yeah i told you what are these flowers up here they look nice um they're they're called uh um rose uh rosemary's or something like that i think i don't know my wife does all that stuff all right okay okay but anyways we got the master bedroom right oh mom got see mom got them yeah yeah yeah all right and this one here too she got tattooed there's also rosemary yeah and then we got this uh candle right here the ditto candle for the pokemon ditto candle uh and then we've got smells pretty good yeah yeah yeah strawberry strawberry scented and then we've got you know our bed and all that then we have our master bathroom look how big this bathroom is you know and you can even look at it look at yourself in the mirror yes yes yes i did wash my glasses upstairs so yeah exactly so i did see that oh yeah so let's go upstairs um we've got baby rage's room right here with all his amazing toys he's he's a very spoiled kid let me just say that yeah his room is bigger than my room yeah uh bigger than my room actually this is a little guest room oh yes we got a tv computer you know you know what to you know what's funny i think this might be one of the first times i've been in here yeah my wife decorated this okay what and then we have the sound to be my room maybe maybe possibly if you move in um but yeah this is the bathroom you were in uh now the best part of the house is back here oh and by the way we have our little uh bunny right here that we adopted that bunny nice all right come outside and take a look at our resort our little paradise back backyard you know whoa wait this is your whole backyard third third fireplace if you could even call that you know the pool yes yes the pool that's correct rage junior see look at this what do you think what do you think you like it i kind of want to take a dip but i don't have any swim trunks oh yeah true i could give you one later but uh yeah wait why is there just a baby pig sitting here um it's a toy it's a toy okay i was about to say you have so many pets yeah so if you call them over here i didn't even know this until baby rage found it we have a little tree house the last the last owner had like a tree house built and everything like that and baby rage was hiding here one time which was pretty funny this place is giant and you have a nintendo switch just sitting up here yep that's maybe your age what if it rains oh don't worry it's a tree house it's it's you know it's insulated pretty nicely i don't think you've been keeping up with block city lately how'd you even it's hard to believe you i i just found your address and i came huh yeah okay sounds a little scary but yeah oh wait what do you mean i'm your brother of course i know where you live what i don't i don't know how that works but um yeah we got our kitchen right here a bunch of knives oh milk i'll take some of that and drink you drinking that milk all right all right very nice stop snooping through my cabinet oh he said oh can we get food uh yeah i'm kind of hungry myself you are yeah what kind of places are there around here yeah i know a spot all right i know a spot okay i'm excited all right let's go let's go i know a spot mcdonald's no what is that okay it's it's exquisite all right just come with me all right let me take you guys to the uh to the spot leave me be mcdonald's it better be a fancy place all right and then we go right here oh no yay see oh i'm trust me tim this is this is none like this is none other this is none other this is a very very high-end mcdonald's never heard of if i can believe why man i mean it is a really big mcdonald's though hey my guy robert how's it going robert uh welcome to mcdonald's hey robert how's it going how's it going robert hey robert doesn't seem very happy to see you hey robert oh tim tim i did get fired from here but you know because we did get robbed my favorite mcdonald's would you what would you do you want today what do you guys want you guys can order four on menu on me on i like a burger maybe um this whole box of donuts probably maybe oh you want some that would be nice you should probably uh happy meal with toy all right uh baby rage wants a toy he wants a meal with just a toy okay see see rage junior this is why we call you baby rage because you want toys big boys don't want toys yeah big boys don't need toys anymore i do no i do okay and you sir um i'd like a salad because i'm trying to stay healthy you know with quarantine and everything it's been it's been rough on me it's been taking a toll on my body i thought you were rich why are you eating at mcdonald's all of a sudden oh i told you this is a five-star uh mcdonald's this is uh five times the price oh thanks for the salad yeah yeah is that even worth it then yeah yeah you gotta pay the price of being rich that would be 25 dollars there you go 35 and and you know what you know what i'm being generous because my brother's visiting um i'll give you a 50 tip oh okay now you're just bragging at this point is a baby toy i thought you wanted toys what kind of toy do you want a grown-up toy what do you want a nintendo switch or something oh all right well where should we sit or should we eat in the car no what in the car we're rich oh wait it's mcdonald's i know the spot i know the spot all right come over here okay all right we're gonna sit out here at the big table you know let's see what what's the biggest table they got um this one this one pretty sure they're all the same size no no trust me it's an inch bigger uh so tim how have you been liking block city has been good it's amazing it seems super peaceful i might actually move here really think about getting a new house yeah okay okay yeah yeah yeah it's like so nice it's a very very peaceful town don't even worry about it but it does seem a little expensive all the houses are so big i don't know if i can it's bad it's big but i'll help you out you know as your brother and this credit card we can help you out right maybe i can stay in your house for a bit maybe yeah actually that doesn't feel like your guest room that doesn't sound like a bad idea uh rage junior what do you think about uncle tim living with us good bad yes yes see ray jr has already taken a liking to you even though you know you mistook him for someone else a girl okay let's not talk about it all right oh man all right so everyone finished their food baby rage you're done eating i think i'm full i accidentally bought a full box of donuts yeah i don't know why you needed that but um i was really hungry you know what you know what uh let's walk off our food why not right let's let's walk off our food um so we're going to the gym right no no i mean there is a gym in the mall but we're going to explore them all but this is your first time right first time in the mall yeah i mean i went straight to your house oh yeah yeah all right all right so we have a real estate thing right here which is how i got the house we got sprint so maybe i should buy my house here oh that is good um yeah actually the guy is really grumpy all the time um wait we can run here no no no no this is a phone store this is a phone store here the the gym is right here the gym is right here you can sprint here okay all right here it is junior you could chill in there i'll just walk around with rage wait what he's a baby well i mean he could he could work out i think he could lift these weights he said no i need to stay with dads yeah see he's a good boy but yeah um actually uh i need to take a little wee-wee is that okay uh sure all right uh stay with me i'll just stick with ray junior then unless you better not leave there once again better not leave him okay all right all right you stink with me don't leave my back all right girls bathroom oh no no wrong wrong bathroom all right this one right here okay okay all right let me take a little wee-wee real quickly i lied to them i don't i don't need to take a wee wee i need to take a number two oh well that mcdonald's oh my gosh that mcdonald's hurts my stomach oh my god okay all right junior let's go man that was one let's see wait i should probably wash my hands your shirt yeah wait where where'd they go hey hey tim baby ray where are they going why does he hey guys wait who is that staying okay is that the junior let's go hey hey guys guys guys guys you're going with the wrong person guys what the heck they just left without me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i should dude i'm taking this car i don't i'm sorry whoever owns this car oh my god why is this car so slow why is this car so slow i'm happy with that the heck mcdonald's is actually worth it now they actually let's go race junior they just went in the house with the fake rage oh no i want dude i wonder what he's trying to do what do you need to do that was fun yeah that was really fun thanks for taking me there i appreciate it great junior go to your room okay i guess it's time for you to sleep right what bedtime wait but okay this is so bad this is actually so bad it's early yeah it's a little early but i mean it's early but it's early wait we'll come and tuck you in okay all right ray junior you should go to bed no no i'm just gonna explore the house for a bit all right he's going with my as you do that that's him let's hang out after yep i'm done with that all right he had a knife in his hand oh my god okay crap crap crap i need i guess well he has a pet fish and he didn't even tell me about this what the heck i think i think i have a knife in the tree house or no not a knife but uh but a crowbar just in case my gosh i need to call him out i need to call him out this fake rage guy man all right i should probably put it back at the refrigerator hey hey hi guys watch your hands up you fake ray yeah yeah hey stay away stay away from me with that knife stay away from me that with that guys fall down calm down what do you mean calm down dude that's a fake rage tim look at it what do you mean why is there two of me look at it yo yo he's swinging that knife hey imposters all right dude are you in tim tip oh my gosh this is so bad when you have someone with glasses here open your eyes answer my questions all right ask me something only rage will know okay ask me the question ask me a question please where did your wife go to the hospital to the hospital obviously bed bed ck see no more no more questions oh what the whoa what the what the huh what what what what just happened dad did you just kill oh man these habits put that gun away you have to put that gun away baby rage oh my gosh oh my god i still don't know if you're the impossible or not i'm the real one i'm the real one i'm the real one i have a gun now okay you don't want to mess with me all right don't mess with me all right give me that taser you do that hand me that taser or i will shoot him all right thank you thank you see now you believe me i'm the real rage oh i don't you just try to threaten me with the gun all right but i didn't shoot but i didn't shoot if i was the real one i mean if i was the fake one i would have shot okay stay away from me okay okay i'm sorry you guys could both be impossible baby rage maybe rachel ray junior why'd you do it away from me why don't you have to shoot i mean you know what you did a good thing because that guy's been trying to you know how was that a good thing just no he was protecting me that guy had a knife he could have killed you i think he was planning to kill you tim [Music] believe me he took out him i can't stop him no you couldn't have he could have stabbed you for all i know i had to do something he didn't need to kill him i saw the look he had in his eyes see see please believe race junior come on i don't know i saw that same look in your eyes when you had the gun out no no no please see he said please no no no no no i don't like this neighborhood anymore get away from me what the heck no no no you're not leaving hey hey i know i don't want to go back here we finally you guys are all crazy you guys are all great out of here hey get out of here back faster get me out of here get me out of here oh my gosh dad no okay okay i'm sorry i won't do that to uncle tim oh my god no it's all broken all right uh ray junior please do not tell mommy what happened okay i won't i want okay okay okay please don't tell mommy about this because if she found out about this she will never forgive me i'm sorry no no you did the right thing by shooting the impostor okay i wanted to say you did a good job you saved me you saved me okay tell mom and dad about this all right all right let's go let's go home uncle tim all right all right let's go let's go but uncle tim it's okay he'll be back he'll be back trust me trust me all right um let's let's head to bed okay it's time for you to head to bed it's it's bedtime i can't wait to tell baby rage about this good news okay i'll i'll see you soon okay all right goodbye oh my goodness baby rage or rage junior is gonna love this news oh my gosh i have such amazing news for baby rage oh no no no no baby rage how's it going good morning i got some really good news hi dad i got some really good news from mommy guess what it is what is it remember remember how she went to the hospital and i thought she was sick and everything well turns out she wasn't sick turns out mommy was pregnant and now you're getting a little um a little uh sibling a little brother or sister i actually have no clue but oh yeah yeah aren't you excited aren't you excited come on come on jump on the bedroom i'm going to tell mom tell her what what do you mean what do you what do you mean what what about the guy no no no no the imposter no no no no please please please mommy just had a baby like she's really tired and stuff i will unless what the unless what unless what you help me help you what help you what help you do what baby rage or rage junior huh dang he is getting a little taller i want to prank the neighbor wait are you blackmailing me are you blackmailing me rage junior no yes you are what okay well all right as long as you don't tell mommy about you know all that all that stuff that happened okay what do you want me to do what do you want me to do you want me to prank your neighbor or something oh man yes what do you want me to do why why do you want to prank the neighbor they didn't even do anything to you their kid stinks he is mean uh okay i i don't think me as the parent as the adult should be doing stuff like this uh but okay what do you want me to do we can knock on their doorbell huh i thought you're supposed to ring the doorbell okay well and run oh you wanna ding dong ditch them oh no okay okay well i used to do that when i was zeke all right tell me which neighbor it is all right and and i'll do it why not this this doesn't seem too hard as long as you don't tell mommy about everything which one them they almost killed me last time um baby rage i don't think that's a good idea i i really don't think that's a good idea please uh no no baby rage uh i will tell oh my gosh all right all right baby raid you bet ray's junior you better wait right here okay you better wait right here cause what what do you mean they're dangerous oh oh my gosh you better run at the same time as me okay because these people have knives that they're crazy they're crazy all right trust me oh my gosh if that lady's still there i'm so screwed guys she's gonna try killing me okay okay here we go here we go you ready ready ready baby rage all right on three on three ready one two three oh okay go go i'm gonna get killed oh my gosh they're gonna call the cops i'll be again oh my gosh oh my god i don't want to be in i i want to get in trouble i want to get in trouble i don't want control oh okay okay okay okay we did it we did it we did it okay all right all right so now we should be good that was fun okay all right don't tell mommy now okay all right now all we oh and let's go watch block city come on come on come on let's go watch block city before uh mommy comes back all right all right another what another thing what do you mean another thing that's all you get sit down come on sit down baby rage i want 10 ice cream cones you're gonna get sick baby rage no no you're too young to be having that much sugar you'll have diabetes at age five ten no you mean zero one you mean one right right baby rage raise junior no why are you so greedy ah 10 ice cream cones like this that's not an issue you know the money's not an issue but you'll get sick i will tell mom all right fine hop in the car oh man all right man i didn't even parked the car correctly wait wait a second it was the imposter who parked the car last time all right well let's head on over to the ice cream shop we're here come on let's go get your 10 ice cream cones my goodness hello ma'am hello miss hi all right so my son here wants one ice cream cone [Music] no yes yes oh we can do what flavor 10 ice cream cones all right fine fine he wants 10 eyes yeah he wants 10 ice cream cones really wow yeah he really wants to give you business for some reason but um what flavor every flavor there's only eight flavors baby rage having a party yeah you could say that party for me yeah yeah like like we're having a little birthday party for him it was his birthday um not too long ago we might have a birthday party for him so uh here you go little guy my goodness oh wait what why is there a suitcase thank you nice lady all right well thank you nice lady all right well uh are you ready to go home for your age yummy uh that will be oh wait i forgot to pay here here's the credit card yes wait baby rage uh can i have one cone two i'm feeling a little i'm i'm kind of you know craving some sweets thank you not a problem uh ma'am no what give me give me a cone you have ten it's gonna melt by the time you finish one bye no oh my goodness what i kind of liked it better when baby rage was just baby rage and not rage junior now he talks too much i don't like this oh man we should t we need to teach baby ray we need to teach yeah we need to teach him some respect okay now we can finally watch block city in peace right baby rage right rage junior all right let's go let's go watch tv now finally you promised you won't tell mom right wait what what'd you say one last thing what what do you mean what do you mean one last thing that's all you get come on sit down let's watch tv yeah i i don't want to miss i want a new tricycle rage raging junior i won't tell mom tricycles are expensive all right i don't you're a little too young for tricycles still oh man fine fine this is you're sure this is the last thing right last thing finito done i promise all right fine fine fine fine okay i'll order you a tricycle i'm gonna get him the lowest quality model but it's all good amazon always got the you know got the budget models too let me see let me see the cheapest model five dollars ah wait that's oh that's a hot wheels one uh let's see let's see um okay okay 15 yeah we'll take it and just like that ordered all right rage junior your tricycle has been ordered yeah yeah it'll be here soon i'm pretty sure with the with the amazon delivery now nowadays it's like 30 seconds or something like that i swear thank you no problem all right well let's head on out uh you want to play with your toys upstairs oh guess what race junior come on come on no need to play with toys because a new toy is here all of a sudden see 30 second delivery all right let me open this up all right come on come on out here oh we got to do some you know training with the tricycle all right so let's uh open this up open this thing right here cray industries i swear they they also make like cars and stuff with this brand oh here's a little tricycle baby rage yeah yeah yeah all right well i should probably fill it up with gas i've never seen a tricycle where you have to fill up the gas but hey let's fill it up with this jerry can real quickly let me uh let me take a ride in this real quick wait this is actually quite fun i'm not gonna lie i might actually break this thing but yeah this is actually really fun yo let's take this into the house [Music] oh wait stop dad what do you mean what do you mean stop i will tell mom what i bought you a tricycle it's mine what he's so greedy he's so selfish man we really need to teach him some manners and some respect all right all right well i'll let the kid have some fun oh oops oops i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah we need a teacher some respect all right well anyways he can oh wait ashley's back oh my gosh wait i gotta get rid of this box real quick all right all right so baby oh wait who is that behind i have a surprise wait um baby rage raise junior where'd he go rage junior hop off hop off now dude oh my gosh ashley mommy's back mommy's back raised junior oh my gosh hi ashley oh my god i missed you so much rage junior meet your new sister amber i missed you two new new sister hold up you never even told me you were pregnant how'd you hide it from me for nine months yeah that's why i was tired so much um so you knew you were pregnant the entire time and you just hit it for me i knew you were tired you never did anything i didn't what you didn't notice your you know your belly getting bigger um all right maybe you need some glasses too all right well so so oh this is amber rage can i talk to you in private so this is amber oh my gosh now i have a daughter too too yo what race junior go play with your sister my goodness mate yeah now that i look at it he's pretty big compared to amber he said no hey go play with your sister all right well ashley needs to talk to me give me one second okay go play with your big brother okay big brother big brother big brother all right well google gaga all right all right let's let's go amber all right let's talk let's talk ashley i think race junior is going to be a bit jealous i think so too like he's he's been a bit selfish lately so you need to get them to get along wait how about you i swear all you do is stay in this room all day i'm gonna take a nap i'm really tired are you kidding me oh my gosh all right fine fine fine uh uh by the time you wake up they'll be getting along quite nicely all right kids kids where are you all at kids kids yo yo where did the kids go are they in the backyard they could have gone to baby rage's room ray's junior's room let me go check they might be playing with toys hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa get out of my what the hey amber ever oh no no no no stay here stay here i'm gonna carry you hey ray junior that is not that's not the right way to talk to your sister all right do not treat your sister like that or else i'm taking the tricycle back all right you hear me i'm taking this tricycle back hey get off get off race junior no get off rage junior i'm gonna take the tricycle back i'm gonna take all your toys away yeah i'm taking your toys one by one if you um i'm taking your toys one by one okay i will tell mom it's okay go ahead tell mom tell mom then uh you have to treat no no wait wait wait wait you have to get you have to get along with you have to get along with your sister okay amber everything will be okay man she does look a lot like ashley man so he takes after me she takes after her pretty awesome man so now now that i know you know now i know she is my kid basically okay you got you guys need you guys need to share your room okay no we don't have too many rooms and this is the room with toys i'll give you your toys back if you yes raise junior all right i'll give i'll i'll give you the toys back if you if you let her maybe if come on maybe if we want we go to mcdonald's fine fine well we'll get you both uh some happy meals all right all right amber come on come on baby rage come on we go to mcdonald's dang she's so much smaller than baby rage all right everyone hop into the car we're going to mcdonald's man i swear we take daily trips to mcdonald's or something all right oopsies all right everyone hop on in amber you're taking the front seat hey hey take the front seat now it's dangerous front seat front seat all right all right there we go man i can't believe i have two kids now what in the world man and we're here at mcdonald's we're here we're here hop on out everyone ready to get your happy meal toys you guys ready you guys ready for happy meal yes okay okay let's go get your happy meals guys let me talk to robert real quickly hey robert my guy robert we're back we're back for more yes yes yes remember that tip i gave you last time expect more this time you know um so how can i help you today well both of these guys they want happy meal toys they want happy meals um with the toy i don't want anything because you know i'm on a diet and everything so you know just just give them a little burger some fries and a toy oh pikachu and a doll very nice oh amber took both of the toys that's so funny oh my gosh amber oh my goodness they're just running around they're just running around they're just running around with the toys they're so cute oh this is such a cute this is such a cute thing see this is actually the beauty of having two children you just see them have give them back oh she gave she gave baby rage the doll the barbie doll and then she's just playing with pikachu yeah pikachu is actually the nicer toy to that's so funny you oh my gosh that's so awesome hey hey don't don't hit your sister don't hit your sister your age junior you should never hit your sister okay give the toy back okay actually yeah yeah that's your toy that's your toy uh give this to amber where's amber amber where'd she go amber oh there she is she's in a corner don't cry don't cry here here amber here's your toy amber come get your toy all right you guys happy now you guys happy you guys need to share rage june hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ray junior you need to learn how to share oh my gosh this is not this mcdonald's is not a playground robert's gonna get mad i swear hey this is entertaining to watch yes it is yeah yo yo yo yo uh all right good good share okay here i guess oh man it's time to go home it's time to go go home you two man i can't believe i'm a dad now guys oh my goodness i'm really living out the dad life and it sucks my dad bod is coming in too sheesh this is why i need to diet so badly stomach be bulging all right well let's head on now all right well i hope you guys are happy today was a today was a pretty good day i'd say i guess in the end you guys got along so pretty happy about that all right you guys dad what's up what's up ray junior where's amber what do you mean she came with us right amber hey amber uh what oh no did i did i forget about our daughter well go back oh my oh oh we we we did i did amber not hop into the car no no no no no oh my gosh ashley's gonna kill me my wife is gonna kill me oh my goodness please tell me she's still there please tell me she's still there oh no no no no no oh oh amber's right there oh my gosh hey give me your toy punk hey whoa whoa whoa whoa yo why are you pulling why are you bowling amber amber are you okay are you okay oh my gosh you're all bruised up no one talked to my sister like that stop yeah get away man already getting bullied she was just born yo she's only like what a week old sheesh my goodness block city is something else man built different jeez my goodness are you okay amber man see i'm sorry see you have to be a good brother okay reggie rich junior you gotta be a oh he gave his toy to her too take this oh this is so cute all right amber you gotta hop into the car this time my goodness we're going home we're telling ashley all about this this is actually so cute oh my gosh they're finally getting along together and that was such a heroic move by baby rage reggie jr wasn't guys you have to tell me in the comments that was pretty cute you can't lie and we got we got i i have to tell ashley all about this that was that was such an amazing thing all right guys hop out now okay we got it we gotta tell mommy all about this wow that was absolutely amazing all right dad what's up what's up son am i still in trouble no no you're not in trouble anymore ashley come back here i have something to tell you okay oh my goodness they got along so well it started off a little bit rough but man they're how was your how was it it was amazing see we got toys from mcdonald's happy meal and they ended up getting along and it was it was just amazing oh man i'm so happy i'm so happy we have two kids now honestly you did a good job thank you thank you so much thank you so much all right well ah all right well you guys should uh you guys should go play together in in uh your room now you know you guys share the room now all right so go have fun go have some fun oh here's your toy amber all right go have some fun all right have some fun you guys oh man the day was the the day couldn't have gone any better that's all i gotta say so you're not mad at me anymore i did a good job yeah oh man no i'm not mad yeah perfect it's first step first thing in the morning and she's already telling me what to do fine hey kids come downstairs your mom your mom cooked some breakfast breakfast is ready amber good girl ray junior you're late as always go get your breakfast come on everyone mom good oh oh you're oh wow dang you must have been really hungry already wow mommy cooked some breakfast she made some bacon and it seems like she made some fried eggs as well raised junior share with share with amber rage jr amber it's your first day of school oh what a good brother oh wait oops i i took the friday here you go amber here you go ray junior ray junior it's your first day of school isn't it i totally forgot guys ew oh it's always rage junior with the attitude that needs to be fixed that really needs to be fixed amber it's your first day of daycare right right school is pointless what no no no school is very important raise junior i know you just want to stay at home play with your laptop every day where's your laptop i'm gonna take away your laptop if you if you don't behave today okay okay race junior you know how about this how about this laptop is hidden uh whoa okay you're already being okay okay you know what how about this if you both behave you at daycare and you at school if both of you behave today i will treat you guys to some ice cream okay ooh ice cream i'm a big brain without school no i you're very smart i i for some reason you know how to speak full sentences at one years old but if you aren't good today i will find your laptop and take it see your mommy cap what what do you mean cap huh okay well i'll take you guys to to some ice cream okay how about that how about that rage junior is that okay if i if i get you guys fine you know he always falls for it guys i mean obviously i'm gonna i'm gonna give them ice cream but okay you're grounded if you don't behave exactly you guys better behave today all right amber i'll no you're scared of getting grounded though we're definitely gonna oh yeah we're definitely gonna have to take away that laptop if you don't behave okay you get ice cream though oh oh oh raise junior don't be sad don't be so sad okay okay fine all right i should probably take them have fun today thank you thank you ashley oh man give give your kids a kiss before uh they head off to school i know rage junior is uh he's a little scared i i know he's just being like that because he's scared it's his first time kind of away from the family me stay with no no rage junior you're coming with me you look just like me you should be daddy's boy not not mommy's boy heck's not what wait why wait why ashley ugly what he looks just like me what do you mean i would see amber's all excited and everything go to school okay okay hey hey ray junior if you call me ugly again you're just calling yourself ugly okay oh my god these kids better behave guys he's not ugly oh see yeah i'm not ugly okay don't be mean to your dad okay okay wait wait wait are you are you nodding because you're saying okay or are you nodding because you think i'm ugly huh i don't like oh i really want to give him a spanking right now but hold back i'll hold back i'll be a good dad for today i'll be a good dad today guys i've i've been holding back i've been holding back i really i really have been i'm trying to be the best dad possible but rage junior has been i spent four thousand dollars on that guys okay everything will be okay everyone kids [Laughter] that was fun hey you're gonna drown again you don't know how to swim last time you always drowned when you fell in the pool my goodness i'm gonna have to teach raise junior one of these days how to swim all right kids i lear i learned by youtube alright kids come on let's go let's go let's go everyone in the car in the car and by the way i did get another paint job on the car because i couldn't i couldn't let go of the red wait wait wait i should probably give my wife a little hug or something before i leave ashley where are you at ashley give me a hug all right all right see you later all right i i hope you have a good day resting or something like that because i don't i really don't know bye okay okay i really don't know what she does you know i really doesn't i i have no clue hey hey get back in the car amber what are you doing my goodness she was like underneath the car for a second my my gosh that scared me all right well i gotta take them to the daycare and then after that i had to drop off rage junior at school man the a new school just got built in block city and that's why i enrolled rage junior man the the ratings for the school have been pretty high so far so i have really high expectations for this amber ray's junior are you guys ready for school i i you guys better be ready for school because race junior this isn't a public school i had to pay for you to get enrolled okay all right everyone out everyone out all right ray jr are you excited are you excited i know i know you're a little scared but heck no i know you're a little scared but it's for the best it's for the best okay amber see amber is so excited look at amber look at oh my gosh all right everyone over here we gotta drop you off yeah we gotta drop you guys off come on come on come on all right let's go on in okay hey mark again is this amber you're dropping off today yeah this is actually her first day here at the oh she's already having such a great time she hopped into a little minecart and she's already man she's just having a great time like she's always so happy for some reason that makes me really happy man that makes me really happy yeah that toy is very popular this place is for you you're you're still a baby rage junior you're still no you're one years old mark well i hope you uh i hope you take good care ha ha no it's not it's not that it's not that funny mark but uh oh he's going crazy all right well hopefully you um treat the kids really well um make sure you know they behave okay make sure amber behaves all right i will have a great day all right thank you so much rage ray junior i know i know you still want to be at daycare because you always have so much fun playing here but it's time for you to go to school they just built this school just for kids like you see you later mark have a great day all right race junior before before we go to the school i just want to say i hope you behave today okay like i said i'll treat you to some ice cream all right you know i uh do do i really know you usually act like a little bad kid i swear you're the bad influence of ron i swear that you're the reason why ronnie is so bad oh wait i probably shouldn't tell i i probably shouldn't tell him the little secret the little surprise for him alright junior this is your brand new school this is block city elementary all right all right i know ray jr you're scared to go in but it's okay ugh hey daddy will be here okay daddy will be here i'm just gonna drop you off and then i'll see you after school okay okay race junior i'll see you after school wait why are you staying so close to me you have school to go to okay how about this race junior i'll stay with you just for today the first day of school okay is that okay with you will that make you uh happy okay fine oh wait wait we have classroom one classroom two what's over here then oh we have a little restroom man i need to take a little pee break hold on hold on rage junior don't go anywhere don't go anywhere let me take a little key break okay let me take a pee break i want to stay in no you're not staying in here let me flush the toilet all right let me wash my hands got to make sure you know my hands are clean and everything you know got to make sure uh we we get no diseases or anything like that all right i swear junior is doing whatever it takes to not go to class we have a detention room yeah rey jr you're gonna be here if you don't behave we have a little detention room all the bad kids will go here all right you don't want to you don't want to end up here uh wait what you were here when you were young no i was i was never in the detention room i was a good student i was a good student don't be lying don't be lying to everyone now the principal's office huh let's check this out huh i guess the principal is not in school today or something okay okay we have um some paperwork right here um some more paperwork i guess there's like students and stuff right here uh we have oh do you guys see this we have like a whole arm armors huh is everything okay right here i do he's so like scared to go to school oh there's a little man this guy has a whole desk set up with a computer what are you what are you what is this huh whoa they probably have like a little like hidden storage room or something right dude this is actually really nice this is a hmm like like all we living in a movie for real all right all right junior it's time for class we're already late we're already late we don't want to be any more late your teacher is going to get really mad at you it's the first day of school and you're already late come on come on let's head on in oh there's ronnie there's ronnie ray jr oh this is the surprise i wanted to hold from you oh my goodness ronnie oh uh wait mark mark he said why are you late rage junior wait wait hold on a second uh are are you the teacher of this school of this class i am late because of hey hey hey rage what did you here just snitch me out yes oh um can i ask you a question um are you do you also happen to be the principal of this school because i swear you're the daycare person you're the stores clerks [Music] my mind is okay well all right well this is uh race junior it's his first day of class uh is it okay if i stay in the back and just uh chaperone and just sure okay because he he doesn't want to go to school but can you can you make sure the experience is good for my kid i just wanna i just wanna make sure you know yep don't worry okay okay i'll just be sitting back here wait who is this we have a little caillou back here okay all right okay i'll just be sitting back here raise junior you better behave okay okay race junior you better behave maybe oh my god all right all right well i'm just gonna be sitting back here and uh all right welcome to the first day of school everyone dude i'm so proud of my kid man it's his first day wait what what did you say prison what what is he saying ronnie ronnie's already just behaving guys all right we're gonna start off with roll call all right okay okay this is race junior's first ever roll call hopefully he responds when they call his name oh number one rage junior wait why does he have a stick is that a ruler uh presents okay at least he responded good good good good okay okay let's see if ronnie responds number two ronnie okay well will ronnie respond ronnie i think ronnie has to be asleep or something at this point ronnie absolutely rage junior said absent present ronnie said present wait what about what about this caillou kid who i wonder what his name is um is he even a part of this class oh man so far ray jr is behaving okay i like it i like it yeah i swear he doesn't want to learn or anything no number three kaihu who is that i guess oh oh i think that's how his name is spelled caillou or sorry if i mispronounced it okay okay um i i guess he does he not maybe he doesn't know english well this is why they're at school you know they're learning teachers wow what is rage junior all all about i i hope he behaves i'm like scared for him right now all right today we're gonna start off with the alphabet okay all right all right hopefully raise juniors oh man let's go let's go hopefully rage junior learns he said a for awful hey yeah please behave rage junior oh no oh i'm embarrassed please behave yeah exactly exactly you go mark you go that's it for the first day of school class is dismissed for today finally it's been like two hours and i'm so tired but race junior finally you did a good job you did a good job i need to treat you to some ice cream okay i'll get you some ice cream another day because mommy's probably waiting at home she's probably stressing out so we got to get you back home what i know i know but you behaved oh come on come on let's go let's go we gotta go thank you thank you mark for being have a great day everyone thank you so much i swear marcus dude we still need to go fishing sometime or something we should we should grab some lunch or something i don't know we got to do something together all right well anyways uh let's let's go wait where oh oh he's so sad he's still sad for oh he's still so sad oh come on it's all right come on come on kings all right let's go let's go pick up your little sister come on we gotta go pick up amber come on so how'd you like your first day of school it was okay i know i know you hate school but i get it i get it i get it come on come on you get ice cream at least not today but tomorrow okay look how sad he is that's so funny but uh i mean it's not that funny it's not that funny i shouldn't be making fun of my kid it's his first day of school he did a really good job i'm really happy oh this is blowing my mind welcome back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so how did amber um did did amber behave i swear i saw him the entire time how's he here amber has been wonderful [Music] okay well yes yes yes all right well amber good job thank you for uh thank you for taking care of my kid um well we got it we gotta go home now so one of my best students yeah well i hope you have a great rest of your day i don't know which mark i'm talking to at this point but yes we should probably go fishing sometime grab some lunch all right all right all right kids let's head home let's go let's go man honestly today went a lot better than i thought it would i really thought it was gonna be one chaotic day but everyone hop in the car amber in the front seat in the front seat all right let's go hop on in all right well mommy's probably waiting for you guys at home hopefully you guys didn't forget anything i really these guys probably okay they didn't bring anything to school right they didn't bring like a bag or anything like that hopefully they didn't forget anything at the school but yeah we should probably head on back um ashley's probably wondering why i never came back home after i dropped off the kids but yeah well that was a success i would say all right well at least i will have to go to school with baby rage or rage junior another day ah oh oh my gosh i was just crashed into the tree yikes and i just got this paint job oh my gosh why is my driving so bad all right kids we're home kids we're home go go to mommy now everyone get good at driving up no you're not allowed to drive you're only one years old all right everyone in you guys didn't forget anything right where'd amber go you didn't forget anything right amber no okay okay you didn't forget anything okay oh my goodness i i would have been so angry if they forgot something that's because i used to forget stuff at school when i was younger everyone in your play rooms in your bedrooms now you guys can play with your toys all day long my my laptop did you i for why did you bring it to school i didn't even see you take out the laptop at all oh my gosh it was during the it was during playtime wasn't it oh my god i want to give him a spanking so bad you know what it's okay it's okay kids kids you guys can uh stay in your room okay i'm gonna go pick up your laptop from school okay all right oh my gosh i spent so much money on that laptop ashley take care of the kids okay i'll be back i just need to do something real quick this is such a waste of gas dude ah rage junior i knew i shouldn't have bought him the laptop so early on like he did i feel like he doesn't know how much i sped on oh i feel like he doesn't even care about the laptop oh my god okay okay the laptop still better be there because oh that that mark i mean i mean mark seems like a really good guy he wouldn't have taken a laptop he's the teacher there he would get fired if he stole the laptop huh maybe it's probably in there lost and found well let's let's just first check there check the classroom which classroom was it was it classroom classroom two um no no wait hold on i think it was i think it was this yeah what caillou what are you doing what are you still doing here he's just like staring at me okay well i don't think he said a single word during class either uh okay baby rage junior was was sitting right here he was reading comics ah that explains a lot he was probably really distracted where where is the laptop oh my gosh i swear i'm never gonna buy rey's junior another laptop if he loses this for good i spend so much money uh maybe in here wait is that um paper book book book why is there why are there so many cobwebs in there man this school is brand new right this school just um let's see detention room uh ronnie what are you still doing here what is ronnie still doing here what uh okay well why is ronnie in the detention room i swear he's a good kid i if anything rey's junior should be here i'm just waiting for my his parents oh my gosh they left him at the mall and now this oh i'm so sorry ronnie um maybe in the trash can doesn't have anything uh what about this trash can no laptop where's the laptop ronnie do you know where ray's junior's laptop is do you know where it raised oh i i should have just checked oh oh oh my goodness i would have been so angry i ray jr would have definitely gotten a spanking oh my gosh if if if i couldn't buy the laptop wait what is this a key yeah i i probably shouldn't be touching ah now i'm curious now i'm curious what is this key for ronnie okay you know what i'm not gonna get ronnie involved in this i'm i'm basically kind of is this illegal am i allowed to be taking a key i don't know i'm just really curious where is this key where what is this key useful oh maybe it's just used for locking these doors or something maybe that's where like the janitor also puts his stuff does this key work on this oh definitely not it's not working on the the school key what about that oh of course the principal's office does it work on this door wait it doesn't it doesn't really affect anything wait hold on what if i yeah it doesn't really affect anything huh let's uh is this is this key gonna work on anything i mean there's a lot of levers here and stuff but rage junior pointed this out there's a there's like this hidden storage room underneath the principal's office aka mark's office because apparently he's also the principal as well wait a second will this wait will this key work on the wait hold on hold on hold on let's see if it works guys guys i know i know we always get into some sort of trouble but i'm like oh it might be my fault at this point it might not even be action's fault that things are cursed is because i'm so curious it has where is where does these this even head down to wait a second wait where am uh there's like a gravestone right here there's a coffin there's bones down here what the heck is this play of course there's a dead body it's not block city if there's no dead bodies what is this uh you got you guys see what i'm seeing right mark who is what the heck oh what the oh no no no he just he just saw me he just taught me oh my gosh oh my god no no no no oh my gosh he's oh no no no no i i need to go i need to go home i need to go home why was mark where why was mark wearing that that rope oh my hold on hold on no no no before bart comes up before mark comes up i need to hurry up is he oh yo he's on the move ronnie ronnie where'd ronnie go oh my gosh oh gosh oh gosh i don't know where ronnie went but hopefully he went home hopefully his parents came to pick him up okay okay i need to go i didn't go and tell i need i need to tell ashley and i need to tell the kids we need to leave block city as soon as we can you know i'm not even going to park the car oh my gosh baby race junior this is all this is all your fault this is all your fall race junior i i know i knew i shouldn't ray junior ray jr look at me you can never lose this laptop ever again i spent a lot of money on this okay here's your laptop dad what no no no dad don't dad me you i am so i'm scarred for life i i need to tell ashley about ashley where where where is she where is ashley ashley ashley ashley you won't believe me i i i mean i i actually think you won't believe me you remember mark the guy at the groceries what now the guy at the grocery store and somehow at the daycare he also okay do you remember do you remember mark from the grocery store the the nice guy the nice gentleman from the toy store or whatnot not even the not not the grocery store the guy yeah he was the teacher at rage junior school can you believe that can you believe that okay and no no not just that not just that he was also the principal he was also the principal can you believe me and guess what i found oh wow and guess what i found i went back to get rage junior's laptop and i saw him under there there's like a secret room underneath underneath the principal's office and guess what i saw dead bodies blood there's i swear it's just never ending never ending problems and crimes going on in block city we we have to uh i i'm i'm i'm gonna call the school right oh oh what exactly i'm gonna call the i'm gonna call the um city city council or something and just unenroll rage junior because there's no way i'm calling the school or having anything to do with that school again maybe you know i don't know i don't know what do you think we should do what do you think we should do there's no way i'm i'm taking our son and taking him back to that scary messed up school i know i knew something was wrong with that mark i at first i thought he was a nice guy but i don't know get him out rey's junior is never going back there exactly what what do you what do you suggest like should we like i don't know should we i don't know do you have any suggestions don't don't tell race junior about this i don't think he i think he's too young to know anything about this let's just say you know something happened to the school or something like i don't know you just let me know some suggestions you have we gotta homeschool him there's nowhere else to go i was thinking another school but you know what are you okay with homeschooling race junior i know he he might be a problematic kid but you know he's our kid at the end of the day are you okay with that well please please please it's not like you do anything at home anyways i swear you're just like chilling at home come on please please ashley what i clean and cook for you oh yeah okay okay okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry okay i will behave i'll stay here watch vlog city and uh pretend like nothing happened okay all right all right well are you okay with it though are you okay with uh teaching uh reggie yeah yes yes i think she's angry guys i think she's mad at me oh no fine i'll teach him i mean he is our son after all come on okay okay sounds good sounds good all right well um come on come on sit over here ashley let's watch some block city together come on there's more what what ashley i mean i'm sure her parents would like me i oh hey i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry okay okay you can talk you can talk you can tell me you can tell me anything you want i'm sure her parents would like me i mean look at me guys like i'm a very successful young man living in an amazing giant mansion with a beautiful family and everything so you know everything should be good right like i'm sure baby i'm sure rey's jr is behaving right we need to go shopping huh for what i mean food oh are you cooking tonight or something oh i thought we had enough groceries uh okay well yeah yeah and all well okay okay i'm sorry i didn't know you didn't all right fine fine hop in the car we need to go we're gonna get gifts and stuff we're gonna get gifts and we're also going to yeah you know i i need a set a good impression over here in my car let's go let's go we need to go to the grocery store i heard a new grocery store just opened up in block city i think it's in the black city mall but i'm not too sure ashley told me about it ashley wait it is in the black city mall right the new grocery store you said you saw it on a commercial or something like that yeah it's in the mall okay okay we're heading straight there do you know what time um your parents are heading over because i uh it's got the best ratings okay perfect all right usually i'm just going to mcdonald's and buying people food all right well just let me know um we have two two hours oh my gosh is that even enough time okay okay you know what i'm just gonna park here screw it ashley hop out i need to lock the door hurry we'll make it hurry hurry hurry okay let me lock the door okay okay let's go let's go let's go you better not be lying to me there better be a brand new food mart or or grocery store whatever it is all right where is it where is it ashley you lead the way you're the one who saw the commercial wait it's over food mart wait why'd you go over that oh okay okay fine five i'm coming up i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming hopefully we can get enough food and stuff like that oh all right our guys it's not it's hi welcome to block city food mart it's not mark wait so something was wrong with mark hi hi hi uh we're just here to you know buy some groceries and stuff uh did this food mart just open up quite quite recently it looks beautiful wow yep okay thank you dave all right well we'll be back in just a second all right ashley what should we get your parents you did say we have extra cake but should we get like a fresh cake for your parents hmm fresh cake does sound nice i want to set a good impression on your uh parents you know um no no i just bought oh okay um how about how about some some cupcakes what do you think about cupcakes we can get like two cupcakes for the kids you know what i'm gonna grab two cupcakes for the kids two vanilla cupcakes we don't need more cake we have cupcake okay how it's okay okay it's okay i'm sure it's not vanilla at home though come on it's okay i i'm the one paying though it's it's okay oh what's this what is this over here onion rings hmm i am kind of craving onion rings ashley can i get some onion rings what else is here wow this this food mart is so packed with so many awesome foods oh my you better not plan on ah i'm craving it don't worry i like it i like it okay uh grab any groceries you need and then um and then i'll pay for all of it but we have some pears some bananas we got some oranges and more pears oh appliances i'm sure i'm sure we need vegetables fruits uh go choose two types of breads oh okay okay i'll go choose two types of breads let's see um they have potato potato bread you know what i can't judge i can't judge maybe we can try one let's choose one we have normal bread we also have pancake cornbread um it's okay uh let's see what else they oh cheesy bread oh i love cheesy bread and ashley should we get your parents like a blender or something like that do you think they would like a blender i don't know how much your mom cooks obviously you know your dad probably doesn't cook at all but um do you think do you think they would like a blender because you know your dad could make smoothies does sound good to me dave's just chilling well they did say that their blender broke a few perfect oh my god i'm a genius uh dave sir dave excuse me um can you get us one of these blenders right here a brand new one i'd like to um i'd like i'd like one of those please i don't know how much it costs i'm sure it doesn't cost too much yep they just came in stock oh really okay can you grab me one please thank you sir oh my gosh dude this this dave guy is really nice okay perfect all right ashley are you done picking out uh vegetables and stuff i got two uh cheesy breads and potatoes here you go here you go i don't know how many you wanted me to get but i got two uh one of each all right dave do you have it yet oh oh my gosh okay okay uh i'll i'll go ahead and uh ring it up bring it up for me sir here's the onion rings uh here's the cupcakes there you go ashley uh do you have everything you need already ashley okay wait wait ashley do you have everything you need come over here dave's dave's over here waiting i think i'm good okay okay over here over here he's uh he's waiting i just throw him this stuff and he'll bring it up and don't you worry i got the credit card guys this is the i swear guys this credit card right here is literally the magic credit card of block city all right pass over the vegetables you can hand it back to me by the way dave i got you all right here's my credit card ring it up my sir my kind sir dude oh do you sell coffee here too dude if you sell coffee here too i want i want one espresso i want a one espresso like the one right here no it's hot oh it says i thought i thought you were selling coffee ah only morning time or something dang it i can't ow hurry up one one hour oh oh oh oh uh okay okay okay please bring it up okay give me give me all the veggies give me all the stuff oh my god oh my gosh we're so screwed guys we are literally so screwed hopefully you can cook in one hour okay hopefully you can cook in one hour okay i got my credit card back all right ashley let's go let's go let's go oh she's already on she's already on her way well have a great day you too dave you too hey yo yo actually you know what dave we should have some lunch or something in the future all right sounds good what do you think what do you think my dude yep okay okay sounds good oma what she's already downstairs oh my gosh i should go i need to go i need to go guys i think ashley is freaking out more than i am right now and i'm the one who has to be setting a really good impression on them oh my gosh i swear ashley's gonna be like hopping in my car and driving away already she better not be driving my car right now not in my new red paint oh okay okay she's just waiting imagine she got mad and started driving away all right ashley let's go let's go oh my gosh i don't want to set a bad impression on your parents i thought about that oh she thought about leaving me here oh no oh no i i gotta tell baby i i raged junior i didn't tell rey jr to behave in front of their his grandparents i don't think he's met his grandparents yet it's been one year and he hasn't met his grandparents yet oh my goodness ah wait wait ashley where are they visiting from i haven't seen my parents since we got me oh oh i mean that's that's true where where do your where do your parents live i'm gonna go we need to go ashley get out get out where where are we uh where where do your parents come from actually because cubetown oh that sounds that sounds like a really nice place to live honestly okay let me close the door all right i'm gonna go to um here here while you prepare all the food here here here you go i'm gonna go tell a race junior to behave in front of your parents all right uh go ahead oh not the credit card can you hand me the credit card back please please plea no no no no give it back ashley i need my credit card please please please please please yes please ashley give me oh thank you thank you oh my goodness oh okay well i need to go tell rey's jr that he needs to behave in front of his grandparents i know amber is going to behave right amber yep amber's always behaving ray junior raise junior race junior ah you're always so distracted by your laptop grant your your grandpa and grandma are coming very very soon i know you haven't met them yet but please behave okay make sure you are acting like a good boy be a good boy okay when they when they come because uh okay oh this is the first time he listens guys all right he better i know he's saying okay right now but he better be telling the truth all right all right ashley how's the cooking going how's the cooking going is everything going good oh cooking is going good okay okay perfect perfect phew i'm gonna go ahead and uh watch black city while you cook okay we only have like an hour left hopefully you can cook i mean hopefully you finish cooking by the time they come though all right let me grab this remote my favorite remotes all right i have the blender in oh yeah i should probably put the blender in this cabinet right here hide it over here all right i'm just gonna wha what are you good actually i thought you were cooking i thought they're coming soon you need you need to cook i i um don't pressure oh oh oh okay all right well i'm gonna sit back relax and watch some vlog city man oh ashley did you finish cooking because uh you can sit down right here and watch this really amazing black city episode like honestly i'm gonna watch like two more episodes of black city before your parents come come on come on ashley come on sit down oh man oh wait i have yoga lesson but i love to watch but i gotta go wait did you finish cooking wait uh did you finish cooking ashley uh oh i hope she finished nope up to you what what do you mean up to me honey uh but wait wait wait wait actually you're you're joking right ashley ah ashley what what is where is she going no no you're you're not leaving with the what where are you going actually what oh my gosh she's not even gonna be here when her parents are oh i'm so screwed what do i do what the heck do i do where's all the vegetables i thought she was cooking they're gonna hate me what am i supposed to do she just left me with all the she took the ingredients with her oh my i mean there's there's still cake i mean are they gonna be okay with the cake guys guys i i thought oh my gosh i they're coming soon i'm pretty sure she told me they're coming in an hour the last time she told me oh my you know what i'll just have cake set up right here um i'll put my remote right here they maybe maybe they want to watch some tv i don't know i feel so unprepared that they're definitely going to hate me for sure 100 let me look out the window are they here um okay okay they're not here yet okay we're good we're good okay i i need to go remind raise junior to to to behave rage do you guys hear that wait raise junior ray jr please behave okay please be dude they're honking the horn so race junior please behave okay okay okay okay hopefully he heard me he's distracted by his laptop okay okay um oh it's them isn't it hurry up dang it oh uh hello hello i'm not getting any younger okay hello hello you must be ashley's parents hello okay can you stop honking the horn now you're disturbing the neighbors uh he's still honking okay well um uh i don't know you uh can you guys uh yeah wait do they want us to no wait do they want me to go there they're just standing there they're not uh are you guys gonna come over here huh are they i guess i gotta go to them uh hi you must be ashley's father papa jim and you must be ashley's mother mama burnett yes oh nice to meet you guys i hope you guys um are and you know had an amazing road trip i know you guys are are you rachel yes yes i am actually you um i'm ashley's husband nice to meet you this such a disappointment agent there oh oh um well i can't believe my daughter mary i'm right here it's what i i'm right here and he closes the door on me all right where the huh they just walk into my house like it's their place um excuse me um uh here's the remote sir uh i recommend watching block city it's a very very amazing show i i'd say it's my favorite show on um on youtube right now but um i unfortunately i don't have any honey let's watch any what bor oh it's so hurtful um i didn't have time to make dinner youtubers these days mit uh i didn't have any time to make dinner but i did get you guys cake excuse me what huh i don't think they like me guys i was trying to set a really good impression no dinner i don't think they like me at all um wait wait wait your daughter went out what is did you just pull out a crowbar um oh what the ow okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry okay i'm actually sorry i'm hungry you uncontrolled okay okay are you on cultures why you know what i have something else um i have i have uh chocolate mama burnett i'm sure you would like that where is our daughter um she i don't know she was cooking what did she just throw that okay well she went to go to yoga lessons i think she'll be back soon shortly and she'll cook us dinner um okay she was cooking dinner and then she left so you know she what did you do i didn't do anything i promise i promise i promise she'll cook us dinner okay oh my gosh of course he's in the rocking chair where old people belong look at him look at him so old oh you hear me oh you're so poor what's what i i didn't say anything uh do you guys like the house it's a pretty big house right i i'm not poor i i swear this house was a million dollars why he has two crowbars why wait please please sir oh small well what do you think about the house papa jim maybe he'll be nicer he hasn't been nice the second i came here uh you know she certainly [Music] now i hear you have a grandchild let's see him uh okay okay um you you can meet um rage junior and amber i hope you guys um like my kids or our kids really arranged junior yeah what's wrong with that do you have a do you have a problem with that well race junior your uh your grandparents are here i told you behave okay i told you to behave you better behave uh hey a champ hey old man he's so me i told him to behave what the heck want some candy what is he a kidnapper want some can't i want some candy wait i want some candy papa jim ow what how adorable is this amber yep that's amber right there she's so cute isn't she man oh man both my kids are so so cute man he's so nice to race junior so amazing they must take after their he literally looks like me excuse me papa jim papa jim excuse me reyes jr looks just like me you have your mother's eye no he doesn't he has my eyes what is this i don't like this it's like they came here to bully me or something such a sweet child you know what you know what i have something that might change their mind their blender amber was my mother's name ashley must have remember here take this children he gave them twenty dollars each i don't believe that boy hey how about me do i get uh five hundred dollars can i ow okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i have one i have one thing that might change their mind please please work i literally they ashley told me their blender broke two days ago or a few days ago so hopefully this changes their mind um uh take a seat mama burnett right here i have something really nice for you guys i have a gift for you guys um for meeting you guys the first time take a seat mama burnett um she's not gonna take a seat um well ow honey have a seat thank you thank you papa jim i knew you were a good man whoa why do you pull the crowbar of me well i have a gift for you guys um i don't know if you guys will like it or not i'm kind of scared to give this to you guys because it seems like you guys do hate me that this better be good well i don't know how much you'll use it papa jim but especially you mama brunette i know you'll use this a lot um but maybe you can make some smoothies for papa jim i got you guys a blender i hope they like it guys their blender broke a few days ago so um i got i got you guys a blender um they're not saying anything are they disappointed or something okay this is good oh my god i thought i was screwed for a second well here you go papa jim i hope you can uh make good use of this now we don't have to go to the store oh wow oh wow they just switched up like 180 because of this gift oh well um i'm sure i'm sure ashley will be back uh very very shortly it's uh it's almost nighttime i think oh whoa you got me some champagne oh okay why thank you oh thank you so much well i suppose they're they're you're all right there buddy oh oh you're all right there boy all right thank you so much well ashley should be home in a few hours uh you know what you guys can uh sit down right here or go watch tv um in a few hours ashley will be back all right um and you can finally see your daughter uh it is getting quite late though so so give me how oh oh i got their approval oh give me hug give me a hug you too mama burnett oh i'm so happy all right well she'll be home soon okay ah that was such an amazing episode of vlog city what do you guys think papa jim and mama burnett i i really hope you guys enjoyed your first episode of vlog city today what do you guys think meh the news is better but it i mean i get i guess so they are kind of old oh what's good oh papa jim see you know old people and myself we have different tastes but hey papa jim high five high five papa jim hey high five yeah out hey that was really hard high five i flew back she said oh it was all right though okay okay i wonder when ashley's gonna come home on oh oh that must be her oh hey your daughter's back hey give her a hug or something oh hello oh my gosh hey sweetie oh this is so cute guys oh my god why didn't they greet me like that man i'm jealous okay it's okay it's okay well did you just get back from yoga ashley hi sweetheart and they're so nice to her i mean it is their daughter yes honey oh okay nice nice well um it is kind of yeah it is kind of dark outside it might be a little too late for out okay i'm sorry uh it is a little too late for dinner how about you make us some really nice breakfast in the morning maybe sure okay well um you too uh let's uh let's let's take them to the guest room ashley let's take your parents to the guest room show them to their guest room and maybe in the morning they can finally have a taste of your amazing breakfast i love their breakfast no that is not your guest no this is the master bedroom that's our room this is okay papa jim have a gym no you're not sleeping in my bed you're sleeping up here all right you two come over here let me show you to your rooms so your rooms will be right here the lighting is uh not the best we haven't bought any nice lamps for this room but come on in where'd papa jim go oh oh he's already at the computer well this is your bed not like he knows how to use a computer or anything but yeah mama brunettes papa jim go oh i think she just fell um mama jim are you okay momma jim get up get up mama jim let me help her out oh whoa papa jim you you good well good night you two uh oh they're having a oh they're having a little fight already oh oh oh so cute they're hugging each other okay well you two have a good night okay we'll see you guys in the morning good night good night you two good night all right ashley let's uh let's head to bed we don't want to disrupt your parents good night we okay okay let's let's go let's go ashley i need to tell you something real quick why would your okay come over here come over here or else or else your parents might hear anyway let's go into our bedroom this might be more private oh man ashley no come in here actually why'd you lock me in okay ashley why were you no leave the door closed or else your parents will hear ashley why were your parents so mean to me they were they were extremely mean to me when i came in i mean when they when they first came i don't know i wish you were here why did you have to leave me like that you know what let's just go to sleep let's just go to sleep honestly and uh maybe in the morning they'll be nicer i mean i'm so glad they're leaving though i'm honestly so glad they're finally leaving tomorrow but it was nice breakfast is ready can you wake up my parents why do i have to do it but you know what you did all the cooking right oh my gosh breakfast looks so good they got some bacon and some fried eggs oh they're gonna love your signature breakfast oh i i can't wait to have some myself okay okay let me wake them up good morning what is happening why is why is mama burnett on the uh are you okay papa jim i'm a gym don't die on me yet i just met you papa jam papa jim wake up wake up oh hello wake up wake up papa jim are you okay oh my gosh help okay okay get up get up mama burnett oh come on wake up get up oh you're heavy oh oh thank you son i was having us are you okay are you sure you're okay seizures can literally kill you you saved my life all i did was wake you up thank you oh oh okay well i'll take credit for that well ashley your daughter made her signature breakfast and it's ready wake up you guys uh you guys can get fresh enough in this bathroom and whatnot and come down whenever you guys uh are done uh we'll be waiting downstairs oh are you not gonna freshen up mama brunette you can freshen up in the bathroom and we'll see you guys in a second all right ashley your parents are finally awake um your dad however said he had a seizure is that normal um i don't think it's normal for anyone to be having seizures actually are you sure he's taking his meds or something i hope he's okay oh no well ashley i think they're gonna love your breakfast oh man can i can i have um that's a oh so i'm guessing he's never had a seizure before um can i have some of these bacon chips you know what i'm gonna get one myself very very good and you know what we got these onion rings too rarely oh my gosh he needs to be taking his meds let me put away some of these onion rings for later um uh maybe i should give baby hmm should i give the babies the cupcakes now you know i'll save it for later maybe after you know they leave man they're taking a while to freshen up are they gonna are they gonna come down any anytime you know what i'll just be waiting down here and waiting for them to come downstairs all right man this looks so good guys this actually looks so good where are they hurry up oh my gosh ashley where's your parents do your parents usually take i mean they they are pretty you know what should i go check up on them oh oh oh papa jim oh my gosh we're gonna get up get up get up oh my gosh you're a heavy man dude you're a heavy man for a fri mama brunette what she's just sliding i fell down the stairs helped my wife oh get up man these two you guys are a problem man how do you how do you guys live together all alone in one house that is a that is not that is not safe that's a safety hazard well come and come over here take your seats there's fried eggs and bacon come over here oh oh of course there's oh my gosh i swear they were walking like normal people yesterday no but the the bacon plates are already over here papa jim mama burnett i just fell down oh yeah you're right you're right sit down uh ashley you want to take your seat good morning here at the breakfast uh ashley you want to take a seat over here oh um thanks for the bacon okay here here papa jim okay stop hitting me stop hitting me ah my ears are ringing stop hitting each other hey it's just bacon oh you just pulled out the crowbar oh no no no don't hit your wife please do not do not be ow i guess when they get older they'd start caring less well um i hope you both enjoyed your stay oh what what why do they both have crowbars i don't like this i just helped it out i just held out stop stop mama brunette i literally just helped you up after you fell down the stairs how could you well i hope you guys both enjoyed your stays i think it's time for you guys to leave though i parked your cars over hey my bacon was stole oh oh stop it stop it youtube how old i mean how long have you guys been married i'm sure you guys have put up with each other long enough all right well the car has been parked outside for you guys come on it's your time to leave you too ashley it's time for your parents to leave right yes yes long enough to come back with crowbars well you do it's time for you to leave okay it's time for you to leave maybe one day you know i don't know i don't know uh where oh no no that is not your car papa jim your car is over there hey no i'm not good guys papa burnett i mean papaji ah he just ran me over stop please stop what the heck okay are they gonna come back or not this is our yeah that is literally our car are they are they gonna come back they better come back i i i parked their car right here too oh my goodness are they gonna come back i hope they come back um what was that i know what was that i hope i really hope they come back oh my goodness man i can't lose my car guys i just repainted my car like a like a like a few days ago too are they coming back or not where'd they go where the heck did they go oh my gosh they're coming back oh my god i was gonna be so sad if they just took my ah whoa oh you guys almost killed me what the heck was that you old wrinkly man oh oh oh that was their alzheimer's oh that was i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i was scared i was kidding i was kidding this is your car okay okay hopefully you guys enjoyed your stay uh do you guys still have honey no this is not your car no no papa jim that is not your car that's your daughter's car wait uh who who still has the uh oh wow no no no no you're gonna break your neck papa jim your arms are so frail please please pump a gym don't be lifting your weights please um he was gonna start choking if he started using that uh papa jim do you still have the blender by any chance oh okay i hope you guys enjoy your blender mama brunette it's uh it's time for you to leave um mama burnett he's like hurry up i love you sweetie you better uh keep him in check thank you mama burnett she means me right you mean keep my son in check take care sweetie do i get hugs from these guys too give me a hug papa jim papa jim give me a hug keep this youtuber in check give me a hug papa jim uh i hope you guys enjoyed your stay oh she just hit her mom i mean she just hurt her daughter okay give me a hug too mama bernat please give me a hug man papa jim come on give me a hug be sure to visit us now we're over in cubetown oh yeah i will i will have to do that sometime give me a hug give me a hug see man i'm glad they liked me after all all right don't take my car again papa jim don't you dare touch my car again you probably drive like an old man too man oh hey you're your wife your wife don't leave her what are you trying to do is try to run me over relax whoa he just crashed into my car you old wrinkly man you old oh my gosh ashley you oh well they're out oh i know what mama brunette said i heard that yeah you definitely take after your mom well now that that mess is over with i need to re-park my car real quickly ashley yeah one day we're gonna have to go and visit cubetown for sure but not now i i really don't want to talk to your parents for now okay oh well let's go give these uh two cupcakes to the kids now i hope i hope raised junior really liked his grandparents but ashley your parents are one heck of a headache the final episode of block city is about to start and you know i can't enjoy the finale without some popcorn where the heck salty chips spicy you know what we don't have much time what the hell oh my god what okay you know what you know what i'm just i'm just gonna have to settle with some salty chips amber oh ever you want to enjoy some black city with with papa oh okay okay here's some salty chips by the way don't eat too much now too much salt is bad oh too much salt is bad for you okay amber amber enjoy your chips okay let me grab the remotes let's enjoy the final episode of season three of block city all right amber i really hope you enjoy what ashley what are you doing come on come on sit down today is the final episode of vlog city wait wait where's the popcorn ashley where's the popcorn you got to tell me where the popcorn is amber you know where the popcorn no no rage reese junior is drought what this this better be a prank oh no no okay i need i need to put my tv remote back oh my gosh what this better be a prank what no race junior oh my god ray junior ray junior get out get out get out oh my god oh my gosh no no no no no this isn't the first time you almost drowned get out get out race junior what happened phew what happened raised junior you almost died ashley thank you daddy ashley what happened why was he out here all alone weren't you out here with him my goodness now now all my clothes is wet what were you thinking you know you can't swim i love you dad oh ray junior oh oh he almost died just now man i know he's been spoiled and everything lately but like he's been a brat lately but like oh i'm so sorry reyes jr what happened ashley i thought you were out mean oh i'm sorry here let me pet your head man now i'm all soaked oh no now all my clothes are soaked how am i gonna enjoy block city finale like this where is amber oh i wasn't here i just got home and i saw i thought you were here all along oh my god well i'm glad you're okay race junior go go go change right now go change right now ashley um um no i told you about oh yeah you've been uh you've been really addicted and very big about yoga lately range junior just closed the door and ashley ashley sit down oh i think she's mad at her ashley let's watch vlog city finale today's the last episode of block city uh block city season three ashley come on sit down with us oh race junior he just dang he changed pretty quick you know what soggy clothes screw it let's sit down can i watch yeah ray jr come on sit down right beside daddy and i'm so glad you're alive all right well ashley sit down we need to watch block city let me turn it on again amber you're gonna love this here's some salty chips take some salty chips rage junior take some salty chips i'm worried about rey's junior safety i i am too he almost died we almost had to perform cpr on him here take some salty chips ray junior we need to do something like what like watch black city season finale right yes actually these are really salty oh hey then don't eat them give them back to daddy no listen i swear she's always holding me back for watching my city ashley you listen to me i heard that ashley listen to me today is the ow no stop stop hitting me today you don't understand today is the last episode of block city season three oh why is amber oh amber's like don't hurt each other i don't care what oh okay okay well then we need to do something fine fine fine here here here uh let me let me let me just get the uh get the tv to record the the episode so we can watch when we get back okay let me let me set that up real quickly okay perfect all right let's get our son into swimming lessons yep that's exactly the idea i had except i don't want to teach him in the backyard like i used to be a swimmer and everything oh no i don't want no no no no it's okay it's okay rage junior i'll i'll get you i'll get you a happy meal okay i'll get you a happy meal if you go swimming lessons with us yeah okay okay i guess he changed his mind really quickly so actually i used to be a swimmer and everything too bad you learn how to swim yes you do ray junior um so i do want to teach him how to swim and i used to swim a lot back in the day but i think it would be better if we went to like a community pool or something like that with a lifeguard so it's safer what do you think swimming scare i i know rage junior i know what do you think ashley do you think um he needs professional lessons not us no i can teach him but as long as we have yes i can teach it i prom prom i promise you okay just trust me on this but we just need a lifeguard around that's all everyone let's go let's go oh wait wait wait raise junior come with me i bought you uh i bought you some swim trunks the other day what'd you say okay i trust you for now okay okay okay at least she's not like super stubborn like last time race junior come over here i got us some swim trunks here you go all right take the swim trunks there you go all right i got myself red a red pair of swim trunks race junior got himself blue swim trunks it's gonna be so so cool to see us like matching kind of with like some swim trunks all right everyone hop in the car ashley amber let's go let's go let's go let's go come on come on kids all right everyone in the car dang i'm almost out of gas compared to how much gas we start with all right everyone let's go on a little family trip wait us was the road this far out before hold on hold on just a second everyone what is this everyone get out of the car what's that i don't know but it looks like a brand new house they just built new people i don't know i don't know rage junior it says for sale there's a brand new house for sale here munich i don't know it could be possible we're getting new neighbors i hope they're good people right ashley we wouldn't want a bothersome neighborhood because you know the other neighbor over there she tried killing me when i was trying to pick up rey's junior awesome hopefully they're nice let me buy ray junior one day you'll be able to buy us a house you'll buy you'll buy mommy and daddy a house in the future yeah if you if you get a good job not me no no me not you what you're too young so selfish he's so selfish i swear guys everyone everyone hop in the car we need to go and look for a pool amber in the car race junior in the car all right let's go ahead and do a little turn inside the house all rights and let's go look for a pool hopefully we can find a pool around this uh city because i don't think we've ever seen a pool around here obviously there's no yeah i hate this house i'm never going back screw this house amber get back in the car um yeah so in this neighborhood i don't think there's a pool is there a pool inside the school because usually schools have like pools in them oh wait ashley what do you think about this pool right here you think this would be good for can you not drive on the oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry ashley what do you think about this what do you think about this uh this pool right here we could teach wait over there wait over where oh is is that a pool wait okay hop back in hop back in is that a mc mcdonald's wait a sec is that a that's a mcdonald's i've never never in my life have i seen a mcdonald's pool what in the world okay everyone okay mickey d's race junior loves his happy meal okay well then uh let's let's see if this pool allows for like random people like regular rain junior not mcdonald's we're going to the pool i'll get you happy meals after amber you want some mcdonald's after too yeah oh she looks so cute guys dang this pool is actually really nice we've got robert over here bob wait perfect and this pool has a lifeguard oh uh excuse me excuse me mr lifeguard chad um i was just wondering if you allow random people to come in here and swim if anyone can just come in here and swim they have lexie and nancy out here okay okay um yeah sure oh what about swimming lessons like i brought my son ray junior get down get down rage junior yeah sure um can i teach my son how to swim at this pool is that okay as long as you're supervising right because i don't want to like break any rules i would never do anything like that um is that okay with you chad because i i don't want to break any rules you know i don't want to step on your toes yeah it's okay i will guard your son oh ready all right raise junior you know what to do they said we can swim here ashley amber uh you guys can sit right here i think i'm only going to teach uh uh race junior on the shallow end of course so every uh rager come on we've got the boys changing room all right let's change real quickly you have your swimsuit right you have your swimsuit if you have your swimsuit can i be what you're you're one years old you're my son where all right let's change real quickly raise junior you look so cute in a swim trunks all right and look at me ah man we got the we got the red swim trunks and you got the blue and you look [Music] get out get out i'm really about to push this kid in here he can he can drown he can drown at this point i'm just i'm just kidding i'm just kidding all right race junior are you ready for your uh yeah he didn't hear that he didn't hear that race junior you you ready to swim oh wow you guys look alike we look like twins he said no wait you're not you're not ready to swim oh um come on jump in jump in race junior i scared i mean it makes sense he almost drowned and died just today i'm gonna die okay no you're not gonna die rage junior okay okay you you move over there bob bob stay away from my son go over there go over there bob okay over here over here over here race junior daddy will catch you when you jump okay all right don't be scared don't be scared okay all right on three i'll catch you one two three jump jump jump yay okay okay okay daddy caught you daddy caught you oh my god oh my god no no stop driving i caught you you're in my hands you're in my arms right now it's okay right cold i know i know i know it's very cold right now but your body will warm up don't worry okay so the first thing i'm gonna teach you is how to float okay so you wanna push off you wanna push off jump in the water okay try jumping in the water race junior jump jump jump jump jump okay okay keep jumping and then start kicking your feet start kicking your feet ow no ouch he just kicked me no don't kick so hard small kicks small kicks see see see now you're floating okay that is step number one you're learning you're learning race junior very good very good very good okay okay do you like swimming now do you like samina me did it okay okay so far you know i think i think i can trick him into liking swimming at least he doesn't oh what did mommy say good job son oh see how cute he is ashley amber's just sitting there just chilling i don't even know what she's doing at this point she's i feel like she's gonna fall asleep soon she'll have to get taught how to swim because she's a little too young right now raise junior all right oh ashley's just sitting by the pool now she wants a better view all right race junior next step i'm going to teach you oh amber singing hey amber don't get don't get too close to the edge now ashley can you watch her please i don't want her to drown okay all right junior next step i'm going to teach you how to swim freestyle all right but except except i can't have you swimming over here because i don't want you to drown and stuff die no no no ray junior rager back up back up or else you will die no no uh i'm just um i'm just making sure you're a good teacher yep i'm a good teacher i promise you but make sure you watch amber oh okay okay by the end of today i promise you you'll be swimming in the deep end okay this is boring no no no no no okay i'm gonna teach you how to swim freestyle now we're gonna swim this way this way okay so what you want to do is kick your feet off the off the wall okay and then try to go as far as you can and swing your arms alright swing your arms and make sure you breathe side to side and make sure you're kicking too hey no no get up get up let me let me pick you up okay okay ready everything i taught you you're supposed to use it let me show you first okay let me show you first what you want to do is kick off the wall oh okay okay okay that's how you do it raise junior that's how you do it all right i want to see you do it okay daddy will catch you if you need me all right ready three okay okay let's do it two okay okay one and let's go range junior go go go go go kick off the wall kick off the wall okay don't drown now come on okay okay whoa whoa oh my gosh what he did it so well raised junior you did so good race junior see i smart all right all right all right hey hey i just didn't have any faith in you because you almost died today i don't know how that happened maybe water went up your nose or something and that that was deep end wow you're doing really good mommy is so proud of you son um ashley is it over is it okay if i let him in the deep end or no no okay okay no deep end rage junior no deep end okay okay she said no but me big boy no rage junior maybe later maybe later okay um not not on the first day okay can you watch uh can you watch race junior swim on the this side real quick i want to go i'm going to go jump off the diving board right hey lifeguard how's it going man ready three two one hey race junior watch daddy jump off the diving board three two one oh let's go let's go be careful don't worry i'm a professional no no you said me next no no next time okay next time you come here next time you come here you can do that well you did a good job today you did a good job today race junior keep swimming keep keep doing the um you know keep keep swimming from left no no not towards the deep end dang he's getting actually really quick wow maybe next time no defend yet son i wonder when the pool is gonna close it is uh we have been here for quite some time but you know we i guess we can swim for a little longer okay mommy yeah make sure you listen to mom okay make sure you listen to mommy keep swimming keep swimming it's getting a little late i wonder when they close yeah when do they close i wonder when they close hmm hey chad how's it going man ray junior's just having so much fun excuse me uh-oh am i in trouble oh the pool is about to close in about a minute oh uh all right all right don't worry don't worry we're we're just about leaving all right thank you chad for being such a good lifeguard rage junior you know what to do oh this was actually fun though oh see you guys i'm a good teacher all right get out get out raise junior get outraged junior you know what to do hop in the changing room we need to change and you know you know what you know what race junior after i'll get you some happy meal okay okay junior yay okay okay all right let's change real quick our race junior it's time to get you some happy meal get out get out let's go let's go let's go to mcdonald's let's go to mcdonald's i know he's so now all right junior i know you love being in the pool i don't know why these guys aren't leaving yet there's the pool is about to the pool's about to close in a minute so all right everyone let's head on over to mcdonald's come on guys come on everyone amber you want happy meal too right yeah dude look at look how happy she was all right everyone let's get on in i wonder if anyone's working at mcdonald's what who there you are raise your hair come over here come come to dad come to dad there you are uh what ashley ashley remember what i told you i've been looking for you ashley remember what i told you amber amber stay close to dad stay close to dad i've been looking die die die everyone up in the car everyone hop in the car quick quick quick quick quick oh my god no no no no no wait wait that's his car did he just hop in oh my oh my gosh he just hopped in his own car okay okay i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going what the heck wait no he's not chasing that go dad oh oh he's actually chasing us what the heck oh my gosh we're gonna die we're gonna die i told you guys he's a killer he's a cold-blooded killer what the heck what the heck what the heck omg bad i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry wait wait where is he where is he is everything okay is everything okay oh [Music] it's him wait he's not is he not there anymore wait huh wait everyone in the car everyone back in the car everyone back in the car maybe we should just go home or something should we just go home i swear i just heard like a crashing noise ashley said no ashley i think i heard like a crashing noise i don't want to be a witness or anything we need to make sure he's okay what what you want to make sure a killer is okay he tried to kill us what if he's hop in the car ashley hop in the car i'll go back i'll go back okay fine fine fine i'll go back who cares he's still human you're right ashley you're right you're right he's no no no you're not right he's no human he's not a human being he's a all right wait wait wait a second wait do you guys see that mark is on the floor wait wait ashley should i run him over should i run him over ashley what do you what do you think ashley he crashed into the tree run over race junior said run over all right okay okay maybe i shouldn't maybe i shouldn't run over oh wow everyone out of the car there's so much hey ray junior don't touch that knife don't touch that what there's so much blood splatter all around no raise junior kids kids kids stay in the car or something ketchup no that is not ketchup rage junior oh my gosh i got some blood in my oh my gosh no one touched anything i accidentally touched the blood hey don't get too close kids kids get back in the car right now is did mark actually die uh i think we don't want him to look like we killed him okay okay maybe we should go maybe we should go i think we should go i think we should go because if we call the police i think if amber get out of the driver's seat i feel like if we call the police and stuff they might think we did it let's get out of yeah we are getting out of here i told you ashley we should have gotten out of here in the first place that was fun i don't think that last part was fun rage junior but okay i'm sorry well everyone everyone let's pretend like nothing happened oh my goodness i discard amber i think this is the first time amber has seen a dead body i know race junior is used to this by now because he's caused the dead body but everyone in the house we never talk about this again oh amber's so scarred oh no oh everyone in wait wait what'd she say what did ashley say he did what you know what he did you know exactly what he did you were there ah ashley i don't know where the uh popcorn is but i can finally finally i can finally where's the where's the chips you know what i'm gonna enjoy a box of donuts there's no popcorn oh are you okay amber ah all right to cheer everyone up come over here come over here everyone i'm gonna put the box of donuts right here just for myself all right everyone sit down on no hey ray julia stop taking my amber oh my you know what they're my kids enjoy your donuts enjoy your donuts everyone sit down everyone sit down on the couch we're gonna enjoy the last episode of season three of block city in minecraft let's get started [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 1,072,622
Rating: 4.9061151 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, RageElixir Block City, Block City Movie, Block City Season 3, RageElixir Block City Minecraft, Minecraft Roleplay RageElixir, Roleplay Minecraft, RageElixir Roleplay Minecraft, Block City Roleplay, Ashley and RageElixir, RageElixir Jr, Rage Jr, Minecraft Java, Java Minecraft
Id: 1i2TRgOy1tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 46sec (11026 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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