We Became BEES To Help Our MINECRAFT Friend!

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my friend and I become these through a secret mine now I get to see what it's like to play Minecraft as derby we also get some amazing unique abilities on top of that we discover someone have been up to no good on the server what will be life be like let's find out where the baby I've looked high low and I found how many bean therapies know me I just go to the hive it should be over here alright check and there are no bees in the hive that's probably because noise farm them all what I don't have any bees in my little bee place but I'm super way to be we gotta get some bees in here I know we got to get some bees but I don't have any unless you're hiding them at your house I have a secret way I plan I have a plan secret plan what kind of secret plan iconic where we get bees yeah sure I'm ready let's go we gotta go we're taking me does this look like anywhere yet this is the desert of course not we got to keep going whoa fine alright hi oh yeah you probably need this don't you oh yeah oh oh God why why else we're gonna go in the ocean forbidden what I mean you could swim if you want but I I'm just gonna get in your boat you're gonna take me wherever you're going out let's steer anymore it's fine fine okay sure great I'll just have to put double the work in for half the speed are you saying why are you saying up oh my god you just said I'll spit heavily no I just said that this is a lot about you oh because you know what we're here we finally made it [Laughter] yes yeah look at that we found the everywhere and do B&B flower it's lovely you know what there's a special thing that happens if you eat it you eat the flower you eat the best no I'm not eating this no no don't it's very valuable hold on hold on if I eat it first will you then eat it yeah you can have a beef boy it's so awesome to be and hey if you want to be awesome out there why don't you like how to subscribe button it by you want to make sure you get all those that don't nice oh my god so little BB we got so if we got back so much fast no we don't have to use those ol legs anymore we just use that it's so nice so I got some wheat seeds I'm destroying your farm by the way to say you know no I had one potato and I spent many weeks growing all the rest of them but all right fine grandma's planting seeds are I gotta be a B all right I gotta go like do stuff oh yeah you know what please do not do is what potatoes become a new beer oh my god do colors you can aspire to the power Cindy however be you desire this is on me I can't believe it somebody's house yes a nice server he's got all the Beast of cows Michael design cities enemy which is odd in a row we're just being left out bees go be free be free you know beep oh you release yeah there are bees all right we gotta be together or we could collect the beasts our own selves just say wait wait speaking of collecting bees no I took all the bees I bet you he sold his ease to Chris somehow like maybe he's like you get some diamond gonna be some bees know what hey that sounds like a real gig I'm not gonna play Mike good know what you know what how about this how about since were bees okay Jane as bees see what he's up to alright okay sneaky sneaky nice honey so I can be you have a bean you didn't tell me well you can't do a whole lot with what began you we're gonna do about this he's obviously stolen from me someone gotta get back at him somehow right I'll check on you later okay see you lo see Louie you might see us through windows be careful Shh all right so what do you want what do you want to do I'll take his stuff I wanna I mean no that seems kind of tit for tat doesn't it just a little basic breaker yeah turn to blue be turned to blue here don't be a baby okay all right so listen about this no I'm gonna say I follow my cues okay say over here same here going hey guys just enjoy it now the day you had gone out with check on my B's you know I'm gonna do some baking later that's nice I'm so glad you got the B's that's the nicest thing ever you know yeah I really wish I had some B's hmm hey I mean if you just keep looking around I'm sure you'll find one sometime here yeah I'm sure that's how you found yours are you saying he should be a better beekeeper just you know fair's fair is a count I don't have any bees right now I might be very bad at keeping them speaking of bees you know that there's actually something new on the server right now I do have you seen the rare beasts rare yes about the prophecy yes exactly have you like okay so there's like different color bees there's a red B the red beet oh my god you have to stay with Matt whoa what what what terrifying Peruvian land P yeah it's a red beet and it's uh it's very interesting the red B it's known for just starting to fires okay he starts a fire so uh I mean I'm in that dangerous to move around don't listen to Pierce but you know it's uh you may want to see if it's if you got on fire you may want to stop it yeah oh you came over to put out the fires just extreme while you do it very poor oh my god but that's not even oh yeah well you know the worst part about the blue B and the red BR oh it's absolute worse they're projectiles stingers are extremely tightly so uh in other words don't if you definitely don't interact with those red and blue beams because they're just a myth right yeah warning guys don't like you ran into them so how did your house your house fair Rebecca came up here quick yeah alright so so I'm gonna grab something so that they I think we've taught no a lesson yeah I had my fun here I think it's time that we we you know we made his life a little bit better because a little okay yeah you got good stuff you guys I got it all figured out I know I think I know where you go I'm sorry trust me no just cuz we were bees doesn't be we actually have to do bee puns all the time you know that right we do don't you dare say that we don't have to know are you still there yeah just trying to fix up my house it's Clinic had a lot of water now it's a little okay well you know what you know what that's it's perfectly fine don't worry because there's other so there's bad bees but then there's also good bees you let's make sure you don't leave your door open you know yeah no that's a classic rookie mistake a little earlier what color be what color be it's rich it's a good thing it's a good thing if it's orange well you know what the blue becomes in if there's a blue P that normally follows it if it comes in your stupid lucky because those two bees together are amazing oh oh yeah that's like winning the lottery and succeeding here tests all at the same time it's fantastic exactly but if they're together what they start doing is they actually start tossing like diamonds and gold it's awesome but you know what that's not it there's other bees that are amazing too you won't believe it alright so uh so there's another bee there's there's like pea there's a pink beet and a purple alright so I'm gonna talk about the honey bee first yup he is really really really nice cuz if you go if you go outside normally the pinky all it does is it starts to play it starts planting foul flowers which is really good for you because you have you know your your your high farm so you may want to go them oh my god but the purple B is probably the best one of all uh-huh Oh it'll be right there with me oh my god well the purple pee what it does is it actually stops you it starts to help you rebuild your house it's a builder go oh don't you build yeah I know thank you so much but you found it you found all these bees in one day Oh be like whispers so I could suit your Exeter's sounds good yeah it's sweet please help build your house it's really really helpful you know and if you find two purple bees then you really set for life bro oh yeah yeah yeah it helps you they help you build your house three yeah it's really really handy what's happening with those bees I think they're trying to build your house you know that's what bees do they totally do that yeah but sometimes it's kind of hard to do to build our houses because sometimes it's really hard being to be all right Shh you should be grateful wait please don't do that absolutely they do especially when those bees is me baby the other things I feel like I've been dunked on Wow you mean you've been betrayed okay that's my line so betrayed okay but you know we'll train you still one of my bees all right and I just figured it'd just do you need a lot of comeuppance for that all right yeah yeah I agree well I mean yeah I did steal the baby but um well sorry not sorry [Laughter] [Music] unplugged your house again after flooding it you know it would be nice to get a fresh perspective um yeah you want you want it you're taking the big world let me do it let me do it can we come in here I'll give ya I'm gonna try some pierce pressure alright alright well I Tommy trust me Ruby you could be a white B you yellow blue the poor Hank the orange bead you can be anything so lowly you can Oh what kind of B can't sting people I mean come on that's the best part about being a B okay so feels great to be a peep turn back to normal turn back to normal like like like a Ricky there be no like like a regular player like how do I get back to being regular Oh like being a human um yeah regular person yeah yeah no we're stuck Pierce what what do you mean you have nothing okay hey I was just the big guy I built up and dreamed up the idea of becoming a B I didn't I didn't go past bad what do you think of the plan Wow sorry let's start some milk I got a second one here you go eh I just want to see you a to see if it works is it work I tried it didn't work no hate water everybody knows to do it well you know if you dip yourself in the water you probably don't know it didn't work now am i no your water B but there's no such thing as water P you know this I got lots of carrots guys try the carrots I mean maybe maybe it'll improve our eyesight and make us human no no Presley not that other okay well they kill a sheep let's be rational adults about this let's figure this out I'm gonna go swim in lava let's let's see let's let's see let's see hold on no no absolutely come on okay you know what just a flavy B now that's wait did that work do that work does that work are you personally don't you know I will be party to this B this is my existence for now forevermore don't panic whatever you do I was trying to think of how we turned it B's why don't we just eat the bar is to turn us to the bees maybe we could turn back out of bees then why don't you think about the first place I've been awesome Wow don't see the arrows to work either okay thank you thank you for let me try that sure I'm so happy to hear you go have a flower there you go all right I got just one here are you - no anyway yeah just wonder for you thank you all right let's see already be two one oh sorry I know I mean to get you all right do it get shot get a shot a shot okay anything it doesn't work ooh Roselli berry I gotta go be forever doing this all your doctor really wanted be I am so going to sting you [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,692,516
Rating: 4.9081683 out of 5
Keywords: Playing as bees in minecraft aphmau, minecraft bees aphmau, minecraft aphmau, aphmau, minecraft bee videos, minecraft bee pranks, how to prank your friends as a bee in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, minecraft bees, becoming a bee in minecraft, minecraft bee mods, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, minecraft honey blocks, minecraft beehive, beehive, bees, minecraft buzzy bees update
Id: vyY7nOFWK9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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