The Greatest Toy Ever Made!!

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oh yeah that's the spot that's the spot yo guys long time no see welcome back hey we're lately lately [Music] I think I got everything dude just some clothes some fuel some gear mullet huh yo fuel baby whoa I'll take some have I heard my pain today diesel fuel you be drinking we're going on a venture it's a trip it's a quick trip look we Brian cut a hole in our door look at this it's now the cats go back and forth where's the like flapper flat the flat that's from all the complaining I put a kitchen table in the house it's nice that's my rooms are suited once crashed on the floor once crashed on the bed this is like happening more and more often I'll see you soon best I oh yeah oh my god this is like starting the old truck in the morning man Hannah you got a really fire to get the motor running back back exercise I know Thank You holy cow do you wake up so stiff like a board let's go first day of spring was yesterday you can tell april showers bring May flowers slowly March isn't it is Martin and it's Ohio I haven't been up before smile Moore's been up a walk yeah or it's only 7:30 which we're late you think we're show me get it grab it get it baby Gavin Gavin on socials we did a very soft launch of our brand-new glitch tea this is inspired by gamers around the world it is our glitched out tea it's got everything PlayStation Xbox keyboard is it there you want to open it actually I want to take this get me a medium anyone you want one Ron I need that big boy size this is my okay here's what makes the glitch T so special and why it's inspired by games games the new smile more glitch yeah playstation xbox pc all the letterings in there it's it's it's our game RT here's why this shirt is so special we're taking two dollars from every one of these tees so if you buy one of these tees two dollars of it will go to a grinding streamer I'm not looking for the big streamers I'm looking for the guys the girls grinding for like four people people streaming every day for four people five people ten people [Music] and we are gonna donate back to them that's what's so special about the glitch T they're available now on smile more and we also just released four colors for $10 if you need it I see a lot of you guys are like I want to smile more sure I just I'm saving up we just released four colors $10 shirts they're 10 bucks each check out the site top link in the description we got to go we got to go babe oh I'm definitely taking that with me alright that dude the glitch is one of my favorites I think I'm gonna make it just a segment dedicated to the donation so we will show all of those on here I don't know if you can see the fog at 7:53 a.m. we're supposed to leave at 7:15 7:15 you are still in the bathroom getting ready that's what it looks like in the morning our plane we just missed it daggone alright careful we are later than let you know usually we're running late we're late late like lately go Brett you gotta run go let's go dude it's like to see now home alone I look like that yeah like such a baby right back dude did I even wreck it off my back I can't move dude I swear fall down right now we'll get a courtesy ride to the gate oh yeah dude that's perfect we good Oh high-five we did it yo you should have seen that guy checking you and checking your hair out yo every time I look down to get something you like oh he was like all that panic for absolu mom don't panic dude we rushed here I got us here this is officer we missed our flight that's why we made it guys I'm going to throw Brittany actually what day was that a couple days ago two days Monday Britt actually filmed all she went on a photo shoot with my cousin who does photography and she took a camera and like did her own thing so we're gonna go to that now cuz we're gonna be on a flight for a few hours might as well throw something cool look beautiful angel fallen angel do you're not up here dang dude they could at least put the mullet up [Music] Chris Brown [Music] into like a feature [Music] photos aren't gonna count amazing so make sure you're following actually I'm Instagram eye tracker and all my stuff and everyone that was a part of it thank you my look was amazing my dress is amazing that everything is awesome [Music] we've made it we found some strangers on the plate do what's the odds don't matter we got some do you guys just play it yeah dude we were on your flight actually mirror hey Julien long time no see baby it's about to be fun time look look at the like health deep that snow is oh oh you won't jump in it please don't fit it's my heart is a belly flop do it I'll buy your lunch I'll buy your lunch full sin look at the piles about they must have a lot of snow at some point it's us I don't think any of us is eaten have you guys yeah we need food okay we're grabbing some food and I gotta ask this question because you guys probably don't know what this is some of you might what is a shirt what is the shirt one of those jackets you wear it so I got got the pur on it right with that I just take the shirt yeah sure okay I'm about to show you what a sherbet they're happening today I think we're gonna see them Matt Matt invited us on this trip he was coming to do this and I've never seen a chef he's never seen one I think he was nervous he needed some Assad kid so I'm here we're gonna have some fun a Sherpas I think it's Russian is it Russian type of Russian you know what well no luck we're late we're just gonna get there let's go and get your haircut dude you can get a shampoo seeping in a shampoo he needs a real wash on this thing look at this this is a spa dude there's a bonus on the trip right here some we're gonna pay for this wash dude when I say we I mean you do we didn't know there was gonna be a beauty salon right there um we I don't know if I'm the only one but I did expect to come here to like snow like cold snow we don't really we didn't dress for it Rick behave yeah we're getting so distracted right now hair wash candy we need boots when I did when I did the Battle Royale in LA last week the week before my boots were soaked I accidentally left them in the hotel so I got to get some like cheap disposable boots how is it oh my god there's bugs coming oh look at it you look like one of the one of the soldiers of Wizard of Oz did Oh we this way Brett oh my god she's so distracted what the bunny head down it looks good on you maybe you should buy that do some air Brahmas bro this is this is what I used to wear when I worked at the Rope factory promise baby - we're all getting the same exact bin my size but alright I found them these are gonna these are these are nice actually they're legit we are in the land of the lakes and they're all icy and snowy and right now we are on our way to learn guys we're on our way to learn what a Sherpas shirt boss hey question for you guys who are around frozen lakes this is I've never even seen one much less touched one how thick does it need to be so you don't fall through every inch is 400 pounds really how thick you think is that like one inch there that's that'll hold you see where the geese are you see where the water is that's where you don't want to go two inches I will hold a load of 200 pounds all right so you can easily I could I could walk across that no problem right so would you say two inches is enough two inches is enough for like if you want to like carefully try it right according to the internet you shouldn't walk on anything less than four inches but that's like safety that's like you're not gonna fall in four inches goes to 800 pounds five inches goes to 1,200 pounds eight inches goes to 3,200 pounds 15 inches 11,000 pounds you can put a full-size chirp on that thing sure USA all right we're pulling in guys we're gonna find out what these chirps are all about you know it's so beautiful I heard look how deep the snow is we are for sure gonna have a good time look at this get Brian chill don't get too excited now all right let's figure this out dude we're here to find out what a shirt is Matt sent me a video and he said hey do you want to drive one of these and I was like yes and now we're here so I want to see a shirt alright so I guess right through here then we'll just jump to it alright guys so here's a shirt it is absolutely beastly it's like absolutely ridiculous this thing goes everywhere and anywhere like they said you can't get it stuck so our goal yeah you already know dude we're going hard with this thing dude yes it's in fibia s-- which means it goes everywhere it goes on water in water above water over rocks train this thing is nasty look it is Matt they knew we were coming or something that's nice it's a branded shirt right there wait you just deflate them like that the tires are deflating right now look they're flattening them so people can just climb in easier yeah this thing is so cool if we look mad okay so the tires like completely deflated and it pumps itself back up with the exhaust of the unit so the exhaust pipes fill it up somehow whoo yeah the inside is sick you guys ready for some search-and-rescue some transportation how we're going about to have driving lessons you can teach me how to run this thing so that I can run it all right we're backing out we're out of here dude hey guys what up man it's a lovely sure if you got there this is cool alright lesson number one what we do all right gotta put the clutch in okay I'm familiar with the clutch but in first gear huh you're ready to go oh these are so sick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] karev I thought we were tipping on that second one we're going in [Music] hi guys I'm thinking of cracking up behind the wheel is he's pretty standard literally I'm gonna pretty much keep it for a second third and then it's got this left right it's like it's like a bobcat like you're kind of like driving the tank that we drove and then it's clutch gas and that's it break is break his fullback yeah I'm about to drive this thing through a huge puddle it actually was like pretty close in Saudi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa dude that is awesome man what a fun grown-up toy especially that drama yeah you guys gotta be awesome to make one looks like a ladybug on the top oh I would definitely wrap it that's for sure if you do pop the tire it's about three grand a pop right to three grand a pop yeah but it just blows itself back up Matt don't think you can get out of here good I don't think we can get out of here so you filming it's so muddy oh my god you're sliding Oh easy breezy you underestimated my lady all right that is a very light look at the shirt what you think that that was fine that was amazing actually I don't how they get out of that kind of stuff you can pretty much go any origin or crazy well you two can have a shirt for a low price those things are a hundred and twenty thousand dollars dude that is an expensive toilet well what else they can do I don't know is that what you want for Christmas this year he's gonna slip you the what of you dude look how beautiful Brian looks right now holy can get them shots Julian get them shots Julian yeah we can go out there dude that's a lake yo my boot is stuck yo just jump just jump right to there you got that Cooper Lake yes it's a late man I'm going to the lake that wasn't bad we're hiking out to this Lake it's beautiful look at that dude it's crazy out here dude that's deep deep up there we go you just randomly fall through it's just walk doing great the ice has got you dude you already learned about iced it you guys won't have a race back to the tow all right what an awesome day you mean this is for health purposes also brought Brian's a knee pack that I forgot about I was gonna make him wear it in the airport every other yeah but he looks better with it I thought I bought this awesome it's just so pretty you know there's something about the snow and sunsets that's pretty daggone awesome we love you thanks for being here thanks for hanging out with us it was fun making a video today man yeah and we're shooting tomorrow really cool stuff so hope you'll join us tomorrow as well Brittney's in her chocolate drawer no no chocolate shark/doo doo doo doo de chocolate anyway yeah we're gonna call the kids we're gonna end this we got to be up very early in the morning we're gonna get all our work done tonight and start fresh tomorrow you guys thanks so much for being here yeah that's it we love you you're beautiful you're one of a kind [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,620,876
Rating: 4.9212823 out of 5
Keywords: Family, toys, Sherp, New
Id: b3vozmVN8O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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