Protecting My Hive As The QUEEN BEE In Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LittleXianna 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
on this server the queen of minecraft bees has a secret base which she uses to keep all of her beautiful bees safe but when her friends go after her bees for their honey she decides to use all of her secret bases and b powers to teach them a lesson with the queen's loyal bees fighting the players who will survive this secret bee base invasion all right so i gotta show you guys something so look at all these bees here you see all of these bees well you're probably wondering what i've done alright well i am the bee queen as you can see my hive is all the way over there but over here over here i decided to use my little bumblebees to build a beehive forest all right a big one so i figured that making a bee forest would be helpful to everyone on the server and i thought that it would be a great opportunity for them to get honey so oh look who it and is oh they're already coming over all right they're probably going to see what's going on all right let's see what they're up to transform into a bee all right perfect all right so what are they up to over here oh my god what's you have to do something i thought i could do right now with my honey level was to summon bees all right so go ahead grab some of the bees and take them out of here get that bees out let's grab bees and go uh okay i'll distract them while they're doing that i'll get this oh my god uh that way uh plus like i think we're better off without him honestly you know definitely definitely i i just don't feel safe here so buzz off bees get out of here hey hey i did you guys up which one what are you guys uh uh you know what are you guys doing right now hey yeah you know we're just uh we're getting all rid of the the bees or the forest nearby you know there's just way too many a giant infestation showed up out of nowhere did you guys stop to think that maybe the bees want to live there just on their own you know i mean sure but you know they showed up this morning this is yeah besides you know we don't need the bees i don't like them that much so yeah yeah no that sounds about right i like the bees so maybe if you could you know not do that that'd be great you know what uh i i think we're done anyway i think we did a pretty good job yeah i think we i think we've done our work today you know i think those two those people think twice before stinging us again uh yeah yeah i think they'll behave [Laughter] let's get out of here let's make like a b it's buzz off okay that one needs some work come on i can't believe those guys look what they've done and i don't have my powers i'm not at my full power just yet ah what's going on how are you smoking these beehives oh my god george george oh oh no george george oh no george george are you okay torch george he pooped behind the sky it's okay george i swear i will get beat b minion all right you're you're one of my beasts i'm gonna see if i can find another beam in here soon follow me i gotta show you something really cool right go this way because i have a secret face that we're going to find out what ian and pierce are up to because we're going to take our beavenge where is the person where is it where is it where is it it's over here now you'll probably notice that there are a ton of trees here right but there's one special treat see right here that that is my secret face now watch watch my watch [Music] perfect all right let's go down let's go down be careful all right we got a bunch of flowers here we got everything right here oh look at this base or maybe i should say be ace [Laughter] bb please okay but for real over here i have all of my cameras set up for everyone on the server but the ones who i have two cameras for are the troublemakers all right so over here is ian and there is pierce let's check ian's house oh what's happening over here there's ian and oh there's enough oh over here over here over here what's going on zayn zayn's got diamonds and what's happening oh wait wait zayn is giving diamonds to pierce and ian and there there they got what is that a bottle of honey oh wait is this a honey just oh stain bought honey from ian and pierce and they're selling honey to other people to serve for diamonds oh my god i can't i can't be leave them look at this they lied to me about not liking bees they like bees because they can get diamonds by selling the honey on the summer oh my god and they have these oh my god all right so you know what you know what you know it's fine it's time we're just gonna turn that off you know wait till those guys see what i have in store for them all right i have more than one secret base on the server and i'm not afraid to use them to teach them a lesson we'll make sure they go out of business all right guys so we're gonna make ian and pierce pay for what they've done starting with ian so around everyone's house i have secret faces okay all right and this is going to be used for getting them back so watch and learn honesty i'm gonna turn back into a regular person i know i know i'm not the queen bee but you know what i don't look like the queen bee but i look good enough so they trust me all right all right so let's see what the ian's up to here no uh uh hang hang on hang on a sec what's happening so long come on hello hey half mel oh yeah yeah come on in how's it going how's it going good it's doing good i just want to see if maybe you wanted to go mining soon i found a place with a lot of gold like a ton of it i know so yes yes yes i'm in i'm in uh beer back let me let me get my tools and stuff yeah you go get you go get your tools and stuff like that and it'll be great beast come on come on come on [Music] where did all these bees come from they're totally not mine where'd you go and there came your way home what what are you doing i'm done oh they're carrying me away uh uh uh um you know what uh now they're carrying me away they're carrying you away oh where are they gonna take you i don't know oh i don't like whoa come on he's this way it's gonna be he saw me what is this this is a beehive ian where are you okay uh i don't know i mean like some underground giant beehive or something i don't know why now somewhere safe so i guess they must drop you off somewhere different uh okay there might be a way out hang on let me see if i can get out of here okay go sting them hang on what oh of course there are bees in here bag off bees no i don't like being grown by bees they just always want to sting me oh it's okay it's not like you deserved it or anything don't worry never no no no no no no no i didn't i didn't deserve anything yeah i'm so worried about you i'm gonna say don't worry i'll be gonna save you oh okay okay i made it don't worry oh what what is this what what's happening hang on now well now i'm in like a room i'm trapped with a whole bunch of bees and a tree and i don't see a way out good thing i got my pickaxe oh yeah maybe maybe oh oh no oh oh hang on hang on they don't like me doing that i i have to dig through the beehives come on you know i i need i need to to escape i need to find something [Music] face okay maybe maybe uh uh whoa i think i found it you think you found what exactly i found something it's something different at least it's it's a lever quick flip it a new way out uh it's better than beast okay huh there's a what is there nothing down here hello bees okay guys we got one of them now we gotta just leave him there forever don't worry he's got plenty of honey let's go get pierced this way no don't leave me behind me all right the perfect trap guys look at this this is a b b-l-t all right literally appeals okay all right so this is for pierce because we know pierce likes food so i'm just gonna call pierce and hold on a second hey pierce there's something really cool outside your house i can't tell what it is though from my place what a thing outside my house oh there's a really cool thing outside your house i don't know what it is uh all right maybe you take a look you see what it is oh what it's lunch is what it is look at that a perfect blt is it a bee oh man i've had one of these in a while yeah i'm gonna bunch on it i don't think this exists but yeah but this blt is just a little too big i better chop it up in half just make sure oh why what huh hey pierce are you okay what happens oh uh hey f bow i i'll admit i'm a little perplexed right now i'm just a little bit lost i think i found something weird on the server and just i don't know man i really don't know maybe you should really be careful you never know when the bees are gonna do something a little crazy you know i guess i mean look what was that i don't know i'm just gonna climb up this what what is this no no oh no are you okay pierce there are a lot of things going on right now right there's spikes there are bees there are creepers there's nothing's happening oh what is this place i don't like that [Music] how do i get out where is out how is up what is down i'm gonna swim with some lava i think it's the only way swim oh i don't want to be here anymore please oh huh oh oh okay all right beast i promise i won't harm another another bee on his little tiny b head if i just if he just put me down he just put me home i swear i don't even need i wouldn't even eat honey anymore i'll just make sure that it goes directly to the bees all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take them back to the secret basement and we're gonna question it we're gonna question [Laughter] forever oh listen listen i was captured by the bees but i just escaped you got captured too yes i did but i escaped and i found i i put on this awesome bear costume and they're actually scared of me now you're right they're not attacking us oh and with without their queen the bees will run in fair okay exactly but that's just the thing when i saw them carrying you i knew they were out for revenge for you know you know for what we've been up to so now you know we have to go after their queen oh they're queen that's right she's probably the one telling him to get us instructions they won't be able to do anything genius exactly exactly so here's the thing we need to launch a full scale attack on the hive you ready let's do this huh oh wait but first wait i used to say excuse me i need a costume too here put on this bear costume you know this this outfit does it it feels it looks really uncomfortable and it ugh it's it's nearly a teeth it's a little itchy knock it off what do you think is this all right oh my god fine let's just put it on it let's just go we're really burying it all here okay all right guys don't worry don't worry don't worry they're not real bears they're just costumes they're barely believable all right looks like they're gonna try to go after us don't worry guys we just need to be prepared come on let's go back to the hive quickly all right my bees don't worry everything will be fine oh no they're at our doorstep okay pierce are you ready to go oh either bear army okay but but are these bears though are they actually bears i i've never seen a bear that's small before what they're totally bears they're they're um oh okay you know i i may have painted on a few wolves but still they're fine okay fine cool you know what they seem more dangerous than we do so that works out yes right you are correct you ready let's do it i'm ready yeah you can't get to the face guys but kelly gets to the face you won't get us please hey guys what are you guys up to uh can i come over oh you know just start it all out be more ah you're starting to we're having an adventure a what this is an adventure all right that's for sure an adventure where to make this happen yeah you know what i we're we're attacking the bees you're attacking the bees have you seen how big of a dehydration crips i haven't seen anything like this before have you no not really oh boy oh boy oh boy spawn people ah hey guys are there bears oh come on come on i'm almost there they're totally bears and not just wolves painted to look like bears you painted walls i didn't rally my baby bears maybe probably not there's it was environmentally friendly paint i will have you know i'm a bear i'm not a monster oh my god wait you're bear with me why are these bears oh that's actually just peanut butter on these no oh it's environmentally friendly paint all right guys let's do as you practice ready all right we gotta do one more big dive bud i think this is our chance yeah i i don't know i don't know you know i i had this whole thing plotted out but fine you guys do it we gotta go come on think of joy okay okay ah hang on fire fire i don't i don't like this at all i don't know oh guys did the bees learn fire do you teach them that with your enchanted clinton steels maybe i thought no such thing to know be no sir uh i don't know what you're talking about i literally don't know are you guys ever gonna make it to the behind i'm i'm kind of watching you from my house and i'm a little concerned about what's going on over there oh a little concern huh yeah you know what i've decided to um call it quits i i i don't i don't feel too good about this anymore yeah i'm good definitely gave it up definitely not trying to find a secret pass to the no no get him guys get him okay i give up oh now the fees are at my house come on are they at your house what if something happened to your house like i don't know maybe like you know a meaty a beatier what'd you do what's going on our bean plant is being destroyed oh yeah we worked so hard no thank you absolutely nothing nothing you know what uh forget that there goes the rest of my house we we've worked for dozens of hours can i chill at your place yeah it's fine it's cool man you just you just come back okay oh no you know what no i i think maybe noise houses open these i think noise got enough problems right now well i hope they learned their lesson
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,054,263
Rating: 4.8357286 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft queen bee pranks, pranking my friends as a queen bee in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, bee pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a queen bee in minecraft, pranking my friends as queen bee, pranking my friends as queen bee aphmau, queen bee minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears
Id: b3kbFDhTPGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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