Rotator VS Raw Cummins Power!!! Cummins 38 Litre V12 Engine Lift!!!

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[Music] thank you thank you hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching uh today again Ethan is driving the Rotator we've been called to a dealership to lift a 38 liter diesel engine and load it onto a flatbed trailer the engine is inside their shop it needs lifted carried outside and loaded onto I'm not sure if it's a step deck a drop an RGN I just I don't know what kind of trailer they didn't say they just said it needed lifted loaded so here we go foreign driving down the interstate in the rotator what okay there's the engine just stop right here sounds like it's up on high idle oh high exhaust tent yeah that's normal let's go see what trailer we gotta load on [Applause] howdy howdy okay so it's going on a uh uh flat deck truck okay he's got blocks and all that stuff all right one of these in each corner has these yes those are the lifting points all right think one thing yeah that front mount uh-huh actual difference okay so I guess we can set it down probably better than that down first that way the engine's been crowded yeah okay well if we did if we do that then we need two hook points on it uh we'll need one on each end if we need to if we're gonna have to set one end down further which we can do that's not a problem hello sir I'm Ron nice to meet you how far are you going with her New Orleans all right okay all right all right we have lifting points here okay and one over here my thought is probably The Foundry hooks we'll use boundary hooks on it and uh might be able to get a Foundry hook with a clevis up on top of it high enough to where we can just go straight cable to cable take the snatch blocks off they said this thing weighs around 10 000 under 10. so each line is mean to leave these hooks on here yeah those are your tie downs aren't they yeah I knew what that was invite somebody for them all right okay do you want to back it in or do you want me to oh it needs to be backed in this stall where we can get the boom out over it and uh we'll have to be able to pick it and carry it out of here set it on his truck huh yeah oh yeah we'll make it we can we can pick this up laying flat off the side if we had to yeah on his trailer uh we're gonna have to suspend it off the back and drive out of here with it first [Applause] and then does it matter to you which end goes front of your truck back your truck okay all right no we just I just need to know because basically if we pick it up pull straight out you can pull forward and back straight under it and then that'll have your flywheel face into a direction you want it right [Music] I think we can do that we can just suspend it drive straight out with it as long as we're not blocking everything off you can pull up back under it we'll set her down and you're good to go foreign foreign foreign foreign those Foundry Hooks and then it goes over with the uh they should be right up here the founder Hill or hooray correct yes they're just like a giant fishing hook foreign there you go now we need another we may let me see what this looks like we may need another one go in above that that's not going to work Foundry hooks too uh too thick that is too thick okay uh rim slinks get the smaller rims things and we'll double them see if they'll we can fish them through there aren't they nope they're the same thing same thing about the there should be 5 8 and uh well they're different different colors oh no that's why I'm asking there's 5 8 in blue there's 5 8 and purple uh we have five eighths and three quarter I want the five eighths so hopefully they'll fit through the hole five eighths or three quarter it looks like a three-quarter that looks like yeah it's too big TV we may have to we may have to go with the green slings but try to find a 5 8 hopefully we can get it yeah I need two five eights well I'm also trying to place the what's the rating on the green sling here I don't know but I'm also trying to keep the door from smack okay ten ten six if we use this in a basket so if these are the same length we can use these I'd rather use those but if this works yes if I had the money you bet we'd have one ordered that's a heck of a system now really that eight yeah about 18 speed man that that thing is just a beast yeah well they've had what is it the 12-speed version then they come out with this XD Pro the 18 speed man that thinks monster yeah yeah they're going to be giving the others a run for their money with that one that's what's in this truck X15 it's just got a straight 18 instead of that endurance platform behind it where's my shoulder out shifting all the time now I got him heating shift for me I tell you what I tell you what I've been a I've been a stick guy my entire life I've never been a fan of the automateds but after driving that one I was sold that's a different animal there well at The Proving Grounds up there they've got oval track and then they've got a 15 grade and on the other side's an eight percent grade they had a legal Heavy Haul it was 145 000 pounds on I forget how many axles but Michigan legal up there we stopped going down the 15 grade put it in reverse took foot off the brake and it started creeping backwards uphill no bucking no jumping no nothing I told him I said you know I was the same way it wasn't automatic put that one there I think I'll take that one that one that sold me whenever whenever we could stop down going downhill on a 15 grade and not have it buck and jump trying to go backwards it just started easing back up the hill that's impressive that's really impressive yeah and also through the eye yeah his hands were a little big it's kind of snug all around okay watch this as I bring it in please [Music] it's going to twist a little bit because of the way it's hooked up hey what I mean I'm good however I can work with it like this okay all right what's which one's the heavy end you're pretty close to the same ain't it okay are we centered under it what's well I might have set the Outriggers down now we'll just set the air ride down for now all right Ethan tell me because it's gonna it's gonna spin just a little bit oh that's right perfect catch all right get these out of the way wrecker just like this maybe not not a wrecker identical to this but they usually unload them with a wrecker or crane of some sort it's going to level out with the air ride now with a swinging load behind you are you going to move this okay okay all right get a tag on it tags should be on the far side [Music] probably need to roll that up that's the only one in the area that will really yes sir I got I got five foot lateral travel five foot they make one twice this size it has 12 foot travel it but it weighs 98 000 pounds it's a hundred thousand it's a hundred thousand uh or sorry it's a 100 ton Recovery Unit Towing and Recovery Unit 100 ton like I said it's twice this size this is a 50. they make Miller Industries out of Chattanooga Tennessee makes a 100 ton and it's typically sitting on at least five or six axles it's always on a twin steer uh reaches out what is the the heights it's like 70 70 something feet hook height it's unreal that thing's absolutely unreal okay I'm gonna pull straight forward towards that uh piece of Machinery by that bus and that'll like we talked about that'll allow you to pull out back under the angle you know what I'm saying where I can I can twist my truck at an angle too but I got to get out of this door first whatever and we after we get out from under here I can boom up and we can lower the cables and then we can spin it right now I want it like that so it doesn't move I want the cables in close it doesn't move as much that way Well normally it was I thought sitting up on the back of the third box but um because it's almost full right it was yes that little but here what you can do you can take this this is just as good as a tagline it'll work well I thought of that but I didn't want to do that just in case this is a harness a fall harness this is what we used whenever we roof Mom and Dad's house makes sense okay so what you can do is you can just take this hook it into his tie down right there good enough that's all you got to do all right you ready here you don't need much all right do we need calms or I didn't think so I think we're okay with out comms aren't you foreign foreign [Music] what's up everyone Let's uh spread these out a little bit good got it yeah there are certain spots you have to lube though [Music] don't let me forget I'm taking these fronts down [Music] this brakes grabbing oh man that's not a good thing but set my foot right down in that boom Lube foreign I think that's part of the sun I'm not real sure to be honest because it looks like the main part of it yeah it does that'd just be it so I can't I can't answer that question those gentlemen in there I'm sure could and that I guess triple compound setup turbo oh I have no idea how that's because I see two sets up there and then I saw a third don't worry about getting exactly under it I can position It Forward backwards side to side I'm up above you so just get in close and we'll get you flying where you want [Music] that's his front brakes grabbing [Music] that's just a little bit in front of your front drive if that's where you want it so I don't think it'll matter on this light load anyway but oh standing over there in the shop I'm gonna get up here so I can watch what he's doing and maybe there's snaps up here Bob we need to come well it's actually not too bad is it we just need to twist it yep well if I raise it up and let the uh let me let him get that somewhat situated and then I'll let me raise it up and I'll bring some cable out that way we can twist it easier okay are you centered in the back yeah what do we need to come this way nice to come out that is not a problem yes it needs to be centered with the truck preferably holding not moving anything you want well never mind they'll say you're doing what you need to do okay all right I'm gonna set the back down well I've got the set the the back is down just barely setting there right now then we'll get the front lined up we'll get front lined up where you want it Before I Let Go of anything we can stand back and make darn sure you got it where you want it that looks about centered according to your float boards anyway okay now they said that that front this front pivots so when I let this off are we gonna are we stable enough back there to keep this thing from no problem coming up on blue up on the front okay coming down all right I don't have any weight on it but how about I stay hooked up to it until we get some securement on there what do you think yeah holding anything on it I'm just keeping it in case something goes astray it doesn't get away from us foreign just pull it out toss it down there we'll get it in a minute right up here Bob oh yeah that's one impressive truck thank you sir appreciate that I go by and tell you son I go by all the time we got that yard up there past your place okay Gray's Point yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah I always go by and see it ain't worth it worked many many years to get to that level I'm sure it's just a small family business you know and we're proud to have it well grateful and blessed to have it put it that way you know what they say anything worth having takes a lot of hard work it does it does now once you got it it takes a lot of hard work to keep it it does well just those well you know how equipment is yeah we just replace those tables uh the winch lines the two main winch lines twenty five hundred dollars each yeah just for the that's just for the cable that's why I wasn't putting it in there that's that's not well thankfully we can put them on ourselves you know we've got the know-how and the equipment to do that we've got our own shop right but still you know if you had to pay somebody do it that was probably oh man another 25 yeah anyway well I sure appreciate it yes sir thank you all right take care God bless her God bless thank you I appreciate it thank you hey ladies and gentlemen there it is loaded load it and that's way to the New Orleans area to be put into an excavator after it has had the engine block rebuilt our engine block replaced sorry rebuilt within uh with a new engine block Ethan's putting this away we're gonna head on back as always thank you for watching and God bless [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 178,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ef2jIcjN88Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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