24 Rivers FFA

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hello welcome to the 24 rivers by popular request it has been created thanks to em Brandi after here we go oh my this is going to be a mess right no further back I'm gonna start off with towers I think in all honesty so this is the original one first is one two rivers map which has the dimensions of 96 times 96 which is tiny made for 24 players there's barely enough space to actually fit a barracks and you alter in here let alone anything else so I had to be kind of careful how I'm positioning stuff let's put burrows like kind of almost on the outside so I can fit through the middle to come into the back of my base alright so we just need 20 wood and we can get the first tower going look I'm gonna have a player on that side as well apparently call to arms has been removed so players can't just rush you come on warm meal this is gonna be so painful other players those towers come on get those towers up as many times as possible I don't see a way of getting through this otherwise bring in the would you get out I mean I'm gonna get killed by someone that goes mass more teams or something like that later on thank you there Frank as well for the stuff let's see I was worried about this I can't afford to have a slow down on those that town I need to put my things in front just to block it if we go one tower it's the main thing okay I'm gonna have to pick on one of you I'm afraid I'd be up they apologize but it's got to be done I've got to get off to that star you know is get or escalate quickly a happy okay so we're gonna probably want to take up to my hair and stuff like that right that should be enough peons on wood huffing but you never know yeah we got creeps over here seller poems out we've got an orange crate come over here which I can maybe manipulate he's putting the bags and they're mine can't fit anymore let the towers speak for themselves I want the hero killed oh please don't sue aside on to someone else we gotta set up our own towns in this they've got too awks belief on other sides oh yeah player colors yeah sorry a bit busy concentrating I'm a machine that trees last longer weh-weh all right thanks in fact let's call the town ball I can't really stop my towers from killing you how much gold have we actually got not that much gold in the gold mines I've almost used all of it just on towers alone I can't really build there without blocking myself in destroying his own stuff now okay this is my way in then so I will be able to just carry on still everyone fast here watch I'd like to get a start second finally I'm just using the Wolves to site okay that deals with that I really want to kill this the arcane tales can hit that but I think that they got did DPS to kill it as it's going on maybe they do seems like a shame working on limited space my your concentration is real I can't fight everyone was gonna be the problem with this you just know some lucky sods gonna get away again mess air or something honey my eyes I gotta get myself a Shadowhunter Shirley my eyes I think I can get enough gold for it yeah 5000 gold left I want you go before someone else takes it yeah you're not gonna escape ah he got killed I guess your barracks is dead then right to try to make some maybe bottom left over here Oh such a mess though man we're under attack like she can't oh I can't think it's gonna block people in that Oh orange left all right my bad sorry I'm so busy concentrate on everything else okay got some more territories and making up them [Music] I'd say about one-third of the players have probably left the game work completely I actually can't move through here so I think I want to destroy the trees the trees do help there well whether I should destroy the barracks and the Burrow just so I've got more space because I can always build more parents just down there I've got a good thing going at the moment no so I shouldn't really be starting more wars unless I absolutely have to fight him just mass towers like a madman basically defender I wish I could say more of what's going on right now but I need to play the free-for-all game and I want to do well can seem like a wolf drive away and see what happens it's got some UNIX company my I want to stand beneath that 50 food market I can I'll make sure my towers win up here they're the victorious town looks like they should be worth investing in that that wolf is still going it's mystic there now mystic is there I think there's some experience then for mystic to be heard I'll move out with my heroes our town is my eyes it is join him in the gang fest if anything I'm just creating more of a kind of rift between those two so those two can fight each other for a little bit longer certainly okay so more upgrades and damage although we need lumber for them Oh ashes this out has he got almost next to nothing do more space to breathe magic it's going good thinking watch your earthquake [Music] I [Music] why you gotta be like watch overlapping Prok please no not a single all the light in front come on man you can do that in there Oh just the next beauty see research your secret how do I kill fast a chef next big damn I hear the summons asking for complete right away [Music] not too much I can do about all the other attacks that happen I'm superstar yes pastor over I can't destroy these trees because they've got so much life and I mean they're slightly get destroyed need a way to get to my base mom my eyes my eyes - strike I can't imagine there's any gold left and on the map so I might want to be careful and actually stop mining this gold mine I might wait until I'm underneath 50 feet or something and then go back to mining it I said that happens I see I'm didn't balance okay he's not ready a friend anymore oh boy nice ready to ride mrs. sunny people that are you still gonna be in life I'm kind of leaving you alive so you can be a bit of a barrier in between me and whatever's to come from the right hand side into the left hand so it looks like it's pretty forked so I could kill a lot of these peons now and that would put me underneath 50 food and then I can probably I don't know that is still enough to put me under 50 feet probably not oh he's got the over line in proc anymore though anyway my hills the hills shudder hunter you had one job today man that's rough limes are still alive I can get pillage now but I'm only gonna get fitted pillage benefiting from Raiders no other units that I have will give me pillage apart from peons my little Scouts indeed to the death layaway light we go pillage now it's actually a gold mine Nestor with my Raiders guy my [Music] you'll see see man can see me since she was it's what's gonna die anyway [Music] blows stop [Music] the limes is having a fight over here on this side kick get these guys to actually start taking the buildings as well Sonny that need right away man it's pretty scary owners that you get so much [Music] I kind of stuck now where do you go from here yeah tre we're gonna get some free kills in the bath but I will anger the Beast by doing so so I've got 1614 so technically free fares more gold if I mine it now it'll be like 2,200 us I suppose isn't too bad well [Music] six six and five you're actually more powerful than I am it's kind of scary and now we've got this coming over here this is why put the stasis Ward's here so I can try to escape get out of here get out of it had the why did my bets fail that one job to do and they probably went for the bat that was the furthest away knowing my luck Jesus Christ that was bad luck the African bed I mean I got to the strongest players left in the game basically pincer in me right now if you just have to go back to mining the gold I don't actually I'm at fifty five food valleys a few more units now one of these unit square I'd be down with watch out I watch it is you the boss right away right away right away what you'll be breathing right away yes what do you love yes be happy to [Music] now my have to lose a cap huh is she home anyway [Music] the boss need to lose this back well you still got goldminer the boss there's the Phoenix of our gyrocopter just to be a knife so yeah we must be the last free left or something but the problem is is whichever one of those two is the victor they're going to be even stronger you saw that the human player had six five five you know I'm on five four four so I kind of need to fight in a weird way sure would be easy if I had earthquake do you have a bunch of to destroy us at demolishes huh my eyes you'll seek me get out of it my life man yes I guess that's the benefit you get for going Blademaster I use speed scroll with the Farseer tried to bring him back the hex was strong I used the speed scroll on the Shadowhunter to bring the fast sight the Farseer back because he was already being hexed and that was bringing him back but then the shadow hunter got stuck and stunned and then BOOM blade master I tried to TV with the Farseer but I think he might have got hexed again after the hex run up or I don't know we got hexed within the hex [Music] just [Music] [Music] I can see it a little bit here but it's not gonna make too much of a difference my woofs actually stuck from insert pending who's busting tanks keep a couple see Raiders could go up there potentially I can sneak up there you seek me watch away actually this could be a job for just you guys yeah sure the torrent chickens got I have to remove my hotkeys for my other heroes and hope that nothing bad happens get up in that corner [Music] see my house that leaves the healin player and growers drools the one with the tanks that leaves me with the human that means the human was victorious does that mean he's like seven six and six now say the word what you'll be craving something need something how can I help wiebel is man kind of liquid I guess liquid fires cheap enough what I know he's got a lot of Griffin's we can't have much left after that he's rebuilding hero free for all the things you have to do honestly I heard a TP is he fighting Percy's the other guy how could you guys don't go left in your minds honestly a search complete an excellent plan ah think this has to be @cp doesn't really [Music] my eyes he's gonna have the fission does he have much man oh he does right bats don't fail me there's always one so close to level five we had some peons I'm pretty sure so they should get my cheddar hunter after level five I think [Music] I have to kill these shut a hunter and Turin chief in the coming in to try to the experience but running away as well cuz he's here as we're not gonna sing come on there we go use my he stole my my eyes Warchief my power I'm sure he's tired of her waiting as well so I guess we'll get this guy just as I foresaw it's trying to secure that goldmine me but next years I need to come from here better position so much focus on the fast and already I can smell that focus well then particularly when I have to kill your girl but my man [Music] big it is here is still very hard and scary I swear the earthquake radius has been nerfed as soon as much more no I don't I hate free-for-all job I am you'll see me this is just horrible direct right away I can't ensnare him whilst he's got that thing on him basically he can just cause he's got the triple hero he can just basically pick off units one by one and I can't really pick off any of his heroes in this situation so this is I almost may as well come back down here and siege from that angle but I don't I don't know how I can break it because I know what tri triple human here I can do obviously does laughs I guess a little bit reckless doing me a favor trying to end my suffering can't heal him Tom healing don't heal him pound him better heals a while oh it's just so horrible that's a point that diddly checkpoint it let's just go this is painful spawn don't have any Raiders left can't even get my hero back watch out he's already got one of his Harris Bank not gonna be long until I guess the upper here okay if I could staff I could bring my hero back in an earthquake but here is what we gonna come back by the time I get over there I got no way to heal because I don't have staff a sanctuary so these just I think triple human hair is still gonna win to be honest with you because triple human hero is God how horrible trying to get some gold with what I've got to peons basically that I'm mining gold cross distance wait for my hero okay heroes gonna take 340 gold where you can get a radar now after the next pick on I don't want to sell any items triple human hero is back you think some over there this is a good time to use earthquake a last night wonder if I can do it without getting finger magic he'll probably just teleport the mounting back and then I'll get storm bolted to the face he's only got one staff and it's on the okay let's get one Raider and send ah yes he just leveled up from that we are ready to rock right the way right away [Music] ages [Music] you seek me out my eyes are use my power that's what I'm worried about human hero can do that I can't do that essentially all my units are just free--free to him my you can't possibly beat triple human hair as all you can't do it so I don't know this is a shitty situation to be in trouble we human heroes probably the strongest lie he can just bully the out of me I can't be anything about it fine I just have to let them take my face and I'll have to go siege up the top if he wants to take this base I see if I don't get killed in process because I literally can't win this all that will happen is over and over and over he will pick off unis I will get nothing killed and he will get to kill so I can't possibly do anything there in that situation that is his to win not mine to lose did he yes storm ball that from miles away those bats would have been moving back a long time ago watch no movement speed or feel slime out you'll seek me out right away do you need my comes my eyes dude you see this is longer than the entire free fold itself she is video sigmay help now dividing into two armies is too risky because the mount like I say the human heroes can pick off your stuff so easy I don't want to give experience I can have my demolishes attacking from the top but it doesn't it's no effort for him to just go right click him a couple of times and then he's got them killed like you are lost he's getting a bit tired like earthquake is almost available you just get what you can out of it could potentially kill the egg and interrupt my earthquake she's too late now but if I sent two wolves I might be now to kill that although then again on don't steal don't think it's worth because of the towers and given experience this is such a slow painful death hmm so I've got to keep bouncing back and forth between top top and bottom layers are giving a little bit of a speed boost as well speaking of which I've actually spent some gold on the speed speed speed and speed boosts essentially bullets tell me everything I need to know reminded me that I need to go sell some more since she is [Music] in no way he summarized our old times we had my back send the mountain back the mountain kids got to run all the way around when I was gonna get storm ball what do you need my counter there's the bath yeah I wonder where you were I can put you to use but I need to put your like a separate hockey so I don't forget yeah I mean the triple hero your hero you've got combo at the moment is actually the strongest Archmage is probably there for bigger maps not necessarily this man I don't think the arch major make that much I don't think I'll make your life that easy just run back storm ball can sometimes be really long [Music] he wants to remove girl from the game yeah that's fine we have to let go village I've moved on hmm earthquake kind of got rid of the tree quickly I wonder if that would work first is any of the trees why he nipped in quick didn't heal at Mountain King knitting quick he's looking for the back now you'll see me you can actually TP he's managing very quickly here so just gotta be nippy we are either tada Oh [Music] free experience in a city kid the Phoenix rises oh maybe No you see cheeky Jam oh wow he got it I'm worried but I'm still guys invisible [Music] [Music] I have to cheese it like I say triple human hero just don't think it's worth it I don't have Blademaster so I can't burst down it's a Glee quickly shockwave Chain Lightning yeah good versus units not exactly gonna bring a mountain king at level six down very quickly I love light Robin no get the ward [Music] my I've got plenty of towels don't mind me whoa no no no you seek me man there's still no benefit to trying to kill him at all all I'm doing is giving him experience I have to play the cheese game I have to do it you can't bring any units and you can't fight him you won't win he will win fire it up it is my eyes watch please get a line in front mmm we're getting lining all-pro it is we've an existing dam [Music] you'll see me nice stuff sanctuary again I just I'm gonna lose only manner those two can just be that brilliance aura on my Farseer [Music] right away we retired last direct my booster maybe job what job yeah I did next big my never leaven the Farseer helps I may as I get the free Farsight should i I don't know man I think he's pretty obvious where he is right now I don't think the free Farsight is gonna do much whereas ah it Oh what I was messing around with the free fast sighing lost my witch doctor feels better that calls for another witch doctor i watch out for seeing the mount king disappears there he goes and away you go you kind of can roughly tell as soon as he's gonna pop in [Music] I don't know if I lose any more gold from pillage because I'm over upkeep I don't know how that works Oh gross sorry mate run the mountain Kings coming run the mountain Kings coming f with the Mountain King there's like nothing at all now watch out if I had level six tauren chieftain I could be a little bit more reckless with him he's gonna try to siege from above which is kind of okay I guess although that means is much harder for him to get back to his base so that's really good for me shame I can't see like a century world I can sing there was pitch black today turn back it's pretty injured now so he didn't want to come back it's not gonna be so easy for him he's got a long way to go mountain kings come back right if I kept hitting the mountain would that stop him from being able to come out of his heel no no my eyes look at him guy these little legs I'm gonna getcha is what he was saying I do still have my back paladin's now healing up ah that dim their staff of sanctuary this is kind of I don't necessarily feel like we truly need homogenize a ssin in warcraft free but it is a bit of a when the human can basically heal for free on a relatively short cooldown instantly well not in time but it basically heals for free apologize the girl our sorry girl well you know he did encourage me to kill ease you know they'll hunt your stuff [Music] looks like we got ourselves a bit of a stalemate here boys because honestly I can't beat it I can't beat him in a straight fight without losing units without feeding him more experience without making him stronger I don't like that I don't like that at all told you ma'am the fight goes so much better for him but it does use up a bit of his manner at least but yeah you can't you can't compete with triple human hero but that blood mage is low on her mana now which is really important but we don't want to give him more mana you'll seek me help [Music] I want to kill the hawk Empowered you see when he gets out of his shitty mode look that in can we please kill this color and snare for the win tap the oh my god that was stressful man a lot of you didn't even realize that I did that cheeky inson and did you the mountain king was in snare said boss it was just kind around here trying to get some taps you didn't even notice that little move did you I bet you didn't be honest well done we ha I'm sorry to cheese the hell out of that but I don't feel like I'm a strong enough player to do otherwise sorry about that apologies cuz that was probably quite horrible to go against well 24 player before player 2 rivers a 1vs1 map converted to have 24 players inside of it absolutely madness well I'll take a look at the scoreboard soak it up the wolf's count as Eunice because how the hell did I get 405 units Oh serpent was sent rewards maybe limes sixteen hero kills that's why I didn't want to go up against ya cuz I'm scared of notching that up too even more hero kills she's scary indeed sella pollen ashes opting for the no hero strategy now she's have a fast year though I was fighting him I swear he had a fast year that's kind of weird anyway I can't remember now cuz it's quite some time ago one hour 41 minutes he did nab the most gold but not buy too much an extra five thousand I suppose is decent but I definitely was way up there as well yeah wow there it is thank you very much everyone for watching hopefully you had a lot of fun make sure to check me out live over at twitch.tv slash wiki WTI I at twitch TV that's where I streamed this live at the moment this will go up on to YouTube of course witty Warcraft well you can go to Witte Warcraft comm and find out more if you really want to but youtube.com slash witty Warcraft thanks very much guys have a great day I'm definitely gonna go have some pizza now and relax so thanks very much bye bye hey witty here thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up button and make sure to subscribe to my channel for Warcraft free content every day just click the bell icon next to the subscribe button to be notified of the latest Warcraft free news you can check out even more at Whitty warcraft calm to stay in the loop there's blogs topics on interacting with me and I was at my twitch forums and more don't forget to 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Channel: wtiiwarcraft
Views: 65,606
Rating: 4.8864355 out of 5
Keywords: new, wtii, wtiiwarcraft, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, warcraft 4, twenty four rivers ffa, 24 Rivers FFA, twenty four, 24, ffa, 24 player ffa, warcraft 3 24 player ffa, wc3 24 player ffa, warcraft 3 24 player ffa on small map, funny, top, best, wtf, moments, orc, human, undead, night elf, battles, free for all, warcraft 3 free for all games, map, download, dl, link, destiny, game, gameplay, video, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Video Game)
Id: drE0Mdqoieo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 8sec (6248 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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