I Became The STRONGEST PLAYER in Minecraft!

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all right guys welcome back to block lives another day at the job well the first day was quite interesting it was a little crazy bringing raise junior here and uh going to the herobrine dimension but hopefully things are back to normal with dr panic and the lab itself unless that was normal well i mean let's let's hope not let's hope not but uh at least we can see that the portal is back to normal you know not activated and everything so yeah let's see let's see what dr panic has oh he seems to be hard at work yo dr panic how's every uh how's everything going mr mr uh rage uh what's up you're back yes i am the second day at the job perfect well um do you have anything you know you know any anything for me to do today yeah but where is cha oh i'm the red ra rage junior is excuse me dr panic reese jr is one years old he's one years old this is my job not his and what what do you mean and he was pr perfect for what he ruined everything he stole your he stole your mod starter and he and he activated the portal no no no no no no no it was oh no sigh oh my gosh this guy is crazy well i have one question for you we aren't gonna do anything crazy like uh mr herobrine right here right anymore hmm oh no the fact that he has to think about it is scaring me is is everything okay depends oh it does oh oh okay well i'd like to hear what what you know what you haven't i lost my ham oh your hammer what hammer you have a hammer wait what yes oh oh okay um am i supposed to help look for it so we are gonna find oh i feel like this has nothing to do with the job itself oh okay okay we can look for it we need you to be stronger okay okay okay okay i i will get strong wait what follow i'm so confused what do you mean you need me to be stronger okay this is weird this is what the why are there weight racks who is that guy right bah wait come here bob wait a second he looks really familiar hey yo hey what's up guys do you look like a totem of undyne why are you roasting a movie so that's where i remember him from wait wait wait wait why are you here in block city he is pure i i i i think such a skeleton you talking you talking to me you talking to me bob no doctor panic he doesn't look like pure science he looks dr penny he doesn't look like pure science he looks like pure steroids you know look at him look at him muscles and they're so oily and nasty same thing i guess you're not wrong like steroids is like is like dude this man is carrying weight racks not just one weight he's carrying full weight racks let me let me let me try to carry this real quick how are you doing you got a problem with that uh um no no oh my gosh i would not want to get into a fight with this guy right yo yo you want to pee no no i i don't want a piece of you please yo relax relax why is he here bob bob go wait dr pettig why is he here this is not it wait up is that needle on the floor well wait what wait what what did you just say will be him what do you mean will be him you oh no no i no i don't want to be him no no dr patting wait why is there squid no no no no no no no no dude look at him why why would i want to be this guy why would i want to be this ugly big chin big chin bald oily what oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i i need the hammer i don't know where the hammer is you go find it i i think he's mad guys whoa let me let me add him no no leave me alone i do not want to get into a fight with that big greasy ball hey he's gonna kill me yo this big dude's gonna kill me dude okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry bob i was just joking it was just jokes it was just jokes okay you better okay yeah yeah it was just jokes it was just jokes okay what the is he you want to go in bob where he's gonna make him a test subject nah okay okay okay okay okay let's continue all right bob you you you do whatever you need to do okay then stop all right dr panic let's get to work let's get to work i feel like we haven't been working uh you said you needed your hammer right where the heck is your hammer we got this wait what the wait what does that say book of skills um okay uh so this is how we make you strong i like what i hear at least you're not telling me to inject that needle into me okay good good good uh right right we're not gonna use that right there right doctor panic because i do uh no no no no if we need to use that i'm not gonna get stronger i don't care keep that away from me but uh we have the book this book of skills what do i do with it open okay so it seems like we have accelerator furnace attack speed cutting digging king of the ladder what leaper look at the sea mining what is this pvp protection soft landing and strong fist so i guess these are like different abilities i can like well i can upgrade these abilities we have an xp bank and we also have abilities oh so right now i don't have any abilities i believe oh yes okay so how do i get started i i'm really down because if i can get if i if i can you know get stronger without lifting weights dude i will do that as long as i don't have to inject stuff into me we need to follow the map what map wait what he he's not gonna let me see them no what what's bob doing over here what's up bob i'm on break what is that oh he's eating us he's in a salad at least at least he's being healthy what are you doing i don't care go back all right yo what is going on all right let's get stronger let's get stronger go go back to yeah go go back to you know lifting your weights all right dr panic what's up wait no doctor panic no no no no no no no no you you didn't say any no no doctor panic you said nothing about you said nothing about going into the portal no no don't defend no no stop no [Music] where the heck did this just take us this is this is not the same herobrine world that we were at last time why why did it take us somewhere else this time we are in somewhere i honestly thought we were going to be taken to the herobrine dimension what uh we have so many zombies right here and like where is this like a dungeon dr panda do you know where we are oh on the map is this the same trait oh my so this is how bob gosh okay well what was the needle all about i'm kind of confused it says your hand has to get stronger okay i think my hand's pretty strong right now look ha ha i think he's pretty strong weak wow i i guys i feel so disrespected right now he just called my more stronger okay well let me see what's inside this bottle of enchanting okay i'm gonna use this real quick maybe okay let me get some levels real quick okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you're going overboard there okay okay okay got me some xp strong okay so what do i do with all this xp what do i do with all this xp dr panic book all right which one all right so we have all these abilities right here that we took a look at before um i'm guessing it's the strong okay yep it's the strong fist so i i click on it right and then do i upgrade it how many times can i just upgrade as many times as i want as many oh say less all right all right okay okay i think i think dr pat yo dr patting has no chill he's still going okay i'm level 30 now dr panic let me open up the book you said strong fists right i'm gonna go into strong fists and i'm going to upgrade it as many times wait i need more levels all right let's go max let's go max all right dr panic i guess it's time to go in there i i want to test my strength so badly we okay are you ready all right all right i'm ready i'm ready are you gonna go are you gonna come with me no okay i'm going in hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa wait what okay okay i thought this was gonna make me super strong why isn't it working why isn't it working why am i so weak why am i so weak why was i so weak dr panic i thought it was gonna be strong would have taken 21 hits from me oh that is true i did kill them pretty quickly guys it would be so nice to get them in like one hit though that would be insane wait get stronger skin more xp all right go crazy go crazy on me dr panic let's do it oh my gosh dr panic you have you don't have to go that crazy okay okay okay so it says get stronger skin what do i have to do for this one dr panic the dense okay the dense okay the dense skin wait did i just get so many more abilities just now i could have sworn i only had like eight different ones and all of a sudden boom i have so many more where's dense skin okay this is dead skin all right time to upgrade this holy crap why do i have so much xp all right i'm do it i'm ready i'm ready dr panic power of science i got you here take all these i'm ready to go oh we have so many skeletons oh oh wait a second it's not hurting me as much if you take a look i have no armor on at all whatsoever and i'm just healing up super super easily and also it's not doing too much damage to me it's like doing half a heart every single arrow oh my goodness this is so so easy i mean i am still dying though hurry up oh oh yeah you're right you're right you right i just i just wanna test it out you know wait wha why why is there why is there a lava doctor wait become a dragon what so this is the test you put bob under are you trying to kill us this man is trying to make it he's he's trying to get rid of us somehow oh wait a second i need more xp dr panic throw more xp at me please uh which ability do i have to use for this one is it the same one is it still density ob shield what's ob shield okay let me see which one obsidian shield huh what is this supposed to do decreases the fire and lava damage of the player dang this man wasn't lying to me we are actually going to become one of the strongest players in minecraft level 17. keep going keep going i want to level up more all right here we go here we go i think it's time guys all right you better not be lying you better not be lying to me dr panic i better not die in this lava i swear you're trying to get rid of me okay you go first dr panda you go first you go through the lava first what do you mean no what do you mean no oh i i oh wait wait i hear him burning i hear him burning wait but he's still alive okay i'm going to try it i'm gonna he's still throwing these motions okay i'm kind of scared though okay okay here we go there you guys guys guys this could be the death of me but i'm gonna try it three two one and ah i'm gonna die i'm gonna burn wait wait i didn't take any damage at all i mean it would be nice to have some water right now i am still burning it doesn't change the fact that i'm burning right now in my lab coat too bad man this dude's so mean wait rabbit time rabbit time we got more xp okay which one is this one which one is this one we have a frog right here leaper increases the jump height okay and we should be good to go there we go i got max level i got max level for leaper all right let me see how what this is crazy normal human beings should not be able to jump this high what in the world okay it's still going to be super hard to do this parkour course oh my gosh this is gonna take me forever all right let's see dr panic do the magic okay he's good with science and he's good with parkour what is this man okay okay it's so weird with these new abilities i feel like guys what in the world guys with these new abilities i i do not feel human at all right now it's so it's so difficult to like adjust to this what is he saying too easy it's not easy for me oh oops i i i should have jumped oh can i make it to the end without falling please tell me i can make it all right one more jump in i made it dr panic i made it took so hey you're used to this i don't know how many times you've been through this opposite here get off get off get off dr panic yeah hey you yeah do it again do it again become as light as a feather okay we have more xp potions should i just jump guys it doesn't seem like too far of a fall hey uh hey doctor panic this hey dr panic this uh this fall doesn't seem that far down why does he always seem so bad my goodness you will die whoa whoa why is he talking like an evil person man get soft landing okay soft landing it is all right let me get some more levels real quickly all right let's see if we can get all ten level yeah i i think i have enough xp uh dr panic i think i have enough um i guess it's time to jump i'm kind of scared okay you hey what how oh whoa i do fall very nimbly i am falling much slower than usual but that that seemed a lot faster i'm not gonna lie doctor panic all right all right i believe you now i believe you now okay all right next uh our next test is gotta hit faster and get more health hold up why are there so many mobs in here there's zombie pig two more skills okay only two more and i be i and i get to become the strongest player in minecraft whoa i get armor this time too oh say oh my gosh this is nice this is nice okay let me put on all this armor real quickly oh this is perfect okay attack speed and health boost so these are the last two is what you're talking about okay so uh let's see attack speed which one is attack speed okay attack speed let me level this up all right just one more level just one more level and boom all right time to level up extra oh my i just got maxed out all right dr panic i'm very confident so i'm gonna go in without a sword take my sword take my sword dr panic i'm going in without a sword this is gonna be so easy watch this i'm not even scared watch this i have so many okay okay maybe this was a bad idea but i do have a bunch of health oh no oh no i feel like i just left dr pedic to die but i feel like i can do this without okay okay i'm gonna eat this golden apple doctor panic i don't need your help i don't need your help don't even help me doctor panic look i'm gonna take i'm gonna take them on with just my fist this is it's just how easy it is i'm the strongest player in minecraft i'm the strongest player of minecraft easy easy easy i'm gonna become stronger than bob see you see that you see that how are you doing what do you mean how am i doing this you should have seen this with bob unless he wasn't able to do it like me i'm just stronger than him i feel like i am stronger than him dr panic tell that to him i will i will tell that to him okay okay let's keep going let's oh let's keep going then why why am i so huge wait what why are you so big yo i might be bigger than bob now what in the world wait start chopping down the wood and get to the other end wait a second oh my god okay so i have an axe right here you look strange i'm sorry i i didn't do anything i just upgraded my skills and this is what happened he just fainted he just fainted dr panic wake up wake up dr panic all right which ability do i need to level up this time i need to level up some sort of uh chopping okay okay chopping it is all right and what else that's it just chopping all right this is gonna be so yo this this is basically like efficiency wait what this is basically like efficiency five enchanting but without it wait what if what about my hand okay it's definitely not with my hand oh my gosh i'm super strong i'm super human see you later doctor panic find the door grab the shovel all right let me grab the shovel this is gonna be so easy which ability is this one let's look for a shovel digging okay let me level this up and let's go ahead and dig oh my gosh super easy look at this just one click just one click boom boom boom boom okay it's not as fast as i thought it was gonna be but it's still pretty fat i'm assuming the door is just gonna be right where the heck is the door oh i found it oh mine mine mine no now we have mining abilities dr peck oh last one okay good good good good finally i can leave after this and then i can confront bob just to test out if there's a change or not i'm at level zero right now i just degraded all my levels so i'm gonna try mining with just normal it's a it's pretty fast with the diamond pickaxe but it's not as fast as i want it to be so i'm going to grab the book of skills go to the mining ability and upgrade it all the way to max level level 25 and let's test it out again oh my okay okay i can definitely notice i there's there's a noticeable difference as you guys can see but where the heck is the other side i just want to get out of here he said this was the last level oh wait this time it was on the side you're trying to trick me dr panic oh here's your prize yo we got diamonds we got okay okay thank you so much i will be taking this doctor wait doctor pen give me wait that's your hammer isn't it yo this is the thing you were looking for why was it here that's the real question were you trying to make me come here today someone stole oh did they oh taking everything i'm taking everything wait you can keep that as pay all right perfect sounds good i will take all these diamonds i will take all this gold is it time to head back to the lab are you yes i'm ready to go home i'm done i'm done with all these tests i'm ready to confront bob and beat him up after all the crap he was talking finally we're back and it is night time now i think it's time for me to go home but before i do i have some business to handle dr panic take me to the chamber what do you mean what what do you mean what you know what i'm talking about hey you know what i'm talking about i still have my size look at me look at me wait i'm gonna take off my armor i'm gonna take off my armor this is too funny okay i don't look like i have i've been using steroids but this man down here does bob wait why is he breaking all this glass yo what's up bob you got a problem with me yeah you got a problem with me yeah what is he doing he was breaking the test tubes in my chamber no hopefully doctor panda can fix this hey dr panic i had a very great second day of hey dr panic i had a very great i feel like i could have knocked him out with my punch but not skeleton yeah i'm not a skeleton no more you got a problem with me you got a problem with me bob but it but i'm better no look at the size comparison i am bigger than him now rage what's up man what's up i had a very great day of work get him dude don't don't tell me what to do but i will get him but let me just say i had an amazing second day of work he said you're fired bob you're fired look at him he said heck no he said come at me oh you said it not me all right all right all right sounds good then all right let me let me reel up my fist real quick i'ma punch him as hard as i can guys with my newfound strength i should be able to knock him out in one punch wait hit me with your all right i'm gonna be i'm gonna basically knock you out with one punch like one punch man i dare you all right oh let's go i knocked him out his head fell into the bench he's so dazed right now look at him look at him nerd let's go all right dr panic i had a really amazing uh second day of work but uh i think it's time for me to go back home i i need to show my wife and the kids like my new my new my new physique i am so so giant oh my goodness i'm like three times the size of a normal person now wait whose car is this is this bob's car i have no idea whose car this is to be honest see you rage all right see you later oh my gosh my head is sticking out of the car what in the world this is crazy [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 1,892,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Playing as The Strongest Player in Minecraft, Minecraft Strongest Player, RageElixir Minecraft Strongest Player, Strongest Player in Minecraft, I Became The Strongest Player in Minecraft, RageElixir Block Labs, RageElixir Minecraft Block Labs, RageElixir Block City, How to Play as The Strongest Player in Minecraft, How to Become The Strongest Minecraft Player
Id: kgqcm2sLwzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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