Minecraft But We're Playing As FRIENDLY MOBS!

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today we disguise ourselves as minecraft mobs in order to help my friend on our server built-in villains he has no idea that he's my friend boxers are actually players is step by the bus's village with lots of treasure of course while making sure his village is safe will you take the treasure we give him or get us first I'm good you know just uh just doing my own thing where are you where are you out what are you doing I'm actually inside of my pen right now just I'm dying a lot of my sheep what are you guys gonna shear them let me know any wool should be pretty good what okay I thought something was up you ain't responding to me what's going on ah man that's some mighty fine sheep you got there what I knew something was up Reapers don't move like that okay okay hang on oh listen listen up I did I may have not all of them you got that one right there okay no no no say away from me all right all right so give me one good reason why I should explode you got some arrows here they got explosive I could show I could show you other things Ahmad does yeah yeah totally uh you come with me yes you know you know yeah yeah I'll follow you that was my favorite one that was not me that was not me that was not me you're pure oh my god oh my god okay so yeah I may may have planned a little bit to do some prankster some guys let me show you some fun bobs check this out for example we got these little skeleton guys right here we got them there's just a just ready for convenience sake you know what we're gonna do right we are going to turn into them once you I want you I want you to attack one of these and and uh yeah I got this I got this I got this okay ah pick up the so okay so now you got that all you got to do go ahead and hit the end key that's gonna pull up all the things you can turn into check it check it are you ready I may not have plan for that yeah I can tell you plan for that all right so what do we do now hang it hang out in the hot tub I'll tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna do uh we're gonna have some fun with it we're going to scare Pierce whoo all right so where is he worthy yeah he's on the survey he's I think he's working on a little project let's go check it out whoa oh yeah he's building something over there so tiny look at me yeah you just picked up the baby crib oh hello baby feel cute well you know that Oh what is it - I don't know he's like building something check it out we should check it out but you know what let's not be junk something dumb all right because if we go over there as peepers he's gonna run away properly you'd probably want hopefully working on all right so so so soft so that's morph into like a nice natural creature or a neutral creature we'll see what he's up to okay just act natural all right act natural natural oh yes here we're what he is what do you guys up to just playing playing minecraft you know oh yeah yeah same so what a queer squid so crazy what are you doing Oh me I yes so I I found a nice little plot of land nearby are kind of main area and I was thinking hey you know what we don't know village around these parts so I decided to start building my own oh you're building a village yeah you know I got a bunch of houses here got some farms make sure everybody's good nice well fed you know the trouble with it is that I only have one villager villager what yeah yeah I got a Peppino over here just hanging out inside the home keep it safe yeah it's not much of a village with only one resident yeah yeah i mean i i'm trying to find all there's been like i don't know it's really hard especially on this server so florida just no but if they just kind of build it maybe they'll come like we could just have a nice happy villager time maybe just just enjoy yourselves you know i think you're doing something really really nice uh me me and you know okay I mean I can't okay there you are I'm coming here I'm humping pig so he's really sad about like that one good job on that village you know what you know what I think we gotta help him out yeah yeah what we do you know what we're gonna do yeah we're gonna blow it up okay you know we got to get him civility so it's almost nighttime all right so what we're gonna do let's give him some villagers that way he can protect them all and they'll all be safe and he'll be he won't be lonely anymore Balbina we'll have like a while okay okay yeah you got our villager disguises on yeah yeah all right so let's go talk [Music] I'm pretty good yeah I'm just saying good night for the night just blocking things up today that's a shame oh boy I should be looking at that nope nope no bad sign for this not on this hill no sir okay all right [Music] maybe you are you okay oh my god okay it's just minecraft rolling just taking off you know you you probably should build a school for all them kids or something like that you know yeah yeah oh god I need I need like I'm got a deer so I'm naming puppy to the May of shadows Ville turning night on the server D is your know oh god I was so excited I forgot I was I was building a wall up front to just make sure everything was staying a little bit you know a little bit more calm because things get a little crazier at night but like pillars to protect now Bubbe there you know how to shoot things we're going to ask everybody bye bye guys if you're enjoying a secretly blessing pierce be back on the video and maybe subscribe come be awesome thanks alright so here's the thing here's the thing as mobs other mobs will attack us okay especially other creepers alright so that's really cool you have the advantage to help him if we need to during the night because the night here is really really bad okay but we don't explode all right okay oh oh chicken zombie riders motions keep happening Oh what's going on I wonder like hey you stay away from them you crazies oh my god okay no she's not in my house in my house it's pretty cool Tom B's we got spiders because somebody thinks oh my god okay alright we got this don't worry back off you vile beasts huh like everything uh yeah they're fine I'm sorry good I'm doing a sweep around but I think I got them all oh my god that was the master what what is the server on anyway like extra extreme doom death and yeah the night was crazy wise I don't know what happened but it seems like everything's ok all the villagers coming out of their homes they seem happy yeah yeah I mean fine is a you know lives are ok the property's not not fantastic but we can rebuild there are worse things yeah I'm glad I'm glad that your villagers you know you had a lot of them and zombies are attracted to a lot of villagers so I'm surprised you know I know I'm sure good luck is bound to come your way ok so we are trying to be helpful okay and even though we protected the villagers we have to help him a little bit more because we got we gotta make a I'll make this right you know we hope we got yeah it's ok it's ok we got this so we're gonna go help them because Enderman we can pick up blocks right we can pick up like little blocks like again I know right won't suspect a thing alright because any other mob what all right so let's go let's go let's go to sleep we can help him rebuild this house because you might have a look closer scum have more oh my goodness last night was so rough man at our places hey ya know I mean they're mostly alive I think we only lost a couple which is not bad but man the place is just gone like they bury their entire houses that are just missing entire like rooms bad sounds bad yeah sounds really bad oh boy Enderman here really all right what do I do I'm out of arrows I don't they treat villagers to the tech villagers no they don't they normally don't I think they're adding this to my village are they what do you mean adding things and you know I got a medic in like wrap blocks and like moving places like they're building yeah yeah they do that walks your leave my blocks that's video I'm gonna come to your village I think they're just accidently rebuilding with diamond blocks fear of theirs I mean thanks but like the only that happens you guys come over here take a look if you want I'm not gonna break him up yet I don't be used for me yet I got mostly just R in rebuilding mode I wouldn't I would shake their hand if it meant that I unfortunately can't look in the eyes so that's crazy don't mind us peers we're just we just dug Sunday what you role play on your own time it's your own thing I don't judge judge I'm so interested in what's going on with your village you sound like you're having like the best time uh it's a bit of emotional rollercoaster I would say I mean a lot of villagers here which is great I mostly blown up which was not great but now it's getting fixed up uh the only thing I'm noticing those I don't have a ton of furniture lots of villagers not a lot of places to sleep including my own I haven't slept in like two days guys cool no no spiders are fine during the day they don't attack Bravin in their attack you you're making spider oh if I just break the the spider webs I can make myself some string which then I could turn into some wool I fee was going yeah that works I feel like he's good the spiders are good yeah I think I found some friendly spiders guys oh I got caught in a look I got spiders fire happens these spiders are okay pretty nice I could respect these mums all right here some mobs using the mice half mobs are helping you yeah I guess I could say that minecraft mobs are helping me Oh III I'm crazy I'm probably crazy it's the like asleep and like five minutes yeah that's how that's usually my sleep schedule in real life five minutes you got a lot of a live stream you know okay spiders okay I think I think I got enough I think 700 the string will be enough for today Thank You spiders all right you got the gold you got the gold oh yeah oh yeah you better believe I got the gold let's go we're gonna bless him with all these stuff all right let's go gonna drop it sparing me okay drop it sparing it oh hey yeah I'm just trying to kind of explore and make sure that everything is looking airtight I built a bunker for my for my villagers just a case because I was a little nervous about it during that last attack and what in the world are these okay all right what what are what there's like a butter cow and like a sky cow here it just let you pet them if you pet them they probably drop some cool stuff okay all right water cows you mean like a normal cow yeah I bet that doesn't sound right but it's like yellowish gold like like butter and they're giving time oh diamond cow no there's not supposed to be yeah I think I mean oh the other one I don't know let's see what happens I'll go petty what that was big fat guy right there you go oh oh gold oppa binos gonna be very excited about next year next quarter is a mayoral here amazing there's diamond and gold everywhere there are villagers aplenty just things turn around quite a bit of the peasants man you sound like a Minecraft village there oh my gosh full time in your village yeah you know you know and I we haven't really been there for you wow you know made this village and everything but if you I wasn't gonna say anything about it but actually you've been very neglectful and cows and talk to them you know what do you take before someone who's already mark wait on man yeah yeah yeah we've been helping you because we know that I care about this village that we care about you you know it's not for me it's for all these guys you know thank you me and it have the best intentions our effort for your village and we're so happy that I appreciate that and now we're going to save your village don't shoot can you can you stop saving my village now III don't know how to control the inner dragon dragon never
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,557,322
Rating: 4.8773427 out of 5
Keywords: Playing minecraft as mobs, becoming minecraft mobs, becoming mobs in minecraft, turning into minecraft mobs, minecraft morph mod, minecraft aphmau, minecraft mobs, aphmau, minecraft, becoming a mob in minecraft, how to become a mob in minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob survival, lets play minecraft as mobs aphmau, minecraft no swears, playing as minecraft mobs funny moments, becoming any mob in minecraft
Id: tGS6mch61H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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