We Are Moving Back

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that thing is beautiful [Music] how many times would i start a vlog like this coming out of the room what's up like everything's what's where are we what are we doing remember what makes me sad seriously yeah like thinking about you starting the vlogs here every single day every day every day every day no questions asked no matter what i wake up start filming everybody in the house goes to bed i start editing till 3 4 in the morning wake up again start the vlog how do we do it how how i have no idea i have no idea i cannot understand how we did it a serious blast from the past um right now so we're back this is where we live now this is where i live roman lives yeah we have two different houses that's is that what's going on that's the voice i know what you're working on titles this is her house oh boy anyway welcome to the vlog guys um i hope you're feeling awesome i hope you're ready to just sit back relax enjoy it just whatever this is you guys like prepare like if i have a video i want to watch i'm like all right i'm going to go like either get my lunch or get a snack make some tea and then i like put on tv and sit and watch it like do you guys do that or do you just like it pops up you watch on your phone you like going to the movies i know well i don't watch like tv shows anymore so it's like she don't watch tv okay okay holy don't jump from there please don't you're gonna hurt your back don't do it oh my gosh from here oh my god that's nice it's nice it looks it doesn't look high about up there it's like two three hundred feet i've never gone up a a fit at all how long did we live in this house and you never went up this wall no never what else have you never done the pond never she's never been in the pond should i go get in it right now yes how many of you would live at this house and not get in that pond how many activities did we do in the pond seriously kind of i did like paddle boarding once but i didn't get in the pond i just stayed on top you've been on the pond not been in it yeah you need to get a grip that's all you got yeah oh no this was like our main door i know like this is our whole vlogs was this door and from susie still has zeus marks look at this from his his his feet still there dang like how would you not get in there that's a playground that's a playground right there there's tadpoles huh are those tadpoles i don't know what that is see what it tastes like like some of the trees fell through our fence there's my banana um lots of questions about the fish tank um it's still check this out fish tank still rocking everyone's still here glass is a little dirty but look how beautiful that is how how same clown fish we've had our entire time we've lived here these two clown fish we're really trying to decide what what we should do with the house we've been letting people like stay here as they need to like some like friends and family but we're debating on renting it out like setting it up really cool and renting it out like an airbnb or just selling the house all together we can't decide i miss it i wouldn't miss it too much i know but like renting it out that might be a nightmare like like what it like yeah like we left it and we put the the ball pit back upstairs and we made it like the youtube our youtube house and then we rent it out like you could come stay here with your family for the night or the weekend right and the pond and the it might be a nightmare but yeah we're gonna probably just put a for sale sign on it honestly but i have so we have so much memory here it's like even like i don't know this you guys know it's like our whole youtube career is here you know thumbs up hit the like button if we should rent this out seriously you could come stay here we'll just see we'll just see what people think or or or what rio sound good oreos sound good or we fill it it's gonna or we fill it like okay hear me out i'm here if we fill it with like a a little a little like podcast studio or offices and we fill fill it with a team a team like what if we just turn this into like a workhorse yeehaw design company to come in and redo it see this is where our brain goes we just start we just start spinning anyways hey i'd move back here any second i love this house well you're in luck there is availability our viewers are going to question whether we really love each other please louise every time i come out this door right here i think of that ball pit video ever i don't know why it's just always in my head this door in that video springtime baby look at that it just keeps going it just keeps going you guys want to talk about crazy smile more is actually moving this is moving we're moving smile more and that's gonna be a really fun journey i don't know where i don't really know how to take you on it yet but that's one that we're working on let's move this to the other house for me just maybe i can move things you know that's that's kind of my strong point oh my gosh don't pick it up dude look at all this oh that's a lot of stuff to move girls there's the other aquarium i don't know what to do with it i think i'm gonna turn it into a terrarium put like a big lizard in it where do you guys want lizards or snakes huh um everything from in here actually went to todd's it's like literally everything it's just a sitting aquarium right now but i want to do something fun with it maybe you guys can help me i'm not a snake person i can't do snakes but maybe turtles i say since we don't have any sponsorships right now there's no codes what do you mean there's no codes there's no discount codes for the store so you want to do a discount code yeah move out sale 15 off 15. come on 30. 30. 30 code moving out well i just put new stuff up as you know been away from youtube a long time we have a lot of old stuff that we want to get rid of and move out so help us 30 off on all of that right pretty much everything but there's just a couple new things everything you heard it boss said it boss number two said it 32 what's the sale code moving out moving out promo code moving out it check out 30 off everything smile more move in that's like 20 21 right moving's like put it in there amber you know how to put it all right i want to go do something uh really cool to me it's cool i don't know so we're on train with you so guys smile more oh lots of lots of lots of cool stuff um we're out of a lot but we still have a lot um some of it's old stuff some of it is new stuff 30 off everything um help us move out it's going to be a whole nother journey i don't have my i just recorded that without audio what no you guys want to be my new camera editor's team i don't know i don't know how you're just like me the nostalgia there's like a lot of old-school stuff in this video it's been cool i think we should do a whole day dedicated to that spot yeah what spot what the old house oh i want to go do something i'm actually been doing on my own completely off camera off social media and i've been having a lot of fun with it and i'm gonna i'm gonna bring you on this little journey with me so i'm gonna um i'm gonna hey hey sounded like a song okay oh is she look at you girl you look awesome is that the thing you leave the tag on that are you getting good on that jason jason you ready help me i need you go ahead shove some chips in and then i'll hit record okay go ahead crunch in the mic do some msr asmr this week i posted on my twitter um something i've been working on a lot of you like really were interested in this so i thought we'd put it in a video um and you guys have noticed the ring i've been wearing you guys know i already like coins silver coins gold coins um old coins and i've had a bunch of old coins like this is a liberty 1935 1935. basically i take those old beautiful coins i have so much like imagine watching a time lapse of that coin and then i make these so these are some of the rings that i've already made here's an 1886 just i don't know really pretty art on it this is the one i've been uh wearing that i made it's a 1964 liberty half dollar boom i made i made brian a ring today he came in let's see it look at that half dollar damn this is my voice my raise right there gonna raise the day focus yeah i mean i don't know what focus is you don't know what focus is i need a camera guy so those this kind of looks dirty and old it will pop it will be beautiful um and i just like the print on this one a lot so let's do it first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna decide on what size hole we're gonna punch out of this coin that's the part that seems like oh i don't want to do that but i usually just try to get the best artwork in the coin so like this isn't going to take any like the goal is maybe to keep the ingot we trust in there and this tool right here is going to keep the coin center inside this punch crank crank crank all day long crank crank crank well let's sing this song it's adam sandler reference there's the center of your coin perfectly punched hole inside the coin check that out tap tap tap a room there's your ring it's all done after you've punched that hole sometimes it gets a little sharper on the edges and because this is silver it's pretty soft and let me just take this and you can see that i just start creating silver ribbon just comes right off this thing basically just the point of that well i'm just rounding it all out this is done that's gonna be the outside of the ring okay that's gonna be the part that's gonna be this right here i've been using this i've been using this every day for my thing and brian was like no i got a torch so he just brought this over today actually oh my gosh oh that'll heat it up they already heat it up so it's like steel if you heat it up and then drop it water it hardens but with silver it softens it's kind of it's crazy this is satisfying come here come here come on ready ready ready i love that part it almost looks like a gold coin now huh yeah that's cool dry it with your old snot rag yeah just blow your nose and dry the coin at the same time pepe lube that's what it's called i don't know i didn't name it all right i didn't name it basically just get it all around the coin on the edges because we're gonna do our first bend right here right now i've i've already made a bunch of these so i know uh what tools i'm gonna use but basically we're going to this one fits so uh and then we're gonna take this cone right here and we're going to prepare to do our first bend a critical part oh thank you i'm super like learning myself how to do this and my goal is to make gold rings out of gold coins but um like this coins like 30 bucks if you want to go buy this coin half ounce gold coin is a thousand and a one ounce that you'd make a ring out of is 2 000. so to punch a hole in that it's just crazy so i'm learning on these beautiful silver coins and then my goal is to do gold coins it's gonna melt like butter whoa yeah i need to bolt that i need to pull that down you have oh this is good really this is really good yeah sometimes it comes out really wobbly like you can see a little wobble here but hopefully we'll be able to push that out i wasn't going to do this many steps i was just going to like boom boom and then show you the ring but we might as well just keep going so we're going to reanneal it this part is i'm going to wrap this literally 30 times so you might not want to film the whole thing but i'm gonna film it and you can possibly basically end up with this giant snowball so now we're gonna start sending it down this tube i don't know i think this is the most critical part this is where you start getting like if if any part of the ring drags behind then your coin ends up basically being wavy it like destroys the whole coin so i'm always nervous at this part the main critical part is that you're just pushing center so that we create a perfect circular ring you know so now the white part is going to come out so you're already starting to create your ring for the sake of time we're going to stop on that side and we're going to we're going to flip the ring now upside down and we're going to send it down the tube the same amount watching your man make art right now so we ran it back and forth through that tube every coin you have like this outside rim this ridge which is thicker than the actual coin you get a little bit of that on the inside of the ring so i usually just start cutting that out as careful as possible trying to make it nice and flush once i've got that carved out it feels good fits nice it's it's actually perfect on my on my what's that index finger pointer pointer it's the last step and this stuff stinks it's like a volcanic volcanic sulfur like volcanic oh you want to smell it no i don't drink it this smells like not my chicken egg smell oh you can't even smell oh it smells like cherries not my chicken eggs the proper temperature for that i don't know hot this is a good one brian's gonna be out here making rings tomorrow that's a good one dude i love this one now it's hot stinky volcanic barf scenic all right so this is literally gonna turn the silver it basically has a chemical reaction with the silver and turns it like gray like the whole coin tongs over here my teeth puller oh yeah how does that work so it's basically just a dark gray now okay dip the camera in there all right so you got basically a dark gray coin now and it's up to me to just polish off how much gray off the coin so you basically get this rich dark um artwork i like to just polish a little off get it so it shines but it's still dark gives it like that real old look but still pretty whoo i think this would be a cool keychain right okay it doesn't fit me i'll put on my keychain a necklace some people wear them on necklaces oh look at that that thing is beautiful wow same thing on the inside because there's lots of cool artwork on the inside i did this one opposite of mine so mine says half dollar on the outside this one says half dollar on the inside so it's a work in progress but i think this is pretty darn beautiful um i'm going to put i i saw so many of you wanted these i don't know how to put them out yet or where to put them i'm going to put this one and the punch out the centerpiece on my ebay page whoever wants it can go get it um you can bid on it i'm just gonna see what happens i've never done that before whatever it earns we'll do something fun with it but this is this exact set the hole punch and the ring um is going to be on my ebay page and size wise it's like i said it fits my my pointer finger perfect i think it's a nine and a half but it could be a keychain it could be a necklace it could be just a gift for somebody so if you want it um link in the description guess one last look at it um it's pretty cool it's really pretty i'm happy with it what are you eating a hot dog let me see it's a plain hot dog a plain hot dog just is it cold yeah what's up behind this usually we try to eat right and then and then the one foot rock right here try to buy some time try to get the food down come eat girl i got him i got the one foot rock for a while i got the food i didn't realize how funny this is until you just said that i'm having uh i had meatloaf potatoes and biscuits cora's got a cheese dog mommy's got chicken and rice what you got orange and orange yeah i'm sorry of course you're three of cora nine no what happened today why don't you guys in the comments why don't you tell me like what you guys want to see more of like we can do the old school stuff we can do the new stuff like the ring making things that i've been into lately we can do um you know is it more family stuff is it more business stuff do you want to see more the company side of things do you want to see um gaming gaming like what what what it like it's i know we're back but like once one video a week is like it's hard to catch up it's hard to like be involved with everything in that one video so but until then we're gonna take off for today that's kind of all i have we're just gonna hang out i'm gonna edit this and um has a bunch of dresses to try on blog number two i do want to do like a vlog a week soon or we just vlog every day for the week yeah maybe quick videos but like bathtub q a again hey yeah we have to come up with excuses back in the day oh my gosh we gotta film what are we gonna film it's 5 p.m we like running out of time we got to make a vid gosh that was crazy that was a great video it was fun it was just quickening and fun i was happy to show you guys some stuff and throw back to the old house and um show you smile more and what we're doing with that that's all i got for you we all love you from my family to yours we love you you are beautiful you are one of a kind smile more got mommy's hair oh gotta run a headlock knocks nice is
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,225,681
Rating: 4.96731 out of 5
Keywords: Rings, how to, custom, Smile More, Atwoods, Family, Roman, Old, New, Upload
Id: ipKBnyuxorA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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