Minecraft But We Play As HELPFUL WOLVES!

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my friend is having being worse luck in Minecraft so I decide to help him by secretly turning into my people from minecraft houses of diamonds I secretly lend a hand without him knowing but then I find out my other friends are out to get it with pranks I need to protect him all right got that in the oven and everything's looking good on my end how are your house is coming Oh coming along nicely just got a donkey here hey little guy and you just had baked some bread got my tools good to go all the animals and everything here I may have taken a few of those and uh how about over there oh it's fine it's fine looking good so far you yeah it's a work in progress I'm a big boy I'm the big buff boy I can do this see you'll be a big boy okay oh all right guys will respect that I will believe it we'll leave you be all right let you be you do your own thing okay I got some gold or if you like it blowing up my house go away because it's dark and monsters are probably spawning right now so let's head down to sleep all right are you sure you don't need any of our help not even some torches okay all right go to sleep rabbit FK okay so it looks like he and is having a really really hard time with everything all right he isn't accessible for me nor question nor annoy and that's perfectly fine cuz he wants to be a big boy no that's Paul he wants to do but you know what if you won't accept help from people you know stepped up from me as my people and I'm gonna go try to help him out a little all right see how things go oh yeah that's right we gotta go to bed the next morning so in did you manage to rebuild your house like how what are you planning on doing the firehouse looks like it's not a help yeah it's you know it's it's functional again how to rebuild the walls I'm just working on the floor now but it's fine it's fine I can fix this oh good good I just wanted to make sure you were all right so I'm gonna go ahead and do my own thing then since you're a big boy got everything figured out and everything yeah I got this all right you okay on this server yeah I had a pink dog she's probably in the house somewhere doing something I don't know she wanders around everywhere why why do you ask nothing I'm gonna go down on the mine see if I can get some more supplies I need to like actually build a good house okay let me know if you find a dungeon or anything or annoy quite sure if you guys find a dungeon because I need to find a saddle so I'm looking for one of those right sure yep well let's know if we find something hey so how's the mining coming along it's fine I'm I'm on my way back from the mines I got a whole bunch stuff and you okay what you okay over did anyone work on my house this are you okay he and you build all that while you're in the mines awesome yeah hang on hang on you guys didn't do this did you ah no you think I would do it for you you're mining in a mine right yeah I'm over I'm trying to really get some diamonds here because I found like a few but not that there's a prime real estate now all right I'm sure you were actually mining you must be working on this all night I don't know you know what yes yes I built this you got me ha ha did it myself and there was no outside forces who did this you should build me a house like this see we know if you give it another time that you get it how I should we really gotta offer our house building game that place is nice I really prayed about my game now I feel like I haven't seen this house yet but I feel like I really need to step up my game oh you should see it's amazing I know you're having all the fun down there while all of us are working up here you know anything yeah what about you what are you up to fill in another house no I don't need another house this one's doing great I'm getting crops going you know I don't have a whole lot of food right now and you know how I'm all about bread right you know community crop Center in the middle of it you know what never mind you're doing things on your own you're a big boy forgot your big boy today I got this it's fine take forever to grow right yeah yeah it's fine I'm getting started now that I got a house going I want to make things nice and custom and unique so I'm gonna plant some birch trees get some birch wood get some oak wood we're doing fancy designs that should look awesome around the house sick okay hang on take a while to grow right yeah usually takes like me a day no reason no reason just just uh got got a good harvest you can grow diamonds right no I'm not mining them uh never mind never mind it's fine it's fine I'm really concerned about how much you like farming right now like what is going on is great yeah you plant plants you reap the rewards I read the rules word up I'm really keeping my key little plants in little plants I gotta go plant some more guys I think he's going crazy he's talking to plants plants are great oh yeah I need to go mining again I need more tools for anymore supplies for tools yes okay yes I'm all set to go yes I got coming along it's it's great what happened oh why are the trees on fire Oh what you were making some bread right I was not baking yet I was merely harvesting my house over to the fire didn't really check on the wolf I was concerned with my home burning down this is your house safe though the house yeah the house is fine I got I gotta fix my farm might lose your house to save Thanks if you're enjoying the video and you like pink walls please you should leave a like and maybe subscribe thanks alright so everything seems new open you said a house a farm but not some water but that's ok look at him Oh Mike I've been helping him so much I'm so proud of him he's to take him out yeah okay yeah F mal can we talk to you for a sec yeah what's up sorry I didn't realize that I left this open word what is it what's up sorry yes so kawaai chana me we're talking about something in well did we may want to let you know just a little secret a secret yeah what so you know how all the fire spread it around Ian's house well you know let me just have a little fun with them what what do you mean oh you know just uh well fire little chaos you know something had some flavor it is building and but yeah we just want to see if you might want to join us a little bit you know just spread the love spread the pranks where are you asking me to prank in yeah okay look I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna distract the end noise gonna go and plant TNT all over the area yeah and then we're gonna prank him by exploding this place what haha this might sound like fun I think I'll be fine I got some saddles to look for but uh but uh just if you wouldn't mind keeping it a secret yeah sure yeah you you guys do your thing all right yep okay bye bye oh my god knowing quite Chan working together to prank in oh that poor it is a dumb fool I gotta save him alright I guess I don't know I'm gonna do it but I gotta stay by his side is a pink wool I thought I could go away from here but I guess not all right so I'm just gonna stand guard we're gonna help him out a little bit more all right oh so I need you to follow me really quickly because I don't know okay I don't wanna I don't want them to know but I found a huge amount of gold by my house Wow the most useless thing in Minecraft okay yes I can go it can go in my super special closet I'm building it's empty right now but it will okay I'm on it where are we going we're going this direction just keep following me okay it's like in a different mind or something mm-hmm yeah super secret what why won't you share the super secret mind with me I've been mining and like going across the land and everything like that what have you been doing I mean technically you didn't share your secret mind with us it doesn't really seem like your kind of mine if she's here leading me to gold so yeah super down here keeps keep mining Dada I'm searching nah oh you did y bydd I couldn't see a thing I got scared for a moment didn't want to be oh don't worry I'm right here with you so you said you found gold right yeah I did oh man my trail caught must have gone destroyed by answer some bins you know you can you just um be patient you can't hurry up finding gold of course I trust in you my good friend [Music] [Music] [Music] watch your step I feel it I feel in my bones no I don't know what you did to the dog with that bat I don't think they like the bat they've been following me ever since so come with us oh yeah sure she's done that a few times so follow Brennan people whatever she wants especially she really likes them you know we're trying to protect them on something you never know best luck with dogs thank you super rare super rare stop being so big teamwork there we go are you guys okay yeah there's a lot of zombies but it's fine skeleton skeleton man into the lava you go you're going quite Shannon Oi oh very well lava good I'm so glad to hear that skeleton firing arrows oh there's a creeper down there you guys better be very careful don't worry so you said like the dog will attack monsters right yeah in tax monsters every now and then that's what a good puppy even the monsters you're with it'll make sure it stops them back sorry Noorie I'm fighting off these zombies from the top of the staircase it's fine it's fine oh there's more I'll light up some more torches torches okay yeah did like a monster come up behind me and knocked me in or something what happened yeah I think that's exactly what happened cuz it's happening to me now oh I am very hurt I am very hurt hang on grow big and strong it's probably bad great adventure it's dangerous down here ow why would they take you down there we're looking for gold I don't have gold no he's got the whole golden chest plate I just want to get a golden ho you know as I do looking at for you diamonds I harvested earlier what's fine are you guys okay okay I don't know where the lava came from oh yeah did that come from that wasn't there but I just for you one two yes we got two I need I need such a dangerous mind but the rewards are so great whoa we found like a mineshaft guys there's usually lots of good stuff here and I as a pro minecraft player lead you and we'll find these cool things very fine there okay we all kind of keep getting attacked it's heavy oh is it kind of creepy yeah it's fine it's fine fortunately there's a waterfall right here everything's really coming up us today don't you think so I know totally nothing could go wrong whatsoever yeah nothing at all indeed guys okay you okay Kawhi Chen fine oh she kind of bird yo uh there's a creeper down here and uh there's bad things happening okay this cave has been really dangerous yeah I really have that should be very very careful I'm here all alone now really had like a really hard time just a big bloody me and the puppy we're still okay Jess I'm taking good care of your dog and you know if they're taking good care of me I think we got to get out of here they're taking good care of you three yeah it's just like everything has been really nice today it's gonna be a great day coming a great day all right no I use like pink wolf took care of you that's perfectly fine yeah great well I tried
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,624,386
Rating: 4.8977733 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft helping my friends as a pink wolf, best ways to help your friends in minecraft, pink wolf aphmau, pink wolf in minecraft, playing as a pink wolf in minecraft, blessed minecraft, good luck minecraft, blessing my friends as a pink wolf, pranks to help your friends, fun ways to help your friends, minecraft morph mod, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, minecraft pranks aphmau, minecraft aphmau, good luck pranks, the best luck in minecraft, minecraft no swears
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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