Buzzing Around as a BABY BEE In Minecraft!

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our minecraft server is buzzing with b but the cutest of all is my baby bee she's as sweet as honey but watch out because sometimes she won't be hey and this mischievous little bee packs a powerful sting my friends will have to be her babysitter and take care of her to help her find her way home can they help this cute little bee find where she belongs or will her pollen powers save the day oh and you know what i think would be unbelievable is if you like this video and subscribe but thanks oh i'm adorable oh my god i can't stop flapping or else am i dying guys this way come on how much further do we have to go oh it's right here on look at the big flower i found isn't [Music] that it something else okay what what is it you wanted us to see uh the big beautiful shiny possibly mutated flower okay it's a it's a big vegetable great what do you got wait vegetables hang on hang on what is that is that a beast [Music] hey stop stop if you don't hurt the bee the bee won't hurt you yeah yeah you want to get stung you keep that thing away from me oh you know what we better find it tied to her no no no we gotta find the hive and burn it i'm not missing smoke probably shouldn't have stood so close and just look at her ian she's looking to be pretty well behaved oh my gosh why are you guys making so many bee puns i swear if you make one more i'm gonna burn the whole server down hey no believe us if you behave around the bee the bee will be nice to you stop it oh look she's trying to give you some love now stop being like that and just apologize that's it i'm i'm burning the server down down no getting to work okay yeah well i was gonna try to handle that but it looks like she had that under control oh don't cry [Music] ian oh come on guys let's take her to my a house environment clearly oh you're so cute you know there's something i've always been wondering kawaii why is it that you always seem to have a baby area just always prepared in your house oh uh well you never know what might happen so always best to be prepared oh huh cool okay what was that for [Music] well i mean babies do like pollen so maybe we should get her some flowers so that she can uh yeah have a little more polish oh well i guess that makes sense she was hanging around a giant one when we found her so yeah ian kind of damaged that one hey you know it had it coming if that's the mother nature will pay you back in spades or these things all right you know you you all can get the you can get the b flowers i i'm not helping noy you come with me we're gonna see if we can find something for this little one okay be good little one no no no no no no no no be careful well we just need a place that has a good selection we need a place that has less bees oh i think we found the jackpot all right then i'll try to keep an eye on what she gravitates towards and just start going for those i said buzz i like this one oh she likes puppies all right step away little b we'll get it for you wait did you say you found puppies poppies poppies ian how's everything going oh boy oh what is this she just had that on her okay hello b no wait i don't like honey i don't like bees and i i i don't i don't like it [Music] that is that is a lot she must have had a i can't escape the honey why is there so much honey i'm stingy and i don't like it good job baby i'm all slow now too well you kind of had yourself to blame for that ian hang on i'm going to try and wash off in the river yeah hey what what is that what is that is that a bear i'm covered in honey no no no no no no no no all right uh stop it no no i don't what i don't want it there stay calm uh let let's uh let's let's help him out a little bit uh yeah i think that's probably a good idea uh ian just keep moving guys okay just keep moving in don't stop oh oh easy easy guys i really don't uh i need help i need help i need to get away from this bear guys it really does feel safe here [Music] oh guys i think i'm okay that uh there's this like strange gelatin it's honey honey saves me and the bear um fell okay now what do you have to say to her ian i still don't like bees also why why is the honey growing around me um she's still dropping it oh how do i escape honey guys uh eat it i don't like it so much honey uh guys you want you want to help me out here all right baby let's go let's go have some snacks he's so lucky that must be done come on up little he'll be fine he can take care of himself oh no see you later ian [Music] okay baby do you want some honey cake [Music] wow apparently not enough oh my goodness they're going like hot cakes more like it yeah maybe i need to make you some more cake it's all gone now yeah you missed your chance can i have some she just said it's all gone ian get the honey out of your ears wait hang on there actually is honey in my ears did you say you're out of honey cake yeah oh you'd like them they were super sweet and super delicious but i love sweets i love delicious i just don't like beans i didn't do anything and what'd you do for oh [Music] yeah i was gonna say i think we need i need more i need more honey guys i'm out okay well if i come i get to have some honey cake too right besides you all owe me again for leaving me in the ravine i don't remember that go back out to the flower [Music] all right let's follow the little one here they may they may know so wait um hang on how do you how do you get honey out of beehives oh good idea well there are a couple of safe ways to go about it hey what about um throwing things at them what oh no i wouldn't that's like the worst idea you could think of i mean there are a lot of hives up there i think we get a lot of honey wow [Music] okay okay come on little b that's enough i know [Music] oh stop throwing me boy he he just launched didn't he uh this baby's got a nasty little temper come on we know ian's gonna come on this is all ian's fault for him just not liking bees so much yeah that's true yeah yeah the uh the uh the beast oh the b stung me ow she did it again come on little one you need to learn not to sting people what do you expect to do catch her or something nope and you know what i think i think we should put the bee in time out whoa yeah come on we're sorry but it's for your own good now we can go get honey in peace kauai chan can make some more honey cakes and then we can all be friends again right perfect okay i'm going to go get some honey oh she's like your little one no that didn't i didn't do much [Music] oh are you sleepy little one okay come on let's go take a nap i still think she needs timeout time no no looks like she's starting to wind down for the night [Music] well it's getting pretty late too i really need to get dinner for myself anyway i mean plus i could possibly stay here for dinner if that's all right with you you know it's just well actually i i don't know i think i can take care of her by myself oh yeah you can go have dinner what uh uh oh oh okay that's that's fine i'll just head out then and [Music] all right she's down so i'm gonna i guess i'll go to bed too now is my time to cause ultimate mischief okay all right so so i'm going to just buzz on out of here let's see up and then okay she'll never notice that all right let's see what's what's going on what was that noise oh no oh no oh no okay all right let's see so ultimate revenge starts with these guys here who tried to put me in the cage earlier all right let's see what is ian up to or should i say because i'm going to sting him okay i think i got everything i need my own honey cake i love honey cake but i can't stand honey i it's just it's just not right anyway okay let's see [Music] hello who who stole my honey cake anyone it's it's scary at night it's fine i can i can just make some more uh after collecting honey tomorrow okay let's go back inside and what what is this what what why am i stuck in my doorway honey hang on i can get myself free from this stuck wait what if i wasn't stuck in this honey right now i'd be coming after you and get more some more what did we say about stinging can you can you not sting me not sting me so much that would be great right all right oh oh don't oh i got stuck too much oh hang on hang can i talk to you about some some feelings i've been having that have just been swelling up inside me i whoa huh what happened to you i got stung a lot and um yeah no kidding you look at a giant blue balloon i mean what happened [Music] [Music] oh i saw the bee and then all this white i understand that's a real problem but we got a bigger situation on our hands and by that i mean me i am all swollen up for being primarily you are coming with me we are about to have a little talk all of you don't worry i've got this okay listen little one i've been seeing everything that you've been doing here recently from the pranks to ian's house to noise house blowing up and i just have one thing to say to you can i get in on these pranks perfect they're not gonna know what hit him and it turns out i have another great prank we can pull right now oh now what we need to do just hold still and i will make the magic happen [Music] now perfect just head back over there and we'll make a little magic happen right now you know andy i can always try and pop you if you want just gotta no no i i don't like where this is going you put that door away sorry i am not a balloon what what what was that you said you wanted to be deflated no i told you to not poke me with the sword come on let's just give it a try and no no no no no stop it stop you stay away from me young man huh stop stop stop it i do not want to be come on stop the sword you want it i don't want to go flying around like one of those balloons going all over the in the air no that wasn't me ah what is that hold on huh oh no oh no no more sneezing stop it oh sorry oh that worked almost too well oh boy oh what else can we pull off oh this has been some of the best pranks i've had in a long time okay so another thing i was thinking of is maybe like making like a giant hive around one of their houses so you just have a bunch of bees just flying around them it would be so amazing just do it while they're sleeping they would have no idea oh yeah well first you're definitely going to enjoy the honey cake for sure there they are hi chan i told [Music] i was hoping they were you ah they told me all about your pranks last night what you should be teaching this little one all about that just yet oh come on it was just a little harmless insane i blew up half my house from the pollen that she left well maybe you need to get that sneeze checked out then maybe she should go back to her own hive to go with her own kind where she could be good and safe i think that's a great idea what what what you're serious that way she doesn't prank people anymore [Music] visit her when she's big and yeah we should probably get her back or she can stay at her home and never come back [Music] okay fine i guess she does need to be with her own people you traitor yeah let's find her i'm sure she's gotta i guess come on baby you gotta show us where your hive is no you get a nice fresh poppy if you do yes okay i think whoa whoa look at this please i think we just found the mother lode [Music] guys do you think this is like where all the bees live definitely more than i've ever seen anywhere else perfect [Laughter] do you guys know now i can get rid of the bees and they're weak to fire and i have the perfect fire weapon [Music] around no actually i'm uh i'm pretty high uh how am i going to get down after i like this oh hang on oh ow ow how's your answer anyway hang on wait is that the bear away from that again wait for that fire there you go stop it there [Music] and the bees were saved that day yay
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 12,225,522
Rating: 4.8421316 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby bee pranks, pranking my friends as a baby bee in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, bee pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a baby bee in minecraft, pranking my friends as baby bee, pranking my friends as baby bee aphmau, baby bee minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears
Id: utTAp0H6Xzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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