Warcraft 3 - Yule Cup Game for 3rd: [ORC] FoCuS vs. Sok [HU]

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for third indeed both players have 750 dollars guaranteed at the moment standing in this game for third-year focus and sock the winner doubles the prize money it's 1500 bucks for the bronze medal and sock could absolutely kind of crown his run in the Ewell Cup focus once again so close to winning a major title a major solo title he's still waiting for that but he was defeated by in feast night off and not too many chances your your players both from Korea focus oh sorry I forgot to change that actually and they are both from Korea Sox certainly the younger of the two focus has been around for such a long time here in the Warcraft scene back and W c3l days he was already around and winning quite a few team competition but not the solo title again falling a little short so sock the pressure is off it's of course for a lot of money but it's not a big pressure of winning a tournament anymore here his statistics versus org are really impressive he defeated basically every orc opponent that he faced on this patch doesn't matter if it was soin or fly or who else came in his way he defeated the wall focused does he have a solution to this angry human yesterday we saw a lot of Farseer play being displayed by wait no there was not a tournament was the legendary couples that was a sew-in though it's gonna be Blake master here to start with orcs have become a lot more versatile in the recent development of the game with the patches we don't need to see Blake master solo all the time anymore we see shadow hunter first we see Farseer first every blue moon we even see a TC first not against human I suppose but here we're starting off with a Blademaster Amazonia our first map in this best-of-five is decent for the human suck however showed the tendency to like to go for fast expansions and that on Amazonia would be very hard yeah that's basically not possible with a late master right in his face with level 2 with critical strike forces are under it so suckers going for the normal creep route here at the laboratory right away same goes for the blade master question kind of is how fast will they harass each other it's not that only the blade master is running over we've seen this from Sauk multiple times that he doesn't really care about his level even if he's still level one he finds his way into the office trying to cancel the burrows and hunt down these peons he's saving mana on the am again if he spawns it like in the next couple of seconds you may actually go for the extra but this would be crazy this is worth man this is very strong another one blade massive one two grunts coming in this would be extremely dangerous to do but now he's backing off he's not going for the natural very nice items for the Archmage by the way claws and mantle that's the nuts lake master foundering I guess I didn't see it but he sold at the shop getting a circle instead exactly that also means that he went to the shop lost a little bit of time and that's the time that the sock used to go to the next creep spot so it's not playing this ultra aggressive focuses grunts saw him so the blade master makes way over with the wind war Oh a little too early hot too much garlic right yeah suck played around and he was like acting as if he was gonna put in a few more hits and herb late master was lining up the attack but he cancelled his attack command they're really nice intricate plays by securing that last at keeping this blade further away from level the grunt is down to 50% as well to me this looks like a very good opening for sock once again the grand is low HP the a.m. may be able to run it down actually [Music] he's actually going for the expansion going on us maybe he sent some me back but that death will not be expected maybe it's just a creep for the big potion maybe he hopes for a big man a person then rushes with level 3 into the all fades to kill the tier 2 buildings I can't see it expansion yeah that's nuts it does actually have the resource ok sending them back ok this would have been utterly insane do that but yeah this creep out is super unexpected usually the a.m. and the foot is you know run from small camp to small camp militia taking out another small camp on the other side you don't expect this goldmine creep and suddenly the a.m. is level 3 with plenty of mana level 2 water elementals ready only to grunts and a level 1 blade master are ready to defend against this he's gonna get level 2 here at least with the wind walk but now he's far away from the main tier 2 has just hit he can't go for the tier 2 buildings right now I'll be able to cancel them but this is still quite the delay yeah the grunt that was so hurt healed up with the healed self but was a little further ahead he does have two water elementals but only two footmen as well so not too much to soak up damage it is a little bit off distraction that's fine to delay the tier 2 Archmage's going in against um the water elemental kenny cantle of eastery doesn't seem like it focus going from the total years forces are we've seen very interesting place by orcs yesterday especially so in with wyvern and shaman without bloodless to spurge but not here as Maslow was certainly too strong for this single target dispelled so he needs the walkers paw spirit link and the leaders felt and despite the good early and despite the good preparation he can't cancel anything here yeah focus I'm surprised as well holding on to his infrastructure in the main very very well getting more fully kills now as well taking out almost every single one of them we only have one footman left to I guess with the one hurt in the main it's gonna make creeping with the MK ii much harder and yes this am starred was impeccable with a quick level three and the big creep camps but what does he really do with it he is certainly keeping the SH away from creeping but that's all the damage he's really doing if we can even call it damage yeah it's time for the mountain king to come out but he might have a hard time creeping as well as the main is already gone the laboratory is gone so he has to go for shop goblins or far out to the mercenary camps that's not too easy we see double sanctum for sock also not the most normal play anymore we actually see a lot of rifleman versus all these days so I was playing pretty similarly to how he played yesterday against one to zero different matchup of course but it was the same map early level 3m in the opponent's face or pretty much the entirety of the early game and the second here is going to try to creep up by himself with that the MK is gonna get level 2 here from the merchants is low HP already but free so healing him up and with the backup with storm both late masters shouldn't be too dangerous late now creeping up solo himself is just not getting the good items sock stole one of the ropes at the laboratories to delaying the progress on the Shadowhunter even further and with this low shadow answer and this week platemaster shouldn't that be a good towel push opportunity now perhaps that might be but our point is always a little bit all-in and you don't have the best I'll push hero here with the MK you do have the MK in fact who is a good late-game here we can just creep it up to level three level for his scales marvelously well and that is a less risky of a yeah tempt I think of a strategy blasted goes to the MK and also the Ida which was the gloves lake master is level three though he's stalking this human army and with that most importantly gives information to the shadow Andrew can now freely solo creep up level two for him finally he needs level three as quickly as possible focus is investing into the scroll feeling and the potion of invulnerability filled that from socks reveal being used again oh the blade got no they didn't get it he got the room braces which is really nice against the Mountain King of course for the experience once again to the MK and he is close to level three now very nice for him to at least pick up the item and as you say very very valuable against Malkin with that the Blake master can move way more freely in the fights and not have to fear his own death too much by the way I think you don't ogle or the sub and one as well gifting us up earlier before the stream started and tilt for the six-month recept go go walk to zero yes the grand final is coming later with one 2-0 vs. in theme shadow now level three and he did find quite some nice items on his way down south get him in mantle and the robe so the start for the item fine for wasn't the greatest threats as we know him to be he was picking them off everywhere and finally he found some good ones in the middle of the map who may have the first big engagement if the human wants to fight he needs to call militia first couple of ends snares flying in the sorceress number one getting taken out immediately big clap coming in must be level to clap here I assume that means no too much threat from the storm balls sarkis retreating back a little bit further waiting for his militia support to come it can get the next one clause of attack stolen from the plate master ant experience as well dispel everywhere lightning shield on this mouth King candy connected the cat the back over dispelled immediately for the next massive clef big AoE lots of audience about to fall he use the heel already koto comes him didn't eat yet the Raider might be in trouble throws another end snare to keep the mountain king at bay useful readily through what that was the second last one but we have plenty of mana this fella gets to lighten shoot as well you just felt used on that really fast the dispels democracy love plenty of mana left here by the way quicker these modular mental easily perhaps as well speeds fuel number two coming in the breaker is the power on the koto beast am getting focused now it does you have to pop their TPD ends they're coming to focus fire can you transfer something here put transferred am remains safe runs starting to fall level for now for the am so much more mana for everything for sake the orc with a fixed supply Lee taking out some more peasants but the Mk wants to find more kills however low mana and low HP as well now getting focused with the end snare and the blade master laying into him but it does make it to the backline into invisibility as well walkers now very low on mana only one really has spells left to use getting another grunt on the way back storm bolt only another one but still good enough for the stun would love to get this code obese and the shadow is one here wave left well it's the last one this fell against the slope Blake master is threatening the human so the code of beasts survives if you up peons will be slaughtered here I thought the rubber band would snap back harder in focused race but he managed to get out without too many losses kudos coming back is almost up at 50 again like master close to four Shadowhunter close to four late master making good progress as well but now the level to brilliant sora so much region and even exchanged overall I think but as we reassemble the armies here isn't focuses army like really heavy on the walkers he's got four walkers to kodos yeah it's no damage there for frontline he only has two Raiders that's it and the blade I guess not a single grunt anymore all taken out by the massive massive magic damage of socks army have full mana Mountain King is this fighting time already Optimus made his way back home Wow his damage is pretty crazy with +15 and a mana post he's engaging without the Archmage though focused feed Scrolls out thank you very much 101 - and gal - three one follows up now focus on taking any chances there use it at speed scroll was that his only one it was his only one speed scrolls are very cheap fifty gold only but they have a long cooldown in the shop so they are still you know may not cost much but still you have to be careful how you use them remained of the camp now goes to shock no item but experience I'm kicking in closer to level four that would be a big level up for him as well that would mean attack the level two storm bolt thinking about the red camp now next is sucked but he has not too much damage against these magic immune golems focus doing the same with the blade master of course way more damage he also went to the shop with W scroll now and the dust I like that there's gonna be a lot of invisibility most likely from the sorcs to save units and then he has a solution against that without spending fifty gold on a reveal from the laboratory there were wards so focus knows what's up Blake master gets the experience at the item unholy aura very nice woman's been a bit more region in here we go again clap connects the first time the first time of many probably they fastened the front m'kay getting almost surrounded right they have New Year's surrounded there's no angle on him oh oh the dust already coming out he knows he's gonna be cast invisible and the right flicks commence Lake massive trying to take out this hero stock estate such a marvelous game but he can fight his way out will not be losing the second year of just yet or will he he speared linked up his pretty tank he's trying to survive with his own bash coming in I meet the storm boat but it's not enough the MK not bringing the involve getting punished hard for this announce Ock has to witness with the am by himself oh can he perhaps buy back the MK from tavern doesn't look at the research for this he's going for the bait master who is dropping lower as well but greater in bullets there what a nice find there was just a few moments earlier the front line of breakers is not suffering too much damage because there's only one grunt the flake master really has to do it by himself and suck feeling or considering can I say in this do I have a chance without my Mountain King he's missing the clap he's missing the storm board he's doesn't unit after unit but if you run away perhaps instead can lock you down too easily he's still trying to hang in this fight that being said though Rader only one of them is left MK back from the tavern so expensive no mana half HP and still no in war it's true and sure focus with the back - what's his shop both heal scrolls have been used the in proportion has gone as well there's worth three big consumables for the or cure slow and the koto again might be able to get a breaker back suck stop this fight to the 10th supply lead and he still has that chance supply lead of course big investment into the MK buy back and heal scroll is ready and the infamous well so from the Blake masterful now is for coming in there a little bit too late to save that one breaker but still good value from that one slow speed to engage would love to get a devourer of here on the second coda beast to be devouring another breaker sweet skull almost over and now slow can come into effect again for walkers still all alive I think not a single Walker actually died at this game but they're all kind of low on mana what is nail-biter to start this epic day of warcraft action this is only in quotes the game 4/3 and they're giving it all here 3300 gold remaining in the mines look at the experience in the sh if he takes out the merlok camp he's almost level 5 it's basically l5 dilemma da man approached Jesus Christ all about that heal the animal er eyes of course the dream drop in this matchup because your entire army is basically slow the entire time and having this extra bit of movement speed makes it so much easier to micro them yeah exactly can you get the next red camp as well can you get another aura that would be the dream focus not realize that they're still murlocs next to his main know perhaps positioning here he deems more important right now late master reveal getting slowed down getting storm bolted but he has those bracers not taking two too much damage yeah the brace is really good this game as well yes like the items for the blade master is seriously like not the greatest that offense wise but having this aura and the room bracers all for the role of the maids I want a little five right boom that was kind of a gift here like master close to the third level of critical strike as well Archmage at Mountain Kings still far away from the big level ups suck does not want to give him that next red camp below five for the blade would be another big item Thank You Hankey reforged for the gifted supp at mini gamble for 30 month as well 30 months two and a half years that's a big Mercer anniversary that's a bigger anniversary than with my girlfriend keep going guys much love for ya thank you very much and now is it this isn't time folks were staying in no upkeep for much longer here was mining more gold for a long time but now he's going into upkeep 59 supply for him soon but not ready yet it's still in production and we have blizzard and clap coming in or the average is so well positioned there's only two Raiders they have to get towards the record or in the back to be able to disable this Archmage one of the Raiders is falling so he has to use a couple of exes I guess and that goes on the cost a few way or the next lizard all this damage along with the clamp again has to go for the hex that's so expensive in mana as you just said but he has so many mana potions that may still very well be the right call the fight is all over the place now there's no clear front line anymore which is of course what suk wants to have with the breakers in front and the clap in the blizzard coming in good for the a.m. now next is the orc but he will get out of hex he should be kind of safe but he's low HP you may have to go 40 feet here in distinct asset disenchanted he has to go for the TP before the next X he will and with that survived even trades again and focus always finds the hero focused calls before spirit link bites him in the ass and before his unit starts to fall damage is distributed really well across this army yes of course he lost a field but you can not lose units against stumbled I guess still the two kodos they both ate that six supply and stomachs right there and expansion timing it perfectly here with the main running out is he gonna be allowed to let this come up you don't want to go into a no income versus no income kind of game as the orc your region your sustain costs gold the humans doesn't so you need to be able to have another base up if it comes to you know that super late-game stage am almost level 5 level 3 Blizzard it's gonna be very painful but focused so far has been really good about disabling this a.m. it was heavy in the mana cost because of all those hexes he needed to use but this sh with a 600 mana pool and still the mana pots in his inventory can afford to yeah he didn't use him used a lot of hex in the last fight still held on to these potions still 300 gold back and no upkeep Mountain King was scouting a little at 50 supply as well will sock go for an expansion himself he's not banking too much for this only 800 gold remaining I think he's gonna wait for the mines to run out and then invest everything into an all-in again if it comes to no income versus no income he's gonna be favored as the human he's moving over earlier before he has spent all of his go but this might just be a bit of poking may not have to be a full frontal assault focus already in upkeep here at fifty-six supply taking the lead okay 500 gold remaining it's a little bit of a tax on it now but like this is well equipped with the rune braces and envelope ocean should be saved of course Shadowhunter we don't need to talk about anymore 300 extra mana plus the room of the Magi if he drops them even more mana as you said sock is investing everything into one pose in repulsion as well mana potion one yield scroll that's about it he could go for the second one I think it needs a second in wall but it's cooling down pretty sure he's gonna get that here buying a teepee at this stage of the game probably not the right call if you leave the fight and you know it's over because you have to win with that fight with that last push you have to kill the expansion which I think he's got it 100% on this but I believe he did Blake masters so close enough for van he took out the murlocs finally got the blade wasn't in range absolutely it's a little sloppy but most likely is gonna get one kill or two right away so he should be level 5 very quickly all right here we go this is it all in time okay the structure is finished so not that easy to clobber it down anymore but Sauk can possibly hide behind it oh that's true oh but he's caught before there's no clock aligned now on him time position himself correctly otherwise the cats are all exposed level 5 welcome to our breakers fear not Macbeth position they're not blocking as well as they would have liked to visit coming in again but immediately canceled with their necks ensnare well done right there but the clap still do hurt useful being used by the shadow hunter one of his many many heals blizzard instant hex he's so good about these cancels focusing to be in control of this fight 58 supply firming it's only 48 left for shock this is all it obviously one Blizzard wave maybe two and it's canceled again focus playing perfectly around this am Blizzard and this one will rain down a little bit longer but here comes the hex once more however everything stopping lower focuses units going deep in the read more clap coming in but no American here comes neck Buzzard and again the end snare this one once again was super fast cancels and the SH using his mana pots myself both a drop in extremely low in health level 5 now for the am finally but might be a little too late suckers barely anything left clinging on to his 34 supply 31 supply a.m. and focus fire as well one more clap coming in and to Blizzard peons are all dead a lot of the orc army is as well but the play faster since around risen and it's GG and the one there of course who that was one super close game here on a Z in the end the positioning really was a split second too late that he moved into that expansion if he has two casts in the back and if he has the breakers in the front what his focus supposed to do he has to chew through all these high armor breakers of course you can go to the back line with the blade master in wimp off but that's basically about it but he caught him before perfect timing and he wins this first map didn't look as good early but nice early mid defense and from that one out super solid game by focus perhaps in that last tag could have also played a little bit more patiently and wait a little bit longer with his main force and move out with the militia because they were completely separated here they were late that's true they were not fighting together at all but damn really well played by focus hell you late-game controlled against this am Blizzard was very impressive focus always oftentimes to me seems like he has very good early games and then sometimes falls off in the super late game you know against the best of the best but here he looked extremely solid across all stages very solid is mukha one one seven I think he has been sending us a little donation every single day of his casting grind thank you for yet another five euros ma'am I'm glad to have you on board again thank you very much oh if things continue like this it's gonna be a good day for the Warcraft fans spread the word we have this best-of-five of course to determine the third place and then a full-out best-of-seven no vetoes later in the grand final for six thousand dollars but of course we continue with this human versus orc on Echo outs now and we've seen a but machine yesterday and this is the matchup with a blood mage first but really came into the meta and back then was Yumiko with that one legendary game with the Phoenix one of the coolest Ultimates in the game one of the rarest as well and honestly it has not a husband rare obviously blemish versus Israel but over the last year or so we have seen it sometimes go for the natural creep right away pull out the creeps from the merc camp get the shadow priest on the way and sock as we know he's a master of the blood mage oh yeah at the time again he played this not only with the flame strike strategy but also the normal way with vanish against the blade master to shut him down game load sin we have two new subs ìcome died over the three-month Reece up yikes he says and fixie hard with prime sup as well thank you for spending your prime all right this is gonna be pretty exciting here already what hero is gonna be the choice it's not gonna be a neutral here I can tell you that much right away as the altar of Kings is coming up immediately and of course the altar of storms as well have we ever seen an orc game with a neutral hero first we see an undead game or two but for work I'm not even sure good question leukopenia can you find that out for us Thank You Neil I yield for this up as well lots of substitute or early very nice of you guys thank you thank you thank you and welcome when you subscribe here of course you get access to all the replay packs we collect them all from all the tournaments we cast you can hook up your twitch account with the discord account at this court off back to Warcraft calm and then there you could access to a certain channel and to those replays along with all the emotes and no ads and such as well of course of course Remo chat we do have a black mage here oh yeah celebration time but the chat is of course always right and they found two ways to play neutral hero as an orc one was not too long ago actually what's the nagas first on fly ah yeah against the undead oh yes yes yes and we had some desperate panda first attempts against an expansion whoa fast year for surrogates blood beige dude a very unusual duel of here close here to see in the early game it's expecting the blood measure so much blood mage can be a really good hard counter against the blade master he comes in closed you siphon him whatever he tries to kill you banished I think you have to go Banshee gets the work right I think flames right it's just not the spell to go for but I mean what do I know I'm not the master of the blood mage Sarkis yeah usually against walk this should be banished siphon siphon also really good to deal with the Farseer because he does nothing without mana and also like the wolves do they really do too much with a new age of control magic being available at th e an interesting question we have banished here as the first spell making just creeping a little easier but his main base is not protected at all yeah and the wolves are hungry oh man this is gonna be so annoying to deal with I've made use a lot of his mana here early on for the first item he gets the ring plus three certainly not what he was looking for and here we go oh my god this is gonna be so lumber expensive for stock still no tower coming up he saw this Farseer early buddy footy but did not go for a scout tower thought I guess it wasn't gonna be in time anyways and now these peasants all goodness gracious nice save here though footman blocks wolf can he outrun them in the militia form he does how many did he kill in the south I mean look at all the Wolves out one this felt immediately second one dispelled immediately and now siphon comes in sock deals with this rather well you know be a sick play siphon on the Shadow Priests together another oh yeah players like not to suck the mana but to give it to him of course yeah exactly damn damn smart 200 IQ Kassar idea he's doing it nice it's always the issue with the Shadow Priests you know you get him yes to the spells that's very good but that he doesn't have dispelled anymore but like this suddenly he does there we go to mobiles to more dispersed haha we have this discussion yesterday on the empty W stream like what do you want to do spoke with one Shadow Priests it's two wolves I said yeah by two shadow please but that's next level right here it's really cool and of course the Farseer if he stays in range can provide more mana for the blood mage slash for the Shadow Priests then or of course from the creeps as the ogre Magi can be drained as well but focus is doing a good job not getting sucked more than necessary here just a few seconds one two maybe three and then getting out of range here come new wolves he's giving mana over to the Shadow Priests again and yes almost to the spells again and now the FARC's out of mana yep when the spell has to wait a few more seconds second to spell ready three well wolf is controlled by the net key we have a Naga second in a big push for focus there are two rings of protection here little unlucky can you control the Naga the Naga doesn't need mana so GP out expansion plans cancelled and suck is one entire tech behind ok it looked pretty cool here the blood mage plays but this tech was so fast it was a no shop tech on one borrow and here come the double beastie Ares maybe he can tower up the main but how's he gonna supposed to do that with the expansion not possible at all the Shadow Priests now only almost falling here dispels the wolf again militia has to help out it's only a level one faster only a level one Naga with the best name of the game by the way but this harass my focus is working so nicely getting the Berserker by the way was a really big deal keeping that away from sock yeah would have been a big help for him coming in he has more mercs now in the form of the Shadow Priests but that one is getting taken out quickly plenty of damage from this wizard cur once again we see the blood mates weakness he's very good against heroes disabling them with a mana drain but yes if she was always struggling with oh yeah dealing with these units could have banished this one I guess and now he slowed no TP anymore used it before and he's just running away I think he needs the boots yeah as the gold for it he's going for towers first at the expansion smart is that enough time the first two wind riders are coming out this should be very close for these guard towers yeah the Berserker or my crude away and gets another footman kill and footman don't do too much anyway because it's against air and our this for Zurcher kill this berserkers steel got a lot more important now that we see why one can you cancel the towers not really it's not has no piercing damage here he's got level two now in the Farseer another summoning of wolves is available for the Black Mage they'll bring really low you know these two rings of protection come in handy but the towers seem like them making it through look at the wind riders they only a couple of seconds away they're flying in right now but the guard towers are out okay can you reach the Town Hall and now we can't break this anymore plus you can do a lot of damage here against the workers maybe but that's about it sage not getting float double mercs available the troll brothers and the mud golem is well by the way when it hits daytime yeah sorry you need to get them [Applause] main has two towers as well black mage man's been chased by these wyvern hey just be killed trying to run into range of the towers they can't banish himself boss there's no much mana left though and the heroes for the orc are coming in are you gonna say this blood mage how you gonna do it one more volley basically maybe - yeah wind rider coming from the other side this is a kill need Spanish just picked apart the black mage speights the dust and now free rein can he kill the towers he got the mercs that was important keep the set of priests alive oh my god so close this towers still up why we're coming now no masonry upgrade that's the turtle has a turtle hard but still tier 1 or tier 3 on the way for focus like 3/4 done and I think that's the perfect call he has applied so much pressure done so much damage this game he's almost yea ready right there and then he could just go for the tiny Great Hall suddenly he's got two bases as well and the way superior Tecna black mage level three getting him back so expensive and takes so much time suck at 800 gold it's a little more now on the tech wars final tack nine minutes in its like to text behind as the stronghold becomes a fortress and Tier three is done for focus he's already there with the naga lady Kandra ready to go for the tiny there we go had the resources ready peons I'm moving south and focus playing a strong game realizing the weaknesses they're applying so much pressure he may not been able have been able to kill this Expo but he made him suffer so much for it that even a counter expansion so much later should still be totally fine for torrent autumn is coming most likely only for walkers though not far the tauren themselves let's see let's see would need a warm meal though in general a good idea here not too much lumber peons are left as they made it to the expansion instead wind riders looking for more prey don't have envenom spears just yet buddy survives and freight that I very very rarely used gets the blacksmith as well so no rifles for more for longer players forces are under attack footies in the main for a bit of economy harass the entirety of the orc army at the expansion for harass there as well level 2 chain lightning does do decent damage against these peasants but now the blood mate is finally back using the siphon and now the appoint has no more mana left what is the ultimate goal here for sake yes he got his expansion up and seems to have it secured now finally but how does he win this game yeah that's a good question to be honest I don't really know I don't even know what his second hero choice should be Mountain King I guess only what do you go for mask asses being picked apart by wyvern as well tough calls to make for soft now Lex mist finally Jesus is so late anything solid and focus finds a few more kills here and there's only peasants you know it's just a little bit but he also confirms what his opponent is doing and keeps him busy focus perhaps a little bit greedy here still sitting in no upkeep with more than a thousand gold could easily explode into whatever army he deems to be the best and that's what he's doing right now Raiders and Walker Walker's okay I was about to say like he's building a wall and not producing walkers when I detect the totem the last time but okay now he is arch mates it is okay or I never never bad water elementals fairly good against the wind riders one level one though also rather underwhelming the mage and mercs coming in for the expansion harass his own main base of course under threat as well seduce the barracks here but repair is enough not much damage done here at all still no in venom Spears the Spanish is nice but doesn't last forever also slow down Berserker of course if banished on allies didn't slow them down with that be ember yes you always say that when I ask this question you never consider it a double grill flavor here I saw how many units thorazine saved with banished against happy and that would be like three times the amount if the slow would be there I think it'll be nice all right 69th supply now big army for the orc plenty of siege damage here with those Raiders it's just time to click down this Town Hall he has one level of masonry and of course the window damage isn't the most impressive also no spirit link just yet and no heat wave this isn't the most promising siege ever but he's going for the pads and kills with a double life thing taking out three of them right away first couple of Dragon offs are coming in and he's banishing them so they can't get attacked and can't get a snare either yep that was nice needs to use a disability instead banished again shackle again sock with the place wow what there's the dispel now the walkers come in just perfectly in time vanish again there is one disenchant he's waiting for the shackle I suppose there's a chat now he's just going for the Town Hall yep master the air might not be good enough no it's not math anymore I killed so many passes that this is not the fastest repair write any more useful to heal everything back up and suck it slowly that expansion that he worked so hard for not in 35 supply again 66 and the org has an expansion setting you put it up right away again focus could just right-click this down but he is leaving it be perhaps he didn't realize it's coming up again immediately there was a smart move right there just kill the building like down for him down he has also pillaged so getting so many resources not only from double base but also from the attacks and yes these a number of hawks now which are good against the wind riders but what else do they do those two nothing that's true needs to you so much Spanish otherwise there will be an snare actually it's working out quite nicely thus far but the Black Mage is surrounded against the Alta has a little person to save him now but no rescue for this poor Archmage being electrocuted and dead new shackles the Weibull are all gone now but the Hawks also quite a hammer of them and snared taken out blood made once again against and snared here against his own buildings place got banished he's got plenty of man i feet siphons the walkers here but he's too low now has to reposition with that TP sock has no production building anymore except for the chewed griffin aviary so the only unit he can build now is dragon hogs and that should be an easy counter with even fat riders if he wants to don't you three okay so if you banish a dragon Hawk a bad writer can still explode right that's a good question or under attack because bad rider damage is affected by our more it's that magic damage done I don't think so I think it's some weird kind of composite damage over now I'm not sure I don't know no that can't know it's kind of weird no they don't okay we'll take in incredible amounts of mana though to like banish all your hogs yeah and they're still in snare so you can't shackle all of them anyway I will if they're bench they can't get in all right he's going for the main once again second attack upgrade now for these Raiders as well even more damage taking out these farms very easily TP home has to come from suck how much does he have here to hold on with four hawks and the blood mage and the a.m. but there's no wyvern there's no fat rider these Hawks don't counter anything but maybe the cats and kodos now they have cloud soon [Laughter] no this is something focus is bouncing from base to base killing so many building is getting so much money from the pillage sock is just desperately waiting for tier three of Griffin's black man out of position is next to the shop you can go for potions here some port on the edge of a tree do you have brilliance all right now when is it burning oil demolisher time when has he had enough we go double barracks and with your bad riders no torrent Remo come on at least one dude for me do it for me no no I hate you it's not focus not a lack of them it seems like this game is utterly unwinnable to be honest for a shock he doesn't have much army and the army that he has doesn't do much in the first place Chain Lightning for lightning getting rid of the economy in the main we almost counted him out against moon and he found the solution but this looks yeah I see Sir impossible Griffin's now the town is under siege main goal in comparison 3400 years 2800 for sock right did sock mind more than focus and it was pretty harass you have a closed 600 that bad right is there for you are the blood mates who that banished it him no good in that's the walk is the quite a bit of damage there with the right clicks against the ethereal for yeah and you know chain lightning for lightning was also also yes also pretty good alright he's trying to hold on sock once again trying to fight being down on the mat but they're not match again with banished since if you don't siphon them to below spell cause then you dead and he's reviving the walkers even he won't get this love match back on level four next fort lightning will kill three more persons level five now hello say lightning hello for lightning all repair gone all hope gone it's very very safe to say that focus takes this to all the am is still standing let's see no more man up all the nooks but the right clicks are good enough all right it's time this map will go to focus suck is also not producing anything at the moment tt-the Castle faults and that's the - oh right here three match points in a row for focus once again super solid play by focus right the blood measures were pretty good in the beginning stages there against the Farsi but that super fast tech the Nagas coming in the pressure never stopped and he was taking up behind that's what I really like about this play as well he's not going all-in on the aggro he's not going for aid wind riders I'm trying to crack the towers no he's like alright I'm gonna do damage here and there I'm gonna do the secure damage that I know I can get and I'm gonna yeah counter his economy economic advantage that way and then just car expand Tier three tiny great whole easy-peasy yeah super solid again he was playing around this Black Mage so well with his Farseer even though we saw this nice little Shadow Priests trick to give the mana over with siphon for more dispel against the wolves that didn't do the trick in the end expansion was delayed by so much we had a tier 1 versus Tier three tech at the same time that shows you how far ahead focus just was yeah thank you very much Mac TM for this up death bat four to eight eight as well and Sophie oh and of course the crestfallen he says hands lightened everyone so it's a faster versus Black Mage sounds good was quite good if you are rooting for the org what are you drinking new banana cherry juice been healthy today that sounds good didn't just say that you're like mango juice the best yeah but you're switching it up gonna you're experimenting a little deal no I love cherry banana since I was a little kid but oh yeah wait a minute I never heard it pronounced in English but yeah of course in Germany Kiba Chiba exactly sir yeah it almost feels like a mere though when you drink that thing right depends I got a few ice cubes in so it's a little lighter nice nice nice water down thank you must are for the 28-month Reis up 28 months already Wow thank you very much so now number three will be Northern Isles did focus looking so strong today he just seems to be prepared for everything standard play he's got it down we are blood mage play he's got it down he's just got the answers today yeah especially surprised since like sock is playing a little differently from what we've seen in his games against so in for example so not the ultra aggression rather defensively and that's not working out too well for him yet it could be the decision in the game for third right here and for so many years focus was so weak against human and was beaten by in feet all the time well granted he was beaten by in fee yesterday as well but that was not with human but I think apart from that he fixed this matchup for him 62% win right nowadays yeah I think already you know quite a while ago yeah there was this breakout period I don't even know when it was maybe one I have years ago where suddenly he seemed to have you know found a way when he was getting creative as well you know with that one wind rider harassment kind of style and stuff but not just that not just gimmicky stuff like what I just mentioned but also just super solid play perhaps it was just a bit of frustration with the matchup that finally was able to overcome for whatever reason and then you know able to perform as we know he can now with a 2-0 lead one map away from third place grabbing up plenty of prize money and if he wants to read into a little bit deeper the best Korean in this tournament the best Korean in this tournament and a nice follow-up to his second place in the WGL qualifier March and right late February and March apparently a good month for focus and in fee of course it wasn't the WTO qualifier grand final alongside him so it's a blank master this time here on northern and an Archmage standard openings just here we have two new subs rebound function and connait Batson think very much so this is kind of sorry yeah $750 for the loser of this match 1500 for the winner of his match precisely I was kind of expecting the Farseer here to be honest because it's fairly predictable that the human goes for that natural creep it's just so valuable to do you know the pull out trick and then there's no spells and so on we've seen a plenty of times before that's able to instantly for the a.m. and a big level up far she can harass that very well late master he can harass it as well but if he stuck on level 1 for a while he doesn't like that at all late master wants to scale it wants to find those items and lowest levels party or never won is a pretty good hero already but no we are going with a blade master here the standard duel of Heroes once again late master grabs up the item and then retreats from the camp focuses favorite early game move my scout from the footy confirms what's going on it is the blade master and II am also had a pretty convenient start here early oh I'm not harassed at all level 2 right away gets the parry up if he goes for the expansion again this is kind of crazy a little bit is he doing it he has no resource at the moment if he's keeping them there yeah they're gonna set it up instead ex bogans orc again not with a blood mage this time Blake masters checking for the murlocs you know where are you why are you not here what are you doing my friend where's forces oh he's not expecting this expansion at all otherwise could easily harass this there's no banish here to save these peasants he even went for claws of attack it's going for another item not lucky enough to find the slippers but I think he's just totally not reading this check is on the way socks characters as well doing a little damage man we see this more and more often let this footman is attacking the altar like constantly but focused getting stuff done stealing the item from the merlok stealing the item from the warrior this is what he does this is like typical focus absolutely getting a circuit here this platemaster really strong already only other one now he sees the expansion but how much can you do now anymore so they can see we can see the last six here for level two that we're really good that's a consumable as well right there from the flash meter and he gets it lightning shield and the passive line can be good maybe not with his hurt late math lab once he healed up you can just go right back in only a lot everyone coming can't put it on himself though I can only put another high so he would need a grunt - grunts are coming but this expansion went up surprisingly easily not a single peasant died he went for boots of speed holy crap and looking at my watch right now what year is this 2000 I know what but seems to be working out couldn't prevent level two of course so constantly gets mana footmen five of them can fight these grunts of course the ostrich is a little under the knife here with notes and would walk very annoying now for the am only one shop of course on Northern Isles only one pair of boots he's hoping for boots in the marketplace they could be in here and there they're actually oh my god that was lucky I am buying buying buying buying now there's one more walk maybe two even you can get closer I am very see those yeah the grunts are not blocking here little mistake maybe for focus could've gone for it oh the Frog blocked his path thing for a second I am can't stop running players forces keep it up boy I may have to TP here yeah see really trying to hold on to it oh this is risky if the damage was high enough he's rushing but he's going to the main there's no shop so this all begins again it is under siege but there's no way to know where the a.m. is that's not scouting grants are in the South creeping up the natural here for the shadow that we level to for him there really hurt though Oh focus this is looking a little scary right here now phonies were in the main by themselves late mess are now trying to deal with them suddenly the boots really good for chasing those down in the footage are gonna stumble into a promising creep drag right now if only the odds mates would be here three grams body dies crow's feet now a little late but man just in time Oh yo yo I am enough to get these kills but he is not even a two hundred supply just yet tele staff for him oh my god is it really gonna staff in it would be crazy no he's not Blake master he has really strongly on his level two yeah double circuit clothes and boots hell yeah he's a menace right now but he Expos up and Tech is almost done as well these Phillies are sacrificing themselves to the York guards though this was fairly wasteful this little expedition down south with the odd way to get the golem by the way the peon though that's not bad Oh hex comes in right clicks no TP you have to staff out or run away oh thank God for the boots SH cat can arrange for the next X so tip to Mountain King we have the blacksmith so could be rifles but he's going double sanctum stand pendant and tone +2 intelligence thank you encounter expansion immediately such an aggro Blademaster dude this is so annoying to play against this gym you just have to run all the time put on your Nikes let's go for a jog to stay for now she'll want a level 2.3 footmen see the movement again radar Walker here of course on opposite side that's why should be fine now it has a potion TPE stab one sanctum two sanctums [Music] don't think he has the resources for a player's forces all right gets a blacksmith here this might be four rifles this might just be for breaker upgrades also very beneficial starting off with sources and priests though saw continuing to creep but he's got no footage left they've all been cut down well there's one in the middle but guess what's happening to him he's being cut down by the orc much like his friends doesn't want to be left alone on Northern Isles with all of his buddies having died a valiant death just kidding it was rather wasteful death see the expansion but not going for any damage outrage is still level - he needs some creeping rise and this Expo for the orcs as always takes forever to come up but sock is just not in a position to be aggressive at all not just yet but he had quite some time to just right-click the little he rather goes for the economy which doesn't do anything and gives a on to level 3 yeah these footman usages here are curious third sanctum is here by the way or others coming up blacksmith is being used for the upgrades for the breakers we have the first tack already and now our more coming in also can you even treat this red camp that was really now for the a.m. goodness me that took forever it's gonna be double - for the am as well hoping for a big item movement speed please lead and do more and there we go we lost Radames with the call again second time in a row Thank You schmooze Lee for the nine months Reese up and Steven for 17 months reviews for his late master but he get so much done in the middle here never PFA it's done I'm super wheeled from focus actually huh it was a real from focus true there was a body scouting over there so he saw the human army and he saw small it was he's trying to catch it gets this breaker but the blade mess can take care of that one and the Rays and the grunts are moving down south to look for the main army here MK is gonna take out the Overlord arachnid but then the TP out has become yeah main army it's a little laughable this is not just nothing that sock has he has triple sanctum now Remo I know how can you use that's a different map and a girl gets the to opt right for the breakers interesting stuff go for defense if everything is working so well to focus here even a borough now could go for reinforced offenses even but it's just putting in more outbreaks epic battle between the footman and the grunt here I like to mainly upgrades a lot here gonna help out against the breakers a ton for these grunts once again sick mana for the SH we saw that already earlier at the shop only one shop on Northern Isles who's gonna get the scrolls looks like it's focus here we go through the feeling at least I think there's already one on socks side right shouldn't there have been two ready by now I does have two okay focus both even more footmen now he wants every unit possible in this mix sixty-five supply second rat spot for focus was up at 70 already misses the next employer level and it's already in production that should be fine another Walker comes in and this could potentially be yet another great item for the org Jibson experiences of sediments are getting in on level two but the push from stock comes late massive had to go for the TP there to get back to his expansion he was of course way out of position there on the top left Shadowhunter did hit level four and gets the medallion of courage not too bad a bit more intelligence and now TP in coming how aggressive is it gonna be Sark has to run away from this he's just standing still what he's caught against the trees now basically yeah he can hide and kiting with slow is usually the best thing you can do clap is putting in the damage but there is no Blizzard here whooping a nice position but the yield stall are there against the clap and the Blademaster seems to be cleaning house in the front row Coto is there as well TP out only now you crimson okay so I guess a favorable trade for sock taking out the economy and losing barely anything perhaps the footy or two or something but also of course more time for focus oh there was also a peasant or footy rather run by into the main taking out the peons there as well so this was actually a really good economic forces are a strike AK no second expansion yet not getting balls in both of it now level for Archmage more slow and the scouts our here or a narcotic or attack by soccer actually I was like yeah what's he really doing with this that actually made sense nice and these football that he just produced they're not in the army they're constantly split from it and going for these gory attacks with defend yeah to to footies by the way yeah seven are more on the breakers and what do you do against these footie run vias like just Park one grunt there I guess yeah he did for a little for quite some time once again he's parking one but three foot is to feed one grunt right pretty sure maybe even two with these upgrades focuses against price duck has won one upgrades a players fill his managers now still the arm smoothie involved already had too many walkers with too much mana yeah going for it now huh no only in both first also very good let's go notable retraining calf is being caught off got the breakers in the backline EF changed that ASAP got some time thanks to the clap but there's so many sorts being it's the hilt right here those claps toe are hitting like crazy madness I'm too got plenty more man left especially thanks to that potion challengers not level 5 in this case we have two crazy Elyas in useful though oh my god the value from that was also insane Toph retraining out we have Blizzard raining down of the orc army and the clap to combine this there's no he'll score anymore but plenty of matter on the Shadowhunter how good is this wizard Castle this time out again immediately there with the end snare but everything stopping streaming of focus number 58 supply only he's trying to force the TP out from the am but he has that info and somehow sock is fighting its way back into this game is carrying everything all the workers are about to die yeah these orcs didn't like the ice arch which now and snare going for it in with Tom for lousy what a supply swing focus just lost like 20 supply how was that such a good fight for him no it's insane shop control goes to the only after this but guess what items aren't ready anyways and again the foot is in the main hero Hildebrandt one more is there these forty run boys are seriously amazing yeah cats the guy difference kind of reminding me of this grand final between fly and in fee where fly had a huge lead and in fee just got back by sending summons into the main and fly reacting too late to this it's already a 650 goal difference love this if this footman hiding in the hiding in the jungle like the Vietcong did waiting for the opportunity one Walker now being kept at home well magic damage is better than normal damage I guess I guess so so many breakers so much meat in this human Tommy towering up now he has only one real portion on the am that might be a target nothing on the mountain king and no anvil and the Mk is especially scary didn't go to the shop I guess he thought poor items were out of stock anyways but I think it had have been something in there but there's a beautiful position for the clap and the blizzard oh my god focus again so fast with an ad he's going right for the dodge mate trying to force the TP breakers are holding on against the Raiders here nice visit again little five of the shadows and so what's more healing now if you can't reach for the outfit anymore has to use a wind walk there we go nice back step your potion used for the correct to follow that up negate the potion right away here comes a big blizzard once again and this time there's no cancer right away the blade mass is trying to pressure him now he's getting pressured himself doping extremely low in the wild line has to use the arc there we go but that one's gone forever blizzard and Claire oh my gosh you're way Breitling through he has two more and a potion late masters back of course without mana spell breakers are burning so much and focus has to run away but no speed scroll I think it just doesn't have the firepower to fight through these breakers and trying to go for the am that's a more squishy target but these breakers man they're so strong for level 5 few of them Mountain King a little bit of trouble but the clap man Jesus and this level three blizzards focus can't seem against it anymore the clarity is running in the back but there will be potions for thought very very soon its power bills too soft here look at the brackets are just not dying yeah actually one gets taken out but that's only one so many are still left I am repositioning towards the back he has a talking board up now as well and another nice blizzard coming in this time there is no dispel or no disable rather visit it's raining through it's only the heroes almost left you for focus on no more mana for the SH Mountain King with a potion blade master in trouble maybe not consuming it yet but one stumble this is def there we go can't heal it is that can't get out lizard gets in five five heroes GG dude what the hell suck again with such a phenomenal comeback just those fully run bites were absolutely amazing that one push towards the expansion which looked weird gave him an economic advantage along with that run by that was really smart but imagine if imagine if focus just gets to has gets to play a more relaxed game doesn't get harassed as much and let's say he gets to 75 supply a bigger army with perhaps one more upgrade can he can it deal with these breakers I'm not sure that he can like two two breakers and well of course I'm saying this perhaps the only answer that is Torrens he tried with grandma the grand didn't work God's doing enough but I guess focus was never over 70 supply also then like yeah really what do you do with the breakers it's a good question I mean with candy you can kite against the tauren that shouldn't be a problem I mean cut against the grunts as well right now and usually the breakers do kind of stand still a lot of the time actually or at least and you know Clavin blizzards raining down but we've seen this plenty of times in this matchup when the humans around 50 supplies a little bit dangerous the blade mass was so strong their level three level four with the hex coming in the he waves and so on but the higher the numbers get the stronger the breakers get they've always been an issue for work to deal with I was very sure that focus takes this easily had so much control in the mid game when sock was forced into town port let the scorpions there he had what like two sorcerers and two heroes right that was about it and focus had already such a strong army and the expansion of and got the items from the shop but still holding on to that thank you Lord help me for the 42 month Risa 42 I didn't even ask the question something that folks perhaps could have tried to prioritize was solo creeping the shadow more the blade master when he was in total control of that game in the mid game he was creeping along with shadow under as well with a blatant master soaking up experience from there if he had been solo creeping the shadow a lot more he could have been level 5 sooner that could have been a lot more healing coming in more quickly perhaps that could have made a difference but maybe he was just feeling confident in that game and looked so good for him we both felt that way and I'm sure many of you guys out there felt the same but - to Breakers dude Claire blizzard - to Breakers super super strong that was indeed strong we go on to last refuge a map that has seen epic battles between these two races and the bottle f we have focused still with too much points and thought can you reverse sweep one of the strongest players this year would be quite a miracle actually but it was America already that stock took out moon in the quarter so nothing is impossible for the B boy this should certainly be a stronger map for the orc though this is normally always the counter map pick but the orcs go for a lot in this early game and moving towards the mid game later is gonna be about am levels always if you get a quick I am level 2 3 that should go pretty well for you moving towards tier 2 status for your supply of 50 supply and so on this is very hard to make work here possibly the hardest of all Maps you get the first green camp for free that is all you get for free everything else you have to fight for or have to try to outmaneuver your opponent the blade master is not gonna grant you any peace of mind because I assume the focus is gonna be very aggressive here early on that's how it normally goes him to smash up but sock I don't know he has been pulling very passively throughout the entire series but normally it's not unusual for him to arrest even on level walk so maybe shooting that path here and counter-attack we'll see late master bosses Archmage's the latter he could try to go further add a second Borough Council but what if he doesn't get it what if he gets peon blocked or something or grant blocked and then the second borough is up and he's stuck on level one perhaps you could use militia at the same time creeping an ex-green camp for level two but you know in level two that's what you definitely need but ideally you want devil free so it's gonna be very important here the am's movement to be efficient and successful it's gonna get the first bit of experience from the green camp and moving over to the Morlocks immediately late master who wanted to go for the Shadow Priests but changes his mind goes for the harass instead but one last hit that has stolen already missed right this one got it all right can you get the Nightcrawler or some water later as well really well done by focus he had to steal all of the last hits here to deny level two and he did yeah and now the the Nightcrawler actually because his nighttime is gonna turn invisible so he can't even attack him and attack you do that and again the fasttech by focusone burrow no shop plate master though is going for the night but of course gonna spend quite a bit of time here in the north am and footies are moving south a bit of greed here perhaps early from the blade once to get that next item we all know how much focus loves his items but the ground is keeping up the scouting and is in position to defend the main as well if you should require to do so moves back as well almost level too late master here without a single creep spot of players forces are waiting for now it's time or is he moving out before looks like it who'd saved his ass on northern IELTS he's been grateful to this item and buys it again so he just needs one camp just one or two creeps and then he's level two for the blade master and the grounds are scouting perfectly am taking a couple more hits so the boots will keep him safe needs to creep somehow but doesn't find the opening series nothing introduction really mister timing for the drive buyer for the right height level too late before a.m. something we normally never see but this is last refuge here it can happen and yet this is early game is not what Suk was hoping for at all also for the first time no expansion play right well on Amazonia as well a players forces are under attack looking for the grunts around this would be a big kill and finally that level - can he get it with the tavern help maybe not really efficient yet - - Tigers done though is it Mountain King again yes really slowing himself down even more if it went for an alchemist here with acid spray could start creeping immediately you keep mentioning the acid sprays are under attack damn god damn dota acid bomb he's still chasing these grunts still vision on him ah he's creeping now I guess okay finally level two but he's missing out on so much mana regen because of this boy oh boy did that take forever this God is now at least Oh and snare from the rock golems here or out of the trap ourselves pretty nice one of the mental also scouts the shadow hunter that's important so now he knows the am could be in trouble where's the hex focus speed scroll to make up for this mistake maybe but boots that could have been a TP forest hex him the first time right-click him and then speed scroll and hex him again that would have been the TP right there reveal and stumbles to the rescue nice as well step out I can cancel this oh my god it's gonna get the Sirocco yes he's revealed yeah oh he wakes up the creeps those very nice yeah stumbles again though that's the last we'll walk step out someone should feel cool down footman dies identity of type of the Shadowhunter level two for him I am also super low this is a little bit scary right here you know here's at least some time before the blade master can become a threat again and here comes the priest thank goodness for the priest okay now he's healing everything is hurt here though for so yeah he needs the regional scroll badly war the blade master will get a lot of kills but Mountain King has those under attack oh wow he saw this entire hurt army and the shadow continues to creep instead of going in there that's surprise okay so get those levels once you get level three Walker here being intercepted stonewalled surround nope oh yes the huts that's gonna delay spirit link okay now he has another Walker actually three captors ah takes forever they got him they got him finally they can feel like killers the first time Sports is already this full upgrade coming and Raiders within snare mansukh is getting a lot of this little focus is giving him the time to get both consumables almost the first one actually it sold it right let's draw the Beast below and it will post on the mountain king but what cost focus not engaging again considering going in but then repositioning still no spear link on this army where is the speed link here we go the grunts isn't hit from it it will steal could be big surprise me our hex to prevent the storm bolt here in the Blake massive trying to get that item with the a.m. picks it up greater interval for him going for the radar now next Sperling coming in in time militia are still helping out in this battle duration sterner are now soon big photo feeling coming in right therefore sorry and this Raider again this around like to walk early is gonna get this kill how much gonna lose the process gonna start losing footman here but that's okay it's more about the Cavs in the back and finally yellow three exactly this new one useful the Shadowhunter and a healing wave but waiting for level three is he no he's not castles are untouched in the back almost three for the shadow but more and more Raiders are for yeah no pocus in the Sun house losing control of this mid game PRS is passing fight in the middle here just look into what the medals focus on the blade and get another he waived no stumble anymore but there's no man I can block him and he's slow he's putting in the damn shield scroll now in proposal on the other side Kenny stop - oh no lucky bad late master barely survives only grunts here left not doing too much against the breakers I guess are fairly good grader getting taken out again here comes the bash now finally and snare is not gonna be coming in by the look of things but late masters bag has healed up decently again but it's only a couple of seconds into the next stone balls SAH could be in trouble the bash is he surrounded here yeah for the break you follow follow all that what a meat shield this wasn't the shadow hunter died mount King by a de Leite master might be next on the table he has to take care of his Mountain King kind of surrounded in repose but he was revealed right away no he was safe he revealed himself with the storm bolt oh oh yeah oh yeah he would have been safe super tense situation yes still winning this fight though buying back the Mountain King killing war peons no expansion on either side of players forces are under attack now he'd pass over the interval and then he saw oh my god and panicking a little man sock this is looking good for him now how he's fighting back into this game this was a horrible early and now buy back from the shadow oh that's expensive as well that was like an eight-minute level three or so so late so item now so be math for the Mountain King might be the best place getting level three must hurry up a little Oh so be basketed guess sorry master excellent fine obviously it's not a big origami doesn't have spirit link either stone balls here could be very painful as they just have too much mana to heal with he's got one good wave right now soon to be two but nothing will be lost here or either player all games super close on both sides Cotto is it now horses or love this invisible sorceress to scout the movement does he have time for the rat spot to have to move out faster he's giving up on it he's like nope he's coming we don't want this focus could do it fairly easily if he had Raiders he does have one but he's lagging behind being slowed down we checked oh the monkey invisible stillness and snare okay does it get the full surround looks like the answer is yes all about the MK review listen Chad coming in against the items no way as a little chicken the ancient jungle focus on the blaster for Kenny out damn it important news platemaster dies to the fireball mouth given escapes from this there's no damage anymore stumbled again there's gonna be a double kill for fog last year way but guess what there's more stumbles after this he's chasing after a storm already three two one hammer time that's it that has to be it level up for the gigantic Archmage equalizer baby we go full distance in the game for third sock is slapping back after being down - oh he ties this up really impressive how sock fights back there how did that suddenly fall apart samaya he just won the fight in the middle huh and then he wasn't control so strange man this heats so good around this mountain king reveal hex instantly but then lost the item lost the blade master lost the Shadowhunter it went from there was a cool move - this game is the gone I think they're in the mid game when the human was going for both the shops it was a bit of a weird timing to attack he didn't go in with a level 2 shadow when everything was hurt he took another creep camp I was waiting for more stuff to heal up from human side and then he went in and by then the shadow still wasn't level 3 yeah I was still only level 2 he was calling a weird position he had to reposition taking three hits in the end not even getting the ogre Magi I think that looked a little bit off but still yeah I feel giving sought both shops and the opportunity to go for in repulsion and he'll scroll from the bottom left job where focus usually wants to go for the items that was key in the mid game and that got socked back into this Game five concealed Hills we have a noose up here thank you in this narrow one more beside it all third place who's it gonna go to it was gonna be the most successful Korean in this tournament that's the question here second do you cap this year already they had the thunder and Fire Cup we're moon was the most successful Korean being only eliminated by th in the grand finals focus they're stopped in the group stage already yeah and suck nowhere to be seen basically thank you hurting our original gifting a sub to Letarte happy belated birthday to you man oh yeah that's right every birthday th and Tod share their birthdays like oh really human gods born on the same day it was meant to be I think th is a little younger by much can sock make it in the top three why Germany what tournament this was for him seriously incredible first eliminating fly from the group stage was something we didn't really expect it was a chance because it was so close that wdl already but usually you would bet your money on fly who was heavily criticized after that on Chinese social media and forums and stuff thinking about stopping streaming for a while now but yeah sucks just his week man it's just his week coming from the Open qualifier one map away from the bronze medal this is all tied up now is it the big momentum swing that we see more and more or will focus stabilized now and finally take the third map concealed hills decision time who will get $1,500 and who will leave not empty-handed but with half of it a map we rather rarely see in this matter but this best-of-five you don't have as many vetoes for this one sock here this was the game that blew our minds on this map against moon where he decided to fast expand against the night off so dangerous especially on a map like this with poison creeps in all and what a tug-of-war that was an unbelievable game if you missed it you have to catch up on it on our YouTube accomplished back to Warcraft moon vs. knocked the game here was absolute insanity he was so far behind he was so playing the map before that's how far behind he was automates it is but he's still like never kept on fighting and we've seen this more and more from sock unlike in feet unlike colorful sometimes I like one to zero not giving up when the early game goes bad was still trying his best and we see a fast year again all right going back to here a pickoff I wasn't a member to yes that don't you it goes thank you very much Beauregard and talking duck both Serbs I please there was his Neos favorite cartoon back then through that and saber Rider now firstly I was kind of expecting it here you can go for harassment the Farseer well every time obviously and doesn't depend on the math too much but yeah what is the specific reason for the hero this time around is it for possible expansion harassment sock has shown on multiple occasions that he is gonna take a bit of a risk here go for expansions more willingly than many other players would and yet the Farsi is running across going for the economy immediately but a much faster Scout tower this time around gonna be more tuned to an audience yeah that hurt him so much an echo when he didn't go for the shop at all I felt for the tower at all check already without the shop so super fast my focus all the way with the Farseer of course you can't afford that am ultra aggro not even creeping to level two running towards the off main immediately wants to get this borrow it's fifty percent up already though the footy did damage it a little it's damaged enough he doesn't have claws it's only the ring it might be closed block against the water lamented from the peasant for at least a little bit from the peon I mean wonderfully will die for this he's gonna get up close easy easy second footman coming in water elemental right kicks out rate right clicks it's insane cancel he is blocked in though the peon here locks the path might be a TP right away yeah everything is blocked no escape receive gonna be low HP here when you tepees out there are fountains though here comes a TP now cracks and the main is up so the wolf arrest doesn't do too much text it's early now though 60% Wow oh my god that's extremely yeah who we having a donation here wars are wc3 with the 5 euros hey guys thanks for your hard work I have a question in the end of 90s a wave of German techno arrived in Brazil and was so cool love to play quake listening to aqua gain and what brother songs do you guys know them of course aqua gain what's the song again you're under attack why are you so quiet with one of their biggest songs good one him I have never heard of those but I'm glad you know we could provide some culture you enjoyed it this is the scooter man it's the best it's not guys please don't please don't alright peasants now got the level 2 for the am taking the green camp by themselves whereas the fire is still on zero experience second hero coming in it is the tauren chieftain but tier 2 buildings can't really be getting set up already because for the orc that is because of course all the lumber harass earlier from the aggressive am level 1 what's he gonna go for stomp wind riders it's kind of the fly way of playing sometimes nowadays or is it just radar Walker could be shaman TC shaman stop getting a lodge or totem yet layers forces are under attack Varro's here continuing to be harassed oh he doesn't wanna lose this place lady was there a pair yeah he's really late with the repair runners putting in some damage but the socks which can run away there's no TP but also no hacks so he doesn't have to be that scared the damage stuff lots and lots of view of the resources here gone especially the lumber so he can't go for lots and totes him even if he wanted to stomp using the scroll here once to find more kills only gets the one footy which she would have gotten anyways this busy area will survive will not be any cancel that's important more experience on these water elementals experience he desperately means man he's still only another one but you two finally done for SOG say that the Mountain King again was he playing something different double sanctum first i supply stock needs farm super power builds you're very expensive keeps on happening this chump yep the crap okay again right Oh stomp once more very liberal with his mana you the glass it goes to the am or keeping that away in York once again we saw how powerful late-game chain lightning stop combo is one that's not so much experience on this map it's a marking again and a torn totem no Lodge know shaman it's gonna be walkers again and Raiders so standard build why it wouldn't Alchemist with huge spread be better though didn't say asks greatest thing for a sock you mean yeah in the perfect counter against farce courtesy I didn't have a soft wave Chain Lightning but still plenty of AoE focus was really fast with this end snaps against the oscillates blizzard so I can assume the same what happened to the ultimate with your spray on paper it is the best time a.m. it's gonna give never three with this cam pretty early on am just joins the party can perhaps go for the natural creep here solo after this so how it camp though maybe not it's gonna stick with the a.m. for now sentry Ward's found for a bit more vision placed very defensively as you want to expand behind a sentry ward or you just put it down willy-nilly without and know with ensnare okay but no hex of players forces are under attack optimist sees this he does we can find it hard he's coming in from the north very good position here by fault by sock and the surround didn't stick and stay on cooldown but the next Raiders coming in he has another net to be used what does you want to kill off video totally fine to prevent this creeping he's engaging again level advantage of the obsolete I guess but spirit link comes out slow on the other side as well later blocks his brother almost resulting to kill a storm won't execute some level two now finally level two for the flowers here as well took forever and now the slow is here and there's no disenchant yet no adept training oh man focused I lose a lot of Units next grunt might be falling as well patterns are coming in for another block and this is insane losses for focus suck was pretty low on supply but he takes this fight rather easy this note was a very good spell yeah but there will stop getting a double kill and know what tremendous anymore he retreats and more kills from the past and see we do have trade lightning now bunch of it's not something the wolves I suppose because the priests have a deaf training could be easy to spells from those it's always a downside from this farce here yeah very good early on and level one already but he has a tendency of falling off especially against human and he gets orc and against night off I guess how that he's kind of okay TC close to three gets the items here in the base just radar walk oh no first Cotto is coming that could be big no control magic oh there is so yeah he can't summon the wolves anymore they will immediately be tamed battle for the red camp again he could storm bolts around against the overlord but then I'm in a weird position I can't do that [Music] we have clamped this time by the way no Bosch and level 3 MK which is of course where he starts coming really online only the laboratory here always in danger of being jacked or giving time to focus for the rats all the TC level 3 that's a nice level up but so far these stomps haven't been too amazing and it's hard to find the connection you get slowed down and then suddenly you can't get into the backline yes you can pop the scroll of speed for this but suppose the feet are a few and very valuable in fact right now he has none w skull for focus now and the jack it is level 3 for the MK that's what he wanted from this camp TC walking in looking for the casters in the back note just using the stop against the water laments dispels coming in as well watch elementals gone immediately worship trying to help up it's only three here not too many at all TC top in low going for the next stop there was the last stop we have the Chain Lightning coming in as well counted by the clap of the mountain king could drain more mana here with his lot of mana stealing still breakers trying to establish some kind of frontline TC dropping low m'kay dropping low in velocity popular torn chieftain and retention being used as well for bid for mana and health sakis retreat further to his main he wants to kite not that easy against ensnare water elementals die more experience we have level to chain lightning now I assume next clap and TP out by focus another kill stopping low and everything there no mana okay and that's crab level two right yeah must have been lots of gold and focus aside here starting to reproduce again now at four hundred and fifty supply not with his army yet though I'd be giving you in the rat spot of players forces are under attack yes three new subsea masculine minutes submit and why ll y 0 815 Lily maybe thank you so big experience pause the biggest item on the map is going to sock man put off Daniel not a very good item this time around from these red camps we saw plenty of great items today but easy getting closer to level for the level to aura is certainly gonna be nice not exactly what we call a game change the world expansion onfocus aside it might be a little risky there is a tamed wolf scouting this right away [Music] all right so that tells suck well I could go for 65 supply timing or so in two minutes this expansion will be done in around two minutes once again w stone focus level 40 see so good bring out the creeps from the fountain only has one ensnare though can't keep this Drake pinned too easily and soccer moving self already not even upkeep yet seen this before the invisible Mountain King be able to do here the dragon is still alive whoa massive clap we don't have Blizzard yet but everything is slowed down here the frontline speech scroll against it clappy aghanim's they heard so much there's no shadow onto your obviously for healing a single squall of healing on the orc side but the next step comes in even before it can be used greater down both Raiders down I think even yeah Cotto's trying to move forward and to the power getting one of the breakers right there but he's focusing it out right away going for the MK as well and he popped it you know before he dies yeah survives damn it just didn't have to cope with the in pull yet I think there's English as well yes there is Martin King levels up almost but the Archmage does up to level four more mana to use with man this looks like the reverse sweep if he can't continue this fight begin we'll still own the TC but almost no mana in will pop now more walks are falling Chain Lightning rattling through getting one kill Mountain King still in danger needs a chair needs a caretaker priest but he's getting the second coat o as well and the breaker back the tsunami is just totally out sustaining the sorg army way more he'll weigh more tankiness I suppose and he can say in these battles much much longer focus needs to win these fights early on in the engagement but he just can't expand it was a little too greedy maybe a players forces are under attack but I mean he cancels if he gets most of the resources back it wasn't that expensive for him and he lost the fight because I've ever seen I don't know if you had 350 more gold will you won that fight there no most likely not against the knocking close to four four no Hill Scots anymore he had two in the previous two fights each 300 HP no Stillwater mentals m'kay in mrs. again this has been so effective so far give me thousands girls 800 viewers here and the grand final hasn't even started yet after this we're gonna have in fee versus one to zero and a full-out best of seven I don't believe it would be very wise here focus to fight against CLAB level two without Scrolls of healing though it has been tough enough already m'kay moving forward once again into perfect position for the clap hitting the entire frontline water lemon is getting dispelled quickly he's going for the hero kill again he perhaps Chain Lightning coming in as was to stomp at the m'kay so tanky and clap after the clap coming in as well so holding moves forward it gets one of the breakers out but the Raiders are all gone no ensnare anymore also the cast from the Magnum before the Falcon but that's only the wolf storm bowling clap on the TSD counter said with a stop where can he go shame lightning there's nothing in this infant in this shop to heal him GG through first sweep sock the madman crowns this run in the you'll come from the Open qualifier into the top three $1500 Rose unbelievable man he was down - oh well done nearly well done that's such a perfect end to his run because that's what one of the game against fly that's what one of the game against moon and that's what one of the games against focus here as well putting the cherry on top of his run here really cool yesterday I was kind of hoping for you know the miracle run of sock to make the finals and win the entire event he's not quite on that level yet but third place man what a success for him renown across the scene and $1500 also very good the most successful Korean of this tournament and now certainly one of the players to look out for in 2019 to put this in perspective how big this is for sock he's been playing for I don't know when it's forever I can't imagine like when he's done like 2007 or six or so his career earnings were six thousand dollars and now he gets 1,500 from just one tournament very very cool for him focus again choking a little when it comes to the latest stages of a tournament but rank for absolutely not a disappointment for him I guess starting in this tournament being still little annoyed with night off he killed a lot of night offs here in this tournament so start to focus as well but we go into the grand final now in fee versus one to zero the strongest players that this tournament has is it gonna be Night Elf for in fee or human we will see after a little break stay tuned
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 14,071
Rating: 4.8993711 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019, yule, cup, yule cup, esports wc3, esports warcraft3, esports warcraft, 1v1, 1on1, game for 3rd, game, 3rd, bronce, focus, focus vs, focus vs sok, sok, sok vs, human, hu, orc, 3rd place, finals, playoffs
Id: GES5zTqr1Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 9sec (6369 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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