GCS:S 2018 - Grand Final: [H] TH000 vs. Fly100% [O]

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one more time GCSE Summer 2018 the grand final it's th it's fly it's gonna be a two-time GCSE champion but who's it gonna be China on top all three places for the motherland of warcraft this is the Frozen Throne this is what it's all about who will take this trophy who will take the world championship the three acts or the Beastmaster as they call him here take an old stage as well they are being presented in style what a matchup we have here th of course no great surprise to see him here he is the champion of the last season he could make it back-to-back but what about fly he used to be the king of the orcs in China he used to be super strong he was world champion pretty much back to back in 2015-2016 but then he disappeared he became a lot weaker it seemed but now right when it counts he's peaking he's on top performance once again but his toughest task is yet ahead of him in the past finals of this season we always had the favorite prevailing we had a great play by infi in last summer he was stopped by won 2-0 then we had foggy making it all the way to the grand final he was the underdog he was stopped by th now once again a surprising contestant which is fly this time a lot more experience for him than foggy had th looked so goddamn strong in this best-of-seven what can stop him the crowd once again amused by the statements fly big smile on his face crowd favorite here maybe according to yesterday's banners that they raised for him she becoming nervous now and it's about the big one it felt like he had nothing to lose here this tournament he was fearless in his game sometimes even looking over aggressive against the games in the games against la lai it but you know he's not committing fully to competition anymore he's playing this as a streamer into V twos you know he still plays Warcraft certainly but no longer all about that world champion but now suddenly he finds himself in a situation where he can claim that title once again but it does not like look like pressure is an issue th defeated learned in the quarterfinals seemingly the best orc in the world by far fly could claim that title for now Lin was so dominant it looked like nobody had a solution for the orgs the crowd is wild as both players go to their booth and prepare for map number one this is the first and only best-of-seven in this entire tournament no Vito's randomness decides the first map and could give one of the players the momentum to win it all yeah no veto is exactly and I think that is one of the few advantages that Phi has going into this Oryx can creep anywhere or can usually play anywhere of course there's better maps and worse maps but there's really bad maps for night off every human n items they share that downside because creeping is a big deal especially for human level three Archmage is oftentimes what it's all about you won't be able to get rid of internals you won't be able to get rid of I know that's the big one of course that's gonna be remaining in EKKO is also hard to find level three th's often times very imaginative with creep routes even playing completely weird strategies against Lin blood mage first fast expansion is what that game was and this is the best-of-seven I hope we're gonna see a lot of variety of playstyle we were joking kind of in a little break here gonna have seven maps of toe rushes now hopefully there were not quite be the case no th has a lot of strategies in his playbook what is fly going to play we don't really know we haven't seen him versus you in this tournament so we haven't seen him in tournaments too much in general like an awl he was only facing moon in the qualifiers here there weren't too many humans as all the human played on the races so what's this game plan what can he prepare in that little time he had to prepare for this one we go into map number one as it seems here in Shanghai as we see the stage one more th a former WCG champion both players by the way played for mousesports back then the old German clan back in the day of course th started for victim nerve Victor with wisdom nerve victory back there he is a crazy strong player versus orc and that was until the rise of Lyn until he kind of revolutionized this matchup with only a few tweaks fly is this where out of nowhere he can cement his legacy once again what is that gonna do to him is he gonna get more motivation to play once again here we have obviously no picks and bans this is best-of-seven we're gonna have all maps if we require the distance to define the winner and we start on a coils indeed there was t8 with the blood mage first expansion play against Lynn where the Korean had no answer in the quarter-final yet no answer in general th had the timings he cancelled a lot of burrows through the orc back and gained enough time for his strategy to work echo outs also pretty decent late master map with all the claws that we had and fly today pretty lucky when it's about items yeah and of course fly should have seen that game should have a decent idea of how to respond I don't think th is gonna utilize the same strategy once more there must be decent counter to it I wondered maybe we are not so privy to but these orcs that you know have been playing for so long must know what I wanted to point out is fly back in 2015-2016 he was super strong then back then the meta game was not all about but mostly about tower Russia's executing tower artists defending toe Russia's yours he was a surprise at that tournament he brought the European style to China which was mk1 based map control blood mage a lot and blood mage was weird whereas you know the Chinese went for peace method toe rush and the orcs tried to defend against this fly should I think I would assume it should still be very very good at defending tower pushes maybe that will dissuade t8 from that strategy a little more so than other works might on the other side since then we have seen also news for the humans coming the file or tower push is something that we haven't seen back then was super strong for quite some time then they got used to it they knew okay if I attack the lava spawns and get rid of them there's not gonna be four of them I have a little easier of time it's gonna be cool man so many question marks here both of those players can pick from a lot of strategies like you can go master anus and lame that's something we haven't seen too much of course it's a little harder again slow and clapping stumble yeah yeah and vanish but you can do it you can't go from a swipe and we haven't seen too much Farseer with the new patch 1.09 can also be strong especially against our rushes with wolves also for super fast acts we have seen that a fly as well but we have also seen latex with double burrow more grunts more creeping it's gonna be super interesting yeah and the most exciting thing for me would be that first year that you mentioned but that's often times player specific Lin has shown that he likes going faster even likes going shadow hunter fly renowned for his amazing late master control sometimes a little too ambitious with his blade master huge usage has never really been known to be a faiiure player that's cool that's true he came a little later to the scene when the blade mess was already around so he hasn't seen the big x of grub yours a card he wasn't there on the top level of Warcraft back then when he was there it was all about the blade master so this is what he learned and this is what he also made super famous but maybe that is the surprise factor that you could need in one of those Grand Finals one of those strategy to throw your opponent off depending on the map of course as well of course it's great for twisted marrows we're gonna cut into that more if we should see the map but there we have seen a lot in the past perhaps we try to follow up something you know unusual normally it's the human who will dictate the pace of the game yes but when you go for Farseer or something or completely crazy then maybe the human is the one master absolutely the last match between the two by the way was in May of 2017 I was at I to eSports masters fly currently to a win streak but man what does that really say this is basic both players are basically playing blind I mean you kind of know what th does against or because he's shown it against Lin fly maybe a little bit more intelligence of what his opponent is doing maybe reacting to it better we go into the studio one more time th waiting for the game to start fly there as well we've seen them joking around a lot on stage but this is the killer fly is it the fly of the old can he despite not having the practice necessary usually turn up when it is required usually that was fly's downfall always he was always so strong and then off line either on all days or on one of those days he fell short but now it seems to be turned around he has been yeah not putting that much work into Warcraft as in the past but here seems like once he's not playing so seriously anymore the cares are gone for him and he could finally perform without pressure the age yawning there quite a bit so is it getting too late for him it's 10 p.m. here in China usually they always stream late they always they're used to staying up late should be fine for both of them I guess your prediction you should bring him some energy of hours to be have some left Remo our predictions were horrendous predictions were horrendous absolutely true but we are in the spotlight so our predictions were endless your call th how high for two for two I would say the same so I give it to fly for three bold statement here we have the first map of the grand final of the world championship this is the best-of-seven first player who gets four maps is the GCSE champion and therefore the world champion in the upper left we have th they're a 0-0 fighting against the underdog that is fly a former world champion both know this spot is not like they'll allow you to get nervous on stage or foggy th his year his qualifier so far was okay it was a decent year he won the neo Star League in December there was his last big tournament win since then he fell to limb in the New Year's Cup or to Lin's team in the New Year's Cup he was the bronze medalist of don't use super league he was eliminated in the semifinals of Africa Warcraft League bronze mallet automats as well color Cup silver medal here only falling to moon in the February race of GCSE he lost to in fees zero for in a random random competition in March he made it to the lower bracket semifinal and April a little better to the lower bracket final so he was always there but just not winning he ended up the qualifier a seventh place unusual unusually no for him but now when it counts he's there in the final fly as we said took a little bit of an absence only playing NSL eliminated in the quarters playing a WL eliminated in the first round only making it to a playoff in the qualifiers once but then he made it all the way to the final only losing to Lyn fly versus th Reema what do we see as a star unequals it is actually the same thing against as against them it is a blood mage fast expansion once more banished first year to limit the damage from the creeps how quickly is flying gonna realize is how is he going to be able to respond to this Lyn tried to pressure this with a blade master and a grunt but really wasn't able to do it that Shadow Priests especially which I imagine th will be going for again was so helpful in the defence Linden became creative with of hand our second trying to apply pressure to the base but I just wasn't good enough gonna be really interesting to see how fly does this how he makes it different that's it differently indeed fly th pulling the creeps here getting the set of trees yeah there we go but the creeps are coming back this should be quite a bit of damage on him the bandage helps in creeping here getting the ogre Magi though without any problems and the thing is if you banish the unit and then heat it up with the priest it's twice the healing getting two rings here was probably hoping for a little bit more damage Lake master circle it from the middle and then gonna try to be aggressive when you are there very early the damage from one or two grunts bless blade master could be good enough to actually cancel the expansion in power blood but against banished that certainly shouldn't work out it's important here to keep the Shadow Priests alive can he do it banished on the blade siphoning him but if he loses the shadow priestess it's gonna be a big issue and I think he is going to this time exactly the wind walk is enough and the back step is not killing him but the next sword who takes him out so no healing for th right after this one he has to go for a shop at some point more harassment by fly this is what he's known for non-stop agression he's going for the Town Hall immediately grant is coming in is this damage gonna be enough good Spanish and surrounds him the plane is surrounded can he fight his way out otherwise he's gonna die what a horrible beginning that would be banished is cooling down it's gonna be over on the ground soon but not soon enough as the blade master dies in this attack and the expansion remains alive oh how reminiscent WCG 2009 echo isles fly verses in fifa I went over to infi side of the map gets killed with his blade after three minutes something th seems to be on fire here is there another banish I think so he could go for us around then as the unit is slowed and another footman comes in as well are we getting it not yet so fly does a lot of damage to this Expo how fast was his tech what's this follow-up limp late is very aggressively try to kill one of the bases on tier 2 you can decide to counter expand but getting that thing up is so difficult takes forever to complete as the orc player I can also go for Sh and look for pickoffs early because SH + ensnare + buildings gonna make you extremely strong in the mid game the human will have to turtle against this boots now or the blood match with that he's gonna be a lot more mobile just as well BB CRE wind riders most likely or could be a lot of Raiders as well yeah I think it's wind waters question is how many towers can he get up one in the base he needs that one I haven't seen a scout tower there yet he was going for a lumber mill expecting this there's a lot of options for orcs to counter this th a scouted this with the footmen now as you said mez Raiders mass wyvern expand yourself go for tier three fly decides to go for the Shadowhunter not the Panda late master now in the passive line he's not going for the townhall kills one but that's about it he can't risk another surround like this and most importantly I think seeing the status of the towers must realize it's gonna be a guard tower here so if he goes for winter it's pretty unlikely to be successful but he skips the guard in the main that is really greedy it's going for it now will it still be in time it's gotta be to wyvern so the damage is good but is it enough he's going for the second tower there with power build it's raiders weight as I said doesn't want to take the risk he hadn't scouted the main he didn't know about the guard tower so if you go to wind riders and then in the main there's 1/2 guards then suddenly you can't do anything with them anymore perhaps you could look for some unit hiccoughs but that would be it level 3 for the blood match all of a sudden is pretty tanky with the plus 4 and the Telos gonna be raising its TF thinking okay where when are you coming where are the Raiders aware of the Y burn because that was quite a big investment now into three towers which you usually not really need against Raiders they help of course a little but not as much as they do against Y burn and with this toehold not being repaired I think it's the right call for flight to do o X quite a bit of damage will be coming towards the blood mage has the dispel against it though we'll have another one and as you point out earlier it's deceptively tanky here not something you expect normally from a blood mage he's moving across the map I think he wants to scout for a counter expansion and most importantly this is what is priority number one keep him on one base and win with the economy a lot of disabled now for fly and he's going for the mercenaries freshly purchased the bestiary Berserker and Shadow Priests and he wants to take them out as fast as possible investing a lot of hacks into disabling this Black Mage and successfully doing so banner saves one though that's a nice thing about banish gets rid of the end snare right away only footman left though and grunts and Raiders should be good enough to deal with them blade kind of low but there's no catch there's no burst no nuke no real focus fire so you won't be able to kill the flame Master will have to TB and keeps almost all of US forces alive only lost that one single Shadow Priests once again the footy is having such great value for two years but he lost the town Pole and a lot of men are so fly lost his hero th lost the town portal Expo is up though and now the Raiders when will they be in fighting shape they are quite bruised now after the first fight against the footmen more are coming and I think he needs a timing push soon he's around 50 food he's expanding all right didn't expect that to be honest I thought there's gonna be a rate of push run by so nice from th at the southern side and the footy for distraction in the middle also for scouting this first Expo attempt will certainly be getting canceled the question is will th be able to keep his expand his own expansion up he's checking there now and he repaired it and there's less surface now at the expansion so very well prepared for what's to come excellent play by th so far but if he commits with all of his Raiders the TP home will come it's only defend footmen but with the help of the towers that should be good enough to repel the rise actually the tech was almost finished already once again like against him he's taking at the expansion going for the shop here actually late master really low HP shop is gonna be taken out I think with luggage in a very bad position but can use vanish of course can't get rid of the blacksmith as well but the shop means no regen no clarity's and of course no breakers for th now as well he's trying to find another opening at the main base where it's only a town hall this distraction gives him some time for another expansion he must have cured it already and he's transitioning into walkers now but this is so much sage damage he denies the second hero no healing though these Raiders in trouble and banished so much banished he's reducing the damage by so much he still has so much mana to work with but in the end the altar Falls oh man but the so slow speech go being used now to evacuate fly finds an answer that Lin wasn't able to get so far at least that made you still with a lot of mana can use quite a few more banishes one foot he won't be good enough here to kill this base but he can just move across with he has to worry about a lot of ensnares but anyways if the expo finishes it's gonna be delayed by so much and th already at 1.5 k gold but there's no second hero there's no brilliance or there's no blizzard he's going rifleman like this doesn't do too much against an org army without why run a little bit against walkers yeah especially with this link the dam is gonna be so minor against raiders and grunts both we see pillage so it's gonna be additional income for fly when Raiders or grunts attack buildings and that's most lightly gonna be happening the entire time he has to be super careful though because slow is coming and banishes David banished is far away he's pushing this expansion one more time and in fee and th how often do we mention this footman are their key to success yeah this Expo won't be coming up in the main base the barracks will be taken out so no more rifles the thing is though with this expansion we have mentioned this in the game prior he forces th to a reaction he forces th outside of his comfort zone and that gives him like some surface to attack barracks down more gold for him get some experience with these peasant kills he gets stuff done Geoffrey tech here for the orc something we see very rarely probably to get the tiny great hole that's safe expansion which can't be disrupted late master coming from the main he has a scroll of feeling yes from speed excuse me he has two Scrolls of beatings fact on his side but his burrows in the main iron trouble they don't have reinforced defenses yet he'll have to respond to this or is he just face racing face racing with Raiders that's not too bad I mean there are towers the Raiders will take some damage we don't have spirit link yet available there's some priests there's some slow he's going for the Town Hall one rate of false here so healing as it seems he must leave this good idea can't do it he committed so hard for it in the end for his efforts he got a barracks watchman is there now yeah the altar had been set up began in the south and it's gonna be so supply blocked cuz their pair also incredibly expensive you got a lot of gold and can't really spend it at the moment though and he's getting more resources with these attacks I think you can take out the sanctum as well that's gonna be good for him so much baddest man against the repair and with that he gets the borough finally this is a fantastic or versus human man both players like with a knife between their teeth ultra aggression nobody is defending in this game at all all-out aggro now finally he will respond he will run home but there's no boroughs anymore if these peons die he can't remake them he has resources he has 600 gold in two hundred lumber that should be fine needs a town portal and he goes home now Blake masters quite heard but there's no damage in the army of th can he go for this blood match with hex and then damaged no force the town portal immediately and again no expansion Tier three is finished he will have the tiny Great Hall so he doesn't have to rebuild that many boroughs he doesn't have gold for the tiny Great Hall actually absolutely not can he sell something is that even the right idea I think you have to go for barros first here to produce something I don't have a pan get level three don't have the peons to support a second base tough tough position once again it looks like th outsmarting his opponent nots really there seems to be barely any chance you know 67 supply for th now this is and 1300 gold still I mean it's just an incredible position for him hero levels are good though late masters inventory not so much the ring I guess something to be sold here to get more burrows up at 39 I get seventy supply and it's not like he's floating in two thousand gold in the meantime then he can explode like he asked for production buildings if he would have enough money then he could just go into a up key even contest th but that's absolutely not possible look at this sad state of affairs two peons only mining here so you can get the Burroughs up again the three sh finally that's pretty good I suppose we got to mention that both human heroes are very very weak can be focused there's no TP of the arch mice no in wool in general I mean the Black Mage has a very good inventory against this with the two rings and the talisman but there is certainly potential for hero kills against banished it's gonna be hard though if he doesn't have too much just in champs he has one Walker who should have a depth training by now with an inversion as possible has to claim that for himself though could also banish the target of course it's being attacked so here we have a big human army seventy supplies so so much gold floating that makes very far forward but again with the banish he should be fairly safe confidence from the source resistors running ahead he even has more mana now with the brilliance order to work with so big mana pool in general siphon and brilliance this Black Mage should have put to good use and now speeds roll over Raiders slow down may have to be a TP here again which would be so expensive though fly is trying his best to do something he can just that doesn't expand should go unpunished he has to get something for himself in the meantime he was banking quite a bit of gold he's out of lumber now so that's his next issue we got the Burroughs back up but now what and th is fortifying this he has a tiny great all he invested 700 gold into this but the towers are up for coming up at least alright he sets it up right there obviously th sees that he could just decide to attack over there after he takes out a couple more Raiders perhaps here wave again lots of mana invested once more playas to buy time now somehow oh nice there is cipher wind walk first but the towers are upgrading fly has to do something against the towers otherwise it was like 700 gold fodder for four towers and the blade rounds can't do anything there the banished dude the banished is too sick do nothing incredible incredibly smart by th after a hectic early game he found his strength again and the Black Mage does not only defeat Lyn but also fly second time around and this is th abusing the one borrow meta of nowadays Warcraft if you play this to borrow tech if you attack there with two maybe three grunts that Expo probably never sees the light of day but it's one borrow meta you only have one by one grant for the longest amount of time and again set the blood mage can defend this on the other side if you go for two burrows and your Raiders are late and then the bases are more protected and then you can't kill the outside you can't get the pillage restore that he had here a lot of that but I mean if you kill the base the expo in the first place then that's good enough but of course you have to decide on the to burrow before scouting that and if that's not the case then you play the normal at our push meta slash one base meta with a to protect which is not what you want I would have liked to see Tier three rush we've seen a year ago maybe we saw a lot of Expo plays from the humans moreso than nowadays anyways and they were always so good at canceling the orc expansion it's just way too easy to do yes it's gonna be more expensive to go to your three and to get the tiny Great Hall but you're gonna get it secured and normally the human delays is tio2 by a long long time because it needs to be safe with towers against wind riders and so on and so on and because your tech is so fast would have liked to see that it came very late didn't seem to pay off th with the build order win once again it seems almost twice the goals here once again for th fly no solution so far not once breaking the fifty supply and yeah the disabling the blade master seems to be all the rage here at GCS summer dreadlords tried it and failed against fly but the blood mage and his banished probably the only map you can play it on though yeah certainly the only map where I've seen it on with that super fast expansion creep camps like green camp into Expo would be the same on LR but you're much closer to the orc opponent you can go for circle it's much easier also no Shadow Priests really I mean you can try yeah I forgot about that one yeah yeah you can't do it without that yeah yeah fly again on his phone asking his waifu for map suggestions maybe so what do we have lr it's a good map hey III also very good map usually that will be vetoed by the humans but then our best-of-seven there are no vetoes no surprise here absolutely not possible to go for an expansion here this though could be one of the Firelord maps yes absolutely the prime final map I feel the first time I saw it was on this map a result of human desperation because it's it is impossible to get level 3 here if the org is scouting at all and tilt your to of course yeah Expo also impossible so what did you do it's limited choices for humans for sure can try to push with level 2 arch mate we've seen that succeed if you find some decent items you can maybe go for the burrows th was really good at that in the game against learn on different Maps though it was Alchemist that game on to analog man never thought I can see three boroughs died so quickly against double to am so low 3 a.m. we talked about that a lot it is it seems like for other humans it is a requirement to send a chance in the mid game th and in fee they defy this rule sometimes so maybe that's not as simple fly I mean equals he tried but it is I think if you play it like the agent and fee it's kind of like a human map even nowadays so it shouldn't be too much thrown by that defeat also he knows how to come back in those seriousness once again we have to reference WCA 2015 where he was down to yours and then took it in the end this is series is far from over our best-of-seven has only just begun and we're going into number two shortly seem to be having a bit of a break again I think you have to reposition your microphone yeah they take a little bit of a break it was a long day a little bit longer for th actually since he started earlier and had to play one map more but here it is rap number two engine tiles fly seemingly in no brain pink what's his answer now or what is ths answer as it is a normal alter yeah nothing special so far no barracks first but instead the normal build Archmage most likely gonna walk towards the ogre and I think if you time it perfectly you can even steal one of the last hits from the human unless he's extremely fast with that creep camp I've seen that before but for that you may need a scroll of speed there is no not gonna be any early shop for fly I don't think so I must say I'm kind of surprised I was expecting a fire Lord here certainly I thought that cheese was gonna be used once and why not here historically by the way a th and fly are very close in statistics 36 map wins for th 29 for flies so basically 5050 in the past three years though a lot less matches with fly not playing that much anymore 14 210 still close and 46 in syriza's so every time they play it is yeah not a one-sided affair at all and of course we are hoping that for this series as well it's once again a Blademaster no Farseer play by a fly and I really like this opening it is actually the fast shop so he is gonna be able to grab the scroll of speed Popat run towards the shop get the circuit and then try to steal creeps probably only one from that first camp from the human and then he's even further away from ever to an even further away from level 3 because of that of course is that gonna work out what does th have a special creeper out here in mind holds a lot of militia okay it's a normal militia creep against the it's over she did a power build a little bit he was out very fast there possible not sure she goes for the big ogre Magi first to not give that one up and the fully scouting confirms alright you have a fast job so I have to worry about the blade coming too late a little bit too late indeed goes for the water woman who get some experience if not tonight wasn't it said it but dude that's still a good start for the human night I think it was a bit of a power of it on the altar right the arch major was a little bit faster out of the altar and there was two seconds that got him that juicy juicy experience got some stuff done though so few kills were made and there is the lumber mill tower push at the beginning of tier two most likely the question is with what hero and with what level of an arch rage he's going for the Burroughs again this broke the neck of Lyn onto a rock and this second borough is once again delayed therefore only one grunt and not too much creeping to be done how quickly can he enforce the human out of his base here like master without even the circle his damage pretty damn low this ball gonna be canceled once again Woody's dropping lower as well but the Archmage shows his face again and all this is so annoying more experience though for the blade master at least getting close to level two did he cancel that I'm not sure that he did if he did it was very last second here we can't need to cancel this borrow as well 140 will be lost but easily worth all the footage that are lost can of course be replaced easily he needs a decent amount of footman for the tower push to work of course you don't want the fats blade master for that as well Archmage prioritizes the Boro cancellation over his own level so what can he really do without a level two and a half at least on the beginning of g2a certainly his level two but at the green camp of course next to his base we'll be able to supply him with this already warmer coming up he knows what could be there to come Archmage dropping real low may have to be a teepee he's blocked in here is he gonna let him die no TP is him out and the border will actually be saved here by flying to HP footmen save for the town portal as well power build on the shop now as he needs healing desperately otherwise the blade master will just cut him to pieces Tech is finished soon but I don't think the eight is in the best position to tower pushier fly can go for more grunts now it kind of has to repair but this boat should be in a secure position noted to buildings for fly though yet so this will take some time and I wonder what he's going for is it the Raider play is it the catapult play will he throw in some headhunters will he go for kodos early there's many different approaches to this tower defense and there's only one for this tower push should be the Beastmaster yeah absolutely only backed up by a level two Archmage but still decently good enough fly was looking around the entire map where the human might be creeping Alchemist again like against limb leave myself a little bit too far out the window here shadow hunter on the side of fly of course it takes a little longer it's not coming from the tavern but from the altar and this burrow is so important there's a dust damage with peons inside and of course would keep a fly supply stock mass healing again he's going for the Archmage only right-click there how much repair how long can it last with the Hexen I'm gonna have a good answer how come is surrounded by the way he has the ring of protection as well I like that so much healing to be done but this burrow isn't falling it and the reason is only one water elemental dad said not any more damage and The Alchemist still surround good hold by fly indeed the way the peons were already there and the way he had so many peons ready for this defense Alchemist died the footman dies he can get another one maybe level up critical strike is there he's always gonna find a lot if he keeps on running he's gonna see it win box gonna wear out he's a woman he has more mana definitely worth it for that footy killer might not even need it BAM nice gets it with her back stats the second one invest another hacks look at beautifly indeed what a defense there th of course can still fall back into a normal play The Alchemist is always good with heal wave he'll spray and acid fun but not as good late-game as a mountain King not as good for a push as a Beastmaster actually surprised to not see the Beastmaster there he's calling militia for the creep so now his new target is level three but that by his fly so Oh The Alchemist is stuck in the base can he pull himself out oh nice move with that ivory tower so more creeping novel fly there's a lot of space now on the map for him he deflected that first push marvelously the second push shouldn't be coming is it looking scary not really it's like 141 priests one circle at rest is militia already duration is over from the creep camp looks like Twitter of desperation from th this is a boots of Quel'Thalas or robe of the Mayday this is gonna be so good late master a little bit under attack he has mana for windwalk so he's safe always getting revealed here might be forced into an item begging float again is it time for fly to loses blight masters no as the year wave is there at the moment at least room of the major it is but the blade mass is still under attack speed scrum being invested as well that should be the safe but now the rest of the army is kind of exposed he wailed for the very last second here to try to make the human overextend and then perhaps us around after he got the or outstanding play by him he's gonna get the hero kill once again keeps this around close he'll sprained not good enough as The Alchemist Falls finally and now the sorceress is out of man I can't mass slow anymore we have towers in the main but no army to back it up fly seems to be on fire here blade master is healing up getting more kills we have 37 supply only for fly were th unusually low at around 40 or dropping down to 33 here actually and it's looking desperate it's looking there it doesn't even the creeps now joining in the bail making life worse 48 as if it wasn't bad enough of course this is by far the worst map in the map pool but fly plays it's so good that's around there holy was that exceptionally well done and he lost his blade master on echo isles he barely escaped here it's really like the rule of thumb if he loses his blade master he loses if he keeps him alive he wins and all hopes are with a trick once again now he keeps it there so it can't happen again so now you're stuck on only three sources level two Archmage low mana everywhere he needs that blade master kill now to get back but so unlikely where's your burst damage killing the alchemist twice the koto is there now headhunters as well supply lead but the blade master is quite low but it said Shadowhunters in a good position Laur swipes the overlord very nice overseer sorry and that's level two he'll wave he's gonna use it here in a moment gets the spirit link as well this blade master so tanky now and there's the first few way if we're gonna have a second perhaps even a third soon we don't have heck we don't have n scenario though so not that much cash as he wants to use all the mana for the hexes but here he is the radar it's the upgrade already here goes for the Archmage he doesn't have a TP this around could very well finish the game that late master misses that surround the Raider is looking for another kill yeah blocks the RKO three Saturn and this should be the kill here if he keeps them stuck kenny reengage into this i don't think so ten supply lead for fly the koto beast is still there for additional damage breakers are coming interesting a little bit off of the spirit link but he'll spray long distance but man this poor alchemist does not pay off one bit sir survives pretty long there in the surround actually with the blade mass of being differently engaged up towards the north towards the real army but the alchemist will fall more and snares will fly second time around trying for the Archmage still doesn't have a TP is dropping low is there a hex yes there is there should be one more ensnare and that must be the kill the Baxter the right-clicks they kill the Gigi and the equalizer fly fly clapping for himself a little there strong comeback on the best anti human map of them all but this was not one do to map only this was great surrounds this was great defense this was a fly who's in tip-top shape to threaten th and to make him fight for the second title yeah well done there and here we could really see it maybe th doesn't need a level-3 Archmage Euler but he needs a level two hours yes that guy was another one forever and why didn't he send over like four militia to only you know creep their little what's the guy called the knoll poacher you know the one with the arrows there was enough for level two why do you do that did he need the lumber so bad maybe you forgot about it which sounds like blasphemy almost but yeah level one Archmage push with an alchemist yes it's nice that you have the healing that's good my friend but where's your damage one water elemental level one Archmage what was his item to your ring yet a ring as an item didn't even have damage from that that borrow like was easily repairable with the quick reactions of life exactly with the seven or eight peons there in time and then when the Shadowhunter came out that was the time where he couldn't focus that anymore with the hex no chance and I want to get back there was such a cool play like this four units around there the little lake in the sand that was really good I so good then already the surround on the alchemists before that I think was actually two units blade and grunt against the barracks in the baroque he kind of present himself there but that for years around that you mentioned was really really nice using the scroll of speed so well there eight units killed only four th in this game that is the lack of damage and you keep on mentioning six of those are creeps by the way yeah so he killed [Laughter] it happens so Remo way down to best of five we are we have five more maps left one of the fairly imbalance ones is out fly very nice it he gets its comeback here but he must realize it's probably are gonna be as easy again I agree and this also total rock th and rock you love relationship running counter in the close positions again at some point your luck has to run he like he figured out some kind of shortcut that triggers a closed position or something it's incredible like the GTA codes spam in the right combination kind of who's your daddy cheating as well I don't know and this is what are the odds for so many close positions that th God well you know at some point it has to be cross or semi cross once again you said that the last time as well and then boom close position alright if you hit happens here again I admit that you know all about probabilities and I don't know oh man I was so bad at that in school so what do you take as a map as th now twist it twist that's good what else do we have we have an R it's not really good lazy it's pretty good if you want to rely on that level three Archmage which is normally what this is about so I would expect a Z or TM here okay I'm pretty sure it would be TM with I've seen so many teller rushes there you can play like a lot of styles but it's up to th maybe he has something prepared that we're not aware of always possible with th was he eliminated by here's the trophy once again the Frozen Throne will be handed over from the undead to either the Horde of the orcs all the Alliance here being represented by th his map choice now his knee alright is this twisted or will it be easy anything else would be quite surprised I see all right so most likely tier two piece master push we are serially going for this alchemist once again that could also be really good right because you will have most likely the level two water elementals and then you have the damage and the heal would be so difficult for the orc to force the human out of the base then the age this year was in a tournament never eliminated by an orc so far was humans undeads Night Elves no orc so perfect record against orc well he went to the lower bracket through some orcs but then made it doesn't count perfectly well yeah he was never eliminated so since this is only single domination it would count as an elimination so so far yes sure what a story that would be for fly though yeah to win here nobody expected him to be able to do this it's kind of cool that this is like reversed roles from from the famous WC a final against Yas where it was the same matchup but fly was the big favorite and Yas made him work so hard for it and now th is the favorite and fly make some work hard it's cool our Warcraft history sometimes works would be the second title for him would claim at the top pole position I guess nobody has won three titles yet th well it would be a second title for either one of these actually and both have a 100% win rate in GCSE finals nobody went to a final twice it's gonna change yes one of them will lose that record it was pretty cool to see by the way that foggy was standing in the hall downstairs and so many fans approached him for his photo for four photos he was like boxing with some fans as well like nobody cared about Lorelei to be honest like he was just running or walking wanted to go home and yeah maybe they didn't want to disturb him after the 0-6 today and maybe they were just being polite but foggy had a lot of fun yeah the Chinese fans who are really really nice yeah and they really like him a Chinese it's not only cuckoo you know it's also a lot of the other ones speaking of the light of course here the disappointing day today he came up extra here into this room though to say goodbye to me it was really sweet all the Koreans did and I said I asked him if they want to go out later drinking going to bed go home seems like the mood with them isn't too great can't blame him once again China dominating at this tournament top three this time all goes to China there have been quite a few disappointments again honestly at GCSE not the same as last time where the group stages turned out to be the graveyard from so many other the favorites we delayed it a little yeah we delayed a little into the first day of the playoffs foggy and Lynn both the bed won 2-0 yeah and all Holly does well or well moon rather right yeah for surprised in the quarter-finals maybe one or two semis surprises with focus dropping on like last place of the group WFC not make like life being such a disappointment those are the two big things of the group stages but kind of like especially the life thing was to be expected either he does secret practice somewhere which is quite where the Warcraft scene or he didn't play for three months and it was very very obvious that he did play for three months yeah but I mean we don't want to dwell on the negatives too much on the downsides here the cool story of this tournament is fly nobody expected him to do so well he didn't expect to do so well I don't know if you guys saw the free-stream start interview as he himself said I really don't think I'm gonna have a chance at winning this thing but I'm gonna do my best try to show some nice games for the fans and he really found his group again it's so cool to see you know he was at that highest level of play in the past and now he seems to have found I don't know the mojo again whatever it is yeah we have these stories that walked up tournaments quite often it's very rare that we see especially in offline tournaments it's very rare that we see two big favorites in the finals is always this one guy that flew a little under the rain aware some people said okay could be the dark horse but like the favorites or other people but once your mind said it's like okay this is my day this is my week this is my tournament then everything seems to be possible yeah like we've seen this a few times with one to zero we've seen this with infi like might sound weird to people who don't watch warcraft too much because infra is such a big name but he was in such a slum and then he one year ago it was exactly one year ago when he made it into the final against a big favorite won 2-0 playing an exceptional tournament making it all the way through the winner's bracket and then only losing the final like with new strategies back then it was the blizzard defense against on that which was really cool to see now it's fly with mass aggression against Knight F that we didn't see too much yep it's a really really cool environment here in the Warcraft 3 scene and I'm very happy to announce that we have more than 5,000 concurrent viewers right now nice it's really cool it is of course one of the most exciting matches of the year our world champion will be crowned in this best of seven at the moment we have a bit of an extended break don't exactly know what's going on but I'm pretty sure we're gonna continue with the next game in a moment it's gonna be Amazonia we saw some experimentation with different heroes here in the past it was funnily enough actually of the Farseer but before that the Shadowhunter which Lin used and and played like in true smork fashion just run to him hexam and punch him and keep on doing it until you don't have mana anymore then you go and then you do it again then of course zero experience your opponent zero and from that one out it's very hard to push you with zero experience I mean AZ it's not too easy once you're guaranteed level two is gone yeah and I would love to see that of course we always thirst for those unconventional strategies unconventional hero picks that's why moon is so entertaining to watch because he can play anything anywhere it seems fly though so far Blademaster only in a best-of-seven that might the map as the case where you start to experiment do you think we're gonna see something other than a blade master in this series I don't think so I haven't seen fly with that with a Farseer at ah I did in the beginning of 1.29 when the patch hit Nettie's he was playing Farseer maybe experimenting just a little since then I gotta admit I haven't seen too many fly games so I know he did not compete too much after all yeah since we have a little bit of time I think we can thank a few supporters without without sounding too good we can't thank our supporters because my tool for that just crashed yeah I'm pretty sure Lin had made this far would have seen some Farseer maybe on a Z yeah pretty sure untwisted fly I doubt that he has such great control of the blade master we saw glimpses of that just a moment ago on ancient Isles where him had such beautiful surrounds perfect speed stroll timings letting his blade pass a drop low intentionally to want to bait the human to overextend then still save him and heal him up with a spear with the heal self during the speech he'll look for us around after that was actually extremely well done by flying I hope he in a more even map he can once again utilize this very well if this blade master you know gets off to a good start I could certainly see him I'm being able to make use of all of his potential but AZ again that's gonna be our next map he is gonna be on patrolling duty Archmage gets level 2 and then he's gonna run it across the map and you dream for the orc is you have grunts in several positions and the blade master as well you steal last hits and you keep him one level two that's really hard to do it almost never works but if you play perfectly maybe it does and yeah with the level three Archmage oftentimes comes a level of one beast master and then that push into the main I expect is that a master ai already about th decides to go for an alchemist so you will see it here again so this programmer thing is working again I hope so a lot of support coming in here thank you crank Thank You okapi digger silence he's a Chinese dude thank you very much Cody for the sub homerun ball as well are you the homerun ball from back then the Warcraft player that would be pretty sick storm one with a 100 bit donation van pan with a 5 buck donation please turn up the in-game sound a little greetings to all warcraft players in munich ok I can try that pimps with the 10-month 3 sub fire sailor with a 39 month reset what happened to choice internet high quality ant no legs today oh don't jinx it man 10,000 bit donation from Kai cuts GCS summer final hype alright with this huge spit donation thank you very much Kai what a flattering donation we go into map number 3 of this grand final fly equalised against eh it's the best of 5 now basically we are on Amazonia fly in the upper right th in the bottom left all right let's into our game do we see something special here out of th you already showed a special strategy this tournament the blood mage fast expansion this though arguably the worst fast expansion map for a human not just against human against August evening but also against night off there they suffer against orc you can't do it or just too strong early with the grunt with the blade master you can get punished way too hard so it's creeping towards level 2 it's taking fairly early and as we mentioned before it's finding level 3 pretty easy here shouldn't be too hard to achieve for th if fly can keep him on level 2 that would be a masterful and great early game for the orc I would love to know what the issue was here maybe it's a mind game from th to kind of stop flies momentum a little take a little break you know you think he does that psychological for sure they're humans man they all they're all vicious so it's no shadow hunter it's no Farseer here blade master again how aggressive will he be Willie just snipe the item and then run over that's kind of possible but not really the matter I guess I think so I think he's gonna hope for those claws yeah also downside of this map of course really hard to stack your blade master on unless you get pretty lucky with some slippers so here we go Archmage comes out gonna Creek the two cams towards level 2 right away blade Massa cannot afford this luxury creepin to level 2 would take too long would give the Archmage too much space so he's probably only gonna go or the item Oh could be an amazing last hit here but it won't be allowed great master gets it nice as well so it's your to check with the one borough tech the shop is finishing in time so he can be aggressive here Archmage ringer protection not that nice this can be a nice item though if it's night and we can hide from the blade master to dodge some attacks but I think fly is gonna be satisfied to see these items that's not damage on the Archmage that means keeping your Barros alive should be a little bit easier since the Archmage here I like how he is denying the water mental to not feel what the late master and it's important because the late master now he won't be creepin anymore for a long time so the only way he gets to level 2 is creep is stealing your creeps or killing water terminus or furry stuff like that indeed techbyte eh a little bit delayed and now is it time for the Burrow kill once again can he do it with level 2 he doesn't want to I think it's too late he took his time for level 2 you know didn't run over immediately spawns water elementals here in the middle still has plenty of mana to use and this will go and punish this Murloc creepin played simultaneously sometimes orcs will keep a grunt over there to try to punish this so I decided not to want to have the grunt back at home in case the footies were gonna die of the base that's always dangerous of course boots and dust he keeps the ring interestingly maybe pointing towards another Alchemist because that is a really good item for him also interesting question th was playing a lot of work in the first month of this year or right after the patch said how much did he learn about timings and such while playing or fly is coming in is not they just decided to not give the back step to the troll but rather to the odd I was about to run out that wind work right there would be a big glass and see if you can get it gets him closer to two and keeps the Archmage away from level three o the end stay on the ground that's really unfortunate might be able to get this kill but taking a lot of damage on these footies at the same time but the next gets in there but he gets the kill so far and more pressure on this Archmage he wants to force him out of the situation one grunt is free again the trapper is he throwing another net doesn't seem like it and now Oh block against the Archmage wind walk again goes for the backstab but can't commit as everything is to hurt but the Archmage super low HP there is no way he can attack the burrows he can summon watch elementals close to them yeah but then he will have to run one hex + blade massive damage coming in could very well kill him so already this damage done is pretty nice still revealed here the blade master healing cancer was again dude how many and snares have these two trapper zhuzh once again this one will be sealing the fate of a footing yeah and fly gets the second footman curve Archmage found the spider socks by the way for a little more armor which helps against the physical damage of the blade master but in general you want something else beastly and large Shadowhunter for the first time a normal opening from fly so what's the second hero here for the human ok alright ok with the mapping that small we expected tower push doesn't work that way with all the hurt or killed footman with the art rage being so low so Mountain King is the late game hero with a new patch clap is a lot better larger radios a little bit of more damaged so more gets a little weaker but still very useful you can use both and we have seen a lot of clap Blizzard combo against orc though there is a lot of disabled if your fingers are fast enough you can shut it down it's still a lot of a lead all right so do you need time of course yep any creep camps you should be able to get this these Cobalts here but those won't go towards the MK only the Archmage who by the way still needs to be very careful SH in the middle of the map himself here the blade master scout the MK nowadays orcs have become pretty passive against MK play they don't want to be aggressive against him they want to creep up to level 3 instead fly however has shown already in this tournament he's more aggressive than the normal walk would be in here we go go to the Ottoman immediately there is no third critter is blocking the blade mess there was also fair or storm while preventing him but this forces the town portal at least with only one hax invested and he's still at level 3 and ogp now how scary is this if this Sh decides to come here in again with another hex he may very well be dying what fly is satisfied with that pickoff off the TP basically it's gonna continue creeping now it's gonna get level 2 he doesn't want a piece that caught out by sources out of somewhere and not have the option to leave again this his watch award or is it THS should be theatres right I think it's - yes countered back creep Jack whatever ward there for a joker for him what's the item devotional okay not the greatest something else again so much heard stuff for th can use as full of region of course very shortly over to for the Mountain King a.m. did hit level 3 there already with that camp but yet this was a successful you know early game with keeping the Archmage on level 2 yeah this is a lot better than this usually goes flying continues to impress there is a wart now at the shop so he knows the blade masters there there's another ward right next to the mercenary camp so he knows whenever the Orcas creeping that and can backstab him fly those stealing the healed scroll no in were posting on the Archmage masts and snares are flying this is another engagement shadow hunter slow though might be a target for storm both saying go for the plate master once again flies aggression here he's looking for these early kills to find a couple of pickups and then maybe retreat before the militia come in which are on their way right now he away frelling through not quite good enough to save this Berserker perhaps despite the spirit link Oh scroll of feeling coming in that saves that unit actually but now everything slow MK might be surrounded here but he has an envelope ick up here earlier by th decent chance coming in against the watch elementals will get that kill as well but now slow is really starting to kick in yeah does he have a speech go on the shadow on it doesn't seem like it right blademaster can't really do too much he's trying to force the emotion on the Mountain King I don't know if that's the right decision Raiders are suffering from the militia the duration should be over soon though where the reinforcements for fight sending something in and the military almost all being killed and with such a big militia commitment all being taken out you can only go for that once long-range storm ball takes out another Raider though no more and snares and he actually went into this fight without a scroll of speed I Kali it's this guy yeah the unbelievable the koto is coming forty seven supply for fly only thirty five forty eight is there another storm wall on the mountain king no they're snobs can't believe he commits there without his twelve speed to get out give no flying fox man Jesus man that can turn around so bad but he fought it well he won that fight and had the space to retreat then after yeah but it's a big camp for th now flute would be great rope would be great fly is sending in some P on so he can spirit link them another heal scroll here man I pushed another shadow hunt and no in world level three and a half for him the koto can make such a big difference with the ten supply lead he sees the movement of the breaker can he trap him there I think there's no TP right no that's not and the outrage is barely naked like masters damage though is pretty low with only that single circuit so going for hero kills is gonna be fairly difficult here we go spirit link in the entire orc army we don't have enough breakers to get rid of this MK in the frontline low HP already he has level two storm bolt here also the bet as we just saw water elementals on the battlefield getting disenchanted quickly fers-rae drops low not using the he'll wear parchment has to reposition here mountain king s he said is slow the plate master only attacking the Archmage to create out does he have some more control may be committing a hex to it the Raider is certainly out of position th breaks out of this out of this horrible position for him back to the mercenary cam and I love to see this play out of flight I've been asking about this for such a long time now against the MK play before his level 3 don't you want to be more aggressive but no the orc said no no you want to crib you one little - he'll wave but look at this fly is playing this so well non-stop aggression not only against night off earlier against low light but also here and snare after ends their kill after kill and he's taking a great lead in this game now th so does a good job in sniping the Raiders I feel so there's not too much control you can't afford the mana to hags with that damage these the black masters not as exploding as you said before oh but this is super risky I feel I can understand it though yeah I can't understand it but I mean it's fly you can expect all other orcs will be creepin the shop right now but not fly who sings that have the rabies here there is a town follow the animage Kendall Pollard Oh Oh blessed oh my god the mountain king he gets the rock column though big pickups girls the bees can't be dispelled but do you want to use it this but do you have a depth training on your priests probably not and breakers they shouldn't have enough mana to continuously Stella spill steal those spells excuse me nice invisible water elemental to scout the state of the army here walkers though also low mana for fly with how much he's been using them already in this game decent chance and Sperling's everything healed up here forget to taking out more experience Mikoto be still alive Mountain King still with the interval certainly no target the Archmage's made master not yet in this fight he was shopping at the merchant is coming back in now finally he has the interval here khottabych doesn't quite get the devourer off gets it now can it's can he save it towards the back he wave rattling through once again he wants this koto kill with a stumble he's gonna get it as well breaker comes back more mana on the sh-t of mana potion use may still have a clarity you know what's missing in this fight militia because they were all killed before level 4 now though for the Archmage this might be th turning this around here next to his base yeah there was a massive supply lead for fly that seems to be gone instantly another storm world another kill another radar gone but is this the human dropping soon more more breakers a song to her the late masters without man are constantly slow the Shadowhunter a little bit out of position there the mountain king diving in deep for this useful coming in keeps this Berserker alive for a little bit long but it o every trouble trying for the surround as you have it he does in will transferred will use it in a second last second but now what now how does he get out did he come here without a scroll of speed once again so and he's trying a merry for the Archmage but we don't see critical strikes they even as a board is gone they blade master has one more wind walk diet not diving for the archmagi of Blair Mountain King is super low on man I can't control you anymore is one blade master to rule them all but flies chances are not very high is trying to evacuate you now trying to buy some time here's only 200 gold canned rebuy the Shadowhunter from the tavern le this is not go that's expensive for supply gone but man did that surround squat by th sending in for breakers with the mountain king for that one purpose to kill the satyr on trophy actually has the money to get him back in his bases will be a different fight as he's gonna have more healing by the way SH kind of close to level 5 if this blade master was stronger this could have been a very different fight once again the issue of AZ here this is certainly worth a final illusions now can be helpful in this illusions actually a little more experience here level 4 on the blade master but there's no rater there's only a few grunts you had to read like prioritize the next coda because he lost that one this could actually be key in this push so no reinforce the fancies reamer you know what that means burrows melt and fly is supply soon to be supplies like I guess just a moment ago it was fly to be over aggressive is this now th over aggressive fighting against the shop of the orc gonna be a lot more healing quite a bit of mana here on this mountain King what's he going to decide to storm ball we have no spirit here so everything's kind of squishy actually made master in the front he's taking the brunt of the damage he's fairly tanky not that much damage for him though he'll potion being used he has to survive the man of the MK and then maybe he can out heal his opponent here with that shop in the back grunts dropping low as well here comes another heal way of clarity running man approached I think already used but the Raiders man they died so fast to these storm bolts the level two brains are a make such a big difference so much more slow so much more water meant was so much more storm but we haven't seen a single clap in this game despite the buff recently with patch 1.09 never stumbled another kill that's the story of the game so far Mountain King has to retreat a little still that in repose Niels onto that forever level five from the Archmage that's so big for the water torrents is he gonna use this enchant against it yeah he uses two but then he doesn't have anymore that's a lot of man are gone he's gonna get the killer it's gonna get him close level five I think another Raider lost he's just losing them like flies like massive trouble as well he's dropping low HP has that healing potion pops it a little early to be safe against the storm bolt there's gonna be another one here in just a moment t8 is pressing forward 10 supply advantage this could be his game and what a comeback it would be indeed The Breakers are falling though at least this one in the front the peons are called to have one Raider again for a little more control and really surprised he's not going for the Archmage more maybe there's an item that I'm missing or something the blade master is not really a check but there is two more stall balls and flyers to be careful yeah it is and I don't think there's a he'll ever at this point since he used it before but he is able to retreat back to the shop but he has to invest more for a heal potion otherwise there's another storm will drain of false front Falls this is fly falling apart getting jonesing level 5 on the MKS I almost l5 himself he needs some more god damn kills late math and trouble spear link again and one more kill for him with this breaker late spec to the show coming in not ready not yet is there there's no clarity running on the Shadowhunter I don't think there's more healing for him can he have one more oh my god he needs a skill this is water elemental that's his level 5 he is chasing after it with everything he has he gets it finally but he's lost so much in the process and there's still no mana for its kuda beast he keeps him alive for now but that was last year way for quite a bit th it's not a tackle to shot by the way very surprised about that everything is super dead for fly m'kay one more kill one more kill to level five here we've already now this Raider can't be healed guess what that's the killed that's level five level three stone balls say hello to the damage gg th comes back very strong in that game looked like it was flies to take only one overextension only one time overly aggressive and th grabs that chance and takes T it's the story of the day so far th behind in the early and then he strikes back the long game the longer game execution seems to be his and miraculously he finds his way back into games this is yeah the potential of a world champion has the 2-1 lead now well it was his map choice it was his map to take fly now can come back and equalize on the map that he chooses how much fly like the first engagement he takes with all the school of speech just barely makes it work and then he does it again later if he had crept that ogre draw column grab up the item walk back at clarity's get mana potions gets close of speed get perhaps a bigger army his cause of speed really big issue yeah kind of forced into some do to focus but but he showed some signs of brilliance there the way he kept the a.m. on level two that's so hard to do the trappers with the and snares helped him out a little bit a little bit of luck every now and then and then his unusual tier 2 aggression orgs don't do that anymore trying to creep track you with level 1 level 2 SH they always wanted to creep to level 3 as agen or Mele but fly he's a different caliber he's a little bit more old-school guys from a different time and maybe th not too used to that anymore oh it's just a better approach Oh sometimes changing stuff gives you an advantage I think the blade masters inventory really came to bite him in the ass as towards the late stages when he was at 5560 supply it was so hard to get past that breaker front line he had only asserted that was it it was like such limited amounts of damage that's the thing about a Z as well it's another nice thing for the human it was basically the tear the map T it was supposed to win his map show so fly what do you pick now what is your map we have to rock where we have to be careful of close position or LR has to be total Rock I said yeah so I think this is a fifth time we will see th on Turtle Rock it would be the fourth time with close position if I'm not mistaken could be plus minus one close position of course amazing for human all other positions not really good would be ridiculous man if he gets it again well I say he gets it I say this is somehow I mean wasn't it the case last time as well then we saw so much closed position would be the same as WC a grand final against yours closed positions back then and we thought it was over already we thought there was a 3-0 for Germany but fly held on so masterfully against that Tower push speaking of which haven't seen that so far indeed and that's very surprising actually in the last series of th versus Lin which is the match that we refer to because that's like the best orc versus human that we've seen this year we saw so many tower pushes maybe it's because it's online oh it was online now it's offline something's different there maybe th feels that that's fly strength or that bending tower push or maybe he feels the one base meta is more favoring him at the moment turtle rock we can for certainty say there's gonna be no expansion we can certainly say level 3 Archmage is going to be hard to do but wasn't the th who actually went for that greedy creep route going for the merchant first maybe tier just gonna take a risk here early and surprise his opponent with actually and level three arch made earlier I can also imagine like a super greedy risky start position red spot creep from th would be like something very unusual but this is what the edge is known for th fly number four the world champ has the 2-1 lead and fly is working up against it but that's his map choice and it is to a rock cross position I guess for the first time this tournament I think so ths luck is over on this map and this is what fly was hoping for could be worse for th I guess if they spawn on the same Lane it's very likely that he'll be getting scouted should he be going for that greedy merchant creep first that is a risk to take if the blade master shows up you're gonna suffer at the hands of the katana quite a bit so what is th gonna do is it gonna be that creep route because if it is not then this arch mate should have a very tough time getting to that level three that made life really difficult for him on a-z and that's one thing to be pointed out if he does get level 3 a.m. earlier well actually I wanted to say that's why the SH creep like was so strong but by then the a.m. was level 3 so never mind forget about that one is fly gonna scout early for the am poem creepin can perhaps th make use of that can you be a little bit more greedy or is this just gonna be super standard play we've seen fly with quite a few good items in the early game definitely possible to get slippers and claws here then you have plus 9 and then Archmage not gonna have the best time of his life it is a normal build here one burrow barracks sharp blade no big surprise there they play it very standard both of them until now fly of course has always a chance with this plate master to go to the shops it's a very unique spot here because it drops a rune of The Watcher which gives you vision over that shop until the very end of the game also a very good item and a decent chunk of experience and with cross position should be hard to punish so the pootie finds out where the starting position is and yet you will not take that risk will not go for the merchant goes for the more standard ubers first and my also going for the small safe camp as he finds one borrow tech very fast tier 2 th will be a little bit behind and Clause +6 that helps you a lot of you want to go on the hunt for burrows indeed one like 25% damage boost on the hero and if this is a mental of intelligence man it would be the perfect job speaking of th not having luck anymore here to check on the waif line not going for the shop maybe a little too greedy doesn't like he thinks it's a little too greedy it's the cloak which as we said can help a little in the right moment but in general it's one for the shop mantel for him decent for the Shadowhunter but that's about it a little bit more wind walk where orcs can do on this map is just snipe items like little drive-bys to the creep that carries the item pick it up and then heal up in the meantime we're your next one to the next camp something that he made especially desire after the last game where his blade was so weak still not too impressive no clothes for him no gloves he's missing the Scout hard he was looking for the human but is really not finding him this already is too easy for th kind of kind of funny how in this map where it's really hard to get decent creeping down he gets it and the map before where it's so hard to prevent fly was successful to do it fly sees it now that now he knows he has enough time for this ogre Magi creep over can you attack no right he's definitely gonna get it but that's more time as the art which will not be chased of course oh nice actually the fully scouted so now with that th knows that he is safe from the blade master at least for a little while and he lures the trapper away so the mauler can attack and that is more damage on the blade master there he gets the telephone of evasion which is not the end that he's looking for and the timing should work out that the human gets this lasted as well okay see with a grunt very unlikely but going for it I think the chance for us around is too high then don't know if he got the deny or not should have went to the creeps but the Blademaster is coming in the king of the early game he's level two may not have boots but still good damage with his two surplus here low man on the Archmage we're not gonna see to water lamented commitment to the place once again with an alchemist like we saw against Lin use quite a bit of those those mana points to creep up earlier stance in the middle of four footman this is not where you want to be as a blade master but he's dashing a good damage TAS is forced to micro his units away and took a lot of damage on those footmen so now committing to the base it's gonna be quite a bit harder with he'll spray perhaps doable but by no means easy flies he was calculating that no he's not healing up now that takes some time and it is the alchemist oh this is a huge potential for th to heal up and push again look at that value in the blade master still looking weak he's revealed here let's go to speed though so it certainly shouldn't die wise a little bit of time for his SH Force Tier two buildings but that bestiary is still looking mighty exposure it is only sixty percent done Shadowhunters their hex against the heel spray here if he wants to use it that way you might need a potion on the blade going for the alchemist immediately but the damage of the footman seems to be too high it takes out the alchemist okay but that's about it the Raiders will be delayed yeah good timing read th once more here's the you'll spray not go enough to say they won't fully greta's one who's the grunts has that scroll of speed doesn't use it I questioned that choice close of attack man they got that kill but speaking of a kill he's going for the alchemist hard he released what the town portal or something is he committing hard from the speed score has been used already he has to go for another hex it's more mana but the outcome is false but eh a strike of genius for unit surrounds against the trees and that heroes were supposed to fall in the early game th level 3 on this Archmage both second heroes down but it's way worse for fly and should have the mana for another water elemental here shortly quite a bit of damage here on this arch made of course SH will be back soon same as the case for The Alchemist of course the bestiary has been set up again and should be finishing yes it will this time around yes bird link now so this blade is gonna become quite a bit more tanky so how do you follow this up against Lin he played a tower push he did okay damage when he killed the the SH and the grunt and cancel the Beast here so I guess it's really good damage but he also lost a couple of threes and The Alchemist can you play this straight up we haven't seen it too successful and it is this biggest advantage that he can play a little more aggressive and can go out of that like this creep spot with Raiders would never be possible to take for th now okay screw up healing Alchemist this black ring or protections also nice for him to prevent him from the physical damage at the blade master dashes out so what can fly do creeping is I think one of his best things to do now there's so many good items here exactly this blade master nsh combo can really get out of control and with n snare and hex I don't know in big armies how effective this arc is really gonna be acid bomb is that gonna do a lot for you because a go to work should be able to cancel that channeling spell of the here wave in the ocean that's already good because it's beast mode 15 seconds against it can he use as one to see in time so all the stealing magpie did he give it to the shadow hunter and got it or keep track possibilities yeah yes - it was confirmed - in really no oh that's sweet the edges canceling a little healing here anything th got the in scroll yeah there it is on the arch made almost level four already Oh Alchemist yo fell forward my friend and the blade master he escapes this Shadowhunter i think can't commit more hexes he needs to you wave he only had that one ensnare thanks again to those late raiders now ii was coming it is the tower push after all but it's a pretty late one it's a pretty late one but his flight repaired he's time for the Archmage he wants to force a town fall there is you spray and he'll stroll though so he switches a target onto the alchemist to does have a +2 ringer protection that saves him for a little bit the heiress of Alysha that helped him so much in the final Amazonia I think he can't heal against at the heels for game is well done but there's reveal as well I mean this spell against his level 2 and boom alchemist down again when he committed hard for that kill everything for him is hurt now he needs more healing SH is not close to level 3 not really oh man these Raiders are gonna die he'll wave too late a little bit and yeah crimson mask for the ground and the spirit Walker here more and more summons but that seems to be the last one how well has the brilliance or worked or how was it coming up in the fact what can fly do will we see a catapult will we see a Cotto will we see had hunters how does he adapt he needs to find the kills he needs to find level 3 SH water elemental is a little bit more experienced for he needs a lot more kills can he afford to repair I don't think so he supplies I get 40 the adaption is not possible anymore his and snares again with that he can find kills not a pair the beasts tree is so exposed up there now it's coming up far in the back though automate is level 4 again the level 2 brilliance or are so much value another kill more experience sh getting closer to 3 another kill we have these two in words they will most likely both go to the blade master and then what he needs Raiders though to control this he's not focusing the heroes at all just taking out some units and while the alchemist their Setanta there was double and the healer he wants to cancel it he's running away with the speed scroll Kenny okay everything is so low and the one got cancelled - grunts just died right there I don't know if he got experience may have been the towers but the towers are not in range of any buildings okay that's so he's not really under too much pressure right now now might be the perfect time to go for demolishers he has the photo backup Alchemist is coming back will he run into a trap here there is an answer there there should be hacks but th is not falling for this he has one and snaring has two in snares that should be level three for him onto the hood man would love to see the barracks now if it's a demolisher or not that would buy a lot of time th I would love to see a shop from him it would be pretty good he's committing for the towers that's of course free damage on the orc army asset bomb takes a lot of time to take out my does get it finally he needs some kills here maybe message something really low an evil potion used oh one more kill and then he has it there we go okay level two oh that was super close though into a potion pop what can he do of course he can tear down the tower of course you can get rid of some workers but that's not really what he needs alchemist staying strong their acid bomb applied again and the magic damage coming in so hard against the grunts Kota coming out as well he's going to get a nice devourer they're off thank you I'm gonna eat that priest and EH no though in true championship fashion he's towering fly into the ground or is he the Kota beast adds a lot of damage the water elemental at or nice denied from the documents more mana for the SH more healing only one more involved need he's playing with fire with the late he'll spray it there or here wave there and there is acid form ticking down heal wife is on cooldown that gives th so much time the Raiders they're spawning into death I guess going for the Archmage kind of a Hail Mary play another oh boy this is so nice inves and he'll spray on top of each other saves the first hero its ruling again but it can be stolen more and more breakers are coming from the main we have 47 supply for the human 42 only for fly he needs to keep the shop alive he cannot hold on without that shelf but where's the repair fly barely with any resources he has to go for the arch which has to force the town Paul he wants to win it late-game but there is again in this cast can he afford this spell I don't know there's so much slowly needs it for that and the Raiders the the walkers should be dry as well no opening for an alchemist kill this time or is there goes for the ensnare yep here wave only prolong the inevitable the towers here can they get candle once again they're really close to being done gets the one cancel and this said yeah so koto and the Koto's they're helping mess repair now and it seems like this tower comes up that's so old boy such a great position for th now with constant damage against the B story so hard to kill these priest men with the heel spray with the spur link fly has to retreat and heal up everything is getting yellow to orange again the water elementals are ok he's building a second shop there I love that move from flight and the water elementals are continuing to feed the plate master he did hit level 4-year level to crit now I was a little to creat already I'm not quite sure should be mana potion need some clarity's as well it's all about the healing oh this alchemist might be in trouble is there invest there's only one and snare there's healing as well and there will be invisibility so nice that he went for that early sorceress upgrade to be able to do that this spell used against the water mental there know if ever was the right call or see close to 5 on the Shadowhunter that might be his saving grace there I'm surprised there's no catapult yet but he might be forced to switch into that as the towers are coming closer and closer heroes now out of the battle for now ok shop goes down no clarity's no potions at this point would love to get the shop here but if he wants to get he needs to commit fairly deep but at this point here's the damage easily and the shop goes down this is really big this might be the key to victory for th who's broken upkeep as well 54 supply against 44 but still enough to know what's in their barracks there man either a grunt or oh my god this so many kills for th now he's diving in with both heroes the walkers super nice safe into ethereal form and we have a demolisher up but on what cost another Raiders gonna fall like where's the front line here everything seems to be crumbling the age of the thousand gold the Shadowhunter not a thousand HPS you see he's dwindling there the acid bomb oh boy he'll potion there in the shop Falls for the second time again a desperate play by fly to aim for that hero good area-of-effect but guess what he'll spray area-of-effect out heald's the catapult and now as they sufficiently almost out of mana one more here way we'll be there soon and one more clarity but that's it no more shop to be used clearly running here wave last second will war gets away i think th has this man is diving for the catapult one of the main damage dealers is gone that was the last few wave he's buying some time to heal this up at the water elemental dives for it cancels the last clarity and tea ages in his base and wreaking havoc this should be match points for the champ and now the burrows are in danger he's in the far forward position can fly punish this somehow but how he has the blade match but the colors are too slow GG the third win 4 th and now on match points exactly in a commanding position in the series three match points for him fly has once again the map choice twisted his last bell left last refuges left and it's too humid man yeah I guess allows more of an orc map I suppose but TM is you should have like three maps left terrorists and yes of course yeah man this was ths movement at the beginning gave him a big advantage I think so fly not scouting may be a mistake he was on the other side of the map really hard to punish the creep of th and then when you have a level two arch mates it's really bail three outrage is really hard yeah I don't know if I like that auger may die being taken out by him that puts you on the other side of the map for so long and was able to creep up so much you weren't killing any footage in the meantime but it's another decent defense base layout was something to be questioned that bestiary was so easy to cancel and it was very close in the end yeah you mean the first one right yeah yeah if that's further in the back that finishes you can repair yes Raiders way sooner of course that Sh surround was really nice by th in the middle of that chaos he had to worry about losing his own Alchemist but he seized the opportunity surround him against the trees that was extremely well that through fly back so hard I mean it started slow for him or fast for th rather than slow for him he had to walk on to the other side of the meadow it was slow for him and fast for th and then losing your sh like this second hero trade on paper seems like okay like both lost a second here that's equal but the Shadowhunter levels are way more important alchemist level absolutely in that siege situation at some point you're gonna need level three and he got it at a reasonable time but apparently he needed earlier but also why was the demolisher so damn late like he had such a great front line for so long and the demolisher was added exactly me late like is it is it necessary to have that against an alchemist maybe you force more heal spray and receive less acid bomb but it's not like you damaged too much against the towers okay and i mean then again the towers weren't like in such a scary position so maybe i think it was the right call headhunters the nice thing about the the module also is the ensnare combo he could have really looked for casts occurs with that however also a lot harder to do against an alchemist gotta admit that th is positioning was so good the entire time never over committing yeah once with the alchemist there maybe but that's about it and always retreating when he was kind of getting low knowing exactly when the Shadowhunters mana was slow and he had to dive to kill the clarity's and stuff th is playing really really strong so we will know the map now a little bit of a recap here looks quite equal yeah but once those first couple of towers are set up it's so hard to break that unless you have like a massive range army he had a good number of uh walkers there of course not going to get berserkers on a map without a murk camp headhunters could they have been a choice I think probably was too late for headhunters yeah and they don't have too much impact I mean the towers were not the problem the army was yeah I felt like once theirs was four breakers again couldn't get past him and he couldn't count on the spirit link was getting stolen so much hell are all right understandable twisted a very good human map ts a lot of gambling once again we consider the level three Archmage is it easy here is it hard it's hard it's really hard yes certainly should not be allowed here not too quickly not before tier two this is oftentimes a member will see Mountain King you have pretty easily cleavable big camps around your main base once you are tier 2 reaching that level two water elements however before that point pretty much impossible unless you have some genius kind of creep route but Lyn fly he will be scouting for that of course will be perhaps exerting some pressure with Scrolls of speed with grunt blocks we have seen nice moves with that in the past here there are some very cool moves that you can pull with orgs hey you can go for wyvern we see that quite a bit on LR even though the bases are far away from each other so I don't like that one too much because th should be preparing for that you can when the tower pushes coming or when a push is coming you can wake up the creep so they and snare the workers or some units stuff like that if you push yourself you can build like little burrows or towers wherever how far your tech is on the high ground there where the laboratory is if that scrapped up so there is quite a potential for sneaky play for the orgs but it's again the human to dictate the pace of the game you could also go for an expansion here actually it's hard but it's that's dangerous though that's really yeah but it's possible it is possible Possible's also Firelord tower rush we saw this quite a bit in the past here from a players like Kimiko surprise New York hit him in his base and if he doesn't respond to that perfectly that's an easy wait for you wouldn't put it past th of course he has played all kinds of tower pushes throughout his career and now he has that nice safety net he has a 3-1 lead he can't afford to throw a cheese in there hope it succeeds if it doesn't he has a backup or quite a few more maps to come TR actually was he was from the get-go ths game I wonder if lie still thinking about this Amazonia game the one missing he'll scroll most likely Cal cost him the game that really looked like his game looked so confident as well could have turned the other way they're almost in that first big engagement but he looked super strong there but th men his resilience he just has to be waiting for that one mistake and then he's gonna pounce and then he's gonna grab the lead not gonna give it back to that since we seem to have a little bit of time here a few more subs coming in thank you demo glance Thank You B carriers for ten-month he says guys thanks for covering GCS you do such a nice job much love Thank You Rafa legs just call me mat for a 3-month Reece up and punt sir 1 2 3 4 this up as well of course if you sub to this channel you can replay pack in our discord so feel free to support us if you like what you see we're getting close to 6,000 I guess oh we got close to 6,000 ever in between it's nice so maybe players after 2 maps get a little bit of a rest yeah it is long series and after all they have both played before especially I guess they had a bit of a break with the best-of-three in between best of five best of five and between their for third place that's where the 3 was stuck in so I was taking a lot of pictures there in the meantime he was enjoying it so much like surrounded by his fans like seriously surrounded this quite surreal scenes here the action doesn't stop by the way once this tournament is done next Sunday we have the biggest European competition with the rasp come a few Koreans there as well and of course yours truly is gonna cast that so if you can't get enough of Warcraft 3 and want some Koreans and Europeans building it out we are foggy there Hawk Tamiko focus Lucifer late it's gonna be cool looking forward to that competition next Sunday I wonder if we're gonna have an after-party here you think they have a surprise in store for us no ruining my hopes Oh Korea's looked up for some clubs though way you can get free entry and free drinks anyway I invited him to that group oh man agree but he'll be leaving early apparently agree man such a nice job this entire GCS walker 3 dot info the community page for Warcraft 3 every day battle reports he has pictures of his Twitter account as will agree add at URI wc3 we did a few photos and stuff ourselves you see them on facebook.com slash back to Warcraft I put a lot on twitter.com slash back to Warcraft the newest addition to our coverage sheer Instagram that calms left back to Warcraft which you've been really enjoying I had so much fun with the stories man this this really cool way to bring you closer to the event especially in the first few days that was like showing in the studio showing you the players getting a few impressions here and there now there was quite a nice way what are you doing here little fly little mosquito which there are a lot of mosquitoes by the way I have been stung so many times and then after the casts always you know we walked back to the hotel room get a couple of beers and then you as do we want to go outside hang out outside a little bit and I was like no no dude I don't want to get stuck a million times again but it's so much such nice weather come on yeah okay and the next day I have bumps everywhere again all right enough with the weather talks this is match points this could be the end of GCSE summer 2015 18 as we go on to last refuge th with three match points in a row against fly 100% what can be orc pull out of his head what's his trick here what can he adjust to break for the second time we've been seeing quite a bit of shops being skipped here early by the orcs to have an even faster tech on one borough then they'll of course not be able to creep as much but rather look for the circuits early and perhaps get that high priest that one surely doesn't do too much damage first question here we had to answer ask ourselves for the human was file or tower push the answer is no it's a fast alter delayed barracks it's gotta be standard here to begin with yep looks like it also no fuzzier play no rush tier two this is fairly standard from both sides as you see a blade master once more so with that wyvern play basically out of the window will fly it was Lin who played that here with a second hero TC counter expansion attempt that all looked very weird especially on a good org map that was very questionable Lin one of the disappointments unfortunate here at this tournament it is fly who is the king of the orcs in this tourney - everybody's great surprise now though to make it all the way through to the title it's looking rough he's trailing with 1/3 as you can obviously see and coming back three wins in a row against the th in this shape he's gonna have to step it up a little bit la laaaa did it in a WL defeated th three and oh but that is a different matchup and that was online th and those competitions man he seems to be unbeatable at the moment an offline competition once again that is the skip shop here blade master is gonna grab the circuit I like the free Scout sees that this happening so th were able to respond how's it gonna be able to respond the Year dream for the Orcas you go towards the murlocs steal the last hits here and keep the Archmage on level one only but actually goes for the cella priest with the trick it makes it so Shadow Priests doesn't heal himself the trick is you stand inside the creep coming out of windwalk oh he's going for the burrow isn't he running towards the orb main he could be canceling this Bora once again we saw this on a I didn't really lead to success but was certainly annoying okay t to tech here this is the Archmage with a water elemental fly is ready at least to put the peons in the Burrow but he can't protect this one a black masters there can't trap the Archmage how much damage can he prevents the second floor oh you certainly cannot cancel I guess in the end this is just creating space for the militia yeah because if that gets punished with all the poison on the militia that's a lot of experience I don't know if kills for the blade that's a pretty big commitment though of like time investment from your main army but alright it's worth it I guess in the end if you get little too because you redo need level two as we saw an AI how weak and worthless that Archmage was hits it here gets the brilliance aura all of these militia are hurt but you can put him into the gold mine that's all fine okay where does the Archmage find level three now with this late master with illusions gets a lot of information with illusion scouts yes okay that's very nice can run away from the blade master now harassment potential lowered quite a bit of men are already invested on this blade wasn't able to seal any less hits or kill for ease but I guess he was forced to respond back home to that harassment finds slippers of agility well that's very nice thank you for leaving those for me I will congratulate myself for this again what am i coming in oh and you might be able to get the shop get the shop it's a lot of Spears though from the bar oh I don't think it's good enough take it out of range yeah it's gotta get positioned so good so close repair it needs to repair in the water mental is gone and the football is dying as well th miscalculating it may be a little a bit of over commitment was only around what was it 40 50 HP could have helped him out a lot it's not like fly needa that healing so desperately but without that it would be hard to creep but as it is he easily can do it it's gonna be level two for him and a nice item hopefully is okay more damage against his footman he has to heal that up at some point what's this item suffered okay plus seven damage already slaughter a slaughterhouse spirit lots in the back no bees tree yet it's a mountain King so no rush here straight up one base double sanctum play see that quite a lot on this map you still have the merchant the lab and the Merc camp to creep for this m'kay so getting level three shouldn't be too hard once again fly was punished a little bit in the lumber department here's beast year he's gonna be late he still hasn't set it up he has the resources for it now though but once more Raiders will be joining a little bit later yeah and it's again very very far up front but with the m'kay very unlikely that he's gonna try to punish this yeah it's true said he keeps the middle here gonna get almost every three Archmage with this big item as well and here's the dust to be safe m'kay not out yet what a fancy thing I kind of like it when a mountain king is still the game because then you're closer to the Shadowhunter and the potential like to steal from the Shadowhunter is higher and then you get some nice last hits here one two three one two and going forward could even go for the footy and the peasant really nice fine once again fly with his aggression is paying me and for even yes that was sweet little reminiscent of Amazonia where he gets so much kills after the NSTIC off the trappers at the bottom right and at Table three late master now he can roam around so much with this don't know how much his mana is exactly and now also pretty hard for th to creep like you right now he could use militia but of those he already lost one at least as well and the essage can continue creepin now that's gonna be easy level two for him late masters gonna continue to be annoying fortunately for th he doesn't have too much mana anymore on the blade he gets level three oh if he's quick with a wand dude oh this fly realized that this could be dangerous it's not checking and it see but t8 is also not too quick with the wall drains the manner oh oh come on always checking this out can you find out somehow I doubt it can you know he's still and fly again losing a Blake master and I'm sorry but that's a big mistake he was hanging out there inves for at least 10 seconds and if you go out of windwalk then you have to go back into wind walk immediately otherwise you could get drained and now right that entire lead is gone what he worked so hard for for seven minutes all gone to waste and you said it's not a good item man what do you know about this game he gave him that opening dude that's gotta be a sick-ass Blademaster though yeah he was he has a slippers already to circlets now to Klaus but th is certainly back in this game yes absolutely after flying gave him the opening yeah one of the wind can also be amazing disabling a heat wave at the right time exactly fly wakes up the creeps here or the rest of the creeps without the blade master damage Kent he goes for the altar revive not for the tavern there's a storm bolt coming most likely he's heavily coming - that goes for the hex he wants this ogre Magi so bad gets it on the Shadowhunter but for what well actually escaping without losing anything should he just run away - don't have experience alright he knows the limits of his race better than we do he gets away scot-free here he has to take risks though and this is what fly is known for I think it's pretty even game I don't know he said 50 supply he has good here level there's a great blade master inventory this time around in case you're running rough without the blade that without that blade kill th would have been in such a rough spot this game oh man fly be kidding himself here for that opening that he gave his opponent th getting a little creep checked here this could backfire though late masters back but so far away he still wants to fight this number three what's he's doing like suicide he's asking for the snowball yeah mana function being brought though from the blade master scourge bone times he would have loved those ok blade is in need to transfer the claws Oh Oh what are you doing what are you doing there one of the wind being gone or being used so that is a massive clap he reduces the damage blade master for the second time I have all that Berserker but there's a grunt on the other side saying and not here my friend no entry and this one of the wind how long will it last the Berserker is gone but the Mountain King was saved as a gentleman mana has to you that mana potion there he drops it on the floor clap once again finally seeing it here the newly rough spell more healing coming in and where's this origami where they don't know it's all gone man more Raiders falling the grunt of falling he was committing too hard for this Mountain King without success flies army is getting and Nile ated here there is no storm board right now but he's regenerating of course and fly once again over-aggressive yeah this was his aggressiveness that got him into this final but against a player like th he knows exactly how to punish this oh well this Blake masters oh my goodness but now he's going up against the level 3 MK now this blade master can no longer just do what he wants would love to get this lasted here I don't think there's a dust anymore himself on the Overlord so it's hard to spot no he gets the talisman but not the experience oh it's clap level too right yes alright so actually the blade master can't feel safer but m'kay it's almost over for now actually th breaking up keep oh man oh man a stone nice me see it's like Aaron Jesus wants to Prolog this serious a little great items for the orc we can mentor here for th no involves no scrolls of healing you have a teepee yes he does have a teepee another four on both heroes almost yes not too much research one in willaura Hill scroll that every training Oh blizzard cool a little clap really nice how fast can fly respond to this how many ants nests doesn't you have how much mana per hex does he have two Raiders only I wonder if that's enough he doesn't have much storm water here to keep the plate master control and he has sick damage as we saw earlier there is in mr. Cass this plate this argument into the shadow slow speed to move forward no spirit link here in this army saving it all for disenchant I suppose wizard coming in again hex quickly to deal with this the mana stone has already been used human positioning himself on the high ground you know what they say about the high ground remove especially with AoE the Mountain King like a bouncer up front can always clap in that Blizzard caste level yeah the brilliance are helping but of course on the other side there's a shop for the shadow until you can reach it now 55 supply for fly 64 th now but reinforcements quite far away next lizard looks like a decent target here only two Raiders so hard to deal with this does he have the ensnare still ready yes but only after a couple of waves clap camming it as well massive damage more healing from the SH would have to be used he has quite a bit of mana in the shop of course to back him up more and snare keeps the Blizzard low there's one more Blizzard but after that it should be not coming for a while maybe has to go for a mana potion here soon there's another storm well but no clap at the moment builder trundling 3 has to invest in sewer hags that's one less here wave here and the Archmage is so safe back there no Blizzard for a little bit clap coming in Mountain King oh oh he does Neve involves crits coming in how is this crit only 117 100 Creed are you kidding me yeah that's a new patch boys then it is but he gets the Mountain King can you get the romantical on the blade Massa no the clap is gone in the control with the storm well it's gone as well but the high ground is still there 4 th can the orc army chew through this yes he can sound poor cloud by th 46 supply remaining and he has to wait for the Mountain King who's benched for quite a while and you have a lot of damage with that blizzard crab combo but you have real it'll control against the blade master he didn't use the storm bolt saved it all for the clap and now it's gonna be quite a while before he's back late master should reach level 4 here very shortly as well was really surprised by the low crits but still the right flicks did hurt claws of attack not calculated him to create anymore so he only has the slippers and what was it the circuit or something not too sure so this is might be the boots of Quel'Thalas here close of attack plus 12 is decent I guess not too great and their devotion alright again this is quite unlucky now and there was the second red spot for th no big items anymore for fly except the turtle spot in the upper left and bottom right look at his experience though he's been level 4 for a long time I keep telling me that this 100 could was a level 2 crit right I must be impossible skill like mirror image like massive level what I would love to see the inventory again do the calculation more creeping though for the SAH close getting close to level 5 and that's gonna be so good against double AoE I feel like if this Sh gets to level 5 this is close to unwinnable 4 th maybe does he feel he has to press the advantage or he doesn't have an advantage press the issue before that is the case yeah yeah that was level 1 crit or is super low level 3 crit a level 2 crit like it possible so it would be 3 times what is the base damage 33 yeah that's about 100 but then plus the bonus damage that's weird that's only like 5 ah he has like a lot of might be the ultimate low roll or but these are before for quite a bit right maybe he did accidentally spill member go to 3rd storm bolt at least I mean he's not gonna use it maybe you know was just a Miss League level 5 his age good man on him as well 525 max points those two five yeah exactly it will post on the Mountain King now man up ocean as well can you fall boy can you find this one or two kills quickly oh this is a nice choke right here blizzard and clap are gonna be sick oh my god this damage what is the blade master doing PC that's Chang in there in the back oh my god now he comes in but that is so much free damage he's blocked by the code oh now he's blocked by the grunts he's blocked by the Raiders there's this a way to disable the plate master moving forward now though and he's gonna start laying into this Archmage I guess thing is okay here we go Blizzard keeps on raining down dude everything stopping low as you have more huge strokes he does it but he has more he waves needs him as well here comes the hex also more damage plate master or getting a spirit late yeah but a star ball is there as well fly for the second time of this guy I'm losing the blade master and this looks like we have another back-to-back champion in th the walkers are falling the crap is real so much slow what can he do with all the damage dealer nothing 2-time champion in a row th zero zero zero and the second player in the world after one two zero to win this competition twice and to win it twice in a row flies first loss of the final of a gold championship tournament comes back there with the second push I thought he didn't think that was gonna work but man that AoE proved to be too much damage like massa brought the one heal scroll but not in time it seemed what was the blade master doing there just sleeping and I guess in the end felt too sure that there was only going to be clap and no bolt that he had to worry about but he had that as well you don't bolt and clamp yeah and suddenly that blade dies and then the game's over of course congratulations to th been easier this time the last time against foggy I guess but man what a performance once again by him the last three offline tournaments were his to take GCSE winter 2017 neo star league 4 and now the champion of JC s Summer 2018 as well when it's offline he's unbeatable he is the king of the Frozen Throne our champion world champion again it's th he didn't win the offline at the online tournaments that was Lin but he eliminated Lin he eliminated in fee who was this one of the strongest here this is such a deserved trophy for one overfly who looked so great until today until this grand final and especially in their grand final like this fight the fact that he fell behind a couple of times he always held on he never threw in the towel he always looked for that win condition for that chance to come back and once he found it he capitalized same in the semifinals against in fee he was almost always down down a base down experience whatever such a fighter it's unbelievable extremely well played some players disappointed here at this tournament foggy Lin won 2-0 but not him he performed when he needed to newly married so the wife will be happy about the additional income that we have here should be $8,000 around for th the first world champion on 1.29 it is $6,200 here 3000 still for fly the surprise of the tournament the positive surprise of the tournament yes out of nowhere the best org his aggression got him far in this tournament but th showed him that over aggressiveness can be getting punished as well he was just one step ahead of everybody else it's him this tournament it was an amazing tournament Nettie's at NeoTV had great production here in shanghai the first GCSE playoffs in front of a live audience and man these people were so nice and so kind shout-out to everyone who made that possible cooker and Duke especially who helped us here a lot Walker through dot info did tremendous coverage here for the Western scene daily articles pictures everything and of course you guys out there on the stream watching everyday despite a few lacks at the beginning it wasn't too easy for you but man this was a phenomenal experience here from Shanghai I hope you enjoyed it we will send you the replays as fast as possible when once we get them they will land in your inbox if you are a subscriber to this channel more than 6000 viewers once again for the second time in the GCSE competition that feels amazing despite the summer despite top streaming despite some other streams there and despite no foggy no moon no Lin this makes me really proud I hope you enjoyed that one we have a few new subs here thank you goes who for you and Goonies with the 20 euro donation to end this I guess if you like what you see feel free to follow us we have more Warcraft four times a week at least we're here for you the patch is super exciting there more patches to come Walker of three is going to get more exciting more competitions here we have a $32,000 a tournament coming up and August also offline it's gonna be amazing so subscribe follow us or follow us on social media for news check out reddit and spread some positive vibes there check Walker 3 dot info check all the information under the stream because all the important links are there and Remo thanks for following me for being there with me again for the 7th time here in China of course and hopefully many more to come this GCS is over but we're gonna have more GCS SGC s winter has already been announced and there's gonna be interesting changes which ones you're gonna find out soon that's gonna happen sometime in the future but already on the weekend we're gonna be back with quite a bit tournament it's gonna be the rust brain cup European competition I hope you follow this channel I hope you tune in again because Walker is an awesome game and help us be seeing many of you once again on our stream there's only one more thing to be done here Remo it's the two nuts goodbye routine thank you very much Congrats th and have a nice evening
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 54,115
Rating: 4.9061832 out of 5
Keywords: fly vs th000, th000 vs fly, fly th000, th000 fly, fly, fly100%, th000, fly vs, th000 vs, grand final, grand finals, grand, final, finals, gcs, human, hu, orc, oc, 2018, gcs 2018, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, golden championship series, golden, championship, series, 100, summer, gcs summer, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Id: iYNb2E66DHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 21sec (7521 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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