We Almost Wheelied Over Backwards In a CAT D8 Dozer (Extreme Mountain Recovery)

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all right guys day number two of the dozer recovery uh yesterday we flew out in the helicopter and got the dozer obviously running but we found on the track it's definitely locked up one of them anyways so it's not gonna be able to drive its way out so now we're headed out there to grab a d8 dozer a newer one and basically drag that dozer out of the mountain using this guy right here this is my kenworth heavy haul truck tri-axle and i borrowed my buddies lowboy trailers from rock structures and the plan is to haul that machine off the hill down to an area where we can load on this trailer which is going to be very tricky actually because this is well the dozer has a locked up track and so getting it on a trailer without destroying the trailer which is not an option it's gonna be a little bit tricky so definitely gonna be interesting but also definitely a very good looking setup going down the road we're gonna meet up with the other guys at the gas station grab some fuel get on the road about a two-hour drive from here to where the dozer is so here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right we made it out to uh the site here we got the dozer big d8 sitting right there big old machine we got the lowboy here so the plan is to obviously haul it down here to the trailer i think the trickiest part of the day well we got two two major challenges hauling the dead weight of a dozer with a stuck track and more importantly getting a dozer stuck track onto the slow boy without destroying the trailer give me an interesting run out you get it done today put you on the sideline list hey you hear that you're on the soiler and lunch list i can't believe you tried to order sirloin steak right when the nice lady said it spread real thin today i'm trying to run three different places and you animals are like give me the sirloin fairness uh let's push the red button you gotta get it done i don't know getting done get the shot get the shot alec oh easy all right it's d8 time ladies and gentlemen right here so this is a modern d8 and the d8 that we're pulling out is an old d8 and as you can see there are some very substantial differences all joystick control she's a beaut we're ready to go all right we are uh we are officially underway in the v8 it's been a long time actually since i've ran a machine this big and i really really am not mad about it i love running big machines especially big dozers especially new big dozers like this guy right here [Music] ready to do some work guys ever since we started youtubing more regularly we have had so many different people and companies and products literally crawling out of the woodwork wanting to work with us and place ads on our channel but here's something you got to know about me if it's not something that i would do say or use off camera it's not something that i'm going to do say or use on camera meaning i'm not going to sell you something that i don't actually believe in which is why the sponsor today's video is something that i'm going to talk to you about and something i've talked about before it's called skillshare skillshare is basically like this online platform it's this community full of all sorts of master classes guys here's why i use skillshare there's no ads so there's no distractions it's less than ten dollars a month so pretty much anybody can afford it and it's for like lifelong learners people like you and i who want to continue to get better and better and it doesn't matter whether you're a beginner a pro or if you're just dabbling in something new there's something on here for pretty much every single one of us so guys right now i'm literally just finishing a master class called document your life four ways to live more intentionally and it's by a guy named nathaniel drew and he literally teaches you how to vlog he teaches you how to uh post better stuff on social media he teaches you how to document what you're doing on a day-to-day basis and use that to further your lifestyle and your career like this is really valuable information and this is something that i do for a living and i'm learning things that i didn't know before so it's definitely worth taking a look at even if you think you know everything about a subject jump on here because i guarantee you you might have something new to learn guys i am the perfect example of somebody who you wouldn't expect me to be taking online master classes and trying to learn more and more but i do and it is probably one of the most beneficial things i do for my career my life my mental health everything that i learn on here is just making me become better and better and ultimately advancing my career so guys you should try it just try it if you don't like it don't do it anymore but right now i'm giving the first thousand of you guys the opportunity to get a free premium trial membership so i you have nothing to lose click the link in my description below go to the website if you find anything you like stick with it if you don't move on it's definitely worth a shot i think we're a little too wide to fit through this gate here so we might need to reset this post if our guy don't want to be pulling fences out without the landowner's permission but all right bud get the ranger rain danger ranger out of the way man if not that blade will clear so oh so we brought some experts that brought some heavy hitters let me look at that guy how many people have you knocked out today no no none yet now these are the guys jay brothers trucking out of this oh the axle that drives the had the dozer and so they brought it out here and uh they wanted to come along and see what we're up to turns out every family has a dozer expert is it a floating axe so he's calling the old man right now to see the old man says about the axle i think you just take this cover off and then so we're gonna find out if we can pre-wheel this track rather than dragging it out because you guys know how big of a pain that's going to be if we can pull the axle out and get this thing to freewheel a whole lot nicer all right so we're here with the uh dozer the d8 which i rented from this man right here who just couldn't help himself right yeah to come see couldn't leave the parking lot and just just just closed his eyes he had to come see what was going on turns out you've operated these d8s these old ones just just throw out on like a a percentage what shot do we have at dragging this thing out so you're telling me there's a chance 100 we'll make it 100 there we go that's my guy that's exactly what i was gonna say we do it down here that's exactly how we do it on the basin so it's not gonna be pretty we're hoping to be able to freewheel the track it's not gonna freewheel so we're gonna have a dead track hopefully we put enough grunt on it that we break whatever metal parts are in there and kind of just disintegrate them crunch it up into a fine powder um and then maybe that'll free up the track a little bit but that's optimistic so basically the plan right now is we're gonna take that machine flip it around backwards get the other d8 in front of it choke it up um and start pulling and see what happens then once we get this thing moved a little bit then we'll figure out what we're gonna do with the blade we'll come get that thing pulled out and probably to chain blade to blade there and then haul it out that way but again i think we'll probably just pick it up from blade to front blade yeah for the front of the front just pick it up that's the plan so now we're going to take this put this bearing cover back on and go down that way see what happens wish us luck give me a fight if it's locked up eventually i see it i think it's got bolt threads you can pull so what we're hoping is that this axle shaft is a floating axle shaft which means once we pull this nut off it'll slide right out and that'll take all of the uh tension basically all the it'll get it'll freeze up from all the broken parts inside and allow this track to spin freely so that we're not fighting it all the way out but that's a big nut and we didn't bring a bit just just grab on there with these man let's see it that's just going to last uh this one actually probably clamp on there yeah no yeah nope that's just a solid 50 years get um let's uh let's put the bearing back on there do a little bit of push and pull and see what she says because maybe we'll be able to break those pieces free that are in there you want to put everything back on yeah plan now to uh lift it up enough to where we can just try to spin that other track the weight of the dozer might be hurting us rather than helping us so we're gonna see if we can't jack her up a little bit oh yeah broken [Music] so so guys the plan is working it's actually working really well uh the d8 we got it hooked up to the other d8 with a big choker cable from the ripper kind of picking up a little bit uh the nice thing is these new v8s obviously have a little bit more grunt than these older ones so big brother here he's just he's just capable of pulling a little bit harder and we got that one track freewheeling the way it's supposed to and you can see leave a little bit of a trail there but uh she's coming out of a solid couple hundred yards um the only issue that we're running into is since we're choked up so high it's kind of wanting to pull down on the ripper which is picking up the front of the machine so i gotta adjust that a little bit but i think i think we're gonna be out of here just fine so let's see what happens what do you think alex oh amazing feel good [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] it's pulling pretty good but as you can see this tractor this dose is just wheeling the whole time because we got all the weight up high on the ripper which works in some areas but it doesn't work when this thing's trying to climb because this is trying to climb and that's pulling back it just wants to wheelie up which is what ends up just kind of cutting out all this stuff so basically we're going to grab another choker so we can pull straight instead of down on this one and then we're going to use the tracks from that one the one that's working to help clean some of these nasty should be good we should be spots to get through here it's just gonna take a little bit of free rigging but i mean yes we were really all the way through here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey we made it just about there and what's crazy is the last minute there the track that was locked freed up that's 10 feet but then the other track the good one locked up so there's still we're gonna try to move it as little as possible we're gonna go see if we get the truck right in here because loading this thing with locked tracks is going to be an absolute nightmare and we're now on the neighbor's property and we don't want to mess up his property we don't want to drag stuck tracks through his field because that's just a mess so we're going to see i'll get the how close we get the truck and uh we're close we're so close a few minutes later hey while i got you where are my have you subscribed i'm serious let's talk about this i actually i actually have been wanting to talk to you guys for a while about this i know that we're always like hey hit the subscribe do a like do a like do a like hit the button do it keep doing flip but like seriously what's holding you back if you're here and you're enjoying the content this is pretty good content right it's great watch this watch this you watch this i'm a part of it so would you watch it i don't think so i don't know man i just there's so much blood sweat cut that part out but you know this is good content and that said you know what i do with good content is i subscribe to it because it makes me feel better it makes me a better person so if if this makes you feel better if this by chance makes you feel like a better person and you're entertained um i would just kindly ask that you hit the subscribe button and we'll we'll reward you for doing so i feel the spirit you should feel the spirit because it's testifying you're doing the spirit right now as i'm testifying of the truth of the subscribe so what i'm going to do for you is you if you hit the button i'm going to enter any one of my vehicles how about that they should subscribe right wouldn't you you're going to she already did she's she's been subscribed yeah so now we're about to enjoy a wonderful lunch um and as while we do that maybe i could just you know ask you to ponder thank you um one more time to hit that subscribe button i'm not going to ask you again i feel like we're baptized until the next video or maybe at the end of this one for now we're gonna have lunch with the duke it's going really well track hasn't locked back up which is a plus now we're trying to maneuver through this guy's property like got nice fences and vehicles and chicken coops chicken coops campers so we're gonna be golden as long as the track doesn't lock up track walks up we leave just calling our quits and we're leaving and we're just letting it be their problem because we don't want to deal with that so just watch the tracks one locks up we're out keep that in mind a few inches later all right we're out i ain't dealing with it see i think we're going to try and hook chains or some straps or something to the front of this pull down on it with the blade or the ripper on that and um that should lift the back up then i'll be able to back the semi underneath it to where we get the draw bar on top of over the tires and then we can set it down once we get it over the tires then we can back it up slowly and get it to rest that's kind of the thought we'll see if we uh see how it works so this we couldn't no that was pretty good look at that that could have been an absolute catastrophe but it wasn't it was actually pretty damn smooth in fact i don't know if we could have loaded it that smooth even with the running good line [Applause] so uh long chain flat [Applause] children come on so so close we got the blade off the mountain got the goes drop a mountain now we can get the blade on the trailer and on the way home i'm gonna be a happy camper speaking of camping 20 bucks you got to survive on carl's property [Applause] this where do we want to set it uh what's the one thing people should do if they're watching this right now subscribe subscribe to what my man you heard the guys it's not me asking this time but these guys that's an independent verified third party okay hey guess what we did we did it we made it two days worth of work yesterday obviously we came out here got it running today we came out with the d8 dozer pulled that bad boy straight off the mountain not gonna lie there were some serious challenges we broke a lot of chains we broke like three-quarter inch cable we broke a lot of different little hardware pieces but we didn't break any bones we didn't break any major equipment pieces and we're loaded got all the hardship bud broke today bud bird did break some hearts at the cafe other than that you can't go anywhere without breaking hearts can't you no my spirits were never broken their spirits were definitely broken those girls the buddha was with ours yeah but those girls are total they're salvaged title now yeah anyways hope you guys enjoyed and as i said at lunch time if you would be so kind as to give us a little subscribe ski that'd be great also let us know if you want to see more of this because heavy equipment it's kind of my thing i enjoy it i think we're going to start actually looking to buy more heavy equipment that's kind of like this old stuff abandoned in the hills so if you happen to have some and you're in or around utah hit me up info heavysparks.com let us know also if you have like a unique vehicle that needs to be recovered if it's stuck out in the hills if you got something nobody else can do call the ghostbusters and if they don't answer call us because guess what we might just come out and help you maybe we'll do it for free maybe we'll charge your insurance who knows all i know is we like getting out and doing stuff with heavy equipment hope you guys enjoyed
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,899,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, heli, flying, flight, asmr, vlog, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, adventure, zion, utah, moab, go pro, travel vlog, diesel trucks, trucks, giveaway, ASMR, adventure vlog, vlogger, plane, Heavy D Sparks, diesel brothers, diesel truck, how to, Polaris, Rzr, Utv, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Crazy, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel, silver, gold, battle, tank, 6x6, logan paul, ripsaw, duramax, whistlindiesel, freedom500, freedomfactory, racing, cleetusmcfarland, dozer, tractor, caterpillar, heavy equipment
Id: ao7s2VU_F9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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